Pipe Flow: Laminar Flow or Viscous Flow
Pipe Flow: Laminar Flow or Viscous Flow
Pipe Flow: Laminar Flow or Viscous Flow
A pipe is a closed conduit carrying a fluid under pressure. Fluid motion in a pipe is subjected to
a certain resistance. Such a resistance is assumed to be due to Friction. Mainly due to the viscous
property of the fluid.
Fluid flow in pipes is of considerable importance in many of the processes, like;
• Animals and Plants circulation systems.
• In our homes.
• City water.
• Irrigation system.
• Sewer water system, etc
To describe any of these flows, conservation of mass and conservation of momentum equations
are the most general forms could be used to describe the dynamic system. The key issue is the
relation between flow rate and pressure drop.
Based on the values of a non-dimensional number known as Reynold’s number (Re), the flow in
the pipe can classified.
The Reynold’s Number (Re) is defined as the ratio of Inertia force of a flowing fluid and the
Viscous force. It is mathematically expressed as,
Re=(Inertia force/Viscous force) =( ρ V D/µ )
Where, ρ is mass density
V is average velocity of flow
D is diameter of pipe
µ is dynamic viscosity of flowing fluid
Turbulent Flow
Transitional Flow:
In this, the condition is neither the laminar nor turbulent. It is intermittently turbulent flow. The
stream lines get disturbed a little.
This type of flow occurs when 2000< Re < 4000.
When the ratio of the length of the pipeline, , to the diameter, , exceeds 2000:1, pipe system
energy losses are predominantly the result of pipe friction.
The energy losses resulting from pipe appurtenances are termed “minor” losses and are usually
neglected in the calculation of pipe system energy losses.
In short lengths of pipe, however, these minor losses can become major sources of energy loss.
The Darcy-Weisbach equation is used to express energy loss caused by pipe friction
Consider the flow through a straight horizontal pipe of diameter D, Length L, between two
sections (1) & (2) as shown. Let P1 & P2 be the pressures at these sections. Ƭ0 is the shear stress
acting along the pipe boundary.
p1 V12 p V2
Z1 + + = Z2 + 2 + 2 + hf
γ 2g γ 2g
Z1 = Z 2 Q Pipe is horizontal
P1 − P2
∴ = h f − − − ( 2)
Substituting eq (2) in eq.(1)
D1 D2 D4
L1 D3
L2 L4
The total head loss due to friction, hf , for the entire pipe system is the summation of each
of the head loss occurring in all he pipes, which is given by,
h f = hf1 + hf 2 + hf 3 + hf 4
8 fL1Q 2 8 fL2Q 2 8 fL3Q 2 8 fL4Q 2
hf = + + +
gπ 2 D15 gπ 2 D25 gπ 2 D35 gπ 2 D45
The below figure shows the arrangement of pipes in parallel. As it can be seen from the figure,
the pipes are parallel to each other.
In practice adopting pipes in series may not be feasible due to the fact that
• they may be of not standard size (ie. May not be comemercially available)
• they experience other minor losses.
Hence, the entire system will be replaced by a single pipe of uniform diameter D, of the same
length, L=L1+ L2+ L3. This pipe is called as Equivalent Pipe. The below figure shows
representation of equivalent pipe.
D1 D2 D3 == Q D
L1 L3
L= L 1 +L 2 +L 3
Fig. 8 Equivalent Pipe
In the equivalent pipe system the different diameter will be replaced by a single pipe of
uniform diameter D, but of the same length L=L1+ L2+ L3 such that the head loss due to
friction for both the pipes, viz equivalent pipe & the compound pipe are the same.
for an equivalent pipe,
Equating (7) & (8) and simplifying;
= 15 + 25 + 35
D D1 D2 D3
15 + 25 + 35
D1 D2 D3
1. Find the diameter of a Galvanized iron pipe required to carry a flow of 40lps of water, if the
loss of head is not to exceed 5m per 1km. Length of pipe is 1km, Assume f=0.02.
D=?, Q=40lps = 40x10-3 m3/s
hf=5m, L=1km = 1000m. f=0.02
Darcy’s equation is
8 fLQ 2
∴D = 2
gπ h f
8 x0.02 x1000 x(40 x10−3 ) 2 5
∴D =
9.81xπ 2 x5
D − 0.22m = 220mm
Two tanks are connected by a 500mm diameter 2500mm long pipe. Find the rate of flow if the
difference in water levels between the tanks is 20m. Take f=0.016. Neglect minor losses.
