Project Report On Automated Irrigation System

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With the advancement of automation technology, life is getting simpler

and easier in all aspects. In today’s world Automatic systems are being
preferred over manual system. Automatic system is a growing system of
everyday object from industrial machine to consumer goods that can
complete tasks while you are busy with other activities.

India's population is reached beyond 1.2 billion and the population rate is increasing
day by day then after 25-30 years there will be serious problem of food, so the
development of agriculture is necessary. Today, the farmers are suffering from the
lack of rains and scarcity of water. The main objective of this paper is to provide an
automatic irrigation system thereby saving time, money & power of the farmer. The
traditional farmland irrigation techniques require manual intervention. With the
automated technology of irrigation the human intervention can be minimized.
Whenever there is a change in temperature and humidity of the surroundings these
sensors senses the change in temperature and humidity and gives an interrupt
signal to the micro-controller.



India is the country of village and agriculture plays an important role for
development of country. In our country, agriculture depends on the monsoons which
has insufficient source of water. So the irrigation is used in agricultural field In
Irrigation system, depending upon the soil type, water is provided to plant. In
agriculture, two things are very important, first to get information of about the fertility
of soil and second to measure humidity content in air. Nowadays, for irrigation,
different techniques are available which are used to reduce the dependency of rain.
And mostly this technique is driven by electrical power and on/off scheduling. In this
technique, an temperature and humidity sensors are placed near the plant and near
the module and gateway unit handles the sensor information and transmit data to the
controller which in turns the control the flow of water through the pump.


For continuously increasing demand and decrease in supply of food

necessities, it’s important to rapid improvement in production of food technology.
Agriculture is only the source to provide this. This is the important factor in human
societies to growing and dynamic demand in food production. Agriculture plays the
important role in the economy and development, like India. Due to lack of water and
scarcity of land water result the decreasing volume of water on earth, the farmer use
irrigation. Irrigation may be defined as the science of artificial application of water to
the land or soil that means depending on the soil type, plant are to be provided with


User Interface:
User interface allow the user to inter act with the system by sending
information to the controller by presenting information to user about the
system. Its generally a computer or a smartphone
Controlled Devices
Controlled devices include a wide range of equipment that this arduino and
sensor is capable of. Here in our project it is a motor.

Programming Computer:
Some system controllers allow the user to program the system with the
systems own user interface. Other system requires PC to program. Here we
are accessing arduino IDE with the help of a PC.

Relay controllers provide the intelligent control functions in automatic irrigation

Sensing Devices:
Sensing devices can report values, such as temperature and humidity etc or

I/O Interface Devices:

These devices provide the logical communication link between the controllers and
the controlled device systems


Prevents Disease and Weeds

Specialized drip irrigation systems direct water specifically to each plant's root ball,
rather than sprinkling the entire garden like a typical rainstorm. As a result,
surrounding weed seeds cannot germinate, so you'll have less weeding to do. Water
at the roots also prevents leaf diseases caused by standing droplets on the foliage.
Because the water does not strike the leaves or flowers, blight diseases have no
chance of proliferating.

Conserves Water and Time

Hand watering with a hose or watering can takes substantial time and early morning
and evening watering rituals take away from family and work. Both drip and sprinkler
irrigation systems have timers that can be preset for daily or weekly watering so you
do not need to monitor the watering because the timer shuts the water off when it
has finished. Your water bill should be lower if the irrigation system is effective.

Preserves Soil Structure and Nutrients

Watering with a wide open garden hose may allow too much water to seep into the
soil. As a result, nutrients leach out with the water runoff, leaving the plants with
fewer nutrients available. The soil may also become compacted when you water with
a hose. Plants may show signs of withering or root disease with suffocating,
compacted soil. Using either drip or sprinkler irrigation produces smaller droplets,
helping to preserve nutrients and reducing soil compaction.

Gardening Flexibility
If you have a busy schedule, you'll appreciate being able to work in the garden at the
same time as the plants are being watered. While one garden section is being
watered, you can plant and prune in another area.



Arduino is an open source physical computing platform based on simple

input/output board and a development environment that implements the Processing
language ( Arduino can be used to develop standalone
interactive objects or can be connected to software on your computer. The boards
can be assembled by hand or purchased preassembled; the open source
IDE(Integrated Development Environment) can be downloaded for free from

2.2.1 Introduction to Arduino Boards:

Arduino is an architecture that combines Atmel microcontroller family with standard

hardware into a board with inbuilt boot loader for plug and play embedded
programming. Arduino Software comes with an IDE that helps writing, debugging
and burning program into Arduino. The IDE also comes with a Serial Communication
window through which can easily get the serial data from the board.


