Wall Ties and Restraint Fixings: For The Construction Industry
Wall Ties and Restraint Fixings: For The Construction Industry
Wall Ties and Restraint Fixings: For The Construction Industry
9) Xt6
February 2010
Wall ties and restraint fixings are an essential
element in the stability of masonry panels.
Ancon manufactures fixings in a variety of
lengths and types for restraining brickwork,
blockwork and stonework. Restraints can be
fixed to concrete and structural steelwork as
well as any type of masonry.
The range of standard ties provides a solution
for all types of wall construction and many
products can be delivered in 24 hours.
Ancon designs and manufactures high integrity steel products for
These items are shown in red italics.
the construction industry. Through continuous programmes of Ancon fixings are manufactured from
new product development, inward investment and employee Austenitic stainless steel. Grade 1.4301 (304)
is used in the vast majority of applications.
advancement, the company is committed to maintaining the
All ties will be supplied to this specification
highest level of customer service within a dynamic and unless Ancon is notified otherwise.
challenging industry.
Masonry Support Systems Cavity Wall Tie Selection 4-6
Installation Guidance 7
Lintels Ties for Brick-to-Block Construction 8-9
Ties for Thin-Joint Blockwork 10
Masonry Reinforcement Ties for Timber Frames 10
Ties for Steel Studwork 11
Windposts and Parapet Posts Ties for Cavities over 150mm 12
Ties for Bubble Foil Insulation
Wall Ties and Restraint Fixings
& Slip Brick Ties 13
Ties for Cellular Clay Blocks 13
Channel and Bolt Fixings
Frame Cramps and Channel Ties 14-16
Tension and Compression Systems Vertical Movement Joints 17
Standard Wall Ties 18
Insulated Balcony Connectors Bespoke Wall Tie References 19
Non-Drill Fixings for Steelwork 20-21
Shear Load Connectors Head Restraints & Sliding Anchors 22-23
Wall Starter Systems 24
Punching Shear Reinforcement Restraints for Stone Cladding 25-28
Remedial Wall Ties 29-30
Reinforcing Bar Couplers
Staifix Thor-Helical Crack Stitching Kit 31
Other Ancon Products 31
Reinforcement Continuity Systems
Refractory Fixings
ISO 9001: 2008 ISO 14001: 2004
FM12226 EMS 505377
Wall Ties and Restraint Fixings
qualifying criteria this standard refers to accepted that this information is likely to be
BS 5628-1: 2005. updated and re-introduced through Non-
Contradictory Complementary Information
BS 5628-1: 2005 Code of Practice for the (NCCI) as a Published Document (PD), to
Use of Masonry support the use of BS EN 1996. This is
The Masonry Code provides recommendations already mentioned as a proposed PD by the
on length of tie, embedment, density and National Annexes to all parts of BS EN 1996
positioning. Masonry-to-masonry ties are as “a standard comprising complementary and
classified as Types 1 to 4; the relevant non-contradictory information taken from
classification is determined by strength, BS 5628-1, BS 5628-2 and BS 5628-3”.
function and use. Minimum declared values for
tensile and compression capacities are listed Unfortunately there will be a period of time
for each Type. when BS 5628 will have been withdrawn and
this new PD will not have been published. As
BS 5268-6.1: 1996 (Incorporating an interim device, Ancon’s recommendation is
Amendments No. 1 and 2): Structural use to continue to use the wall tie classifications
of timber – Dwellings not exceeding seven (Types 1 to 4*) and load capacities stated in
storeys Table C.3 of BS 5628-1 Annex C, in
The Timber Code provides recommendations conjunction with BS EN 1996 design
for wall ties for timber framed buildings. procedures. Design partial safety factors for
Information is provided for the type of material strength should be those given in the
structure, location, embedment, density and BS EN 1996-1-1 UK National Annex.
positioning. These ties are classified as Types
5 to 7; minimum declared values in tension *For timber-framed buildings, wall ties continue
and compression are listed for Types 5 and 6. to be selected from Types 5 to 7 and
corresponding load capacities as given in
Approved Document E: Resistance to the
Annex B of BS 5268 Part 6.1:1996.
