PYP Planner: Planning The Inquiry

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PYP Planner

ClassቔᕆғYear2 Age GroupଙἻᕟғ7-8

School਍໊ғHWIS ๺૞ᖌᘆ਍໊ School Code਍໊դᎱғ060725

Teachersර૵ғJeanette҅Chris҅Georgina҅Zhang Lin҅Meigui Qian҅Ms

Fang҅Ms Si҅Kajia ҅Ms Zhu

Proposed Durationୌᦓ෸ᳵғ6weeks

Planning the inquiry

1.What is our purpose? ౯ժጱፓጱฎՋԍҘ

To inquire into the following: ᨶወٖ਻ইӥғ

Trans-disciplinary theme: ᪜਍ᑀԆ᷌

Who we are
An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and
spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities, and cultures; rights and
responsibilities; what it means to be human.

Central idea : Ӿஞ௏మ

The lifestyle people choose strongly affect their health.

Summative assessment task(s) ௛ᕮ௔ᦧ֌ғ

What are the possible ways of assessing students’ understanding of the central idea?
What evidence, including student-initiated actions, will we look forҘՋԍฎᦧհ਍ኞ੒Ӿஞ

- Creating a Poster to demonstrate different ways to lead a healthy lifestyle. This will be based on
the culmination of students existing knowledge and further developed understanding of health
gained throughout the unit.

-Presentation based on poster of a healthy plan for themselves or a relative/teacher.

-Be ready for the questions from the classmates and the teacher.

2. What do we want to learn?౯ժమᥝ਍ՋԍҘ
What are the key concepts (form, function, causation, change, connection,
perspective, responsibility, reflection) to be emphasized within this inquiry? Ջԍฎ๜
ᨶወ‫زܔ‬ጱ‫ى‬Ძ༷ஷҁ୵ୗ̵‫ۑ‬ᚆ̵ܻࢩ̵ද‫̵ݒ‬ᘶᔮ̵᥯ଶ̵ᨱձ ̵‫ݍ‬௏҂

Key Concepts‫ى‬Ძ༷ஷғ Function Connections Reflection

Related Conceptsፘ‫༷ى‬ஷғHealth Sports Balanced ҅Growth

What lines of inquiry will define the scope of the inquiry into the central idea? Ջԍᨶ

1.An inquiry into mental and physical health

2.An inquiry into making choices based on understandings about health

3.An inquiry into the advantages of living a healthy lifestyle

What teacher questions/provocations will drive these inquiries? ර૵Ջԍᳯ᷌/‫گ‬ᄶਖ਼


Questions :

1.How can we lead a healthy lifestyle both physically and mentally?

2.Is a healthy lifestyle the same for everyone

3.How do our daily choices affect our health?

4.Why do some people need chocolate to keep healthy

5.When did you get up How about your parents And your grand parents


put some books about heathy life in the classroom encourage the students to read books.

3. How might we know what we have learned? ౯ժই֜Ꭳ᭲਍‫ک‬ԧՋԍҘ
This column should be used in conjunction with “How best might we learn?” ᬯӞໄଫӨ“౯

What are the possible ways of assessing students’ prior knowledge and skills? What
evidence will we look for? Ջԍฎᦧհ਍ኞ‫ض‬ᤈᎣᦩ޾ದᚆጱ‫ݢ‬ᚆොဩҘ౯ժਖ਼੔ತՋԍ

-Categorizing foods and activities as healthy and unhealthy (connection)

-Creating surveys for friends and relatives to complete regarding dietary choices (English/Mandarin,social)

-Comparing daily routines of various occupations and making an assessment as to how healthy these routines
are. (connection)

- Producing a healthy eating meal plan for one week after learning more about balanced diet (connection and

- Basic understanding of how the body works and what it needs to function most effectively. (science)

What are the possible ways of assessing student learning in the context of the lines
of inquiry? What evidence will we look for? Ջԍฎࣁᨶወ᝜ࢱᦧհ਍ኞ਍ԟጱ‫ݢ‬ᚆො

Students Reflection Journal, we want students to recognize daily changes made to their routines based on
learned knowledge. One at the start and one at the end of the unit. Reflection on how they have changed.

