Aufbaurichtlienien Axor Eng
Aufbaurichtlienien Axor Eng
Aufbaurichtlienien Axor Eng
These directives apply as instructions for the production and These parts have been subjected to special tests to verify
mounting of bodies and equipment not manufactured by their safety, reliability and suitability.
Mercedes-Benz and for the fitting and installation of peripher-
We cannot be held liable for reliability, safety and suita-
al units. bility if:
The instructions given must be followed exactly to ensure the – Original parts, approved conversion parts and accessories
operational and road safety of the chassis and maintain war- have been replaced with other parts or if other modifica-
ranty entitlement. tions have been made to the vehicle.
DaimlerChrysler AG can assume no liability whatsoever upon – Bodies have not been produced or installed in compliance
failure to comply with these directives. with current Mercedes-Benz body/equipment mounting di-
rectives or upon failure to obtain Mercedes-Benz approval
Illustrations and schematic drawings are examples and serve
to explain the texts and tables. in the event of deviation from these directives.
Approval granted by public testing agencies or official organi-
References to regulations, standards, directives etc. are given sations does not exclude safety hazards.
in key words and serve only as information. Further information is available from any Mercedes-Benz
Service Station.
Notes concerning vehicle safety
We recommend: DaimlerChrysler AG
– That only Mercedes-Benz original parts and conversion
parts and accessories which have been specifically ap-
proved by Mercedes-Benz for the specific vehicle model be
Printed in Germany
We reserve the right to make changes without notice.
Not to be reprinted, translated or otherwise reproduced, in whole or in
part, without written permission.
Title illustration: N00.00-2527-00
Editorial status: 21.05.01
GSP/SI 05.01
Page Page
1 General ......................................................................................................... 5 2.9 Engine air intake ............................................................................ 23
1.1 Vehicle and model designations .................................................... 5 2.10 Steerability ...................................................................................... 24
1.2 Granting of body approvals and technical advice ....................... 6 2.11 Leading axle/trailing axle ............................................................ 25
1.3 Body approval ................................................................................... 6 2.12 Bolted connections ......................................................................... 26
1.3.1 Granting of body approval .............................................................. 7 2.13 Welded connections ....................................................................... 27
1.3.2 Legal claims ...................................................................................... 7 2.14 Special equipment ......................................................................... 27
1.4 Tender drawings, Technical data and Product information ...... 8 2.15 Noise insulation ............................................................................. 27
1.5 Product liability .............................................................................. 10 2.16 Clearance for assemblies and the cab ........................................ 28
1.6 Warranty claims ............................................................................. 12 2.17 Maintenance and repairs .............................................................. 29
1.7 Mercedes star and MB badge ....................................................... 13 2.18 Fuel system ..................................................................................... 29
1.8 Maintenance instructions ............................................................. 13 2.19 Exhaust system .............................................................................. 30
1.9 Corrosion protection measures .................................................... 14 2.20 Pneumatic auxiliary consumers .................................................. 31
1.10 Accident prevention ....................................................................... 15 2.21 Maximum permissible air consumption .................................... 32
1.11 Reprocessing components – Recycling ...................................... 16 2.22 Retrofitting an automatic transmission ..................................... 32
1.12 Recommended quality management system ............................. 17 2.23 Maintaining the permissible total operating height ................ 32
Page Page
4 Chassis frame ........................................................................................ 39 6 Electrical system ............................................................................. 57
4.1 Material for chassis frame ............................................................ 39 6.1 Power supply – Auxiliary consumers ........................................ 57
4.2 Reinforcements ............................................................................... 39 6.1.1 Electrical consumers up to 10 amperes ..................................... 58
4.3 Drilling holes in the frame ............................................................ 40 6.1.2 Electrical consumers over 10 amperes ...................................... 60
4.4 Welding on the frame .................................................................... 41 6.2 Electrical wiring ............................................................................. 62
4.5 Brake system .................................................................................. 42 6.3 Installing lighting .......................................................................... 63
4.6 Modifications to the wheelbase ................................................... 44
7 Trailer coupling ................................................................................... 64
4.6.1 Modifying the wheelbase by moving the rear axle .................. 44
7.1 Vehicle operation with centre axle trailer ................................. 66
4.6.2 Modifying the wheelbase by removing the
7.2 Lowered trailer coupling ............................................................... 67
longitudinal frame member........................................................... 45
4.6.3 Approval of modifications to wheelbase .................................... 46 8 Mounting frames ................................................................................ 71
4.6.4 Vehicle propeller shafts ................................................................ 47 8.1 Material quality .............................................................................. 72
4.7 Modifications to the frame ............................................................ 49 8.2 Design .............................................................................................. 73
4.7.1 End cross members ........................................................................ 50 8.3 Section dimensions ........................................................................ 75
4.8 Attachments and auxiliary assemblies ...................................... 51 8.4 Mounting frame as floor group .................................................... 76
4.8.1 Mounting on chassis frame .......................................................... 51 8.5 Mounting ......................................................................................... 77
4.8.2 Chocks .............................................................................................. 51 8.5.1 Friction-locking connection – Bracket mounting ..................... 79
4.8.3 Wings and wheel housing ............................................................. 52 8.5.2 Form-locking rigid connection – Shackle mounting ................ 81
4.8.4 Spare wheel ..................................................................................... 52
4.8.5 Rear underride guard .................................................................... 53
4.8.6 Side underride guard ..................................................................... 55
5 Cab ................................................................................................................ 56
5.1 Attachments above cab ................................................................. 56
5.2 Wind deflectors ............................................................................... 56
Page Page
9 Semitrailer tractors .......................................................................... 82 12 Power take-offs .................................................................................... 91
9.1 Chassis ............................................................................................. 82 12.1 Transmission-dependent PTO ...................................................... 93
9.2 Semitrailers ..................................................................................... 82 12.2 Installation of propeller shaft for power take-offs .................... 95
9.3 Connections for brake system and electrical system ............... 83
Index ................................................................................................................... 96
10 Semitrailer tractor chassis ......................................................... 84
1 General
1.1 Vehicle and model designations
These body/equipment mounting directives apply to the following vehicles:
Vehicle Model Internal designation Model designation
1.2 Granting of body approvals and technical advice
The staff of the department EL/LK issue body approvals and answer technical and
design questions relating to registration of vehicles and product liability.
The appropriate members of staff can be contacted on:
Telephone: + 49 (0) 7 11/17 – 5 44 15
+ 49 (0) 7 11/17 – 5 17 19 for general questions
Fax: + 49 (0) 7 11/17 – 5 21 91
Postal address: DaimlerChrysler AG, HPC A604,
Abteilung EL/LK, D-70546 Stuttgart, Germany
In addition, current information is available from our faxback system.
The title page with the table of contents can be called up by faxing
+49 (0) 7 11/17 - 8 52 50 00.
1.3 Body approval
All work performed on the chassis and body must be carried out in accordance with MB
body/equipment mounting directives.
Body/equipment approval from DaimlerChrysler AG is required only when:
– The body/equipment is not produced in accordance with the body/equipment
mounting directives
– The permissible axle loads are exceeded.
– The maximum gross weight is exceeded.
1.3.1 Granting of body approval
Submit three drawings of the body to the department specified above for approval.
The following information must be given:
– All deviations from MB body/equipment mounting directives.
– Complete data on dimensions, weights and centre of gravity.
– How the body is attached to the chassis frame.
– Conditions of use of the vehicle, e.g.
operation on poor roads,
in very dusty conditions,
at high altitude,
at extremely high or low ambient temperatures.
Questions can be avoided and the approval procedure accelerated by providing com-
plete documentation.
1.4 Tender drawings, Technical data
and Product information
Tender drawings and Technical data are available from the Mercedes-Benz body/
equipment manufacturer system (MB-AS) by contacting:
– DaimlerChrysler AG, Abteilung PES, HPC R53 76742 Wörth, Germany
Fax: + 49 (0) 72 71/71 – 55 14
PC program (ISDN/modem)
The vehicle information required can be selected and ordered directly on your PC with
easy-to-use selection catalogues in this Windows program which we supply free of
The following are available:
– Tender drawings in the CAD formats IGES, DXF, DWG
and in Pixel format (A4)
– Technical data sheets
– Body/equipment mounting directives in a brochure and in PDF format
– Body/equipment manufacturer information
– Power take-offs.
The data can be transferred within a few minutes via ISDN or modem.
Faxback system
Vehicle data can be called up with the aid of any fax machine with built-in "faxback"
function. Additional information on this is given in the manual for the fax machine.
After selecting the faxback function and entering the number +49 (0) 7 11/17 - 86 40 40
you first receive the MB-AS title page containing a summary of the information available
and their faxback numbers. In total, approximately 1,500 technical sheets and over
3,000 tender drawings as well as additional information for the body/equipment man-
ufacturer can be called up.
All vehicle information available using the PC program and services associated with the
faxback system is free.
Additional information on MB-AS can be obtained by calling
+ 49 (0) 7 11/17 3 33 22.
1.5 Product liability
Legal product liability means the liability of a manufacturer for consequential losses re-
sulting for the user of the product or for a third party when the product does not possess
the degree of safety or reliability in use which would normally be expected by the in-
jured party.
Please note the following points with regard to product liability:
– Every manufacturer is liable for his own product.
– DaimlerChrysler AG is excluded from any liability for damage resulting from faults
in products from other manufacturers which are fitted or mounted at a later date.
The body/equipment manufacturer is responsible for:
– The operational safety and roadworthiness of the body
– The operational safety and roadworthiness of parts and conversions not listed in the
documents submitted
– The operational safety and roadworthiness of the vehicle (the body and/or equip-
ment must not have a negative effect on the driving, braking or steering characteris-
tics of the vehicle)
– Effect of parts or conversions on the chassis when such parts or conversions were not
indicated in the documents submitted
– Consequential loss resulting from the attachment, installation or conversion
– Consequential loss resulting from the retrofitting of electrical and electronic systems
– The functional reliability and freedom of movement of all moving parts of the chassis
(e.g. axles, springs, propeller shafts, steering, transmission linkage, retarder, etc.),
even when twisted diagonally in relation to the bodies.