Passage of Sound
This document specifies the acoustic Wind Code Changes
performance requirements of ties suitable for The geographical locations in Table C.1 (Annex
use in separating walls (Type A ) and external C, BS 5628-1:2005) are based on hourly
walls (Type B) of new build dwellings. return period wind speeds according to
BS 6399-2:1997. This wind code has been
Type A ties must have a measured dynamic
replaced by BS EN 1991-1-4:2005, which
stiffness of <4.8MN/m3 for the specified
uses 10 minute return period wind speeds.
minimum cavity, at a standard density. Type A
This and other differences between the BS
ties in this literature are indicated by this logo
and BS EN wind codes means it is impossible
e.g. Staifix HRT4, page 8.
to use the limiting geographical location wind
speeds given in C.1 of BS 5628-1:2005 with
© Irvine Whitlock
Minimum Requirements for Wall Ties to BS 5628-1: 2005 (Table C.3 of Annex C) and BS 5268-6.1: 1996 (Annex B)
Type Minimum Mortar Tensile Load Tensile Load at 1mm Compressive Load Compressive Load at 1mm
of Tie Class and Designation Capacity (N) Displacement (N) Capacity (N) Displacement (N)
M12 (i) 5000 1667 5000 1667
1 M2 (iv) 2500 833 2500 833
2 M2 (iv) 1800 600 1300 433
3 M2 (iv) 1100 367 800 267
4 M2 (iv) 650 217 450 150
5 M4 (iii) 600 200 425 142
6 M4 (iii) 630 210 440 147
Type 2 General purpose tie for domestic and small commercial As Type 1 15m Suitable for flat sites where the basic wind speed is up
buildings. to 31m/s and altitude is not more than 150m above
sea level
Type 2 ties are suitable for use outside the parameters stated e.g. sites over 150m above sea level, buildings exceeding 15 metres etc, if shown to be adequate by calculation.
Contact Ancon for more information.
Type 3 Basic wall tie generally as Type 2 above As Type 1 15m Suitable for flat sites where the basic wind speed is
up to 25m/s and altitude is not more than 150m
above sea level
Type 4 Light duty wall tie suitable for box-form domestic As Type 1 10m Suitable for flat sites in towns and cities where the basic
dwellings with leaves of similar thickness wind speed does not exceed 25m/s and altitude is not
more than 150m above sea level
Type 5 Timber frame tie suitable for domestic houses and 4.4 ties/m2 15m Suitable for flat sites in towns and cities where the basic
industrial/commercial developments of up 3-4 ties/m wind speed does not exceed 25m/s and altitude is not
to three storeys at unbonded edges more than 150m above sea level
Type 6 As Type 5 but suitable for developments of up to As Type 5 15m Suitable for flat sites in towns and cities where the basic
four storeys wind speed does not exceed 25m/s and altitude is not
more than 150m above sea level
Type 7 As Type 5 but suitable for developments of between five Calculated for actual 18m Calculated for actual performance required for each
and seven storeys, being designed to accommodate performance required site location
the increased vertical differential movement for each site location
≤ 31m/s
Ancon Teplo2
(Type 2)
Wall Ties and Restraint Fixings
Tel: +44 (0) 114 275 5224 Web: www.ancon.co.uk
Wall Ties and Restraint Fixings
Ancon Teplo1
(Type 1)
Low Thermal Conductivity Wall Ties Cross-Sectional Areas and Thermal Conductivity of Ancon Wall Ties
Wall ties are an essential element in the Tie Reference Tie Length Cavity Width BS 5628 Area Conductivity*
strength and stability of cavity walls, but by (mm) (mm) Type (mm2) (W/mk)
200 50-75 1 19.5 17
crossing the cavity they act as a thermal
225 76-100 1 19.5 17
bridge between the internal and external ST1 250 101-125 1 19.5 17
leaves. The ties featured here on pages 8-9 275 126-150 1 23.4 17
form Ancon’s Low Thermal Conductivity range; 300 150 1 23.4 17
200 50-75 2 7.5 17
ties which minimise heat loss and improve the RT2 225 76-100 2 7.5 17
energy-efficiency of a masonry wall. The effect 250 101-125 2 8.6 17
