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(l ) Worl~~;~~~~~:! Property ~ 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
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0 (57) Abstract: Use of a biomass of one or more micro-organisms selected in the group consisting of microalgae and cyanobacteria as
~ an active ingredient for stimulating in a plant the immune defences against pathogenic agents. Such cyanobacteria comprise Spirulina
0 platensis and Spirulina maxima.
wo 2020/115646 PCT/IB2019/060384
A prompt and localized response of the plant cells in the infection site induces
the accumulation of Pathogenesis-Related (PR) enzymes and phytoalexins,
i.e. antimicrobial compounds normally produced by the cell tissues of plants,
which accumulate in a larger amount in response to the attack of pathogenic
agents, but which are already present in the plant in conditions of good health
and absence of disease.
In light of recent legislative restrictions on the use of plant protection products
in agriculture (Directive 2009/128/EC), the use of elicitor compounds in the
fight for the protection of plants represents an excellent alternative to the use
of plant protection products.
The use of elicitor compounds is also well suited to use in organic farming.
Much of the research conducted over recent years has looked at testing
different types of compounds for their ability to induce the innate defences
of plants, and the best known compounds identified consist of photostable
analogues of salicylic acid (e.g. BTH) and chitosan.
In relation to photostable analogues of salicylic acid, BTH (acibenzolar-S-
methyl, o-benzothiadiazole) represents a compound of chemical derivatization,
not present in nature which, as such and as can be deduced from technical
data sheet of the compound itself, can cause damage to the environment,
in particular for aquatic organisms in the aquatic environment and for human
health, in particular for farmers who have to distribute the BTH on the plants.
Chitosan, on the other hand, is a natural compound, in particular a
polysaccharide derived from chitin, the substance that constitutes the
teguments that cover insects and crustaceans and that is obtained from
grinding the shells of crustaceans such as lobsters, prawns and crabs.
Its high availability, at a relatively good price, and its wide spectrum of activity
make it one of the most useful elicitor compounds and for the moment one
of the most widely used.
However, its mass production at industrial level could lead to a considerable
hunt for crustaceans which, if not suitably controlled through ad hoc legislation,
could even lead to the extinction of some species.
Description of the invention
The present invention intends to realize an alternative elicitor product
with respect to known products which also overcomes the limitations and
drawbacks previously indicated.
wo 2020/115646 PCT/IB2019/060384
defences of the plant without the individual molecules that compose them
having been previously isolated or separated.
Furthermore, the biomasses of microalgae and cyanobacteria do not require
post-production chemical changes so that, for the purposes of the present
invention, such biomasses are preferably used as such as they are obtained
from known extraction processes such as, for example, a process comprising
the drying and grinding operations of a plurality of cultures of cells of such
m icroalgae and/or cyanobacteria.
In this way, the resulting biomass is advantageously in the form of dry powder
that maintains intact its elicitor properties and that is also easy to manage and
has greater durability and storage and transport simplicity.
The aforesaid microalgae and cyanobacteria indicated comprise a large variety
of bioactive molecules that act as activators of different plant biological
In particular, such bioactive molecules comprise mono and polysaccharides,
fatty acids, amino acids, proteins, peptides, phenols and polyphenols, micro
and macronutrients, vitamins and minerals.
Furthermore, each microalga and each cyanobacterium have a different pool
of such bioactive molecules so that, advantageously, the use of such
biomasses in mixture allows an elicitor action to be exercised on different types
of plants and cultures.
According to the preferred embodiment of the invention, the biomass is
selected from microalgae and cyanobacteria that can produce and accumulate
fatty acids, in particular the fatty acids linoleic acid and linolenic acid.
Preferably, such microalgae and cyanobacteria are able to produce and
accumulate both linoleic and linolenic fatty acids.
Such fatty acids are particularly advantageous as they are implied in the
stimulation of animal and plant cell defence mechanisms. In fact, they induce
the activation of NADPH oxidase enzymes through the stimulation of the
production of protein kinase C, resulting in an activation of the production of
the reactive oxygen species (ROS) molecules.
The micro-organisms of the present invention are preferably selected from the
microalgae and cyanobacteria that contain a quantity of linoleic acid greater
than 3%, preferably greater than 10%, more preferably greater than 14% with
respect to the total lipid content.
wo 2020/115646 PCT/IB2019/060384
and others known in the state of the art for obtaining a product which, mixed
in water, forms a suspension.