Work or modifications performed on the chassis or body must be entered in the
Maintenance Booklet under the "Confirmations by the body manufacturer"
The body manufacturer must release DaimlerChrysler AG from all liability for damage
resulting from:
– Failure to observe these directives
– Faulty design, production or installation
– Failure to comply with the principles specified in any other manner.
Within the scope of these body mounting directives, information about product liability
can only be provided in general form. More detailed information is given in the body
manufacturer information bulletin, August 1990 issue, which can be requested from
DaimlerChrysler AG, HPC V250, Abteilung DCVD/VLP, 10878 Berlin, Germany.
1.6 Warranty claims
Warranty claims can only be made within the scope of the sales contract between the
purchaser and seller. This means that each seller guarantees the items it supplies to the
DaimlerChrysler AG assumes no liability
– In the event of failure to comply with our body/equipment mounting directives.
– When the chassis used does not correspond to the equipment version for the country
and area of application in question.
– For damage to the chassis caused by the body itself or the manner in which it is
– If the basic parameterisation of the vehicle was modified by the body/equipment
Whenever possible, avoid asymmetrical loading of the chassis when attaching equip-
ment and bodies. If asymmetrical loads are unavoidable (e.g. loading crane mounted on
one side, glass transport frame, generator, auxiliary tanks etc.), approval by the depart-
ment responsible is required.
For vehicles with extreme modifications to the wheelbase and bodies for loads with an
unfavourable centre of gravity (e.g. centre of gravity at rear, extremely high or at side)
DaimlerChryslerAG is unable to make a definitive statement on the handling, braking
and steering characteristics of the vehicle. In such cases the body manufacturer is re-
sponsible for the roadworthiness of the vehicle.
1.7 Mercedes star and MB badge
The Mercedes star and the MB badge are trademarks of DaimlerChrysler AG.
– They may not be removed or attached to another point without approval.
– Mercedes stars and MB badges supplied separately must be attached at the points
specified by Mercedes-Benz.
If the vehicle fails to reproduce the customary Mercedes-Benz vehicle image or fails to
meet the quality requirements demanded of Mercedes-Benz vehicles:
– DaimlerChrysler AG trademarks must be removed
– The body manufacturer becomes the manufacturer of the entire vehicle in terms of
legal product liability and assumes liability for the entire vehicle.
Third party trademarks
– May not be attached in the direct vicinity of MB trademarks,
– May only be attached with the approval of the department responsible.
1.9 Corrosion protection measures
Avoid welding work on inaccessible cavities.
Following all work on vehicle
– Remove chips from drilling.
– Deburr sharp edges.
– Remove burned paint.
– Prime all bare parts and paint.
– Preserve cavities with wax preservative.
1.10 Accident prevention
The body manufacturer is responsible for damage
– Resulting from insufficient reliability or safety of the body or parts it supplies.
– Resulting from errors or deficiencies in the Operating Instructions for the body or
parts it supplies.
The body and attached or installed equipment must comply with applicable laws
and directives, and with work safety or accident prevention regulations, safety
regulations and bulletins issued by accident insurance bodies. All technical pos-
sibilities for avoiding unsafe operating conditions must be utilised.
In Germany, information is available for commercial carriers from the "Traffic Commit-
tee", Working Group "Vehicles", at the Berufsgenossenschaftliche Zentrale für Sicher-
heit und Gesundheit, D-22757 Hamburg, Germany (Tel. +49-40-3980-0,
Fax +49-40-3980-1999).
Observe the legal requirements in all countries concerned.
The body and equipment manufacturer is responsible for compliance with these
laws and regulations.
Consult the Operating Instructions before tilting the cab.
1.11 Reprocessing components – Recycling
When planning the bodies or equipment, the following principles for environmentally
suitable design and material selection should be taken into account, particularly with
regard to expected legal regulations, including obligatory recycling of used parts by the
– Avoid using materials with risk potential such as halogen additives, heavy metals, as-
bestos and CFCs.
– Preferably use materials which permit recycling and closed material cycles.
– Select materials and the production process so that only small quantities of waste
which cannot be properly recycled are generated during production.
– Use plastics only where they provide advantages in terms of cost, function or weight.
– In the case of plastics, in particular in the case of composite materials, use compatible
substances within one material family.
– For components which are relevant to recycling, keep the number of different types
of plastics used to a minimum.
– Check whether a component can be made from recycled material or with recycled ad-
– Ensure that the components can be dismantled easily for recycling e.g. by snap con-
nections, artificially weakened points, good accessibility, use of standard tools.
– Ensure that industrial fluids can be removed simply and in an environmentally com-
patible manner by means of drain plugs etc.
– Wherever possible, refrain from painting and coating components, use pigmented
plastic parts.
– Design components in areas endangered by accident so that they are damage-toler-
ant, repairable and easy to replace.
– Mark all plastic parts in accordance with VDA Directive 260, e.g. PP – GF30R.
Additional information is given in the brochure "Commercial vehicle recycling, ecology
and economy", order no. 6702 6187 00-00/0592.
1.12 Recommended quality management system
Worldwide competition, increased quality requirements placed on the entire truck by
customers, national and international product liability laws, new organisational forms
and increasing cost pressure necessitate effective quality assurance systems in all areas
of the automotive industry.
To reflect these demands, a working group of the VDA has developed the "Guide to qual-
ity assurance for the manufacturers of trailers, bodies and containers", which was pub-
lished as VDA, Volume 8, on the basis of EN ISO 9000.
As part of the close cooperation between chassis and body manufacturers, commercial
vehicle manufacturers recommend, for the reasons given above, the establishment of a
quality assurance system with the following minimum requirements:
– Development, establishment and auditing of a quality management system in the
company in question.
– Designation of responsibilities in an organisational plan.
– Designation of a quality manager.
– Ensuring that processing, working and testing instructions are available and up to
date in all areas and at all work stations.
– Fulfilment of required training credentials for all employees concerned.
– Documentation and archiving of required quality insurance measures for the prod-
– Availability of suitable test equipment (e.g. torque wrenches) and maintenance of
continuous test equipment monitoring.
– Introduction of internal audits for the quality management system and product qual-
This list makes no claim to completeness, rather the commercial vehicle manufacturers
are seeking to reiterate the key dements of a functioning, recognised quality manage-
ment system, as described, for example, in VDA Volume 8.
2 Planning of bodies
Before starting work on the body:
– Check whether the chassis is suitable for the planned body;
– Check whether the chassis model and equipment are suitable for the conditions of
Tender drawings and technical data for planning bodies can be requested from the de-
partment responsible.
2.3 Vehicle overhang and technical wheelbases
Always take permissible axle loads and minimum front axle loads into consideration
when determining the length of the overhang.
00002531.00 Take the special equipment into consideration when calculating the weight.
Maximum vehicle overhang (Ü)
Two-axle vehicles 65% of wheelbase
Three-axle vehicles 70% of technical wheelbase
On some models, an extended frame overhang is available from the factory as special
equipment (Code CR2 or CR3).
Technical wheelbases (Ri)
Observe local regulations and directives.
2.4 Weight distribution
Avoid one-sided weight distribution.
The wheel load (½ of the axle load) should not be exceeded by more than 4%.
Observe tyre load capacity.
Example: Permissible axle load 10,000 kg
Permissible wheel load distribution 5,200 kg to 4,800 kg
R = Wheelbase
R1 = Technical wheelbase
Ü = Overhang
2.5 Centre of gravity heights
Empirical proof of the height of centre of gravity with the vehicle laden must be provided
for approval of a vehicle with body according to EU Directive 71/320/EEC on brakes.
Calculation bases and permissible centre of gravity heights can be requested from the
department responsible.
DaimlerChrysler AG is unable to make a definitive statement on the handling, braking
and steering characteristics of bodies with an unfavourable centre of gravity (e.g. rear,
high and sideloads). In such cases, the body manufacturer is responsible for the
roadworthiness of the vehicle.
2.6 Tyres
The body manufacturer must ensure that
– the largest permissible tyres can be fitted,
– the distance between the tyre and the wing or wheelhousing is sufficient even when
snow or anti-skid chains are fitted and the suspension is completely compressed
(also including any chassis twist).
Refer to the specifications in the tender drawings.
On vehicles with the Telligent® brake system (BS), the parameters must be reset
for the brake system whenever the tyre size is changed. Otherwise the braking
characteristics of the vehicle can change. Information is available from any
Mercedes-Benz Service Station.
2.7 Retarder
Approval is required from the department responsible for retrofitting a retarder on the
43400202.20 transmission or the propeller shaft train. General approvals are not granted; approvals
are always limited to certain vehicle model designations and wheelbases. In the case of
vehicles with the Telligent® automatic gearshift system and Telma retarders, the retard-
er manufacturer must be contacted with regard to the sequence or cut-in of the coils.
The installation drawings must include the following information:
– The position of the retarder in the vehicle
– The propeller shaft angle
– The length of the propeller shaft.
Owing to the additional weight of the retarder, check weight distribution and mainte-
nance of the permissible axle loads. In addition, check the position of the centre of grav-
ity of the body or distance between rear axle and semitrailer coupling point, and adapt
A Inner mount if necessary.
B Outer mount
1 Silent block
2 Reinforcement plate
Installation is permissible only in vehicles with an appropriate electrical system (gen-
erator and batteries with sufficient capacity).
Ensure that the earth connection for the retarder is sufficient.
Ensure sufficient freedom of movement.
When mounting the retarder in the propeller shaft train, only use the web of the chassis
side member for the brackets with silent blocks.