Ancon’s high tensile wire wall ties have on heat 200 50-75 3 6.2 17
RT3 225 76-100 3 6.2 17
transfer is negligible and, with a thermal
250 101-125 3 7.5 17
conductivity of only 0.7W/mK, the Ancon 200 50-75 4 3.5 17
TeploTie is the most thermally-efficient wall tie HRT4 225 76-100 4 4.2 17
on the market. 250 101-125 4 6.2 17
200 50-75 1 38.5 0.7
For the accurate calculation of a wall’s U-value Teplo1 225 76-100 1 38.5 0.7
it is important to use the correct information for 250 101-125 1 38.5 0.7
275 126-150 1 38.5 0.7
the wall ties. Using the actual cross-sectional
200 50-75 2 19.6 0.7
area and thermal conductivity value of a wall 225 76-100 2 19.6 0.7
tie, rather than allowing a program to apply 250 101-125 2 19.6 0.7
default values, can make a considerable 275 126-150 2 28.3 0.7
Teplo2 300 151-175 2 28.3 0.7
difference to the calculated U-value. Default 325 176-200 2 28.3 0.7
values will over-estimate the effect of an Ancon 350 201-225 2 38.5 0.7
Wall Tie. 375 226-250 2 38.5 0.7
400 251-275 2 38.5 0.7
425 276-300 2 38.5 0.7
200 50-75 4 12.6 0.7
Teplo4 225 76-100 4 12.6 0.7
250 101-125 4 12.6 0.7
Note: BS EN ISO 6946 permits the corrections due to wall ties, air gaps etc to be omitted, if the corrections amount to
less than 3% of the uncorrected U-value of the element. * Wall Ties with a thermal conductivity of less than 1.0W/mK are
excluded from U-value calculations to EN ISO 6946, irrespective of cross-sectional area.
Wall Ties and Restraint Fixings
Wall Ties and Restraint Fixings
Ancon TeploTie
Ancon Teplo2 (Type 2) wall ties are available to
suit cavities up to 300mm. They have a
thermal conductivity of only 0.7W/mK, are
BBA approved and meet the technical
requirements of the NHBC. These ties are
suitable for use with partial-fill and full-fill
cavities. For further information please see
page 9.
Tel: +44 (0) 114 275 5224 Web: www.ancon.co.uk
TIES FOR BUBBLE FOIL INSULATION Bubble foil insulation Insulation retaining
A range of ties are manufactured under license
Multiple drips
from Thermal Economics Ltd for use with
Bubble Foil Insulation. These ties have been
designed to BS 5628-1 and are available as
Type 2 and Type 4 ties. ITB referenced ties
enable the insulation material to be installed
flush to the blockwork. ITC referenced ties
position the insulation 25mm away from the
block. These ties meet the technical
requirements of the NHBC.
Wall Ties and Restraint Fixings
SDB Wall Tie Fixed to Steel
with Self-Drilling Screw
Wall Ties and Restraint Fixings
Ancon 21/18 Omega Channel Ancon 25/14, 28/15, 30/20, 38/17, 36/8 and
Ancon 21/18 Omega Channel is a high 40/25 Channels
performance, self-anchoring, cast-in channel Ancon wall ties can also be used with our
slot suitable for use with our wall ties to 25/14, 28/15, 30/20, 38/17, 36/8 and 40/25
provide the necessary restraint to the outer leaf channels. 30/20 Channel is supplied with
of masonry. The section is only 18mm deep anchors for casting into concrete. 25/14 and
and can be used where there is reduced cover 36/8 Channels are supplied plain-backed for
to reinforcement. Available in 100mm and surface fixing. 28/15, 38/17 and 40/25
3000mm lengths, Ancon 21/18 Omega Channels are available with or without anchors
Channel is filled with polystyrene to help for casting in or surface fixing. Ties for 38/17
prevent the ingress of concrete. Nail holes aid and 40/25 channel will be 25mm wide to
the fixing of the slot to timber formwork. Wall accommodate the wider opening; all other
ties used with Ancon 21/18 Omega Channel channel ties will be 20mm wide. Wall ties used
will provide safe working shear and tensile with Ancon 28/15, 30/20, 38/17 and 40/25
loads of 1.5kN. channel will provide safe working shear and
tensile loads of up to 1.0kN, while wall ties
used with 25/14 and 36/8 channels will provide
up to 0.5kN. Maximum safe working loads of
surface-fixed channels will be subject to
suitable fixings, and appropriate fixing centres.
