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CPC 100 AppNote CVT Testing With CP TD1 2019 ENU

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Application Note

CVT Testing with CPC/TESTRANO and CP TD1

Lukas Klingenschmid | [email protected]
Thomas Bischof | [email protected]

July 1st, 2019

Related OMICRON Product

CPC 100, CP TD1, TESTRANO 600, CPC 80

Application Area
Instrument Transformer Testing

CVT, CCVT, Dissipation Factor, Capacitive Voltage Divider, Power Factor, Voltage Transformer


Document ID
General Information

OMICRON electronics GmbH, including all international branch offices, is henceforth referred to as
The product information, specifications, and technical data embodied in this Application Note represent the
technical status at the time of writing and are subject to change without prior notice.
We have done our best to ensure that the information given in this Application Note is useful, accurate and
entirely reliable. However, OMICRON does not assume responsibility for any inaccuracies which may be
OMICRON translates this Application Note from the source language English into a number of other
languages. Any translation of this document is undertaken for local requirements, and in the event of a
dispute between the English and a non-English version, the English version of this note shall govern.

All rights, including translation, reserved. Reproduction of any kind, for example, photocopying, microfilming,
optical character recognition, and/or storage in electronic data processing systems, requires the explicit
consent of OMICRON. Reprinting, wholly or partly, is not permitted.
© OMICRON 2019. All rights reserved. This Application Note is a publication of OMICRON.

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Table of Contents
1 Safety Instructions ................................................................................................................................5
2 Using this Document .............................................................................................................................5
2.1 Operator Qualifications and Safety Standards ...............................................................................6
2.2 Safety Measures .............................................................................................................................6
2.3 Related Documents ........................................................................................................................7
2.4 Safety Rules ...................................................................................................................................8
2.5 Used Symbols .................................................................................................................................8
3 Dissipation Factor and Capacitance Measurement on Capacitor Units ..........................................9
3.1 C1, C2, Cn and CR.............................................................................................................................9
Understanding Nameplate Values (C1, C2, CR and Cn)...................................................................... 9
General Information about Stacked CVTs ...................................................................................... 11
Accessibility of C1 and C2 Dependent on the CVT Design............................................................... 12
UST vs. GST Measurement Mode .................................................................................................. 14
CVT with Two Capacitor Sections................................................................................................... 14
CVT with Three Capacitor Sections ................................................................................................ 16
3.2 IEC 61869–5 - Specifications ...................................................................................................... 18
Where to Test (Capacitance and Dissipation factor) ....................................................................... 18
Test Voltage and Test Frequency ................................................................................................... 18
Pre-check Measurement ................................................................................................................. 19
Miscellaneous ................................................................................................................................. 19
Temperature ................................................................................................................................... 20
3.3 Possible Failures ......................................................................................................................... 21
Shorted Capacitor Layers (Punched Layers) .................................................................................. 21
4 Dissipation Factor and Capacitance Measurement using CP TD1................................................ 22
4.1 Safety Instructions for Connecting the CP TD1 to the Test Setup .............................................. 22
CVT Test Preparation ..................................................................................................................... 22
Before Starting ................................................................................................................................ 23
Disconnection after the Measurement (CPC 100 and CPC 80 only)............................................... 24
4.2 Connecting the CP TD1 to the Control Device ............................................................................ 25
4.3 Connection Scheme for the Overall Dielectric Measurement of a CVT ...................................... 28
Basic Setup for Testing a CVT with CP TD1 ................................................................................... 28
5 CVT Ratio with CPC 100 ..................................................................................................................... 29
5.1 Procedure .................................................................................................................................... 29
5.2 Troubleshooting Guidelines ......................................................................................................... 31
Influence of Punctured C1 or C2 Elements for the CVT Ratio Measurement ................................... 32
5.3 Measurement Setup for the CVT Ratio Measurement ................................................................ 33

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6 Example measurement setups .......................................................................................................... 34
6.1 Connection Examples for Different Types of CVTs ..................................................................... 34
Example - TRENCH TCVT 170 ...................................................................................................... 35
Example - Haefely TCT 245 - ME83K ............................................................................................. 36
Example - CPA/CPB 72-550 kV ...................................................................................................... 37
Example - Arteche DFK-420 ........................................................................................................... 38
6.2 Example – Ratio and Dielectric Measurement (CVT 145 (TRENCH)) ........................................ 39
Ratio measurement......................................................................................................................... 41
Dielectric measurement .................................................................................................................. 43 Measurement setup 1 - NHF not grounded and LV windings grounded on both sides.................... 44 Measurement setup 2 - NHF grounded and LV windings grounded on both sides ......................... 45 Measurement setup 3 - NHF grounded and LV windings grounded on one side ............................ 46 Measurement setup 4 - NHF grounded, LV windings grounded on one side and surface currents are
guarded via a hot collar band ...................................................................................................................... 47 Measurement setup 5 – Floating CVT tank ..................................................................................... 48
7 Appendix ............................................................................................................................................. 49
7.1 Terms and Abbreviations ............................................................................................................. 49
7.2 General information about CVTs ................................................................................................. 52
7.3 CVT Components ........................................................................................................................ 54
Capacitor Divider ............................................................................................................................ 54
Compensating Reactor ................................................................................................................... 55
Intermediate Voltage Transformer .................................................................................................. 55
Ferroresonance Suppression Circuit............................................................................................... 55
CAB – Carrier Accessory Box (Optional) ........................................................................................ 57
Equivalent Circuit diagram .............................................................................................................. 58
7.4 Dissipation Factor Theory ............................................................................................................ 59
7.5 UST and GST Measurements ..................................................................................................... 60
7.6 Tan Delta Test Card (CPC only) .................................................................................................. 63
8 Literature ............................................................................................................................................. 64

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1 Safety Instructions
This Application Note may only be used in conjunction with the relevant product manuals which contain all
safety instructions. The user is fully responsible for any application that makes use of OMICRON products.
Instructions are always characterized by a  symbol even if they are included in a safety instruction.

Death or severe injury caused by high-voltage or current if the respective
protective measures are not complied with.

 Carefully read the contents of these instructions as well as the manuals of

the devices involved before taking them into operation.
 Contact OMICRON Support if you have any questions or doubts regarding
the safety or operating instructions.
 Follow the instructions listed in the manuals, particularly the safety
instructions, since this is the only way to avoid danger that can occur when
working on high-voltage or high current systems.
 Only use the equipment according to its intended purpose to guarantee
safe operation.
 Existing national safety standards for accident prevention and
environmental protection may supplement the equipment’s manual.

Only experienced and competent professionals who are trained for working in high-voltage or high current
environments may perform the applications in this document. In addition, the following qualifications are
• Authorized to work in environments of energy generation, transmission or distribution and familiar
with the approved operating practices in such environments.

• Familiar with the five safety rules.

• Good knowledge of the CPC 100, CPC 80 or TESTRANO 600 and the CP TD1

2 Using this Document

This Application Note describes how to execute a dissipation factor and capacitance measurement on
various CVT types by using the CPC 100, CPC 80 or TESTRANO 600 with the CP TD1.

Reading the ANP_17004 Application Note alone does not release you from the duty of complying with all
national and international safety regulations relevant to working with the CPC 100, CPC 80 or
TESTRANO 600 and the CP TD1.

The regulation EN 50191 "The Erection and Operation of Electrical Test Equipment", as well as all the
applicable regulations for accident prevention in the country and at the site of operation, have to be fulfilled.

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2.1 Operator Qualifications and Safety Standards

Working on HV devices is extremely dangerous. Measurements must only be carried out by qualified, skilled
and authorized personnel. Before starting any work, clearly establish the responsibilities. Personnel
receiving training, instructions, directions or education on the measurement setup must be under the
constant supervision of an experienced operator while working with the equipment.

The operator is responsible for the safety requirements during the whole test. Before performing tests using
high-voltage, read the following:
• Do not perform any test without having carefully read the corresponding User and Reference
Please refer to section 2.3 - Related Documents in regard to the appropriate product literature.

• In particular, read all safety instructions and follow them.

