Transient Stability of Power System by Static VAR Compensator (SVC) and Power System Stabilizers (PSS) Using Matlab/Simulink
Transient Stability of Power System by Static VAR Compensator (SVC) and Power System Stabilizers (PSS) Using Matlab/Simulink
Transient Stability of Power System by Static VAR Compensator (SVC) and Power System Stabilizers (PSS) Using Matlab/Simulink
Transmission systems of present day power But there are just a few percent edges for such a self-
structures are getting to be progressively focused on directing .
in light of the fact that of developing interest and Power system convey electrical from
confinements on developing new era. In order for generating station to the end consumer. Electrical
the secured operation of power system to withstand power is generated at generating station and it is
the disturbances Flexible AC transmission system supplied to the consumer for the local use. This
(FACTS) devices are used. STATCOM (Static transmitted power should be stable in the sense that it
Synchronous Compensator) and SVC (Static VAR voltage and frequency should be stable. So power
Compensator) are the devices belongs to FACTS system stability is one of the major concern which
family are used to exchange the power between the should be briefly explained in this paper. In this paper
interconnected power system and keep the voltage Basis of power systems. Its types, components,
and frequency constant or regulated. In this paper important term used in power system and different
Modeling of transient stability and FACTS devices methods adopt for voltage regulation are discussed.
using MATLAB/Simulink are discussed using
PSS(Power system Stabilizer). Power system stability can be define as "the
capability of an electric power system, for a given
Keywords: Transient Stability, SVC, STATCOM, PSS, working circumstance, to recover a state of working
MATLAB/Simulink synchronization in the wake of being exposed to a
physical unsettling influence, with most system
I. INTRODUCTION variables limited so that for all intents and purpose
the whole system remains in place" [2]. As reported
Electric power system is meeting numerous by above definition it is clear that if system neglects
challenges day to day due to expanding to get working balance then it will be called instable.
unpredictability. The power system instability was a There are numerous sort of insecurities exists in the
major issue in the past. The demand of power system present day power system, (for example, voltage,
becomes high due to its fast and efficient frequency and so on.) and appropriately different
improvement[1]. stabilizing methods are utilized. This stabilizing is
carried out by disengaging the capacitor, inductors or
It is crucial to elevate the power, transmitted mix of both after that synchronous condenser,
alongside the existing transmission offices to saturated reactor, Thyristor controlled reactor, altered
compensate this demand. This suggests the control of capacitor Thyristor controlled reactor, Thyristor
power stream in system. With the expanded stacking exchanged capacitor were utilized; however in
of transmission lines, the issue of transient present days this is performed by more propelled
dependability after a real blame can turn into a gadgets like STATCOM, VSC, TCSC and so on.
transmission force restricting element. The power these gadgets develops the perceptive controlling and
framework ought to adjust to flashing framework quick exchanging power device like MOSFET and
conditions, as such; power framework ought to be IGBT the capacity of quick exchanging makes them
adaptable. In an air conditioner power framework, the practical for giving exact and smooth controlling. The
electrical era and burden must parity at all times up to learned controlling is performed by the complex
some degree, the force framework is automatic. If era calculations which are carried out by possibly simple
is less than load, the voltage and recurrence drop, and circuits or chip. Despite the fact that simple gadgets
along these lines the heap goes down to equivalent performed well however in later past improvements
the era short transmission misfortunes. in the semiconductor innovation makes the
computerized controllers as first decision on the
grounds that of their capacities and easier cost.
Now modeled and simulated by a software tool or first order lead lag blocks in cascade called phase
MTLAB/SIMULINK. Each and every module of the compensation.[3,4].
system is modeled and then integrated later on to
make an overall system, which is then simulated in
SIMULINK environment in order to get the stable B. Multi – Band Power System Stabilaizer
power system.
The disturbances or power swing in
We will actually divide the overall system electrical generators must be damped in order to
model into two sub section. In first section the stabilize the system. These oscillations are divided
synchronous machine model, Turbine and regulator, into four main types :
Power system stabilizer (Generic and multiband) and
excitation system and the second section Load flow 1. Local oscillations: The frequencies of these
bus, SVC, Faults (Single phase or 3 phase), oscillations are in between 0.8 to 4 Hz. They are the
Transformer, distributed parameters line, RLC load oscillation between the generator and rest of power
are modeled. After that we integrate these two system.
subsections to get the overall system.
2. Interplant oscillations: The oscillation between
II. POWER SYSTEM STABILIZER (PSS) two neighboring generation station is known as
MODELS interplant oscillation it frequency range is 1 to 2 Hz.
