2018 Book DisclosingChildhoods
2018 Book DisclosingChildhoods
2018 Book DisclosingChildhoods
research and knowledge production
for a critical childhood studies
spyros spyrou
Studies in Childhood and Youth
Series Editors
Afua Twum-Danso Imoh
University of Sheffield
Sheffield, UK
Nigel Thomas
University of Central Lancashire
Preston, UK
Spyros Spyrou
European University Cyprus
Nicosia, Cyprus
Penny Curtis
University of Sheffield
Sheffield, UK
This well-established series embraces global and multi-disciplinary
scholarship on childhood and youth as social, historical, cultural and
material phenomena. With the rapid expansion of childhood and youth
studies in recent decades, the series encourages diverse and emerging
theoretical and methodological approaches. We welcome proposals
which explore the diversities and complexities of children’s and young
people’s lives and which address gaps in the current literature relating to
childhoods and youth in space, place and time.
Studies in Childhood and Youth will be of interest to students and
scholars in a range of areas, including Childhood Studies, Youth
Studies, Sociology, Anthropology, Geography, Politics, Psychology,
Education, Health, Social Work and Social Policy.
Research and Knowledge Production
for a Critical Childhood Studies
Spyros Spyrou
Department of Social and Behavioral
European University Cyprus
Nicosia, Cyprus
This Palgrave Macmillan imprint is published by the registered company Macmillan Publishers Ltd.
part of Springer Nature
The registered company address is: The Campus, 4 Crinan Street, London, N1 9XW, United Kingdom
To my parents, with love and appreciation!
1 Disclosing Childhoods 1
Index 231
Disclosing Childhoods
In 1906, Dudley Kidd published his Savage Childhood, an ethnographic
account of Kafir (black South African) children. The following two
excerpts come from the preface of the book:
children and childhood. The ease with which we can identify Kidd’s rac-
ist representations of Kafir children is unremarkable. Much has changed
since then including the way we study and write about children. It is
easy to spot Kidd’s situatedness in the ethnography as a white man
whose account of Kafir children is clearly framed by the theoretical,
epistemological and ethical parameters of his time not to mention the
historical, cultural and social context in which he carried out research
and the racial dynamics which played out in the particular context at
the time.
Kidd’s expert and authoritative ethnographic gaze at the beginning
of the twentieth century when he published Savage Childhood is from
today’s vantage point easily deconstructed. We are able to see through the
representations of these children, to identify exclusions and biases, and
to situate them in the realm of ideology rather than ‘fact’ as Kidd him-
self hoped his account would be. The larger problematic—knowledge
production—to which this brief analysis of Savage Childhood points to, is
of course always current and consequential.
For contemporary scholarship in childhood studies, the challenge
is to develop an ongoing reflexive outlook towards its own knowledge
practices, an attitude which will allow it to produce knowledge which
recognizes its own situatedness and limits but is, at the same time, com-
mitted to a critical and ethical understanding of children and child-
hood. To the extent that this is possible for the field as a whole, it can
lead, I argue, to a more mindful, critical, and responsible childhood
studies. This book hopes to contribute towards this direction.
Disclosing Childhoods
Disclosing Childhoods is a critical reflection on knowledge production in
childhood studies. It has grown out of my own emerging understand-
ings of childhood studies as a field with its own agendas, frustrations, and
promises. What came out of the 1980s as a result of the discomfort with
the earlier paradigms has been highly productive, stimulating a significant
amount of research which has contributed a great deal to our understand-
ings of children and childhood. More than three decades of scholarly
1 Disclosing Childhoods
The world does not stand still; it is agentic and impacts our knowl-
edge of it (Hekman 2010: 92). By bringing the actual events which
take place together with the researchers, their tools and the theories
they use to study them (by attending to, in other words, the research
assemblages at work) all within a relational ontological framework we
are able to have a more critical understanding of knowledge production
as practice (Fox and Alldred 2017: 152–153). Relationality then—as
the larger, overall framework from which material and discursive forces
become entangled and come to affect one another—becomes the prin-
cipal means through which we seek to understand the worlds which
unfold in front of us and the sense we make of them.
This kind of new materialist understanding makes no claims to ulti-
mate truths but is also not relativist. It recognizes that ontology and
epistemology are entangled and therefore disclosing one ontology of
the child (as opposed to another) can result in different material con-
sequences on children’s lives which can be compared and contrasted.
Disclosure allows us to argue about the material benefits of one reality
versus another without claiming that we are presenting ‘absolute truth’
or ‘yet another story’: “we can make arguments grounded in the mate-
rial consequences of the disclosure we practice” (Hekman 2010: 93).
Our knowledge practices, in this sense, are not tools enlisted to simply
describe what is out there but means through which we shape the very
realities we seek to describe. As Law and Singleton explain:
1. See, for instance, the discussion on the plurality of approaches to the
study of childhood put forth by James et al. (1998).
1 Disclosing Childhoods
Barad, K. (2007). Meeting the universe halfway: Quantum physics and the entan-
glement of matter and meaning. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Castaneda, C. (2002). Figurations: Child, bodies, worlds. Durham and London:
Duke University Press.
Foucault, M. (1979). Discipline and punish: The birth of the prison
(A. Sheridan, Trans.). New York: Vintage Books.
Foucault, M. (1980a). The history of sexuality. Volume 1: An introduction
(R. Hurley, Trans.). New York: Vintage Books.
Foucault, M. (1980b). Power/knowledge: Selected interviews and other writings:
1972–1977 (L. Marshall, C. Gordon, J. Mepham, & K. Soper, Trans.,
C. Gordon, Ed.). New York: Pantheon Books.
Fox, N. J., & Alldred, P. (2017). Sociology and the new materialism: Theory,
research, action. London: Sage.
Hekman, S. (2008). Constructing the ballast: An ontology for feminism.
In S. Alaimo & S. Hekman (Eds.), Material feminisms (pp. 85–119).
Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
Hekman, S. (2010). The material of knowledge: Feminist disclosures.
Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
James, A., Jenks, C., & Prout, A. (1998). Theorizing childhood. Cambridge:
Polity Press.
Jenks, C. (1982). Introduction: Constituting the child. In C. Jenks (Ed.), The
sociology of childhood: Essential readings (pp. 9–24). London: Batsford.
Kidd, D. (1906). Savage childhood: A study of Kafir children. London: Adam
and Charles Black.
Knorr Cetina, K. (2007). Culture in global knowledge societies: Knowledge
cultures and epistemic cultures. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 32(4),
Law, J. (2004). After method: Mess in social science research. London and New
York: Routledge.
S. Spyrou
Law, J., & Singleton, V. (2013). ANT and politics: Working in and on the
world. Qualitative Sociology, 36, 485–502.
Law, J., & Urry, J. (2004). Enacting the social. Economy and Society, 33(3),
Moran-Ellis, J. (2010). Reflections on the sociology of childhood in the UK.
Current Sociology, 59(2), 186–205.
Rouse, J. (2002). How scientific practices matter: Reclaiming philosophical natu-
ralism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Stainton-Rogers, W., & Stainton-Rogers, R. (1992). Stories of childhood.
London: Harvester Wheatsheaf.
Towards a Decentering of ‘The Child’
What is today referred to as the interdisciplinary field of childhood stud-
ies (1980s to the present), has come about as a result of a clear dissat-
isfaction with theoretical approaches, most notably in psychology but
also in sociology and anthropology where notions of children as becom-
ings rather than beings prevailed for much of the twentieth century.1 As
an interdisciplinary field of studies from its very beginning, childhood
studies sought to challenge these approaches by putting forth its own
theoretical propositions which have, more or less guided the research
agenda since then. In a much-influential edited volume, James and
Prout (1990c: 3) argued for an ‘emergent paradigm’ that “will consoli
date and continue the change in direction initiated by the research of
the 1970s” (see also James et al. 1998; James and James 2004; Qvortrup
1994). One of the main theoretical arguments put forth was that chil-
dren and childhood are constituted by different discourses which are in
turn constituted by children’s lives. They advocated the need to examine
childhood as a social construction taking into account its intersectional
character and the need to study children’s social worlds and cultures
You have to be connected with the basic debates of sciences, you have to
connect to where social science is heading. You have to bring those debates
into childhood studies and bring childhood studies into those debates, and
I think that is not happening enough. (Smith and Greene 2014: 23)
S. Spyrou
At the very time when social theory was coming to terms with late
modernity by decentring the subject, the sociology of childhood was val-
orizing the subjectivity of children. While sociology was searching for
metaphors of mobility, fluidity and complexity, the sociology of child-
hood was raising the edifice of childhood as a permanent social structure.
(Prout 2005: 62)
Feminist Approaches
This insight framed in many ways the fundamental critique that child-
hood studies levelled on developmental psychology and socialization
theories during the late 1980s and early 1990s (see James and Prout
1990a) and its consequent flourishing as a new paradigmatic approach
to researching childhood. The unprecedented attention paid to ‘chil-
dren’s perspectives’ (invariably referred to also as ‘children’s voices’) in
research and the methodological innovation which has accompanied
this preoccupation during the last three decades is illustrative of this
turn (see Chapter 4). In its more politicized versions, this preoccupation
seeks to develop a ‘children’s standpoint’ which could help address chil-
dren’s oppression from adults and adult-controlled institutions in soci-
ety. Proponents of a ‘children’s standpoint’ (see especially Mayall 2002)
argue that because of their location in the social structure, children have
unique perspectives about the world and their position in it and hence
research should acknowledge and bring forth this knowledge (see a
more detailed discussion of standpoint theories in Chapter 6).
In important ways, feminist approaches have provided childhood
studies with its raison d’être by making its very object of inquiry, the
child, central to its knowledge production. By highlighting the situat-
edness of knowledge and the power inequalities between children and
adults, feminist approaches did not only allow for the deconstruction of
adult perspectives on childhood but also foregrounded the need for, and
value of, exploring children’s voices and perspectives and developing a
children’s standpoint. The challenge for childhood studies is to maintain
the critical insights of feminist epistemologies about knowledge produc-
tion but without limiting its explorations and potential contributions to
its child-centered concerns. Indeed, as I show in the next section, it is
through a more radical decentering of the child that childhood studies
might reinvigorate its research agenda and engage more critically with
the wider empirical and theoretical worlds of knowledge.
2010; Coole and Frost 2010a; Hekman 2010; Dolphijn and van der
Tuin 2012). New materialists are highly critical of the cultural turn in
theory (and of radical constructivism in particular) and its emphasis on
language, discourse and culture and propose instead an ontological and
posthumanist orientation which takes matter as lively and agentic with
emphasis placed not on what it is but on what it does or how it affects
and is affected in particular event assemblages (Coole and Frost 2010b:
6–7; Fox and Alldred 2017: 24). They reject the culture-nature dualism
and the privileging of the former at the expense of the latter (which they
see as the failing of social constructivist approaches) arguing instead that
nature and culture are entangled (Ferrando 2013: 31). They also reject
the existence of social structures and propose instead a flat ontology
where life in all its complexity unfolds through countless events.
Actor-network theory and more recently Deleuzian-inspired
approaches which reflect new materialist preoccupations have inspired
new ways of thinking in childhood studies though admittedly still
to a very limited extent (see Chapter 3). Scholars who turn to these
approaches question the fundamental premises of ‘the new paradigm’
and seek to rethink knowledge production in the field through the use
of concepts like networks, assemblages, multiplicities and becomings.
By challenging essentialist understandings of childhood ontology and
decentering the child, this emerging line of work seeks to reimagine the
field beyond the dualisms of modernist sociology (Prout 2005).
Alongside the posthumanist and other ontologically-informed frame-
works outlined here, critical realism has also developed as a promising
alternative to both positivism and constuctivism for the critical pro-
duction of knowledge in the social sciences. Critical realism attempts
to reflect on the nature of the social world by granting ontology some
form of independence from epistemology while also recognizing that all
our attempts at representing the social world are bound to be situated
in, and limited by, the specific social, cultural and historical frameworks
in which we operate (see Archer 1995; Bhaskar 1998, 2008). Though
I limit my inquiry in this book mainly to new materialist thinking (with
which critical realism has both overlaps and differences), it is important
to keep in mind that critical realism constitutes another potentially pro-
ductive possibility for childhood studies to pursue questions of ontology
2 Towards a Decentering of ‘The Child’
of childhood studies and their work is slowly but steadily impacting the
theoretical imagination of the field at large (see Chapter 3).
The field’s focus (one could say, fixation) with the knowing, reflex-
ive, agentic, and socially constructed child has in many ways trapped
childhood theory within a reproductive mode. The unitary child-agent,
placed within social structures who crafts, and is crafted by, a multi-
tude of forces—social, cultural, economic and political—may have
been fruitful in helping establish childhood studies as a distinct field of
study but its limits are indeed becoming apparent as scholarship seeks
to develop more nuanced approaches to understanding social life.
As we have seen, in recent decades both poststructuralist and post-
humanist calls for decentering the human subject have had signif-
icant influence in social science scholarship provoking a rethinking of
long-established humanist assumptions and consequent efforts to break
the molds of dualistic thinking. A so-called ‘ontological turn’ in the
social sciences has provided and continues to provide useful theoretical
insights not only in relation to the constitution of the human subject
but also in relation to the knowledge practices which enact objects of
inquiry and legitimate particular understandings of the social.
A turn to relational ontologies in childhood studies may prove quite
productive for a field whose potential has been greatly curtailed by its
inability to move decidedly beyond its foundational analytical frame-
works. To think relationally in childhood studies is not only to destabi-
lize and decenter the field’s object of inquiry—the child—and to move
beyond claims to truth and authenticity often represented through the
notions of ‘children’s voices’ and ‘children’s perspectives’ but to also
expand the networks of relations and associations which link children
with other humans and non-humans across multiple spatial and tem-
poral scales (see Sparrman and Sandin 2012; Samuelsson et al. 2015;
Kraftl and Horton, forthcoming). In doing so, an opportunity opens
up for the field to rethink the ethics and politics of its own knowledge
practices through its choices to disclose or bring into light certain child-
hoods rather than others.
