specpolymerpininsulatorTN 4817

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Section-I Instructions to bidders

(for e- tendering)
Section-II General Conditions of Contract
Section-III Technical Specification
Schedule-I Schedule of requirement
Schedule-II Prices
Schedule-III Details of Standard
Schedule-III(A) Pre-Qualification Requirement
Schedule-III(B) Performa of Bank Guarantee in lieu of
type test certificate(s)
Schedule-IV B.O.Q. (Price Bid) To be uploaded On line on
Schedule- IV-A Details of bid quantity, quantity offered The bidder is required to
along with justification with reference justify quantity offered as
to Pre-qualifying Requirement . per qualifying requirement.
Schedule V(A) Guaranteed Technical Particulars of
11 Composite Polymer Pin Insulator
Schedule V(B) Departure from the Guaranteed
Technical Particulars
Schedule VI(A) Departure from the requirement of
Technical Specification.
Schedule VI(B) Departure from commercial terms &
conditions of specification
Schedule VII List of Past supplies.
Schedule VII(A) Format of CA certificate
Schedule VIII Delivery schedule.
Schedule IX List of equipment & technical hands
available with the tendering firm.
Schedule X General Particulars about the bid in
General Amendment in ITB and GCC
Appendix-B Proforma for Bid Security Declaration
Appendix-I Any other information
Annexure- I Form B- Format of Affidavit for
Annexure- II Declaration by the Bidder
Appendix-III Declaration by the Bidder on The bidder is required to
Rajasthan Non-Judicial Stamp submit as per Appendix-III.
Paper worth Rs.100/± Surcharge
on Stamp Paper duly notarized.

1. Tender documents will be made available on e-Tendering portal

http://www.eproc.rajasthan.gov.in/nicgep/app . The bidders, in their own interest are
requested to read very carefully the tender document before submitting the bid only
through online on website http://www.eproc.rajasthan.gov.in/nicgep/app. The
bidders can download bid documents and submit their bids upto 5.00 p.m. one day
prior to schedule date of opening of respective bid mentioned above.

2. Eligible bidders should submit their bid well in advance instead of waiting till last
E:\d backup\SPEC\Spec-21-22\spec polymer pin insulator TN-4817.doc 2
date. JVVNL will not be responsible for non-submission of Bid due to any website
related problems.
E:\d backup\SPEC\Spec-21-22\spec polymer pin insulator TN-4817.doc 3
3. The Tender process fee Rs.1,180/- to be paid by Demand Draft/Banker’s Cheque in
favour of MD,RISL, Jaipur and cost of tender specification to be paid by Net
Banking/ NEFT/ RTGS/ Demand Draft/Banker’s Cheque in favour of AO(MM),
JVVNL, Jaipur (payable at Jaipur), be deposited in the office of the Accounts Officer
(MM), JVVNL, Old Power House Premises, Bani Park, Jaipur-302006 upto 2.00 p.m.
upto one WORKING day prior to schedule date of opening of respective bid. All
eligible interested bidders are required to provide UTR no. for recognizing
any fund transfer.

4. In lieu of Bid security, bidders are required to furnish Form of Bid Securing
Declaration (Appendix-A on Rajasthan Non-judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 50/
(excluding surcharge on Stamp Paper, as per rules). Above Declaration should be
furnished in favour of Procuring entity and which should be deposited in the
Accounts Section of this office upto 2.00 p.m. of one WORKING day prior to
Schedule date of opening of respective bid and receipt of the same should be
uploaded by the bidder along with its tender.

5. The bidders are required to upload the receipt of deposing all above payments along with
their tender at the relevant place on the scheduled date & time otherwise their bids are liable
to be rejected.

6. Eligible bidders should submit their bid well in advance instead of waiting till last date.
JVVNL will not be responsible for non-submission of Bid due to any website related

Note :- 1. All eligible interested bidders are required to get enrolled on e-Tendering
portal http://www.eproc.rajasthan.gov.in/nicgep/app.

2. If any difficulty arises, in down downloading/ uploading of tender you may

contact in the RISL, Jaipur Rajasthan at following Contact/address

Address of RajCOMP Info Services Limited (RISL)

RISL:- 1st Floor, Yojana Bhawan, Tilak Marg, C-Scheme, Jaipur (Rajasthan)
Phone: 0141- 5103902, 4031900 Fax: 0141-2228701
Web: http://risl.rajasthan.gov.in, Email: [email protected]
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Last Date & time for down 03.08.2021 upto 5.00 PM

loading of tenders

Last Date & time for 03.08.2021 upto 5:00 PM

submitting of tenders

Date of opening of tenders 04.08.2021 at 2:30 PM

Cost of Specification Rs. 2950.00 (Rs. Two Thousand Nine

Hundred Fifty only) (non-refundable)
(50% for MSME bidders)
Rs. 1180.00 ( Rs. One Thousand One
Tender Processing fees
Hundred Eighty only) (non-refundable)
120 days from the next date of opening of
Techno commercial bid.
BID SECURITY TO BE Bid security Declaration in view of order dated
DEPOSITED 18.12.20 of Finance Department as per
enclosed Appendix-A.

In lieu of Bid security, bidders are required to furnish Form of Bid Securing
Declaration (Appendix-A on Rajasthan Non-judicial Stamp Paper of Rs.
50/ (excluding surcharge on Stamp Paper, as per rules). Above
Declaration should be furnished in favour of Procuring entity and which
should be deposited in the Accounts Section of this office upto 2.00 p.m.
of one WORKING day prior to Schedule date of opening of respective bid
and receipt of the same should be uploaded by the bidder along with its
Note: The bidders, in their own interest are requested to read very carefully
Section-I (Instruction to Bidders), Section-II (General Condition of Contract) &
Section-III (Technical Specification) before filling the bid. The Bid documents
be downloaded from website http://eproc.rajasthan.gov.in . No hard copy of the
bidding documents will be provided to the bidders through this office. In case
of any discrepancy found in the bidding documents downloaded from the
website and appended with the bid (as a bid document) and the original copy
of such document available in the office of Superintending Engineer(MM-I),
Jaipur discom, Jaipur then the copy available with Superintending
Engineer(MM-I), Jaipur discom, Jaipur will be considered as final document for
all purposes. The cost of Bid document as published in NIT shall be furnished
along with downloaded bid document in the manner prescribed in bid
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3.1 SCOPE :

This specification covers design, manufacture, testing and supply of Composite

Polymer Pin Insulators for use in the 11 KV overhead transmission lines.

The Composite Pin Insulators shall be of the following type : -

Long rod type Pin Insulators intended to be mounted rigidly on a supporting

structure to support following size of conductor: -

(a) For 11 KV AAAC Rabbit


3.2.1 Following Indian/ International Standards, which shall mean latest

revision, with amendments/changes adopted and published, unless specifically
stated otherwise in the Specification, shall be referred while accessing conformity of
insulators with these specifications.
3.2.2 In the event of supply of insulators conforming to standards other than
specified, the Bidder shall confirm in his bid that these standards are equivalent or
better to those specified. In case of award, salient features of comparison between
the standards proposed by the Bidder and those specified in this document will be
provided by the Supplier to establish equivalence.

SI. No. Indian Standard International

Standard Standard

IEC: 61109 :
- Definition, test methods and acceptance
criteria for composite insulators for a.c.
overhead lines above 1000 V
IS: 731 Porcelain insulators for overhead power lines IEC: 60383
with a nominal voltage greater than 1000V.

3 IS: 2071 Methods of High Voltage Testing IEC: 60060-1

4 IS: 2486 Specification for Insulator fittings for IEC: 60120

Overhead Power Lines with a nominal voltage
IEC: 60372
greater than 1000V General Requirements
and Tests Dimensional Requirements
Locking Devices

5 - Thermal Mechanical Performance test and

I EC: 60575
mechanical performance test on string
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insulator units

6 IS: 13134 Guide for the selection of insulators in IEC: 60815

respect of polluted conditions
7 - Characteristics of string insulator units of the IEC: 60433
long rod type

SI. No. Indian Standard International

Standard Standard

8 - Hydrophobicity Classification Guide STRI


9 - Radio interference characteristics of CISPR:18.2

overhead power lines and high-voltage Part 2

10 IS: 8263 Methods of RI Test of HV insulators IEC: 60437

11 - Standard for Insulators— Composite- ANSI

Distribution Dead-end Type C29.13-2000

12 IS. 4759 Hot dip zinc coatings on structural steel & ISO: 1459
other allied products ISO: 1461

13 IS: 2629 Recommended Practice for Hot, Dip ISO-1461 (E)

Galvanization for iron and steel

14 IS: 6745 Determination of Weight of Zinc Coating on ISO: 1460

Zinc coated iron and steel articles

15 IS: 3203 Methods of testing of local thickness of ISO: 2178

electroplated coatings

16 IS: 2633 Testing of Uniformity of Coating of zinc

coated articles

17 - Standard specification for glass . ASTM D

fiber strands 578-05

18 - Standard test method for compositional ASTM E

analysis by Thermo gravimetry 1131-03

19 IS: 4699 Specification for refined secondary Zinc


3.3.1 Service condition

Maximum ambient temperature 50 °C

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Minimum ambient temperature - 5 °C
Relative humidity 0 to 100%

Isoceraunic level 25
Number of rainy days per year 70 days
Annual rain fall 10 to 100 cm
Wind pressure 195 Kg/sq cm
Altitude 200 M to 1000 M

3.3.2 General Requirement

(i) The composite insulators shall generally confirm to latest Standards as listed in 3.2
(ii) Composite Insulators long rod pin type to support conductor on 11 KV Overhead
Power Lines : -
(iii) The insulators shall be suitable for 3, 50 Hz, effectively earthed 11KV overhead
distribution system in a heavily polluted atmosphere. The conductor will be ACSR / AAA
Weasel / Rabbit Conductor. The insulator should withstand the conductor tension, the
reversible wind load as well as the high frequency vibrations due to wind.
(iv) Bidder must be an indigenous manufacturer and supplier of composite insulators of
rating 11 KV or above or must have developed proven in house technology and
manufacturing process for composite insulators of above rating or possess technical
collaboration/association with a manufacturer of composite insulators of rating 11 KV or
above.The Bidder shall furnish necessary evidence in support of the above along with
the bid, which can be in the form of certification from the utilities concerned, or any other
documents to the satisfaction of the purchaser.
(v) Insulators shall have sheds with good self-cleaning properties. Insulator shed profile,
spacing, projection etc. and selection in respect of polluted conditions shall be generally
in accordance with the recommendation of IEC-60815/IS:13134.
(vi) The material of housing / Weather sheds shall have minimum 30% Silicon content
by weight.
(vii) All parts made of Forged steel or Malleable cast iron /SGI (Spheroidal graphite
iron) shall be protected by hot dip galvanizing, confirming to latest edition of
IS:4759. All castings shall be free from blow holes and other casting defects such as
cracks etc.
(viii) All fittings shall be designed so that the harmful bimetallic corrosion is avoided and
effects of vibration both on conductors and fittings are minimized. End fittings shall be
free from crack, seams shrinks, air holes and rough edges. End fittings should be
effectively sealed to prevent moisture ingress; effectiveness sealing system must be
supported by test documents. All surfaces of the metal parts shall be perfectly smooth
without projecting points or irregularities, which may cause corona. All load bearing
surfaces shall be smooth and uniform so as to distribute the loading stresses uniformly.
(ix) The insulators shall have satisfactory electrical characteristics in outdoor use, and to be
free from degradation and cracking of the housing.
(ix) The insulators shall be free from the penetration of the moisture into the interfaces of
the end fitting during long term outdoor use and shall possess long term tensile
withstand load characteristics.
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(x) The insulators shall be free from voids and other defects in the core material and be
non-igniting and non-flammable when exposed to flame for short periods.
(xi) The bidder shall furnish evidence in the form of certification from the power utilities that
the similar type of product supplied to them had been performing satisfactorily.
(xii) The design of the insulators shall be such that stresses due to expansion and
contraction in any part of the insulator not lead to deterioration.
(xiii) The core (FRP rod) shall be sound and free of crack and voids that may adversely
affect the insulators.
(xiv) Weather sheds shall be uniform in quality they shall be clean, sound, smooth and free
from defects and excessive flashing at parting lines.
(xv) The design, manufacturing process and material control at various stages shall be such
as to give maximum working load, highest mobility, best resistance to corrosion, good
finish and elimination of sharp edges and corners.
(xvi) The size of composite insulator , minimum creepage distance and mechanical strength
along with hardware fittings shall be as follows:

Type of Nominal Highest Visible Wet Power Impulse Minimum Min. Min.
Composite system system discharge Frequency Withstand creepage failing Diameter
load of FRP
Insulator voltage Voltage Test withstand voltage distance
(KN) Rod
KV (rms) KV(rms) voltage voltage KV (rms) (mm)
KV (rms) KV (rms) [ Heavily
11KV Pin 11 12 9 35 75 320 5 24

(xvii) The tolerances on all dimensions e.g. diameter, length and creepage distance shall
be allowed as follows in line with-IEC 61109:

± (0.04d+1.5) mm when d ≤ 300 mm.

± (0.025d+6) mm when d > 300 mm with a maximum tolerance of ±50mm

Where d being the dimensions in mm for diameter, length or creepage

distance as the case may be.

However, no negative tolerance shall be applicable to creepage distance.

3. 3.3 Interchangeability

The composite insulators including the end fitting connection shall be of standard design
suitable for use with the hardware fittings of any make conforming to relevant IEC/IS

3.3.4 Corona and RI Performance

All surfaces shall be clean, smooth, without cuts, abrasions or projections. No part
shall be subjected to excessive localized pressure. The insulator and metal parts shall be
so designed and manufactured that it shall avoid local corona formation and not generate
any radio interference beyond specified limit under the operating conditions.
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The composite insulators offered shall be suitable for use of hot line maintenance
technique so that usual hot line operation can be carried out with ease, speed and safety.


3.4.1 Design and construction:

The composite Pin insulators shall be designed to meet the high quality, safety and
reliability and are capable of withstanding a wide range of environmental conditions.
Composite insulators shall consists of three parts, at least two of which are insulating parts:

(a) Core – The internal insulating part.

(b) Housing – The external insulating part.