• Do not use the test equipment without a good connection to ground.

The measurement must comply with the relevant national and international safety standards listed below:
• EN 50191 (VDE 0104) "Erection and Operation of Electrical Equipment".

• EN 50110-1 (VDE 0105 Part 100) "Operation of Electrical Installations".

• IEEE 510 "Recommended Practices for Safety in High-Voltage and High-Power Testing".

• LAPG 1710.6 NASA "Electrical Safety".

Furthermore, additional relevant laws and internal safety standards must be followed.

2.2 Safety Measures

Before starting a measurement, read the safety rules in the CPC 100 User and Reference Manual, CPC 80
User Manual or TESTRANO 600 User Manual as well the CP TD1 User Manual. In addition, observe the
application specific safety instructions in this Application Note when performing measurements to protect
yourself from high-voltage hazards.

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2.3 Related Documents

The following documents complete the information covered in this Application Note:

Title Description

Provides basic information on the CPC 100 test system and relevant
CPC 100 User Manual safety instructions.

Contains information on how to use the CPC 100 test system and
CPC 100 Reference Manual relevant safety instructions.

Provides basic information on the CPC 100 test system used with the
CPC 100 PTM User Manual Primary Test Manager software.

Provides basic information on the CPC 80 test system and relevant

CPC 80 User Manual safety instructions.

Contains information on how to use the TESTRANO 600 test system and
TESTRANO 600 User Manual relevant safety instructions.

Provides basic information on the TESTRANO 600 test system used with
TESTRANO 600 PTM User Manual the Primary Test Manager software.

Contains information on how to use the CP TD1 test system and relevant
CP TD1 Reference Manual safety instructions.

Application Guide: Capacitance and Contains general information about dissipation factor (power factor)
Dissipation Factor Measurement with measurement on different assets.
CPC 100 + CP TD1

Application Guide: CVT-Build-up-2017 Contains general information about the asset CVT.

AN CP0711: Test Templates General information about working with templates for the CPC 100.

Instrument transformers – Part 5: Additional requirements for capacitor

IEC 61869-5 voltage transformers.

IEC 61869-1 Instrument transformer – Part 1: General requirements.

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2.4 Safety Rules

Before starting a measurement, read the safety rules in the CPC 100 User and Reference Manuals,
CPC 80 User Manual or TESTRANO 600 User Manual as well the CP TD1 User Manual carefully and
observe the application-specific safety instructions in this Application Note when performing measurements
to protect yourself from high-voltage hazards.
Always observe the five safety rules:
► Disconnect completely.
► Secure against re-connection.
► Verify that the installation is dead.
► Carry out grounding and short-circuiting.
► Provide protection against adjacent live parts.

Minor or moderate injury may occur if the appropriate safety instructions are
not observed.

 Caution: Never touch any terminal without visible ground connection!

2.5 Used Symbols

Death or severe injury will occur if the appropriate safety instructions are not

Death or severe injury can occur if the appropriate safety instructions are not

Minor or moderate injury may occur if the appropriate safety instructions are
not observed.


Equipment damage or loss of data possible.

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3 Dissipation Factor and Capacitance Measurement on
Capacitor Units
The CP TD1, with the CPC 100, CPC 80 or TESTRANO 600, can be used to measure the dielectric health of
a Capacitor Voltage Transformer (CVT) by evaluating the dissipation factor, as well as the physical condition
by checking the capacitance value. Additionally, a CVT ratio measurement with the CPC 100 can help to
identify possible defects in the capacitor unit (C1 and/or C2 unit). As well providing the ratio measurement, an
indication about the (internal) connection status of a CVT is also made.
The CP TD1 works as an add-on device to the CPC 100, CPC 80 or TESTRANO 600 which controls the
measurement. Do not connect the CP TD1 to any Control Device other than the CPC 100, CPC 80 or the

3.1 C1, C2, Cn and CR

Understanding Nameplate Values (C1, C2, CR and Cn)

The nameplate of a CVT usually has three capacitance values stated:
► Rated capacitance CR or design capacitance Cn
► C1 capacitance
► C2 capacitance

Design Capacitance
20000 pF

C1 Capacitance
24184 pF

C2 Capacitance
120647 pF

Figure 1 - Nameplate values for C1, C2 and CR

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Some nameplates state the absolute limits for the capacitance value.

Cn = 8800 +10% -5% pF

Minimum allowed capacitance = 8360 pF
Maximum allowed capacitance = 9680 pF

Figure 2 - Nameplate deviations for CR

Each capacitor unit is sometimes equipped with its own nameplate where the capacitance value is stated.

Stack capacitance = 26120 pF

Figure 3 - Capacitor stack nameplate

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General Information about Stacked CVTs
Testing the dissipation/power factor and capacitance on some stacked capacitors requires different
connection schemes. This depends on the CVT type and the amount of installed stacked capacitor units.
 The series capacitance of C1_1 and C2, forms the CR capacitance of unit 1.
 For all other units, the unit capacitance CR only consists of one capacitance.
o Unit 2 capacitance = C1_2
o Unit 3 capacitance = C1_3
 The combined capacitance value from all units is the design capacitance Cn.

Figure 4 – CVT stack terminology

The dissipation factor reading from the dielectric measurement shall correspond to the stated dissipation
factor on the nameplate of each capacitor unit.
The dissipation factor reading depends on:
• Good solid test connections.
• Clean and dry insulators.
 The capacitance values obtained during field tests may differ from the nameplate values.
 Obtained data from the field tests shall be used as a reference for future comparison (trending).
 A capacitor element failure will result in an increase of the total capacitance.
o The capacitance increase is in proportion with the remaining number of capacitor
elements in operation and the original number of capacitor elements.
o An increase of around 1 % in capacitance, obtained from the reference measurement in
the field, can be considered as significant.
 There are no limits for the dissipation factor. Limits may be agreed between the manufacturer
and the purchaser.
o Often the limits are defined by the manufacturer.
o It is not uncommon for the dissipation factor values obtained @ 10 kV to exceed the
factory values which are measured at operating voltage.
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Accessibility of C1 and C2 Dependent on the CVT Design
Depending on the accessibility of the CVT circuit, C1 and C1-1 respectively (on multi-unit capacitor stacks)
and C2 can be tested individually.
 If the CVT has a potential grounding switch or the intermediate voltage terminal can be
disconnected and isolated from the magnetic circuit, all related dielectric measurements can be
 If the intermediate voltage terminal is not accessible, only the CR values can be measured.
o If there is more than one unit, each unit capacitance can still be measured
Table 1 – Possible measurement configuration dependent on the CVT design

Measurement Picture Comment

The high impedance of

the primary side of the VT
is shorted via the low-
resistive potential
grounding switch.
(+ reactor)
Capacitance value and
dissipation factor may
differ slightly due to the
additional influence of the

C1 or C2 No influence.

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Capacitance value and
dissipation factor may
differ slightly due to the
additional influence of the
C1 or C2 reactor.
(+ reactor)

The reactor impedance is

low at the nominal

Measurement is not
possible as the complete
Not possible
test current is not going
through C1 or C2.

The primary side of the

VT causes a
Not possible measurement deviation
as the primary VT
impedance is high.

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UST vs. GST Measurement Mode
Measuring the dielectric parameters can either be done with the Ungrounded Specimen Test (UST) or the
Grounded Specimen Test (GST) measurement modes.

Depending on the CVT design, previous measurement data and reference data from factory acceptance test
(FAT) reports, one measurement mode may be chosen over another.
 Using the same measurement mode, the same measurement setup compared to previous
measurements on the CVT is recommended.
 The respective naming of the UST and GST measurement modes may differ, depending on the

In general, the UST measurement modes are more accurate, as influences from the ground are not

For further information about UST and GST measurement modes, please refer to chapter 7.5 .

CVT with Two Capacitor Sections

A CVT with two capacitor sections consists of two capacitor units assembled together.
Unit 1 is the capacitor unit, which is assembled at the bottom, consisting of C1_1 and C2.
Unit 2 has the built-in unit capacitance C1_2.