In an editorial for Childhood where I called for the need to decenter
childhood, I argued that “unless childhood studies finds inroads
into the wider nexus of knowledge production which lies beyond its
2 Towards a Decentering of ‘The Child’
Knowing Reflexively
Despite its highly productive trajectory, one may still find it necessary
to ask if childhood studies as a field is critical enough about its knowl-
edge productions. Alanen (2011), for example, argues that childhood
studies is not sufficiently critical. To become more critical, she suggests,
childhood studies needs to make “explicit the normative foundations of
childhood research” and to “address a number of normative issues con-
cerning the practices and arrangements ‘out there’, and specify in what
particular respects and for what specific reasons they are problematic”
(Alanen 2011: 150). She further extends her point about the field’s
reflexive capacities asking:
which their voices are produced (see Chapter 4), acknowledging in this
way that both our research data and findings are an outcome of the situ-
ated research processes in which we participate.
Given ongoing discussions on reflexivity in the social sciences at
large, how could childhood studies become more reflexive and attend
to issues of representation more critically? In Ethnography Through
Thick and Thin (1998), George Marcus discusses different styles of
reflexivity including the sociological, anthropological and feminist. In
its null form, reflexivity, he argues is simply “the self-critique, the per-
sonal quest, playing on the subjective, the experiential, and the idea of
empathy” but often ends up reinforcing the voice and perspective of
the researcher rather than challenging the very paradigm it reflects on
(1998: 193). What Marcus finds more interesting is ‘anthropological
reflexivity’—resembling ‘a politics of location’—which draws attention
not to the discovery of knowledge but to its constitution through alter-
native representations. This type of reflexivity, Marcus explains, inserts
the researcher in the field of representations who is then called upon to
reveal its intertextual character (1998: 197).
Reflexivity of this type seeks to be highly vigilant and critical: it is
ever ready to question and deconstruct but also to reframe. Gergen
(2009: 12) defines critical reflectivity as
the attempt to place one’s premises into question, to suspend the ‘obvi-
ous’, to listen to alternative framings of reality and to grapple with the
comparative outcomes of multiple standpoints. For the construction-
ist this means an unrelenting concern with the blinding potential of the
In its critical form then, reflexivity is not about finding truth through
proper method but rather a means of constructing knowledge that is
local, situated and contingent. In that sense, it could be described as
a meta-methodology, “a methodology whose object of study is itself ”
(Freshwater 2001: 533).
Alvesson and Skoldberg (2009: 312–314) extend the discussion on
critical reflexivity by distinguishing between what they call D-reflexivity
and R-reflexivity (though they recognize that the two are interrelated).
S. Spyrou
Knowing Diffractively
made invisible in an effort to keep the presence clean and hygienic (Law
and Urry 2004) (see Chapters 6 and 7).
What both Pickering and Law offer us are anti-representationalist
approaches which seek to resituate knowledge production in the per-
formative arenas of material-semiotic activity which constitute the world,
both human and non-human, as we come to understand it through our
practices of knowing. Their critiques provide a platform for elaborating a
critical childhood studies and for reflecting on the co-constitutive role of
research in the production of knowledge about children and childhood.
If our methods (or more generally our knowledge practices) are perform-
ative and hence can enact multiple realities, then we can ask “which real-
ities it might be best to bring into being” (Law 2004: 39). According to
Law and Urry (2004: 404),
independent human agent looking at data from the outside and reflect-
ing on what that means for the knowledge produced (e.g., how one’s
gender or ethnicity affects one’s interpretations), in a diffractive meth-
odology the focus shifts to the role of the researcher in “the world’s
differential becoming” because “practices of knowing are specific mate-
rial engagements that participate in (re)configuring the world” (Barad
2007: 91; see also Hultman and Lenz Taguchi 2010). Put another way,
the focus shifts from a concern with documenting difference from a dis-
tance and with how successfully the object of inquiry is represented (in
the reflexive mode) to a concern with producing difference by dissolv-
ing the distinction between knower and known through intra-action (in
the diffractive mode) (Bozalek and Zembylas 2017: 117). As Mitchell
(2017: 173) aptly puts it, “Unlike reflection that refers to our own posi-
tioning as pre-existing individuals, and which draws us back into our-
selves as knowing subjects, diffraction is a dynamic, entangled process
that enacts newness. It involves differences-in-the-making.” Well-known
dualisms like subject-object or knower-known become meaningless
from a diffractive perspective. The researcher participates in the materi-
alization and re-materialization of the world through the way s/he intra-
acts with other matter; the knowledge produced is from within, not
from standing outside and looking in.
In their comparison between reflection and diffraction, Bozalek and
Zembylas (2017: 123) explain how both approaches acknowledge the
role of the embodied researcher and the situated character of knowl-
edge but that “Diffraction provides additional affordances through its
connection of the discursive and the material, with knowledges mak-
ing themselves intelligible to each other in creative and unpredictable
ways.” The underlying ontological concern of this kind of thinking,
as Holbraad and Pedersen (2017: 11–12, 23) suggest, may be seen as
a further elaboration of reflexivity by leaving the question of ontology
perpetually open—what things are and could be—and engaging in con-
ceptual creativity by exploring “the contingencies of particular situations
and the analytical challenges that their subtleties pose” (Holbraad and
Pedersen 2017: 245).
The ontologies that emerge out of our knowledge practices (and con-
sequently our exclusions) delineate the world in particular ways and
2 Towards a Decentering of ‘The Child’
studies might mean that debates shift from discussions on how to get
power relations right (though, such efforts are significant in their
own right for what they can contribute to our relations as researchers
with children) in order to produce more ‘accurate’ or ‘authentic’ rep-
resentations of children’s worlds, to how differences get made in our
entangled research encounters with children. Researcher, research par-
ticipants, data, interpretations, and research reports (to name but a few
of the components) spring out of this entanglement which is by defini-
tion contingent and emergent on the research assemblage that is con-
stituted at any particular moment. Each element of the assemblage is
made and remade as a result of the shifting relations at work. In that
sense, a diffractive approach helps disclose particular ontologies which
are not pre-given but are the outcome of relational, material entan-
glements. The practices and infrastructures which enact (rather than
merely represent) the entangled world in particular ways are socio-
material and part of the ongoing ontological constitution and trans-
formation of the world (Holbraad and Pedersen 2017: 38). A recent
example of diffractive thinking used in a childhood setting is offered
by Mayes’s (2016) account of puppet production as a research method.
In her diffractive analysis, Mayes asks: “What is produced when we
view children, researchers, environments and materials as entangled in
research encounters?” to suggest that data is not elicited or collected but
produced or co-created out of the research activity in shifting assem-
blages where flows of affect and desire produce particular forms of
power relations and possibilities for becoming. The interest in this kind
of analysis lies, Mayes (2016: 118) argues, with “how each element of
a research assemblage (including human, as well as material and non-
human elements) diffracts and affects what is produced”.
A diffractive approach does not merely offer another reading of child-
hood but interferes in knowledge practices in such a way as to enact
certain realities of children’s worlds and lives (rather than others) with
preferred political and ethical effects. Thus, for childhood studies,
exploring diffractively the possibilities of knowledge and where it can go
might mean bringing forth the theoretically challenging—the mobile,
the messy, the fleeting, the multiple, the non-causal, and the complex
(Law and Urry 2004: 402–404) and rethinking with imagination and
2 Towards a Decentering of ‘The Child’
Indeed, if the world is made and remade each moment, both as individ-
ual researchers and collectively as a field, we are responsible for its “dif-
ferential becoming” (Barad 2007: 396; see also Law 2004: 39; Law and
Urry 2004: 404), an issue which a critical childhood studies would need
to attend to more systematically in the years to come.
In this chapter, I have explored the possibilities of a move to decenter
childhood studies’ object of inquiry—the child—a move which,
I argue, will allow the field to engage more broadly with issues and con-
cerns which lie beyond its child-centered preoccupations. This broader
engagement of childhood studies, whether empirical, theoretical or
methodological, will allow it to avoid the self-referential trap and its
S. Spyrou
1. Though critical work which contributed to the emergence of contempo-
rary childhood studies came from many disciplinary directions, includ-
ing psychology, it was sociologists and anthropologists who have more
systematically pursued the paradigmatic shift in the field.
2. See also Chapter 3 where I provide a more thorough critique and discus-
sion of this paradigm.
3. See, for instance, Morrow and Richards (1996).
4. An edited volume by Best (2007) devoted to the question of representa-
tion exemplifies these kinds of concerns for child and youth research.
5. See also Hopkins’ and Pain’s (2007) call for ‘thinking relationally’ in rela-
tion to age and Huijsmans (2016) call for foregrounding generational
2 Towards a Decentering of ‘The Child’
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S. Spyrou
In the introductory chapter, I briefly outlined the development of what
has come to be known as childhood studies. Though the field is not
unified as such, there seems to be a widely-shared set of assumptions
which guide much of the work produced. It is becoming increasingly
apparent, however, that these theoretical assumptions are constraining
rather than enabling the field to enhance its understanding of children
and childhood and are in need of rethinking. In this chapter, I offer a
more comprehensive (though admittedly selective) review of childhood
studies’ literature highlighting its underlying ontological and episte-
mological foundations and its conceptual limits. I start with an over-
view of the establishment and development of contemporary childhood
studies and then turn to a discussion of the emerging critiques of the
field paying special attention to the challenges of its dominant social
constructionist trajectory. More specifically, I discuss in particular the
poststructuralist and posthumanist critiques which are beginning to
challenge childhood studies’ dualistic assumptions and introduce a
more relational, ontological thinking which sees childhood as a complex
The child is portrayed, like the laboratory rat, as being at the mercy of
external stimuli: passive and conforming. Lost in a social maze it is the
adult who offers directions. The child, like the rat, responds accordingly
and is finally rewarded by becoming ‘social’, by becoming adult. In being
constructed as unable to initiate interactions the child’s nature is thus
visualized as fundamentally different from an adult’s. (James and Prout
1990b: 13)
Coming from another direction, Adrian James (2010) has also been
critical of dualistic thinking and has called for the need to recognize
complexity and attempt integration in the field. According to James,
the field of childhood studies needs to integrate the disparate perspec-
tives that currently exist so that they cease to be seen as oppositional;
their complementary role should be recognized and appreciated for
what it can contribute to the field as a whole. Such disparate perspec-
tives include those of structure vs agency or childhood vs childhoods
which James argues prevent us from understanding the complexities
of children’s lives. For example, taking the structural determinants of
childhood and the commonalities they engender in children’s lives, he
argues, allows us not only to understand their role in creating a com-
mon structural and generational space for children but also, and simul-
taneously, to see how they give rise to different childhoods. Attending to
children’s voices, agency and experiences and to how they produce dif-
ferent childhoods complements rather than opposes our efforts towards
understanding the structural and generational space of childhood which
produces commonality. By integrating rather than opposing such per-
spectives, we are able to attend to both the commonalities and diver-
sities of childhood which constitute not two opposing understandings
but aspects of the same larger phenomenon (Adrian James 2010: 493,
It would be fair to say that today much of the critique in childhood
studies is centered on the social constructionist approach celebrated by
the field and the need to move beyond it. There is no doubt that the
social constructionist paradigm popularized by the ‘new social studies
of childhood’ has and continues to offer much needed corrective insight
into the homogenizing tendencies of studies of childhood. As Tisdall
and Punch 2012: 254, 258) note, these tendencies are clearly illus-
trated through the universalized and globalized notions of childhood
(e.g., the emphasis on the child as an individual) which are exported
from the Minority World to the Majority World where children’s life
conditions can often be radically different. The need to historicize and
de-naturalize the concept of childhood which has been biologized and
universalized remains pressing to this day, a task towards which the
social constructionist agenda of childhood studies will likely continue
3 Knowledge Production in Childhood Studies
to work (Malkki and Martin 2003: 220). Bringing forth and elu-
cidating the discourses and practices which give rise to particular
social constructions of childhood not only reveals the historical and
contextually-rooted character of the phenomenon and its multiple man-
ifestations (across time and space and in relation to a variety of social
variables such as class, gender or ethnicity) but also highlights the power
structures and dynamics which produce its political knowledge-base.
As Alvesson and Skoldberg (2009: 36) suggest, social construction-
ism’s enticement partly rests on the use of the metaphor of ‘construc-
tion’ which implies fabrication, arbitrariness and manipulation and
consequently the need for disclosure. By problematizing knowledge
production and asking what knowledge is produced, by whom and for
whom, and for what purposes, social constructionism provides the pos-
sibility for reimagining and potentially reconstructing the social order
in a more equitable fashion; hence its political appeal. In that sense,
it would be fair to say that the basic, underlying assumption of this
approach—that childhood is a social construction which circumscribes
children’s lives and that likewise children are a central element and key
player of this social construction—will likely continue to shape much
of the future research in the field not only because it helps elucidate our
understanding of childhood as a social phenomenon but also because
it inadvertently exposes the workings of domination and the need to
reshape the oppressive structures which impinge on children’s lives.