(c) Metal and fittings – For attaching to hardware to support conductor. Core

It shall be a glass-fiber reinforced epoxy resin rod of high strength (FRP rod). Glass, fibers
and resin shall be optimized in the FRP rod. Glass fibers shall be Boron free electrically
corrosion resistant (ECR) glass fiber or Boron free E -Glass and shall exhibit both high
electrical integrity and high resistance to acid corrosion. The matrix of the FRP rod shall be
Hydrolysis resistant. The FRP rod shall be manufactured through Pultrusion process. The
FRP rod shall be void free. Housing (Sheath)

The FRP rod shall be covered by a seamless sheath of a silicone elastometric compound
or silicon alloy compound of a thickness of 3 mm minimum. It shall be one piece housing
using injection Moulding Principle to cover the core. The elastomer housing shall be
designed to provide the necessary creepage distance and protection against environmental
influences, external pollution and humidity. Housing shall confirm to the requirement of IEC
61109/2008 with latest amendments.

It shall be extruded or directly molded on the core and shall have chemical bonding with the
FRP rod. The strength of the bond shall be greater than the tearing strength of the polymer.
Sheath material in the bulk as well as in the sealing/bonding area shall be free from voids. Weather sheds

The composite polymer weather sheds made of silicone elastometic compound or silicon
alloy shall be firmly bonded to the sheath, vulcanized to the sheath or molded as part of the
sheath and shall be free from imperfections. The weather sheds should have silicon
content of minimum 30% by weight. The strength of the weather shed to sheath interface
shall be greater than the tearing strength of the polymer. The interface, if any, between
sheds and sheath (housing) shall be free from voids. End Fittings

End fittings transmit the mechanical load to the core. They shall be made of spheroidal
graphite cast iron, malleable cast iron or forged steel or aluminum alloy and only Forged
MS Steel for Lower Fitting. Hardware of respective specified mechanical load and shall be
hot dipped galvanised in Zinc coated with minimum 99.95% purity of electrolythic high
grade Zinc in accordance with IS 2629. The material used in fittings shall be corrosion
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Metal end fittings shall be uniform and without sharp edges or corners and shall be
free of cracks, flakes, silvers, slag, blow-holes shrinkages defects and localized porosity.

They shall be connected to the rod by means of a controlled compression technique. The
material used in fittings shall be corrosion resistant. As the main duty of the end fittings is
the transfer of mechanical load to the core fittings should be properly attached to the core
by a coaxial or hexagonal compression process & should not damage the individual fibers
or crack the core.

The gap between fitting and sheath shall be sealed by a flexible silicone elastomeric
compound or silicone alloy compound sealant. System of attachment of end fitting to the
rod shall provide superior sealing performance between housing, i.e. seamless sheath and
metal connection. The sealing must be moisture proof. The 11KV Pin Insulator shall be
provided with GI Pin duly permanent fitted with the 11 KV Pin Insulator. The GI Pin should
be confirming to IS:2486-Part-II/1989.
Normal dimensions of the pin insulator shall be accordance with the Specific Techniccal
Particulas. No joints in pin will be allowed. Outer portion of pin should be Zinc coated with
minimum 99.95% purity of electrolythic high grade zinc.

The finished surface shall be smooth and shall have a good performance. The surface shall
not crack or get chipped due to ageing effect under normal and abnormal service
conditions or while handling during transit or erection.

The design of the fittings and the insulators shall be such that there is no local corona
formation or discharges likely to cause the interference to either should or vision

Bottom end metal fitting (Shank) of Pin insulator should be as per IS: 2486. Two number
nuts as per IS 1363 (P-III) and 4 mm thick Spring Washer shall be as per IS 3063 with
latest amendments if any, Nuts and spring washer shall be hot dip galvanized.

The details of end fittings for fixing the same with V -Cross Arms and top clamps are given
Sr. Item Min. threaded Dia. Of bottom Length of
No. portion of end end fitting Pin end fitting to
fittings be fixed

1 11 KV 150 mm 20 mm 150

Upper end fittings shall be suitable to hold AAAC/ACSR Weasel / Rabbit for 11 KV.
The size of the fittings shall be in such a way that conductor could be bound firmly so that it
may not slip from the groove while in service even under adverse conditions.
3.5. Workmanship

3.5.1 All the materials shall be of latest design and conform to the best engineering
practices adopted in the high voltage field. Bidders shall offer only such insulators as are
guaranteed by them to be satisfactory and suitable for continued good service in power
transmission lines.
3.5.2 The design, manufacturing process and material control at various stages shall be
such as to give maximum working load, highest mobility, best resistance to corrosion, good
finish and elimination of sharp edges and corners.
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3.5.3 The design of the insulators shall be such that stresses due to expansion and
contraction in any part of the insulator shall not lead to deterioration.
3.5.4 The core shall be sound and free of cracks and voids that may adversely affect the
3.5.5 Weather sheds shall be uniform in quality. They shall be clean, sound, smooth and
shall be free from defects and excessive flashing at parting lines.

3.5.6 End fittings shall be free from cracks, seams, shrinks, air holes and rough edges. End
fittings should be effectively sealed to prevent moisture ingress; effectiveness of sealing
system must be supported by test documents. All surfaces of the metal parts shall be
perfectly smooth without projecting points or irregularities, which may cause corona. All
load bearing surfaces shall be smooth and uniform so as to distribute the loading stresses

3.5.7 All ferrous parts shall be hot dip galvanized to give a minimum average coating of
zinc equivalent to 610 gm/sq.m. or 87µm thickness and shall be in accordance with the
requirement of IS: 4759. The zinc used for galvanizing shall be of purity 99.5% as per IS:
4699. The zinc coating shall be uniform, adherent, smooth, reasonably bright continuous
and free from imperfections such as flux, ash rust stains, bulky white deposits and blisters.
The galvanized metal parts shall be guaranteed to withstand at least four successive dips
each lasting for one (1) minute duration under the standard precede test. The galvanizing
shall be carried out only after any machining.

3.6.0 Equipment Marking

3.6.1 Each insulator unit shall be legibly and indelibly marked with the following details as
per IEC — 61109:2008

(a) Month &Year of manufacture

(b) Min. failing load/ guaranteed mechanical strength in Kilo Newton followed by the
word 'KN' to facilitate easy identification.
(c) Manufacturer's name/Trade mark

(d) Voltage and Type

(e) ‘NAME OF DISCOM’ / TN No. ’

3.7 Bid Drawings

3.7.1 The Bidder shall furnish full description and illustration of the material offered.

3.7.2 The Bidder shall furnish along with the bid the outline drawing (3 copies) of each
insulator unit including a cross sectional view of the long rod insulator unit. The drawing
shall include but not be limited to the following information :

(a) Long rod diameter with manufacturing tolerances

(b) Minimum Creepage distance with positive tolerance

(c) Eccentricity of the long rod unit

i) Axial run out

ii) Radial run out

(d) Unit mechanical and electrical characteristics

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(e) Size and weight of 11 KV GI Pin.

(f) Weight of composite long rod units

(g) Materials

(h) Identification mark

(i) Manufacturer's catalogue number

3.7.3 After placement of award, the Supplier shall submit full dimensioned manufacturing
insulator drawings containing all the details in four (4) copies to purchaser for approval.
After getting approval from Purchaser and successful completion of all the type tests, the
Supplier shall submit 10 more copies of the drawing to the Purchaser for further distribution
and field use.

3.7.4 After placement of award the Supplier shall also submit fully dimensioned insulator
crate drawing for different type of insulators for approval of the purchaser.

3.8 Tests and Standards

Insulators offered shall be manufactured with the same configuration & raw materials as
used in the insulators for which design & type test reports are submitted. The manufacturer
shall submit a certificate for the same. The design & type test reports submitted shall
not be more than 05 years old.

3.8.1 Design tests

Manufacturer should submit test reports for Design Tests as per Clause No. 10 of IEC –
61109 : 2008 along with the bid from Govt. approved/ a Govt. recognized/ NABL
accredited laboratory/ ILAC i.e. International Laboratory Accredited laboratory / ILAC
i.e International Laboratory Accreditation Corporation ( In case of foreign
laboratory). The design tests are intended to verify the suitability of the design, materials
and method of manufacture (technology). When a composite insulator is subjected to the
design tests, the result shall be considered valid for the whole class of insulators, which are
represented by the one tested and having the following characteristics:

• Same materials for the core, and sheds and same manufacturing method;
• Same material of the fittings, the same design, the same method of attachment;
• Same or greater layer thickness of the shed material over the core (including a
sheath where used);
• Same or smaller ratio of the highest system voltage to insulation length;
• Same or smaller ratio of all mechanical loads to the smallest core diameter between
• Same or greater diameter of the core.

The tested composite insulators shall be identified by a drawing giving all the dimensions
with the manufacturing tolerances.

Manufacturer should submit following test reports for Design Tests as per IEC-61109
(clause- 10) along with the bid.

Additionally following tests shall be carried out or reports for the tests shall be submitted
after award of contract:

UV test : the test shall be carried out in line with clause 7.2 of ANSI C 29.13.
Design test as per IEC: 61109 (Clause-10) (Report to be submitted by the bidder along
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with offer): -

Sr. No. Particular of Design Test Required

A Test on shed and housing material
1. Hardness test
2 Accelerated weathering test
3 Tracking and erosion test
4 Flammability test
B Test on core material
1. Dye penetration test
2. Water diffusuion test

Note: If the manufacturer only has facilities to produce insulators shorter than
prescribed length of specimen as mentioned in IEC 61109/62217 ,the design test
may be performed on insulators of those lengths available to him ,but the results are
only valid for up to the length tested.
Additionally following tests shall be carried out and reports for the tests shall be submitted:

(i) RIV Test (Dry) :

(ii) Brittle Fracture Resistance Test
(iii) Recovery of Hydrophobicity & Corona Test
(iv) Chemical Composition test for Silicon content
Manufacturer should submit test reports for design tests as per IEC – 61109 a/w the bid


a) The tenderer should furnish valid design test certificates from Govt. approved/ a
Govt. recognized/ NABL accredited laboratory/ ILAC i.e. International Laboratory
Accredited laboratory / ILAC i.e International Laboratory Accreditation Corporation
(In case of foreign laboratory) on similar rating and design of tendered
material/equipment . Tests carried out by tenderer in his own R&D units even if recognized
by Govt. shall not be accepted except in case of Govt. undertakings.

b) Such design test certificates should not be older than five years as on the date of
bid opening.
c) In case the bidder is not in a position to furnish test certificate of same rating of
offered item and furnish test certificate of higher rating from Govt. approved/ a Govt.
recognized/ NABL accredited laboratory/ ILAC i.e. International Laboratory
Accredited laboratory / ILAC i.e International Laboratory Accreditation Corporation (
In case of foreign laboratory) at the time of submission of bid, the bid of the bidders may
be considered as responsive if bidder gives an undertaking along with BG/DD/Pay
Order that test of rating offered shall be arranged from first lot (without asking for any
delivery extension) from Govt. approved/ a Govt. recognized/ NABL accredited laboratory/
ILAC i.e. International Laboratory Accredited laboratory / ILAC i.e International Laboratory
Accreditation Corporation ( In case of foreign laboratory)
d) The Bank guarantee from a scheduled Bank/DD/Pay Order should be for an amount
of Rs. 5.0 Lacs for Outside Rajasthan based firms and Rs. 1.25 Lacs for Rajasthan based
firms, towards furnishing of satisfactory design test reports before the date of opening of
technical bid. In case the bidder fails to furnish successful design test certificates from the
offered lot(s), their bank guarantee/DD/Pay Order will be invoked/forfeited (Proforma for
submitting undertaking a bank guarantee is enclosed as Schedule-III-B). The initial validity
of B.G. shall be nine months.
3.8.3 Type Tests: -
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The bidder shall furnish detailed type test reports of the offered composite Insulators as
per clause of the Technical Specifications at Govt. approved/ a Govt. recognized/ NABL
accredited laboratory/ ILAC i.e. International Laboratory Accredited laboratory / ILAC
i.e International Laboratory Accreditation Corporation ( In case of foreign laboratory)
to prove that the composite Insulators offered meet the requirements of the specification.
These Type Tests should have been carried out within five years prior to the date of
opening of this tender. The following type tests shall be conducted on a suitable number of
individual insulator units, components & materials and the test report should invariably be
submitted with the bid: - The bidder shall submit type test reports, from any Govt. approved/ a Govt.
recognized/ NABL accredited laboratory/ ILAC i.e. International Laboratory
Accredited laboratory / ILAC i.e International Laboratory Accreditation Corporation (
In case of foreign laboratory), as per IEC 61109:2008 along with the bid. Additional type
tests as required above shall be carried out by the manufacturer, after award of Contract for
which no additional charges shall be payable . In case the tests have already been carried
out, the manufacturer shall submit reports for the same.

Additional type tests as required above shall be carried out by the manufacturer, after
award of Contract for which no additional charges shall be payable. In case the tests have
already been carried out, the manufacturer shall submit reports for the same.

SN Description of type test Procedure / Standard

1. Dry lightning impulse withstand voltage Test As per IEC 61109 : 2008
2. Wet power frequency voltage test (Clause 11.1)
Mechanical failing load time test(routine As per IEC 61109 : 2008
test) (Clause 10.4.2)
4 Radio interference test As per IEC 60437
Chemical composition test for silicon Annexure-A Or any other test method
5. content acceptable to the owner
Recovery of Hydrophobicity test Annexure-A (As per STRI guide)
6. This test may be repealed every 3 yrs All the type test given in Clause No. 3.8.3 in addition to routine & acceptance
test shall be carried out on insulator along with hardware fittings wherever required.
3.8.4 Routine Tests

SI.No Description Standard

1 Mechanical routine test As per IEC: 61109:2008 /IS:731
2 Visual Inspection As per IEC: 61109:2008 Clause 8.2
3 Identification of marking As per IEC: 61109:2008 Clause 8.1

3.8.5 Acceptance (Sample) Tests The test samples after having withstood routine lists shall be subject
to the following acceptance / sampling tests in order indicated below:

a. Verification of dimensions Clause 7.2 IEC: 61109 : 2008

b. Verification of the locking system (if applicable) Clause 7.3 IEC: 61109 : 2008
Verification of tightness of the interface between end
c. fittings & Insulator housing Clause 7.4 IEC: 61109 : 2008
d. Verification of the specified mechanical load Clause 7.4 IEC: 61109 : 2008
e. Galvanizing test IS:2633/IS:6745
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Note : SAMPLING & TESTING : Sample procedure for testing of insulators shall be IEC
61109:2008 for Acceptance and Routine tests.
3.8.6 Tests During Manufacture

Following tests shall also be carried out on all components as applicable :

A ) Chemical analysis of zinc used for galvanizing

B ) Chemical analysis, mechanical, metallographic test and magnetic particle inspection
for malleable castings.
C ) Chemical analysis, hardness tests and magnetic particle inspection for forgings.