Figure 5 – CVT with two stacks

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Table 2 displays the recommended connection schemes to perform the individual measurement modes.
More information and connection schemes can be obtained from chapter 3.1.3
Table 2 –Test settings for the different capacitance measurements for a CVT with two capacitor sections

Measure Mode HV Lead Input A Input B Comment

C1 UST-A 2 3 NHF/HF • Only possible if point 3 is accessible.

• Point 3 must be separated from

C1_1 UST-A 1 3 2
ground potential.

C1_2 UST-A 1 2 -

• Only possible if point 3 is accessible.

C1_1 + C2 UST-A 1 NHF/HF 2
• Point 3 must be separated from
ground potential.

• NHF/HF point needs to be open and

connected to Input A.

C1 GSTg-A+B 2 • Only possible if point 3 is accessible.

• Point 3 must be connected to ground

C1_1 GSTg-A+B 1
→ Close potential grounding switch.

• NHF/HF point needs to be open.

C1_1 + C2 GSTg-A+B 1 2 • Only possible if point 3 is accessible.

- • Point 3 must be separated from

ground potential.
C2 GSTg-A+B 3 1

• NHF/HF point needs to be grounded.

 Orange marked fields are optional for the measurement setup.
o If a CP TD1 input is connected to an orange marked connection point, currents will be
guarded at these points if an appropriate test mode is used.
 Recommended test voltage is 10 kV for the measurement configuration stated in Table 2.

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CVT with Three Capacitor Sections
A CVT with three capacitor sections consists of three capacitor units assembled together.
Unit 1 is the capacitor unit, which is assembled at the bottom, consisting of C1_1 and C2., followed by unit 2,
and unit 3 on top consisting of the unit capacitance C 1_2. and C1_3.

Figure 6 - CVT with three capacitor sections

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Table 3 - Test settings for the different capacitance measurements for a CVT with three capacitor sections

Measure Mode HV Lead Input A Input B Comment

C1 UST-A 3 4 NHF/HF • Only possible if point 4 is accessible.

• Point 4 must be separated from

C1_1 UST-A 1 4 2
ground potential.

C1_2 UST-A 1 2 -

C1_3 UST-A 2 3 -

C1_1 + C2 UST-A 1 NHF/HF 2 • NHF/HF point needs to be open.

• Only possible if point 4 is accessible.

• Point 4 must be separated from

ground potential.

• NHF/HF point needs to be open.

C1 GSTg-A+B 3 • Only possible if point 4 is accessible.

• Point 4 must be connected to ground

C1_1 GSTg-A+B 1 → Close potential grounding switch, if

• NHF/HF point needs to be open.

C1_1 + C2 GSTg-A+B 1 2 • Only possible if point 4 is accessible.

• Point 4 must be separated from

ground potential.
C2 GSTg-A+B 4 1
• NHF/HF point needs to be grounded.

 Orange marked fields are optional for the measurement setup.
o If a CP TD1 input is connected at an orange marked connection point, currents will be
guarded at these points if an appropriate test mode is used.
 Recommended test voltage is 10 kV for the measurement configuration stated in Table 3.

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3.2 IEC 61869–5 - Specifications

The IEC 61869-5 standard (clause 7.2.501) gives some recommendations regarding the capacitance and
dissipation factor measurement at power frequency. These specifications are recapitulated in this chapter.

Where to Test (Capacitance and Dissipation factor)

The test may be carried out on the capacitor voltage divider, on a capacitor stack, or on separate units.
During this test the electromagnetic unit shall be disconnected.
 It may not always be possible to disconnect the electromagnetic unit.

Figure 7 – Example schematic for the capacitance measurement on CVTs

Test Voltage and Test Frequency

For routine and dielectric tests, the final capacitance measurement shall be carried out at a voltage level of
UPR ± 10%.
 The maximum test voltage of the CP TD1 is 12 kV.
 The measured capacitance value of the dielectric system may vary with the test voltage.
Measurement results may be more meaningful when the capacitance measurement for the
same test voltage is used as for previous capacitance measurements on the same asset.
 The IEC 61869-5 standard refers regarding the measurement of capacitance and dielectric
dissipation factor (sub clause 7.4.3) to the sub clause 7.4.3 of the IEC 61869-1 standard.
The IEC 61869-1 standard states that the values of capacitance and dielectric dissipation factor
(tan δ) shall be referred to the rated frequency and to a voltage level in the range from 10 kV to

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The measurement shall be carried out at rated frequency or by agreement between 0.8 and 1.2 times of
rated frequency.

Pre-check Measurement
The IEC 61869-5 standard recommends performing a preliminary capacitance measurement with a test
voltage of less than 15 % of the rated voltage to ensure that no puncture of an element will occur.

Depending on the number of capacitive elements in series on the tested unit, it may be difficult to ascertain
whether a puncture has occurred because of the following uncertainties:
► Reproducibility of the measurement.
► Capacitance change caused by the mechanical forces on the elements during the dielectric tests.
► Capacitance change caused by temperature difference of the capacitor before and after the test.
The IEC 61869-5 standard also states the measurement uncertainty should be reduced by performing a
capacitance measurement on each unit.
The change of capacitance C of a unit is defined in Equation 1:
Equation 1 - Limit of the allowed capacitance change

∆𝐶 1 𝐶
≤ =
𝐶 𝑛 𝐶0

n: Number of elements in series

C0: Capacitance of one element
ΔC: Measured change of the capacitance C

 There are no general limits for the dissipation factor.
Limits may be agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
 The dissipation factor is dependent on the insulation design, the test voltage and frequency as
well as the insulation temperature.

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For materials that possess permanent dipoles, there is a significant variation of the dielectric constant with
temperature. This is due to the effect of heat on orientation polarization.

IEC 61869-5 defines the temperature coefficient of capacitances as the fractional change of the capacitance
for a given change in temperature.
 This applies only to the capacitor divider (C1, C2 and dissipation/power factor).
Equation 2 – Temperature coefficient Invalid source specified.

∆𝐶 1
𝑇𝐶 = [ ]
∆𝑇 ∗ 𝐶20° 𝐾
T C: Temperature coefficient of capacitance
∆T: Temperature interval (difference) in reference to 20°C
∆C: Observed change in capacitance over the temperature interval ∆T
C20°: Capacitance value measured at 20 °C

 The term ∆C/∆T per this definition is only usable if the capacitance is an approximate linear
function of the temperature in the range under consideration.
Otherwise, the capacitance temperature dependency shall be shown in a table or in a graph.
The CVT’s FAT report may contain curves for the temperature coefficient (T C) otherwise curves
for the temperature coefficient can be requested from the manufacturer.

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3.3 Possible Failures

Shorted Capacitor Layers (Punched Layers)

A capacitance element failure occurs due to either shorted or punched capacitance layers. Shorted capacitor
layers could be in the capacitor stack, which contains capacitive elements connected in series.
By rule of thumb, the number of single elements connected in series is designed with a typical voltage drop
of 0.8 -0.9 kV per element. Thus, the number of C2 elements is much lower than the number of C1 elements.

Figure 8 - Failure of one or more capacitance elements in a unit

The effect of the shorted capacitive layer is explained in the paper Invalid source specified.:
“Shorted elements in C2 has a larger impact than shorted C1 elements and drifts towards negative values
whereas C1 causes a drift towards positive values. The influence of shorted capacitive elements is linear.
The capacitive ratio rc decreases slightly with shorted C1 elements and increases more significantly for C2.
As C1+C2 increases, the impedance XC decreases and thus the reactive part of the short circuit impedance
increases towards inductive values.”

XSC,Healthy = 14 mΩ
XSC,1C1 = 32 mΩ (1 x C1 element shorted)
XSC,5C1 = 71 mΩ (5 x C1 element shorted)
XSC,1C2 = 56 mΩ (1 x C2 element shorted)
XSC,5C2 = 190 mΩ (5 x C2 element shorted)

Figure 9 - Phase displacement depending on different failure modes on a 66 kV CVT (lab experiment)

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In case of a partial breakdown, (short circuit) of single elements, a noticeable change of the measured
capacitance can be observed. Equation 3 shows a capacitance increase of shorted capacitor layer.
Equation 3: Capacitance change of shorted capacitor elements

𝐶𝑛𝑒𝑤 = 𝐶𝑜𝑙𝑑 ∗
n: number of capacitive elements in the capacitor unit
m: number of shorted capacitive elements

4 Dissipation Factor and Capacitance Measurement

using CP TD1

4.1 Safety Instructions for Connecting the CP TD1 to the Test Setup

In all cases, the 5 safety rules need to be followed!