Insulate lines as required to protect against heat. The maximum permissible
temperature for polyamide compressed-air lines is 80 °C. When the retarder is attached
to the transmission and body with a frame/floor system or with a mounting frame with
a height less than 80 mm, it is necessary to replace the plastic lines with steel lines or
to route them outside the frame in the area of the retarder.
It is only permissible to retrofit a retarder on vehicles with the programmable special
module (PSM). Corresponding prefittings are available ex works
(see also page ??).
The retarder should be connected to the PSM and the parameters set as required.
Additional information is available from any Mercedes-Benz Service Station.
It is not possible to retrofit a retarder on vehicles with the Telligent® automatic gearshift
2.8 Cooling
The cooling system (radiator, radiator grille, air ducts, coolant circuit etc.) may not be
A sufficient flow of cooling air must be ensured.
– Keep the radiator air inlet clear.
– Do not attach warning signs, plates or other ornament parts in the area in front of the
Provide additional cooling devices for assemblies:
– When operating at ambient temperatures above 35 °C,
– When the vehicle is stationary and supplying high continuous output.
2.9 Engine air intake
Observe the following for modifications to the engine air intake:
– Standard parts such as the air cleaner, rain caps, hoses, mountings (vibration insu-
lation) etc. must be installed in a manner equivalent to the standard specification to
ensure proper operation.
– The flow speeds in the intake area in front of and in the air intake duct must not be
increased. Do not restrict free cross-sections.
– No modifications are permissible to the filtered air side or the maintenance indicator
– Connection points on the filtered air side must be 100% gas-tight.
– Connection points on the unfiltered air side must be dust and watertight.
– Do not modify the installation conditions in the area of the intake opening.
– Do not install intake opening in the turbulence area of the cab or body.
– Position intake openings in zones subject to low quantities of dust and road spray.
– Using suitable measures, protect intake apertures against the ingress of rain and
spray water and against water draining off the cab. Install a water trap if necessary.
2.10 Steerability
The minimum front axle load must be maintained in all load states to ensure sufficient
steerability of the vehicle. Confirm with department responsible in the event of devia-
G Risk of accident
– Do not exceed the permissible front axle load.
– Loading the vehicle towards the rear significantly impairs the handling characteristics,
greater care must be taken when driving vehicle.
2.11 Leading axle/trailing axle
Approval by the department responsible is required for retrofitting a leading or trailing
Before installing, monitor the following:
– In general anti-roll bar is to be fitted on the retrofitted axle (the driven axle is fitted
with an anti-roll bar as standard).
– Additional frame reinforcement must be installed.
– Changes in the load application points (e.g. axle suspension, spring assemblies etc.)
are not permissible.
– The minimum front axle load must be maintained in accordance with increasing
gross vehicle weight.
– The maximum permissible axle loads must not be exceeded.
– The braking effect of the service and parking brake on the leading or trailing axle
must be matched to the standard brake system (brake cylinders, linkage adjustment
lever length, brake linings). Larger brake cylinders may be required on the front axle.
– In the case of vehicles with the Telligent® brake system/ABS, the leading or trailing
axle must be linked to the rear axle one side at a time in terms of the braking system
and, if necessary, the brake pressure should be reduced for ABS operation.
– The legally specified actuation and threshold times must not be exceeded.
– The volume of compressed air for the rear axle brake circuit must be increased ac-
– On vehicle with traction control on the leading or trailing axle, the brake control must
be adapted accordingly.
– On vehicles with acceleration skid control (ASR), suitable measures must be em-
ployed to prevent the leading or trailing axle from being braked in the ASR mode.
– The specified effect of the auxiliary brake must still be achieved following the load
– There must be sufficient air compressor output.
– The layout of the automatic load-sensitive brake pressure control and overload pro-
tection devices must be adapted.
– The leading or trailing axle must be mounted on the chassis frame in such a manner
that the longitudinal and lateral forces can be safely absorbed without transferring
these on to the live axle.
– Ensure that a sufficient distance is maintained to the propeller shaft.
– Use a uniform suspension system with axle load compensation wherever possible.
– Give preference to vehicles with increased permissible front axle load.
2.12 Bolted connections
If it is necessary to replace standard bolts, use only bolts
– with the same diameter,
– of the same property class,
– of the same type,
– with the same thread pitch.
We recommend using flange head bolts and flange nuts in accordance with Mercedes-
Benz standards 10105, 10112 and 13023.
If necessary, use high tensile washers (made from a material such as 42CrMo4) beneath
the bolt and nut.
The tightening torques are given in the body manufacturer information bulletin dated
22.7.96, which can be requested via MB-AS. Procurement sources for these flange head
bolts are listed in MB-AS.
2.13 Welded connections
Do not perform welding work on:
– assemblies such as the engine, transmission, axles etc.
– on the chassis frame (except for wheelbase and frame modifications)
2.14 Special equipment
Special equipment (e.g. reinforced springs, frame reinforcements, auxiliary tanks, anti-
roll bars etc.) increases the unladen weight of the vehicle.
– Weight data on the special equipment is available from the department responsible.
– Determine the actual chassis weight before installation by weighing the body or
Equipping the chassis with different springs or tyre sizes can significantly change the
frame height in the loaded or unloaded state.
It is not possible to install all special equipment on any chassis without difficulty. This
applies particularly to retrofitting.
2.15 Noise insulation
– If parts relevant to noise are modified (e.g. engine, exhaust system, air intake system,
tyres etc.), carry out noise measurements. Observe local regulations and directives.
In Germany, EU Directive 70/157/EEC or § 49.3 StVZO (low-noise vehicles) apply.
– Do not remove or modify parts installed as a standard feature for noise insulation.
2.16 Clearance for assemblies and the cab
Certain clearances must be maintained in order to ensure the operation and safety of the
Refer to the dimensions specified in the tender drawings.
– The distance between the cab and the body or exhaust must be at least 50 mm. Fit
heat shields to temperature-sensitive bodies.
2.17 Maintenance and repairs
Maintenance and repair of the vehicle must not be hindered by the body any more than
absolutely necessary.
Maintenance points and assemblies must be easily accessible.
– Install maintenance flaps or removable rear walls on stowage compartments.
– The battery compartment must be sufficiently ventilated with provision for air to en-
ter and exit.
– Observe the Operating Instructions.
Additional work caused by the body which arises during warranty, maintenance or re-
pair will be charged by DaimlerChrysler AG.
2.19 Exhaust system
– Use only Mercedes-Benz original parts for modifications to the exhaust system.
– It is not permissible to change the length or installed position of the flexible metal
49100358.20 hose between the exhaust manifold and the exhaust pipe.
– Do not reduce the free cross-section of the exhaust pipe behind the silencer.
– Minimum distance to plastic lines, electric cables and spare wheels:
200 mm for exhaust systems without shielding,
80 mm for sheet metal shielding,
40 mm for sheet metal shielding with additional heat insulation.
– If it is not possible to maintain these distances, replace plastic lines with Tombac
steel tubing in accordance with DIN 1755, CuZn 20 F 33 material or a similar anti-
corrosion material with the same inner diameter.
– Additional shielding is required:
Near control units, assemblies, attachments and installations which are not made
Torsional radii from heat resistant materials.
2.20 Pneumatic auxiliary consumers
If pneumatic auxiliary consumers are installed:
– Auxiliary consumers may only be connected to port 24 of the four-circuit safety
42600207.20 valve. Install a T-piece in the compressed-air line if necessary.
– To protect the remaining auxiliary consumers (on vehicle), the port must have an ad-
ditional overflow valve without return flow and with an opening pressure of 7.3 to
22 21 7.5 bar.
26 25
– In the case of auxiliary consumers with a high or constant air consumption, a dual-
chamber compressed-air drier (code B 62) is required, since the standard single
chamber compressed-air drier can become overloaded. The increased air require-
ment means that the dual-chamber compressed-air drier may only be fitted in con-
24 23 junction with a dual-cylinder air compressor (code M 32/MZ 9).
Ports – Four-circuit safety valve
21 Brake circuit I
22 Brake circuit II
23 Not used
24 Engine brake and consumers
25 Spring loaded cylinder
26 Clutch control and transmission shifting
If additional compressed air reservoirs are used, they must be tested in accordance with
the EU Directive on simple pressure reservoirs (87/404/EEC), Operating Instructions
must be provided.
2.21 Maximum permissible air consumption
The air consumption must be checked when installing pneumatic auxiliary consumers
with a high air consumption. The total air consumption must not exceed the limit curve
indicated in the diagrams. These diagrams take all the air consumers into account, i.e.
42602068.20 brakes, pneumatic suspension, semitrailers etc.
There may be problems with the air supply (e.g. insufficient air drying, damage due to
overheating) if air consumption exceeds the limit curve indicated.
Take legal regulations governing permissible vehicle height (4 m in
Germany) into consideration when planning bodies. Observe the Operating
3 Damage prevention
3.1 Plastic compressed-air lines and brake hoses
Before welding, drilling, grinding or work with cutting discs
– Cover plastic lines and brake hoses
– Remove parts if necessary
– Check system for pressure loss after installing the lines.
Routing the lines along the brake hoses
– The lines must not touch the brake hoses.
– Use spacers.
3.2 Welding work
The following safety measures must be observed to prevent damage to electronic com-
ponents resulting from excessive voltage during arc welding work:
– Have welding work for the chassis frame performed only by trained personnel.
– Disconnect positive and negative terminals on battery and cover.
– Connect earth clamp for arc welder directly to the part to be welded. Ensure that
welding current never passes through electronic components indirectly.
Do not connect the welding unit's earth terminal to assemblies (engine, trans-
mission, axles).
– Do not touch electronic component housings (e.g. control modules) and elec-
tric lines with the welding electrode or earth clamp of arc welder.
– Before welding, cover springs and air bellows to protect from welding spatter.
Do not touch springs with welding electrodes or welding tongs.