3.8.7 Additional Tests The Purchaser reserves the right at his own expenses, for carrying out any
other test(s) of reasonable nature carried out at Supplier's premises, at site, or in any
other place in addition to the aforesaid type, acceptance and routine tests to satisfy
himself that the material comply with the Specifications. The Purchaser also reserves the right to conduct all the tests mentioned in
this specification at his own expense on the samples drawn from the site at Supplier's
premises or at any other test center. In case of evidence of noncompliance, it shall be
binding on the part of the Supplier to prove the compliance of the items to the technical
specifications by repeat tests or correction of deficiencies or replacement of defective
items, all without any extra cost to the Purchaser.

3.8.8 Quality assurance plan

1. The successful bidder shall submit following information to the purchaser :

2. Test certificates of the raw materials and bought out accessories.

3. Statement giving list of important raw materials, their grades along with names of
sub-suppliers for raw materials, list of standards according to which the raw
materials are tested. List of tests normally carried out on raw materials in
presence of bidder's representative.
4. List of manufacturing facilities available.

5. Level of automation achieved and lists of areas where manual processing


6. List of areas in manufacturing process, where stage inspections are normally

carried out for quality control and details of such tests and inspections.
7. List of testing equipment’s available with the bidder for final testing of equipment
along with valid calibration reports

8. The manufacturer shall submit Manufacturing Quality Plan (MQP) for approval &
the same shall be followed during manufacture and testing.
9. The successful bidder shall submit the routine test certificates of bought out raw
materials/accessories and central excise passes for raw material at the time of


E:\d backup\SPEC\Spec-21-22\spec polymer pin insulator TN-4817.doc 16
a) The tenderer should furnish valid type test certificates from Govt. approved/
a Govt. recognized/ NABL accredited laboratory/ ILAC i.e. International
Laboratory Accredited laboratory / ILAC i.e International Laboratory
Accreditation Corporation ( In case of foreign laboratory) on similar rating and
design of tendered material/equipment . Tests carried out by tenderer in his own
R&D units even if recognized by Govt. shall not be accepted except in case of
Govt. undertakings.
b) Such type test certificates should not be older than five years as on the date
of bid opening.
c) In case the bidder is not in a position to furnish test certificate of same rating
of offered item and furnish test certificate of higher rating from Govt. approved/ a
Govt. recognized/ NABL accredited laboratory/ ILAC i.e. International
Laboratory Accredited laboratory / ILAC i.e International Laboratory
Accreditation Corporation ( In case of foreign laboratory) at the time of
submission of bid, the bid of the bidders may be considered as responsive if bidder
gives an undertaking along with BG/DD/Pay Order that test of rating offered
shall be arranged from first lot (without asking for any delivery extension) from
Govt. approved/ a Govt. recognized/ NABL accredited laboratory/ ILAC i.e.
International Laboratory Accredited laboratory / ILAC i.e International Laboratory
Accreditation Corporation ( In case of foreign laboratory).
d) The Bank guarantee from a scheduled Bank/DD/Pay Order should be for an
amount of Rs. 5.0 Lacs for Outside Rajasthan based firms and Rs. 1.25 Lacs for
Rajasthan based firms, towards furnishing of satisfactory type test reports before
the date of opening of technical bid. In case the bidder fails to furnish successful
type test certificates from the offered lot(s), their bank guarantee/DD/Pay Order will
be invoked/forfeited (Proforma for submitting undertaking a bank guarantee is
enclosed as Schedule-III-B). The initial validity of B.G. shall be nine months.

Sample selection as per guide line of IEC / as per requirement of Test Lab from the
1st Lot of insulators as received in purchaser's store shall be selected and sealed for
getting it Type Tested at any Govt. approved/ a Govt. recognized/ NABL accredited
laboratory/ ILAC i.e. International Laboratory Accredited laboratory / ILAC i.e
International Laboratory Accreditation Corporation ( In case of foreign laboratory). The
transportation charges of sample(s) from store to test house shall be borne by NIGAM,
whereas the charges incurred towards type test of the material at test house shall be
borne by the Supplier. The testing charges should be remitted through D.D. in favour of
Test House by the supplier with the 1st inspection offer. The name of test house shall
be intimated to successful bidder after issue of Purchase Order.
At the option of the purchaser, the material received in the stores may be utilized in the
field after receipt of successful test reports from CTL for the mandatory test checking on
the samples selected from the material received at stores against first lot and
subsequent lot(s) in anticipation of successful type test report(s).

If the bidder has already got conducted the requisite type test from the first lot of
material received in Nigam’s store against any previous / earlier tender of JVVNL and
such Type Test reports are valid i.e not older than 5 years on the date of opening of
Techno-Commercial Bids, then the requirement of conducting Mandatory Type Test on
the sample selected from 1st Lot of supply received in Nigam’s store is RELAXED. For
this purpose date of conducting type test will be considered.

E:\d backup\SPEC\Spec-21-22\spec polymer pin insulator TN-4817.doc 17

In case the bidder do not meet above requirement than requisite nos of samples of
each type of Disc Insulators from the 1 st lot received in purchaser’s store shall be
selected and sealed in the presence of representative of supplier for getting it Type
Tested at Govt. approved/ a Govt. recognized/ NABL accredited laboratory/ ILAC i.e.
International Laboratory Accredited laboratory / ILAC i.e International Laboratory
Accreditation Corporation ( In case of foreign laboratory).

However, suppliers own lab shall not be considered for the purpose of type test reports.
The selected and sealed sample for type test shall be identified by providing
Polycarbonate seals. The transportation charges of sample from store to test house
shall be borne by NIGAM, Whereas the charges incurred towards type test of the
material at test house shall be borne by the supplier. The testing charges should be
remitted through D.D. in favour of Test House. The name of the test house shall be
intimated separately..
The bidder shall have to deposit type test charge(s) immediately with the supply
of 1st lot . If the type test charge(s) are not deposited then acceptance of 2nd
offered lot shall be at the discretion of purchaser.

3.10.3 In case sample(s) from first lot fails in type tests then:

a) Supplier shall have to replace the full quantity of the respective inspected lot
supplied to various stores which is lying unused.

b) For the quantity already utilized against the order in field a deduction of
30% (thirty percent) of F.O.R. destination price of the material supplied
shall be made

c) Sample(s) from next lot shall be selected again for type test . All test charges
incurred towards type test of the material for second time shall be borne by the
Supplier for which the testing charges should be remitted through D.D. in favour of the
Test House by the supplier with the 2nd inspection offer.

3.10.4 In case sample again fails in the type test then:

a) The quantity supplied/received in stores and lying unused in stores shall
stand rejected and shall be lifted back by the supplier.

b) For the quantity already utilized against the order in field a deduction of 30 %
(thirty percent) of F.O.R. destination price of the material supplied shall be made

c) Further supplies shall not be accepted and order shall stand cancelled.

3.10.5 In case the bidder receives order from more than one Discom, then the
Type test form 1st lot shall be conducted by the Discom where material have been
received first .

In case sample(s) from first lot fails in type tests then:

a) Supplier shall have to replace the full quantity of the respective inspected lot
supplied to various stores which is lying unused.

b) Sample(s) from next lot shall be selected again for type test . All test charges
incurred towards type test of the material for second time shall be borne by the
Supplier for which the testing charges should be remitted through D.D. in favour of
Test House by the supplier with the 2nd inspection offer.
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In case sample again fails in the type test then:

a) The quantity supplied/received in stores and lying unused in stores shall stand
rejected and shall be lifted back by the supplier.

b) For the quantity already utilized against the order in field a deduction of 30%
(thirty percent) of F.O.R. destination price of the material supplied shall be

c) Further supplies shall not be accepted and order shall stand cancelled .

3.10.6. Material should not be issued by ACOS before receipt of successful test report
from CTL, In case of urgency it should be got approval from the competent authority .

The various type tests as per relevant standards shall be conducted on each type of
3.11 PACKING :

3.11.1 All insulators shall be packed in suitable PVC/ plastic tubes/any other suitable
packing along with temporary wrap-on shield/shrouds for each insulator unit. The
packing shall provide protection against rodent. Further shields/shrouds shall be made
of opaque, weather proof material of adequate strength. The Supplier shall furnish
detailed design of the packing. For marine transportation, crates shall be pelleted.

3.11.2 The packing shall be of sufficient strength to withstand rough handling during
transit, storage at site and subsequent handling in the field.

3.11.3 Suitable cushioning, protective padding, or Dunn age or spacers shall be

provided to prevent damage or deformation during transit and handling.

3.11.4 All packing cases shall be marked legibly and correctly so as to ensure safe
arrival at their destination and to avoid the possibility of goods being lost or wrongly
dispatched on account of faulty packing and faulty or illegible markings. Each case/crate
shall have all the markings stencilled on it in

3.11.5 The Supplier shall guarantee the adequacy of the packing and shall be
responsible for any loss or damage during transportation, handling, storage and
installation due to improper packing indelible ink.

3.11.6 The bidder shall provide instructions regarding handling and storage
precautions to be taken at site.


The supplier of insulators shall guarantee overall satisfactory performance of the

insulators for the period of 36 months from the date of supply.


Full guaranteed particulars should be given in the tender as called for in Schedule-V(a)
for 11 KV Polymer Composite Pin Insulators. Tenders not accompanied by
Schedule-V(a), duly filled in are likely to be ignored.

Quantity indicated above is provisional. The purchaser reserves the right to increase/
decrease the same at the time of placing the order.
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3.16 PRICES: The prices quoted shall be FIRM.


The bidder is required to quote monthly delivery. The delivery of quoted quantity should
be completed in Ten months period including commencement period of maximum 30
days. In case ordered quantity is different than quoted quantity, then monthly delivery
shall be adjusted proportionately. Tenders in which monthly delivery schedule is not
indicated shall be ignored.

The tenderers are required to indicate the delivery schedule in the schedule attached
with the Specification.


The material received in the stores of the NIGAM shall be subjected to the test checking
at stores before final acceptance of the material, the procedure for the same shall be as
under :

One sample out of each sub-lot / lot consisting of following quantities or part thereof
each inspected lot received in stores shall be selected from each store for test checking
of material and shall be got tested.

11 KV Polymer Composite Pin Insulator – 3000 Nos.

The sample selection shall be done as soon as the material is received in stores,
without calling the representative of supplier. However, testing at CTL or else where as
arranged by NIGAM shall be done in the presence of representative of supplier after
identification/ confirmation by the supplier’s representative that sample(s) so selected
belong to them.

The following tests shall be carried out on the above items :

a. Verification of dimensions
b. Verification of the locking system (if applicable)
c. Verification of tightness of the interface between
end fittings & Insulator housing
d. Verification of the specified mechanical load
e. Galvanizing test

However, only those tests shall be conducted at CTL for which facility with CTL is

In case if the facility for conducting any of the above test(s) is not available at the
NIGAM’s CTL, the purchaser reserve the right to get such test (s) conducted at any
independent NABL Test House.

For witnessing of the testing, clear 3 days’ notice shall be given to the supplier stating
date, time & place where the test is to be conducted. The testing shall be started after
identification / confirmation of sample by the representative of the supplier that sample
selected for testing pertain from the lot supplied by them. In case the supplier does not
attend for witnessing the testing ,the test shall be proceeded and completed and action
E:\d backup\SPEC\Spec-21-22\spec polymer pin insulator TN-4817.doc 20
be taken as per contract. The CTL shall send two copies to the purchaser ,consignee
and the supplier.

iii) CRITERIA FOR ACCEPTANCE:- In case of failure of any of sample(s) in any of the
above tests material contained in the lot / sub-lot received in store to which the samples
belong, shall be rejected. The rejected material shall have to be replaced by the supplier
free of cost.


All test charges incurred towards test checking of the material received in our stores shall
be borne by the NIGAM.

3.19 PAYMENT : The Payment shall be governed in accordance with the clause
No. 1.42 of GCC with the following modifications :-

A) If bidder have submitted valid type test & design test reports with bid:

The 100% payment shall be released after receipt of successful test reports from CTL.

B) If bidder have not submitted valid type test & design test reports with bid:

i) The 70% payment shall be released after receipt of successful test reports from
CTL for the mandatory test checking on the samples selected from the material
received at stores against first lot and subsequent lot(s) in anticipation of successful
type test reports.
ii) The balance 30% payment shall be released after receipt of successful type test
reports on the samples selected from the material received in the stores.
iii) The due dates for payment shall be considered from the date of submission of the
bills along with receipted challans to Sr. Accounts Officer (CPC).

3.20.1 The bidder should have required plant, machinery and testing equipment for
manufacturing & testing of 11KV Polymer Composite Pin Insulator.
3.20.2 The bidders should furnish details of plant, machinery and testing equipment with
the bids failing which bids may be ignored.
Quantity tolerance of plus minus 2% of ordered quantity shall be allowed for
completion of supply .

The other manufacturer can also request challenge testing for any test based on
specification. The challenger would request for testing with testing fee. The challenge test
fees are proposed at least three times the cost of testing. This is likely to deter
unnecessary challenges. The challenger would have the opportunity to select the sample
from the store of Nigam and any such challenge should be made within the guarantee
period. The party challenged, challenger and the utility could witness the challenged
testing. The challenged testing would cover all the type tests as per relevant IS.

The challenge test could be conducted at NABL accredited laboratory, like ERDA/ CPRI .
If the values are within limit, the product gets confirmed, else not confirmed. If the product
is not confirmed, the manufacturer would pay the challenge fee and challenger would get
E:\d backup\SPEC\Spec-21-22\spec polymer pin insulator TN-4817.doc 21
the fee refunded. However, as a redressal system the challenger would be allowed to ask
for fresh selection of two more samples from the store of Nigam and same be tested in a
NABL laboratory ( which shall be other than previously selected NABL accredited lab) at
the cost of supplier, in presence of party challenged, challenger and the utility. If any one
or both sample does not confirm the tests, then the product is said to have failed the tests.
In such cases the manufacturer will be declared as unsuccessful manufacturer for the said
product and balance supply shall not be availed and the order shall be cancelled with levy
of maximum penalty.

