Pivotal Accessibility
Pivotal Accessibility
Pivotal Accessibility
We have been working with Pivotal
Accessibility for several years now
Pivotal Accessibility was a
lifesaver when it came to
Pivotal Accessibility did a complete
ADA website audit and remediation
We contacted Pivotal Accessibility
to implement ADA requirements on a
and it has been a fantastic relationship. address our compliance for our company. Their knowledge of website we had just finished building.
Pivotal Accessibility has proven their needs. Their work is fast ADA requirements and the tools they They were very communicative and
expertise in web accessibility time and thorough. They saved had at their disposal allowed them to easy to work with, and delivered
and time again. We’re impressed with us a tremendous amount of complete the project on schedule and everything on time. Since that project,
their ability to stay on top of changes time and stress. at a quality level that was exemplary. we have hired them a second time
in compliancy requirements and we Their work was professional, timely, and had the same great experience.
value their partnership in our goal to - Jamey Heit, Ecree and accurate, and we do intend to use We look forward to continue working
make the internet a more inclusive their services again going forward. with Pivotal Accessibility for our ADA
space. needs!
- Roger Pressman, Evannex
- Mike St. Jean, 3 Media Web - Jake Wooldridge, Digitech
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