Another example of liquid formulation comprises soluble powder, i.e. a
powdery formulation like the previous one which, when mixed in water, forms a
stable diluted solution.
Then it is not excluded that such composition is in emulsion form in water,
preferably in the presence of amphiphilic compounds, surfactants, dispersants
or other stabilizers for guaranteeing the stability thereof.
Again, the composition may be in the form of solid dispersible microgranules
or even in the form of suspensions of microcapsules having an interface made
of a thin polymer film, as will be described in more detail below.
The formulation of the composition in liquid form is particularly preferred due to
its ease of application on the plant through spraying or aerosol.
It is not excluded that, according to variants of the invention, the aforesaid
composition is in formulation for endotherapic treatment.
In such endotherapic formulation, the composition will comprise adjuvants
especially formulated and known in the state of the art for being injected along
the xylematic vessels and spreading along them.
Again, the composition of the invention may be in solid, liquid or gaseous
formulation for gaseous treatments, so-called fumigations.
The term phytoiatric agents means all the known compounds with pesticide
action such as bactericidal, fungicidal or anticryptogamic agents, insecticides,
nematicides, repellents and plant protection products.
The growth adjuvant agents comprise growth regulators and vegetable
charcoal and, finally, plant defence mechanism elicitor agents suitable for
use in the present invention comprise by way of non-limiting example,
13-aminobutyric acid, 2,6-dichloroisonicotinic acid, photostable analogues of
salicylic acid and chitosan.
The use of chitosan as an elicitor agent is particularly preferred.
Advantageously, the use of phytoiatric agents, growth adjuvant agents and/or
plant elicitor agents in the composition of the invention allows the plant
immune defence stimulation activity by spirulina to be combined with a plurality
of further beneficial effects on the growth and preservation of the plant itself.
In the aforesaid composition, the spirulina content is preferably greater than
about 15%, more preferably greater than about 35%, even more preferably
wo 2020/115646 PCT/IB2019/060384
greater than about 50% by weight with respect to the total weight of the
A third embodiment of the invention that will now be described comprises all
the characteristics indicated for the preferred embodiment of the invention and
for the second embodiment of the invention, including the variants, in which at
least a part of the biomass is contained in a plurality of microcapsules.
The term microcapsule means solid or liquid particles of micro/nanometric
dimensions having a central core comprising the biomass of the invention, in
liquid or solid form, surrounded by an interface comprising a polymer material
or an amphiphilic compound, or both.
In the present description and the following claims, the term "interface" must be
interpreted as the separation surface between the central core of biomass and
the environment external to the microcapsule itself.
Preferably, each of such microcapsules has dimensions less than 100 1-Jm,
preferably comprised between 50 1-1m and 100 nm, even more preferably
comprised between 20 1-1m and 500 nm.
Advantageously, the use of such microcapsules allows the biomass to be
protected from external agents and from any leaching, increasing the
residence time on the site of the plant where it is applied, e.g. on the leaves
and, also, increasing the efficacy of use of the biomass itself due to its gradual
Furthermore, thanks to the micrometric dimensions, such microcapsules of
biomass can also be used for endotherapic treatments as they are able to
reach the phloem and the xylem of the plant.
Again, advantageously, the use of such microcapsules allows an agricultural
product to be realized which, with the equivalent amount of biomass used,
will have a greater concentration of active ingredient available with respect to
the concentration of active ingredient that is obtained by mixing, e.g. in the
aqueous phase, the spirulina biomass directly with the polymer material or the
amphiphilic compound.
In fact, when the spirulina biomass is mixed directly in the aqueous phase with
the polymer material or with the amphiphilic compound, in particular when the
polymer material is chitosan, a part of the spirulina biomass precipitates,
causing the reduction of the concentration of the biomass available for the
plant during the use of the product.
wo 2020/115646 PCT/IB2019/060384
Such microcapsules may also be in liquid form, for example in an emulsion,
or in solid form.
Advantageously, the microencapsulated biomass may be used in mixture with
one or more compounds selected from the formulation agents, phytoiatric
agents, growth adjuvant agents and plant elicitor agents previously described.
Furthermore, preferably, at least part of such compounds is contained in a
plurality of microcapsules having an interface comprising a polymer material
and/or an amphiphilic compound.
Advantageously, the microencapsulation of such mentioned compounds allows
them to be protected against external agents.