Applying Bernoulli’s equation between (1) & (2) with (2) as datum & considering head loss due
to friction hf only,
p1 V12 p V2
Z1 + + = Z 2 + 2 + 2 + h f − − − (1)
γ 2g γ 2g
Z1 = 20m, Z2 = 0 (Datum);
V1=V2 = 0 (tanks are very large)
p1=p2=0 (atmospheric pressure)
Therefore From (1)
20+0+0 = 0+0+0+hf
Or hf = 20m.
8 fLQ 2
hf =
gπD 5
20 x9.81xπ 2 x0.55 2
8 x0.016 x 2500
An existing pipe line 800m long consists of four sizes namely, 30cm for 175m, 25cm dia for the
next 200m, 20cm dia for the next 250m and 15cm for the remaining length. Neglecting minor
losses, find the diameter of the uniform pipe of 800m. Length to replace the compound pipe.
L1=175m D1=0.3m
L2=200m D2=0.25m
L3=250m D3=0.20m
L4=175m D4=0.15m
L L1 L2 L3 L4
= + + +
D 5 D15 D25 D35 D45
15 + 25 + 35
D1 D2 D3
∴D =
175 + 200 + 250 + 175
0.35 0.255 0.25 0.155
Two reservoirs are connected by four pipes laid in parallel, their respective diameters being d,
1.5d, 2.5d and 3.4d respectively. They are all of same length L & have the same friction factors f.
Find the discharge through the larger pipes, if the smallest one carries 45lps.
D1=d, D2 =1.5d, D3=2.5d, D4=3.4d
L1=L2=L3=L4= L.
Q1=45x10-3m3/sec, Q2=? Q3=? Q4=?
d 1
2.5d 5
Q2 = x(45 x10
) 3
= 0.4446m / sec
3.4d 5 2
Q2 = (
x 45 x10
) 3
= 0.9592m / sec
Minor losses in a pipe flow can be either due to change in magnitude or direction of flow.
They can be due to one or more of the following reasons
i)Entry loss
ii)Exit loss
iii)Sudden expansion loss
iv)Sudden contraction loss
v)Losses due to pipe bends and fittings
vi)Losses due to obstruction in pipe.
Head loss for inlets, outlets, and fittings will be in the form of:
Sharp-edged inlet
Fig. 9 Enrance Conditions and Losses
Fig. 10
Fig. 10
For solving problems : V2
hL exit =
Losses also occur because of a change in pipe diameter as is shown in Figures. The sharp-edged
entrance and exit flows are limiting cases of this type of flow with either A1/A2 = ∞ or A1/A2 = 0,
Loss coefficient for a sudden contraction, KL=hL/(V2/2g), is a function of the area ratio, A2/A1,
Fig. 13
In this process of dispersion [between sections (2) and (3)], a portion of the kinetic energy of the
fluid is dissipated as a result of viscous effects.
Loss coefficient for sudden expansion can be obtained by means of a simple analysis based on
continuity and momentum equations for the control volume shown in figure
Assumption: Flow is uniform at sections (1), (2), and (3) and the pressure is constant across the
left-hand side of the control volume (pa = pb = pc = p1)
Consider the sections as shown in figure
P1 & P2 are the pressure acting at (1) (1) and (2) (2)
From experiments, it is proved that pressure P1 acts on the area (a2 – a1) i.e. at the point of
sudden expansion.
V1 and V2 are the velocities.
From II Law of Newton Force = Mass x Acceleration.
The forces acting on the control volume (LHS)
∑ forces = + p a 1 1 − p2 a2 + p1 (a2 − a1 ) − − − (i )
or , ∑ forces = a2 ( p1 − p2 ) − − − (ii )
= ρxQx(V1 − V2 ) − − − (iii )
a2 ( p1 − p2 ) = pQ(V1 − V2 )
Applying Bernoulli’s equation between (1) and (2) with the centre line of the pipe as datum and
considering head loss due to sudden expansion hLonly.
p1 V12 p V2
Z1 + + = Z 2 + 2 + 2 + hL
γ 2g γ 2g
Z1 = Z2 because pipe is horizontal
p − p 2 V12 − V22
∴ 1 + ( ) = hL
γ 2g ----------- v
hL =
2V2 (V1 − V2 ) + V12 − V22 )
hL =
(V1 − V2 )2
2g …..vi
The Equation (vi) represents the loss due to sudden expansion.
Loss of Power
The loss of power in overcoming the head loss in the transmission of fluid is given by
P = γQh f − − − (vi)
A 25cm diameter, 2km long horizontal pipe is connected to a water tank. The pipe discharges
freely into atmosphere on the downstream side. The head over the centre line of the pipe is
32.5m, f=0.0185. Find the discharge through the pipe
Applying Bernoulli’s equation between (A) and (B) with (B) as datum & considering all losses.