When welding on the vehicle, do not connect arc welder earth clamp to the
transmission or its peripheral equipment. The welding current can lead to arc-
ing in the bearings on the inside of the assembly. The resulting changes in the
structure at the bearing contact points can clearly be identified as new hard-
ened zones. Such damage can lead to premature failure of the transmission.
Do not perform welding work on:
– units such as the engine, transmission, axles etc.
– the chassis frame (except for wheelbase and frame modifications)
3.4 Paintwork
The frames and attached parts are finished with a single-component synthetic resin
paint. Check compatibility of paint before painting over. To avoid colour deviations
when painting bodies, the primer and MB colour numbers used at the factory can be ob-
tained from DaimlerChrysler AG, Wörth factory, department QS/T-O.
Cover the following areas before painting:
– Contact surfaces between disc wheels and brake drums, also between the disc wheels
on vehicles with twin tyres.
– Contact surfaces for wheel nuts.
– Coupling flanges for drive shafts and PTOs.
– Piston rods for hydraulic cylinders (cab tilting hydraulics etc.).
– All control valves for the compressed-air system.
– Vents on transmission, axles etc.
– Disc brakes.
Do not exceed a temperature of 80 °C for drying the paint.
3.5 Tilting the cab
Observe the Operating Instructions before tilting the cab.
3.6 Towing and tow-starting
Observe the Operating Instructions before towing or tow-starting a vehicle.
Failure to comply with the Operating Instructions can result in transmission
3.7 Electrical system
– Never start the engine unless the battery is properly connected (battery poles tight-
– Incorrect polarity of the power supply can damage the control units.
– Do not loosen or disconnect the battery terminals when the engine is running.
– When the batteries are discharged, the engine can be started with the aid of jump
leads and the batteries of another vehicle. Observe the Operating Instructions. Never
use a quick charger for starting.
– Only tow-start the vehicle with batteries connected.
– Quick charge batteries only after disconnecting from vehicle electrical system. Both
positive and negative terminals must be disconnected. Observe the Operating In-
– Do not disconnect or connect the connectors to the engine control unit (MR) with the
ignition switched on.
– For notes on the installation of additional electrical consumers, see page 57.
– Provide cables in vicinity of exhaust systems with fireproof sleeve.
– Route cables so that there are no chafing points, particularly at crossover points and
sharp edges. If necessary, use cable ducts or guide sleeves.
– Consult department responsible before retrofitting a battery master switch.
– Do not perform any measurement at connector contact points with unsuitable equip-
ment (probe tips, bare wire ends etc.). This may lead to contact problems resulting
from the formation of transition resistances. Use proper test cables.
– Additional indicator and warning lamps may be installed in the instrument cluster
by the body/equipment manufacturer. Dimming is possible if these lamps are sup-
plied with power via connection X3/18 – 10.
3.8 Mobile communications systems
When mobile communication systems (e.g. telephone, CB radio) are retrofitted, the fol-
lowing requirements must be fulfilled in order to avoid subsequent malfunctions.
1. Communication equipment
– The equipment must have an FTZ number and comply with DIN VDE 0879, part 2.
– The equipment must be permanently installed.
Operation of portable or mobile equipment inside the vehicle is permissible only
when connected to a permanently installed aerial outside the vehicle.
– Install transmitter unit so that it is separated from the vehicle electronic system.
– Protect equipment from moisture, observe permissible operating temperatures,
protect from heavy mechanical vibration.
2. Aerial (for two-way radios)
– Observe the manufacturer's notes and installation instructions.
– The aerial must have an FTZ number.
3. Connection and cable routing
– Connect directly to terminal 30 via an additional fuse.
Always use a voltage transformer to supply power to 12 volt equipment on vehicles
with a 24 volt system.
Disconnect the equipment from the electrical system before jump-starting the vehi-
– When routing lines, keep them as short as possible (no loops) and twist.
– Ensure that the system has a good earth connection to the body (aerial and equip-
– Route aerial cable and connecting line between the transmitter, receiver and operat-
ing panel in the vicinity of the body earth so that they are separated from the vehicle
wiring harness.
– Do not kink or pinch aerial cable.
– Observe regulations for road transport of hazardous substances (e.g. GGVS and ADR
3.9 Electromagnetic compatibility
Interference occurs in motor vehicle electrical systems due to the number of different
appliances. At Mercedes-Benz, electronic components installed at the plant are checked
for their electromagnetic compatibility in the vehicle.
When retrofitting electrical or electronic systems, it is also necessary to check their elec-
tromagnetic compatibility.
The following standards provide information on this:
– DIN 40839
– DIN 57879, part 3
– VDE 0879, part 3
– Mercedes-Benz standard 22100
Additional information is available from the department responsible.
3.10 Engine
A warning buzzer is installed where it can be heard by the driver.
The buzzer serves as an acoustic warning, e.g. if
– the maximum permissible coolant temperature is exceeded
– the maximum engine speed is exceeded
– the coolant level is too low
– the oil level or engine oil pressure is too low.
Observe the notes given in the Operating Instructions.
If control units are used outside the cab, these must be identified by a visual warning
4 Chassis frame
4.1 Material for chassis frame
When altering the wheelbase or lengthening the frame, the material for the extension
element and reinforcing bracket must match the standard chassis frame in terms of
quality and dimensions. The material used for the chassis frame is E 500 TM.
4.2 Reinforcements
– Reinforcement brackets must be installed on the inside or outside for modifications
to the wheelbase and frame.
– Screw or rivet reinforcement brackets on and ensure that they end flush with the fac-
es of the upper and lower chords. Use existing holes in the longitudinal chassis frame
member as far as possible.
1 Frame insert – There must be sufficient distance on the frame web between the top and bottom re-
2 Reinforcement angle inforcement brackets.
4.3 Drilling holes in the frame
Do not drill holes:
31300226.20 – In the top or bottom chord of the chassis frame.
Exceptions are holes at the rear end of the frame. However, these holes may not be
drilled in areas with a supporting function for the last axle or parts fastened to the
– In the area of sectional changes in the longitudinal frame member, such as frame
drops and frame taper.
– At load application points (e.g. directly on the spring supports).
It is not permissible to drill out holes which have already been drilled in the top and
bottom chord of the chassis frame to a larger size (exception: mounting holes for end
cross member). These holes must not be used for fastening assemblies.
In special cases, holes can be drilled in the web of the longitudinal frame member.
– Distance "a": at least 45 mm from the inner edge of the longitudinal member
– Distance "b" between holes: at least 50 mm
– Maximum hole diameter "d": 19 mm
Do not apply force at the centre of the web of the longitudinal member (diaphragm
effect). If it is unavoidable, provide large surface support on both sides of the web.
Once the drilling is complete, countersink and deburr the holes. Apply corrosion
protection and comply with the notes in section 1.9.
4.4 Welding on the frame
Welding work on the frame should always be performed by trained personnel.
Do not weld on the top or bottom chord of the chassis frame
(except when modifying wheelbase or extending frame).
Connect the earth clamp of the arc welder directly to the vehicle part to be welded.
– Use only completely dry electrodes with lime-basic jacket. Electrode diameter
2.5 mm.
– Maximum current rating per mm of electrode diameter is 40 A.
– Weld only with electrodes connected to the positive pole of a direct current source.
Always weld from bottom to top.
– MIG welding is permissible.
– Welding wire thickness 1 to 1.2 mm.
– The yield point and tensile strength of welding material must be at least equal to that
of the material to be welded.
– Grind welds and reinforce with angular sections to avoid notching from welding.
Avoid welds in torsional radii. There should be at least 15 mm between the weld and
the outer edges.
– Fine grain steels with minimum yield point of > 380 N/mm2 in TM quality and sheet
thickness used for frame parts should not be preheated. Recommended electrodes
with base jacket:
For E 500 TM: rod electrode DIN 8529 - EY 4664 MoB.
4.5 Brake system
After modifications, the brake system must be tested and approved by a technical
testing centre.
Compressed air brake system
– Completely replace compressed air brake lines with approved plastic tubing
(DIN 74324).
Dimensions: Measuring line ∅ 6x1
Control line ∅ 8x1
Supply and brake line ∅ 12 x 1.5
Reservoir line ∅ 16 x 2
Use only original Mercedes-Benz line connections.
Modifications to the compressed air brake system
(e.g. when modifiying wheelbase or frame):
– Only use tubing connections and lines of the same dimensions which have been
approved by us.
– Thoroughly clean lines before installing.
Routing lines
– Maintain a safe distance to heat sources, sharp edges and moving parts.
– Use plastic straps to fasten.
Maximum distance between straps 500 mm.
Use of plastic lines is not permissible:
– between air compressor and compressed-air drier
– when the ambient temperature is higher than 80 °C
– in hydraulic systems.
– Plastic lines: Use only polyamide PA 11 PHLY according to DIN 74324, DBL 6270.12.
– Steel tubing: Tombac in accordance with DIN 1755, material CuZn 20 F 33 or
St35NBK olive chromated DIN 50961, DBL 4044.00.
Routing of additional lines along the brake hoses is permissible only after approval by
the department responsible.
After completion of the work, check the brake system for proper operation.
8 1.0 40
10 1.0 60
12 1.5 60
15 1.5 90
16 2.0 100
18 2.0 110
The actual radius must be equal to or greater than the specified torsional radius.
Disc brakes
– Do not impede cooling by attaching additional spoilers below bumper, hub caps or
brake disc covers, etc.
4.6 Modifications to the wheelbase
When modifying the wheelbase, use a chassis with a standard wheelbase as close as pos-
sible to the required wheelbase.
Take note of changes in the values for the chassis weight and turning circle.
DaimlerChrysler AG cannot make a definitive statement on the driving, braking and
steering characteristics of vehicles with extreme modifications to the wheelbase.