2.2.2 Pin Description of Arduino Uno:

The Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P. It has 14

digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a
16 MHz quartz crystal, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header and a reset
button. Each of the 14 digital pins can be used as an input or output, using pin Mode
(), digital Write (), and digital Read () functions. They operate at 5 volts. Each pin can
provide or receive 20 mA as recommended operating condition and has an internal
pull-up resistor (disconnected by default) of 20-50k ohm. A maximum of 40mA is the
value that must not be exceeded on any I/O pin to avoid permanent damage to the

In addition, some pins have specialized functions:

• Serial: 0(RX) and 1(TX). Used to receive (RX) and Transmit (TX) TTL serial
• External Interrupts: 2 and 3. These pins can be configured to trigger an
interrupt on a low value, a rising or falling edge, or a change in value.
• PWM: 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11. Provide 8-bit PWM output with the analogWrite()
• SPI: 10(SS), 11(MOSI), 12(MISO), 13(SCK). These pins support SPI
communication using the SPI library.
• LED: 13. There is a built-in LED driven by digital pin 13.
• TWI: A4 or SDA pin and A5 or SCL pin. Support TWI communication using
the wire library.

The Uno has 6 analog inputs, labeled A0 through A5, each of which provide 10
bits of resolution. By default they measure from ground to 5 volts, through is it
possible to change the upper end of their range using the AREF pin and the analog
Reference () function.

There are a couple of other pins on the board.

• AREF Reference voltage for the analog inputs. Used with analog Reference.

• Reset. Bring this line LOW to reset the microcontroller. Typically used to add
a reset button to shields which block the one on the board.


An electric battery is a device consisting of two or more electrochemical cells that

convert stored chemical energy into electrical energy.

Fig. 2.2

Each cell contains a positive terminal (Anode) and a negative terminal (Cathode).
Electrolytes allow ions to move between the electrodes and terminals, which
allows current to flow out of the battery to perform work.

2.3 Relay

In figure, shows are a relay is an electrically

operated switch. Several relays use a magnet to automatically operate a switch,
however alternative in operation principles are used, like solid state relays. Relays
are used wherever it's necessary to regulate a circuit by a separate low-power

signal, or wherever many circuits should be controlled by one signal. The essential
relays were handling in long distance communicate circuits as amplifiers, they
unbroken the signal coming back in from one circuit and re-transmitted it on another

2.4 Soil Moisture Sensor

In figure 4, Soil moisture sensors measure the humidity of water content in soil.
Since the direct hydrometric measuring of free soil wetness needs removing, drying,
and coefficient of a sample, soil wetness sensors live the meter water content
indirectly by victimization another property of the soil, like electrical phenomenon,
non-conductor constant, or interaction with neutrons, as a proxy for the wetness

volumetric water content in soil. Since the direct gravimetric measurement of free soil

moisture requires removing, drying, and weighing of a sample, soil moisture sensors
measure the volumetric water content indirectly by using some other property of the
soil, such as electrical resistance, dielectric constant, or interaction with neutrons, as
a proxy for the moisture content.

The relation between the measured property and soil moisture must be calibrated
and may vary depending on environmental factors such as soil type, temperature,
or electric conductivity. Reflected microwave radiation is affected by the soil moisture
and is used for remote sensing in hydrology and agriculture. Portable probe
instruments can be used by farmers or gardeners.

Soil moisture sensors typically refer to sensors that estimate volumetric water
content. Another class of sensors measure another property of moisture in soils
called water potential; these sensors are usually referred to as soil water potential
sensors and include tensiometers and gypsum blocks.


Frequency Domain Reflectometry (FDR): The dielectric constant of a certain volume

element around the sensor is obtained by measuring the operating frequency of an
oscillating circuit.
Time Domain Transmission (TDT) and Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR):
The dielectric constant of a certain volume element around the sensor is obtained by
measuring the speed of propagation along a buried transmission line;
Neutron moisture gauges: The moderator properties of water for neutrons are
utilized to estimate soil moisture content between a source and detector probe.
Soil resistivity: Measuring how strongly the soil resists the flow of electricity between
two electrodes can be used to determine the soil moisture content.
Galvanic cell: The amount of water present can be determined based on the voltage
the soil produces because water acts as an electrolyte and produces electricity. The
technology behind this concept is the galvanic cell.