As Alanen argues in a recent, deliberately provocative editorial of
Childhood (2015) titled ‘Are we all constructionists now?’, social con-
structionism has appealed to sociologists precisely because it seeks to
explain childhood as the outcome of social and cultural processes rather
than natural ones and hence provides a political agenda for change: if
childhood is socially constructed then it can be reconstructed in ways that
lead to more equality and justice for children. In that sense, we could add,
it provides a moral and ethical justification for research agendas and
endeavors which goes beyond the mere desire for producing knowl-
edge. However, Alanen explains, social constructionism is often used as
an assertion to gain legitimate entry into childhood studies without the
necessary reflection and critical scrutiny on what it entails. The putative
common-sense understanding of the term encourages its widespread
S. Spyrou
and superficial use without the need to provide evidence for what it
asserts: to claim that something is socially constructed is, in other
words, considered to be enough. Seeing, for instance, all differences
between children as socially constructed can obscure, as Hammersley
(2016: 5–6) points out, our understanding of real differences in capa-
bilities that exist between children. Moreover, social constructionism’s
preoccupation with how social constructions are carried out often ends
up in descriptivism and lack of theoretical insight (Alanen 2015). Social
constructionism’s anti-essentialism is likewise limited by its essentialist
stance towards the very idea of construction which is assumed to be an
essential and “an inherent, unchangeable, constant property of our real-
ity” and its lack of self-critique in relation to the role it plays in con-
structing “others’ construction” (Alvesson and Skoldberg 2009: 38). The
selective application of social constructionism only in relation to what
are seen as undesirable phenomena is problematic in that it fails to exer-
cise the same critical scrutiny to all phenomena such as, for instance,
children’s rights or children’s voices (Hammersley 2016: 6). Added to
this, is the overall weakening of a more universal agenda for childhood
when one takes a relativistic, social constructionist point of view which
discounts problems such as child neglect and abuse which have a more
universal presence in favor of arguments which are rooted in the local
and cultural specificities of children’s lives (Wyness 2006: 21–22). For
a field which celebrates social constructionism to such a great extent,
the invitation is, as Alanen (2015) implies in the aforementioned edito-
rial, to look beyond and attend to the ongoing philosophical dialogues
which could provide the necessary food for critical inquiry in childhood
Despite its productive impact, we could argue that the social con-
structionist paradigm precludes a more comprehensive understanding of
the childhood phenomenon which is not reducible to simply the social
but is also, simultaneously, biological, and technological. Inadvertently
perhaps, as Prout (2008) reminds us, the overexcitement with the
claims of social constructionism ended up reifying the nature-culture
In their influential book Theorizing Childhood published in 1998,
James, Jenks and Prout already acknowledged the reductionist assumptions
3 Knowledge Production in Childhood Studies
In the same year, Gittins (1998) also exercised a harsh critique of social
constructionism (especially the radical version espoused by the Stainton
Rogers) which she sees as having the potential to trivialize real inequali-
ties, differences, and problems that exist in the world:
Prout (2005; but also see Prout 2000b for a more limited exposition of
this critique) as we have already seen in relation to his larger critique of
dualistic thinking, picked up on the same theme a few years later also
criticizing the existing framework which posits childhood as a social
construction in opposition to that which is natural or biological insist-
ing that childhood is both social and biological and that such dichoto-
mies simply limit our ability to understand it:
(see also Kraftl 2013, 2015). They argue that though the bio-social
dualism has served and continues to serve as an orienting framework for
research on childhood, its limits are apparent especially in light of the
mix and interplay of biological and social processes taking place in the
contemporary world (Lee and Motzkau 2011: 8). Drawing on the work
of Deleuze and Guattari, Lee and Motzkau offer a new navigational
guide comprised of three multiplicities, namely, life, resource and voice.
Each of these multiplicities is “a gathering of diverse practical, political,
theoretical and empirical concerns that are connected in complex and
varying ways to one other” which “has been composed of articulations
among a range of events and processes that cross conventional discipli-
nary boundaries” (Lee and Motzkau 2011: 10). The three multiplici-
ties which the authors outline are meant to help researchers navigate a
terrain where the biological, the social and the technical come together
in the lives of children. Taken together the three multiplicities draw on
resources developed by childhood research over the years to help con-
temporary researchers identify the complex bio-political forces and pro-
cesses at play today without resorting to bio-social dualisms (Lee and
Motzkau 2011: 15, 18).
This emerging concern with hybridity in childhood studies, however,
is not without its critics. Ryan (2011), for instance, is highly critical of
this new wave of childhood studies which attempts to rethink childhood
through the concepts of hybridity and multiplicity by breaking the grip
from the bio-social dualism which opposes nature to culture. According
to Ryan, there was never a split between the biological and the social as
often argued by the new wave of childhood studies but rather a shift in
focus—a zig-zagging of sorts—between the poles of the biological and
the social. So, rather than transgressing the bio-social dualism, this new
wave of studies, he argues, ends up inhabiting a space where “modern
western childhood is constituted not as a division between the biolog-
ical and the social, but in the form of an irreducible ‘biosocial nexus’”
(Ryan 2011: 450). From within this nexus, he argues, one may see both
developmental psychology and socialization theory as operating within
the same field of practice rather than from opposite ends.
Despite the limited work which utilizes notions of hybridity in child-
hood studies, it is reasonable to expect that the field will gradually turn
3 Knowledge Production in Childhood Studies
but calls for a constant sense of critical reflexivity. In her own reflec-
tive piece in Children’s Geographies, Pain (2010: 224) argues for “a timid
disciplinarianism: stepping back, decentring ourselves as knowledge
producers, listening a bit more, telling a bit less, opening up to the
many other sites of knowledge production” through our engagement
with children and young people as well as others who are implicated in
our work such as community activists. This is in many ways a call for
deconstructing and reconstructing knowledge in new, innovative ways
which may be inspired and informed by disciplinary knowledges and
understandings but are ever wary about their own limits and partiality.
Gagen (2010: 214) reminds us that any effort, whatever its orientation,
whether disciplinary, inter-disciplinary, multi-disciplinary or trans- and
cross-disciplinary can end up getting trapped in its own complacency:
“Perhaps it is a good moment to turn our attention outward again and
remind ourselves of opportunities which lie beyond established practices
whether they be disciplinary, interdisciplinary or extra-disciplinary”.
Without denying the continued importance of disciplinary knowledge
and interdisciplinary perspectives of the field, I argue that a certain kind
of ‘undisciplining’ of childhood studies might prove helpful for the field
at this particular juncture in its development.
the strategic apparatus which permits of separating out from among all
the statements which are possible those that will be acceptable within,
I won’t say a scientific theory, but a field of scientificity, and which it is
possible to say are true or false. The episteme is the ‘apparatus’ which makes
possible the separation, not of the true from the false, but of what may
from what may not be characterised as scientific. (Foucault 1980: 197)
Yet, despite their inevitable selectivity, disciplines and the knowledge they
produce are the means through which we conceive the world of ‘facts’
and in that sense necessary even if limited. As Latour so aptly put it:
This chapter has provided a critical review of childhood studies’ emer-
gence and development as a field. The momentum of the paradigmatic
shift in the study of childhood has carried the field into the twenty-first
century and though productive in many respects, what we are witness-
ing today is a slow but progressive effort to rethink childhood stud-
ies and its remit. Both its preoccupation with the monadic, reflexive
child-agent who is capable of autonomous action and its overall social
constructionist orientation are increasingly confronted with their con-
ceptual limits. New theoretical orientations beyond childhood studies
S. Spyrou
are slowly but steadily making inroads into the field challenging it to
reconsider some of its most basic ontological and epistemological prem-
ises and to experiment with new ways of knowing. Efforts to move past
the field’s theoretical dualisms and to embrace hybridity and complexity
help open up childhood studies to a wider set of debates and influences.
The calls for more interdisciplinary collaborations are many and there
is clearly a push to consider new and different ways of knowing beyond
the dominant ones.
Building on this new, developing momentum which attempts to
rethink the field and move into new directions, childhood studies is
called upon to reflect more boldly on its taken-for-granted conceptual
frameworks. In the next three chapters I attempt to rethink three of the
field’s key concepts—starting with voice in Chapter 4, moving on to
agency in Chapter 5, and finishing with participation in Chapter 6—
in light of broader theoretical developments in the social sciences. My
main concern is to make their underlying epistemological and ontolog-
ical assumptions more transparent with a view to refining them as criti-
cal research tools for knowledge production.
1. For an example of the value of exploring children’s experiences see
James and Curtis’ (2012) exemplary study of sick children in hospital.
2. In anthropology, theories of enculturation similarly focused on how
children are taught the rules, norms, beliefs, and values of their culture
to gradually become full members of that culture.
3. Interestingly, James, one of the pioneers of the new social studies of
childhood, has recently attempted to revisit and revive the concept of
‘socialization’ which was heavily criticized and in many ways dismissed
by the new social studies of childhood (see James 2013). In the book
titled ‘Socializing Children’, James attempts to provide a child-centered
account of socialization which takes children’s experiences and perspec-
tives seriously and highlights their active participation in processes of
socialization. By focusing on how children learn about the social world,
James argues that the concept of socialization can still play an impor-
tant role in social inquiry (James 2013: 1–6).
3 Knowledge Production in Childhood Studies
4. See, however, Ryan (2008) who challenges the assumption that the new
sociology of childhood actually brought about a paradigmatic shift.
Concern with children’s agency (in some form), for example, is not a
recent one as often claimed but rather an ongoing issue in sociology,
Ryan argues.
5. In an article specifically attempting to problematize the being/becom-
ing dualism, Uprichard (2008) argued that children and childhood are
both ‘being’ and ‘becoming’ by necessity and that as alternative tempo-
ral frames both ‘being’ and ‘becoming’ interact and complement each
other: ‘being’ a child is informed by the child’s understanding of the
future and likewise the child’s ‘becoming’ is necessarily informed by the
child’s ‘being’ in the present. More recently, Hanson (2017) has called
for adding a third component—‘been’—to the dualism being/becom-
ing as a means of acknowledging and embracing in theoretical discus-
sions children’s past and not just the present and the future.
6. In his edited volume ‘The Body, Childhood and Society’, Prout (2000b:
3) points out that there was some reservation early on about the limits
of social constructionism (e.g., in James and Prout 1990a) in relation
to the materiality of children’s bodies in making social constructionist
arguments about childhood but that these concerns remained by and
large marginal to the field.
7. Though social constructionist approaches come in various shades, in its
most extreme version social constructionism sees childhood as purely a
product of discourse (see, in particular, Stainton-Rogers and Stainton
Rogers 1992).
8. In the same volume, Place (2000), using ethnographic data from a
study of a pediatric intensive care unit shows how the boundaries of
ill children’s bodies are negotiated and contested through the connec-
tions between the corporeal and the technological (e.g., the connection
of children’s bodies to medical equipment); this, argues Place (2000:
172) “raises questions about a conception of children’s bodies simply
as naturally occurring entities—biological and physical—and redirects
attention to the notion that such entities may consist of heterogeneous
elements—technological and figurative—in addition to those of a cor-
poreal character” (see also Prendergast 2000).
9. See also Taylor (2011: 430–431) who makes a similar call for consid-
ering the complex and heterogeneous assemblages of nature and cul-
ture in rethinking contemporary childhoods through hybridity and the
interconnectedness between human and non-human entities.
S. Spyrou
10. In a recent (2013) special issue of the journal Global Studies of
Childhood (Volume 3, Number 3, edited by Jones and Duncan) titled
‘Deleuze and early years education: Explorations in theory and lived
experiences’, the contributors turn to Deleuze and Guattari’s work to
fruitfully rethink children and childhood in general and early childhood
education in particular. Contributors to the special issue use concepts
from the work of the two scholars such as the ‘imaginary’ to rethink
children’s drawings (Knight 2013); the ‘nomad’ and ‘rhizome’ to rethink
mathematical learning (Saar 2013); ‘smooth and striated space’ to
study infants in Family Day Care (Stratigos et al. 2013); and ‘rhizome’,
‘nomadicism’, and ‘becoming’ to rethink child labor (Miller 2013).
11. See also Twamley et al. (2017) for a specific attempt to connect
childhood scholarship to feminist scholarship.
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Palgrave Macmillan.
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children. London and New York: RoutledgeFalmer.
Prout, A. (2008). Culture-nature and the construction of childhood. In K.
Drotner & S. Livingstone (Eds.), International handbook of children, media
and culture (pp. 21–35). London: Sage.
Prout, A. (2011). Taking a step away from modernity: Reconsidering the new
sociology of childhood. Global Studies of Childhood, 1(1), 4–14.
Qvortrup, J. (1994). Childhood matters: An introduction. In J. Qvortrup, M.
Bardy, G. B. Sgritta, & H. Wintersberger (Eds.), Childhood matters: Social
theory, practice, and politics (pp. 1–23). Aldershot: Avebury.
Renold, E., & Mellor, D. (2013). Deleuxe and Guattari in the nursery:
Towards an ethnographic multi-sensory mapping of gendered bodies and
becomings. In R. Coleman & J. Ringrose (Eds.), Deleuze and research meth-
odologies (pp. 23–41). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ryan, K. W. (2011). The new wave of childhood studies: Breaking the grip of
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Ryan, P. J. (2008). How new is the “new” social study of childhood? The myth
of paradigm shift. Journal of Interdisciplinary History, XXXVIII(4), 533–576.
3 Knowledge Production in Childhood Studies
Poststructuralist insights, as I have suggested in Chapter 2, have had
limited impact on the theoretical thinking of childhood studies’ very
object of inquiry, namely the child. Despite ongoing critiques of, and
efforts to decenter, the unitary, humanist subject of modernist science,
childhood studies at large has insisted (with few exceptions) on pre-
serving and reproducing an image of the knowledgeable, self-reflexive
child-actor. With the paradigmatic shift, this child-actor had to be
rescued from theoretical invisibility, first and foremost, through her
Significant parts of this chapter were originally published in the following two articles:
Spyrou, Spyros, Researching Children’s Silences: Exploring the Fullness of Voice in Childhood
Research (Childhood, Volume 23, Number 1) pp. 7–21. Copyright © [2016] (Spyros Spyrou).
Reprinted by permission of SAGE Publications. https://doi.org/10.1177/0907568215571618.
own voice and the concerted efforts of scholars who have been sensi-
tive enough to ‘capture’ this voice. The child’s very authenticity as a
presence—a being—in the world has largely rested on her ability to
speak through her own, unique and unadulterated voice.
In this chapter, I offer a critique of the preoccupation with chil-
dren’s voices in childhood studies, a preoccupation which stems from
an often, unexamined assumption, about the authenticity and truth of
voice. I focus in particular on exploring the limits of children’s voices by
reflecting on the processes which produce them and argue that a critical,
reflexive approach to child voice research needs to take into account the
actual research contexts in which children’s voices are produced and the
power imbalances which shape them. By focusing on the interactional
contexts in which children’s voices emerge, the institutional contexts
in which they are embedded, and the discursive contexts which inform
them, we can move beyond simplistic claims to truth and authenticity
and begin to look critically at issues of representation. Using examples
from ethnographic research, I draw in particular on Bakhtin’s dialogi-
cal approach to explore how voices are produced in research encounters.
I also show how an approach that situates voice in social context and
recognizes its performative character allows us to explore the multi-
layered character of voice, its non-normative elements which defy easy
interpretation, as well as aspects of voice which are often left out from
analysis. Silence is one such feature of voice I elaborate on in the rest
of the chapter to illustrate how an expanded and more comprehen-
sive view of children’s voices can result in more nuanced and ethical
accounts of children’s subjectivities. I argue that a critical childhood
studies needs to push the limits of children’s voices by moving beyond
what is simply uttered to examine the unspoken and the unspeakable
which can produce new and more sensitive representations of children.