CVT Test Preparation

Table 4 – Recommended general safety rules prior to connecting a test set to a CVT

Term and Abbreviation Definition

• Always open the disconnector switch in the direction of the
busbar and of the asset.
1. De-energize and • De-energize the CVT.
disconnect completely  Discharge the capacitors (as they can hold a charge) prior
to connection.
• Lock the disconnector switch.
2. 2. Secure against re-  Disconnect all connection lines and cables from the CVT
connection terminals.
• Verify on ALL terminals that the CVT is
3. 3. Verify that the
installation is dead
• Close the Potential Grounding Switch.
4. Ground and short-circuit
• Close the Carrier Grounding Switch.
the asset to ground
potential on all related • All accessible CVT terminals shall be grounded and connected
to ground potential using grounding rods.
5. Provide protection • Place your test equipment in the work area.
against adjacent live • Mark the work- and the high voltage area clearly.

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Before Starting

Death or severe injury will occur if the appropriate safety instructions are not

 Do not enter the work area while working with the CPC 100,
CPC 80, TESTRANO 600 or CP TD1
 Make sure to position the CVT in the work area.
 Use a ground point as close as possible to the CVT.
 Do not enter the work area if the red warning light of the CPC 100, CPC 80
or TESTRANO 600 is on since outputs may carry dangerous voltages or
 Never touch any terminal without visible ground connection.
 Always obey the five safety rules and follow the detailed safety instructions
in the respective user manuals.
 Always establish a proper ground connection for the CPC 100, CPC 80 or
TESTRANO 600 and the device under test (CVT/CCVT) with at least
6 mm².
 Beware of nearby parallel systems which are not disconnected. They can
induce hazardous loads in floating segments of a substation.
 Always touch the leads and terminals with a grounding hook first.
 Only use the cables included in the CP TD1, CPC 100, CPC 80 or
TESTRANO 600 delivery.
Prior to connecting a test object to the CP TD1, the following steps need to be
carried out by an authorized employee of the utility:

 Turn off and disconnect the high voltage from the test object.
 Protect yourself and your working environment against an accidental re-
connection of high voltage by other persons and circumstances.
 Verify a safe isolation of the test object.
 Ground and short-circuit the test object’s terminals using a suitable
grounding set
 Protect yourself and your working environment with suitable protection
against other (possibly live) circuits.
 Protect others from accessing the dangerous area and accidentally
touching live parts by setting up a suitable barrier and, if applicable,
warning lights.
 If there is a long distance between the location of the CP TD1 and the area
of danger (that is, the test object), a second person with an additional
"Emergency Stop" button is required.

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Death or severe injury caused by high voltage or current possible

 Make sure that both sides of the capacitive voltage transformer are completely

Disconnection after the Measurement (CPC 100 and CPC 80 only)

1. End the test.

2. Verify that the test has ended by checking the status lights of the Control device:
The green status light must be on and at the same time the red status light must be fully extinguished.

Death or severe injury caused by high voltage or current possible

The green status light indicates that the outputs of the Control device are not activated
 Even if you switched off the Control device, wait until the red status light is fully
extinguished. As long as this status light is lit, there is still voltage potential on the

3. Lock the Control device to avoid any unauthorized execution of tests.

4. Note: For more details, refer to the corresponding User Manual of the Control device.

5. Ground and short-circuit the test object’s terminals using a suitable grounding set.

6. Disconnect the booster cable from the Control device.

7. Disconnect the booster cable from the CP TD1.

8. Disconnect the serial cable from the CP TD1.

9. Disconnect the HV and LV cables from the CP TD1 and the test object.

10. Disconnect the measurement ground from the test object and the CP TD12/15.

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4.2 Connecting the CP TD1 to the Control Device

Figure 10 - Connecting the CP TD1 to the CPC 100, CPC 80 or TESTRANO 600

Death or severe injury caused by high voltage or current possible

 Never use the CP TD1 without a solid connection to ground of at least

6 mm² diameter.
 Use a ground point as close as possible to the test object.

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1. Ensure that the Control Device is switched off at the mains power switch.

2. Without trolley:

► Properly connect the Control Device and the CP TD1 grounding terminals to the substation ground.

With trolley (optional):

► Connect the trolley’s ground bar to earth.

►Properly connect the CPC 100 or TESTRANO 600 and CP TD1 grounding terminals to the trolley’s
ground bar.

3. Make sure that all cable connectors are clean and dry before being tightly connected.
4. Connect the CP TD1’s "BOOSTER IN" to the Control Device’s "EXT. BOOSTER" with the booster
5. Connect the CP TD1’s "SERIAL" to the Control Device’s "SERIAL" with the data cable. This cable also
provides the power supply for the CP TD1.
6. Pull out the measuring cables from the cable drum and connect the test object to the CP TD1’s
measuring inputs IN A and IN B.
7. Connect the high-voltage cable from the test object to the CP TD1’s high-voltage output.

► At the CP TD1, press the high-voltage cable’s plug into the connector tightly and turn the screw cap
manually, without using any tools, until you feel a mechanical stop. If you notice a rough-running of the
screw-cap, clean the screw thread and use a lubricant (Vaseline recommended).

►Insert the yellow banana plug (the high-voltage cable’s grounding) into the respective plug socket.

►At the test object, insert the high-voltage cable’s plug carefully until you feel a "click". They are now
locked. Confirm this by trying to pull them out. This should not be possible.

The images below show how to unlock the cable connection again. This is also shown on a label fixed to the
high-voltage cable.

► After the HV cable connection is established, use the strain relieve delivered with the HV cable to fasten it
to the test object.

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Death or severe injury caused by high voltage or current possible

 The high-voltage cable is double-shielded and therefore safe. However, the last
50 cm (20 inch) of this cable has no shield.
 During a test, consider this cable a life wire and, due to the high-voltage, life-

8. Connect the Control Device to the mains power supply using the provided cable.

Death or severe injury caused by high voltage or current possible

 Establish a barrier to the high-voltage area.

9. Turn on the Control Device at its mains power switch.

10. The green warning light comes on, showing that the Control Device’s output does not carry a
dangerous voltage or current yet (on the TESTRANO 600 the blue ring of the Start/Stop button is
additionally lit).
Death or severe injury caused by high voltage or current possible

 If none or both warning lights are on, the unit is defective and must not be used.

11. An error message appears if either the PE connection is defective or if the power supply has no
galvanic connection to ground. The latter is the case on very special power supplies such as generators
or when insulation transformers are used.
Death or severe injury caused by high voltage or current possible

This is a safety-relevant message. If the reason for this message is that neither the PE nor
the grounding terminal is connected, it can cause injury or possibly death of the operating
staff. The operator is fully responsible for any hazard that might occur due to improper

 For safe operation always make sure that both the PE and the grounding terminal
are connected.

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4.3 Connection Scheme for the Overall Dielectric Measurement of a CVT

Basic Setup for Testing a CVT with CP TD1

Testing dissipation/power factor and the capacitance of CVT’s requires different connection schemes,
depending on the type and the individual components (C1, C2, CR or the overall CVT).
This chapter covers the basic CVT connection scheme with the CP TD1.
More detailed information can be found in section 6.1
 The following setup is for testing the overall dissipation/power factor and the capacitance of the
CVT in the GSTg-A+B mode.