PA VA2 p v2
ZA + + = Z B + B + B + entryloss + frictionloss + exitloss
γ 2g γ 2g
The tank surface and the outlet are exposed to atmospheric condition and hence, PA = PB .
When tank area is compared with the pipe area, it is very much grater than the pipe and hence the
variation of velocity in the tank can be neglected. Therefore, VA = 0.
The above equation now can be written as,
V 2 0.5V 2 fLV 2 V 2
32.5 + 0 + 0 = 0 + 0 + + + +
2g 2g 2 gD 2 g
V2 0.0185 X 2000
32.5 = 1 + 0.5 + + 1
2g 0.25
32.5 = 7.67V 2
V = 2.06m / s
The discharge is calculated using continuity equation.
πD 2
Q= V
πx 0.25 4 x 2.06 = 0.101m 3 / sec
Q = 101lps
The discharge through a pipe is 225lps. Find the loss of head when the pipe is suddenly enlarged
from 150mm to 250mm diameter.
D1=0.15m, D2 = 0.25m Q=225lps = 225m3/sec
hL =
(V1 − V2 )
Writing the above equation in terms of discharge,,
4Q 4Q 1
hL = 2 − X
πD1 πD2 2g
16Q 2 1 1
hL = 2 − 2
2 gπ D1 D2
16 x0.225 2 1 1
= −
2 x9.81xπ 0.15 0.252
hL = 3.385m
The rate of flow of water through a horizontal pipe is 350lps. The diameter of the pipe is
suddenly enlarge from 200mm to 500mm. The pressure intensity in the smaller pipe is 15N/cm2.
Determine (i) loss of head due to sudden enlargement. (ii) pressure intensity in the larger pipe
(iii) power lost due to enlargement.
D1=0.2m, D2=0.5m,
hL=?, p2=?, P=?
4Q 4 x0.35
V2 = = = 1.78m / s
πD22 πx0.52
hL =
(V1 − V2 ) = (11.14 − 1.78)2 = 4.463mofwater
2g 2 x9.81
Applying Bernoulli’s equation between (1) (1) and (2) (2) with the central line of the pipe as
datum and considering head loss due to sudden expansion hL only,
p1 V12 p V2
Z1 + 150+ 11=.14 Z 2 2+ 2 + p2 + h1L.782
0 + γ 2+g =γ0 + 2 g2 + + 4.463
9.81 19.62 9.81 19.62
Z1 = Z 2 = 0( pipehorizontal )
p2 = 166.68kN / m 2 = 16.67 N / cm 2
Power Loss;
P = γQhL
= 9.81x0.35 x 4.463
P = 15.32kW
Two reservoirs are connected by a pipe line which is 125mm diameter for the first 10m and
200mm in diameter for the remaining 25m. The entrance and exit are sharp and the change of
section is sudden. The water surface in the upper reservoir is 7.5m above that in the lower
reservoir. Determine the rate of flow, assuming f=0.001 for each of the types.
πx0.1252 πx0.2 2
V1 = V2
4 4
∴V1 = 2.56V2
pA VA2 p B VB2
ZA + + = ZB + + + entryloss + frictionloss + sudden exp ansionloss + frictionloss + exitloss
γ 2g γ 2g
The tank surfaces are exposed to atmospheric condition and hence, P1 = P2 .
When tank area is compared with the pipe area, it is very much grater than the pipe and hence the
variation of velocities in the tanks can be neglected. Therefore, V1 = V2 =0.
The above equation now can be written as,
V2 = (147.15/7.61576)0.5
V2 = 4.4 m/s
Q= ( π(0.2)2/4)x4.4 = 0.138 m3/s
Water Hammer Phenomenon in pipelines
A sudden change of flow rate in a large pipeline (due to valve closure, pump turnoff, etc.)
involve a great mass of water moving inside the pipe. The force resulting from changing the
speed of the water mass may cause a pressure rise in the pipe with a magnitude several times
greater than the normal static pressure in the pipe. This may set up a noises known as knocking.
This phenomenon is commonly known as the water hammer phenomenon
The excessive pressure may fracture the pipe walls or cause other damage to the pipeline system
Has a very high speed (called celerity, C ) which may reach the speed of sound wave and may
create noise called knocking,
Magnitude of this pressure depends on
(i) The mean pipe flow velocity
(ii) The length of the pipe
(iii) The time taken to close the valve and
(iv) The elastic properties of the pipe material and that of water.
