Res (E) - Ee16354
Res (E) - Ee16354
Res (E) - Ee16354
Note: Answer all questions from Section-A at one place in the same order
Answer any FIVE questions from Section-B
11. (a) Why is so much of importance being currently given to Renewable Energy Sources like wind and (5)
solar in India and abroad?
(b) Describe the current Energy Scenario in India including the conventional Thermal, Hydro, Nuclear (5)
India India
power installed capacities.
India India and other
12. (a) Discuss the merits and demerits of Renewable Energy Sources. (5)
(b) Describe the principle of operation of an Open Loop MHD power plant with the help of a schematic (5)
13. (a) Give the procedural steps involved in designing a solar photo voltaic system for a given lighting load. (5)
Mention all the assumptions made.
(b) How is a photovoltaic array connected to the local electricity grid? What is Maximum Power Point (5)
Tracking and how is it done in these systems?
14. (a) Draw the sketch of a Box Type Solar Cooker, describe the thermal process involved in (5)
cooking and describe the functions of each component of this system.
(b) Draw the schematic diagram of a Solar Distillation System and describe the process
and the principle of operation of this system. (5
15. (a)Draw the schematic diagram of a typical horizontal axis wind turbine generator system, (5)
mark all the components and explain their functions.
(b)Discuss in detail about the design of wind turbine power rating. Mention all the assumptionsPTO
::2:: Code No.: EE16354
16. (a)Write a brief note on a flat plate solar collector mentioning block diagram, principle and (5)
salient features.
(b)Describe the procedure to be adopted to arrive at the module size, the configuration (5)
in which the modules have to be connected and the total land/roof area needed for
installation of a PV array of a particular power rating.
17. (a)What is meant by Tip Speed Ratio of a wind turbine and why is it considered so important (5)
for optimal operation of the wind turbine?
(b)What is the maximum power that can be captured by a particular wind turbine for a (5)
particular wind velocity and explain why this restriction/limit exits.