Suraj Singh

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BSES Yamuna Power Limited

Due Date:
Bill of supply forElectricity 25-07-2021

Name SURAJ SINGH Sanctioned Load :2.00 CA No. :101550308

Contract Demand : CRN No. :
Billing : 15/585,-H U74899DL2001PLC1115
MDI :2.06 (kW) Energisation Date :28-11-1988

Power Factor :1.000 Meter Type :1PSK

Pole No. :NNGFP067S1 Supply Type :LT
Book No. :LAP Bill No. :100156261623
Walking Sequence MNE06012320AA Bill Basis :Actual
Mobile / Tel. No. :85889***98 Circle / Zone :Nand Nagri O D NO. ;
District / Division: Nand Nagri Tariff Category :Domestic
Meter Reading Status :DL Cycle No. :21
Billing Period :JUL-21
Bill Date 19-07-2021 Customer Care Centre No. 0 1 1 - 3 9 9 9 9 8 0 8
Meter No Units Billed Consumption (Current) Billed Consumption (Previous) Multiplication Current Consumption
Date of Meter Reading Date of Meter Reading Days Units
Reading Reading
11874773 KWH 15-07-2021 14003.00 14-06-2021 13958.00 1.00 33 45.00
11874773 KW 15-07-2021 1.04 1.00 1.04

Billing Details Current Period Charges ( 05-06-2021 to 15-07-2021 )

Fixed Slab-wise Energy Charges Slab-wise FPA/PPA TOD Srch@8% Elec.tricity Total Amount
Charges (A) Cons. Measrd on (E= Tax @ 5% (A+B+C+D+E+
Energy Units Unit Amount(B) PPAC% Amount(C) TOD% on Surg/Rebt . A+B+D+R) (F) F+G)
During Cons. billed Rate on B B Amount (D)
22.12 16.00 3.00 48.00 14.54 6.98 12.57 7.95 200.88
1.11 Mth(s) 29.00 3.00 87.00 7.11 6.19

Fix Chg= 'G'

TOTAL -> 45 135.00 13.17

Past Dues / Refunds / Subsidy
Arrears / Refunds Late Payment Other Charges, Total Charges Rebate(R) / Subsidy* Net Amount
Surcharge if any * Payable Payable
Amount Period to which (LPSC)
it relates
(50.83) 0.75 0.75 150.80 (200.88) (50.88)

Amount not immediately Rs. 0.00 Reasons

Bill Amount Payable
payable, if any.
Security Deposit with DISCOM
Interest accrued for FY 2020-21 already adjusted in bill No. 100994637984
Rs. 1240.00
Rs. 200.88
Rs. (74.40)
( generated for the period 05-06-2021 to 03-07-2021).
Interest for FY 2020-21 will be adjusted in your first bill to be generated in FY 2020-21 Due Date of Payment
If payment is made after the due date,
LPSC for the delay, shall be charged in
Last payment Rs. 1130.00 received on 27-05-2021 Payment Accounted Upto. 08-05-2021 the next bill.
The connection shall be liable for disconnection on non payment of all dues(including arrears of previous bill(s)) by due date, after notice as per
Section 56(1) of the Electricity Act, 2003.

#GoNCTD vide Order No. F 11 (111)/2012/Power/716 dated 26/06/2021, has extended subsidy to domestic consumers w.e.f 01.07.20121 @ Rs. 2.00 / unit
for consumption up to 200 units / month. Consumers falling in the slab 201-400 Units/month will get subsidy## @ Rs. 2.00 / unit for consumption 0-200
units and Rs. 2.975 / unit on consumption above 200 units. No subsidy for consumption above 400 units/month.#Switch off lights and appliances from mains
when not in use. This will conserve energy and reduce your electricity bill. ELCB is a safeguard against faulty internal wiring and prevents shock, fire and
electrical accidents.Install ELCB for all loads. Installation is mandatory for load of 5 KW and above.ENERGY SAVED IS ENERGY PRODUCED.
Payment Slip
* Make your cheque/DD payable to BYPL CA No. 10155308 * Cheque should be account payee and payable at Delhi
* Cheque should not be post dated. * Do not Staple.Only clip the cheque to payment slip..
* Write your telephone number on reverse of the cheque.
Bill amount payable: Rs.200.88 Bill month:JUN-21
Cheque/DD No. Date: --------------
Regd.Office: BSES Yamuna Power Limited (A joint venture of Reliance Infrastructure Ltd & Govt. of NCT of Delhi) Shakti Kiran Building, Karkardooma, DELHI-110032
CIN NO.:U74899DL2001PLC111525, Telephone No: 011-39999707, Fax No: 011-30813598, Email: [email protected], Website:

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