Measuring soil moisture is important for agricultural applications to help farmers

manage their irrigation systems more efficiently. Knowing the exact soil moisture
conditions on their fields, not only are farmers able to generally use less water to
grow a crop, they are also able to increase yields and the quality of the crop by
improved management of soil moisture during critical plant growth stages.
Landscape irrigation

In urban and suburban areas, landscapes and residential lawns are using soil

moisture sensors to interface with an irrigation controller. Connecting a soil moisture
sensor to a simple irrigation clock will convert it into a "smart" irrigation controller that
prevents irrigation cycles when the soil is already wet, e.g. following a recent rainfall

Golf courses are using soil moisture sensors to increase the efficiency of their
irrigation systems to prevent over-watering and leaching of fertilizers and other
chemicals into the ground.


Soil moisture sensors are used in numerous research applications, e.g.

in agricultural science and horticulture including irrigation planning, climate research,
or environmental science including solute transport studies and as auxiliary sensors
for soil respiration measurements.

Simple sensors for gardeners

Relatively cheap and simple devices that do not require a power source are available
for checking whether plants have sufficient moisture to thrive. After inserting a probe
into the soil for approximately 60 seconds, a meter indicates if the soil is too dry,
moist or wet for plants


DC powered pumps use direct current from motor, battery, or solar power to move
fluid in a variety of ways. Motorized pumps typically operate on 6, 12, 24, or 32 volts
of DC power. Solar-powered DC pumps use photovoltaic (PV) panels with solar cells
that produce direct current when exposed to sunlight.

2.6 wires
A jump wire (also known as jumper wire, or jumper) is an electrical wire, or group of
them in a cable, with a connector or pin at each end (or sometimes without them –

simply "tinned"), which is normally used to interconnect the components of
a breadboard or other prototype or test circuit, internally or with other equipment or
components, without soldering.

Individual jump wires are fitted by inserting their "end connectors" into the slots
provided in a breadboard, the header connector of a circuit board, or a piece of test

2.7 PV Panel:

In a photovoltaic cell, light excites electrons to move from one layer to

another through semi-conductive silicon materials. This produces an electric

Fig. 2.1

Solar cells called photovoltaic made from thin slices of crystalline silicon,
gallium arsenide, or other semiconductor materials convert solar radiation
directly into electricity. Cells with conversion efficiencies greater than 30
percent are now available.

The simplest solar cells provide small amounts of power for watches and
calculators. More complex systems can provide electricity to houses and
electric grids.



3.1 Software Designing

intval; //This variable stores the value received from Soil moisture sensor.

void setup() {

pinMode(13,OUTPUT); //Set pin 13 as OUTPUT pin, to send signal to relay

pinMode(8,INPUT); //Set pin 8 as input pin, to receive data from Soil moisture

void loop() {

val = digitalRead(8); //Read data from soil moisture sensor

if(val == LOW)

digitalWrite(13,LOW); //if soil moisture sensor provides LOW value send LOW value
to relay


digitalWrite(13,HIGH); //if soil moisture sensor provides HIGH value send HIGH
value to relay

delay(400); //Wait for few second and then continue the loop.




Solar panels collect clean renewable energy in the form of sunlight and convert that
light into electricity which can then be used to provide power for electrical loads.
Solar panels are comprised of several individual solar cells which are themselves
composed of layers of silicon, phosphorous (which provides the negative charge),
and boron (which provides the positive charge). Solar panels absorb the photons
and in doing so initiate an electric current. The resulting energy generated from
photons striking the surface of the solar panel allows electrons to be knocked out of
their atomic orbits and released into the electric field generated by the solar cells
which then pull these free electrons into a directional current. This entire process is
known as the Photovoltaic Effect. An average home has more than enough roof area
for the necessary number of solar panels to produce enough solar electricrity to
supply all of its power needs excess electricity generated goes onto the main power
grid, paying off in electricity use at night.

Fig. 4.1

In a well-balanced grid-connected configuration, a solar array generates power

during the day that is then used in the home at night. Net metering programs allow
solar generator owners to get paid if their system produces more power than what is
needed in the home. In off-grid solar applications, a battery bank, charge controller,
and in most cases, an inverter are necessary components. The solar array sends

direct current (DC) electricity through the charge controller to the battery bank. The
power is then drawn from the battery bank to the inverter, which converts the DC
current into alternating current (AC) that can be used for non-DC appliances.
Assisted by an inverter, solar panel arrays can be sized to meet the most demanding
electrical load requirements. The AC current can be used to power loads in homes or
commercial buildings, recreational vehicles and boats, remote cabins, cottages, or
homes, remote traffic controls, telecommunications equipment.


