ANT User Installation & Help Manual
ANT User Installation & Help Manual
ANT User Installation & Help Manual
Before installing the latest version of ANT, ensure you uninstall the older version of ANT from the
Control Panel.
Note: On Windows 8 / 10, if you get a message Windows protected your PC, click on More Info and then
click on Run Anyway
Once is downloaded from the link provided, unzip the folder and view the following files:
1. ANT_setup.exe
1. Run ANT_setup.exe
It will check for the above prerequisites and if needed will prompt for the installation of dependencies.
Click Install.
If unable to download/install automatically these prerequisites, use the following link to install
2. Once all dependencies are checked/ installed automatically, the following window will be prompted:
Click Next
3. Once the installation is complete, the user can find the shortcut for ANT on his desktop.
v1.0.0.1 Page 1 of 5
Additional Note/Troubleshooting:
Unable to install prerequisites, following are the direct links to do the same:
.NET Framework 4 installer error (HRESULT: 0xc8000222) -Install the following patch:
Google Drive link
Some Antivirus might give ANT_setup.exe as False positive eg: 360 Total Security, add it to
trusted file.
Softwares like Magic Macro, AutoHotKey, AutoIT, FastKeys etc. should be disabled while
running ANT.
F1 / F2 / F6 etc not opening Buy/Sell/SnapQuote. ANT installation has become corrupt. Navigate
to C:/Alice/ANT,and double click Uninstall.vbs .Reinstall ANT Page 2 of 5
Frequently Asked Questions:
Minimum System Specification for running ANT smoothly:
Windows 7/8/10.
Windows XP issue:
For Windows XP users, before the ANT installation, please download and install Microsoft WIC
(if not installed already) from the following link: Page 3 of 5
Shortcuts in ANT
S no. Functionality Shortcut Keys
1. Change Password Ctrl + Shift + F9
2. Exit Alt + F4
3. Buy Order F1 or Alt + F1
4. Sell Order F2 or Alt + F2
5. Cover Order Buy Shift + F1 Page 5 of 5