कर्ण An overglorified नराधम
कर्ण An overglorified नराधम
कर्ण An overglorified नराधम
glorified नराधम
| ॐ श्रीरामायनम: |
। ॐ श्रीवेदव्यासाय नम: |
। ॐ श्रीकृष्णाय नम: |
। ॐ श्रीसरस्वत्यै नम: |
।ॐ श्रीगुरुभ्यो नम: ।
। हरि: ॐ ।
महाभारतwritten by भगवान वेदव्यासhas many many personalities (अंशावतार). Except भगवान श्रीकृष्ण,
every other अंशावतार\ अवतारdisplays influence of मोह, मद, ईर्ष्या.
For नराधम like दुर्योधन शकुनि there is unanimous opinion. But one नराधम , कर्ण, has been been falsely
and fraudulently eulogized and has been put on a pedestal.
A lot of this fraud has been done by or at behest of ‘subalterns’ who love eulogizing a नराधम
such as रावणor कर्ण, who are condemned by all including भगवान himself.
कर्णhas been portrayed as invincible, दानवीर ,but unfortunate wronged hero who could have
defeated all पान्डव if he was treated right. In reality is कर्णwas an utter coward who fled from
रणभुमी, used absolutely vulgar terms for द्रौपदी माता, was a blowhard without commensurate
achievements in रणभुमी.
We felt it is necessary for many good सनातनी Hindus to know truth about कर्णand not by
waylaid by subaltern movements eulogizing him. This is a humble effort for the same.
Primary source for our inquiry will be the Gita Press edition of महाभारत. All shlokas with Gita
Press Hindi translation have been given here along with a link to shloka in the online edition of
Gita Press Mahabharata. We will not be giving our ‘opinion’ in a vacuum but will quote the
महाभारतshlokas and derive conclusions based on that.
Mahabharata is divided into पर्वand each पर्वhas उपपर्वand further we have अध्याय and श्लोक. When
giving a reference screenshot and location of the shloka in Mahabharata in पर्वis given.
Numbering of अध्याय is as per पर्वand not उपपर्व(i.e. numbering of अध्याय is reset in beginning of
new पर्वand not in beginning of उपपर्व).
We will 1st list earliest references to Karna in Mahabharata. Then we will list instances of his
fleeing battlefields. And then all instances of his wickedness. To be fair we will also list praise of
Karna as told by others including भगवान श्रीकृष्ण. At end we will list praiseworthy knowledge
displayed by Karna.
कर्णis probably amongst the most well known personalities from Mahabharata along with भीष्म,
अर्जुन. We will start our enquiry with 1st reference to कर्णin अनुक्रमणिका पर्वand then attempt to
analyze each of his ‘brave’ acts or ‘दानवीर’ acts.
(There is a reference to कर्णपर्वin अनुक्रमणिका पर्वbut since it is not a reference to कर्णwe have
ignored it.
This is how Karna is described when he is mentioned very 1st time in Mahabharata.
Ref: महाभारतअनुक्रमणिका पर्व1:110.
Link:https://archive.org/details/Mahabharata_201712/page/n31/mode/2up )
Commentary by Gita Press puts meaning of this shloka succinctly.
Translation: Duryoadhana is krodha and Karna Shakuni are his forms.
Then the 1st act of bravery by Karna is given as such. When भगवान श्रीकृष्णwent to Kauravas for
sandhi, then Karna and Duryodhana conspired to arrest भगवान श्रीकृष्ण. Who else but an utter
नराधमcan have such plans.
Ref: महाभारतअनुक्रमणिका पर्व1:176.