3.23 ADDITIONAL ORDER: Repeat orders for additional quantity, upto 50% of original
ordered quantity may be placed by Nigam on the same rates, terms and conditions given
in the contract, if required by the Nigam.
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Tests on Insulator Units

1 RIV Test (Dry):-

The insulator string along with complete hardware fittings shall have a radio interference
voltage level below 100 micro volts at one MHz when subjected to 50 Hz AC voltage of 10
kV for 11 kV class insulators respectively under dry condition. The test procedure shall be
in accordance with IS:326B /I EC : 437/CISPfi 18-2.

2 Brittle Fracture Resistance Test:-

Brittle fracture test shall be carried out on naked rod along with end fittings by applying "1
n HNO3 acid" (63 g cone, HN03 added to 937 g water) to the rod. The rod should be held
at 80% of SML for the duration of the test. The rod should not fail within the 96 hour test
duration. Test arrangement should ensure continuous wetting of the rod with Nitric acid.

3 Recovery of Hydrophobicity & Corona test:-

The test shall be carried out (4mm thick samples of 5cm x 7cm)
The surface of selected samples shall be cleaned with isopropyl alcohol. Allow the surface
to dry and spray with water Record the Hydrophobicity classification in line with STRI
guide for Hydrophobicity classification. Dry the sample surface.

i) The sample shah subjected to mechanical stress by bending the sample

over a ground electrode. Corona is continuously generated by applying 12
kV to a needle like electrode placed 1mm above the sample surface. The
test shall be done for 100 hrs.

ii) Immediately after the corona treatment, spray the surface with water and
record the HC classification. Dry the surface and repeat the corona treatment
as at clause 7 above. Note HC classification. Repeat the cycle for 1000 hrs.
or until an HC of 6 or 7 is obtained. Dry the sample surface.

iii) Allow the sample to recover and repeat hydrophobiticiy measurement at

several lime intervals. Silicone rubber should recover to HC 1 - HC 2 within
24 to 48 hours, depending on the material and the intensity of the corona

4 Chemical composition test for Silicon content

The content of silicon in the composite polymer shall be evaluated by EDX (Energy
Dispersion X-ray) Analysis or Thermo-gravimetric analysis. The test may be carried out at
CPRI or any other NABL accredited laboratory.
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Type of Insulator Polymeric composite Pin Insulator

Reference Standard IEC 61109
Material of FRP Rod Borron Free ECR
Material of Sheds Silicon Rubber
Material of Top End Fittings SGCI/ MCI/ FORGED/ STELL
Material of Bottom End Fittings FORGED STEEL
Material of sealing compound RTV Silicon
Color of Sheds Grey
Rated Voltage 11 KV
Highest Voltage 12 KV
Dry Power Frequency Withstand 60 KV
Wet Power Frequency Withstand 35 KV
Dry Power Frequency Flashover 75 KV
Wet Power Frequency Flashover 45 KV
Dry Lightening Impulse Withstand Positive: 75 KV
Voltage Negative: 80 KV
Dry Lightening Impulse Flashover Positive: 95 KV
Voltage Negative: 100 KV
RIV at 1 MHz when energised at 10 KV < 50 microvolt
/ 30 KV (rms) under dry condition
Creepage Distance (min) 320 mm
Min Failing Load 5 KN
Dia of FRP Rod 24 mm
Length of FRP Rod (min) 165 mm
Min Dia of weather sheds >90 mm
Thickness of housing 3 mm
Dry arc Distance 150 mm
Method of fixing sheds to housing Injection moulding
Visible Discharge Voltage (PF) 9 KV
No of weather sheds (min) Three
Type of Sheds Aerodynamic
Dia of bottom and fitting 20 mm
Thread length of bottom end fitting 150 mm (Min)
Type of Packing As per spec requirement
No of insulator in each pack Thirty
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The total quantity to be purchased for JVVNL is as under:


11 KV Polymer Composite Pin Insulator

1. 2,00,000

The quantity indicated above is provisional and the purchaser reserves the
right of revising the same at the time of placing the order.
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Prices are “FIRM”

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A Govt. of Rajasthan Undertaking
Prescribed technical specification for supply of

(Name of Material/Equipment/Machinery/T&P etc.)

S.No. Technical specification Name of IS/other Other particulars

to which material/equipment/ standard specification if any.
Machinery/T&P shall confirm to which material should

IEC 62217-2012, IEC- 60383 / IS 731,
11 KV Polymer Composite IEC-60060-1/IS:2071
Pin Insulators IEC-60120, 60372/IS:2486, IEC-60575,
IEC-60815/ IS:13134, IEC:60433,
STRI Guide 1.92/, CISPR:18.2 Part2, 1
IEC-60437 / IS:8263,
ANSIC29.13-2000, ISO:1459,1461/IS:4759,
ISO:2178/IS:3203, IS:2633, ASTMD578-05,
ASTME 1131-03, IS:4699.REC

For galvanization of metallic parts IS:2633/1972(Latest amendments)

Certified that we agree to all the aforesaid technical specification except at S.No……. for which our
technical specification shall be as under:-

S.No. Technical specification Name of IS/other Other particulars

to which material/equipment/ standard specification if any.
Machinery/T&P shall confirm to which material should

Name & Designation with seal of the bidder.
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11 KV Composite Polymer Pin Insulator


The bidder should fulfill following qualifying requirements for successful participation in
the tender along with relevant documentary evidence supporting each qualifying requirement
without which the offer shall be considered non-responsive & rejected.


a) The bidder should be a Manufacturer of offered items. The offers from sole
selling agent/ authorized dealers shall not be entertained.

b) Old/ New suppliers:- Any bidder located within or outside the state of Rajasthan
has participated for the first time in a particular Discom & meeting minim um
qualification requirement and has supplied the tendered material/or of higher
rating in other utility shall be treated as an old supplier. Rajasthan’s firms
although supplied in past but not meeting minimum quantity supplied criterion
including altogether new units which have not supplied any quantity but having
adequate & required manufacturing and testing facility and technical know-how of
the tendered material shall be considered as new firms and would be eligible for
trial order only. In case of supply made to the licensed power utility outside India,
the C.A. certificate furnished by firm shall be considered.


The bidder shall meet both past supply and performance criteria as detailed below
for opening of tenders:-


2.01.1 The bidder is required to quote for minimum 10% of tendered quantity failing
which their offer may be considered Non-Responsive.

2.01.2 The bidder should have designed, manufactured / fabricated, tested and supplied
to utility / Discoms / Govt. Departments at least 2 X QQ (QQ being the quoted
quantity) of similar item / higher rating of tendered material / equipment in last 3
financial years from the date of opening of technical-commercial bid.

Note: Requirement of quantity manufactured, minimum quantity to be offered and

amount of Bank Guarantee to be furnished in absence of test certificate shall be
reduced to 25% for Rajasthan based units.
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2.01.3 In support of fulfillment of the past supply criteria, the bidder shall furnish
documentary evidence in the form of certificate from Chartered Accountant in the
enclosed prescribed proforma only. This prescribed proforma should be furnished
either in original or copy duly attested by Notary. The bidder shall also sign and

affix seal on the C.A. Certificate. The certificate should have membership number
with the name & address of the chartered accountant. Certificate should clearly
indicate the quantity supplied, period of supply, voltage Class, Rating of the
Transformer etc. in the format prescribed, any deviation to format or information
diverted format, will not be considered and rejected.

Note:-The material supplied and accepted for same/higher rating for Turnkey
projects to a licensed power utility/Govt. shall be considered for the purpose of
evaluating criteria. The certificate given by C.A. shall indicate above quantity


2.02.1 i) If a bidder has supplied up to 50% of ordered quantity in previous tender up to

date of opening of subsequent tender and scheduled delivery period expired, the
bid of such bidder will not be opened in the Discom for that item.

ii) However, if the supplies have been completed for a quantity more than 50% but
not completed up to date of opening of subsequent tender and scheduled delivery
period expired, the quantity equal to the quantity pending in previous tender for
that item shall be reduced from the subsequent tender quantity to be allocated to
the bidder.


3.01 The bidder shall furnish valid and authenticated type test certificates from a Govt.
approved/ a Govt. recognized/ NABL accredited laboratory/ ILAC i.e. International
Laboratory Accredited laboratory / ILAC i.e International Laboratory Accreditation
Corporation ( In case of foreign laboratory) of similar rating and design of
tendered material/ equipment. Such type test certificates should not be older than
5 years as on the date of bid opening. For this purpose date of conducting type
test will be considered.

The type test certificate by in house laboratory of tendering firm even if it is a

Govt. approved / Govt. recognized / NABL accredited / ILAC accredited, shall not
be accepted, in case of their own tender. This will not apply if tendering firm is
Govt. company / public Sector undertaking.

3.02 The bidder should furnish documentary evidence in support of the laboratory
whose type test have been furnished,

3.03 The type test certificates shall be furnished either in original or copy duly attested
by notary.
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3.04 The bids of only those bidders shall be considered to be meeting the type test
criteria who furnishes complete type test certificate with the bid as per above

However, in the following cases the bid of the bidder may be considered meeting
the type test criteria if the bidder furnishes an undertaking stating that valid type
test certificate from a Govt. approved/ a Govt. recognized/ NABL accredited
laboratory/ ILAC i.e. International Laboratory Accredited laboratory / ILAC i.e
International Laboratory Accreditation Corporation ( In case of foreign laboratory)
shall be furnished from first lot (without asking any delivery extension) along with
bank guarantee with the technical bid from a Nationalized / Scheduled Bank in
prescribed proforma at Schedule-III C or DD/ Pay Order amounting to
Rs.5,00,000/-.(Five Lac Only). The initial validity of Bank Guarantee shall be nine
months with claim period of three months in addition.

i) Where a new Rajasthan based firm is participating & is technically competent.

ii) Where one or more type tests) is/ are older than 5 years.

iii) Where Rajasthan / outside Rajasthan firm furnishes requisite type test reports
of higher rating material.


The bidders who have been black listed or with whom business relations have
been severed in any of the state Discom shall not be considered. Severment of
business relations will be done in case of following circumstances for the period
and with the recovery mentioned against each:

i) When vendor does not accept Forfeiture of EMD/cancellation of vendor

order awarded on its accepted registration to recover amount of EMD along
price and terms and conditions with severment of business relations for three
or does not comply with years from the date of issue of order.
contractual formalities.
ii) When vendor complies with Levy of maximum recovery on account of
contractual formalities but does delay in delivery along with severment of
not commence supplies. relations for a period of 2 years from the date
of issue of order or in next two bids whichever
is later along with forfeiture of EMD /
cancellation of vendor registration.

5.0 (A) Black listing of a firm:

After having given Show Cause Notice of 30 days, and having established & cogent
reasons for blacklisting of the firm as given below, the firm should immediately be
blacklisted for a period of 5 years indicating reasons of doing so, in the letter itself, and
a copy of such blacklisting should be given to the firm, with the approval of CLPC:-
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(i) There are sufficient and strong reasons to believe that the supplier or his employee
has been guilty of malpractices such as manhandling/misbehavior with Government
official by supplier or his partner/employee, bribery, corruption or abatement of such a
offence in a position where he could corrupt Nigam ’s official, fraud, vitiating fair tender

process including substitution of or interpolation in tender, mis-representation, pilfer-

aging or unauthorized use or disposal of Nigam’s material issued for specific work etc.
(ii) Where a supplier or his partner or his representative has been convicted by a court
of Law for offences involving moral turpitude in relation to the business dealing or
where security considerations including suspected disloyalty to the Nigam/state so
warrant the blacklisting.
(iii) If the State Bureau of Investigation or any other authorized investigating agency
recommends for blacklisting after completing the investigation.

Note: - 1 If a supplier after having tendered for a supply or after negotiations gives
application voluntarily vitiating the fair tendering process, it shall also tantamount to

Note:-2 A register containing the reasons for blacklisting the supplier as also the
names of all the partner of the suppliers and the allied concerns coming within the
effective influence of the blacklisted supplier will be maintained.

Note: - 3 A register of black listed supplier will be maintained which will not only include
suppliers enlisted with the Enlisting Authority but also black listed suppliers in Nigam.

Note :-4 A Black listed supplier (i) shall not be entitled for registration in any of the
Discom (ii) shall not be awarded any supply order in future in any Discom during the
notified period.(iii) his registration if any shall stand cancelled immediately and his
registration security /EMD/S.D. shall stand forfeited. (iv) In case of blacklisting of the
firm by any one of Discom for the cogent prescribed reason(s) as stipulated above, the
same shall be applicable to all the three Discoms and as a consequence of
blacklisting, all the pending orders to that firm, will be cancelled in all three (3) Discoms
with immediate effect. However in respect of completed/executed contract G.P.
obligations as well as other liabilities shall be fulfilled by the supplier.

(B) Severement of Business relation:

(a) After having given Show Cause Notice of 30 days, and having established & cogent
reasons for Severment of business relation as given below, the firm should
immediately be severed the business relations for a period of 2 to 3 years indicating
reasons of doing so, in the letter itself, and a copy of such severment should be given
to the firm, with the approval of CLPC:-
(i) The supplier continuously refuses to pay Nigam dues without showing adequate
reasons and where the purchasing authority is satisfied that no reasonable dispute
attracting reference to Settlement Committee or Court of Law exists for the supplier’s
action of non-supply.
(ii) When vendor does not accept LOI/detailed purchase order awarded on its accepted
prices and terms & conditions or does not comply with the contractual formalities.
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(iii) When vendor/supplier who otherwise completed contractual formalities but does
not commence supplies on the date of opening of technical bid of the fresh
tender/completion of schedule delivery period whichever is later.

Note-1-In case supplier does not deposit outstanding dues towards Nigam, even after
completion of severment period, the period of severment will continue.

2. Severment done purely/ mainly on account of non-deposition of dues against the

supplier/vendor/contractor could be lifted by CLPC, if the dues are deposited prior to
the expiry of such severment period.

3. Severment done by one Discom for non-supply of material and /or corresponding
non-recovery of dues will not be effective in other Discoms except in respect of
common purchase cases of three Discom.