Fixing of Channel
Available Lengths of Ancon 21/18 Omega Channel
100, 3000 mm Fixing Method Omega 21/18 25/14 28/15 30/20 38/17 36/8 40/25
U.K Patent No. 2 249 110 Cast-in
Surface Fixed
Ancon 21/18 Omega Channel with Ancon
SD21 Tie
Maximum Centres for Surface-Fixing
SWL (tension) 25/14 28/15 38/17 36/8 40/25
0.5kN 337 525 650 300 650
1.0kN - 400 525 - 525
Tel: +44 (0) 114 275 5224 Web: www.ancon.co.uk
Ancon ST1
wall tie
450mm 450mm
225mm 225mm
Staifix RT2 wall ties at Ancon PPS wall ties Intermediate Column with Vertical
450mm vertical centres in with debonding Movement Joints in Blockwork
alternate courses to Ancon sleeves, at 450mm
PP21 Wall Ties vertical centres Ancon PPS wall ties with debonding
sleeves, at 450mm vertical centres
Intermediate Column with Vertical
450mm to 900mm Movement Joints in both Brickwork and
External Corner with Fully Bonded
Brickwork Ancon ST1
wall tie
Note: All spacings are maximums. The type of cavity wall tie and spacing will be determined by the cavity width, height
of brickwork, wind loading and type of building. See page 5 for further information.
225mm 225mm
Wall Ties and Restraint Fixings
Teplo2 90mm
Lengths 200, 225, 250, 275, 300, 325, 350, SRB
375, 400, 425mm Lengths 125, 150,
Conforms to BS 5628-1 as PPV 175, 200 mm
a Type 2 tie Lengths 125, 150, 175, 200,
Cavity Width (mm) Tie Length (mm) Cavity Width (mm) Tie Length (mm)
50-75 200 <20 75
76-100 225 20-44 100 Starter Tie
101-125 250 45-69 125 Supplied with an
126-150 275 8mm nylon wall plug
70-94 150
151-175 300 Length 135 mm
175-200 325 95-119 175
201-225 350 120-144 200
226-250 375 145-169 225 Frame Tie
18 251-275 400 *Excluding Ancon Fastrack Length 130 mm
276-300 425
Tel: +44 (0) 114 275 5224 Web: www.ancon.co.uk
_P_ _ _ 21
To fit 21/18
Omega Channel
P__ _V_ _ _ 25 To fit 25/14
_ _ 28 To fit 28/15
_ _ 30 To fit 30/20
_ _ 36 To fit 36/8
L _ _ 38* To fit 38/17
W__ 10mm
_ _ 40* To fit 40/25
D__ *Tie will be 25mm wide
10mm _F_
6x60mm welded
7mm diameter hole
T__ Y__
6x60mm loose _H_
dowel __G
Manufactured 110mm Tie will be 25mm
to suit wide
M_ _
6.5mm 6x60mm loose
diameter holes dowel
Wall Ties and Restraint Fixings
Hammer-On Section
Hammer-On Tie
Patent No. GB 2424660B
Tel: +44 (0) 114 275 5224 Web: www.ancon.co.uk
Wall Ties and Restraint Fixings
Ancon IHR-H Hammer-On Head Restraint *The IHR-H can resist a load of 1kN. When fixed at 450mm centres staggered each side of the lower beam flange (effective
centres 900mm on each side) the service load will be 1.1kN per metre in either direction.
Ancon IHR - Internal Head Restraint
The Ancon IHR is used for restraining the top Ancon FHR - Head Restraint
of internal walls or the top of the inner leaf of a The Ancon FHR Head Restraint is used for
cavity wall. The opening at the front of the restraining the top of internal walls or the
channel stem is sealed to prevent mortar internal leaf of a cavity wall. The two angles
ingress and to ensure that vertical movement clamp the top of the wall and have 10mm
can take place between the blockwork and the diameter holes to suit M8 bolts. They are
structure. The base of the stem must be built supplied with two holes in the longer angle to
within a bed joint with the centre of the stem allow the restraint to fit 100mm and 140mm
no closer than 50mm from the edge of the blockwork. Each restraint can resist a service
block. The vertical joint should be filled with load of 1kN.
mortar each side of the stem. The maximum max.
joint between the top of the blockwork and the
underside of the frame is not normally greater 75mm
than 25mm. For larger gaps, please contact
The sliding tie can be provided with either a hole Ancon FHR Head Restraint Fixed to
(IHR - B) or slot (IHR - V) to suit M8 bolts, with a Underside of Floor Slab, Restraining Head
notch end to fix directly into a 38/17 or 30/20 of Inner Leaf of Cavity Wall
cast-in channel (IHR - C) and with a notch end To suit 100mm and
to suit the Hammer-On Section (page 20) that 140mm Blockwork
attaches to a steel flange without site drilling Ancon FHR Head Restraint - other sizes
(IHR - H). The standard Ancon IHR will suit a available
215mm high block and can resist a load of
1.5kN*. Other sizes between 150 - 250mm
22 are available.