By placing children’s voices in the larger relational fields of the social
world, we are offered an opportunity to decenter the child as a subject
and to produce knowledge that is ethically attuned to the relational-
ity of social life. Poststructuralist thinking is, in this context, a fruitful
entry point not only for elaborating a relational understanding of chil-
dren’s subjectivities but also a critical means for examining how we, as
researchers, are implicated in the knowledge practices at work.
4 The Production of Children’s Voices
affect their responses (McWilliam et al. 2009: 70). Last but not least, as
Wyness (2015: 54) points out, voice may also be class-based so that in
more conventional participatory processes (e.g., school councils) those
who are more likely to be in need of voice or representation (e.g., chil-
dren struggling with their schooling) are also more likely to be excluded
and marginalized; the same could be said for poor children who are often
excluded and marginalized by middle-class children who are seen as
more articulate and capable of representing other children. As Warming
(2011: 48) has so aptly put it: “some children’s voices and perspectives
are heard and recognized, while others are not even acknowledged.”
Attempts have been made to overcome such problems. As Greene and
Hill (2005: 17) argue, the choice of method might influence the kind of
answer one receives: similar issues explored through different methods
might yield different results. They point to alternative ways of eliciting chil-
dren’s experiences and voices which do not necessarily depend on interac-
tion with an interviewer. Such methods may involve scenarios, vignettes
and sentence completion tasks or methods which use computing technol-
ogy with which children are very familiar and comfortable (Greene and
Hill 2005: 14). Other researchers have suggested creative alternatives such
as role play and drama (Christensen and James 2000; Veale 2005), the use
of digital spaces where children might feel more comfortable (McWilliam
et al. 2009: 73–74), or the use of radio discussions, which might produce
different voices than those of the interview (Young and Barrett 2001: 388).
Indeed, in the so-called voice research there has been a recent turn to
the visual (Banks 2001; Beneker et al. 2010; Cook and Hess 2007; Pink
2001; Prosser 1998; Schratz and Loffler 1998; Thomson 2008a; Young
and Barrett 2001) with approaches such as: visual diaries with pictures
and drawings of children’s worlds (Burke 2008); photo-voice and par-
ticipatory photography where children document their lives or explore
issues of interest to them by taking pictures of what matters to them
and photo elicitation where children are invited by the researcher to talk
about pictures they took or ones presented to them by the researcher
(Clark-Ibanez 2008; Kaplan 2008); scrapbooks or media diaries com-
pleted by children (Bragg and Buckingham 2008); maps completed by
children of their environments (Morrow 2001); and video produced by
young people to explore their perspectives of schooling (Haw 2008).
S. Spyrou
2010; Theis 2001; Veale 2005). This trend comes in mainly two varie-
ties: children as co-researchers or collaborators and children as primary
researchers. In the former variety, children are offered the opportunity
to make some (e.g., whether to be interviewed alone or in a group), but
certainly not all, decisions about the research (Freeman and Mathison
2009: 166–167). In the second variety, children are actively involved
in all stages of the research process. They are in charge of identifying
research questions, deciding on methods and collecting data and ana-
lyzing, interpreting, reporting and disseminating the research findings.
This kind of research is seen as offering new perspectives on childhood
from an ‘insider’ perspective: “Children observe with different eyes, ask
different questions—they sometimes ask questions that adults do not
even think of—have different concerns and immediate access to a peer
culture where adults are outsiders. The research agendas children prior-
itize, the research questions they frame and the way in which they col-
lect data are also quintessentially different from adults” (Kellett 2010:
105) (see also Chapter 6).
Nevertheless, although the goal is to overcome the power imbalances
between children and adult researchers and to neutralize the power
dynamics at work in child–child research, this is not always possible.
Kellett (2010: 91–92) explains that children are not exempt from power
differences that are ascribed to different groups of children (class, age,
linguistic skill, physical ability or popularity) and which are likely to
shape the research encounter. Despite its notable advantages, we cannot
therefore necessarily assume that this approach to research will result
in higher quality or more authentic research or that the fundamental
problem of representation and the politics associated with it is overcome
(James 2007: 268).
Institutional Contexts
Considering how children’s voices are produced within specific institu-
tional contexts further highlights the role of power in association with
adult authority. How do particular institutional contexts produce cer-
tain voices rather than others? Will, for example, a less adult-controlled
4 The Production of Children’s Voices
them are bad and others are good people like us.” Children were not
necessarily less authentic at the beginning and more truthful later on;
but as a researcher I had to gradually identify this complexity behind
their voices and to evaluate its significance. Had I taken their initial
statements to be their true voices I would perhaps be stereotyping them
the same way they were stereotyping the Turks (see also Montgomery
(2007: 422) for a discussion of how children prostitutes provided jour-
nalists with scripted responses but provided the anthropologist with
more complex understandings as a result of her long-term fieldwork
experience with them).
By recognizing how children’s voices are multi-layered we can move
beyond the often misguided assumption that voice research with chil-
dren is by definition good, valuable, or of high quality. The tendency of
researchers to jump in and out of children’s worlds in order to quickly
‘collect data’ which they can also quickly analyze by extracting quotes
from children to illustrate their findings may end up caricaturing chil-
dren more than really offering us meaningful insights into their lives
(see Bluebond-Langner and Korbin 2007: 243; James 2007: 265).
omissions” (Mazzei 2003: 362). This might happen when we, too read-
ily and unreflexively, try to explain away and close off silence, when we,
in other words, try to make it intelligible. The temptation to make sense
of all we are confronted with as researchers stems from our epistemo-
logical assumptions regarding the nature of social reality: that there is
a truth which we can figure out and make sense of provided we find
the right way to access and capture it. However, when we do operate
with this as our underlying assumption, we run the risk that silence is
reduced to our own limited, interpretive frameworks.
This suggests a second, related risk—that we too readily explain
away silence (often using a culturally specific and stereotypical expla-
nation of what silence is and means) in ways which are narrow and
reductive (e.g., as lack of interest or passivity or as “having nothing to
say”) (Mazzei 2003: 363). There is always an urgency, as MacLure et al.
(2010) suggest, to explain silence when confronted with it. MacLure
and her co-authors use Hannah’s story—a 5-year old’s refusal to speak
in class although she is willing to speak in other contexts without an
apparent explanation for her decision to do so—to show that when
silence resists analysis it is perceived as a threat which everyone, includ-
ing researchers, feel compelled to analyze and make sense of. This
imperative may, in its persistence and desire to settle, close off inquiry
and reduce silence to something other than what it is.
A third, also related risk, is that of essentializing silence by consid-
ering it to be more authentic and true than speech. As researchers, we
analyze silence not unlike the way we analyze voiced speech, that is,
within particular historical, political, economic, social, and institutional
contexts as well as theoretical discourses and biases (Bailey 2008: 284–
285). Silence is an aspect of voice, neither more nor less, in and of itself,
authentic or true than uttered speech. It cannot, in that sense, escape
the performative character of all communication. Hence, a constant
reminder—to attend to silence as performance—is necessary to avoid
the temptation of equating it with authenticity and truth.
Finally, researching silence might also necessitate that we rethink how
we take into consideration issues of validity and credibility (Bailey 2008:
285). This does not mean of course that we give up on validity and
credibility and that we simply resort to conjecture. Rather, it suggests
4 The Production of Children’s Voices
researchers are simply falling back on their own (adult) semantic cate-
gories to make sense of what the children are telling them rather than
having a clear and elaborate understanding of children’s own semantics.
Thus, what children say might be taken to mean what the researcher
understands rather than what the children mean. Consider the fol-
lowing example. In a cross-national study of single-parent children’s
perspectives of poverty and social exclusion, our research team found
that the term ‘family’ had very diverse meanings for children, not only
cross-culturally but also within the same cultural context. These mean-
ings varied across the nuclear-extended family spectrum but also in rela-
tion to the term’s social significance. Thus, some children classified close
family friends as family when asked to explain who is family. Similarly,
some other children classified pets as family because they were socially
and affectively significant in their lives. Though the children used a sim-
ilar symbol—‘family’—they did not all share the same understanding
of what the symbol stood for; there was, in other words, a discrepancy
between symbolic form and content (Cohen 1986: 9). With care-
ful analysis of interviews along the way and further enquiry with the
children we were able to outline more clearly the diversity of meanings
which the term ‘family’ entailed for them. This allowed us to make sense
of children’s references to ‘family’ in contexts and in relation to issues
where analysis would have otherwise fallen back on our own seman-
tic understandings of the term ‘family’. In the absence of an in-depth
investigation of children’s own semantic categories, adult researchers
may simply reify children’s voices by transposing on them their own,
adult, interpretive frameworks. This brings us to the larger issue of how
children’s voices are fundamentally social and reflective of prevailing dis-
courses even when coloured by each child’s particular understanding.
Does it, in the specific context and debate, serve the interests of children
to present them as having a distinct perspective? Or does it serve chil-
dren better to show that their perspectives are not fundamentally different
from adults’ or even that differences between them are regarded as signifi-
cant? (Alldred and Burman 2005: 193)
probably never initiate research projects, let alone consume the knowl-
edge produced in the same ways as adults would. Children’s voices can-
not therefore be likened to so-called standpoint research (see Mayall
2002). Though power differences are present in all research encounters,
these differences can be more pronounced in child–adult research where
age differences (in addition to all other social differences) are also pres-
ent, as well as socially sanctioned adult responsibilities towards children
that inevitably shape the encounters.
In this chapter, I offer a critical poststructuralist reading of child-voice
research which resituates children’s voices and subjectivities within the
research process and the larger political, social and cultural contexts
which inform them. I argue that the concept of voice can be unrave-
led but it need not be dismissed. Attending reflexively to the processes
by which children’s voices are produced can elevate research discus-
sions to a more sophisticated level which is informed by the dynamics
of research rather than simply the methods used (see Kontovourki and
Theodorou, forthcoming). This kind of reflexive research accepts the
messiness, ambiguity, polyvocality, non-factuality and multi-layered
nature of meaning in ‘stories’ that research produces. The quick and
easy way with which much child-voice research is carried out and the
tendency to over-interpret or freeze the meaning of children’s voices is
clearly not the most ethical way; the ethical way necessitates time for
reflection. Children’s voices, like all voices, are always emerging and
hence cannot be reduced to secure meanings which escape the confines
of time, space, discourse, and matter.
The decentering of the child goes hand-in-hand with the dialogical
engagement which produces her voice, not as an authentic outcome of
some unadulterated inner truth but as an outcome of multiple relations
and situated encounters. The reflexive approach I have advocated in this
chapter (see Alvesson and Skoldberg 2009: 314–318) neither denies
the social or material reality of life nor the fundamental assumption
that good research should be based on sound empirical data. It rather
4 The Production of Children’s Voices
1. This preoccupation with children’s voices is vividly illustrated in the
countless published articles whose titles include an excerpt of children’s
actual words.
Alcoff, L. (2009). The problem of speaking for others. In A. Jackson &
L. Mazzei (Eds.), Voice in qualitative inquiry: Challenging conventional,
interpretive, and critical conceptions in qualitative research (pp. 117–135).
London and New York: Routledge.
Alderson, P. (2001). Research by children: Rights and methods. International
Journal of Social Research Methodology: Theory and Practice, 4(2), 139–153.
Alldred, P. (1998). Representing voices in ethnography and discourse anal-
ysis. In J. Ribbens & R. Edwards (Eds.), Feminist dilemmas in qualitative
research: Public knowledge and private lives (pp. 147–170). London: Sage.
Alldred, P., & Burman, E. (2005). Analyzing children’s accounts using dis-
course analysis. In S. Greene & D. Hogan (Eds.), Researching children’s expe-
rience: Approaches and methods (pp. 175–198). London, Thousand Oaks,
CA, and New Delhi: Sage.
S. Spyrou
Punch, S. (2002). Research with children: The same or different from research
with adults. Childhood, 9(3), 321–341.
Raby, B. (2007). Across a great gulf? Conducting research with adolescents. In
A. Best (Ed.), Representing youth: Methodological issues in critical youth studies
(pp. 39–59). New York and London: New York University Press.
Rogers, A., Casey, M., Ekert, J., & Holland, J. (2005). Interviewing chil-
dren using an interpretative poetics. In S. Greene & D. Hogan (Eds.),
Researching children’s experience: Approaches and methods (pp. 158–174).
London, Thousand Oaks, CA, and New Delhi: Sage.
Rosen, R. (2015). ‘The scream’: Meanings and excesses in early childhood set-
tings. Childhood, 22(1), 39–52.
Schnoor, O. (2012). Early childhood studies as vocal studies: Examining the
social practices of ‘giving voice to children’s voices’ in a crèche. Childhood,
20(4), 458–471.
Schratz, M., & Loffler, U. (1998). Pupils using photographs in school
self-evaluation. In J. Prosser (Ed.), Image-based research: A sourcebook for
qualitative researchers (pp. 209–224). London: Falmer Press.
Spyrou, S. (2001a). One and more than one: Greek Cypriot children and
ethnic identity in the flow of everyday life. Disclosure: A Journal of Social
Theory, 10, 73–94.
Spyrou, S. (2001b). Those on the other side: Ethnic identity and imagination
in Greek Cypriot children’s lives. In H. Schwartzman (Ed.), Children and
anthropology: Perspectives for the 21st century (pp. 167–185). Westport, CT
and London: Bergin and Garvey.
Spyrou, S. (2002). Images of ‘the other’: ‘The Turk’ in Greek Cypriot children’s
imaginations. Race, Ethnicity and Education, 5(3), 255–272.
Theis, J. (2001). Participatory research with children in Vietnam. In
H. Schwartzman (Ed.), Children and anthropology: Perspectives for the
twenty-first century (pp. 99–109). Westport, CT: Bergin and Garvey.
Thomson, P. (Ed.). (2008a). Doing visual research with children and young peo-
ple. London and New York: Routledge.
Thomson, P. (2008b). Children and young people: Voices in visual research.