Preferably, the biomass and compounds are co-microencapsulated, i.e. each
of the microcapsules containing the biomass according to the invention
contains inside it the aforesaid biomass together with at least part of the
compound(s) selected from those indicated above.
Such co-microencapsulation is particularly advantageous as it allows the
elicitor action of the biomass of the invention to be combined with the
beneficial activity of the compounds indicated above and further guarantees
the maintenance of the correct dosing proportions between biomass and
compound during application on the plant.
However, it is not excluded that at least part of such compounds is contained
in a plurality of microcapsules, separately from the aforesaid biomass.
According to the aforesaid third embodiment of the invention, the biomass
of active ingredient is incorporated in microcapsules through spray-drying
Preferably, also the compounds mentioned above are incorporated in
microcapsules through spray-drying technology.
Spray-drying technology essentially consists of the transformation of a liquid
solution into a set of solid particles through a solvent evaporation process.
The spray-drying process schematically comprises four main operations:
atomization of the solution of biomass or biomass associated with one or more
of the previously indicated compounds, in drops, through a nozzle; mixing of
such drops with a stream of hot air at a predefined temperature; evaporation of
the solvent with transformation of the drops into solid particulate, and finally
collection of the solid particulate obtained.
wo 2020/115646 PCT/IB2019/060384
2.4 L of water.
200 ml of the solution thus obtained were distributed through spraying onto the
foliage of each plant of 6 Vitis vinifera plants, Merlot variety, and 6 Vitis vinifera
plants, Corvina variety, in a pot and in the ripening phase, so as to treat each
plant with 3.3 mg of spirulina.
Such treatment was repeated on each plant with a treatment frequency of 14
days until reaching 2 treatments.
10 bunches for each of the aforesaid plants were harvested 10 days after the
second treatment and were evaluated for the presence of botrytis.
The following parameters were evaluated:
- incidence: % of bunches affected by botrytis and rot with respect to the total
number of bunches per plant;
- severity: % of grapes affected by botrytis and rot per bunch.
The results obtained are reported in Table 1, where it is possible to identify a
clear trend towards greater overall health of the bunches in plants of vines
treated with spirulina with respect to control plants that were not treated.
Table 1
Botrytis Control Treatment
Incidence (%) 43 18
Severity (%) 6 1.2
200 mg of the powder obtained were inserted and weighed in a glass tube
into which 10 ml of methanol and 100 1-JI of trans-4-hydroxystilbene 100 mg/1
(internal standard) were added; the glass tube was then closed and shaken
by hand for 10 min, keeping it wrapped in foil to protect it from the light. The
solution obtained was filtered on paper filter in a vacuum flask and the solvent
was made to evaporate with a Rotavapor.
The dry residue obtained was immediately rehydrated with 0.5 ml of methanol
and 0.5 ml of water, filtered on a 0.22 1-Jm membrane filter and directly injected
into HPLC.
The stilbenes were separated on a Lichrospher C18 column (4 mm x 250 mm,
5 1-Jm, Agilent Technologies) using a HPLC system (Waters Corporation)
equipped with a dual-wavelength UV detector (Waters Corporation).
The mobile phase was comprised of aqueous solution HCOOH 0.5% (solvent
A) and CH30H and HCOOH 2% (solvent B). The gradient program set was:
from 0 to 10% B in 3 min, from 10 to 30% B in 5 min, from 30 to 44% B in
35 min, from 44 to 55% B in 2 min, from 55 to 75% B in 15 min and from 75
to 100% B in 1 min. After washing for 2 min with solvent B, the column was
rebalanced with solvent A.
The flow speed was 1.0 ml/min and the injection volume 20 1-JI. The detection
of stilbenes was performed at the wavelengths of 306 and 285 nm for trans-
and cis-isomers, respectively.
The concentration of the individual stilbenes was quantified on the basis of the
area of the peak and the calibration curves of the commercially available
standards of trans-resveratrol and alpha-viniferin in concentrations comprised
between 25 and 400 1-Jg/m I.
The results obtained are reported in Table 2.
Table 2
Stilbenes Control Treatment
Day? 36.26 ± 11.40 158.89 ± 0.43
Day 14 139.55 ± 15.64 266.76 ± 12.94
Day? nd nd
Day 14 407.40 ± 115.86 519.55 ± 72.88
nd= not determinable
standard deviation.
