Development of High Frequency Multiple Shoots in The Yellow Cactus, Selenicereus Megalanthus
Development of High Frequency Multiple Shoots in The Yellow Cactus, Selenicereus Megalanthus
Development of High Frequency Multiple Shoots in The Yellow Cactus, Selenicereus Megalanthus
Development of high frequency multiple shoots in the
yellow cactus, Selenicereus megalanthus
Key words: Selenicereus megalanthus, in vitro, yellow pitaya, multiple shoots, MS-Murashige and Skoog
Introduction chloride for 3 min. The sterilized seeds were washed and rinsed
thoroughly with sterile double-distilled water to remove any
Selenicereus megalanthus is a cactus species native to northern residue of the sterilents. The sterilized seeds were germinated on
South America. The species is grown commercially for its fruit, MS medium (Murashige and Skoog, 1962) supplemented with
but is also an impressive ornamental vine with large yellow 100 mgL-1 m-inositol, 3% w/v sucrose as the carbon source, pH
flowers. According to Anderson (2001) these are the largest was adjusted to 5.6, and solidified with 0.8% (w/v) agar. Seeds
flowers within the cactus family. Because of its yellow flowers were inoculated into test tubes containing 10 mL of MS medium
it is known as yellow pitaya. It is a climbing or procumbent supplemented with different concentrations of BAP. Each test tube
cactus, the fruit is a medium sized oblong berry with a yellow was inoculated with single seed of S. megalanthus. 30 seeds were
peel bearing tubercles and thorns that are shed during ripening. taken for each treatment which was replicated three times. For
The pulp is white, lacking distinct aroma and contains numerous rooting, the regenerated shoots were harvested and transferred
small edible black seeds. In recent years yellow pitaya has been to MS medium supplemented with various concentrations of
seen as a marketable fruit crop with an increasing demand. 3-indole butyric acid (IBA). The cultures were maintained at a
temperature of 25 ± 2°C and relative humidity of 75 ± 5%. A 16
The earliest reported work on shoot proliferation and somatic
hour photo period with photon flux density of 10-15 μEm-2s-1 from
embryogenesis in yellow pitaya is that of Infante (1992), who
cool daylight fluorescent tubes (40W) was provided.
used epicotyls as explants in a culture medium containing
various combinations of napthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and
6-benzyldadenine (BAP). Pelah et al. (2002) reported the
organogenesis in the yellow pitaya using thidiazuron (TDZ). The seeds germinated on all media (Fig. 1A). When left on the
In both cases, the numbers of regenerated plants were limited same medium containing various levels of BAP, the shoot tip of
in number. The present study reports a novel method for the the germinating seedling started callusing whereas the cotyledons
production of large number of plantlets from a single seedling. and the hypocotyls remained unaffected (Fig.1B). After two
weeks, the entire shoot apex gave rise to a friable callus, portions
Materials and methods of which started becoming green and morphogenetic (Fig.1C).
The morphogenetic callus regenerated shoots, their number
Ripe fruits of S. megalanthus were procured from the local
depending on the amount of BAP present in the medium (Fig.1D).
market. The seeds were manually separated from the flesh by
The highest number of shoots i.e.18.6 were produced on medium
rubbing slices of the fruit on a fine sieve and centrifuging the
having 1.5 mgL-1 BAP after three weeks of culture (Fig. 1E). The
resulting pulp at 2000 rpm for 10 min. The seed layer, settled at
shoots elongated on the same medium except on the medium
the bottom of the centrifuge tube, was collected after decanting
containing 2.5 mgL-1 BAP where they remained stunted. The best
the supernatant and the layer of the pulp. The seeds were surface
elongation was obtained with 1.5 mg/L BAP (Table 1). Shoots
sterilized by immersing them in 0.1% Bavistin (w/v) (A broad
which had reached a length of about 3 to 4 cms were harvested.
spectrum fungiside, Carbendizine) for 15 min and washed with
distilled water. The seeds were then treated with 0.1% sodium Rooting: The harvested regenerated shoots were transferred to
hypochlorite solution (4%w/v available chlorine) for 3 min. the rooting medium containing MS basal medium supplemented
They were washed in distilled water and kept in 0.1% mercuric with 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 mg/L IBA. All cultures were incubated
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Development of high frequency multiple shoots in the yellow cactus S. megalanthus 43