Tel: +44 (0) 114 275 5224 Web: www.ancon.co.uk
Standard Lengths
200, 230mm
Slot is positioned
at the centre 75mm
SIS max.
of the tie
SPI max.
20mm to centre
of slot
Standard Lengths
135, 150mm
Other lengths and
slot positions available Other lengths available
to suit application to suit application
SAH - UF SAH - UO with
Extended Head
Wall Ties and Restraint Fixings
36/8 Wall Extension System, PP36 Tie Staifix Universal Wall Starter System
Staifix Cavity Starter Tie Staifix Starter Tie Staifix Frame Tie
This tie simplifies the building of an inner leaf This tie is quick and simple to install. It is The Staifix Frame Tie is used to join timber
of blockwork within an existing structure. It is suitable for use in brickwork and blockwork of door and window frames directly to brickwork.
ideal for barn conversions. See page 18 for up to 3 storeys or 8 metres in height and It is designed for use on buildings of up to 15
more details about this tie. meets the technical requirements of the NHBC. metres in height, and meets the technical
requirements of the NHBC. The ties are
screwed horizontally into the frame,
surrounded by mortar and built into the bed
joints of the new brickwork.
Tel: +44 (0) 114 275 5224 Web: www.ancon.co.uk
Wall Ties and Restraint Fixings
Section of Ties
Minimum sections for restraints for various
thickness of stone are shown in the table
below. Restraints for large stones and for use
where cavities are in excess of 100mm may
require special attention. They may need a
much bigger section than 20 x 2.5mm; ties
formed from 20 x 3mm, 25 x 3mm, 30 x 3mm
and 30 x 4mm are frequently used for
restraining stone cladding.
Minimum Section of Restraints
Minimum Section
Stone Thickness of Restraint
30mm and below 3mm dia wire Ancon LD21 Ties Fixed into 21/18 Omega Channel, Restraining Top of Stone
40mm 5mm dia wire
50mm and above 20 x 2.5mm
Drip Position
If a drip is required (e.g. YDB) please specify YPB
the position, indicating from which end of the YDB
tie the measurement is taken.
Min length 120mm Min length 40mm
Dowels 6x60mm loose dowel 6x60mm loose dowel
Standard dowels are 6mm in diameter and
60mm long. These will be welded into the tail
end of ties referenced D__, and supplied loose
with ties referenced Y__ and the multi-holed YP21
M__. 8mm and 10mm diameter dowels are MP21
also available and will usually be supplied
where larger section ties are required. Min length 70mm Min length 40mm
6x60mm loose dowel 6x60mm loose dowel
Wire Ties
The traditional method of fixing thin marble,
particularly for internal linings and low rise
cladding is with wire ties and plaster or mortar
dabs. Wire ties are manufactured from 3mm
and 5mm diameter wire.
Min length 70mm Min length 35mm
6x60mm loose dowel
Min length 40mm
6x60mm welded dowel
Min length 120mm
6x60mm welded dowel
Tel: +44 (0) 114 275 5224 Web: www.ancon.co.uk
W/5 Stack bonded stone
W/4 Half bonded stone
1200mm max.
75mm 20mm
1200mm max.
Minimum Stone Thickness ‘T’ and Minimum Dimension Behind Restraint ‘t’
More than 3.7m above Soffits - including Sills, copings and
ground - including facias inlined soffits supported reveals
Type of Stone T (mm) t (mm) T (mm) t (mm) T (mm) t (mm)
Granite, slate, white
40 15 40 15 30 12
marble, quartzites
Hard limestone,
40 15 40 15 30 12
75 30* 75 30* 50 20*
* t = T/2 if stone thickness (T) is greater than 75mm
Wall Ties and Restraint Fixings
Ancon 150
The Ancon 150 is a grout-in masonry tie for
the restraint of 20 to 30mm thin facings, and
suitable for cavities up to 60mm wide. The 12
x 2mm corrugated body provides optimum
bond in a 12 x 90mm hole. The 50 x 3mm
dowel is supplied loose.
