Exercise-I: Only One Correct Type
Exercise-I: Only One Correct Type
Exercise-I: Only One Correct Type
9. Gastric juice contains:
(A) Pepsin, lipase and rennin
1. Chemosynthetic bacteria obtain energy from :
(B) Trypsin, lipase and rennin
(A) Sun (B) Infra-red rays
(C) Trypsin, pepsin and lipase
(C) Organic substances
(D) Trypsin, pepsin and rennin
(D) Inorganic chemicals mainly
10. Partial removal of liver is not harmful because:
2. A digestive enzyme, salivary amylase, in the saliva
(A) Liver being a large organ can suffice the
begin digestion of :
functions even if a part is removed
(A) Protein (B) Nucleic acids
(B) Liver is not a very essential organ of the body
(C) Fats (D) Carbohydrates
(C) Liver has regenerative capacity and will grow
3. The visible part of electromagnetic spectrum lies in
after partial hepatectomy
between :
(D) The function of liver can be taken over by kidneys
(A) X-ray and ultra-violet
11. Insectivorous plants digest insects to get an
(B) Ultra violet and infra red
essential nutrient. Other plants generally get this nu-
(C) Infra red and microwave
trient from the soil. What is this nutrient ?
(D) X-ray and infra red
(A) Oxygen (B) Nitrogen
4. Partialy digested food that leaves the stomach is
(C) Carbon dioxide (D) Phosphates
called :
12. Main function of HCI present in gastric juice is
(A) Chyle (B) Chyme
(A) digestion of starch
(C) Bolus (D) None of these
5. Peristalsis occurs in
(C) conversion of pepsinogen to pepsin
(A) liver (B) ureter
(D) detoxification of harmful constituents of food
(C) alimentary canal (D) hypothalamus
13. What is the substrate for lipase enzyme ?
6. Human beings have vestigial vermiform appendix.
(A) Protein (B) Carbohydrate
The ancestors must have been
(C) Lipid (D) Nucleic acid
(A) insectivorous (B) herdivorous
14. Succus entericus is the other name of
(C) carnivorous (D) sangivorous.
(A) gastric juice (B) intestinal juice
7. Which one of the following lacks enzymes ?
(C) bile juice (D) saliva
(A) Pancreatic juice (B) Saliva
15,. During prolong fasting, the sequence of organic com-
(C)Bile (D) Intestinal juice
pounds used by body is:
8. Liver stores glucose in the form of:
(A) Carbohydrates, fats, proteins
(A) Starch (B)Glycogen
(B) Fats, carbohydrates, proteins
(C) Protein (D) Cholesterol
(C) Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids,
(D) Proteins, lipids, carbohydrates
16. Absorption of glycerol, fatty acids and 22. Germs entering the body alongwith food are killed
monoglycerides takes place by: in where pH is
(A) Lymph capillaries within viili (A) 10 (B) 7
(B) Walls of stomach (C) 3 (D)11
(C) Colon 23. Which one of the following association is incorrect ?
(D) Capillaries within villi (A) Protein -Trypsin (B) Fat - Lipase
17. Rennin acts on: (C) Maltose-Pepsin (D) Starch -Amylase
(A) Proteins in stomach 24. Vitamin B6 is also called
(B) Milk, changing casein into paracaseinate at (A)Thiamine
7.2 - 8.2 pH (B) pantothenic acid
(C) Fat in intestine (C) pyridoxine
(D) Milk, changing casein into calcium paracaseinate (D) retinol
at 1-3 pH. 25. Sometimes urea is fed to ruminates to improve their
18. The human intestine is long because: health. It works by
(A) Bacteria in food can be killed gradually (A) Helping growth of gut microbes that break down
(B) It provides more surface for food storage cellulose
(C) It increases surface area for absorption of food (B) Killing harmful microorganisms in their gut
(D) None of these (C) Increasing salt content in the gut
19. In the lunch, you ate boiled green vegetables, a piece (D) Directly stimulating blood cell proliferation
of cooked meat, one boiled egg and a sugar candy 26. During phytosynthesis the oxygen in glucose comes
Which one of these foods may have been digested from :
first ? (A) Water
(A) Boiled green vegetables (B) Carbon dioxide
(B) The piece of cooked meat (C) Both from water and carbon dioxide
(C) Boiled egg (D) Oxygen in air
(D) Sugar candy 27. A specific function of light energy in the process of
20. Glycogenesis refers to photosynthesis is to :
(A) conversion of glycogen to glucose (A) Activate chlorophyll
(B) breakdown of glucose to form pyruvate (B) Oxidation of CO2
(C) breakdown of pyruvate to form glucose (C) Synthesis of glucose
(D) conversion of glucose to glycogen (D) Reduce CO2
21. Casein is digested in children by - 28. Dark reaction in photosynthesis is called so because
(A) Rennin (B)Renin (A) It does not require light energy
(C) Chymotrypsin (D)Trypsin (B) Cannot occur during daytime
(C) Occurs more rapidly at night
(D) It can also occur in darkness
29. With regards to natural eating habits, a human is : MATCH THE COLUMN TYPE .
(A) An herbivore (B) A carnivore 1. Match the names of the glands listed under column I
(C) An omnivore (D) A Granivore with the location given under column II and select
30. Where is bile produced : the correct option from the codes given below:
(A) In gall bladder (B) In blood Column I Column II
(C) In liver (D) In spleen A. Crypts of lieberkuhn p. Loop of duodenum
B. Pancreas q. Stomach
FILL IN THE BLANKS . C. Adrenal gland r. Intestine
(i) ........... is inverted U shaped tube in large D. Gastric gland s. Kidney.
(ii) Liver secreates ....... which provides alkaline
(iii) Oesophagus is also called as ...........
(iv) Amoeba ingests its food with the help of
(v) Dark reaction occurs in .......... of a chloroplast.
Answer Key
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