Amplitude Modulation, II: Single Sideband Modulation (SSB) Vestigial Sideband Modulation (VSB)

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Amplitude Modulation, II

◮ Single sideband modulation (SSB)

◮ Vestigial sideband modulation (VSB)
◮ VSB spectrum
◮ Modulator and demodulator
◮ NTSC TV signsals
◮ Quadrature modulation
◮ Spectral efficiency
◮ Modulator and demodulator
Single Sideband (SSB) in Frequency Domain
SSB in Time Domain (review)
The upper sideband is the output of filtering signal m(t) with an ideal
single sideband filter:
1 0 ≤ |f | ≤ B
HUSB (f ) =
0 otherwise

The modulated signal at carrier frequency of fc can be constructed by

mUSB (t) = m(t) cos ωc t ± mh (t) sin ωc t ,

where m(t) is the original real message signal, and

mh (t) = m(t) ∗
is the Hilbert transform of m(t).
Hilbert Transform of Square Wave

 X  ∞
H Π(t − 2k) = H Π(t − 2k)
k=−∞ k=−∞

∞ x − 2k − 1
1 X
= ln 1 .

π x − 2k + 2



-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
SSB Modulation
The phase shifters perform the Hilbert transform. Note that all the signals
are real valued.
Vestigial Sideband Modulation (VSB)
◮ SSB relies on being able to filter out one sideband. For audio this is
possible because the voice spectrum drops off below 300 Hz, allowing
space for a transition band.

SSB Filter

300 Hz 3 kHz f

◮ This is not possible for other signals, like video, that have strong
components at low frequencies.

◮ The solution is Vestigial Sideband Modulation (VSB): a small portion

(a “vestige”) of the unneeded sideband is used. This reduces DC
Vestigial Sideband Modulation (cont.)
◮ VSB signals are generated using standard AM or DSB-SC modulation,
then passing modulated signal through a sideband shaping filter.

◮ Demodulation uses either standard AM or DSB-SC demodulation,

depending on whether a carrier tone is transmitted.

◮ VSB modulation with envelope detection is used to modulate image in

analog TV signals. (The audio signal is modulated using FM.)
VSB Spectrum
In vestigial sideband, part of the lower sideband is retained.
A nonideal bandbass filter is used to cut off the lower sideband gradually.
VSB Modulator
The transmitted signal has spectrum

ΦVSB (f ) = M (f + fc ) + M (f − fc ) Hi (f )
where Hi (f ) is the shaping filter for the VSB modulator.

Modulator and demodulator:

VSB Demodulator

The intermediate demodulator signal

e(t) = φVSB (t) · 2 cos ωc t
has spectrum
ΦVSB (f + fc ) + ΦVSB (f − fc )
We can recover m(t) by using a filter Ho (f ) defined by
Ho (f ) = , |f | ≤ B
Hi (f + fc ) + Hi (f − fc )
This is a low-pass filter that is the inverse of Hi (f ) when |f | ≤ B.
VSB Demodulation Filter
Surprisingly, Ho (f ) is not large for small values of f .
Using VSB instead of DSB saves about 3 MHz and allows a carrier tone.
The shaping filter satisfies Hi (f − fc ) + Hi (f + fc ) = c, so Ho (f ) = 1/c.
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM)
◮ DSB-SC modulates a signal with bandwidth B to a transmitted signal
with bandwidth 2B
◮ SSB reduces the transmitted bandwidth to B, but
◮ requires more complex modulator
◮ reduces SNR (for a fixed carrier amplitude)
◮ Quadrature amplitude modulation uses the 2B transmitter bandwidth to
send two independent signals:
mQAM,c (t) = m1 (t) cos(2πfc t) + m2 (t) sin(2πfc t)
◮ QAM has the same spectral efficiency as SSB but does not need sharp
bandpass filters
◮ QAM is used in almost all digital communication methods, including
telephone modems, cable TV, satellite TV
QAM Modulator and Demodulator
Two real messages, m1 (t) and m2 (t). m1 is modulated on a cosine, and
m2 (t) is modulated on a sine.

m1(t) 2 H(f ) m (t)

× ×
−B B
cos(2πfc t) + Propagation
cos(2πfc t)
m2(t) 2 H(f ) m (t)
× ×
−B 0B
sin(2πfc t)
sin(2πfc t)

Transmitter Receiver

Note that we need a synchronous receiver, or the two channels will interfere.
What happens with a 90◦ phase shift?
QAM Modulator and Demodulator (cont.)
If the input spectra look like

M2 (f )
1 M1 (f ) 1

−B 0 B f −B 0 B f

then the transmitted spectrum looks like

j X(f )
M2 (f + fc )
M1 (f − fc )

−fc 1 fc
M1 (f + fc ) f
2 j
− M2 (f − fc )

Demodulating with a cosine results in M1 (t) at baseband, while

demodulating with a sine yields M2 (t).
AM Modulation Summary
◮ Many different ways to encode information as amplitude
◮ AM
◮ Common issues
◮ Synchronization
◮ Bandwidth
◮ Next: encoding information in frequency (FM, PM)

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