We recommend making modifications to the wheelbase by moving the rear axle assem-
4.6.1 Modifying the wheelbase by moving the rear axle
The holes in the longitudinal frame members are positioned at a uniform interval of
50 mm. The rear axle can be moved within this grid after loosening the mounting ele-
ments. Holes not already made can be drilled subsequently.
1 Frame insert
2 Reinforcement angle Observe the notes in the sections B bolted connections (section 2.12) and Drilling holes
in the frame (section 4.3).
The position of the cross members must be
adapted to the new position of the rear axle.
Use additional cross members if necessary.
31300224.20 31300225.20 The existing frame reinforcements must also
be adapted.
4.6.2 Modifying the wheelbase by removing the longitudinal frame member
Select the cutting points such that no existing holes in the longitudinal frame member
are cut.
31300228.20 It is not permissible to cut the frame in the area of:
– load application points
– the axle guide, axle suspension
– transmission mounting points
– sectional changes (frame drops, frame taper).
Adapt and weld reinforcement brackets to present inserts according to the position of
the frame cut.
Then bolt reinforcement brackets to chassis frame and frame extension.
After modifying the wheelbase, reinforce the chassis with a continuous mounting
Cutting point
Cutting point
Required moment of resistance for mounting frames:
– up to the maximum standard wheelbase – see page 71.
– above the maximum standard wheelbase, increase the moment of resistance by at
least 15%.
– align the chassis horizontally before cutting the longitudinal frame member.
– support the frame.
4.6.3 Approval of modifications to wheelbase
Modifications to the wheelbase which do not go beyond the shortest or longest standard
wheelbase for the relevant vehicle do not require approval. However, they must comply
with existing body/equipment directives.
Approval is required when:
– Modifications to the wheelbase are greater than the longest or less than the shortest
standard wheelbase.
Approval may be obtained from the department responsible.
Submit an application with 3 drawings of the conversion and the body, including the fol-
lowing information:
– The location of the cut, or new location of the rear axle assembly,
– Reinforcement measures,
– Propeller shaft train,
– Conditions of use of the vehicle.
4.6.4 Vehicle propeller shafts
Correct layout of propeller shaft train prevents the development of noise and vibrations.
If possible, use Mercedes-Benz original parts.
41000222.20 – When modifying the wheelbase, arrange and dimension the propeller shafts as in a
comparable standard vehicle (of the same model and with the same or a similar
– The diameter and wall thickness of the propeller shaft tube must correspond to the
standard propeller shaft. The length must not exceed that of the longest standard pro-
peller shaft with the same drive train components.
– If necessary, use a number of propeller shafts with intermediate bearings.
Propeller shaft
a Operating length
b Permissible shaft length
41000223.20 41000224.20
– The angular offset must be the same at both joints (β1 = β2). It must not be greater
than 6°. Angular offsets greater than 6° and flange angle errors (β1 < > β2) lead to vi-
brations in the drive train. This has a negative effect on the service life of the assem-
blies and can lead to damage.
– Balance propeller shaft before installation.
In case of exceptions, send drawings of the proposed propeller shaft modifications and
precise dimensional data (shaft length and offset angle) to the relevant department for
approval. This is not necessary if the propeller shaft arrangement is the same as a stand-
ard design.
W drive shafts are not permissible for moving parts, e.g. axle mountings. They are not
usually used for the main propeller shaft train.
4.7 Modifications to the frame
Modifications to the standard frame overhang are not permissible on semitrailer
31300230.20 – The permissible axle loads must not be exceeded and the minimum front axle load
must be maintained.
– Rear underride guard: mounted as on standard vehicle.
– Extend mounting frame to end of frame.
Frame extension
– The interval from one cross member to the next should not exceed 1,200 mm to en-
sure adequate torsional stability of the rear frame overhang.
– The following information is required for checking and approval for operation with
single-axle trailers (centre-axle trailers):
1 Maximum 1,200 mm – Vehicle identification number.
– Body length and body centre of gravity as well as overall length of the vehicle.
– Distance from the centre of the rear axle to the coupling point.
– If loading equipment is installed at the rear of the vehicle, the weight of this equip-
ment and its centre of gravity in relation to the rear axle.
Centre-axle trailer
– Gross vehicle weight.
– Static noseweight.
– H/L ratio of the total centre of gravity height above road (H) to the distance from
the coupling point to the centre of the axle (L).
Shortening the frame
– When shortening the frame at the end, the end cross member must be moved to the
end of the remaining frame. If necessary, replace the spring bracket cross member
with the end cross member.
4.7.1 End cross members
– An end cross member must always be fitted, even if the use of a trailer is not planned.
– If a trailer coupling is fitted, the necessary reinforcements must be fitted. Minimum
distance to the next cross member 350 mm.
– When the rear spring cross member is replaced by the end cross member, the rear
spring bracket mounting must not be negatively affected. Refer to the notes in section
2.12, Bolted connections.
– Fasten the end cross member as on the standard vehicle.
Bolted version:
Use the same number of bolts with the same diameter and strength.
Riveted version:
The rivets can be replaced with flarge head bolts one size up (strength class 10.9) and
self-locking nuts.
4.8 Attachments and auxiliary assemblies
4.8.1 Mounting on chassis frame
We recommend the use of flange bolts and flange nuts in accordance with Mercedes-
Benz standards 10105 and 13023, property class 10.9, pitch 1.5 mm, self-locking nuts.
– Use holes already present.
– Use appropriate number of bolts for load.
Mounted on side
– Attach bracket and equipment close to a cross member.
Additional cross members may not be installed.
Install a reinforcement plate on the inside of the frame web.
Do not apply force at the centre of the longitudinal member web (diaphragm effect). If
it is unavoidable, provide a large surface support on both sides of the web.
4.8.2 Chocks
Observe regulations and directives.
– In suitable brackets so that no rattling noise can be heard
– Secured against loss
– Easily accessible
– Removable without risk of injury
4.8.3 Wings and wheel housing
– Ensure that there is sufficient distance between the tyre and the wing or wheelhous-
ing, even when snow or anti-skid chains are fitted and the suspension is completely
compressed (even with frame twisted). Observe dimension data in tender drawings.
– On chassis with standard holes for wing brackets, attach the brackets in these holes.
4.8.5 Rear underride guard
In Germany, an underride guard is required in accordance with StVZO section 32b if:
– the distance from the end of the vehicle to the last rear axle is greater than 1,000 mm
31300231.20 – the distance between the road surface and the chassis or main body components on
an unladen vehicle is greater than 700 mm over the entire vehicle width.
This excludes semitrailers, working machinery and vehicles which would not be able to
fulfil their purpose if an underride guard were fitted.
If an underride guard is required, it must comply with EU Directive 70/221/EEC.
Where possible, install the underride guard towards the end of the vehicle (maximum
distance from end of vehicle 400 mm).
– Maximum distance from the road surface to the underride guard 550 mm (vehicle un-
– Width
maximum: = rear axle width (outer edges of the tyres)
minimum: = rear axle width – 100 mm on each side
The widest axle forms the basis for calculation
– Minimum cross member section height 100 mm
– Minimum edge radius 2.5 mm
Testing the strength of the underride guard and the mounting.
– Apply a horizontal load on the unladen vehicle at points P1, P2 and P3 in sucession.
Minimum load:
– Points P1 and P3 12.5% of the technically permissible gross vehicle weight,
maximum of 2,500 kg
– Point P2 50% of the technically permissible gross vehicle weight,
maximum of 10,000 kg
The distance from the end of the body to the end of the underride guard must not exceed
400 mm at the load points at the maximum deformation.
Maximum deformation of the Mercedes-Benz original underride guard = 60 mm.
4.8.6 Side underride guard
– In accordance with EC Directive 89/297/EEC, side underride guards are required for
vehicles with a permissible gross weight greater than 3.5 tonnes. This excludes semi-
trailers, working machinery and vehicles which would not be able to fulfil their pur-
pose if a side underride guard were fitted.
– Components such as battery boxes, air tanks, fuel tanks, lamps, reflectors, spare
wheels and tool boxes may be installed in the side underride guard provided the spec-
ified distance dimensions are maintained. Brake lines, compressed-air lines and hy-
draulic lines and other parts may not be secured to the side underride guards.
– The operation and accessibility of all the assemblies fitted the vehicle must not be im-
paired in any way.
– Where possible, underride guards should be attached continuously from the front to
the rear.
– Adjacent parts may overlap. Overlapping edges must point towards the rear or down-
5 Cab
– Modifications to the cab must not have a negative effect on the operation or clearance
of assemblies or operating devices or the strength of supporting parts.
– Tilting cabs must not be permanently connected to the body.
6 Electrical system
The AXOR series uses a new earth concept. The earth return for electrical consumers
does not run through the vehicle frame (voltage-free frame), but via the earth point on
the inside of the longitudinal frame member instead.
Earthing via the vehicle frame can result in damage to the engine and transmis-
sion components.
To prevent damage, if the mounting frame of a body is used for earthing, the
mounting frame should be electrically connected to the earth point on the lon-
gitudinal frame member.
For this reason, only solenoid valves with an integrated diode should be used; on hand-
operated switches, the freewheeling current must be conducted through a diode.
1 30 10 red
2 31 10 brown
54101085.20 3 15 2 blue/black/
1 4 white
2 5 4 58 2 grey/yellow
5 D+ 2 blue/yellow
3 6
6 Reversing lamp 2 white/red
Electrical wiring diagram (power supply up to 10 amperes)
54001084.20 Plug connections
A1/A2 = Module
A31/A32 = Relay
X7 = Plug connector
a = Consumer connector in cab
b = Consumer connector on chassis frame
Wire designations
– Wire designation 1.5 bl/ge
– Wire cross section 1.5 = 1.5 mm2
– Base colour bl = blue
– Identifying colour ge = yellow
Wire colours:
bl = blue
br = brown
ge = yellow
gr = grey
or = orange
rt = red
sw = black
ws = white
6.1.2 Electrical consumers over 10 amperes
The fuse box on the longitudinal frame member in the battery compartment (see
page 61) is provided for the voltage supply to more powerful electrical consumers.