4. On severment of business, the EMD/SD/vendor registration security will be forfeited.

5. The orders in execution satisfactorily will not be cancelled other than the order on
which severment have been done.


Reasons on which Debarment can be made:-

(i) The competent authority may debar the supplier on account of his performance or
other disabilities, if it is no longer considered fit to remain under vendor registration as
per his obligation under vendor registration.
(ii) If at any subsequent stage of inspection of firms after award of contract, it is found
that firm does not have sufficient tech. staff or required/necessary technical
equipments, the purchasing authority can debar the firm for one year or next tenders
whichever is later. The debarment will be lifted only on re-inspection of firm’s works;
the defects noticed earlier are fully rectified to the satisfaction of Nigam .
(iii) When contract agreement executed and supplies commenced but could supply
only up to 50% of ordered quantity and scheduled delivery period expired, then the
firm can be debarred for one year or next tender whichever is later in that Discom only
for that particular item/rating/ capacity/size etc.
(iv) The suppliers who have been awarded contract for supply of material is not
adhering to the periodic delivery schedule, the contract awarding authority reserve the
right to terminate the contract and may debar the firm in participating in tender for a
period of 2 to 3 years.
Note:-1. On debarment, the EMD/ SD/Vendor Registration security shall be forfeited.
Note:-. 2. If the firm is debarred in one Discom for any reasons then the same should
not be applicable in other Discom subject to exception that in case of common
Discoms purchases such debarment of a firm would be applicable to all three Discoms
for that particular item and rating/capacity/size etc.


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Appeal against the order of blacklisting, severment and debarment can be filed before
BOD within a period of 3 months from the date of intimation. The letter of appeal will be
addressed to the order placing authority. Who will process the case for placing the
matter in B.O.D. with in a period 60 days. The BOD may reduce or waive the penalty, if
sufficient reasons/supporting documents are furnished by the supplier.


I) The bidder shall clearly indicate the deviations such as `Technical Deviation &
Commercial Deviations’ in the prescribed Performa only. The deviations indicated
elsewhere in the bid shall not be accepted.

II) The bidder must clearly fill up each and every particular of guaranteed technical
particulars annexed with Technical Specifications otherwise he will be responsible for
Technical Non-responsiveness.

III) All documents required in the prescribed format are to be furnished along with the bid
itself only except an attested copy of BIS license (wherever it is required), failing which
the bid will be summarily rejected.

IV) However, a copy of BIS License may be submitted by the bidder up to the official
working hours of one working day prior to the schedule / notified date of opening of
price bid.

V) The date of conducting type test shall be before the date of opening of
Technical Bid. The date of issuing of type Test Bank Guarantee in lieu of non-
furnishing of Type Test reports shall be before the date of opening of
technical bid & the Type Test BG issued on or after opening of technical bid
shall not be accepted.
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(On Rajasthan Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of Rajasthan State of 0.25% of the B.G
value or Rs. 25,000/- , whichever is less)


The Superintending Engineer (MM-I),

Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited,
Old Powe House Premises,
Near Ram Mandir, Banipark,

Dear Sir,

Whereas Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited , Jaipur ( hereinafter called the
purchaser) has issued a bid enquiry under TN……. for procurement of
……………………………………………. ( Name of material) .

Whereas M/s …………………………………………….. (hereinafter called the

bidder ) has furnish a bid for supply of ………….. to The Superintending Engineer
(MM-I), Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited, Jaipur or his Nominated officer (s) .

Whereas in accordance with the provision of the specification of the afore said
TN…….. , the bidder can deposit a bank guarantee in lieu of the requirement of
furnishing the type test certificates.

Whereas M/s ...................( the bidder) have requested us (Name of the Bank) to
furnish the bank guarantee in lieu of the type test certificate for an amount equivalent
to Rs ....................... ( in words also) only.

Under this Bank Guarantee , we (Name of the Bank) hereby undertake

unconditionally and irrevocably to guarantee as primary obligator and not as Surety
merely, the payment to the purchaser on his first demand without whatsoever right of
objection on our part and without his first claim to the bidder in the amount not
exceeding ( amount of guarantee in figures and words).
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Payment pursuant to this undertaking will be demanded by the purchaser from
the Bank and will be met by the Bank without question in the case in which the bidder
, on receipt of the order and / or after the acceptance of this bid, makes default in
furnishing the required type test certificates. Also whether the occasion or ground has
arisen for such demand the decision of The Superintending Engineer (MM-I), Jaipur
Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited, shall be final.

The liability of the Bank shall not at any time exceed Rs……………….
( Rupees .................. ).

The undertaking will be determined on but will not withstanding such

determination, continue to be in force till the expiry of 3 months from that date.

No indulgence or grant of time by the purchaser to the bidder without the

acknowledgement of the Bank will discharge the liabilities of the Bank under this

The guarantee herein contained shall not be affected by any change in the
constitution of the bidder.

All disputes arising under the said guarantee between the Bank and the bidder
or between the bidder and the purchaser pertaining to the guarantee shall be subject
to the jurisdiction of Courts only at JAIPUR in Rajasthan.

The bank further undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency
except with the previous consent of the The Superintending Engineer (MM-I),Jaipur
,Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited, Jaipur.

Notwithstanding anything contained herein before, the Bank’s liability under this
guarantee i.e restricted to Rs .............................(Rupees .................. ) and the guarantee
shall remain in force upto …………………. Unless demand or claim in writing is
presented on the Bank within three months from that date, the bank shall be released
and discharged from all liabilities thereunder. However, the validity of the bank
guarantee shall be extended as and when required by the purchaser.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the bank has executed these presents the day
…………. month……………. and year…………….

Yours faithfully,

( Bankers)


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ITEM- 11 KV Composite Polymer Pin Insulator

Must be filled in by the bidder and attached with Technical Bid (Part-I)


The Superintending Engineer (MM-I),

Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited,

Dear Sir,
With reference to your invitation to bid against specification No. JPD/SE/MM-I/TN-4817 , we agree to
supply the following quantity :

S. Particulars of Bided Qty. Justification of Status of

No. Items Quantity Offered quantity offered as Type Test
per Qualifying Certificates.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
1 11 KV Composite 2,00,000
Polymer Pin Insulator Nos.

1. The offer is valid for a period of 120 days from the next date of opening of this bid.

2. The prices are “FIRM”

3. It is noted that the quantity as mentioned in the specification are approximate and we agree to
supply any quantity as per your requirement.

4. The delivery shall strictly be in accordance with our delivery schedule as given in Schedule-VIII of
this specification. In case we fail to deliver the materials as indicated in the clause No.1.23 of GCC
(Section-II), we are liable to pay recovery for delay in delivery as per clause No.1.24 of this
Schedule-II of this specification.
The material shall conform to your specification No.JPD/SE/MM-I)/ TN-4817 and as per relevant
ISS in all respect.
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5. We confirm that we agree to all the terms & conditions as well as the technical stipulation of your
specification No.JPD/SE/MM-I/TN-4817 and there are no deviations other than as specified in the
Schedule-VI (A & B).

Yours faithfully,

Signature of bidder with stamp




(To be filled containing Technical Offer)

Sl. Description 11KV P OLY ME R


1. Name of Manufacturer
2. Address:
(a) registered Office
(b) Factory
3. Type of Insulators
4. Standard specification to which the Insulators manufactured
and tested
5. Name of material used in manufacture of the Insulator
(with class / grade)
(a) Material of core rod
i. E-Glass of ECR Glass
ii. Boom Content
(b) Material of Housing & weather sheds (silicon content by
(c) Material of end fittings : GI Pin

(d) Sealing compound for end fitting

6. Colour of Insulator

7. Electrical Characteristics:

(a) Nominal System Voltage (KV rms)

(b) Highest System Voltage (KV rms)

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(c) Dry power frequency withstand (KV rms)

(d) Wet power frequency withstand (KV rms)

(e) Dry flash over voltage (KV rms)

(f) Wet flash over voltage (KV rms)

(g) Dry lighting impulse withstand voltage

(a) Positive

(b) Negative

(h) Dry lighting impulse flashover voltage

(a) Positive (KV peak)

(b) Negative (KV peak)

RIV at 1 MHz when energized at 10 kV (rms) under dry condition

(i) (microvolt)
(j) Creepage distance (min) mm
k) Visible Discharge Test
8. Mechanical Characteristics:
Minimum failing load (KN)
9. Dimensions of Insulator:
i. Weight (Kg.)
ii. Dia of FRP rod (mm)
iii. Length of FRP rod (mm)
iv. Dia of weather sheds (mm)
v. Thickness of housing (mm)
vi. Dry arc distance (mm)
10. Dimensional drawings of Insulator (including weight with
tolerances in weight)
11. Method of fixing of sheds to housing specify ):- single mould
or modular construction (injection moulding)
12. No. of weather sheds
13. Sectional Length
14. Type of sheds
(i) Aerodynamic
(ii) With under ribs
15. Dia of Bottom end fitting
16. Thread length of bottom end fitting
17. Weight of composite insulator
18. Packing details
(a) Type of packing.
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(b) No. of Insulators in each pack
(c) Weight of insulator
(d ) Gross weight of package
19. Marking
20. Any other particulars which the bidder may like to give.
21. E Mail ID

NOTE: If any particulars of specification which is not covered in requisite GTPs that may be taken from
concerned IS/ IEC specification/ standards.

Name & Designation with seal of the bidder.

Schedule – V(B)


A Govt. of Rajasthan Undertaking

Statement of guaranteed technical particulars and other performance data for supply of
……………………………………….. (Name of material) against specification

S.No. Particulars of technical & other performance data guaranteed.

Certified that we agree to all the aforesaid technical particulars and other performance data except
following :-

S.No. Particulars of technical & other Reasons for

Performance data deviations/departure.
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Name & Designation
with seal of the bidder

Schedule – VI (A)


A Govt. of Rajasthan Undertaking

The bidder shall state under this schedule the departure from the Purchaser’s specification in
respect of technical is as under:-

S.No. Main Deviations from Technical Specification.

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Certified that we agree to all the technical specification of the NIT except for the deviation to the extent
indicated above.

Name & Designation
with seal of the bidder.
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Schedule – VI (B)


A Govt. of Rajasthan Undertaking

The bidder shall state under this schedule the departure from the Purchaser’s specification in
respect of Commercial terms & conditions:-

S.No. Main Deviations from Specification.

Certified that we agree to all the commercial terms & conditions as laid down in General Conditions of
Contract to the specification except for the deviation to the extent indicated above.

Name & Designation
with seal of the bidder.
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Schedule – VII


A Govt. of Rajasthan Undertaking

The bidder shall state under this schedule whether material and equipments, similar to those
offered in the bid have been previously supplied by him. A list shall be given of such orders executed
by him together with information regarding the names of purchasing organizations, quantities supplied
and when the supplies were effected. This list should be in form given below:-
S.No. Detailed particulars Qty Order No. Name & details Date of
of items supplied & Date of purchasing authority Completion
1 2 3 4 5 6

If executed partially whether still Delivery Remarks

to be mentioned to be executed stipulated in
(qty.) order
7 8 9 10

Note: Separate schedules are to be furnished by the bidder for past supply to the JVVNL, Jaipur other
State Electricity Boards and other Departments /Organizations.

Name & Designation
with seal of the bidder.
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TN-4817 Schedule-VII-A


This is to certify that M/s. (Complete with address)

have manufactured and supplied the goods/ equipments/ material during the following
financial year(s) to the Electrical Utilities/ Government Departments/ Discoms/ SEBs as
detailed out below:

S. Financia Detailed Name & Order Unit Ordered Actual Remarks

No l year in particular particular No. & Supplied Up
which s of s of Date to
material item(s) purchasi against Qty Value Qty Value
supplied supplied ng which (Rs.) (Rs.)
authority item(s)

Signature Signature of C.A.

Name & Designation Name:

With Seal of the Bidder Address
Place Membership No.

The above particulars are true and correct based on explanations, records and books of
accounts produced before us. Further the above certificate issued on the request of the

CA Firm( )

Note:- The CA Certificate should be furnished on the letter head of CA and must be
signed by the bidder and C.A. firm. The details i.e. address of C.A. & membership No.
shall clearly be mentioned on C.A. certificate. In case C.A. certificate is not signed by
the bidder/furnished without membership No. & address of C.A. then same may not be
considered for which responsibility rests with the bidder.
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Schedule – VIII
A Govt. of Rajasthan Undertaking
The delivery schedule of the material by the Purchase Officer is as mentioned hereunder:-
S.No. Particulars Commencement Rate of supply Period for completion
of Material period per Month. per Month of delivery of entire



In case bidder deviates from the delivery schedule mentioned by the purchaser in Part-A then the
delivery schedule shall be indicated/mentioned by the bidder as under:-

S.No. Particulars Commencement Rate of supply Period for completion

of Material period per Month. per Month of delivery of entire

Note: 1. During the commencement period the process of model assembly and
submission of B.O.M. for approval shall be got completed.
2. During the commencement period the contractual formalities shall be got

Name & Designation with seal of the bidder.
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Schedule – IX


A Govt. of Rajasthan Undertaking
List of Equipments and Technical Hands Available with the Firm
(To be filled in by the bidders & enclosed with the bid)

Manufacturers and / or their authorized agents who are quoting against this bid are requested to
furnish the following information along-with the bid. The Purchaser will have the discretion to ignore
the bid without the under noted particulars and/or ignore the bid particulars.

1. Name and Address of Manufacturer.

2. Place where works exist.
3. Details of machinery particularly with B.H.P. of each item installed.
4. Details of staff employed in the works.
5. Date when started the manufacturing of item under reference.
6. List of items manufactured.
7. Literature and drawings of items manufactured showing their description, size, design and other
important technical particulars.
8. Details of order so far, executed alongwith the names of organization to whom supplied.
9. Manufacturing capacity.
10. Is the workshop open for inspection by the representative of the board, if required?
11. Statement of financial resources and Banking Reference alongwith Balance-Sheet for previous
two years.
12. Testing facilities available for the manufactured articles in the testing laboratory of works.
13. Whether the Firm is a small/medium/large scale industry.
14. Registration No. with :-
i. Small Scale, National/State.
ii. DGTD
iii. State Industries Department.