Figure 11 – Basic measurement setup for testing the overall DF and CAP of a CVT

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5 CVT Ratio with CPC 100
The CPC 100 is capable of performing a ratio test on CVTs. The purpose of this test is to verify the continuity
of the CVT circuit.
The test voltage is injected on the primary side of the CVT and the reading is taken on the secondary side.
 The CPC 100 has a maximum test voltage of 2 kV.
 With the CPC 80 this test is not possible due to the missing high voltage output.
 It is not recommended performing this test with the TESTRANO 600 due to the low maximum
output voltage of 210 V.
 The CPC 100 can be used to test accuracy classes of 0.5 or higher.
 Using the VTRatio test card would be the recommended option.

5.1 Procedure

1. Check the stated primary and secondary voltage levels on the CVT nameplate.

Figure 12 - CVT nameplate

2. Calculate the ratio for all secondary windings and tappings.

Example: The CVT nameplate information at Figure 12 states a voltage ratio of 1200.
Equation 4 – Ratio calculation for the CVT

Nominal Primary Voltage 132000 V / √3

Ratio = = = 1200
Nominal Secondary Voltage 110 V / √3

3. Observe the stated safety instructions in section 4.1 before connecting the CPC 100 to the CVT.

 Make sure that the CVT is disconnected from mains.
 Make sure that the CVT is de-energized on ALL terminals and disconnected from any HV
 The HV terminal of the CVT shall be connected to ground potential.

4. Make sure that the carrier grounding switch and the potential grounding switch are closed.

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5. Establish the connection between the CPC 100 and the test object.

A possible measurement setup is shown in Figure 15.

The red CPC 100 high voltage lead is connected to the high voltage terminal of the CVT.

The black CPC 100 high voltage lead is connected to the grounded NHF/HF point.

 If a Carrier Accessory Box is installed, the NHF is grounded over the closed carrier
grounding switch.
 If no Carrier Accessory Box is installed, then the NHF point needs to be grounded either
via an appropriate grounding switch or an external grounding (minimum diameter is 6

6. Open the potential grounding switch.

7. Remove the ground connection from the CVT HV terminal.

8. Apply a test voltage (for example 1 kV) to the CVT HV terminal and measure the secondary voltage.

 The VTRatio test card can be used for performing a CVT ratio measurement.

Figure 13 – CVT ratio test with the VTRatio test card

11. Compare the measured ratio with the calculated ratio.

12. Close the potential grounding switch.

13. Repeat the steps 5-9 for measuring all windings and tappings of the CVT.

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5.2 Troubleshooting Guidelines

The following overview provides information on how to proceed if any abnormal test results are observed.
The list provides possible failure modes.
Table 5 – Troubleshooting guidelines for a CVT ratio measurement

Indication Possible Problem

• Open-Circuit on VT.
o Measure C1 and C2 capacitance.
▪ Check the values for plausibility!
o Measure the secondary winding resistance.
▪ Should be “low-resistive” → Check with Factory
Acceptance Values.
• Short-Circuit on secondary windings.
No secondary voltage o Remove external wiring and measure the output voltage.
▪ If there is still no voltage, an insulation resistance
test may be performed.
▪ Obtained values should be high-resistive → MΩ
range or higher.
• Potential grounding switch is closed.
Open the grounding switch.

• Failure in a C2 element.
o Increase of the C2 capacitance.
o Ratio error turns positive.
Secondary voltage is low
o Measure the capacitance of C2 and compare with
nameplate or FAT values.
• Poor secondary connection.

Secondary voltage is low and • Failure in a C2 element → Increase of the C2 capacitance.

phase angle is out of o Measure the capacitance of C2 and compare with
tolerance nameplate or FAT values.
• Poor secondary connections.

• Failure in a C1 element.
o Increase of the C1 capacitance.
Secondary voltage is high o Ratio error turns negative.
• Measure the capacitance of C1 and compare with nameplate or
FAT values.

• Loose intermediate or secondary connections → Check the

Fluctuating secondary voltage connection.
• Electrical noise from nearby geographical environments.

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Influence of Punctured C1 or C2 Elements for the CVT Ratio Measurement
Figure 14 shows the voltage distribution change due to punctured elements in the C1 stack.
Punctured C1 or C2 elements are causing an overall capacitance increase of the capacitor section as
described in Equation 3: Capacitance change of shorted capacitor elements.
An increased capacitance value leads to a decreased voltage drop at the affected element, assuming that all
other parameters behave consistently.
In cases of punctured elements in the C1 stack, this will lead to a decreased voltage at the C1 stack (UC1)
and to an increased voltage at the C2 stack (UC2). Therefore, the primary voltage drop across the inductive
VT (UVT) is increased as well as the secondary voltage (U 2).
This increased voltage U2 causes a decreasing ratio n.
 Punctured elements in the C2 stack have an inverted effect.
 The decreased voltage at the C2 stack causes a decreased voltage at the primary and
secondary side of the VT, which leads to a bigger voltage difference relationship between U1
and U2.
 The bigger the voltage difference relationship between U1 and U2, the more positive turns the
ratio error positive compared to the expected nominal ratio.

Figure 14 – Voltage influence of a punctured C1 stack on a simplified CVT circuit diagram

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5.3 Measurement Setup for the CVT Ratio Measurement

Figure 15 – CVT ratio measurement setup with the CPC 100

 Option 1 can be used if the NHF/HF point is accessible.
o NHF/HF point shall be grounded.
 Option 2 can be used if the NHF/HF point is not accessible.
o NHF/HF should be internally connected to ground potential.
o If available, verify if the carrier grounding switch is closed.
 If available, the Potential Grounding Switch needs to be open.

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6 Example measurement setups

6.1 Connection Examples for Different Types of CVTs

This chapter gives some recommendations on how to perform the dissipation/power factor and capacitance
measurement on various types of CVTs. Before starting, please be aware of the following points.
 The internal CVT build-up can vary.
o C1 or C2 cannot always be tested!
o When testing a CVT, the internal connection scheme is crucial information to check
which CVT parts (C1, C2 or CR) can be tested.
o Testing only the (I)VT part is not possible as it cannot be separated either from the
compensating reactor or from the capacitive divider stack.
 CR can be tested with one side grounded, LV windings or with floating LV windings.
o Check the Factory Acceptance Test Report regarding the used measurement setup to be
able to compare the determined dissipation/power factor and the capacitance values.
o Usually 1n, 2n etc. are grounded and 1a, 2a etc. are open.
o Never ground both points (for example, 1a and 1n) of the LV winding(s).
o Manufacturers often test with floating LV winding(s) and respective floating tank.
o Measurement results may be different when comparing one-side grounded and floating
LV winding(s) and respective floating tank.
 When performing the dielectric measurement, please be aware that additional internal parts may
have an influence on the obtained measurement results.
o When testing C1 and C2, the compensating reactor in particular may influence the
obtained measurement results.
o For testing CR, the compensating reactor in particular and (I)VT part may influence the
obtained measurement results.
o The values can be compared with reference data, as previous reference measurements
(for example, from the FAT report) were also performed with an assembled CVT.
 The Carrier Accessory Box (CAB) must either be disconnected, or the internal Carrier Grounding
Switch must be in the closed position.
o It would be recommended to disconnect the CAB and have a floating (N)HF point, when
testing C1 or C2.
 It is recommended to limit the maximum test voltage to 10 kV and not 12 kV to compare the
obtained dissipation/power factor and the capacitance values with reference or future
measurement data.
o Do not exceed a test voltage of 3 kV when injecting against the NHF point!
 Naming schemes are dependent on the manufacturer’s country and standard used
(IEC or IEEE).
 Orange marked fields are optional for the measurement setup.
o If a CP TD1 input is connected at an orange marked connection point, currents will be
guarded at these points if an appropriate test mode is used.

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Example - TRENCH TCVT 170

Figure 16 – Example connection scheme for TRENCH TCVT 170

Table 6 – Recommended measurement settings for testing the TRENCH TCVT 170 (only valid for this example)

Measure Mode HV Lead Input A Input B Comment

C1 - - - - No measurement possible.

C2 - - - - No measurement possible.

Optionally the LV winding can be guarded over

LV Input A.
→ Do not short the LV windings.