On no account should powerful electrical consumers be supplied from or con-
nected to the basic module, since the cabling or the main electric cable (16 mm2)
could be overloaded.
Current supply for auxiliary consumers in the cab or on the chassis frame:
Vehicles without GGVS (Specifications for Road Transport of Hazardous Substances)
– Current supply is only permissible from one connector plate. Note connections.
1 2
Connector plate
1 Earth connection (–)
2 Voltage supply (+)
On vehicles transporting hazardous goods, the earth connections of the electrical con-
sumers (delivery pumps etc.) must be connected to the distributor socket supplied for
this purpose. The battery isolator switch and the current limiter for the tachograph and
electronic switches are also located in the battery compartment.
2 3
1 5 4 N54.15-0339-28
6.2 Electrical wiring
Observe the following points when extending the electrical wiring:
– Use only FLKR wires with the same cross section and same colour code as the stand-
82000407.20 ard wires.
– The wires must be jacketed with an insulating hose (with a corrugated hose for
GGVS/ADR vehicles transporting hazardous goods).
– Attach only original Mercedes-Benz connectors to the ends of the wires.
– The connection of electrical wiring may only be carried out using junction boxes or
extension leads with original connectors which are specifically designed for this pur-
– ABS cables may only be extended using an original Mercedes-Benz wiring harness.
– Comply with the instructions for repairing and extending wiring harnesses. These
are available through MB-AS.
6.3 Installing lighting
If a light fitting can be covered up by more than 50% when moving parts of the vehicle
are operated, the vehicle must be suitably safeguarded. An appropriate note must be at-
tached at a point where it can easily be seen by the driver of the vehicle.
Vehicles with an overall length in excess of 6 m and registered as of 1.10.94 must be
equipped with side marker lamps in accordance with Directive 91/663/EEC. From this
date, there are branch-off lines on the wiring harness for connection of the side marker
lamps and suitable tail lamps.
On AXOR vehicles, the entire lighting system is monitored for the failure of individual
bulbs. If other lights are connected to existing ones, the current flow is altered and a
fault is indicated.
If additional lights are installed, these should therefore be connected via the trailer sock-
et as this is not monitored.
7 Trailer coupling
– Attachment of the trailer coupling must fulfil all national regulations. In Germany,
DIN 74050 and EC Directive 94/20/EC apply.
– Take clearance dimensions into consideration. In Germany, DIN 74058 and
EC Directive 94/20/EC apply.
– In the case of deviations from accident prevention regulations, in Germany a certifi-
cate of endorsement must be requested from the "Berufsgenossenschaft für
Fahrzeughaltung" (German trade association of vehicle owners), D-22757 Hamburg,
Germany (tel. +49 4039800, fax +49 4039801999).
– If trailer couplings are to be retrofitted, use only brands and models which have been
approved by us, and original MB end cross members.
Observe the hole pattern in the end cross member to determine the coupling size.
– In exceptional cases (e.g. dump truck bodies) use a trailer coupling with a joint allow-
ing vertical movement of the coupling jaw.
Clearance dimensions – Approval by the department responsible is required for installation of short cou-
The size of the trailer coupling can be calculated from the drawbar ratio.
mk × ma
31100333.20 D = g × ------------------ (kN)
mk + ma
D = Drawbar ratio
mk = Permissible gross weight of tractor vehicle in tonnes
ma = Permissible gross weight of trailer in tonnes
g = 9.80665 m/s2
Clearance dimensions
Open-jaw coupling
– Distance from the centre of the coupling pin and trailer coupling to end of body max.
420 mm.
31100334.20 – In exceptional cases the distance of 420 mm may be exceeded:
Maximum distance 650 mm on vehicles with tipper bodies or rear mounted equip-
Maximum distance 1,320 mm, when height from road to bottom edge of body is at
least 1,150 mm.
– Safe and easy operation of the coupling must not be impaired in any way.
If one or more regulations regarding safe and easy operation cannot be maintained, use
a coupling with remote control. The remote control must satisfy the following condi-
– Trouble-free operation.
– The control must be permanently mounted and must not be detachable.
Clearance dimensions – The control must be easily accessible, simple and safe to operate and self-explanato-
– The trailer coupling must permit safe disengagement even under an axial distortion
of at least +10°.
– When the trailer is coupled, it must be easily possible to determine by means of visual
inspection or an indicator whether the coupling pin is engaged and secured.
Operating Instructions must be included with the vehicle indicating the special features
and operation of the coupling. No changes may be made to the trailer coupling (e. g.
bending, welding or removal of the manual lever).
Clearance dimensions
7.1 Vehicle operation with centre axle trailer
A centre axle trailer is a trailer with one axle or group of axles:
– which is connected to the towing vehicle by a drawbar connected rigidly to the trailer
– whose gross weight is not supported to a significant extent by the tractor vehicle as
a result of its design.
In accordance with the standard drafts for automatic pin couplings 40 and 50 in
DIN 74051 and 74052 only the trailer loads listed in the following table are permissible
for the relevant DIN coupling sizes with centre axle trailers:
G 150 9,500
G5 12,000
G6 18,000
The minimum front axle loads shown in section 2.10 should be maintained to ensure
sufficient steerability. The trailer drawbar load must be taken into consideration in the
7.2 Lowered trailer coupling
Fit in accordance with illustrations.
Move standard trailer connections if required.
On these versions the permissible trailer load listed in the vehicle documents remains unchanged.
Lowered trailer coupling for centre axle trailer
Equip vehicles with mounting frame with the dimensions 120 × 60 × 6.
This does not apply to demountable bodies without an auxiliary subframe.
Fasten longitudinal members and coupling brackets with at least 10 flange head bolts (M 14 × 1.5).
31100336.20 31100337.20
31100338.20 31100339.20
8 Mounting frames
– A mounting frame or substructure with the function of a mounting frame is required
for all bodies to ensure proper connection between the chassis and body (exception:
self-supporting bodies and mounting frames as floor assembly).
– The longitudinal mounting frame members should lie level on the upper chord of the
chassis frame and follow the course of the frame.
Wood strips between the chassis frame longitudinal members and longitudinal
mounting frame members are not permissible.
– Position mounting frame cross members above the chassis frame cross members.
– Use foldet U-sections for the longitudinal members or U-sections used commercially
for vehicle construction (not rolled steel sections).
– The dimensions for the longitudinal members can be calculated from the required
moment of resistance (Wx) for the body and the chassis. See the diagram on page 75.
The specified moments of resistance and section dimensions assume that the longi-
tudinal frame members are loaded uniformly on both sides.
If a number of bodies are installed on one chassis (e.g. platform and hydraulic tail-
gate), the greater of the specified moments of resistance must be used for calculat-
ing the dimensions of the mounting frame.
8.1 Material quality
Material qualities for specified steel mounting frames:
– Mounting frames mounted with U-bolt or brackets
31202055.20 (friction locking) = St 52 or E 380 TM.
– Mounting frames with rigid mounting
(form locking) with shackles = E 500 TM.
Material Tensile strength Yield strength
N/mm2 N/mm2
E 500 TM >560 500
Mounting frames made from high strength steels (e.g. N-A-XTRA) must be at least as
rigid as steel mounting frames. The mountings must be friction locking.
1 Mounting frame Aluminium platform bodies:
– Observe the aluminium manufacturer's instructions.
– The longitudinal members, plank floor, floor panels and cross supports must form a
single self-supporting unit.
8.2 Design
The sections should taper gradually at the ends of the longitudinal members.
31202056.20 Continuous mounting frames are required for:
– Bodies with high centre of gravity
– High point loading
– One-sided loading
– Superstructures above cab
Guide the longitudinal members as far forwards as possible, but at least as far as the
front spring bracket.
1 Mounting frame
2 Chassis frame
31200216.20 31200217.20
If extremely high longitudinal members are required, or to achieve an extremely
low overall frame height, the U-section can be designed as follows for friction lock-
ing connections
31200218.20 – As a closed box (fig. B),
– Inside overlapping (figure C) or
– Overlapping (figure D).
This increases the moment of resistance, but also the torsional rigidity. Ensure good
transition from the closed longitudinal members to the open U-section.
31200219.20 31200220.22
8.3 Section dimensions
Section dimensions for longitudinal mounting frame members (open section).
Mounting frames and chassis frames should have the same material thickness and flange width.
Section height in mm
70x6 65x7
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240
N31.20-0202-29 Wx/cm3
8.4 Mounting frame as floor group
A mounting frame with continuous longitudinal members is not required when
the floor assembly of the body can assume the function of the mounting frame.
8.5 Mounting
Mount as required depending on the chassis model and intended body as well as the
conditions of use of the vehicle.
Plan a sufficient number of mountings to absorb the braking and lateral forces.
Proper mounting is decisive for:
– The handling and operational safety of the vehicle.
– The service life of chassis frame and body.
Mounting elements (brackets) are available from the factory as special equipment (code
CR4). The bracket arrangement is indicated in the relevant tender drawings.
The longitudinal members must be fixed in both longitudinal and lateral directions for
a friction-locking connection.
Longitudinal fastening:
– Removing the end cross member securing rivets.
– Bolt mounting frame, chassis frame and end cross member with flange head nuts and
bolts complying with Mercedes-Benz standards 10105, 10112 and 13023.
Lateral fastening:
– Use guide plates of a sufficient size.
– There must be no gap between the guide plates and the mounting frame.
With prefabricated mounting frames, the production tolerances for the chassis frame
width (max. +6/–3 mm) must be taken into account.
Offset systems
– If the mounting frame is wider than the chassis frame, fit bracket mountings.
– The upper side of the bracket and the chassis frame must be on a level.