Name & Designation
with seal of the bidder.
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Last Date & time for down 03.08.2021 upto 5.00 PM

loading of tenders

Last Date & time for 03.08.2021 upto 5:00 PM

submitting of tenders

Date of opening of tenders 04.08.2021 at 2:30 PM

Cost of Specification Rs. 2950.00 (Rs. Two Thousand Nine

Hundred Fifty only) (non-refundable)
(50% for MSME bidders)
Rs. 1180.00 ( Rs. One Thousand One
Tender Processing fees
Hundred Eighty only) (non-refundable)
120 days from the next date of opening of
Techno commercial bid.
BID SECURITY TO BE Bid security Declaration in view of order dated
DEPOSITED 18.12.20 of Finance Department as per
enclosed Appendix-A.

In lieu of Bid security, bidders are required to furnish Form of Bid Securing
Declaration (Appendix-A on Rajasthan Non-judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 50/
(excluding surcharge on Stamp Paper, as per rules). Above Declaration should be
furnished in favour of Procuring entity and which should be deposited in the
Accounts Section of this office upto 2.00 p.m. of one WORKING day prior to
Schedule date of opening of respective bid and receipt of the same should be
uploaded by the bidder along with its tender.
--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. The bids not accompanied with qualification requirement , technical requirement
indicated in the specification and other requirement given here under will be considered
as incomplete offer and sufficient grounds for offer to be passed over:
i) Capacity, capability and competency proofing documents.
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a) Capacity /orders of similar and higher rating of tendered equipment booked as on date
of biding with type and rating and construction details of equipment for which order
received be indicated.
b) Copy of purchase orders of Erstwhile RSEB /SEB`S / Electric Utilities / Govt. Departments /
Discoms for similar or higher rating equipment latest executed.

ii) Year wise past experience for last 5 years of similar or higher rating of tendered equipment.

iii) The details of testing facilities available at the works and copies of latest type test certificates,
carried out on similar ITEM.

iv) Quality assurance plan.

v) Complete guaranteed technical particulars, out lines and general arrangement drawings
along with Bill of Material.

2. Bids without Section-I, II, III & Schedules (I to X) shall be rejected.

3. Bids shall be furnished in single copy.

4. JVVNL has the right to reject any offer on the basis of track record of poor performance
in execution of previous order / equipment supplied /after sales service while
evaluating the Techno-Commercial bid.

5. JVVNL reserves the right to accept minor deviations in standard terms and conditions and also
in technical and constructional features as specified in the technical specification (Section-

6. Deviation of any kind shall not be quoted in BOQ (Bill of quantity) , if found quoted, the same
shall be ignored.

7. The following facilities are to be provided by the supplier at his own cost to the inspecting officer
of Nigam (JVVNL).

i) Suitable accommodation.
ii) Local conveyance between arrival point, place of stay, works and departure point.
iii) The supplier shall assist in arranging return ticket and reservation on the request of the
inspecting officer for which the payment shall be made by the inspecting officer. In case of joint
inspection, single or shared double room accommodation shall be provided.

Name & Designation
with seal of the bidder.
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Appendix -A-I

1) Wherever EMD and Security Bank Guarantee (SBG), are appearing in the
ITB, GCC & other Bidding Documents, same is hereby replaced by BID
SECURITY as under:-


In lieu of Bid security, bidders are required to furnish Form of Bid Securing Declaration
(Appendix-A on Rajasthan Non-judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 50/ (excluding surcharge on
Stamp Paper, as per rules). Above Declaration should be furnished in favour of
Procuring entity and which should be deposited in the Accounts Section of this office
upto 2.00 p.m. of one WORKING day prior to Schedule date of opening of respective
bid and receipt of the same should be uploaded by the bidder along with its tender.

2) Wherever Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) and Composite Bank

Guarantee (CBG) are appearing in the ITB, GCC & other Bidding Documents,
same are hereby replaced by PERFORMANCE SECURITY as under:-


The Performance security wherever appearing in the tender document may be read as

(a) 2.5%, or as may be specified in the bidding documents, of the amount of supply order
in case of procurement of goods and services and 3% of the amount of work order, in
case of procurement of works;
(b) 0.5% of the amount of quantity ordered for supply of goods, in case of Small Scale
Industries or MSME units of Rajasthan; and
(c) 1% of the amount of supply order, in case of sick industries, other than Small Scale
Industries, whose cases are pending before the Board of Industrial and Financial
Reconstruction (BIFR); and

In case of successful bidder, the amount of bid security may be adjusted in arriving at
the amount of the performance security, or refunded if the successful bidder furnishes
the full amount of performance security.

The relaxation/exemption given to the registered vendors of the Nigam in
respect of EMD/SBG, wherever appearing in the ITB, GCC & other Bidding
documents, are hereby WITHDRAWN.
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4) The indirect taxes i.e. Excise Duty, Service Tax, VAT/CST, Entry Tax etc.
mentioned in G.C.C., may now be read as G.S.T.
5) The GST will be charge extra at the prevailing rate on all the settlement fees as
applicable and amended time to time.
6) Addendum in the provision of Instruction to bidder (ITB) in the clause No.
1.12.2 for quantity allocation as per award criteria of purchase manual in
accordance to the clause no. 74 of RTPP rules:

1.12.2(A) for quantity allocation

(i) Trial order under Para No. 22.17 (a) & (b) of purchase manual

(a) Any bidder located within or outside the state of Rajasthan has participated for the first
time in a particular Discom & meeting minimum qualification requirement and has
supplied the tendered material/or of higher rating in other utility shall be treated as an old
supplier. Rajasthan's firms although supplied in past but not meeting minimum quantity
supplied criterion including altogether new units which have not supplied any quantity but
having adequate & required manufacturing and testing facility and technical know-how of
the tendered material shall be considered as new firms and would be eligible for trial
order only. In case of supply made to the licensed power utility out side India, the C.A.
certificate furnished by firm shall be considered.
Note: - The material supplied and accepted for same/higher rating for turnkey project(s)
to a licensed power utility/Govt. shall be considered for the purpose of evaluating criteria.
The certificate given by C.A. shall indicate above quantity separately.

(b) (i) The trial order for a particular item shall not generally exceed 10 % of the total
quantity considered for placement of order. This ceiling may, however, be relaxed by the
corporate level purchase committee up to the extent of 30 %, to take the advantage of
lower price where situation of differential prices offering is arising.

(ii) The capacity & capability assessment of a bidder located outside state of Rajasthan
who otherwise qualifies but is participating for the first time shall not be carried out.
Similarly, For the tendered item(s) where the valid BIS license is an essential qualification
requirement and the bidder possesses the valid BIS but new to the utility. The
capacity/capability assessment of such a bidder shall also not be carried out.

(ii) Award criteria under Para No. 10.2 (iii) of purchase manual

(a) In case of distribution transformers of rating 40 KVA and below, LT cables & conductors
and fabricated steel items, order quantity may be distributed in the following manner: -
20% to L1
15% to L2
10% to L3
05% to L4

50% to be distributed equally among other firms subject to the condition that not more
than 5% of the quantity to be purchased will be allotted to any one of such firms. The
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balance, if any will be distributed in the same proportion as indicated above among the
first four firms.

(b) In case of other items except poles, order quantity may be distributed in the following
40% to L1
20% to L2
10% to L3
06% to L4

The balance quantity may be equally distributed among other firms subject to the
condition that not more than 4% of the quantity to be purchased will be allotted to any
such firm. The balance, if any, will be distributed in the same proportion as indicted above
the first four firms.

(c) In case of poles, the order may be awarded on the basis of landed cost (material and
transportation taken together). The allocation of quantity location/destination wise may be
made among the eligible firms in equal proportion as far as possible.
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AMENDMENT (Dt. 22.03.2020)
Including Amendment dt. 15.10.2020 and 15.12.2020
The various clauses wherever appearing in the Instructions to Bidders (ITB),
General Conditions of Contract (GCC), Technical Specifications, Qualification
Requirements, various Schedules etc., are hereby amended to the extent as

1) The purchaser reserves the right for reducing the quantity indicated in the Bid
Document at the time of placing the order, looking to the existing requirement &
availability at that time.

2) A Bidder debarred under section 46 of the Act shall not be eligible to participate in any
procurement process undertaken by ‐

(a) any Procuring Entity, if debarred by the State Government; and

(b) a Procuring Entity if debarred by such procuring Entity.

3) The contract agreement must be submitted to the purchasing authority within 15 days
of receipt of Purchase Order.


i. If any Bidder or prospective bidder is aggrieved that any decision, action or omission of
the procuring entity is in contravention to the provisions of this Act or the rules or
guidelines issued there under, he may file 1st & 2nd appeal under section 38 of RTPP
Act-2012 to the following appeal authorities within a period of ten days from the
date of such decision or action, omission, as the case may be, clearly giving
the specific ground or grounds on which he feels aggrieved:
Sr. Type of Appeal Name & Designation of appellate
1 First appeal
a) For purchase Cases of Chairman & Managing Director, Rajasthan
Corporate Level Purchase Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd, Vidyut
Committee. Bhawan, Jaipur.
b) For purchase cases of Zonal / Managing Director, Jaipur Vidyut Vitran
CE Level Nigam Limited, Vidyut Bhawan, Jaipur.
c) For purchase cases upto Circle The Zonal Chief Engineer, Jaipur Vidyut
Level) Vitran Nigam Limited
2 Second appeal Energy Department, Government of

ii) The form of appeal shall be as per Rule 83 of RTPP Rules, 2013 and memorandum of
appeal shall be filled as per form-1 as prescribed under RTPP Rules, 2013.
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Fee for appeal: - Subject to rule 84 of the RTTP Rule 2013 the fee shall be as under:-
a. For First Appeal:- Rs. 2,500/- (Rupees Two Thousand Five Hundred Only)+GST.
b. For Second Appeal:- Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand Only)+GST.

iii) It is further intimated that the fee shall be paid in the form of Demand Draft of
Bankers Cheque of a Scheduled Bank payable in the name of Accounts Officer (MM),
JVVNL, Jaipur.

iv) Provided that after the declaration of a Bidder as successful the appeal may be filed
only by a Bidder who has participated in procurement proceedings:

v) Provided further that in case a Procuring Entity evaluates the Technical Bids before the
opening of the Financial Bids, an appeal related to the matter of Financial Bids may be
filed only by a Bidder whose Technical Bid is found to be acceptable.

vi) The officer to whom an appeal is filed under para (1) shall deal with the appeal as
expeditiously as possible and shall endeavour to dispose it of within thirty days from
the date of the appeal.

vii) If the officer designated under para (1) fails to dispose of the appeal filed within the
period specified in para (2), or if the Bidder or prospective bidder or the Procuring
Entity is aggrieved by the order passed by the First Appellate Authority, the Bidder or
prospective bidder or the Procuring Entity, as the case may be, may file a second
appeal to Second Appellate Authority specified in the Bidding Document in this behalf
within fifteen days from the expiry of the period specified in para (2) or of the date of
receipt of the order passed by the First Appellate Authority, as the case may be.
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(On Rajasthan Non-Judicial Stamp Paper worth Rs.50/- + Surcharge on Stamp
Paper as per rules)
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Bidsders are requested to furnish following details:

1. Name of Firm :

2. Office Address :

3. Work’s Address :

4. Email Address :

5. Phone / Mobile No. :

6. Fax No. :

7. Name of Firm’s representative :

8. Contact No. of Firm’s representative :

9. Whether you are covered in MSME Scheme :

(If yes provide supporting documents / evidence)

10. GST IN :-

11. For releasing Payment through NEFT/RTGS provide following details :-

(i) Name of Account Holder:

(ii) Name of Bank & Branch Address:

(iii) Account No. :

(iv) IFSC Code:

11. Whether the firm has been black listed or business relation with the firm has
been severed with AVVNL/ JdVVNL/ JVVNL under any Tender. If yes, provide
the details.
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Appendix -2



1 Account No. 51093320896

2 Account Holder Name Accounts Officer(MM)
State Bank of India ,
3. Bank Name & Branch Collectorate Branch , Jaipur
4. IFS Code SBIN0031026
Phone No. of Sr. Accounts Officer
5. 0141-2202608
(MM), JVVNL, Jaipur
Email ID of Sr. Accounts Officer
6. [email protected]
(MM) , JVVNL, Jaipur

NOTE: Bidder will submit Unique Transaction Reference (UTR) Number in support of
their payment to AO (MM), JVVNL, Jaipur.
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Form B
Format of Affidavit for MSME Unit.
(On non- judicial Stamp Paper of Rs.100/- attested by Notary Public /First Class Magistrate)

I, S/o Aged Year residing at

Proprietor / Partner/ Director of M/s. do hereby solemnly affirm
and declare that:

(a) My /Our above noted enterprise M/s. has been issued

acknowledgement of Entrepreneurial memorandum Part-II by the District Industries
Center, The acknowledgement No. is dated and has been issued for manufacture
of following items:
(b) My/our above noted Acknowledgement of entrepreneurial memorandum Part-II has
not been cancelled or withdrawn by the Industries Department and that the
enterprise is regularly manufacturing the above items.

(a) My/our enterprise is having all the requisite plant and machinery and is fully
equipped to manufacture the above noted items.
(b) The present status of the firm is as per acknowledgement of Entrepreneurial
Memorandum Part-II issued on date by the District Industries Center, .

Place Signature of Proprietor/Director

Authorized Signatory with Stamp and Date


I, S/o Aged Year residing at -

Proprietor /Partner/Director of M/s. verify and confirm that the contents at
(a),(b),(c) & (d) above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing has been
concealed therein . so, help me God.

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Declaration by the Bidder

In relation to my/ our bid submitted to SE (MM-I) For procurement of 11 KV Polymer

Composite Pin Insulator In response to their notice inviting bids No. 4817 Dated ……………
I/We here by declare under section 7 of Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act,
2012, that : -

1. I/We possess the necessary professional, technical, financial and managerial

resources and competence required by the bidding document issued by the procuring

2. I/We have fulfilled my/ our obligation to pay such of the taxes payable to the Union
and the State Government or any local authority as specified in the bidding document.

3. I/We are not insolvent, in receivership, bankrupt or being wound up, not have my/ our
affairs administered by a court or a judicial officer, not have my/ our business activities
suspended and not the subject of legal proceeding for any of the foregoing reasons.