In P. Thomson (Ed.), Doing visual research with children and young people
(pp. 1–19). London and New York: Routledge.
Thomson, P., & Hall, C. (2008). Dialogues with artists: Analyzing children’s
self-portraits. In P. Thomson (Ed.), Doing visual research with children and
young people (pp. 146–163). London and New York: Routledge.
4 The Production of Children’s Voices
Thorne, B. (1993). Gender play: Girls and boys in school. New Brunswick, NJ:
Rutgers University Press.
Tudge, J., & Hogan, D. (2005). An ecological approach to observations of
children’s everyday lives. In S. Greene & D. Hogan (Eds.), Researching chil-
dren’s experience: Approaches and methods (pp. 102–122). London, Thousand
Oaks, CA, and New Delhi: Sage.
Veale, A. (2005). Creative methodologies in participatory research with children.
London, Thousand Oaks, CA, and New Delhi: Sage.
Warming, H. (2011). Getting under their skins? Accessing young children’s
perspectives through ethnographic fieldwork. Childhood, 18(1), 39–53.
Wertsch, J. (1991). Voices of the mind: A sociocultural approach to mediated
action. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Westcott, H., & Littleton, K. S. (2005). Exploring meaning in interviews with
children. In S. Greene & D. Hogan (Eds.), Researching children’s experience:
Approaches and methods (pp. 141–157). London, Thousand Oaks, CA, and
New Delhi: Sage.
Wyness, M. (2015). Childhood. Cambridge: Polity.
Young, L., & Barrett, H. (2001). Issues of access and identity: Adapting
research methods with Kampala street children. Childhood, 8(3), 383–395.
What Kind of Agency for Children?
The concept of ‘agency’, much like the notion of ‘voice’ we looked at
in the previous chapter, has played a key role in childhood studies’ tra-
jectory as a field. In fact the two concepts have developed through an
entangled and mutually-informing relation which says much about the
field’s theoretical and political preoccupations. In this chapter, I turn
my attention to the question of agency in childhood studies, to con-
sider more systematically its past, present and future in the field. More
specifically, I provide a critical overview of the concept’s use in child-
hood studies in light of broader, ongoing debates about agency in the
social sciences, by first reflecting on the theoretical fascination of the
‘new social studies of childhood’ with children’s agency and then by
proceeding to discuss the emerging critiques of the dominant, essen-
tialist uses of the concept and the often uncritical assumptions which
surround it. I also discuss ongoing attempts to transform the concept
in more fruitful ways by turning towards relational approaches which
see agency as assembled, infrastructured and networked. To illustrate
the possibilities for rethinking productively the use of the concept in
Mayall illustrates what being an agent entails when she discusses chil-
dren’s moral agency. Despite society’s unwillingness to recognize them as
moral agents, she argues, children can and act responsibly towards oth-
ers. She shows how the children in her own studies “were both able and
willing to take account of other people’s views or actions responsively,
and they could and did put aside their own immediate interests with
the aim of helping others” (Mayall 2002: 110).
5 What Kind of Agency for Children?
social agents but emphasizes how their agency is situated and limited
by the structural realities of generational relationships. Two deriva-
tive concepts–intergeneragency and intrageneragency–further refine
this relationship. Intergeneragency draws attention to the different
generational positionings of children and adults which reflect hierar-
chical relationships, power differences and constraints within which
children’s agency may be practiced while intrageneragency emphasizes
the diverse ways by which children are positioned within generational
relationships based on structural variables such as race, class and gen-
der which intersect with childhood to produce diverse experiences for
children. Generagency and its two derivative concepts provide a more
systematic way of recognizing children’s generational positioning and
the commonality of childhood as a status while also attending to the
diversity of childhood as it is lived and experienced by children. Agency
from within Leonard’s formulation is an outcome of a relational pro-
cess which takes place both across and within generational relation-
ships. Moreover, this relational process, argues Leonard is quite messy,
complex and full of contradictions; to begin comprehending chil-
dren’s agency therefore one needs to recognize its dynamism which
derives from its varied situatedness within relationships of power and
Other scholars have also sought to advance the debate on children’s
agency by offering more critical understandings of its constitution and
the need to re-theorize it. Valentine (2011), for instance, has argued for
the need to adopt critical models of childhood agency that account for
the diverse ways children express their agency and to be careful about
equating children’s agency with the possession of certain social privileges
associated with adulthood:
and van der Tuin 2012; Braidotti 2013; Grosz 1994).9 New materialists
critique dualisms such as nature-culture, human-nonhuman, subject-
object or discourse-matter and though they acknowledge the contribu-
tions of social constructionist and postmodernist approaches to under-
standing social reality they also consider such approaches as inadequate
in explaining the complex material-semiotic constitution of the world:
our worlds are materially real even if culturally mediated (Alaimo and
Hekman 2008: 5; Coole and Frost 2010b: 26–27). Moreover, new
materialists espouse a posthumanist orientation which challenges
human exceptionalism; humans are no longer seen as being at the epi-
center of the world and as the only privileged ones with the capacity
for agency. On the contrary, for new materialists agency is distributed
widely beyond humans.
More specifically, in the context of our discussion here, nature (or
more generally matter) is not seen as inert but active, generative and
agentic. It is endowed with the capacity to act; it is neither out there
apart from humans and their cultures, nor is it a mere social con-
struction. Material objects are not discreet, separate and autonomous.
Matter interacts with other matter and is always in flux (Coole and
Frost 2010b: 9). Humans, as embodied, material entities (researchers
included) do not stand apart from, and make sense of, a passive nature
but participate in dynamic processes of materialization where nature,
both organic and inorganic, plays an active and agentic role (Coole and
Frost 2010b: 7–8). As Pickering (1995: 26) has put it: “the world makes
us in the same process by which we make the world”. The aim then for
new materialists is to account for the vitality of matter in all its imma-
nence. This means expanding the conceptual and empirical space for
doing research beyond humans to encompass all kinds of relationalities.
As a substantive reorientation of current theoretical thinking in the
social sciences, new materialism offers productive ways to rethink ques-
tions of ontology and agency in childhood studies. To consider what
this rethinking might entail, I turn to new materialist thinking and pri-
marily to Barad’s theory of ‘agential realism’ which offers a theoretically
comprehensive approach to rethinking agency as a potentially useful
framework for addressing some of the limits identified in current dis-
cussions about agency in childhood studies. So far, agential realism has
S. Spyrou
… there might exist many metaphysical shades between full causality and
sheer existence. In addition to ‘determining’ and serving as a ‘backdrop
for human action’, things might authorize, allow, afford, encourage, per-
mit, suggest, influence, block, render possible, forbid, and so on. ANT
is not the empty claim that objects do things ‘instead’ of human actors:
it simply says that no science of the social can even begin if the question
of who and what participated in the action is not first of all thoroughly
explored, even though it might mean letting elements in which, for lack
of a better term we would call non-humans. (Latour 2005: 71–72)
An Empirical Illustration
The study I refer to here was carried out in 2010 and explored
10–12 year old Greek Cypriot children’s experiences of crossing over
to the occupied north of Cyprus following the partial lifting of restric-
tions in the freedom of movement in 2003 (see Christou and Spyrou
S. Spyrou
2012, 2014, 2016). The north of the island was inaccessible to Greek
Cypriots after the Turkish invasion in 1974 which resulted in the occu-
pation of 37% of the island’s territory. The children who took part in
the study recounted to the researchers their border crossing experiences
and their journeys to the other side with their parents and grandparents.
They detailed their emotional reactions and their encounters with peo-
ple, places and a variety of other nonhuman elements during these visits
from the moment they started their journeys and until they returned
back to their homes. A significant number of the children who partic-
ipated in the study came from refugee families, that is, families whose
parents and/or grandparents fled their homes in the north as a result of
the Turkish invasion and became refugees in 1974.
My example comes from an interview with Eleonora who was at the
time of the interview 11 years old and recalled having crossed three times
since the opening of the checkpoints. Eleonora’s mother is a refugee from
a village in the occupied north. It is important to note that at the time
of the study, Greek Cypriots who wished to cross to the occupied north
were required to show to the Turkish Cypriot authorities their passports
at a checkpoint. Their passports were not stamped by the authorities;
instead, people were given a stamped piece of paper which would con-
stitute their permit to cross. Though this was still a clearly problematic
arrangement for most Greek Cypriots—no illegal entity should request an
official document to allow lawful citizens of the country to visit the rest of
the island, many would say—it was an acceptable compromise for many
who wished to visit their occupied villages and towns since it did not
entail a direct recognition of the illegal state in the north, the so-called
“Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus” (“TRNC”).13
When asked how she feels when crossing to the other side Eleonora
[I feel] as if I am crossing to get into a water park, let’s say, that you go
through and you show your ticket, but as soon as I enter, I feel anger,
I feel a lot of anger when I know that that part would have been ours [i.e.,
it could belong to Greek Cypriots] but because the Turks were jealous of it
they came and took it from us…. When I saw there [at the checkpoint] the
other flags, instead of those of Cyprus and Greece, I felt disappointment …
5 What Kind of Agency for Children?
the occupied north, the Turkish invasion and the refugees, the institu-
tional policies and the curriculum she has been exposed to at school
including the nationalistic learning she has acquired from school, the
ideas and beliefs she has developed about the conflict in Cyprus, the
stories she heard about the occupied north from her family and from
the media, her previous personal experiences with Turkish Cypriots and
the feelings she has towards them, her knowledge or experience of vis-
iting waterparks, her desire to visit her mother’s occupied village, her
emotional reaction to being at the checkpoint and having to cross over,
and so on and so forth.
Eleonora’s assemblage is comprised of natural and cultural, human
and nonhuman, material and discursive as well as micro and macro
forces. The actual phenomenon we are offered a glimpse into through
Eleonora’s words reveals how some of these forces intra-act with her.
Though she parallels the procedure of crossing the checkpoint with that
of entering a waterpark (an experience we can assume to be pleasurable)
she is nevertheless clear that what she feels is very negative: ‘I feel anger,
I feel a lot of anger’ she says. Her experience of crossing the checkpoint
is an embodied experience even if we are offered this understanding
through her retrospective narrative. She feels anger not simply because
she brings to her mind the injustice of the occupation but because she
was physically there and experienced crossing to the other side—her
experience is embodied, emplaced, situated and registered through her
material presence at the checkpoint.
But the materiality of the context (e.g., the actual checkpoint, the
spatial crossing from the ‘free’ to the ‘occupied’ part of Cyprus, her cor-
poreal presence there and the flow of bodies through the checkpoint)
has this power on her because it is already and simultaneously discur-
sively constructed. This materiality comes with meanings attached to
it which Eleonora shares and makes sense of in particular ways. Thus,
for instance, when she says that she feels a lot of anger “when I know
that that part would have been ours but because the Turks were jeal-
ous of it they came and took it from us” she is not simply expressing
her own understanding of the political situation in Cyprus but repro-
duces the well-rehearsed narrative about the Turkish invasion of 1974
that she more than likely learned at school (see Spyrou 2000, 2006).
S. Spyrou
Assemblages do not exert some kind of force over relations: these forces
are a consequence simply of how relations affect, and are affected by,
other assembled relations. This model of a sociology of associations
– denied any recourse to ‘social forces’, ‘structures’ or ‘systems’ as explana-
tions of activity and events – is a radical departure from dualistic sociolo-
gies. It poses challenges that must be worked through adequately, in order
that a materialist sociology can provide both an ontologically-convincing
model of society that accounts for both continuity and change, and to
offer models for social inquiry that do not merely offer ‘explanations’ in
terms of social structures or extraneous social forces. (Fox and Alldred
2017: 57–58)
different levels. This means that most social entities exist in a wide range
of scales, making the situation much more complex than in conventional
notions of scale. (Escobar 2007: 108)
From this line of thinking, the key is to identify assemblages (and the
processes through which they become stabilized) out of the dynamic
and complex flows which constantly unfold. The challenge then is to
consider how one local site links to other local sites in multiple, diverse
and complex ways (Marston et al. 2007: 51, 56) and how what are nor-
mally thought of as ‘macro’ relations can become incorporated in, and
affect, other constituent elements of the assemblages studied (Fox and
Alldred 2017: 63). Children’s identities and worlds come into being out
of these dynamic entanglements but the objects enacted through this
ontological multiplicity can no longer be compared in terms of hier-
archical scales; there are no longer small and big, simple and complex
objects to compare along a particular axis (Mol 2002: 157).
Whether childhood studies will turn towards, and experiment with,
scales and scale-making or not, what is significant is that it begins to
problematize its choice of scale as a knowledge practice (see Spyrou
et al., forthcoming-b). Recognizing that different scales produce differ-
ent kinds of knowledge and that the choices made have political and
ethical consequences goes a long way towards the development of a
critical childhood studies, an issue to which I return in Chapter 7.
Despite its centrality in childhood studies, it is becoming increasingly
apparent that a notion of agency as a property of the self is theoreti-
cally limiting for the field. An understanding of agency which rests on
the knowledgeable, self-reflexive, independent and autonomous individ-
ual child finds its conceptual limits in light of social life’s relationality,
connectedness, and interdependence.15 Contemporary developments
in social theory offer productive opportunities for childhood studies
to rethink children’s agency through a relational lens and offer in this
way more decentered and nuanced accounts of its analytical power in
S. Spyrou
1. King (2007) challenges the very premise on which contemporary
childhood studies makes claims about children’s agency. He argues
that ‘children’s agency’ has been produced by the new sociology of
childhood’s theoretical assumptions rather than being the outcome of
empirical research: “the account of the child as ‘social agent’ owes much
more to the new sociologists of childhood’s preferred image of rational,
competent, self-controlled children than to any evidence that the social
institutions on which society depends actually change themselves as
the direct result of children’s concerted actions and that these changes
reflect what the children wanted or intended” (King 2007: 208–209).
2. In their discussion of agency in youth sociology, Coffey and Farrugia
(2014) have also described agency as an ambiguous, complex and con-
tested term in need of unpacking.
3. Lancy (2012) is particularly critical about the so-called “agency move-
ment” which he sees as ethnocentric and hegemonic seeking to impose
a particular understanding from the western world to the rest of the
world; he urges childhood scholars “to not praise children’s agency nor
5 What Kind of Agency for Children?
bury it but, to tackle it with all the empirical weapons in our arsenal”
(Lancy 2012: 14).