– Weld the mounting frame and the brackets together.
5 1 N31.20-0208-22
1 Chassis frame
2 Mounting frame
3 Cross member
4 Bolts for longitudinal fastening
5 Guide plate for lateral fastening
8.5.1 Friction-locking connection – Bracket mounting
– Limited movement of the longitudinal mounting frame member in relation to the
longitudinal chassis member is permitted.
– Perform strength calculation separately for each longitudinal member.
– Distribute bending moment in accordance with moments of inertia.
– The first two mounting points should be flexible (cup springs, rubber mountings).
– Use only guide plates in the area of the rear axles and rear springs on the chassis
On vehicles which are equipped as standard with bracket fixtures, the body should be
secured to these brackets.
– Use a rectangular washer to cover the oblong holes between the chassis bracket and
cup spring.
The same applies when T-bolts are used instead of brackets.
– Provide flexible mountings in the area behind the cab
(e.g. using cup springs or rubber mountings).
– There must be a distance (A) of at least 5 mm between the body and the chassis
brackets behind the cab, and the front of the rear spring brackets after tightening
the bolts. Compensate for different spacing on the other brackets with shims.
– Do not twist mounting frame when tightening bolts.
N 31.20-0210-22
8.5.2 Form-locking rigid connection – Retainer connection
– Movement of the longitudinal mounting frame member in relation to the longitudinal
chassis member is not permitted.
31200222.20 – The longitudinal mounting frame member moves with the longitudinal chassis
member (bending, twisting).
– Both longitudinal members can be considered as one single member for strength
– For bodies on concrete mixer trucks, bodies with a loading crane at the rear, rear
dumper bodies and similar, the body mounting frame must be rigidly attached to the
chassis frame.
– The mounting frame must be closed to form a box at the rear and must be reinforced
with a diagonal cross support.
– Mount torsionally rigid bodies (e.g. box bodies, tanks) flexibly on the mounting frame
behind the cab. Continuous flexible mounting is not permissible.
– Screw the shackles to the chassis frame with at least 3 flange-headed bolts complying
with Mercedes-Benz standards 10105, 10112 and 13023.
– Maximum distance (A) between shackles 500 – 700 mm.
– Match the material strength of the shackles to the forces and weights of the body.
Must be at least as chassis frame.
– Use bracket mounting at the front.
31200223.20 – The approval of the relevant department is required if you wish to use continuous
shackle mountings right up to the cab (e.g. mounting heavy loading cranes).
Retainer mounting
9 Semitrailer tractors
9.1 Chassis
– Only use an approved semitrailer tractor chassis.
The frame, suspension and brake systems are designed accordingly.
– It is only permissible to attach a fifth-wheel coupling to these semitrailer tractor
chassis. Exceptions must be agreed with the department responsible.
Fifth-wheel coupling
– Mount the fifth-wheel coupling so that the coupling point coincides with the fifth-
wheel coupling point.
– Determine the chassis weight by weighing to calculate the distance between the rear
axle centre and the fifth-wheel coupling point.
Comply with permissible weight limits, especially the permissible axle loads.
Wing panels
– Attach the wings so that the top of the wing is lower than the contact surface of the
fifth-wheel coupling.
– Maintain minimum clearance between top frame edge and top of wing.
See tender drawings for dimensions.
9.2 Semitrailers
– The manufacturer of the semitrailer is responsible for compliance with regulations
when the semitrailer truck is driven in a circle (in Germany, for example, § 32 StVZO
– Check the front and rear slewing radius on the semitrailer as well as the vertical
slewing range.
– Observe minimum height of fifth-wheel coupling according to ISO standard 1726, if
– Observe the clearance for the gearshift linkage and above the tank filler neck.
9.3 Connections for brake system and electrical system
– Ensure that connecting lines do not chafe on body components. If there is insufficient
space/clearance to the cab rear panel (e.g. for EURO semitrailers), position coupling
heads higher in accordance with ISO standard 1728 or attach swivelling arm. The
connection lines must not catch on the semitrailer or exert a side pull on the trailer
socket. The connection lines must be fastened properly when driving without a
– Use only automatic coupling heads on the supply pressure and brake lines.
The excess test connections (with white protective cap) are approved only for
– Design the bracket for the trailer socket so that it cannot bend if stiff connectors are
– Position the shield so that the propeller shaft universal joint is covered from above.
This prevents the cab and semitrailer being soiled by grease.
– If the lines for brake system and electrical system cannot be connected when
standing next to the vehicle, a suitable working platform with dimensions of at least
400 mm x 500 mm as well as safe access to the platform must be provided.
10 Semitrailer tractor chassis
– Semitrailer tractors are delivered with mounting angles on the outside.
– The fifth-wheel coupling plate must be attached directly to these angles.
– Holes for attaching the fifth-wheel coupling are provided at 100-mm intervals if a
fifth-wheel coupling is fitted ex works. If retrofitted, these holes must be located in
the centre of the flange of the mounting angles with deasance of 860 mm.
– Ensure that the trailing arms and spring-loaded brake cylinders have sufficient
clearance at maximum spring compression. If necessary, provide recesses in the
mounting plate around the trailing arms.
– Maintain specified dimensions when fastening the angles.
– Never drill holes in the upper chord of the chassis frame, or in the mounting frame if
fitted, to fasten the fifth-wheel coupling or mounting plate.
– Screw the fifth-wheel coupling and mounting angle to the mounting plate.
– On two-axle vehicles used on construction sites the total height for fifth-wheel
coupling with mounting plate should not exceed 300 mm.
– If it is necessary to raise the fifth-wheel coupling, use an additional mounting frame.
If this is not possible, consult the department responsible.
The following information is required: vehicle model, model designation, conditions
of use (e.g. long-haul transport, construction site), type of semitrailer.
– The minimum bolt size for attaching the mounting plate is M 20x1.5 – 10.9.
Use flange head bolts and nuts according to Mercedes-Benz standards 10105, 10112
and 13023.
Observe tightening torque of 500 Nm during assembly and check during the first
maintenance service.
– On auxiliary frames with cross members, the mounting plate must also be bolted to
the cross members. If this is not possible, additional bolts must be provided for
connecting the mounting plate to the mounting angles.
– The permissible fifth-wheel coupling load can only be determined after the coupling
has been mounted.
11 Programmable special module (PSM)
The interaction of the various control modules in AXOR vehicles is referred to collective-
ly by the term integrated electronic system (IES).
The individual components are no longer connected by wires in an analogue system;
they are connected digitally with the aid of a high-speed Controller Area Network (HS
CAN bus).
All integrated control modules understand the messages transmitted via the CAN bus
and are configured to the CAN language, known as the protocol.
The programmable special module (PSM) was developed to provide body manufacturers
with access to the individual CAN bus data. This special module is available with code
ED5. This special module can read data from the HS-CAN messages and translate this
e.g. into switching signals at the outputs provided ("high" or "low") or into PWM (pulse
width modulation) signals which can be used by any electronic circuitry in the body.
The PSM presents a clearly defined, EMC-tested interface between the vehicle and the
body, and is capable of diagnosis. It is no longer permissible to modify the vehicle wiring
as this can lead to fault messages from the other control modules in the CAN bus.
Special customer requirements may be special inputs, e.g. external engine start and
stop, or special outputs, e.g. pulse width modulated engine speed, and CAN bus compat-
ible control modules in the body or trailer.
The PSM module is connected to the IES system by the HS CAN bus so that it has access
to all messages exchanged by the connected control modules. In contrast to this, indi-
vidual signals can be monitored or generated at analogue and digital inputs and outputs.
1) The rpm signal is as a message by the drive control (FR) and can be read by the PSM
module. The PSM control module converts the rpm signal into a PPM (pulse-pause
modulation) signal which is then available at an output.
2) In the opposite direction the PSM can convert the position of a manual throttle sensor
into an HS CAN message and use it to set the desired rpm.
1 Power supply from the vehicle electrical The various PSM interfaces can be subdivided into the following categories (see PSM
system block diagram):
2 High-speed CAN interface to the vehicle
junction point
3 Power take-off switch Among others, the following functions can be displayed:
4 LS-CAN interface to the electronic circuitry – Starting/stopping the engine
in the body – Engine speed control (PTO)
5 LS-CAN interface to trailer – Reverse gear lock and speed limiter
6 Digital outputs (relay drivers), e.g. D+ – Retarder without CAN interface
switched – Automatic transmission without CAN interface
7 Pulse-pause modulation (PPM) and pulse
width modulation (PWM) outputs The inputs are assigned to certain basic functions which can be supplemented with
e.g. speed signal additional functions or changed to other functions by reprogramming. The PSM
8 Digital inputs, e.g. engine start parameters can be reprogrammed with the Mercedes-Benz hand-held tester (HHT).
9 Analogue inputs, e.g. manual throttle sensor
2 3
9 5 4
8 7 6 N54.61-0201-28
The many capabilities of the PSM cannot be completely described within the scope of
these directives. For this reason a manual has been compiled for programming the pa-
rameters, which can be obtained for a nominal fee by quoting order number
6517 1202 00 from the following addresses:
– Vehicle use in Germany
DaimlerChrysler AG, HPC R 803, Abteilung VSE/IS, 70546 Stuttgart,
Fax +49 7 11 - 17 - 8 34 51
– Vehicle use outside Germany
Available via the relevant Mercedes-Benz sales company or
general distributor.
12 Power take-offs
Power take-offs available from the factory:
– Transmission-dependent PTOs
Please observe the following when retrofitting power take-offs:
– After installing the power take-off, fill the transmission with oil up to the lower edge
of the filler opening.
– Allow the engine to run for approx. 2 minutes and switch on the PTO.
– Check the oil level again and correct as necessary.
Failure to observe these instructions could result in damage to the
– Data on the maximum transferable torque (Nm) for individual PTOs are guide values
for operation without shock and vibration.