Link:https://archive.org/details/Mahabharata_201712/page/n37/mode/2up )
Birth of Karna
We now come to the birth of Karna which is fairly well known. Kunti was a कन्या when दुर्वासा
visited her father कुन्तीभोज. Pleased by selfless service by Kunti to him, दुर्वासा granted her दिव्य मन्त्र
to beget sons from देवता. Kunti out of कुतुहलused सुर्यमन्त्रand भगवान सुर्य visited her and gave her a
son as तेजस्वि as भगवान सुर्य himself. Kunti was unmarried then and out of fear, put the newborn
son in a box and floated the box in गंगा. A सुतby name of अधिरथand his wife राधा found the box
and raised the son like their own. Hence Karna was referred to as सुतपुत्रby अर्जुन , भीम , भीष्मand
Ref: महाभारतअनुक्रमणिका पर्व110:16.
Ref: https://archive.org/details/Mahabharata_201712/page/n381/mode/2up
5.2 During battle on the day of Jayadratha vadh, Bhim defeated Karna and Karna ran
Ref: महाभारतद्रोणपर्व134:33
5.3 Karna was defeated repeatedly by Bhim. At the final instance of Bhim Karna battles,
Bhim climbed in the chariot of Karna to cut his tongue off (for his boasts) and left at the
pleading of the charioteer of Karna, Shalya. At the end, Shalya took away defeated
Karna away from battle with Bhimsen.
Ref: महाभारतकर्णपर्व50:32.
Instances of cruelty and wickedness.
Reference: वनपर्व310:23
At the end of Mahabharata though , there is a reference to this exchange as दान. But since
exchange is clearly mentioned, we cannot treat this as a दान.
Ref: आदिपर्व186:15
Link: https://archive.org/details/Mahabharata_201712/page/n603/mode/2up
Ref: आदिपर्व186:19
Link: https://archive.org/details/Mahabharata_201712/page/n603/mode/2up
Ref: आदिपर्व187:4
Link: https://archive.org/details/Mahabharata_201712/page/n603/mode/2up
Ref: आदिपर्व187:19
Link: https://archive.org/details/Mahabharata_201712/page/n609/mode/2up
Ref: आदिपर्व187:25
Link: https://archive.org/details/Mahabharata_201712/page/n605/mode/2up
Karna was condemned by others including
Bhagvaan ShriKrishna.
Vali (Indra or IndraPutra) was explicitly told by भगवान श्रीरामthat elder brother is like a पिता. Ergo
पत्नी of an elder brother is like a माता. This talk by भगवान श्रीरामwas in front of Sugriva (Surya or
SuryaPutra in TretaYuga) as well. In the same talk भगवान श्रीरामtold वालि reason for भगवान श्रीराम
killing वालि was because he was cohabiting with wife of younger brother.
Sugriva heard from भगवान श्रीरामhimself and observed punishment given to वालि. Still Sugriva
went ahead and cohabited with the wife of the elder brother. For this he wasn’t punished in
Sugriva रुप. We can say Surya Putra paid for this act in the next life as Karna.
Ref: Ramayana किष्किन्धाकाण्ड17:13 to किष्किन्धाकाण्ड17:19.
Also at one place Mahabharata, Bhagvan VedVyaas tells us that after Bhagvaan ShriKrishna
killed Narakasura, Narakasura entered the body of Karna. Narakasura was responsible for the
enmity of Karna with Arjuna.
Ref: वनपर्व252:20
We can say that Karna had many good qualities but Karna (even if under influence of
Narakasura) acted in a wicked and vile manner is beyond doubt. अश्वत्थामा (रुद्रhimself) is called
नराधम for killing sleeping Pandava children and using ब्रह्मास्त्रon परिक्षितwho was in the womb. कर्ण
cannot escape responsibility of his actions because of having ‘difficult childhood’. There is
Subaltern interpretation or any interpretation allowed of धर्मशास्त्र. Karna was by no way on the
side of the धर्म. भीमसेन, अर्जुन, भीष्म, सात्यकि were far far better क्षत्रियthan Karna. Karna should be
treated the same way as we treat अश्वत्थामा or द्रोणाचार्य: great warrior but on side of अधर्म. But
definitely Karna wasn’t even an outstanding क्षत्रियor दानवीर.