Quiz On The Sacraments

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Capulong, Vincent Paulo I 1H

Quiz on the Sacraments

1.Christ, the Primordial Sacrament and the Church as the Fundamental Sacrament

Jesus is the Primordial Sacrament because he is the Sacrament of the Father, Jesus is a
sacrament, a sign and personification of all that God is, Jesus is the instrument through
which God encounters peoplem, all other Christian sacraments have their meaning only
in and through Jesus’ sacramentality, the Church is fundamentally and only a
sacrament because Jesus is a sacrament, through Jesus, God the Father in His love and
mercy, gave man all that he needed in order to be saved (His grace, forgiveness, justice
and compassion)

In Jesus, all men are saved. He becomes the Father’s sacrament by his preaching on
God’s love and His Kingdom, and by His very actions that concretizes what He
preaches (healing the sick, giving sight to the blind, performing miracles to bring God’s
kingdom closer to man)

2. .What is the current definition of Sacrament?

- According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, The sacraments are efficacious
signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is
dispensed to us. The word efficacious means 'effective.' This means that according to
Catholic teachings, sacraments do what they say they do.

Because of God's power, they simply work, Catholics believe. A sign is an object, word,
or gesture that points to something beyond itself. According to Catholic teaching,
sacraments use all kinds of human objects, words, and gestures, but all of these point
beyond themselves to something greater, to God and His grace. Catholics define grace
as God's free gift of His presence, His help, and His salvation. Catholics believe, then,
that sacraments point to and are channels of God's grace. They work as an effective
means of communication between God and His people.
3. How is the traditional description of sacraments as “sensible signs” modified today?

Sacraments make use of ordinary things or objects, ordinary actions and even ordinary
words.) These are sensible realities, meaning, they can be perceived by our senses of
touch, smell, taste. b.) these sacramental signs are natural symbols but they are elevated
by divine choice; their use point to the transcendent reality of God

Some sacraments such as Penance, Holy Orders and Matrimony do not make use of
material things, but actions alone. Ex: A.)Penance – absolution B.) Holy Orders –
imposition of the hand C.) Matrimony – consent or willingness of the man and woman

these may be ordinary actions but God has chosen these particular actions to effect His
encounter with men

Spoken words accompany the actions and the objects that make up a sacrament. The
word makes the physical action into divine sacrament. The word brings about the
meaning of the actions

4. How are the expressions “instituted by Christ” and “actions of Christ” understood

The sacraments arise out of the story of Jesus’ life and actions, and flow from his values
and teachings. He allowed himself to be baptized, and he broke bread and shared it out
of those special events come Baptism and Eucharist. He saw very basic values and
experiences (forgiveness, concern for the sick, marriage, service) and he transformed
those ordinary human values into spiritual values by helping people see God’s love
made visible through the living of those values.
5.How is “to give grace” understood today?

Sacraments are the visible form of invisible graces, And when we talk about the sacrament,
it not only signifies the holy Eucharist but all the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church.
Sometimes we may tend to believe that, it is the recipient’s attitude or state that matters. But
it doesn’t work that way. Even if a recipient doesn’t take it seriously, God takes it very
seriously. Two partners entering into marriage may not be very serious about it, but God is.

A child taking Baptism may not be aware about it, but God is. A person may not take
Eucharist in a worthy manner, but it is still the body and blood of Christ. A person may not
be able to forgive himself even after a true confession and reconciliation, but God does.

Every time we receive these sacraments, we receive graces from God which may or may not
be visible. These are like the seeds of graces which are planted in our lives, and then it
depends on us whether do we allow it to grow as a tree or if we kill it before getting roots or
before developing branches or before bearing the fruits.

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