The data is based on a highly durable gearing design and a calculated service life of
at least 800 hours at maximum output, in accordance with DIN 622. Inertia forces
from the equipment to be driven have not been taken into consideration.
– Select the transmission ratio of the PTO so that a minimum (engine) speed of 900 rpm
is maintained when the power take-off is placed under load. The PTO should operate
in the maximum torque engine speed range.
– Exposed propeller shafts, fans or pulleys must be covered.
– No belts or chain drives should be attached to the drive shaft or flange of the PTO.
When absolutely necessary in special cases, submit drawings and required data for
12.1 Transmission-dependent PTO
– The PTO is driven from the transmission counters shaft.
– Versions:
one or two drives
different rotation directions
drive with flange for propeller shaft
hydraulic pump fitted directly on drive
shift lock for transmission
with or without coupling flange.
The installation guidelines for PTOs (part number 650 584 00 00,
order number 6550 6496 71) contain all important data such as:
– Drive possibilities
– Drive speeds
– Continuous output
– Transferable torque
– Direction of rotation and installation dimensions
– Dimensions of coupling flange
This information is also available via MB-AS (see page 8).
The permissible PTO output can be calculated using the following formula:
M x n x i
P = --------------------
P = Permissible PTO output (kW)
M = Permissible drive torque (Nm)
n = Engine speed
i = PTO transmission ratio
– For notes on engaging and disengaging the power take-off, see the Operating
– Operation while driving is only possible to a limited extent and always requires our
55302003.20 approval.
– The PTO is connected to the manual transmission oil circuit.
– If a hydraulic pump is installed directly, note the maximum permissible weight
The maximum moments must not exceed the following values:
Code Power take-off Max. moment Position
N05 NA 121 – 2c 25 Nm Bottom
NB7, NB8, NB9 NA 123 – 11 b/c 25 Nm Inside
N04 NA 121 – 1 b – Bottom
M = Weight moment (Nm)
G = Weight of pump, including fittings NB0, NB1, NB2 NA 123 – 10 b – Bottom
s = Distance of the pump's centre of gravi-
ty from the pump face
Exceeding these moments can cause damage to the PTO or to the transmission.
12.2 Installation of propeller shaft for power take-offs
When installing propeller shafts, observe the following:
– Installation instructions from propeller shaft manufacturer.
41000224.20 – If necessary, install several propeller shafts with intermediate bearings.
– The flanging surfaces must be completely flat.
– The bending angles must be identical at both joints (ß1 =ß2). The angles must not be
greater than 6° or less than 1°.
– Do not remove balancing plates.
– Ensure that markings on propeller shafts match when installing.
– Eliminate vibrations, if present, e.g. by selecting the best possible propeller shaft
A Bracket mounting ................................................ 79 D
Accident insurance bodies ............................... 15 Brackets ................................................................. 77 Damage prevention .............................................. 33
Brake system ........................................................ 42
Accident prevention regulations ................ 15, 64 Dimensions ........................................................... 18
Angular offset ...................................................... 48 Braking characteristics ................................ 12, 20 Disc brakes ............................................................ 43
Anti-skid chains ........................................... 21, 52 Build height, low frame ...................................... 74 Distance between holes ....................................... 40
Assemblies ........................................................... 13 Distance, for drilling ............................................ 40
Attachments ........................................................ 51 C Drawbar ratio ........................................................ 64
Attachments above cab ..................................... 56 Drawings of the body ............................................. 7
Cab ................................................................. 15, 56
Auxiliary assemblies ........................................ 51 Cable connectors .................................................. 58 Drilling holes in the frame ................................. 40
Auxiliary consumer power supply ................. 57
Cavities .................................................................. 14
Auxiliary consumers, electrical ...................... 57
Auxiliary consumers, pneumatic .................... 31
CB radio ................................................................. 37 E
Centre axle trailer ................................................ 66 Electrical system ........................................... 36, 57
Centre axle trailer coupling ............................... 69
Electrical wiring ................................................... 62
B Centre of gravity .................................................. 12 Electrode diameter ............................................... 41
Battery master switch ........................................ 36 Centre of gravity heights .................................... 20 Electromagnetic compatibility ........................... 38
Chassis frame ....................................................... 39
Berufsgenossenschaft (German Employer's End cross members ....................................... 50, 64
Liability Insurance Association) ........... 15 Chassis frame, material ...................................... 39 Engine air intake .................................................. 23
Chocks ................................................................... 51
Berufsgenossenschaft (German trade Engine, warning buzzer ...................................... 38
association of vehicle owners) .............. 64 Clearance dimensions, trailer coupling ........... 64 Exhaust system / silencer .................................. 30
Bodies ................................................................... 71 Clearance for assemblies .................................... 28
Communications systems cable routing .......... 37
Bodies, torsionally rigid ...................................... 81
Body approval ......................................................... 6 Communications systems connection .............. 37
Body manufacturer ....................................... 12, 15 Composite materials ............................................ 16
Compressed-air lines ........................................... 33
Body manufacturer information bulletin ......... 11
Body mounting directives ..................................... 9 Cooling ................................................................... 22
Body/equipment manufacturer .................... 7, 10 Corrosion protection measures ......................... 14
Cutting the frame ................................................. 45
Body/equipment manufacturer information ...... 9
Body/equipment manufacturer system .............. 8
Body/equipment mounting directives ................ 6
Bolted connections .............................................. 26
Box bodies ............................................................. 81
Faxback system ................................................. 6, 9 Maintenance ......................................................... 29 Offset systems ...................................................... 78
Floor group, as mounting frame ....................... 76 Maintenance Booklet ........................................... 11 Operating Instructions ........................................ 13
Form-locking connection – Maintenance instructions ................................... 13
Shackle connection .................................... 81 Material cycles ..................................................... 16 P
Four-circuit safety valve ..................................... 31 Material quality .................................................... 72
Paint drying ........................................................... 35
Free space for cab ................................................ 28 Materials ............................................................... 16
Paintwork .............................................................. 35
Friction-locking connection – MB body/equipment mounting directives ......... 6
Parabolic springs .................................................. 34
Bracket mounting ....................................... 79 MB-AS body/equipment
PC program ............................................................. 9
manufacturer system ................................... 8 Pin coupling, automatic ...................................... 66
MB-AS title page .................................................... 9
H Mercedes star ....................................................... 13
Planning ................................................................ 16
Planning of bodies ............................................... 18
Handling ................................................................ 12 Minimum front axle load .................................... 24
Plastic lines, torsional radii ................................ 43
Handling characteristics .................................... 20 Mobile communications systems ...................... 37
Hole diameter ....................................................... 40 Plastics ................................................................... 16
Model designation ................................................. 5
Platform bodies ..................................................... 72
Modem, data call-up .............................................. 9
Power take-offs ....................................................... 9
Modifications to the frame ................................. 49
I Modifications to the wheelbase ......................... 44
Product information ............................................... 8
Installing lighting ................................................ 63 Product liability ............................................... 6, 10
Mounting elements (brackets), as special
ISDN, data call-up ................................................... 9 Programmable special module .......................... 22
equipment .................................................... 77
Programmable special module (PSM) ............... 87
Mounting frame design ....................................... 73
Propeller shafts .................................................... 47
L Mounting frame, securing .................................. 77
PSM ................................................................. 22, 87
Mounting frames .................................................. 71
Leading axle ......................................................... 25
Leaf springs .......................................................... 34
Loading cranes, heavy ........................................ 81 N Quality assurance ................................................ 17
Longitudinal members, high .............................. 74
Noise insulation ................................................... 27 Quick charger ....................................................... 36
Longitudinal members,
required mountings ................................... 77
Longitudinal members, sectional taper ........... 73
Recycling ............................................................... 16 Tank bodies ........................................................... 81 Underride guard, rear .......................................... 53
Reinforcements .................................................... 39 Technical advice ..................................................... 6
Repairs .................................................................. 29 Technical wheelbases ......................................... 19
Reprocessing components ................................. 16 Telephone .............................................................. 37 V
Retarder ................................................................. 21 Tender drawings ............................................... 8, 9 Vehicle approval .................................................. 18
Roadworthiness ................................................... 10 Test cables ............................................................. 36 Vehicle modifications .......................................... 18
Test equipment, suitable .................................... 17 Vehicle overhang ................................................. 19
Tightening torques .............................................. 26
S Tilting the cab ....................................................... 35
Safety and roadworthiness ................................ 10 Torsional radii for plastic lines .......................... 43
Section dimensions ............................................. 75 Warning buzzer, engine ...................................... 38
Torsion, diagonal ................................................. 10
Section height ...................................................... 75 Warranty claims ................................................... 12
Total operating height ......................................... 32
Section taper ......................................................... 74 Weight distribution .............................................. 19
Towing and tow-starting ..................................... 35
Semitrailer tractor chassis ................................. 84 Weight specifications .......................................... 18
Traction control .................................................... 25
Shackle connection ............................................. 81 Welded connections ............................................. 27
Trade association ................................................. 64
Side underride guard .......................................... 55 Welding work ....................................................... 33
Trademarks ........................................................... 13
Silencer ................................................................. 30 Wheel housing ...................................................... 52
Trailer coupling .................................................... 64
Snow chains ................................................... 21, 52 Wind deflectors .................................................... 56
Trailer drawbar load ............................................ 66
Spare wheel .......................................................... 52 Wings ..................................................................... 52
Trailer loads .......................................................... 66
Special equipment ............................................... 27 Wood strips ........................................................... 71
Trailing axle .......................................................... 25
Steerability ........................................................... 24 Work safely ............................................................ 15
Turning circle ....................................................... 44
Steering characteristics ............................... 12, 20 Two-way radios .................................................... 37
Tyres ...................................................................... 21
Part no. 944 584 01 00 Order no. 6462 4013 02 Englisch 05/01