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Research Report
Secondini Hillary Siswanto, Janery Fidelia Abraham, Nisrina Qurrota ‘Aini, Meidy Damayanti, Ananta Ayu
Wulansari, Vina Aprilia, I Dewa AgungWirya Guna, Hikmah Putri Sary, Tamima Izzat Nabella, Nabilah
Azzahra Jatiatmaja and R. Darmawan Setijanto
Departement Dental Public Health,
Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga
Surabaya – Indonesia
Background: Caries is a common dental and oral health problem. Caries is one of the serious health problems for school
children, especially elementary school children. Primary school-age children are susceptible to dental and oral health
problems due to lack of knowledge, and they are still unable to maintain oral and dental health. The level of teacher’s
knowledge about dental and oral health influences students’ attitudes and behavior regarding dental and oral health.
Purpose: To identify the effect of identification and management of dental health problems empowerment program on
kindergarten and elementary school teachers’ knowledge in Keputih public health center (Puskesmas). Methods: This
was an analytic observational study with a cross-sectional approach. The population was a kindergarten and elementary
teachers in Keputih. Results: The result showed an increase in teachers’ knowledge from 50% to 72.5% after the
intervention. Conclusions: The program concluded that there was an increase in teachers’ knowledge levels regarding
the identification and management of resolving dental health problems.
Correspondence: R Darmawan Setijanto. Department of Dental Public Health, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Jl.
Prof. Dr. Moestopo 47 Surabaya 60132 - Indonesia. E-mail: [email protected]
https://e-journal.unair.ac.id/IJDM 16
Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine Volume 2 Issue 1 2019; 16-18
implement an empowerment program about the identification One of the three programs they have designed will be
and management of dental health problems for kindergarten implemented in their respective schools per their findings of
and elementary school teachers in the Keputih Public Health dental and oral health problems. They were then instructed
Center service area. Also, the researchers were motivated to report the progress and achievements of one implemented
to investigate the effect of the empowerment program on program and elaboration on two designed programs.
kindergarten and elementary teachers’ knowledge levels The reports were then submitted to the program
regarding dental health problems. committee with the following format: (a) Background of
the program (dental and oral health problems found); (b)
The objective of the program; (c) Targets of the program;
MATERIALS AND METHODS (d) Content/Material of the program; (e) Method; (f) Media;
(g) Stakeholders; (h) Steps of implementation; (i) Outcomes
Dental Health Problem Identification and Management of the program and target evaluation.
Program provides materials that help identify and manage Five best reports were then selected. Five best participants
dental health problems. After the program, teachers are then delivered presentations about their programs. Media of
expected to help students identify and manage dental the program means all materials provided by the speakers
health problems. The program aimed to support the UKGS covering the identification and management of dental and
program by the Public Health Office of Surabaya. The oral health problems. Tools and materials needed in the
program addressed UKGS kindergarten and elementary empowerment program are Power Point slides, module
teachers in Keputih Public Health Center service area books and pre-test and post-test evaluation sheets. We
Surabaya. The training of identification and management analysed the pre-test and post-test data to computer teacher’s
of dental health was held for one day from 13.00 – 15.30 knowledge levels before and after the program.
Western Indonesian Time. The training was conducted on
Friday, 13 July 2018, at the Faculty of Dental Medicine of
Airlangga University. The speaker was Gilang R. Sabdho RESULTS
Wening, drg., M.Kes.
The training consisted of a seminar, evaluation, and Pre-test and post-test were distributed in the form of
mentoring. The training adopted two-way communication, questionnaires on 13 July 2018 at 13.00–13.10 and 14.50–
allowing the participants to engage with the speaker. 15.00, respectively. Questions of pre-test and post-test
Evaluation is carried out before and after the training (pre- questionnaires were adapted from the materials provided
test and post-test). Training participants were then assisted during the seminar. The questionnaire consisted of 10
in design empowerment programs for their schools. questions and should be answered in 10 minutes. Pre-test
and post-test results showed significant improvements.
Pre-test and post-test results.
Table 1. Pre-test and post-test results The pre-test and post-test results indicated that the
empowerment program’s participants have successfully
Respondent no. Pre-test score Post-test score learned the theme, which was the identification and
1 3 8 management of dental and oral health problems. The
2 5 6 improvement was indicated in 63 scores increase from
3 4 7
4 3 9 140 in the pre-test to 203 in the post-test with a maximum
5 4 5 score of 280. Therefore, the teachers’ knowledge levels have
6 6 10 increased by 22.5% from 50% to 72.5%.
7 4 9
8 5 9
9 8 8
11 5 7
12 7 6 The SWOT analysis on empowerment program: (1)
13 5 9 Strength: This empowerment program provided teachers
14 4 9
15 5 7 with the know-how to identify and manage dental and oral
16 6 8 health problems for children with innovative, informative,
17 5 7 and easily understood materials. Also, the program allows
18 9 7
19 2 7 teachers to engage in better learning. (2) Weakness: Cost
20 2 4 constraint on printed modules. (3) Opportunity: Supports
21 5 5 from the school board members and the public health center
22 7 4
23 5 8
(Puskesmas) have allowed the program to run smoothly.
24 7 8 (4) Threat: Some participants failed to understand the
25 4 6 materials and implemented the programs they designed
26 6 8 for their schools.
27 6 9
28 4 6 This empowerment program on identification and
Total 140 203 management of dental and oral health problems involved
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Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine Volume 2 Issue 1 2019; 16-18
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