DIY Coil Winding Machine
DIY Coil Winding Machine
DIY Coil Winding Machine
by Techgenie
Over the recent days, i have been planning to make impossible task. Even if that could be done, it would
numerous projects that include electromagnetism. All require tremendous amount of time and work.
these projects require copper wire to be wound
uniformly in the form of a coil. In this Instructable, i decided to make a coil winding
machine at home. It is very simple to make machine
Winding few meters of thin enameled copper wire and does the wire winding work almost perfectly.
uniformly with hands seemed almost like an
1. DC motor -
2. Switch -
3. Battery -
4. Battery Holder -
5. Bearing -
6. Wooden Tongue Depressors -
7. Hot Glue Gun -
8. Soldering Iron -
1. DC motor -
2. Switch -
3. Battery -
4. Battery Holder -
5. Bearing -
6. Wooden Tongue Depressors -
7. Hot Glue Gun -
8. Soldering Iron -
1. DC motor -
2. Switch
3. Battery -
4. Battery Holder -
5. Bearing -
6. Wooden Tongue Depressors -
7. Hot Glue Gun -
8. Soldering Iron -
From Home & Local Store: Cardboard, wooden sticks, tape, super glue and connecting wires.
There is no better tool than a good video for understanding any tutorial. A video makes it easy to understand and
follow the procedure. However, it is also recommended to visit next steps for additional info and images.
Note: I used 18650 Li-ion battery because it is capable of providing very high power. For charging the Li-ion
Battery, you can also refer to my DIY -Battery Charger instructable or watch the Video.
1. Connect the motor shaft and wooden stick with a rubber band, such that when the shaft rotates, the
stick also rotates.
2. Apply some tape at the edge of the stick, so that the rubber band doesn't come out while rotating.
3. Remove the free side wall and insert the copper wire spool over one of the sticks.
4. On the other stick, fix any cylindrical pipe.
5. You can easily increase the thickness of wooden stick using tape, so that the pipe fits well.
Note: In the image, a black spool holder can be seen, This spool holder i used was 3D printed but any cylindrical
pipe will also serve the purpose, only make sure to increase the thickness of the side edges using cardboard or the
tape, so that the wire doesn't get removed from the sides of the pipe.
Turn the switch ON and guide the wire on the pipe using hand.
A uniform To & Fro motion of hand from one end to the other will form a uniformly wound coil.
After winding apply some tape to prevent wire from getting lose.
This is a very useful machine for many projects to some people. However, after using it for a while, i feel that a few
upgrades can really improve this machine..
Instead of using battery, it will be much useful if powered using a wall adapter.
Connect a potentiometer in the circuit to control the speed of the motor.
Attach a large pulley to the wooden stick, thus reducing the motor RPM and significantly increasing
the torque, thus more control while winding.
These are the few upgrades that i can think of. If you have suggestions and few more possible upgrade ideas, feel
free to leave a comment below. Your suggestions and feedback is always welcome.
So friends, this here concludes the instructable, stay tuned and SUBSCRIBE to receive regular updates. In case
you might have missed, watch the video and see how i made this Coil winding machine at home.
Techgenie, for upgrade you can use gears, shafts and other hardware from a used toner cartridge.
And perhaps a motor from an old printer.
Yes, SIN1T2, it seems like a great tip to use gears and shafts but the motor from a printer has very
low rpm, it takes quite a long time to wrap the coil.
Great Project! Thanks, Techgenie.
I needed to make some coils, but I wasn’t interesting in a long complicated build.
This project worked for me. Somethings to note…
1. WARNING: The shaft of the motor should be angled slightly “away” from the wooden stick
with the rubber band (see my third photo).
Initially, my build had the shaft angled “toward” the stick. This caused the rubber band to slip
off the shaft.
2. Since I had a 3D-Printer, I printed a pulley for the wooden stick.
The pulley slowed the winding process. But, it increased the torque. This allowed me to use
thicker wire, when needed.