4. See Seymour (2012) for an empirical example using the notion of
‘ambiguous agency’.
5. See in particular the recent edited volume by Esser et al. (2016) which
aims to reconceptualize the notion of agency in childhood studies with
a view to capturing its potential as a theoretical concept. A number of
the chapters in the volume explore specifically the potential of rela-
tional approaches to children’s agency.
6. Relational ontologies also draw attention to the need for questioning
the value of universalizing what might be after all a very western-centric
notion of agency and considering instead local ways of understanding
what it means to be an agent (e.g., Gottlieb 2000).
7. See Turmel (2008) for the use of ANT in historical analysis to explain
how childhood is constituted as a social phenomenon. Turmel shows
how “the child as an object is configured in social practices” by “numer-
ous social actors interacting together to frame children and regulate
their behavior—using diverse artefacts such as graphs and charts”
(2008: 3).
8. To be distinguished from ‘materialist feminism’ which follows a Marxist
orientation (see Alaimo and Hekman 2008: 17–18, f. 3).
9. Outside feminist circles the work of Pickering (1995), Latour (1988),
and Deleuze and Guattari (1987) have also played a significant role in
helping rethink materiality and ontology.
10. This inseparability of ontology from epistemology espoused by Barad
is an attempt to move beyond this dualism that is still considered to
be an important and necessary distinction by other critical perspectives.
For instance, as Alderson (2016) explains, critical realism provides for
a clear distinction between ontology (factual being) and epistemology
(our perceptual knowledge of being) and hence would clearly distin-
guish between ‘children’ as physical and social beings and ‘childhood’
which would refer to our theories for what children are.
11. See also Tuana’s (2008: 191) similar formulation about “the porosity of
12. For a childhood studies’ example, see Malone (2016) who shows
how child and dog are ontologically-speaking constituted out of their
mutual encounters with one another.
13. The so-called “TRNC” was unilaterally declared a state in 1983 but is
not recognized as such by any country with the exception of Turkey.
S. Spyrou
14. See also Esser (2017) on how different forms of agency spring from the
different enactments of children’s bodies and food.
15. See the chapters by Balagopalan, Cordero, and Kraftl & Horton in
Spyrou et al. (forthcoming-a).
Abebe, T., & Kjørholt, A. T. (2009). Social actors and victims of exploita-
tion: Working children in the cash economy of Ethiopia’s south. Childhood,
16(2), 175–194.
Aitken, S. C., Swanson, K., & Kennedy, E. (2014). Independent child
migrants: Navigating relational borderlands. In S. Spyrou & M. Christou
(Eds.), Children and Borders (pp. 214–242). Basingstoke: Palgrave
Alaimo, S., & Hekman, S. (2008). Introduction: Emerging models of materi-
ality in feminist theory. In S. Alaimo & S. Hekman (Eds.), Material femi-
nisms (pp. 1–19). Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
Alaimo, S., & Hekman, S. (Eds.). (2008). Material feminisms. Bloomington:
Indiana University Press.
Alderson, P. (2016). Critical realism and research design and analysis in
geographies of children and young people. In R. Evans & L. Holt (Eds.),
Methodological approaches. Geographies of children and young people (Vol. 2).
Singapore: Springer Reference.
Ansell, N. (2009). Childhood and the politics of scale: Descaling children’s
geographies? Progress in Human Geography, 33(2), 190–209.
Balagopalan, S. (forthcoming). Childhood, culture, history: Re-thinking ‘mul-
tiple childhoods’. In S. Spyrou, R. Rosen, & D. Cook (Eds.), Reimagining
childhood studies. London: Bloomsbury.
Barad, K. (2007). Meeting the universe halfway: Quantum physics and the entan-
glement of matter and meaning. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Barad, K. (2008). Posthumanist performativity: Toward an understanding of
how matter comes to matter. In S. Alaimo & S. Hekman (Eds.), Material
feminisms (pp. 120–154). Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Beauvais, C. (forthcoming). Thinking the adult-child relationship with existen-
tialism. In S. Spyrou, R. Rosen, & D. Cook (Eds.), Reimagining childhood
studies. London: Bloomsbury.
Bennett, J. (2010). Vibrant matter: A political ecology of things. Durham, NC:
Duke University Press.
5 What Kind of Agency for Children?
Since the emergence of the ‘new social studies of childhood’, and espe-
cially following the establishment of the United Nations Convention
on the Rights of the Child in 1989, children’s participation in research
has become one of the favored ways childhood studies scholars seek to
ensure that children’s rights are respected and safeguarded in research
practice, children’s perspectives are acknowledged, integrated and made
visible through research, and knowledge about children and childhood
is produced more democratically (see Percy-Smith and Thomas 2010;
Tisdall et al. 2014). Children’s participation in research has clearly cap-
tured the imagination of childhood researchers but a critical engage-
ment with participation as a knowledge practice has not gone in parallel
with its widespread adoption and use, though as I show later on there
have been a number of initiatives towards this direction in recent years.
As Thomas (2007: 199) explains, the term ‘participation’ may refer to
taking part in an activity or in decision-making, it may refer to an out-
come but it can also refer to a process, and it can refer to either indi-
vidual or collective decision-making. Discussions about what children’s
Much less attention has been paid to the processes through which
research knowledge is produced in children’s participatory engage-
ments. Part of the problem is that participation as a concept, often fails
to capture the particularities of children’s engagement with research and
glosses over the multiple contextually significant complexities which
shape children’s experiences of participation in practice (see Malone and
Hartung 2010: 32). A participatory discourse which does not attend
to the knowledge practices at work enacts a particular kind of knowl-
edge which fails to recognize its own situatedness and contingency even
when it professes to be critical. This general lack of engagement with
children’s participation in research as a knowledge practice extends
to a variety of other terms linked to the concept of participation also
used widely today in childhood studies (e.g., “child researcher”, “peer
researcher”, “child ethnographer” or “co-researcher”) which are seen as
challenging power inequalities between children and adults and produc-
ing higher quality research knowledge.
In this chapter, I provide a critical review of the notion of children’s
participation in research by focusing in particular on what has attracted
researchers’ and scholars’ imaginations in recent years, namely, ‘research
by children’ which promises a radically different and qualitatively bet-
ter kind of knowledge for childhood studies. I explore the purported
strengths as well as the limits and challenges of this approach to knowl-
edge production in a way that deconstructs the notion of children’s
participation in research but without rendering it obsolete. On the con-
trary, my intent is to explore its critical potential as a research tool. To
do so, I turn to the insights of Science and Technology Studies (STS)
to see how children’s participation in research entails an ontological
entanglement which yields specific forms of knowledge with consequent
political and ethical implications.
Research by Children
Children’s participation in research comes in a variety of forms.
Christensen and Prout (2002: 480–481) identify four different and
co-existing ways of seeing children and childhood in research, namely,
the child as object, the child as subject, the child as social actor and
S. Spyrou
consultants. The most common form this takes is ‘peer research’ whereby
children interview other children from their peer group. For some
researchers this limited level of involvement is sufficient. Franks (2011:
18), for instance, has argued that participatory research with children
should aim at ‘pockets of participation’ where children choose to carry
out certain aspects of the research process with support while leaving the
rest to professional researchers. In contrast, those who favor the second
variety (i.e., children as primary researchers or child-led research) argue
that children should be actively involved in all stages of the research
process, that is, by being in charge of identifying research questions,
deciding on methods and collecting data, and analyzing, interpret-
ing, reporting and disseminating research findings. Child-led research
emphasizes the need for children to have decision-making power and
lead the process. But, despite proclamations about the value of this
approach, the reality is that most of children’s involvement in research as
researchers comes under the first variety and truly child-led projects are
still few and scattered.
Cahill (2007: 301) argues that unless we do this there is the risk of
adult control over children. Others (e.g., Kirby 1999: 106; see also
Brownlie et al. 2006: 22; Kellett 2005b) argue that though provid-
ing proper training to children in research methods is important, it is
also crucial to provide them with the necessary support so that they
can perform their role as researchers as well as possible. There might
be tasks, for instance, that children lack the skill, confidence, interest
or time to perform such as coding and analysis or report writing which
adults can carry out on their behalf. Nevertheless, adults are advised
to be cautious when ‘interfering’ to avoid hijacking the process and
undermining the child’s perspective and ownership of the research
(Kellett 2005b).
The challenge, as proponents of this approach often argue, is to offer
children an opportunity to become active knowledge producers by over-
coming adultist assumptions and biases about children’s participation in
research. Chin (2007: 274) challenges our presuppositions about proper
and valid research and invites us to think critically about research by
children and its relation to mainstream adult-produced research: “Our
dominant research models give highest value to research designed pri-
marily to perpetuate the academy and the hierarchies of knowledge and
position that sustain it.” For Chin, to the extent that research by chil-
dren does not conform to the established rules of the game, that is with
the rules for producing proper research, it runs the risk of being dele-
gitimated: “The problem is in thinking about what counts in research;
what is important, good, useful, and worthwhile. If we value only what
adults do, and define the worthwhile as being fundamentally adult, we
have created a field of value from which children are barred by defini-
tion” (Chin 2007: 281).
As Schafer and Yarwood (2008: 123) argue, the conservatism which
characterizes much research carried out on young people’s lives by
adults limits children’s ability to find different ways for getting across
what they think. Indeed, if the goal of research is not exhausted by the
need for validity, reliability, rigor and so on, but also encompasses the
need for participation, political engagement and social change, then
one can envision a place for research produced by children in the larger
world of research. This is of course a larger epistemological question
6 Children’s Participation in Research as a Knowledge Practice
(Holland et al. 2010: 372). Likewise, one could argue that not all chil-
dren’s ideas and suggestions may be appropriate and though this brings
up the larger issue of representation and adult control, it also sensitizes
us to the fact that adults may, and are likely to, intervene and exercise
their gatekeeping powers when what children put forth is problematic
(e.g., goes contrary to established values about justice, equality, fairness,
etc. (see McCarry 2012: 62).
But even the more fundamental question about children’s skill
and competence cannot be easily resolved by assuming that chil-
dren are indeed competent and fully capable in carrying out research.
Competence might depend on a number of factors apart from ability
which children may have little control over (e.g., time, resources, oppor-
tunities, etc.). If children are limited in this sense, then should they be
expected to conform to adult-developed and -centered approaches to
research? What if children cannot meet the rigorous demands of high
quality research expected by the research community? Dyson and
Meagher (2001: 65 as quoted in Brownlie et al. 2006: 13–14) argue
that the more fully children are involved with research, the more likely
they are to fail to meet the expected quality standards; as a result most
children might end up being disempowered through the process with
only few of them meeting the expected outcomes.
As we have seen in the previous section, an important question to
consider is what kinds of expectations would be reasonable to have of
child researchers and whether the knowledge they end up producing
could be acceptable and useful or simply not up to par. If, for instance,
child researchers are not judged by the same standards as adult research-
ers then does the knowledge they produce count as much as the knowl-
edge produced by adult researchers? To treat the two as the same might
question the value and utility of the need for developing skills, pursu-
ing research training, obtaining university degrees which attest to one’s
competence in research and so on. Hammersley challenges the argu-
ment pertaining to children’s competence and questions whether child-
led research is a research method to start with given that social research
requires the possession of specific skills and expertise which take time
to acquire and which very few adults and even fewer children possess
(Hammersley 2016: 10–11; see also Ergler 2017: 247).
6 Children’s Participation in Research as a Knowledge Practice
than children one could argue that it is more likely to represent adult
interests and agendas and more likely to be sanitized and managed in
such a way as to conform to adults’ worldviews and agendas.
In her review of critiques related to children’s participation, Raby
(2014) identifies a number of strong claims which suggest that chil-
dren’s participation in decision-making seeks to cultivate in them a
sense of western individualism, autonomy and self-governance so as
to ultimately ensure their complicity to neo-liberal capitalism (see also
Gallacher and Gallagher 2008). Some scholars have actually equated the
notion of participation in research with a new form of tyranny, a means
of control and domination as well as exclusion and marginalization
(Schafer and Yarwood 2008: 122; Cooke and Kothari 2001). Is adults’
desire for children’s participation in research a new means for colonizing
childhood by socializing children through research? Coppock (2011:
444) asks?
This problem extents to data ownership and control. Who owns the
data collected through participatory research or when using children-
researchers? Is it the adults who are ultimately in control of a project,
the children who help produce the data or both? How much room do
children have to review or edit data, compared to adults (Dockett et al.
2009: 293)? Are children involved in writing up and disseminating
research findings? As Kirby (1999: 107–108) points out, young people
are often excluded from authorship even when they themselves pro-
duced all or most of the research. This highlights further the problem of
representation I raised earlier which persists even when power relation-
ships between children and adults shift.
Scholars have argued for the need to involve children in data inter-
pretation and not simply in data collection as a way to address some of
these challenges. Cheney (2011: 174), for instance, suggests that young
researchers may help adult researchers resolve issues of representation
(e.g., by providing their own insights about the representativeness of
the views expressed by children who participated in a study). Similarly,
Dockett et al. (2009: 291) invoke the value of authenticity in children’s
interpretations through research of other children’s perspectives. This
argument assumes that children’s perspectives are by their very nature
(i.e., because they are invoked by insiders) more authentic than the
6 Children’s Participation in Research as a Knowledge Practice
some youth RAs [Research Assistants] just showed more propensity for
doing fieldwork; some did good fieldwork but did not keep detailed field
notes. In those instances, it was helpful to work with the youths’ individ-
ual talents. Malik, a musician, was quite taken with the digital recorders,
but he didn’t feel adept at writing, especially in English, so I encouraged
him to record his field notes orally and had them transcribed. James was
also very taken with the video camera, so I had him work with the camera
more extensively. Some had family issues or illnesses that prevented them
from conducting research as often as promised.