Using solar panels is a very practical way to produce electricity for many
applications. The obvious would have to be off-grid living. Living off-grid means living
in a location that is not serviced by the main electric utility grid. Remote homes and
cabins benefit nicely from solar power systems. No longer is it necessary to pay
huge fees for the installation of electric utility poles and cabling from the nearest
main grid access point. A solar electric system is potentially less expensive and can
provide power for upwards of three decades if properly maintained.
Besides the fact that solar panels make it possible to live off-grid, perhaps the
greatest benefit that you would enjoy from the use of solar power is that it is both a
clean and a renewable source of energy. With the advent of global climate change, it
has become more important that we do whatever we can to reduce the pressure on
our atmosphere from the emission of greenhouse gases. Solar panels have no
moving parts and require little maintenance. They are ruggedly built and last for
decades when properly maintained.
Last, but not least, of the benefits of solar panels and solar power is that, once a
system has paid for its initial installation costs, the electricity it produces for the
remainder of the system's lifespan, which could be as much as 15-20 years
depending on the quality of the system, is absolutely free! For grid-tie solar power
system owners, the benefits begin from the moment the system comes online,
potentially eliminating monthly electric bills or, and this is the best part, actually
earning the system's owner additional income from the electric company. How? If
you use less power than your solar electric system produces, that excess power can
be sold, sometimes at a premium, to your electric utility company.


Batteries store direct current electrical energy for later use. This energy storage
comes at a cost, however, since batteries reduce the efficiency and output of the PV
system, typically by about 10 percent for lead-acid batteries. Batteries also increase
the complexity and cost of the system.

Types of batteries commonly used in PV systems are:

• Lead-acid batteries

- Flooded (a.k.a. Liquid vented)

- Sealed (a.k.a. Valve-Regulated Lead Acid)

o Absorbent glass mat

o Gel cell

• Alkaline batteries

- Nickel-cadmium

- Nickel-iron

Lead-Acid Batteries – Lead-acid batteries are most common in PV systems in

general and sealed lead acid batteries are most commonly used in grid-connected

Sealed batteries are spill-proof and do not require periodic maintenance. Flooded
lead-acid batteries are usually the least expensive but require adding distilled water
at least monthly to replenish water lost during the normal charging process.

There are two types of sealed lead acid batteries: sealed absorbent glass mat (AGM)
and gel cell. AGM lead-acid batteries have become the industry standard, as they
are maintenance free and particularly suited for grid-tied systems where batteries are
typically kept at a full state of charge. Gel-cell batteries, designed for freeze-
resistance, are generally a poor choice because any overcharging will permanently
damage the battery.

Alkaline Batteries – Because of their relatively high cost, alkaline batteries are
only recommended where extremely cold temperatures (-50oF or less) are
anticipated or for certain commercial or industrial applications requiring their
advantages over lead-acid batteries. These advantages include tolerance of freezing
or high temperatures, low maintenance requirements, and the ability to be fully
discharged or over-charged without harm.

Sizing Battery Banks – For grid-connected systems, batteries are usually sized
for relatively short time periods with 8 hours being typical. Size may vary, however,
depending on the particular needs of a facility and the length of power outages
expected.For comparison, battery banks for off-grid systems are usually sized for
one to three cloudy days.




From this work, we can control the moisture content of the soil of cultivated land.
According to soil moisture, water pumping motor turned on or off via the relay
automatically. This saves water, while the water level can be obtained in a
Preferred aspect of the plant, thereby increasing productivity of crops. Servo motor
from vegetation water uniformly dispersed in water, in order to ensure the maximum
Utilization of absorption through. Thus, there is minimal waste of water. The system
also allows the delivery to the plant when needed based on the type of plant, soil
moisture, and observed temperature. The proposed work minimizes the efforts of
major agricultural regions. Many aspects of the system can be customized and used
software to fine-tune the requirements of the plant. The result is a scalable,
supporting technology. Using this sensor, we can see that the soil is wet
or dry. If it is dry, the motor will automatically start pumping water.


The automatic irrigation control using arduinouno has been experimentally

proven to work satisfactorily and we could successfully set the timer and managed to
control the motor over time.This process not only records values of temperature and
humidity it also controls the motor accordingly.Analyzing the weather condition motor
will automatically maintain water supply making it possible to maintain greenery
without human intervention.


Using this system as framework, the system can be expanded to include various
other options which could include mobile application control of motor and Wi-Fi

controlled monitoring. These will expand the working capability and efficiency of this
prototype. It can be implemented not in agriculture but in gardens in any places
using the sprinkler concept. It has a vast scope when it is mixed with IOT
.Automation will get a new dimension through this.


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