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Drug Study: Loop Diuretic

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Drug Study

Drug Name Drug Mechanism of Indication/ Side /Adverse effects Nursing

Classification Action Contraindication Consideration
Indication: Side effect: - Assess fluid status.
Generic Name: Therapeutic Blocks the  reduce extra fluid in the  increased urination Monitor daily weight,
furosemide Class: absorption of body (edema) caused by  thirst intake and output
sodium, chloride, conditions such as heart  muscle cramps ratios, amount and
Diuretic and water from the failure, liver disease,  itching or rash location of edema, lung
Brand Name: filtered fluid in the
and kidney disease.   weakness sounds, skin turgor, and
Lasix kidney tubules,  dizziness mucous membranes.
Pharmacologi causing a profound  spinning sensation Notify health care
c class: increase in the professional if thirst,
Contraindication  diarrhea
output of urine dry mouth, lethargy,
loop diuretic
 stomach pain
Dosage and weakness, hypotension
Frequency:  Anuria  constipation.
- Monitor BP and pulse
40 mg orally q.d  History of Adverse Effect: before and during
hypersensitivity to administration
Route: furosemide. CNS: vertigo, headache,
dizziness, restlessness, - Assess patient for skin
Oral  hepatic coma fever. rash frequently during
therapy. Discontinue
 severe electrolyte CV: volume depletion and furosemide at first sign
depletion dehydration, of rash

GI: abdominal discomfort - Assess for allergy to

and pain, diarrhea, sulfonamides.
anorexia, nausea,
vomiting, -Diuretic use is
constipation, PANCREAT associated with
ITIS increased risk for falls
in older adults. Assess
EENT: transient deafness falls risk and
with too-rapid I.V. implement fall
injection, blurred vision. prevention strategies.

GU: nocturia, azotemia,
polyuria, frequent
urination, renal
failure, oliguria.

Drug Name Drug Classification Mechanism of action Indication/ Side/Adverse Effect Nursing Conside
Generic Name: Indication: Side Effects:  Monitor intake and
metoprolol Therapeutic Class: Blocks stimulation of  Headaches ratios and daily we
beta1 (myocardial)-  Hypertension.  Nausea Assess routinely fo
Antianginals adrenergic receptors  feeling sick or symptoms of HF
Antihypertensives Decreases BP and heart  Angina pectoris. tired
Brand Name: rate, frequency of attacks  Assess frequency a
Toprol-XL of angina pectoris, and  Prevention of MI characteristics of an
Pharmacologic rate of cardiovascular Adverse Effects: attacks periodically
class: mortality and  Management of stable, therapy.
hospitalization in patients symptomatic (class II or III) CV: BRADYCARDIA, 
beta blockers PULMONARY EDEMA, 
with heart failure. heart failure Monitor frequency
Dosage and hypotension, prescription refills
Frequency: Contraindications: peripheral determine complian
25 mg orally q.d  allergic reaction to  Monitor BP, ECG,
 metoprolol or any Derm: rash frequently during d
 other medicine adjustment and per
EENT: blurred
Route:  low blood pressure  vision, stuffy nose during therapy.
Oral  lung disease
 severe asthma Endo: hyperglycemia
 metabolic acidosis , hypoglycemia

 Bradycardia GI: constipation,
diarrhea, drug-
induced hepatitis, dry
mouth, flatulence,
gastric pain,
heartburn, ↑ liver
enzymes, nausea,
GU: erectile
dysfunction, ↓ libido,
urinary frequency

MS: arthralgia, back
pain, joint pain

Resp: bronchospasm,
Drug Name Drug Mechanism of Indication/ Side /Adverse effects Nursing
Classification Action Contraindication Consideration
Indication: Side effect:
Generic Name: Therapeutic Blocks angiotensin Treatment of  dizziness - Monitor BP
 Valsartan Class: II, which results in hypertension, heart  low blood pressure periodically; take
vasodilation and failure.  diarrhea trough readings, just
Brand Name:  ANTIHYPER blocking of the  joint and back pain prior to the next
Diovan TENSIVE aldosterone- Contraindication  tiredness scheduled dose, when
secreting effects of  high blood potassium possible.
Pharmacologi angiotensin II, thus  Anuria
Dosage and c class: resulting in an Adverse Effect: -Monitor signs of high
Frequency: antihypertensive  History of plasma potassium
ANGIOTENSI effect. hypersensitivity to CCNS: Headache, levels (hyperkalemia),
 PO 80 mg q.d. N II- furosemide. dizziness.  including bradycardia,
RECEPTOR fatigue, weakness,
(TYPE AT1)  Lactation GI: Diarrhea, nausea. numbness, and tingling.
T  severe heart failure Respiratory: Cough,
Oral sinusitis.
 compromised renal
function. Metabolic: Hyperkalemia

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