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Example - Haefely TCT 245 - ME83K

Figure 17 – Example connection scheme for Haefely TCT 245 - ME83K

Table 7 – Recommended measurement settings for testing the Haefely TCT 245 - ME83K (only valid for this example)

Measure Mode HV Lead Input A Input B Comment

C1 - - - - No measurement possible.

C2 - - - - No measurement possible.

• HF is grounded.
• P2 is grounded.
CR GSTg-A+B A - Optionally the LV winding can be guarded over
Input A.
→ Do not short the LV windings

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Example - CPA/CPB 72-550 kV

Figure 18 - Example connection scheme for CPA/CPB 72-550 kV types

Table 8 – Recommended measurement settings for testing the CPA/CPB 72-550 kV (only valid for this example)

Measure Mode HV Lead Input A Input B Comment

• Potential Grounding Switch 1 is closed.

• Potential Grounding Switch 2 is open.
(+ reactor)
GSTg-A+B A - - • NHF point is grounded.
o Carrier Grounding Switch is
closed (if present).

• Potential Grounding Switch 1 is closed.

• Potential Grounding Switch 2 is open.
C2 • NHF is floating.
GSTg-A+B NHF A - → Disconnected from:
(+ reactor) o CAB (if present).
o Ground/Earth potential.
• Maximum allowed test voltage is 3kV.

• Potential Grounding Switch 1 is open.

• Potential Grounding Switch 2 is closed
• The neutral terminal(s) of the LV
winding(s) are grounded.
LV o Optionally the LV winding can be
windings guarded over Input A.
→ Do not short the LV windings.
• NHF point is grounded.
o Carrier Grounding Switch is
closed (if present).

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Example - Arteche DFK-420

Figure 19 - Example connection scheme for Arteche DFK-420

Table 9 – Recommended measurement settings for testing the Arteche DFK-420kV (only valid for this example)

Measure Mode HV Lead Input A Input B Comment

• Potential Grounding Switch 1 is closed.

C1 • NHF point is grounded.
GSTg-A+B A - -
(+ reactor) o Carrier Grounding Switch is
closed (if present).

• Potential Grounding Switch 1 is closed.

• NHF is floating.
C2 → Disconnected from:
(+ reactor) o CAB (if present).
o Ground/Earth potential.
• Maximum allowed test voltage is 3 kV.

• Potential Grounding Switch 1 is open.

• The neutral terminal(s) of the LV
winding(s) are grounded.
o Optionally the LV winding can be
CR GSTg-A+B A - guarded over Input A.
→ Do not short the LV windings.
• NHF point is grounded.
o Carrier Grounding Switch is
closed (if present).

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6.2 Example – Ratio and Dielectric Measurement (CVT 145 (TRENCH))

The following example measurement was performed on a TRENCH CVT (Type CVT 145) in a high voltage

Figure 20 –TRENCH CVT with nameplate and circuit diagram

 When a connection from the test set to the CVT is established or changed, it is strongly
suggested the emergency stop button is always pressed and the safety key is in the locked

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The terminal of the CVT is equipped with 4 mm flexible terminal adapters for connecting the secondary
winding (see Figure 21).

Figure 21 – Terminal with installed 4 mm connectors

An appropriate grounding rod is connected to the HV terminal of the CVT to ensure that the capacitance is
discharged before setting up the measurement.

Figure 22 - Applying a grounding rod to the CVT HV terminal

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Ratio measurement
Prior to establishing a connection for the ratio measurement, the CVT is grounded on the HV terminal (see
Figure 22 and 6 mm² grounding cable is used to ground the CVT tank.

 This CVT does not have an installed grounding switch.

The NHF point was connected to the ground potential via a 4 mm banana connector.

CVT Ground


Figure 23 - Connecting the NHF point to the CVT tank

Afterwards, the 2 kV AC output of the CPC 100 is connected to the HV terminal of the CVT and to the NHF
point (refer to Figure 15 and Figure 24). The grounding rod is still connected during the wiring.

Figure 24 - Connection to the grounded NHF point (left) and to the HV terminal of the CVT (right)

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The terminals 1n and 2n are usually connected to ground when the CVT is in operation.
In this case, the 1n and 2n terminals are connected to the ground potential with a 4 mm banana cable as
indicated in Figure 25.

Figure 25 - Connection of 1n and 2n of the LV windings to the earth potential

In the next step, the corresponding LV windings (1a and 1n, and, 2a and 2n respectively) are connected to
the CPC 100 V1 AC input (refer to Figure 26)

Figure 26 - Setup for testing the CVT Ratio for LV windings 1a and 1n (on TRENCH CVT 145)
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The results in Figure 27 show a slight increased ratio and phase deviation for the 0.5 class CVT. The
positive ratio deviation may indicate a punctured element in the C2 stack. For further information please
refer to chapter 5.2.1
 The “low” test voltage in comparison to the nominal voltage of the CVT may also have an

Figure 27 - Ratio results with PTM

 Don’t forget to ground the CVT HV terminal and press the Emergency stop button before
entering the working area.

Dielectric measurement
The CVE 145 type from TRENCH has a similar internal build-up to the Haefely TCT 245 from Figure 17.
Only the dissipation factor and capacitance for the complete CVT and the C R capacitance can be measured.
The individual C1 and C2 capacitances cannot be measured for this type of CVT.
Five different measurement configurations were used to demonstrate the influence of correct and incorrect
measurement techniques.

Figure 28 - Measurement results for dissipation factor and capacitance

 Measurements 1 and 2 used an incorrect measurement setup!
 Measurements 3, 4 and 5 used a correct measurement setup!

© OMICRON 2019 Page 43 of 65 Measurement setup 1 - NHF not grounded and LV windings grounded on both sides
This measurement setup is not correct and leads to inaccurate measurement results.
• NHF point is not connected to ground.
o Only the C1, compensating reactor and the intermediate transformer are measured.
o It is intended to measure the CR (C1+ C2) compensating reactor and the intermediate
o Dissipation factor and capacitance values may differ from the nameplate values!
o The determined capacitance value is higher than the expected unit capacitance CR.
• A voltage transformer shall never be operated in short-circuit conditions.
o The secondary current may get higher than the specified secondary current during test or
operation conditions. This can lead to damaged or burned windings.
 Secondary currents are limited by a very high resistance or impedance → Burden.
 A high resistance/impedance can be guaranteed by an open-circuit condition of the LV

Figure 29 –Dielectric measurement setup: NHF not grounded and LV windings grounded on both sides
© OMICRON 2019 Page 44 of 65 Measurement setup 2 - NHF grounded and LV windings grounded on both sides
This measurement setup is not correct and leads to inaccurate measurement results.
Although the NHF point is now properly grounded which leads to reasonable determined capacitance
values, the measured dissipation factor is highly increased, by 12%, which is reasonable due to the shorted
LV winding.

Figure 30 - Dielectric measurement setup: NHF grounded and LV windings grounded on both sides

© OMICRON 2019 Page 45 of 65 Measurement setup 3 - NHF grounded and LV windings grounded on one side
This measurement setup is correct.
For the measurement setup 3, the ground connection from 1a and 2a had been removed to have an open-
circuit between 1a and 1n as well as 2a and 2n. This results in a lower, respectively correct, dissipation
factor measurement.

Figure 31 - Dielectric measurement setup: NHF grounded and LV windings grounded on one side

© OMICRON 2019 Page 46 of 65 Measurement setup 4 - NHF grounded, LV windings grounded on one side and surface
currents are guarded via a hot collar band
This measurement setup is correct.
Some dirt and dust on the bushing surface were present on the tested CVT. To avoid unwanted surface
currents, a hot collar band is assembled at the third rip (from the top). Compared to the results from the
measurement setup 3, no noticeable changes in the dissipation factor and capacitance measurement could
be observed.

Figure 32 - Dielectric measurement setup: NHF grounded, LV windings grounded on one side and surface currents are guarded via a
hot collar band


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 The Hot Collar Band is included with the CP TD1 Measurement setup 5 – Floating CVT tank

This measurement setup is correct.
Manufacturers may determine the dissipation factor and capacitance values with a floating CVT tank. With
the measurement setups from 1 to 4, the current over the earth is measured (GST mode). In this case, the
currents over the floating LV windings, the NHF point, the neutral point and the resonance circuit had been
measured with the Input A of the CP TD1. Usually it is enough to have a floating CVT tank and leave the
NHF point, the neutral point and the resonance circuit connected to “ground”.
 The resonance circuit may not be accessible!