The results obtained show that treatment with spirulina determines in plants
a considerable increase in the resveratrol content with respect to untreated
plants, 7 days after the last treatment performed.
Furthermore, advantageously, such increase continues up to 14 days after
such treatment.
Treatment with spirulina also stimulates the production of viniferin up to 14
days after treatment.
1. 3 Analvsis of must
The sugar content of the must expresses the amount of natural sugar (grape
sugar and fruit sugar) contained in the must before the fermentation thereof.
Such value allows the degree of alcohol after fermentation to be predicted.
It is expressed in degrees Brix and is calculated as follows: n grams of sugar in
100 grams of sugar solution correspond to n degrees Brix at 20°C.
As must is a solution that does not contain only sugars, 1oBrix is approximately
equivalent to a content of 8 g of sugars per Litre of must.
The pH value in the wine essentially depends on the total volume of the acids,
the ratio between malic acid, tartaric acid and the amount of potassium which
in part neutralizes the acidic effect.
Knowledge of the pH is also important for suitable control of the presence
of sulphur dioxide.
After fermentation, lower pH levels increase the efficacy of the clarification and
improve the stability of the colour.
In terms of flavour, the lower the pH the more the wine is acidic and astringent.
Wines with pH over 3.6 are at risk of bacterial instability, whereas the pH lower
than 3.2 the activity of the lactic bacteria is inhibited and therefore malolactic
fermentation cannot take place.
The plants of example 1.1 were analysed in order to evaluate the sugar
content and the pH of the must during the harvest period, 27 days after the
second treatment.
The results obtained are shown in Table 3, where it is possible to highlight how
treatment with spirulina does not affect either the sugar content of the must or
the pH of the latter.
Table 3
Control Treatment F test
Sugars ( 0 8rix) 21.6 21.1 ns
pH 3.37 3.38 ns
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The SPAD data do not show any significant differences (F test) between
control plants and plants treated with spirulina, indicating that the nutritional
wo 2020/115646 PCT/IB2019/060384
status of the plant following the treatment with spirulina has not changed.
1.5 Fruit set analysis
On the plants analysed in example 1.4 the effect of the treatment with spirulina
on the fruit set of the plant was also evaluated.
Fruit set is the initial stage of the development of fruits, subsequent to the
flowering of the plant.
It is one of the most important moments of the development of the future
harvest and is represented by the ratio between the number of fruits that
develop from fertilized flowers and that of the total number of flowers present
on the plant at the start of flowering.
Such index is also considered to be a good indicator of the efficiency of
the dual process of pollination and fertilization as it consists of successful
fertilization with the consequent swelling of the ovary and the formation of
seeds that stimulate the growth of the fruit.
For the analysis of fruit set 6 bunches were harvested and analysed for each
plant among those indicated in example 1.4 (treatment and control), 7 days
after the second treatment.
The results obtained are reported in Table 5 and show a significantly positive
effect (p, Duncan test) of treatment with spirulina on the fruit set process with
respect to the control plants.
Table 5
Control Treatment p
Number of grapes/
55.2 76.8 :::;Q.0005
aspirated with a flow of about 30-55 Llhr in order to guarantee the minimum
residence time within the instrument.
0.6 g of microencapsulated particulate was therefore obtained, recovered and
stored at 4°C.
2. 2 Preparation of spirulina microencapsulated through nanoemulsion
1 g of dried Spirulina platensis (Aighltaly) biomass powder, a 0.25% solution of
chitosan in the form of a homogeneous solution and a 0.2% solution of aescin
were dissolved, through agitation, in 90 ml of water.
10 ml of seed oil were added to the solution obtained while stirring.
The suspension obtained was treated using a microfluidic nanoemulsion
instrument (LM20-30 Microfluidizer®) through three passages at 15000 Psi
of pressure to form a nanoemulsion having an aqueous phase comprising part
of the biomass in the form of microcapsules having a chitosan interface, and
an organic phase in which the lipophilic part of the biomass is dissolved in the
drops of oil and each drop is surrounded by an aescin interface.
2. 3 Botrvtis analysis on plants treated with microencapsulated spirulina
39.6 mg of the microencapsulated particulate obtained in example 2.1 were
dissolved in 2.4 L of water.
200 ml of the solution thus obtained were distributed through spraying onto the
foliage of each plant of 6 Vitis vinifera plants, Merlot variety, and 6 Vitis vinifera
plants, Corvina variety, in a pot and in the ripening phase, so as to treat each
plant with 3.3 mg of microencapsulated spirulina.