Thanks EarlWallaceNYC...I am glad you liked this project. Also, thanks for the interesting insights
and important points to note.
Only, if you really liked the project. Can you give me your vote for this instructables contest?
I voted for your project, per you suggestion.
Good Luck.
Thanks EarlWallaceNYC....thanks a lot..:)
This is the OTHER meaning of CAD. Cardboard Aided Design! The question I have is since you
have a 3d Printer, Why not just print the parts?
The one bad idea you mentioned is using a potentiometer to control motor speed, unless of course
you were going to use a PWM scheme to control your motor. A simple pot circuit would waste
power as heat.
Good post. Thank you.
I do have a 3D printer but i am not very good in designing. Although i am slowly learning to 3D
design objects. Can you suggest me some good sources from where i can learn 3D designing?
Dont sell yourself short! Most people could not design a working machine out of cardboard. I have
the advantage of being a licensed Autodesk inventor user and thats all i really know personally.
Make your base plate from wood, since it is too large for most printers. Then all you need to design
is a single "L" shaped bracket with a short leg that has two holes for mounting and a large hole with
a rim to accurately locate your bearing . Print four copies of that and you would be ready to go. The
H shaped frames in the cardboard version would not be necessary because the plastic would be
more rigid.
The L bracket idea should be within reach of your developing abilities, in short order :)
Good luck.
Thanks NeilRG...its a great tip. I will definitely get my hands on 3D printing and post some useful
projects soon.
I also like the simplicity of the cardboard. This project could be made quickly and is perfect for
winding electromagnetic coils on spools. Great job!
Fifteen years ago I made a coil winder from plans in a book by Jason Lollar (ISBN 0-9662599-2-0)
specifically for winding guitar pickups. It took many tools and much time and effort to make. It uses
a sewing machine motor-shaft-flywheel for winding, and an oscillating fan motor driving a cam to
You're welcome, Techgenie. I really like your project and I voted for it.
Thanks for bring back the days when I worked as a coil finisher-A for Raytheon back in the 80's, ;)
I am glad you liked it..Thanks...
Very nice presentation! I love the fact that you built this out of cardboard which is easily fabricated
and just right for the job as opposed to over designed projects that need 3D printers, laser and
CNC machines, etc., which most of us do not have easy access to. It took me back 60 years to my
school days when I built a door bell/buzzer and induction coil shockers :)
I am glad you liked it....Thanks for appreciating my work..:)
Wow! You're great at making things! This could also be used for rope. Not too much though; the
motor may not be able to take that much weight of rope.
I am glad you liked it, yes this mechanism can be used as a rope if it is scaled to a bigger project
with a more powerful motor.
Excellent! The machine is very innovative and the Instructible is well put together, AND it is a great
piece of fun.
Well done, I thoroughly enjoyed this one. Keep it up,and thanks.
Thanks a lot..:)
What a great idea. I've always wondered where to get the wire though.
Thank you very much.
You can now easily get the wire online from ebay or amazon. You only need know the required
AWG of the wire. Here i have used 32 AWG enameled wire.
It's just enamelled (polyurethane) insulated single conductor wire (sometimes called hookup wire)
Any of the distributors do it (Farnell, RS etc) - got my last lot from RS part number 357-722, about
30 Standard Wire Gauge. Use it mainly for low frequency radio reception loop antenna. Don't
bother stripping it, just solder with a hot tip - the enamel is designed to be soldered
Building a Tesla coil would be easier now
Thanks bro..
I've found the speed limit after making a ... distance counter for the bicycle ;) Except adding 1 you
can add calculated circumference of the wheel in kilometers or miles, and your calculator is going
to measure distance. I've noticed that somew calculators (I've tested 3) have trouble with short
pulses (as they are getting shorter if you are going faster) It was measuring till about 30km/h.
Moving the magnet and reed switch closer to the axle was helping a lot as it was increasing the
pulses length.
Nice project, I like it.
#Gadisha Thanks..