4. I/We do not have, and our directors and officers not have, been convicted of any
criminal offence related to my/ our professional conduct or the making of false
statements or misrepresentations as to my/ our qualifications to enter into a
procurement contract within a period of three years preceding the commencement of
this procurement process, or not have been otherwise disqualified pursuant to
debarment proceedings.

5. I/We do not have a conflict of interest as specified in the Act, Rules and the bidding
document, which materially affects fair competition.

Date : Signature of bidder

Place : Name :
Designation :
Address :
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Declaration by the Bidder

(On Rajasthan Non-Judicial Stamp Paper worth Rs. 100/- + Surcharge on

Stamp Paper duly notarized as per rules)

In relation to my/ our bid submitted to SE (MM-I) JVVNL, Jaipur, for procurement of

___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in response to

their notice inviting bids under TN- ________________ I/We hereby declare that :

“We are qualified, not insolvent, not in receivership, not bankrupt or being wound up,
not have affairs administered by a court or a judicial officers, not have business
activities suspended, not blacklisted or debarred by any utility/ government agency,
not have a conflict of interest”.

Signed_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Name___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

In the capacity of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Duly authorized to sign the bid for an on behalf of:

Dated on __ __ day of __________________

Corporate Seal _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The total quantity to be purchased for JVVNL is as under:


11 KV Polymer Composite Pin Insulator

1. 2,00,000

The quantity indicated above is provisional and the purchaser

reserves the right of revising the same at the time of placing the order.

Prices are “FIRM”



A Govt. of Rajasthan Undertaking
Prescribed technical specification for supply of

(Name of Material/Equipment/Machinery/T&P etc.)

S.No.Technical specification Name of IS/other Other particulars

to which material/equipment/ standard specification if any.
Machinery/T&P shall confirm to which material should
IEC 62217-2012, IEC- 60383 / IS 731,
11 KV Polymer Composite IEC-60060-1/IS:2071
Pin Insulators IEC-60120, 60372/IS:2486, IEC-60575,
IEC-60815/ IS:13134, IEC:60433,
STRI Guide 1.92/, CISPR:18.2 Part2, 1
IEC-60437 / IS:8263,
ANSIC29.13-2000, ISO:1459,1461/IS:4759,
ISO:2178/IS:3203, IS:2633, ASTMD578-05,
ASTME 1131-03, IS:4699.REC

For galvanization of metallic parts IS:2633/1972(Latest amendments)

Certified that we agree to all the aforesaid technical specification except at S.No…….
for which our technical specification shall be as under:-

S.No. Technical specification Name of IS/other Other particulars

to which material/equipment/ standard specification if any.
Machinery/T&P shall confirm to which material should
Name & Designation with seal of the


11 KV Composite Polymer Pin Insulator


The bidder should fulfill following qualifying requirements for successful

participation in the tender along with relevant documentary evidence supporting each
qualifying requirement without which the offer shall be considered non-responsive &


a) The bidder should be a Manufacturer of offered items. The offers from sole
selling agent/ authorized dealers shall not be entertained.

b) Old/ New suppliers:- Any bidder located within or outside the state of
Rajasthan has participated for the first time in a particular Discom & meeting
minimum qualification requirement and has supplied the tendered
material/or of higher rating in other utility shall be treated as an old supplier.
Rajasthan’s firms although supplied in past but not meeting minimum
quantity supplied criterion including altogether new units which have not
supplied any quantity but having adequate & required manufacturing and
testing facility and technical know-how of the tendered material shall be
considered as new firms and would be eligible for trial order only. In case of
supply made to the licensed power utility outside India, the C.A. certificate
furnished by firm shall be considered.


The bidder shall meet both past supply and performance criteria as detailed
below for opening of tenders:-


2.01.1 The bidder is required to quote for minimum 10% of tendered quantity
failing which their offer may be considered Non-Responsive.
2.01.2 The bidder should have designed, manufactured / fabricated, tested and
supplied to utility / Discoms / Govt. Departments at least 2 X QQ (QQ being
the quoted quantity) of similar item / higher rating of tendered material /
equipment in last 3 financial years from the date of opening of technical-
commercial bid.

Note: Requirement of quantity manufactured, minimum quantity to be offered and

amount of Bank Guarantee to be furnished in absence of test certificate
shall be reduced to 25% for Rajasthan based units.

2.01.3 In support of fulfillment of the past supply criteria, the bidder shall furnish
documentary evidence in the form of certificate from Chartered Accountant
in the enclosed prescribed proforma only. This prescribed proforma should
be furnished either in original or copy duly attested by Notary. The bidder
shall also sign and

affix seal on the C.A. Certificate. The certificate should have membership
number with the name & address of the chartered accountant. Certificate
should clearly indicate the quantity supplied, period of supply, voltage Class,
Rating of the Transformer etc. in the format prescribed, any deviation to
format or information diverted format, will not be considered and rejected.

Note:-The material supplied and accepted for same/higher rating for

Turnkey projects to a licensed power utility/Govt. shall be considered for the
purpose of evaluating criteria. The certificate given by C.A. shall indicate
above quantity separately.


2.02.1 i) If a bidder has supplied up to 50% of ordered quantity in previous tender

up to date of opening of subsequent tender and scheduled delivery period
expired, the bid of such bidder will not be opened in the Discom for that

ii) However, if the supplies have been completed for a quantity more than
50% but not completed up to date of opening of subsequent tender and
scheduled delivery period expired, the quantity equal to the quantity pending
in previous tender for that item shall be reduced from the subsequent tender
quantity to be allocated to the bidder.


3.01 The bidder shall furnish valid and authenticated type test certificates from a
Govt. approved/ a Govt. recognized/ NABL accredited laboratory/ ILAC i.e.
International Laboratory Accredited laboratory / ILAC i.e International
Laboratory Accreditation Corporation ( In case of foreign laboratory) of
similar rating and design of tendered material/ equipment. Such type test
certificates should not be older than 5 years as on the date of bid opening.
For this purpose date of conducting type test will be considered.

The type test certificate by in house laboratory of tendering firm even if it is

a Govt. approved / Govt. recognized / NABL accredited / ILAC accredited,
shall not be accepted, in case of their own tender. This will not apply if
tendering firm is Govt. company / public Sector undertaking.

3.02 The bidder should furnish documentary evidence in support of the

laboratory whose type test have been furnished,

3.03 The type test certificates shall be furnished either in original or copy duly
attested by notary.

3.04 The bids of only those bidders shall be considered to be meeting the type
test criteria who furnishes complete type test certificate with the bid as per
above provision.

However, in the following cases the bid of the bidder may be considered
meeting the type test criteria if the bidder furnishes an undertaking stating
that valid type test certificate from a Govt. approved/ a Govt. recognized/
NABL accredited laboratory/ ILAC i.e. International Laboratory Accredited
laboratory / ILAC i.e International Laboratory Accreditation Corporation ( In
case of foreign laboratory) shall be furnished from first lot (without asking
any delivery extension) along with bank guarantee with the technical bid
from a Nationalized / Scheduled Bank in prescribed proforma at Schedule-III
C or DD/ Pay Order amounting to Rs.5,00,000/-.(Five Lac Only). The initial
validity of Bank Guarantee shall be nine months with claim period of three
months in addition.

i) Where a new Rajasthan based firm is participating & is technically


ii) Where one or more type tests) is/ are older than 5 years.

iii) Where Rajasthan / outside Rajasthan firm furnishes requisite type test
reports of higher rating material.


The bidders who have been black listed or with whom business relations
have been severed in any of the state Discom shall not be considered.
Severment of business relations will be done in case of following
circumstances for the period and with the recovery mentioned against each:
i) When vendor does not accept Forfeiture of EMD/cancellation of vendor
order awarded on its accepted registration to recover amount of EMD along
price and terms and conditions with severment of business relations for three
or does not comply with years from the date of issue of order.
contractual formalities.
ii) When vendor complies with Levy of maximum recovery on account of
contractual formalities but does delay in delivery along with severment of
not commence supplies. relations for a period of 2 years from the date
of issue of order or in next two bids whichever
is later along with forfeiture of EMD /
cancellation of vendor registration.

5.0 (A) Black listing of a firm:

After having given Show Cause Notice of 30 days, and having established &
cogent reasons for blacklisting of the firm as given below, the firm should
immediately be blacklisted for a period of 5 years indicating reasons of doing so,
in the letter itself, and a copy of such blacklisting should be given to the firm, with
the approval of CLPC:-
(i) There are sufficient and strong reasons to believe that the supplier or his
employee has been guilty of malpractices such as manhandling/misbehavior with
Government official by supplier or his partner/employee, bribery, corruption or
abatement of such a offence in a position where he could corrupt Nigam’s official,
fraud, vitiating fair tender

process including substitution of or interpolation in tender, mis-representation,

pilfer-aging or unauthorized use or disposal of Nigam’s material issued for
specific work etc.
(ii) Where a supplier or his partner or his representative has been convicted by a
court of Law for offences involving moral turpitude in relation to the business
dealing or where security considerations including suspected disloyalty to the
Nigam/state so warrant the blacklisting.
(iii) If the State Bureau of Investigation or any other authorized investigating
agency recommends for blacklisting after completing the investigation.
Note: - 1 If a supplier after having tendered for a supply or after negotiations
gives application voluntarily vitiating the fair tendering process, it shall also
tantamount to malpractice.

Note:-2 A register containing the reasons for blacklisting the supplier as also the
names of all the partner of the suppliers and the allied concerns coming within
the effective influence of the blacklisted supplier will be maintained.

Note: - 3 A register of black listed supplier will be maintained which will not only
include suppliers enlisted with the Enlisting Authority but also black listed
suppliers in Nigam.

Note :-4 A Black listed supplier (i) shall not be entitled for registration in any of
the Discom (ii) shall not be awarded any supply order in future in any Discom
during the notified period.(iii) his registration if any shall stand cancelled
immediately and his registration security /EMD/S.D. shall stand forfeited. (iv) In
case of blacklisting of the firm by any one of Discom for the cogent prescribed
reason(s) as stipulated above, the same shall be applicable to all the three
Discoms and as a consequence of blacklisting, all the pending orders to that firm,
will be cancelled in all three (3) Discoms with immediate effect. However in
respect of completed/executed contract G.P. obligations as well as other
liabilities shall be fulfilled by the supplier.

(B) Severement of Business relation:

(a) After having given Show Cause Notice of 30 days, and having established &
cogent reasons for Severment of business relation as given below, the firm
should immediately be severed the business relations for a period of 2 to 3 years
indicating reasons of doing so, in the letter itself, and a copy of such severment
should be given to the firm, with the approval of CLPC:-
(i) The supplier continuously refuses to pay Nigam dues without showing
adequate reasons and where the purchasing authority is satisfied that no
reasonable dispute attracting reference to Settlement Committee or Court of Law
exists for the supplier’s action of non-supply.
(ii) When vendor does not accept LOI/detailed purchase order awarded on its
accepted prices and terms & conditions or does not comply with the contractual
(iii) When vendor/supplier who otherwise completed contractual formalities but
does not commence supplies on the date of opening of technical bid of the fresh
tender/completion of schedule delivery period whichever is later.

Note-1-In case supplier does not deposit outstanding dues towards Nigam, even
after completion of severment period, the period of severment will continue.

2. Severment done purely/ mainly on account of non-deposition of dues against

the supplier/vendor/contractor could be lifted by CLPC, if the dues are deposited
prior to the expiry of such severment period.

3. Severment done by one Discom for non-supply of material and /or

corresponding non-recovery of dues will not be effective in other Discoms except
in respect of common purchase cases of three Discom.

4. On severment of business, the EMD/SD/vendor registration security will be


5. The orders in execution satisfactorily will not be cancelled other than the order
on which severment have been done.


Reasons on which Debarment can be made:-

(i) The competent authority may debar the supplier on account of his
performance or other disabilities, if it is no longer considered fit to remain under
vendor registration as per his obligation under vendor registration.
(ii) If at any subsequent stage of inspection of firms after award of contract, it is
found that firm does not have sufficient tech. staff or required/necessary technical
equipments, the purchasing authority can debar the firm for one year or next
tenders whichever is later. The debarment will be lifted only on re-inspection of
firm’s works; the defects noticed earlier are fully rectified to the satisfaction of
(iii) When contract agreement executed and supplies commenced but could
supply only up to 50% of ordered quantity and scheduled delivery period
expired, then the firm can be debarred for one year or next tender whichever is
later in that Discom only for that particular item/rating/ capacity/size etc.
(iv) The suppliers who have been awarded contract for supply of material is not
adhering to the periodic delivery schedule, the contract awarding authority
reserve the right to terminate the contract and may debar the firm in participating
in tender for a period of 2 to 3 years.
Note:-1. On debarment, the EMD/ SD/Vendor Registration security shall be
Note:-. 2. If the firm is debarred in one Discom for any reasons then the same
should not be applicable in other Discom subject to exception that in case of
common Discoms purchases such debarment of a firm would be applicable to all
three Discoms for that particular item and rating/capacity/size etc.


Appeal against the order of blacklisting, severment and debarment can be filed
before BOD within a period of 3 months from the date of intimation. The letter of
appeal will be addressed to the order placing authority. Who will process the
case for placing the matter in B.O.D. with in a period 60 days. The BOD may
reduce or waive the penalty, if sufficient reasons/supporting documents are
furnished by the supplier.



I) The bidder shall clearly indicate the deviations such as `Technical Deviation &
Commercial Deviations’ in the prescribed Performa only. The deviations
indicated elsewhere in the bid shall not be accepted.

II) The bidder must clearly fill up each and every particular of guaranteed technical
particulars annexed with Technical Specifications otherwise he will be
responsible for Technical Non-responsiveness.

III) All documents required in the prescribed format are to be furnished along with
the bid itself only except an attested copy of BIS license (wherever it is required),
failing which the bid will be summarily rejected.

IV) However, a copy of BIS License may be submitted by the bidder up to the official
working hours of one working day prior to the schedule / notified date of opening
of price bid.

V) The date of conducting type test shall be before the date of

opening of Technical Bid. The date of issuing of type Test Bank
Guarantee in lieu of non-furnishing of Type Test reports shall be
before the date of opening of technical bid & the Type Test BG
issued on or after opening of technical bid shall not be accepted.