Such treatment was repeated on each plant with a treatment frequency of
14 days until reaching 2 treatments.
Furthermore, 6 Vitis vinifera plants, Merlot variety, grown in a pot, and 3 Vitis
vinifera plants, Merlot variety, grown in the field were treated by spraying the
leaves with an aqueous solution of spirulina prepared according to example
Six Vitis vinifera plants, Merlot variety, grown in a pot, and 3 Vitis vinifera
plants, Merlot variety, grown in the field were treated by spraying the leaves
with an aqueous solution of spirulina with which a 0.25% chitosan solution was
Furthermore, 6 Vitis vinifera plants, Merlot variety, grown in a pot, and 3 Vitis
wo 2020/115646 PCT/IB2019/060384
vinifera plants, Merlot variety, grown in the field were treated by spraying the
leaves with a nanoemulsion of spirulina prepared according to example 2.2.
Finally, 3 Vitis vinifera plants, Merlot variety, grown in a pot, and 3 Vitis vinifera
plants, Merlot variety, grown in the field were treated with water and evaluated
as control plants.
10 bunches for each of the aforesaid plants were harvested 10 days after the
second treatment and were evaluated for the presence of botrytis.
The following parameters were evaluated:
- incidence: % of bunches affected by botrytis and rot with respect to the total
number of bunches per plant;
- severity: % of grapes affected by botrytis and rot per bunch.
The results obtained are reported in Table 6, where it is possible to identify a
clear trend towards greater overall health of the bunches in the plants treated
with the spirulina biomass contained in microcapsules both in solid form
through a spray-dryer and in liquid form through a nanoemulsion instrument
with respect to the control plants and the plants treated with a mixture of
spirulina and chitosan.
Table 6
Mixture of Spirulina in
Spirulina in
Spirulina microcapsules
Botrytis Control Spirulina microcapsules
and nanoemulsion
chitosan instrument
45 25 24.5 23 20
5 2.4 3 2.3 2
Table 7
Spirulina in
Spirulina in
microcapsules F
Control Spirulina microcapsules
nanoemulsion Test
21.5 21.2 20.9 21.0 ns
( 8rix)
pH 3.32 3.35 3.30 3.36 ns
ns= not significant
SPAD-502 leaf clip (Konika Minolta), 6 days after the second treatment.
The results obtained are reported in Table 8, showing the chlorophyll content
expressed in SPAD units, measured in the control plants (which were not
treated either with spirulina or with microencapsulated spirulina), plants treated
with non microencapsulated spirulina solution, plants treated with a solution
of spirulina and chitosan, plants treated with a solution of spirulina
microencapsulated through a spray-dryer and plants treated with spirulina
microencapsulated by a nanoemulsion instrument.
Table 8
Mixture of Spirulina in
Spirulina in
Spirulina microcapsules F
Control Spirulina microcapsules
and nanoemulsion test
chitosan instrument
SPAD 32.7 31.9 31.8 32.0 32.6 ns
ns= not significant
The results show that treatment with the spirulina biomass contained in
microcapsules does not affect the photosynthetic activity of the plant.
2. 6 Analysis of downy mildew on plants treated with microencapsulated
spirulina biomass
Plants treated with spirulina microencapsulated through a spray-dryer and
through a nanoemulsion instrument, plants treated with a solution of spirulina
and chitosan, and the control plants of example 2.5 were evaluated for the
presence of downy mildew, 14 days after the third treatment.
Of the plants treated with spirulina microencapsulated through a spray-dryer
and through a nanoemulsion instrument, less than 25% of the foliage was
affected by downy mildew, the plants treated with a spirulina and chitosan
solution had about 50% of the foliage affected by downy mildew and the
control plants had between 50% and 75% of foliage affected by the disease.
Such results show how plants treated with microencapsulated spirulina
develop the disease in a significantly attenuated way with respect to plants not
2. 7 Leaf disk assays on plants treated with microencapsulated spirulina
From each plant treated according to example 2.5, 7 days after the fourth
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The results obtained are shown in Table 9 reporting the absorbance values
at 290 nm of the leaves of the plants treated with spirulina, spirulina mixed
with chitosan, spirulina microencapsulated through a spray-dryer, and spirulina
microencapsulated through a nanoemulsion instrument, and of the control
plants, and wherein TO = leaves sampled at zero time from the seventh
treatment; T1 = leaves samples 3 days after the seventh treatment; T2 =
leaves sampled 7 days after the seventh treatment and T3 = leaves sampled
15 days after the seventh treatment.