A. Generic Power System Stabailaizer 3. Inter area oscillations: These are the oscillation
between two big classes of generating plants between
When power system face disturbances which two major groups of generating plants it frequency
may cause electromechanical oscillation in electrical ranges from 0.2 to 0.8 Hz.
generators, these oscillations are also named as power
swing. The power swing must be damped in order to 4. Global oscillation: The oscillation of all generator
get the stable system. The addition of this damping in in phase is called global oscillation it frequency is
order to maintain the power system in stable state is below 0.2 Hz [5, 6, 7].
done with help of power system stabilizer
The input of the PSS is called deviation In order to control the power flow and to
in the machine speed or the acceleration power improve the transient stability a static VAR
Pa Pm Pe Pm compensator is used which is one of the most
where is the mechanical power
participants of FACTS family. The amount of
and is the electrical power. The output signal of reactive power injected into or absorbed from power
V system is the key role of SVC to regulate the terminal
PSS is the stab which may be used as additional voltage. SVC generate reactive power (SVC
input of Excitation system The model of the Generic capacitive) when the system voltage is low and SVC
Power System Stabilizer is modeled and shown in will produce SVC capacitive when the voltage of the
figure 1 by using a nonlinear system system is high. The capacitor bank and the inductor
bank which are connected to the secondary side of the
coupling transformer are changed in order to produce
the variation in reactive power. The single-line
diagram of a static VAR compensator and a
simplified block diagram of its control system is
shown in figure 2. The SVC is used in three-phase
Figure 1. The Block Diagram of the Generic Power power systems together with synchronous generators,
System Stabilizer motors, and dynamic loads to perform transient
stability analysis and detect influence of the SVC on
Low-pass filter, a general gain, a washout electromechanical oscillations and transmission
high-pass filter, a phase-compensation system, and an capacity of the power system [3, 4, 8].
output limiter are the different blocks used in the PSS
model. The amount of the damping developed by the
stabilizer is found by K (General gain). The low
frequencies in the deviation in speed signal ( w ) is
removed by the washout high pass filter. The lag in
the phase angle between the excitation voltage and
electrical torque is compensated by connecting two
If L max
then SVC will fully inductive.
The transfer function of the measuring and filtering
circuit can be given by the following figure 4.
Figure 2. The Single-Line Diagram of a Static VAR Figure 4 Transfer function of Filtering and measuring
Compensator and its Control System current of SVC
Figure 3. The V-I Characteristics of the SVC Response of SVC depends on voltage gain
of voltage regulation, the droop reactance and the
short circuit level. The block parameters of SVC are
The slope of SVC voltage current characteristics is shown in figure 5 [4].
given by the equation 1
V C m ax V L m ax
I C m ax I L m ax
The V-I characteristics of SVC is explained by using
equation 2, 3 and 4
V V ref X s . I
Then SVC will be in regulating mode
B C m ax
Now if then SVC will fully capacitive.
And also
B L m ax
(4) Figure 5 Power data parameters of SVC
IV. SIMULATION MODEL AND RESULTS multiband PSS with value equal to 2 in PSS block,
the oscillation are damped quickly.
5000MW load center is connected over
500KV, 700Km transmission line to the 1000MW So it is clear from the above discussion that
hydraulic generator. 5000MW local generator all single phase faults are cleared by Generic and
(machine M2) & 1000 MW remote plant provides Multiband PSS even the SVC is out of service. The
power to the load center. Static Var Compensator system get unstable when we put the PSS (value = 0)
(SVC) of 200-Mvar capacity is shunt connected to the in the PSS block or the PSS is not selected. The effect
transmission line to overcome the instability of of system without SVC is illustrated in coming figure
system after occurring of faults. Power Oscillation 7.
Damping (POD) unit is not supported by SVC.
Therefore for the damping of oscillations, Power The x-axis of figure 7 shows the time and
System Stabilizer (PSS) & Hydraulic Turbine and the y-axis shows the value of voltages in per unit and
Governor (HTG), are fitted into the two machines. Line power in MW. It is clear from the figure that
The stabilizer modeled in regulator subsystem, are of when fault occurs during 5sec and 6 sec, low
two types based on controlling technique. Generic frequency oscillation arises as a result of fault, are
Model uses the acceleration method for stability, damped by the Power system stabilizer while the
which is the difference between mechanical power SVC is in inactive state. Thus in single phase fault,
and electrical power. The multiband band works on the disturbances can be easily damped by the PSS
the variation in speed for stability. without the support of SVC which is obvious from
the figure 7.
If single phase fault occur on power system Figure 7. Single Phase Fault without SVC Support
it can only be a line to ground fault, which can also
categorized as incipient fault and it is in the form of
leakage current, this fault can cause overheating in
later stages, so it is customary to control this fault in
early stages.
In this simulation SVC is made disabled by selecting
Now consider a situation in which a system
B ref 0 is suffering from three phase fault, which is indeed a
VAR control mode with and the PSS block
is activated by putting the value to 1 in the PSS block, very severe fault then PSS without SVC cannot
we simulate the system than and the results clearly stabilize the system. If three phase fault occur and the
indicate that the system is stable even the SVC is out B 0
SVC is still at VAR control mode with ref ,
of service. The first figure shows the difference in
which means that SVC is not connected to the system,
rotor angle of the two machines. At 90 degrees
then the simulation results clearly indicate that the
maximum power is transferred. If the angle exceeds
difference in rotor angle is of order of 3*360 and this
90 degrees for long duration span,system became
show that the local and the remote generator are not
unstable due to machine synchronous lost.
synchronized on no fault conditions. In order to get
stable power system under three phase fault
The electrical power is less then mechanical
conditions, SVC is brought into voltage regulation
power during fault condition, and simulatingover long
mode from the SVC block. Now SVC adds reactive
span of time the machine speed become oscillating
power in order to synchronize the local and remote
with a frequency of 0.025 Hz which is indeed a very
generator which was not achieved in early stage.
low frequency, all these occur during no fault
After performing this action the system got stable.
condition on system. Now the PSS with value to
1fails to overcome this problem and by selecting