The City School: Unified Pre-Mock Examination 2020 - 2021 Class 10
The City School: Unified Pre-Mock Examination 2020 - 2021 Class 10
The City School: Unified Pre-Mock Examination 2020 - 2021 Class 10
Answer three questions in total.
Section A: answer Question 1.
Section B: answer two questions.
Use a black or dark blue pen.
Write your Campus/Branch Name, Examination Roll Number and Date in the boxes at the
top of the page.
Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid.
The total mark for this paper is 75.
The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].
The Insert contains all the sources referred to in the questions.
The City School / Unified Pre-Mock Examination, January 2021 /Pakistan Studies / Paper 1 / Class 10 Page 1 of 4
Section A
Answer the following question.
Source A
If we are to exist as a nation and give shape to the dream of Pakistan, we will have to
face the problems with determination and force. Our people are disorganized and
disheartened by the difficulties we face. Their morale is low and we will have to work
harder to pull them out of their despondency and galvanize them to action. All this throws
a greater responsibility on government servants, to whom our people look for guidance.
From a speech by Jinnah to government officials in October 1947.
Source B
(b) What does Source B tell us about India and Pakistan in 1947? [5]
(c) Explain why the subcontinent was faced with a refugee problem in 1947. [7]
(d) How successful was Quaid-e-Azam in establishing the new Pakistan in 1947? [10]
[Total: 25]
The City School / Unified Pre-Mock Examination, January 2021 /Pakistan Studies / Paper 1 / Class 10 Page 2 of 4
Section B
Answer any two questions from this section.
3 (a) How has the Pakistan government promoted the development of Balochi since
1947? [4]
(b) Why were the Marathas defeated after the decline of the Mughal Empire? [7]
(c) “The strength of the British army was the sole reason for the failure of the War of
Independence by 1858.” Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. [14]
[Total: 25]
4 (a) What were the terms of the Indian Councils Act of 1909? [4]
(b) Explain why the All India Muslim Conference rejected the Nehru Report in 1928.
(c) How successful were negotiations aimed at Independence during the Second World
War? [14]
[Total: 25]
The City School / Unified Pre-Mock Examination, January 2021 /Pakistan Studies / Paper 1 / Class 10 Page 3 of 4
The City School / Unified Pre-Mock Examination, January 2021 /Pakistan Studies / Paper 1 / Class 10 Page 4 of 4