Table 9
Absorbance 290 nm
TO T1 T2 T3
Control 0.0293 0.3613 0.9820 0.3183
Spirulina 0.0447 0.1980 0.1523 0.3843
Mixture of
Spirulina 0.0300 0.1500 0.3540 0.6460
and chitosan
Spirulina in
microcapsules 0.0503 0.2763 0.4163 1.1247
Spirulina in
0.0491 0.2932 0.5640 1.1423
The air flow responsible for drying was then heated to a temperature
comprised between 80 and 200°C and the spirulina and chitosan solution
aspirated with a flow of about 30-55 Llhr in order to guarantee the minimum
residence time within the instrument.
0.6 g of microencapsulated particulate were therefore obtained, recovered and
stored at 4°C.
3. 4 Analysis of downy mildew on plants treated with a composition of spirulina
and aluminium ethyl phosphite co-microencapsulated through spray-drver
300 mg of the microencapsulated particulate obtained in example 3.3 were
dissolved in 600 ml of water.
200 ml of the solution thus obtained were distributed through spraying onto
the foliage of each plant of 3 Vitis vinifera plants, Merlot variety, in a pot and
in the ripening phase, so as to treat each plant with 100 mg of the co-
microencapsulated composition of spirulina and aluminium ethyl phosphite.
Such treatments were repeated on each plant with a treatment frequency of
14 days until reaching 2 treatments.
The plants treated with the co-microencapsulated composition and 3 Vitis
vinifera plants, Merlot variety, in a pot that were not treated with the
composition (control plants) were evaluated for the presence of downy mildew,
14 days after the second treatment.
Of the plants treated with the composition, less than 25% of the foliage was
affected by downy mildew, whereas the control plants had between 50% and
75% of foliage affected by the disease.
Such results show how plants treated with the co-microencapsulated
composition develop the disease in a significantly attenuated way with respect
to plants not treated.
3.5 Preparation of a composition of spirulina and liposoluble compound
co-microencapsulated through spray-dryer
1 g of dried Spirulina platensis biomass powder was dissolved, through
agitation, in 90 ml of water.
0.1 g of dimethomorph were dissolved in 10 ml of vegetable oil and mixed with
the spirulina solution to form a 1% w/v suspension of spirulina which was then
sonicated and homogenized until obtaining a homogeneous mixture.
A solution of chitosan dissolved in 0.25 M acetic acid was then mixed by
magnetic stirring with the mixture obtained, such as to obtain a final
wo 2020/115646 PCT/IB2019/060384
1) Use of a Spirulina platensis biomass as the active ingredient for the
stimulation in a plant of the immune defences against pathogenic agents
characterized in that at least a part of said biomass is contained in a plurality
of microcapsules.
2) Use according to the preceding claim, characterized in that said
microcapsules have an interface comprising a polymer material and/or an
amphiphilic compound.
3) Use according to the preceding claim, characterized in that said
polymer material is chitosan.
4) Use according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in
that each of such microcapsules has dimensions less than 100 1-Jm, preferably
comprised between 50 1-1m and 100 nm, more preferably comprised between
20 1-1m and 500 nm.
5) Use according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized
in that said biomass is incorporated into said microcapsules by means of
nanoemulsion technology.
6) Use according to any one of claims 1 to 4, characterized in that said
biomass is incorporated into said microcapsules by means of spray-drying
7) Use according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in
that said plant is a fruit plant, preferably a fruit plant selected in the group
consisting of Vitis Vinifera, Olea europaea and Actinidia chinensis.
8) Use according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in
that said biomass is applied to the leaves of said plant and/or the trunk of said
plant by endotherapic injection.
9) Use according to the preceding claim, characterized in that said
biomass is applied to said plant in a dose comprised between 1 and 500 mg
per plant, preferably between 50 and 250 mg per plant.
10) Use according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in
that said biomass is further associated with one or more compounds selected
in the group consisting of formulation agents, phytoiatric agents, growth
adjuvants agents and elicitor agents of the defence mechanisms of plants, said
elicitor agents preferably being chitosan.
11) Use according to claim 10, characterized in that at least part of said
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