• Anecdotal Records, observations of student communication using introduced vocabulary

• Peer assessment for the food plate, well balanced meal

Assessment of weekly meal plans, balanced meal plates etc. Presentations in class,
comprehension and understanding demonstrated by linking key concepts. Using Key
vocabulary in conversation and written work.

4. How best might we learn? ౯ժᚆ਍‫ک‬ग़অҘ
What are the learning experiences suggested by the teacher and/or students to
encourage the students to engage with the inquiries and address the driving

Context-Building activities teachers might carry out

-Looking at the decomposition of a hamburger and an apple. Take a picture each day and compare over
the unit.

-Record any activity done in one week, including pulse (Student journal, reflection) 

-Sorting foods cards into groups

-Guest speakers: doctor, athlete, chef (reflection) 

-Comparing the different routines of people and see how they are similar/different. What is healthy for
people of different ages? Thinking about how different people of varying ages, backgrounds and
occupations practice healthy lifestyle.

-How does a healthy lifestyle affect the way we feel? Students will be able to more effectively discuss
feelings and emotions in English

-What emotions are healthy? Importance of how to healthily respond to our feelings- maybe show video of
cartoon etc. Students can identify what makes the emotions portrayed healthy or unhealthy.

-How can we keep active? Show examples of ways we can keep active- Walking instead of transport,
Exercise, taking the steps etc. Students can inquire further about possible daily changes to lead a more
active lifestyle.

-How does a healthy lifestyle help us fight disease? How being healthy helps us to have a stronger
immune system. Using video, simple line graphs etc. How do germs travel and importance of washing our
hands regularly.

-How does the amount we sleep affect us? Thinking about the importance of sleep in a healthy lifestyle.

-3 SurveyғPut the students into 4 different groups . Each group will choose one group of people
ҁchildren҅foreign teachers҅adults and old people҂to do survey. The survey is about their daily
routine҅sports time҅food habit and their ideas about anything good for health.

-Trip to pick fruit ғ

-Create a food plate based on “The Food Plate” (English, reflection)

-Students create active and healthy games (PE, connection)

-Plan a week of healthy living: what habits, activities and foods should you include

Maths: 1. Survey- ingredients of different food and compare them 2.Make a routine for one your friends
or families 3.Survey-About the time for sleeping and getting up

Englishғ1.grammarғMy favorite food is̶̶̶ҔI like doing̶̶̶Ҕwhat time ̶̶̶ 2. write a

composition about hobbies ҁabout food and sport҂

PEғPlay different sports to test the heart beat. PE teacher gives a speech about how important of the
sports for our health

Scienceғ1.books and videos about the importance of different elements 2. Surveyғdo you need
anything special and whyҘҁsuch as Chocolate҂

5. What resources need to be gathered? ?

What people, places, audio-visual materials, related literature, music, art, computer software, etc, will be

Library books: Body, Why Do I Eat? Feelings, Time to Eat and Fruit, Big Books: Bread, Bread, Bread, and Health International Clean Hands
th st
Week: September 15 -21 

Germs books (class resources): Germs Make Me Sick, Impatient Pamela learns about Germs, Germs are not for Sharing

Internet: http:// living/resources.asp

resources/active-living-for-children,-youth-schools-resources.aspx ,

Classroom resources: flash cards, pens, pencil, worksheets

Parent volunteers.

Orange garden

Reflecting on the inquiry

6. To what extent did we achieve our purpose? ?

Assess the outcome of the inquiry by providing evidence of students’ understanding of the central idea. The
reflections of all teachers involved in the planning and teaching of the inquiry should be included.

How could you improve on the assessment tasks so that you would have a more accurate picture of each
student’s understanding of the central idea?

In the future the assessment tasks could be set throughout the unit rather than only at the end in order to more effectively
assess students progress and understanding. We chose to use a presentation method for the main constituent of the summative
assessment task, in hindsight the pressure of an individual presentation could reflect negatively to quieter students and favor
more confident students. To make this a fairer representation we could use more frequent in class assessments, and not focus
on one at the end of the unit. This would alleviate some of the pressure for the students and give a more accurate idea of their

What was the evidence that connections were made between the central idea and the transdisciplinary theme?