(On Rajasthan Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of Rajasthan State of 0.25% of the B.G
value or Rs. 25,000/- , whichever is less)


The Superintending Engineer (MM-I),

Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited,
Old Powe House Premises,
Near Ram Mandir, Banipark,

Dear Sir,

Whereas Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited , Jaipur ( hereinafter called

the purchaser) has issued a bid enquiry under TN……. for procurement of
……………………………………………. ( Name of material) .

Whereas M/s …………………………………………….. (hereinafter called

the bidder ) has furnish a bid for supply of ………….. to The Superintending
Engineer (MM-I), Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited, Jaipur or his Nominated
officer (s) .

Whereas in accordance with the provision of the specification of the afore

said TN…….. , the bidder can deposit a bank guarantee in lieu of the
requirement of furnishing the type test certificates.

Whereas M/s ………….. ( the bidder) have requested us (Name of the

Bank) to furnish the bank guarantee in lieu of the type test certificate for an
amount equivalent to Rs........................ ( in words also) only.

Under this Bank Guarantee , we (Name of the Bank) hereby undertake

unconditionally and irrevocably to guarantee as primary obligator and not as
Surety merely, the payment to the purchaser on his first demand without
whatsoever right of objection on our part and without his first claim to the bidder
in the amount not exceeding ( amount of guarantee in figures and words).

Payment pursuant to this undertaking will be demanded by the

purchaser from the Bank and will be met by the Bank without question in the
case in which the bidder , on receipt of the order and / or after the acceptance of
this bid, makes default in furnishing the required type test certificates. Also
whether the occasion or ground has arisen for such demand the decision of The
Superintending Engineer (MM-I), Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited, shall be

The liability of the Bank shall not at any time exceed Rs……………….
( Rupees .................. ).

The undertaking will be determined on but will not withstanding such

determination, continue to be in force till the expiry of 3 months from that date.

No indulgence or grant of time by the purchaser to the bidder without the

acknowledgement of the Bank will discharge the liabilities of the Bank under this

The guarantee herein contained shall not be affected by any change in the
constitution of the bidder.

All disputes arising under the said guarantee between the Bank and the
bidder or between the bidder and the purchaser pertaining to the guarantee
shall be subject to the jurisdiction of Courts only at JAIPUR in Rajasthan.

The bank further undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its
currency except with the previous consent of the The Superintending Engineer
,Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited, Jaipur.

Notwithstanding anything contained herein before, the Bank’s liability

under this guarantee i.e restricted to Rs .............................. (Rupees .................. )
and the guarantee shall remain in force upto …………………. Unless demand
or claim in writing is presented on the Bank within three months from that date,
the bank shall be released and discharged from all liabilities thereunder.
However, the validity of the bank guarantee shall be extended as and when
required by the purchaser.

IN WITNESS W HEREOF the bank has executed these presents the day
…………. month……………. and year…………….

Yours faithfully,

( Bankers)


ITEM- 11 KV Composite Polymer Pin Insulator

Must be filled in by the bidder and attached with Technical Bid (Part-I)


The Superintending Engineer (MM-I),

Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited,

Dear Sir,
With reference to your invitation to bid against specification No. JPD/SE/MM-I/TN-4817 ,
we agree to supply the following quantity :

S. Particulars of Bided Qty. Justification of Status of

No. Items Quantity Offered quantity offered as Type Test
per Qualifying Certificates.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
1 11 KV Composite 2,00,000
Polymer Pin Insulator Nos.

1. The offer is valid for a period of 120 days from the next date of opening of this bid.

2. The prices are “FIRM”

3. It is noted that the quantity as mentioned in the specification are approximate and
we agree to supply any quantity as per your requirement.
4. The delivery shall strictly be in accordance with our delivery schedule as given in
Schedule-VIII of this specification. In case we fail to deliver the materials as
indicated in the clause No.1.23 of GCC (Section-II), we are liable to pay recovery for
delay in delivery as per clause No.1.24 of this Schedule-II of this specification.
The material shall conform to your specification No.JPD/SE/MM-I)/ TN-4817 and as
per relevant ISS in all respect.

5. We confirm that we agree to all the terms & conditions as well as the technical
stipulation of your specification No.JPD/SE/MM-I/TN-4817 and there are no
deviations other than as specified in the Schedule-VI (A & B).

Yours faithfully,

Signature of bidder with stamp




(To be filled containing Technical Offer)

Sl. Description 11KV POLYMER


1. Name of Manufacturer
2. Address:
(a) registered Office
(b) Factory
3. Type of Insulators
4. Standard specification to which the Insulators manufactured
and tested
5. Name of material used in manufacture of the Insulator
(with class / grade)
(a) Material of core rod
i. E-Glass of ECR Glass
ii. Boom Content
(b) Material of Housing & weather sheds (silicon content by
(c) Material of end fittings : GI Pin
(d) Sealing compound for end fitting
6. Colour of Insulator
7. Electrical Characteristics:
(a) Nominal System Voltage (KV rms)
(b) Highest System Voltage (KV rms)
(c) Dry power frequency withstand (KV rms)
(d) Wet power frequency withstand (KV rms)
(e) Dry flash over voltage (KV rms)
(f) Wet flash over voltage (KV rms)
(g) Dry lighting impulse withstand voltage
(a) Positive
(b) Negative
(h) Dry lighting impulse flashover voltage
(a) Positive (KV peak)
(b) Negative (KV peak)
RIV at 1 MHz when energized at 10 kV (rms) under dry condition
(i) (microvolt)
(j) Creepage distance (min) mm
k) Visible Discharge Test
8. Mechanical Characteristics:
Minimum failing load (KN)
9. Dimensions of Insulator:
i. Weight (Kg.)
ii. Dia of FRP rod (mm)
iii. Length of FRP rod (mm)
iv. Dia of weather sheds (mm)
v. Thickness of housing (mm)
vi. Dry arc distance (mm)
10. Dimensional drawings of Insulator (including weight with
tolerances in weight)
11. Method of fixing of sheds to housing specify ):- single mould
or modular construction (injection moulding)
12. No. of weather sheds
13. Sectional Length
14. Type of sheds
(i) Aerodynamic
(ii) With under ribs
15. Dia of Bottom end fitting
16. Thread length of bottom end fitting
17. Weight of composite insulator
18. Packing details
(a) Type of packing.
(b) No. of Insulators in each pack
(c) Weight of insulator
(d ) Gross weight of package
19. Marking
20. Any other particulars which the bidder may like to give.
21. E Mail ID

NOTE: If any particulars of specification which is not covered in requisite GTPs that may be
taken from concerned IS/ IEC specification/ standards.

Name & Designation with seal of the

Schedule – V(B)


A Govt. of Rajasthan Undertaking

Statement of guaranteed technical particulars and other performance data for

supply of ……………………………………….. (Name of material) against
specification no..………………………..

S.No. Particulars of technical & other performance data guaranteed.

Certified that we agree to all the aforesaid technical particulars and other performance
data except following :-

S.No. Particulars of technical & other Reasons for

Performance data deviations/departure.

Name & Designation
with seal of the bidder

Schedule – VI (A)


A Govt. of Rajasthan Undertaking

The bidder shall state under this schedule the departure from the Purchaser’s
specification in respect of technical is as under:-

S.No. Main Deviations from Technical Specification.

Certified that we agree to all the technical specification of the NIT except for the
deviation to the extent indicated above.

Name & Designation
with seal of the bidder.
Schedule – VI (B)


A Govt. of Rajasthan Undertaking

The bidder shall state under this schedule the departure from the Purchaser’s
specification in respect of Commercial terms & conditions:-

S.No. Main Deviations from Specification.

Certified that we agree to all the commercial terms & conditions as laid down in General
Conditions of Contract to the specification except for the deviation to the extent indicated

Name & Designation
with seal of the bidder.

Schedule – VII


A Govt. of Rajasthan Undertaking

The bidder shall state under this schedule whether material and equipments,
similar to those offered in the bid have been previously supplied by him. A list
shall be given of such orders executed by him together with information regarding
the names of purchasing organizations, quantities supplied and when the supplies
were effected. This list should be in form given below:-
S.No. Detailed particulars Qty Order No. Name & details Date of
of items supplied & Date of purchasing authority Completion
1 2 3 4 5 6

If executed partially whether still Delivery Remarks

to be mentioned to be executed stipulated in
(qty.) order
7 8 9 10

Note: Separate schedules are to be furnished by the bidder for past supply to the JVVNL,
Jaipur other State Electricity Boards and other Departments /Organizations.
Name & Designation
with seal of the bidder.

TN-4817 Schedule-VII-A


This is to certify that M/s. (Complete with

address) have manufactured and supplied the goods/ equipments/ material during the
following financial year(s) to the Electrical Utilities/ Government Departments/ Discoms/
SEBs as detailed out below:

S. Financial Detailed Name & Order Unit Ordered Actual Supplied Remarks
No year in particulars particulars No. & Up to
which of item(s) of Date Qty Value Qty Value
material supplied purchasing against (Rs.) (Rs.)
supplied authority which

Signature Signature of C.A.

Name & Designation Name:

With Seal of the Bidder Address
Place Membership No.

The above particulars are true and correct based on explanations, records and books of
accounts produced before us. Further the above certificate issued on the request of the

CA Firm( )
Note:- The CA Certificate should be furnished on the letter head of CA and must be
signed by the bidder and C.A. firm. The details i.e. address of C.A. & membership No.
shall clearly be mentioned on C.A. certificate. In case C.A. certificate is not signed by the
bidder/furnished without membership No. & address of C.A. then same may not be
considered for which responsibility rests with the bidder.

Schedule – VIII
A Govt. of Rajasthan Undertaking
The delivery schedule of the material by the Purchase Officer is as
mentioned hereunder:-
S.No. Particulars Commencement Rate of supply Period for completion
of Material period per Month. per Month of delivery of entire



In case bidder deviates from the delivery schedule mentioned by the purchaser
in Part-A then the delivery schedule shall be indicated/mentioned by the bidder as

S.No. Particulars Commencement Rate of supply Period for completion

of Material period per Month. per Month of delivery of entire
Note: 1. During the commencement period the process of model assembly and
submission of B.O.M. for approval shall be got completed.
2. During the commencement period the contractual formalities shall be got

Name & Designation with seal of the

Schedule – IX


A Govt. of Rajasthan Undertaking
List of Equipments and Technical Hands Available with the Firm
(To be filled in by the bidders & enclosed with the bid)

Manufacturers and / or their authorized agents who are quoting against this bid are
requested to furnish the following information along-with the bid. The Purchaser will
have the discretion to ignore the bid without the under noted particulars and/or ignore the
bid particulars.

1. Name and Address of Manufacturer.

2. Place where works exist.
3. Details of machinery particularly with B.H.P. of each item installed.
4. Details of staff employed in the works.
5. Date when started the manufacturing of item under reference.
6. List of items manufactured.
7. Literature and drawings of items manufactured showing their description, size,
design and other important technical particulars.
8. Details of order so far, executed alongwith the names of organization to whom
9. Manufacturing capacity.
10. Is the workshop open for inspection by the representative of the board, if required?
11. Statement of financial resources and Banking Reference alongwith Balance-Sheet
for previous two years.
12. Testing facilities available for the manufactured articles in the testing laboratory of
13. Whether the Firm is a small/medium/large scale industry.
14. Registration No. with :-
i. Small Scale, National/State.
ii. DGTD
iii. State Industries Department.

Name & Designation
with seal of the bidder.




Last Date & time for down 03.08.2021 upto 5.00 PM

loading of tenders

Last Date & time for 03.08.2021 upto 5:00 PM

submitting of tenders

Date of opening of tenders 04.08.2021 at 2:30 PM

Rs. 2950.00 (Rs. Two Thousand Nine

Cost of Specification
Hundred Fifty only) (non-refundable)
(50% for MSME bidders)
Rs. 1180.00 ( Rs. One Thousand One
Tender Processing fees
Hundred Eighty only) (non-refundable)
120 days from the next date of opening of
Techno commercial bid.
BID SECURITY TO BE Bid security Declaration in view of order dated
DEPOSITED 18.12.20 of Finance Department as per
enclosed Appendix-A.

In lieu of Bid security, bidders are required to furnish Form of Bid Securing
Declaration (Appendix-A on Rajasthan Non-judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 50/
(excluding surcharge on Stamp Paper, as per rules). Above Declaration should be
furnished in favour of Procuring entity and which should be deposited in the
Accounts Section of this office upto 2.00 p.m. of one WORKING day prior to
Schedule date of opening of respective bid and receipt of the same should be
uploaded by the bidder along with its tender.

1. The bids not accompanied with qualification requirement , technical

requirement indicated in the specification and other requirement given
here under will be considered as incomplete offer and sufficient grounds for
offer to be passed over:
i) Capacity, capability and competency proofing documents.
a) Capacity /orders of similar and higher rating of tendered equipment
booked as on date of biding with type and rating and construction details of
equipment for which order received be indicated.
b) Copy of purchase orders of Erstwhile RSEB /SEB`S / Electric Utilities / Govt.
Departments / Discoms for similar or higher rating equipment latest executed.

ii) Year wise past experience for last 5 years of similar or higher rating of tendered

iii) The details of testing facilities available at the works and copies of latest type
test certificates, carried out on similar ITEM.

iv) Quality assurance plan.

v) Complete guaranteed technical particulars, out lines and general arrangement

drawings along with Bill of Material.

2. Bids without Section-I, II, III & Schedules (I to X) shall be rejected.

3. Bids shall be furnished in single copy.
4. JVVNL has the right to reject any offer on the basis of track record of poor
performance in execution of previous order / equipment supplied /after sales
service while evaluating the Techno-Commercial bid.

5. JVVNL reserves the right to accept minor deviations in standard terms and
conditions and also in technical and constructional features as specified in
the technical specification (Section-III).

6. Deviation of any kind shall not be quoted in BOQ (Bill of quantity) , if found quoted,
the same shall be ignored.

7. The following facilities are to be provided by the supplier at his own cost to the
inspecting officer of Nigam (JVVNL).

i) Suitable accommodation.
ii) Local conveyance between arrival point, place of stay, works and departure
iii) The supplier shall assist in arranging return ticket and reservation on the request of
the inspecting officer for which the payment shall be made by the inspecting officer. In
case of joint inspection, single or shared double room accommodation shall be provided.

Name & Designation
with seal of the bidder.

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