Since both children and adults might come equipped with differ-
ent skills and abilities, it might be more fruitful to consider what each
brings to the collaboration rather than attempt to create an unrealis-
tic kind of equality. These kinds of emerging child–adult collabora-
tions may be guided more by what Christensen and Prout (2002) have
S. Spyrou
The researcher working with ethical symmetry has equality as his or her
starting point and has, therefore, to consider their actions, responsibili-
ties, use of appropriate methods and ways of communication throughout
the research process. Asymmetries as well as symmetries will no longer be
held as necessarily stable between different contexts and situations. The
premise, rather, is that ethical practice is tied to the active construction of
research relationships and cannot be based in presupposed ideas or stere-
otypes about children or childhood. (Christensen and Prout 2002: 484)
goes a long way towards becoming aware that knowledge is always par-
tial and limited but not invalid because of this.
This highlights “the importance of getting the balance right between
supporting and managing children’s research” (Kellett 2011: 210): it
is about enabling rather than influencing, sustaining rather than lim-
iting, supporting rather than judging, helping rather than controlling,
and empowering rather than hijacking (Kellett 2011: 211). The ques-
tion of power and control is an ongoing concern for those who engage
in participatory research work with children; though there might be
obvious ways in which adults end up controlling children in research,
it is important to pay attention to the subtle ways through which power
shapes relationships between adults and children. By critically reflect-
ing on the very process of child–adult collaborative research–that is,
on how relationships between adults and children develop in research–
researchers can begin to engage more productively with the very task of
collaboration when power differences can very easily and quickly turn
Attending to the dynamics of participatory research initiatives with
children offers an opportunity to critically assess knowledge production
as a practice. As Chin, has argued “it is often the process itself that pro-
duces the most interesting and useful knowledge, rather than the prod-
uct (data sets) being the most valuable outcome” (2007: 279).
And, in yet other comments, the facilitators pointed out the particulari-
ties of individual children and how they related to the group as a whole:
One child suggested to the rest how they should all think about the issue
discussed and everyone agreed.
One of the five children in the group had a hard time participating dur-
ing the activity.
Though she seemed to be interested, she ended up sitting all the time and
not participating at all.
In this activity, both girls seemed obviously tired. One decided to take a
break, the other wanted to continue.
Others took delight from resisting, rebelling and subverting the research
process. During one mapping activity, two boys—Tommy and Bobby—
sneaked off with my pens. Disappearing upstairs, they spent the time
scribbling offensive comments on the youth club walls, an act especially
telling given our activity that evening focused on ‘graffiti as a form of
antisocial behavior’. (Davidson 2017: 233)
Or, consider the recent call by Ergler (2017) to acknowledge the messy
reality of children’s participation in research as both becomings (i.e.,
researchers adopting an adult like role) and beings (as children who also
have a need to play at the same time) which might characterize child
6 Children’s Participation in Research as a Knowledge Practice
As we have seen in Chapter 4, the search for the child’s authentic voice
is futile if by that we mean the search for an unmediated voice which
speaks the truth of the child’s ‘inner’ self. Attempts to free the child
from all kinds of influences that mediate her presence and understand-
ing of the world (whether in the context of an interview or, more gen-
erally, a participatory activity) are not only unrealistic and impossible
but are also complicit in disguising the very practices which produce her
voice. We have seen that the same problematic may surface in participa-
tory research with children.
In this chapter, I offered a critical review of children’s participation
in research, focusing in particular on ‘research by children’, the most
promising among participatory approaches for its potential to produce
knowledge that is qualitatively better. Though there is no doubt, that
‘research by children’ can and should have a place in childhood scholar-
ship, I have argued that we need to situate it within a critical discussion
which recognizes both its potential and limits as a tool for knowledge
As a situated practice, children’s participation in research is, of course,
neither good nor bad and need not be celebrated or damned. Just
because an initiative is labelled as ‘participatory’ it does not necessar-
ily mean that it is empowering and productive for all the children who
participate in it. The relations which develop within the participatory
activity and the power dynamics which unfold offer better guidance
about the outcomes of participation rather than the rhetoric which sur-
rounds it. Turning to participation as a knowledge practice rather than
product or discourse provides a more balanced means of evaluating it in
terms of what it does to all those involved in the process and the knowl-
edge which results from it. Participation-as-process then becomes a tool
not only for producing different kinds of knowledge but also for criti-
cally understanding the very practices through which such knowledge is
Different styles and settings of participation can enact different iden-
tities among the children participating and produce, along the way,
S. Spyrou
1. Pells (2012: 437) has also distinguished between ‘performed partici-
pation’ (i.e., participation as an extraordinary event in children’s lives
which involves some kind of consultation) versus ‘lived participation’
(i.e., the participation of children in the ongoing daily activities of their
2. See also the discussion on children’s voices in Chapter 4.
3. For the use of the concept in childhood studies see, for example,
Lindgren et al. (2015), Sparrman (2014), and Esser (2017).
4. In making an argument about the partiality of knowledge produced
through research (rather than about multiple realities and ontological
multiplicity), Nightingale (2003: 80) illustrates another dimension of
this thinking by arguing for the use of triangulation in research, not as
a means of cross-checking the consistency of results and validating them,
but rather as a way of identifying the silences, discrepancies, and incom-
patibilities that exist between different data sets collected through diverse
approaches. “Mixing methods”, according to Nightingale can reveal the
partiality of knowledge. What is important about Nightingale’s argu-
ment is that it is not about questioning the validity of the methods used
but rather about recognizing the fragmented nature of the knowledge
produced: “When different kinds of knowledges are taken seriously and
6 Children’s Participation in Research as a Knowledge Practice
all are critically interrogated, richer results are generated, new interpreta-
tions emerge and the supremacy of any one kind of knowledge is chal-
lenged” (Nightingale 2003: 86–87).
5. For a childhood studies’ example of how a research method enacts its
objects of research see Samuelsson et al. (2015).
Alderson, P. (2001). Research by children. International Journal of Social
Research Methodology, 4(2), 139–153.
Alderson, P. (2004). Children as researchers: The effects of participation
rights on research methodology. In P. Christensen & A. James (Eds.),
Research with children: Perspectives and practices (pp. 241–257). New York:
Barad, K. (2008). Posthumanist performativity: Toward an understanding of
how matter comes to matter. In S. Alaimo & S. Hekman (Eds.), Material
feminisms (pp. 120–154). Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Brownlie, J., Anderson, S., & Ormston, R. (2006). Children as researchers.
Scotland: Social Research, Education Department, Scottish Executive Social
Cahill, C. (2007). Doing research with young people: Participatory research
and the rituals of collective work. Children’s Geographies, 5(3), 297–312.
Cheney, K. (2011). Children as ethnographers: Reflections on the importance
of participatory research in assessing orphans’ needs. Childhood, 18(2),
Cheney, K. (forthcoming). Decolonizing childhood studies: Overcoming patri-
archy and prejudice in child-related research and practice. In S. Spyrou,
R. Rosen, & D. Cook (Eds.), Reimagining Childhood Studies. London:
Chin, E. (2007). Power-puff ethnography/guerilla research: Children as native
anthropologists. In A. Best (Ed.), Representing youth: Methodological issues
in critical youth studies (pp. 269–283). New York and London: New York
University Press.
Christensen, P., & Prout, A. (2002). Working with ethical symmetry in social
research with children. Childhood, 9(4), 477–497.
Clark, A., & Moss, P. (2001). Listening to young children: The mosaic approach.
London: National Children’s Bureau.
S. Spyrou
This book reflects my ongoing concerns about childhood studies as a
field. To the extent that it is a critique, it is one which aims to contrib-
ute, in however small a way, towards developing a more critical child-
hood studies which remains current, restless and uncomfortable while
producing knowledge that matters. My underlying attempt through-
out this effort was to problematize knowledge production, not simply
by deconstructing the field’s knowledge practices but also by suggest-
ing other, alternative, and potentially more productive and ethical ways
of producing knowledge. I have argued and illustrated through my
engagement with some of childhood’s most central concepts that to
engage critically with knowledge production the field needs to reflect
on knowledge as process and practice and not merely as product and
outcome (Knorr Cetina 2007: 364), which can be done through an
ongoing and relentless scrutiny of the ways through which knowledge
happens. To problematize knowledge production in this way is to also
open up the field to new ways of knowing or in St. Pierre’s (1997: 175)
words, “to produce different knowledge and to produce knowledge
differently”, not for the sake of doing so but as a politically and ethically
responsible act.
In the first two chapters, I lay out ways of thinking about knowl-
edge production in childhood studies to suggest that the field can ben-
efit from more systematic engagement with theoretical developments in
the social sciences at large while in the third chapter I attempt a critical
review of the field to reflect on its historical trajectory, its current con-
cerns and the challenges it faces as it seeks to carve out a rightful place
for itself in the wider world of knowledge and scholarship. In Chapters
4, 5 and 6, I explore respectively three of the field’s fundamental con-
cepts—voice, agency, and participation—to illustrate what their critical
rethinking might entail for knowledge production in childhood studies.
These concepts have clearly been at the forefront of theoretical discus-
sions in childhood studies and will likely continue to serve the field’s
explorations in the years to come; hence the need to maintain an ongo-
ing dialogue which scrutinizes both their potential and limits.
Throughout the book I also explore a number of theoretical issues
which, when taken together, pinpoint the value of a relational, decen-
tered lens through which to see children and childhood. I have argued
that following this emerging momentum of the field may yield new
questions and paths which could help overcome the current reproduc-
tive tendencies and move childhood studies foreword in more produc-
tive ways. In this concluding chapter, I return to some of these core
issues to reflect further on their potential contributions towards the
development of a more critical childhood studies. I first turn my atten-
tion to the question of authenticity and the challenge it poses for the
subsequent development of the field as a critical practice.
Beyond Authenticity
Childhood studies’ fixation with the unitary subject and the search for
its authentic core has foreclosed a more serious engagement with some
of the most critical insights of poststructuralist thinking. One of these
insights concerns the very processes through which knowledge is pro-
duced, naturalized and represented which poststructuralism seeks to
7 The Ethics and Politics of Knowledge Production …
accounts of their voices). In that sense, the search for the authentic child
is futile to say the least and largely uncritical as a knowledge practice.
De-stabilizing the identity category of the child by attending to differ-
ent subject positions allows for a poststructuralist critique of the fantasy
of the unitary, fixed, stable and internally coherent subject who is trans-
parent and decipherable (Alldred 1998). Moving beyond the ‘authentic
child’ means forsaking notions of clarity and attending to the mess and
complexity of children’s subjectivities and lives.
Embracing Mess
Though mess is a condition which characterizes our social research
methods more generally (Law 2004), in Chapter 6, I discuss more spe-
cifically the significance of attending to mess in participatory research
with children. In a broad sense, mess may suggest (among others) dis-
order, disarray, disorganization, confusion, uncertainty, ambiguity, com-
plication, and entanglement. My intended use of the term in this book
alludes as well to an unwillingness to reduce and essentialize the rich-
ness which characterizes children’s worlds and lives.
Ever since ‘the crisis of representation’, a number of scholars have
called for the need to attend to the messiness of the social world and
to reflect it in our scholarly writing and representations. Marcus (1998:
187–188), for instance, has argued that attending to our objects of
study in terms of analytic categories (e.g., childhood, age, play and the
like) limits our inquiry because it often creates bounded texts which
keep the mess of the social world outside. For Marcus (1998: 189),
messy texts provide the possibility for ‘unexpected connections’ and ‘new
descriptions of old realities’ at a time when our old representations no
longer seem to be adequate:
Messy texts are messy because they insist on their own open-endedness,
incompleteness, and uncertainty about how to draw a text/analysis to a
close. Such open-endedness often marks a concern with an ethics of dia-
logue and partial knowledge, a sense that a work is incomplete without
critical, and differently positioned, responses to it by its (ideally) varied
readers. (Marcus 1998: 189)
7 The Ethics and Politics of Knowledge Production …
More recently, Pillow (2010: 193) has reiterated the value of integrating
the messy in our research accounts as part of ongoing reflexive practice:
The qualitative research arena would benefit from more “messy” exam-
ples, examples that may not always be successful, examples that do not
seek a comfortable, transcendent end-point but leave us in the uncom-
fortable realities of doing engaged qualitative research.
Likewise, Eldén (2013: 78) has elaborated on the value of ‘inviting the
messy’ of children’s voices which provides for a more complex picture of
the child as social actor, as “simultaneously competent, agentic, vulner-
able and dependent” while Tisdall and Punch (2012: 259) have argued
more generally that childhood studies needs to focus more “on the intri-
cacies, complexities, tensions, ambiguities and ambivalences of children
and young people’s lives”.
Our research conventions have a tendency to hide the mess of the
social world, sometimes intentionally in order to highlight certain ‘find-
ings’ rather than others, and sometimes unintentionally through the
mere ‘inherited wisdom’ for how one properly does research whether
this involves research design, data collection and analysis or interpre-
tation. Indeed, as Fox and Alldred (2015: 406) argue, “Most research-
assemblages and machines aim to produce simplicity where there was
complexity, definition in place of indeterminacy, and evenness where
S. Spyrou
there was variability, and tend to shift control of events studied firmly
toward the researcher”. Qualitative research in general and ethnographic
approaches to research in particular have guided much of the work in
childhood studies during the last three decades. These approaches are
well-suited as ways of learning about, and exposing, the messiness that
characterizes the social world and the means through which we produce
knowledge about it (Law 2004: 18) and should continue to form the
critical backbone of knowledge production in childhood studies. The
extent to which we can highlight and explore the messiness of children’s
worlds and lives exceeds our methodological choices and rests, to a great
extent also, on researchers’ sensitivities and readiness to do so.
This messiness which invites critical inquiry provides then an oppor-
tunity to open up childhood studies to new and potentially more ethical
(because they are more attuned to the complexities and nuances of life
and hence allow us to disclose otherwise unacknowledged childhoods)
ways of producing knowledge about children and childhood. Thrift
(2008: 170) has argued for the ethical value of attending to the prin-
ciple of messiness in research: “The world should be kept untidy”, he
argues. The exclusion of mess is by definition a political act and hence
an accountable act, an issue I return to further down.
playing play dough at the table look briefly to Sam as he cries out and
tries to get away from the teacher’s hold. His noises and actions are
ignored as the unmarked children enact their category boundary work
maintaining the ‘normal’. (Watson et al. 2015: 272–273)
(see Pickering 1995), Hekman points out both the impossibility and
undesirability of separating politics from science:
Mol (1999) distinguishes her claim for multiple realities and ontologi-
cal politics by differentiating it from both perspectivalism (viewing the
same reality from different perspectives or standpoints) and construc-
tivism (the social crafting or construction of a specific version of truth).