Many of the activities, especially research and survey tasks focused on individuals
and self reflection. The idea was that for each theme introduced around the idea of
a healthy lifestyle, such as healthy diet, sleeping regime etc. Students would initially
reflect upon their own lifestyle and then others, simultaneously assessing what
would be deemed healthy or unhealthy and what factors would contribute to this
opinion. For example is the amount of sleep we should get each night dependent
on age? Yes it is, so we should take the factor of age into account in this instance.

7. To what extent did we include the elements of the PYP?
5 ?

What were the learning experiences that enabled students to :

● develop an understanding of the concepts identified in “What do we want to learn?” “ ”


- Perspective: through creating a series of questionaires and taking multiple opportunities to ask people
about their lifestyles students gained information from many people. The variety of people that gave the
students information as well as their own ideas challenged the students own perspectives on what is
healthy. Allowing the students to think about how different factors can affect people individually.

- Taking action: After conducting first hand research as well as watching educational videos and reading
resources Students had a more well informed outlook as to what a healthy lifestyle can be. Many students
previous to the investigation were not aware that using a phone or computer before bed can stimulate
activity in the brain and cause us to fall asleep much slower than if we read a book before bed instead.
Small, but useful pieces of information such as this have stuck with the students and many of them have
changed not only their own behaviors, but also influenced their families too.

● demonstrate the learning and application of particular transdisciplinary skills?

Accepting Responsibility- Students throughout the unit were thinking not only about what is healthy and
unhealthy but also about the causation. How can we look at what we are currently doing in our day to day
lives and make changes to improve our overall health and well being in a way that is suitable for us as
individuals. To improve on this it would have been a good exercise to ask students to make a plan for
themselves as to how they can accept responsibility for their own healthy lifestyles.

Observing- The research conducted by students included first hand observation. In class after a video
relating to the importance of sleep we then had a discussion as to the ways we can improve our sleep.
That evening students went home and took note of their families behaviors. The following class many
students noted activities that can contribute to poor sleep quality and decided to make their families aware
of how their actions could be affecting their ability to rest.

●develop particular attributes of the learner profile and/or attitudes?


In each case, explain your selection. :

Balanced-Throughout this unit students have become more aware of the importance of a balanced lifestyle. We have
looked at multiple aspects that create a healthy and balanced lifestyle including diet, activity, sleep and emotions. In
these 6 weeks we have explored some areas in more detail such as diet and sleep other areas, such as emotions, we have
only scratched the surface. Although emotions were only briefly discussed in class students now understand that they
are an important part of our overall health and well being. All of these factors will give students an idea to the
significance of health and balance in their day to day lives.

Reflective- During the course of this unit students have constantly been assessing themselves and others to
decipher what can be, and what is healthy. In terms of their behavior and actions the students are more
reflective as to the choices they make. The KWL chart was a useful tool for allowing students to think about any
questions they may have and how they can find out the answers to them. In the future it would be beneficial for
students to use KWL more thoroughly to solidify questions and aims at the start of the unit, so that reflections
are much more focused and individual. Students as a whole were reflective more so of their actions rather than
their learning.

8.What student-initiated inquiries arose from the learning?

Record a range of student-initiated questions and highlight any that were incorporated into
the teaching and learning. ᦕ୯਍ኞԆۖᨶወ޾ᳯ᷌ଚᑱ‫ڊ‬Өර਍

Why is sleep good for us? For this example in class we looked further into what impact sleep has directly
on our body but also indirectly on the way we conduct ourselves when we have slept enough or
insufficiently. So to answer the question thoroughly we should take into account what happens when we
sleep? Our brain can process information from that day and work at a much slower speed in order for us
to work at full capacity the following day. So with that information we know that sleep is essential in
allowing our brains to be active and effective during the day. If we have had insufficient sleep we cannot
work as effectively and we are less likely to make healthy choices as we are tired and not thinking so
much about the actions we take.

Why should we eat healthy food? This question was asked in one of the first few classes regarding
healthy diet. To follow up from this we decided to talk about the nutritional value of fruits, explaining the
vitamins found in each colour group and why they are beneficial for the body.

9. Teacher notes 


-Students would benefit from conducting further research in a variety of ways, in future we should
encourage and initiate more research opportunities.

-Through this unit ҅the students think the questions more critically̶

To be improved

-In future we should use the KWL chart more frequently in class, by encouraging students to
reference their initial questions in their own time and during class.
-4 UOI lessons per week is totally not enough we have to search for the learning
opportunities for the students at home.


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