Ancon 150
Ancon 2000
thickness Cavity
28 Ancon 2000
Tel: +44 (0) 114 275 5224 Web: www.ancon.co.uk
Wall Ties and Restraint Fixings
Ancon 63 Mechanical/Mechanical
Ancon MM 63
Used when tying together two leaves of solid 195mm for 50-70mm cavities
materials, this tie has mechanical expanders at 220mm for 71-95mm cavities
each end. Requires 10.5mm or 11mm Ø holes. 250mm for 96-125mm cavities
300mm for 126-175mm cavities
Ancon 63 Resin/Mechanical
For use when the material in the inner leaf is
perforated, of low-density or a friable material. A
resin fixing may be used to eliminate any imposed
stress. Requires 10.5mm or 11mm Ø holes.
Staifix Resin/Resin Ancon RM 63
Used where mechanical expanders are 195mm for 50-70mm cavities
unusable. Normally inserted into a 10mm Ø 220mm for 71-95mm cavities
250mm for 96-125mm cavities
hole, but if test facilities are required, a 12mm Ø
300mm for 126-175mm cavities
hole must be used. A plastic sieve can be used
to retain resin and is particularly useful in
perforated brick or hollow blockwork. A 12mm
Ø hole is required to fit the sieve.
Stairib Bar
Stainless steel ribbed bar, resin-grouted into the Staifix R/R
inner and outer leaves. Requires 10mm Ø hole 180mm for 40-60mm cavities
(6mm dia. bar) or 12mm Ø hole (8mm dia. bar). 200mm for 61-80mm cavities
220mm for 81-100mm cavities
Ancon AC 31
Used where bricks are removed then replaced
in the outer leaf. The wavy end is resin-bonded
into the inner leaf in a 10mm Ø hole. The
triangular end sits in the bed joint. Ancon AC 31
can be supplied with a drip or a neoprene ring. Stairib Bar
Ancon AC 31C Length to order
6, 8mm dia.
Similar to the AC 31 but cranked by 25mm to aid
fixing to the inner leaf. Requires 10mm Ø holes.
Cameron T 47
Used for the repair of mass brickwork with an
unbonded brick façade, sometimes built from
snapped headers. The T end is built into the bed Ancon AC 31
Lengths 175, 200 ,
joint and perpend, and hidden when the 225 mm
brickwork is repointed. Requires 12mm Ø holes.
Used for tying the two leaves of a cavity wall or
separating wall where the first leaf has already
been built. The wavy end is resin-bonded into Ancon AC 31C
the existing wall in a 10mm Ø hole. The tie is Lengths 175, 200,
based on the Staifix HRT4 and has similar
Type A R/R
This is designed as a remedial tie for a
separating wall. It will normally be inserted in
10mm Ø holes and resin-bonded into both
leaves. It meets the requirements of a Type A Cameron T 47
wall tie to Approved Document E. Lengths 200, 250,
300mm 4.7mm dia.
Fischer FIS P 380 C Resin
This styrene-free injection resin is quick setting
and suitable for a wide range of applications.
The two components are safely mixed together
inside the nozzle. Automatic mixing ensures an
accurate blending of the components and, being
mixed only as required, the minimum of HRT4/R
Lengths 200, 225,
wastage. Resin guns and additional mixing 250mm
nozzles are available.
Tel: +44 (0) 114 275 5224 Web: www.ancon.co.uk
Tension Systems
Tie bars are increasingly being used in
structures and buildings as an architectural as
500mm 500mm
well as a structural element. Ancon 500
Please note it is essential that the cause of the Tension Systems comprise a range of
cracking is established and eliminated prior to components which can be supplied in carbon
the installation of this system. steel or stainless steel in a variety of sizes and
finishes. They have a high load capacity and
look particularly impressive when used with
large areas of glazing or curved timber trusses.
Ancon Building Products Ancon (Schweiz) AG
President Way, President Park Gewerbezone Widalmi 10
Sheffield S4 7UR 3216 Ried bei Kerzers
United Kingdom Switzerland
Tel: +44 (0) 114 275 5224 Tel: +41 (0) 31 750 3030
Fax: +44 (0) 114 276 8543 Fax: +41 (0) 31 750 3033
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Visit: www.ancon.co.uk Visit: www.ancon.ch