Ontological politics rather suggests that reality is manipulated and
enacted out of social practices.
Knowledge production as ‘intervention’ rather than ‘discovery’ inserts
researchers squarely in the process itself endowing them with a certain
7 The Ethics and Politics of Knowledge Production …
Particular possibilities for acting exist at every moment, and these chang-
ing possibilities entail a responsibility to intervene in the world’s becom-
ing, to contest and rework what matters and what is excluded from
mattering. (Barad 2008: 144)3
Seeing, listening, touching, recording can be, if done with care and sen-
sitivity, acts of solidarity. Not to look, not to touch, not to record can
be the hostile act, and act of indifference and of turning away. (Scheper-
Hughes 2014: 317)
… not all stories (or accounts) are to be told or enacted just anywhere;
every situation requires its own story. Telling just any story without
attending to what the situation requires is sheer recklessness. (Blaser
Deciding what knowledge to bring forth, for whom and for what pur-
poses, highlights the ethics and politics of knowledge production.
Alldred (1998) asks whether we should have a more open mind when
it comes to how we present our research findings bearing in mind the
political stakes, so that in some cases we can present the mess and com-
plexity of children’s worlds and our methodological dilemmas when
the audience and purpose allows for that (e.g., in a scholarly journal)
but refrain from doing so (i.e., by intentionally avoiding to deconstruct
knowledge) when targeting another kind of audience where knowledge
claims need to come attached with authority (e.g., when targeting the
public, policy-makers, etc.). To raise doubts about the ‘authenticity’ of
the knowledge produced by emphasizing its contingency and situated-
ness is unlikely to go far in a policy context. Academic audiences might
be more amenable and receptive to the kind of ontological work dis-
cussed in this book which is characterized by complexity, fluidity and
ambiguity while policy makers might need a more clear, delineated and
unambiguous form of knowledge which serves their needs for imple-
menting policy though an attempt to do away with the mess of social
life (e.g., preparing a research report with clear policy recommenda-
tions) should always be held in check by the need to be sensitive to het-
erogeneity (Law 2014: 16). In the next section, I use the example of
children’s agency to illustrate how ontological politics may manifest in
childhood studies.
argue, the notion of agency may be used selectively to serve larger moral
agendas with agency attributed to children in some contexts but denied
to them in others. As they explain, during the last two decades the crim-
inal justice system in the US has begun to treat juveniles as adults as far
as the law is concerned. In other words, the criminal justice system is
ascribing agency to children as a means of controlling and punishing
them while at the same time this same legal system does not grant the
same children agency in other areas of life such as drinking and voting.
Moreover, as the authors show, children are today increasingly ascribed
agency when it comes to decisions about medical care and treatment
or participation in medical research and this, even when the children
themselves often prefer to defer the decision to their own parents who
they feel are more capable to make them. In short, Rosen and Bluebond
Langner’s analysis shows how ascribed agency takes different forms in
different institutional settings so that it can be respected and empha-
sized in one setting or in relation to one issue but denied in relation to
Adding a strategic dimension to questions of representation allows
us to consider the use of children’s agency for political ends. Claims to
agency can be as essentialist as claims to its contrary, that is, the lack of
agency. However, as Herzfeld (2005: 26) reminds us, it is important to
recognize that such essentialist claims can be strategic serving particu-
lar agendas and thus we should be careful not to essentialize essential-
isms (Herzfeld 2005: 27). Quoting Prout (2000), Komulainen (2007:
26) points out that children might be both vulnerable and competent
at the same time so that what we need to reflect on is how, as adults and
researchers, we end up positioning them one way or the other (see also
Bluebond-Langner and Korbin 2007; Mizen and Ofosu-Kusi 2013).
Recognizing this essentialist positioning offers a deeper understanding
of the strategic significance of children’s agency as a political position
and claim reminiscent of Spivak’s widely-known notion of ‘strategic
It is in this sense that a concern with children’s agency in childhood
studies goes beyond the mere acknowledgement and recording through
empirical research of children’s activity and role in transforming their
S. Spyrou
worlds. It is also, at the same time, and above all, a claim to a particular
ontological status for children in the larger world.
Each enactment as a knowledge practice ontologizes the children in
question differently: differently (equally real) children emerge out of
each enactment. The vulnerable child soldiers who are victims of their
circumstances as minors are, ontologically speaking, different from the
agentic, self-reflexive child soldiers who participate in wars freely. Each
enactment discloses a different child who comes into being through the
entanglement of diverse material and discursive forces which include
bodies, material conditions of existence, institutions, discourses and
representations to name but the most obvious ones.
Acknowledging the politics of ontology implicates knowledge pro-
duction in another related way—through the choice of scale—an issue
which I briefly touch on in the next section. Scale is one of childhood
studies’ insufficiently problematized assumptions which directly links to
the kind of knowledge the field ends up producing, hence the need to
reflect on its contributing role.
Ontology and Scale-Making
As we have seen, with the establishment and the subsequent develop-
ment of the ‘new paradigm’ in childhood studies, the scale of choice
was clearly the local, micro context of children’s everyday activity. With
few exceptions, childhood researchers went out to document and make
sense of children’s social worlds and cultures, to elucidate their experi-
ences by highlighting their voices, and to provide proof for their agency.
The focus on the competent, agentic child offered childhood studies a
welcomed and clear path to pursue its intellectual and political project.
The preferred approach was ethnography and more generally qualita-
tive methodologies which allowed for a more intimate look at children’s
experiences as they unfolded in the local contexts of everyday life (James
and Prout 1990). This new orientation and the plethora of small-scale,
local studies of children it inspired was in many ways a scale-making
project, based on particular ontological and epistemological assump-
tions which largely remained unexamined by the field in a climate of
7 The Ethics and Politics of Knowledge Production …
intellectual euphoria. Its emphasis on, and search for, the agentic child
who is capable of independent thought and action, for instance, meant
that only certain kinds of children would become subjects of research:
mainly those who had a voice which could clearly articulate the know-
ing, reflexive and agentic capacity of the child (see Chapter 4). Very
young children who cannot speak in those terms, children who are
shy or prefer not to speak, and more generally children who are una-
ble to exercise a recognizable form of agency as individuals were largely
excluded (see Oswell, forthcoming).
It is in this sense that the choice of scale in childhood studies fore-
grounds particular perspectives, precludes others, and serves certain
interests at the expense of others. A focus on the local of children’s
lives may ignore forces which impact on children’s lives in significant
ways but happen beyond the micro contexts of children’s everyday life.
Such a focus may also, unintentionally, result in the downplaying of the
knowledge produced which is seen as too limited and parochial; indeed,
this bias in favor of agency and the local has undoubtedly precluded the
creation of a more structuralist and globalist agenda for the field (Ansell
2009: 191–192; see also Bessell 2011).
In sum, the choice of scale enables and constraints knowledge pro-
duction in different ways and in that sense it does matter what a field’s
preferred scale is. The social constructionist orientation of childhood
studies has enabled the field to offer critical insights into knowledge
production by problematizing particular constructions of childhood.
However, relativizing knowledge as we have also seen has highlighted a
problem for the field and its political and ethical commitments: how do
we choose from among the alternatives?
Beyond Relativism
New materialist thinking offers theoretical tools to overcome the lim-
its of cultural relativism and to consider the ethical implications of
our practices in ways that discursive approaches cannot (Alaimo and
Hekman 2008: 7–8). Ontological multiplicity does not render our
claims to reality relativist: the world is real but ‘multiply’ rather than
S. Spyrou
their consequences. What are the likely material effects on child soldiers
if research enacts an ontology of these children as knowledgeable and
reflexive agents who are fully aware of what they are doing and willingly
join the military versus enacting an ontology of these children as vul-
nerable victims of oppressive, structural realities which force them into
becoming child soldiers? What privileges, rights, supports, resources or
lack thereof, are afforded to different child identities or subject positions
which are enacted in the course of research?
To illustrate the significance of assessing the material effects of our
disclosures, I turn to the ongoing debate about children and work (see,
for example, Bourdillon et al. 2010). An attempt is made currently by
a group of academics and child rights practitioners to pressure interna-
tional bodies to acknowledge that not all children’s work is detrimen-
tal to their development and to avoid applying universal minimum age
standards to employment and abolitionist measures to child work. In
their letter to the members of the United Nations Committee on the
Convention of the Rights of the Child (see https://www.opendemo-
accessed January 3, 2018), the group acknowledges, based on the accu-
mulated evidence from research, that indeed some forms of child work
can harm children and therefore adults need to intervene in those cases
on children’s behalf but at the same time, the group argues that work
can also be beneficial to children’s social development and critical to
their own well-being and the well-being of their families, especially in
contexts of severe poverty where schooling does not provide tangible
benefits. The group’s argument is that criminalizing and restricting chil-
dren’s participation to work does not serve children well; instead, effort
should be devoted to addressing the structural, economic and political
factors which place children at risk of exploitative and harmful work.
The group in question seeks to disclose a different kind of knowl-
edge and understanding of children and childhood in the context of
work than that which often surfaces in the protectionist rhetoric of
international organizations seeking to remove children from work.
What they bring forth—the ontological realities which they attempt
to disclose based on their accumulated knowledge—seeks to ontolo-
gize children differently: not as victims or not necessarily as victims but
S. Spyrou
It is safe to say that in a hundred years’ time people will be wondering why
we, with all our boasted love, for knowledge and with all our professed
sympathy for our subject races, allowed our priceless opportunity to slip
by unheeded. I have, therefore, been more anxious to record the facts than
to indicate their bearing on current anthropological theory. (ix–x)
S. Spyrou
Kidd’s claim that he was merely recording the facts is anything but con-
vincing a hundred or more years later. Not only have the times changed
and the assumed givens of Kidd’s era have come to pass, but social
inquiry has also developed more critical and reflexive tools for con-
fronting its knowledge productions. Chances are that what we profess
today—the assumptions we hold about the social world and the kind
of knowledge that we produce—will come to pass as well, as too inad-
equate, too limited, or perhaps too narrow-minded and unimaginative
despite our current convictions to the contrary. However, this should
not mean that we have to resort back to a sense of putative neutrality
and objectivity. To the extent that the knowledge we produce does mat-
ter we have a responsibility to position ourselves, though this kind of
positioning should always retain a sense of humility; this is important
not only because the ethics and politics of knowledge production are
always situated but also because we should let the empirical worlds we
study to surprise us with the new and the unexpected. Taking child-
hood to be a conceptually dense phenomenon which defies simplis-
tic understandings opens up its exploration to a world of relationality,
interdependence, ambiguity, multiplicity and complexity. Maintaining a
certain sense of ongoing discomfort with the knowledge we produce as
well as a sense of epistemic humility requires that we recognize the lim-
its of knowledge. Not everything is potentially knowable, at least, with
the use of our research methods. As Frost has eloquently put it, “we
must learn to incorporate the possibility of an impossibility of knowing
into our epistemologies that is not indexed to the limits of perception or
to the development of technology but rather intrinsic to the complexity
of objects or processes themselves” (2011: 79). Yet, despite the limits
to our knowing and the sense of humility which should come hand-in-
hand with our knowledge practices, there is much work which needs
to be done towards disclosing childhoods that we have so far failed to
bring forth—childhoods whose disclosure will enrich our understand-
ing of the human condition—and producing knowledge about children
and childhood that is significant and meaningful for our times and the
worlds we live in (see Spyrou et al., forthcoming). The challenge for
childhood studies is to exercise a kind of critique which does not simply
lament children’s realities in the present or predicts a dim future but one
7 The Ethics and Politics of Knowledge Production …
1. See Philo’s (2016: 624) call for a non- or less-child-centric children’s
geographies which looks out from (rather than in at) children’s lifeworlds
to the wider world.
2. For an excellent analysis of how politics and science are intertwined, see
Barad’s (1998) analysis of the sonogram and how it helps materialize the
fetus by allowing it to be seen.
3. Despite its appeal, as Hage (2014) points out, the “pursuit of ontological
multiplicity and the highlighting of existing dominated and overshad-
owed modes of existence” does not necessarily mean that one can chal-
lenge effectively the structural and hegemonic forces in place.
4. See also Hammersley’s (2016: 8–9) discussion of the tension in child-
hood studies between recognizing children’s agency and recognizing
children’s responsibility. Hammersley argues that the responsibility that
goes with being an autonomous agent is often ignored when attributing
agency to children in childhood studies.
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S. Spyrou
Taylor, A. 13, 66, 69, 77, 134 V
Territorialization/territorializing 142, Valentine, K. 124, 126, 128
144, 211 var der Tuin, I. 26, 133
Textual turn 20 Veale, A. 22, 89, 92, 160
Theis, J. 22, 92, 160 Viscosity 143
Theodorou, E. 108 Viscous porosity 143
Theory/theoretical 2–5, 8, 10–12, Visual methods 88, 90
15, 17, 18, 20–23, 25–28, 30, Voiced-based forms of participation
39, 41, 53, 55, 56, 58–61, 64, 158
66–70, 72, 74–78, 85, 87, 102, Vulnerability 88, 125, 128, 160, 201,
105, 107, 117–123, 128–133, 215, 216, 219, 220
145–149, 162, 163, 165, 179,
185, 198, 202, 204, 206, 210,
214, 217, 221–223 W
Thin and thick agency 123 Walkerdine, V. 55
Thomson, P. 31, 89, 91 Warming, H. 89, 167
Thorne, B. 21, 91 Watson, K. 140, 205, 206
Thrift, N. 202 Wavering silences 100
Tisdall, E.K.M. 27, 62, 157, 162, Wertsch, J. 105
167, 201 West, A. 162
Transdisciplinarity 72 Westcott, H. 88, 93
Willis, P. 126 Y
Woodhead, M. 55, 56, 72, 165 Yarwood, R. 162, 166
Woolgar, S. 24, 36, 178, 188
Wyness, M. 61, 64, 72, 89, 120, 122,
128, 129, 158, Z
174, 213 Zembylas, M. 38, 39