If the CVT has more than one winding, then the windings are connected with each other in series and at one
point are connected to the Input A (UST-A mode) or Input B (UST-B mode).
Measurements with a floating CVT tank may have the advantage that influence from the grounding system
can be reduced as the connection between the CVT and the test set is more low-resistive due to the shorter
 Additionally, a hot collar band could also be connected to Input A or B to guard the surface
currents as shown in Measurement Setup 4.
o The measurement mode does not change (UST-A or UST-B) if the other input is used as
a guard input.

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Figure 33 - Dielectric measurement setup: NHF grounded and LV windings floating

7 Appendix

7.1 Terms and Abbreviations

Table 7 - Terms and Abbreviations used in this document

Term and Abbreviation Definition

AFSC Active Ferroresonance Suppression Circuits: Series RLC filter.

PFSC Passive Ferroresonance Suppression Circuits: Saturable inductor in

series with a damping resistance.

C1 High voltage capacitor (of a capacitive divider)

C2 Intermediate voltage capacitor (of a capacitive divider).

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C1-1 + Name of an individual capacitor unit.
& C2, C1-2, C1-3, ect.

CAB Carrier Accessory Box

Unit An assembly of capacitor elements in a single container with

accessible connections.

Stack A capacitor unit or assembly of one or more units.

Capacitor Element A unit consisting of several capacitor elements connected in series

forming CR.

Cn Rated capacitance of a stack / design capacitance.

The series capacitance of all CR unit capacitances.

CR Rated capacitance of a unit (If only one unit → CR = Cn = (C1 + C2) / (C1
+ C2).

CVT Capacitor voltage transformer

CCVT Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformer:

CVT is the same as CCVT, but the name CVT is more common in
Europe and Asia, whereas CCVT is more common in North and South

DF and CAP Dissipation Factor and Capacitance Measurement

PF and CAP Power Factor and Capacitance Measurement

Power Factor cos(φ), loss angle

Dissipation Factor tan(δ), loss angle

fr Rated frequency, line frequency.

FSU Ferroresonance Suppression Unit

GST Grounded Specimen Test

IT Instrument Transformer

IVT Intermediate Voltage Terminal.

L Inductance of the compensating reactor

EU Electromagnetic Unit, typically the voltage transformer and the reactor

MOV Metal Oxide Varistor: MOV is a voltage dependent resistor. The

resistance becomes low-ohmic when the voltage exceeds a defined

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NHF Neutral High Frequency

PLC / PLCC Power Line Carrier (Communication)

Tc Temperature coefficient of capacitance

Upr Rated primary voltage

Usr Rated secondary voltage

UST Ungrounded Specimen Test

VT Voltage Transformer

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7.2 General information about CVTs

The electrical performance of capacitive voltage transformers (CVT), and thus the accuracy of the device, is
not only dependent on the transformation ratio of the intermediate voltage transformer but also on the
capacitive divider, the compensating reactor and the damping components.
All components of the CVT are prone to aging when they are in operation over a long lifetime, especially
under harsh environmental conditions.
The accuracy requirements, as well as the equipment condition, can be affected during the overall lifetime
but generally no diagnostic measurements are performed on CVTs.
As a result, the failures or errors remain hidden. Failures and errors of CVTs may not only result in economic
damage if the voltage is not measured correctly. It can also cause malfunctions of the protection system or
outages and technical damages to the CVT and the surroundings when the asset explodes.
Figure 34 shows an example equivalent circuit and its phasor diagram of a CVT.

Figure 34 - Circuit and Phasor diagram of a CVT

Instrument Voltage Transformers (VT), either inductive (IVT) or capacitive (CVT, CCVT), are used in
electrical grids to transform the line voltage at line frequency to a lower voltage level (for example, 100 V/3
or 110 V/3) for further data processing.

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Depending on the purpose of installation, the VTs are connected to metering or protection devices.
According to their application – metering or protection – VTs have to fulfil certain requirements regarding
precision, dynamic range or transient performance.

Compared to inductive VTs, a capacitive voltage divider is also used to reduce the transmission line voltage
and an inductive component (compensating reactor) to compensate the phase displacement. This phase
displacement is caused by the capacitive voltage divider. Therefore, the inductive element compensates the
phase displacement at line frequency.
As the capacitive divider of a CVT steps down the transmission line voltage, for example, a voltage of
132 kV to 20 kV for the intermediate voltage transformer part, a smaller design such as an inductive VT (IVT)
Sof the same voltage level (here: 132 kV) can be offered.

Especially for high voltage applications (>132 kV), the IVT design may, compared to the CVT design, be
very uneconomical and bulky due to increased requirements for the insulation and active part. The
intermediate voltage transformer of a CVT is basically an IVT. The insulation of the intermediate VT from a
CVT doesn’t need to withstand such high voltages as a conventional IVT for the same voltage level.
Therefore, smaller designs are possible.
The intermediate inductive transformer of a CVT is located in the tank and is typically oil-filled.
The following Figure 35 shows an example CVT from the manufacturer TRENCH including the nameplate
and circuit diagram.

Figure 35 - CVT from TRENCH with nameplate and circuit diagram

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7.3 CVT Components

Capacitor Divider

The capacitor divider is used as a voltage divider to step down the line voltage to a lower level, typically
20 kV.
The divider is made up of many in-series connected capacitor elements which are connected between line
and ground (refer to Figure 36). By rule of thumb, the number of single elements corresponds to Equation 5
and reflects a typical voltage drop of Velement ≈ 0.85 kV over each element at rated voltage VR with standard
rated capacitance (CR) values. Higher or lower values of Velement are possible and depend on the CR or
design criteria of the manufacturers. Invalid source specified.
Equation 5 - Number of single capacitance elements (rule of thumb)

𝑛𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 = ∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝑛𝑖 ≈ ∗ 0.7 Invalid source specified.

Figure 36 – Capacitor elements connected in series for the CVT Capacitor Divider

A tap connection within the capacitive divider is brought out at an appropriate voltage level carefully
coordinated with the intermediate voltage transformer to provide the required output voltages.
Equation 6 – Relationship between primary C1 und secondary capacitance C2 / Relationship of number of single C-elements (n1/n2)
𝐶2 𝑛1
𝑟𝑐 = 1 + =1+
𝐶1 𝑛2

Equation 7 – Ratio of the intermediate voltage transformer

𝑟𝑉𝑇 =
Typically the capacitor elements between the tap and the high voltage side are named C1 and the capacitor
elements between the tap and the low voltage side are named C2. There are more C1 capacitor layers than
C2 layers to achieve an appropriate voltage for the intermediate voltage transformer. The layers are
integrated in hollow porcelain or composite insulators filled with an impregnating fluid like oil.

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Compensating Reactor
The compensating reactor (inductive) compensates the influence of the coupling capacitor at the line
frequency fr. The compensation prevents a phase displacement between the primary and secondary
voltages at the line frequency which is caused by the capacitive divider.
The compensation reactor needs to be designed to compensate the influence caused by the parallel
capacitance of C1 and C2 (see Equation 8).
The compensating reactor consists of an iron core, typically equipped with an air gap, and a winding with
several turns including taps for adjustment. The tapping is prone to partial discharge activity causing erosion
and subsequently short circuits. An inter-turn short-circuit leads to increasing resistive power losses.
Equation 8 - Inductance of the compensating reactor

𝐿𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝 =
(𝐶1 + 𝐶2 ) ∗ (2 ∗ π ∗ 𝑓𝑟 )²

Intermediate Voltage Transformer

The intermediate voltage transformer is needed to provide the required power to the secondary circuit and
steps down the voltage (typically between 10 kV and 20 kV) to the rated secondary voltage for measurement
or protection instruments.
Typical secondary voltage values are 100 V/3 or 110 V/3. It consists of a primary winding and at least two
secondary windings.
The ratio rVT corresponds to the number of primary turns N1 divided by the number of secondary turns N2.
Equation 9 – Ratio of the intermediate voltage transformer Equation 7 – Ratio of the intermediate voltage transformer

𝑟𝑉𝑇 = 𝑁1𝑁2
The adjustment of the total CVT accuracy (winding correction) can be realized by additional winding turns at
the compensation reactor for the phase displacement ∆φ and at the primary winding of the intermediate
voltage transformer for the voltage error εU.

Ferroresonance Suppression Circuit

The capacitance for the voltage divider, the inductance of the compensating reactor, and the intermediate
voltage transformer, form a nonlinear resonance circuit at line frequency.
The oscillation is called ferroresonance. Among other things, they can be caused by switching operations or
Ferranti effects. In ferroresonance, the inductivities of the VT core and the compensating reactor get
saturated as these inductivities are only linear up to a certain voltage.
The capacitances need to re-charge causing high currents and internal overvoltages. The high voltage and
current amplitudes can damage the CVT.
In order to avoid ferroresonance, CVTs are equipped with a suppression circuit to damp ferroresonance
effects to prevent severe damage of the CVT.

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Figure 37 – Basic setup of a CVT with ferroresonance suppression circuit

There are various designs on the market using R, L and/or C components in different configurations. The
design of the damping circuit depends on the manufacturer.
The FSU is connected to the intermediate VT (more often to the secondary side) and is sometimes buried in
the tank or disconnected in the terminal box.
For modern CVTs, the main types of ferroresonance suppression circuits are the Active Ferroresonance
Suppression Circuits (AFSC) and the Passive Ferroresonance Suppression Circuits (PFSC).
The AFSC is based on a series RLC filter and the PFSC is based on a saturable inductor in series with a
damping resistance.

Figure 38 - Components of an AFSC (left) and PFSC (right)

Compared to the PFSC, the AFSC is more effective in damping the ferroresonance oscillations.
A disadvantage of the AFSC technique is the higher influence of the transient response compared to the
PFSC technique.
 It must be noted that the presence of a ferroresonance suppression circuit will affect the
transient performance of a CVT due to the reactive and non-linear components.

It is quite common that the damping unit is applied to the residual winding. Sometimes damping circuits are
not accessible and cannot be disconnected from the VT’s secondary winding.

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CAB – Carrier Accessory Box (Optional)
Some CVTs are equipped with a so called Neutral High Frequency Connection (NHF). The NHF point allows
direct access to the lower end of the C2 for the injection of power line carrier signals (PLC / PLCC).
PLCC use so called wave traps to communicate between substations.
The PLCC is used to transmit capacitive coupled communication signals and control information at a high
frequency superimposed on the transmission line voltage. These signals contain commands like tripping the
Circuit Breaker or changing the tap changer.
PLCC reduces the need for a separate infrastructure for communication between substations.
To use the communication between substations, an additional and optional Carrier Accessory Box (CAB) is
required. The CAB consists of a drain coil, surge arrestor and a carrier grounding switch.



Figure 39 - Carrier Accessory Box (CAB)

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Equivalent Circuit diagram
The phasor diagram shows all possible operating states at a given sinusoidal voltage and steady state
condition. In particular, failure situations within the CVT can be analysed in a mathematical way and facilitate
understanding. As well as for CVT design, it can be utilized for diagnostic purposes in cases where all
parameters are known.

Figure 40 – Equivalent circuit diagram of a CVT

V1: Primary voltage C1: Primary capacitance Xσ1 & X’σ2: Leakage inductance RCO,FE: Resistance of the iron core of
compensating reactor

V2: Secondary voltage C2: Secondary capacitance R1 & R’2: Winding resistance RCO: Winding resistance of
compensating reactor

Ip: Primary current I0: No-load current X’H: Main inductance XCO: Inductance of compensating

Is: Secondary current ZB: Load RFE: Resistance of the iron core

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7.4 Dissipation Factor Theory

In an ideal capacitor without any dielectric losses, the current vector is shifted exactly 90° in respect of the
applied voltage vector. For real insulations with dielectric losses, the angle is less than 90°.
For a single frequency, an insulation can be modelled by a loss-free capacitor with a parallel resistor
representing the losses in the insulation system (Figure 41).

Figure 41 - Simplified circuit diagram of a capacitor for a single frequency

In the equivalent circuit, the vacuum capacitance and all polarization are represented in a single, ideal
capacitor. This capacitor represents the actual test object capacity at the selected frequency.
All polarization and conduction losses are represented by the resistor which is connected in parallel to the
ideal capacitor.
The circuit with the resistor and capacitor describes the behavior of the test object at a single frequency.
Usually, for every test frequency used, different values for the resistor and capacitor of the equivalent circuit
are obtained.

Applying a voltage to the parallel components causes a capacitive current IC to flow through the capacitor as
well as a resistive current IR through the resistor (Figure 42). The overall current ITest, which is the sum of
both, therefore has a resistive and a capacitive component. The higher the losses, the higher the resistive
current. The angle δ = 90° - φ between IC and ITest is caused by the resistive part IR of the overall current ITest
and increases with the losses.

The parameter tan(δ), which is the ratio of the resistive current IR to the capacitive current IC, is one
parameter often used to describe the quantity of losses of an insulation system (Figure 41).

Another way to describe the losses is the power factor, which is the cosine of the angle φ, (Equation 11).

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For small values of δ, which is common for most intact dielectrics used in insulation, the values tan(δ) and
cos(ϕ) are almost identical, but for larger values of δ the difference can be significant.

Equation 10 – Dissipation factor (DF) or Loss factor

𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑝𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 = = tan(𝛿)
Equation 11 – Power factor (DF)

𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 = = cos(φ)

Figure 42 – Current and phase shift

7.5 UST and GST Measurements

The CP TD1 has three external measuring inputs, IN A, IN B and ground. These three inputs can be
individually switched to guard or to the measuring unit. If an input is switched to the measuring path, the
connected capacitance is part of the measurement. If it is switched to guard, the current bypasses the
measurement path and is not included in the measurement. The advantage of using a switch matrix to
configure the measurement is that multiple measurements can be made without changing the measurement
setup or wiring.

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The terms “UST” for “ungrounded specimen test” and “GST” for “grounded specimen test” have historically
evolved. UST describes a measurement setup where ground is not connected to the measurement path,
whereas GST describes a measurement setup where ground is part of the measurement path.
In the “UST” configuration, 3 configurations are possible. Depending on the configuration, the currents via IN
A and IN B are either measured or not (see Table 8 - UST measurement modes

below). The measurement result is the sum of all measured channels.

Measure Mode HV Lead Comment

UST-A Measured Guarded Guarded

UST-B Guarded Measured Guarded

UST-(A+B) Measured Measured Guarded

Table 8 - UST measurement modes

Figure 43 – UST measurement modes

In the GST configuration, 4 configurations are possible (see Table 9 below). The naming is slightly different
compared to the UST modes as it indicates the channels which are guarded, not the channels which are
measured. The measurement result is also the sum of all measured channels.

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Measure Mode HV Lead Comment

GST Measured Measured Measured

GSTg-A Guarded Measured Measured

GSTg-B Measured Guarded Measured

GSTg-(A+B) Guarded Guarded Measured

Table 9 – GST measurement modes

Figure 44 – GST measurement modes

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7.6 Tan Delta Test Card (CPC only)

The Tan Delta Test Card is built-up in the following way.

Actual output value

Define voltage or
frequency sweep

Define the number of
sequences per test point

Bandwidth of digital filter

Figure 45 – Tan Delta Card Settings

Special naming in the frequency column "Hz" and their meanings:
 *50 Hz (*60 Hz) = Measurement mode suppressing the mains frequency interferences; doubles
the measurement time.
 !30 Hz = The selected test voltage is not available in Automatic measurement (applies to
frequencies below 45 Hz only).
 ?xx Hz = Results with reduced accuracy, for example, in case of a low testing voltage,
influences of partial discharge etc.

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8 Literature
There are no sources in the current document.

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