Kinetic energy of the water moving through the pipe is converted into potential energy stored in
the water and the walls of the pipe through the elastic deformation of both.
The water is compressed and the pipe material is stretched.
The following figure illustrates the formation and transition of the pressure wave due to the
sudden closure of the valve
Propagation of pressure wave due to valve closure
The time required for the pressure wave to travel from the valve to the reservoir and back to the
valve is:
L = length of the pipe (m)
C = speed of pressure wave, celerity (m/sec)
If the valve time of closure is tc , then
C= if the pipe is rigid
ρ if the pipe is elastic
1 1 Dk
and = +
Ec K E p e
C = velocity (celerity) of pressure wave due to water hammer.
ρ = water density ( 1000 kg/m3 ).
K = bulk modulus of water ( 2.1 x 109 N/m2 ).
Ec = effective bulk modulus of water in elastic pipe.
Ep = Modulus of elasticity of the pipe material.
e = thickness of pipe wall.
D = diameter of pipe.
k = factor depends on the anchorage method:
= 5 for pipes free to move longitudinally,
( −ε )
pi ρ LV LV
H= = =
ρ g ρ gt gt
∆P ρ LV LV
∆H = = =
γ ρ gt g t
i.e. Ek = Ew ….1
Consider the pipe AB of length L
cross-sectional area a
water of mass density ρ,
weight density γ
bulk density of water K
mean velocity of flow V
be suddenly stopped due to closure of valve provided at B.
The kinetic energy of flowing water before closure of valve will be converted to strain energy,
when the effect of friction and elasticity of pipe material are ignored.
Loss of kinetic energy Ek
= ½ x mass of water x V2
As mass = ρ x volume = ρ x aL
Loss of kinetic energy, Ek = ½ x ρ a L x V2 …..2
1 pi2 1 p2
Gain in strain energy Ew = × Volume = i × aL …………3
2 K 2 K
From Eqs. 2 and 3, we get
ρ a L V 2 = i × aL
p i2 = ρ K V 2
pi = V ρ K
But Celerity K
Substituting for the value of C in the above equation for pressure rise, we get
pi = ρ V C
∆H =
But for rigid pipe C= so ∆H =
ρ g ρ
1 pi2 1 pi2
Ew = × Volume = × aL
2 K 2 K
Computation of Ep can be done by simulating the situation to the thick cylinder subjected to
internal fluid pressure.
Let t be the thickness of the elastic pipe wall and assume that it is small compared to its diameter
Let f1 be the hoop or circumferential and stress
f2 be the longitudinal stress as shown in figure.
Let the Young’s modulous of the pipe material be E and poisons ratio 1/m
Let the instantaneous fluid pressure be pi.
From the knowledge oaf Strength of materials, we can write that
pi D pD
f1 = and
f2 = i Hence f1 = 2 f2
2t 4t
Further, the strain energy stored in pipe per unit volume is given by
Ep 1 2 2f f
= f1 + f 22 − 1 2
V1 2E m
Substituting f1 = 2 f2, we get
Ep 1 2 2 4 f 22
= 4
2 f + f −
V1 2E
Ep f 22 4
= 5−
V1 2 E m
1 1 p2 p2D2 1 4
× ρ a L ×V 2 = i × aL + i 2 5− π Dt L
2 2 K 16 t 2 E m
Simplifying, we get
1 1 pi2 pi2 D 1 4 π D 2
× ρ a L ×V = × aL +
5− L
2 2 K 4 t 2 E m 4
π D2
But a = and aL/2 gets canceled on both sides, now the equation takes the form as,
p2 p2D 1 4 1 D 4
ρ V 2 = i + i 5 − = pi2 + 5 −
4 t E m K 4 t E m
Solving for pi ;
ρ ρ
pi = V =V
1 D 4 1 D 5 1
K + 4 t E 5 − m K + t E 4 − m
The above expression gives the instantaneous rise in pressure in an elastic pipe due to sudden
closure of Valve.
If the Poisons ration is not given, it can be assumed as ¼. Then Eq. 5reduces to
pi = V
1 D
K + t E ………………6
Applying the water hammer formulas we can determine the energy gradient line and the
hydraulic gradient line for the pipe system under steady flow condition.
H M =H M ,beforeclosure +∆H
A steel pipe 1524 m long laid on a uniform slope has an 45.72 cm, diameter and a 5.08 cm wall
thickness. The pipe carries water from a reservoir and discharges into the air at an elevation
45.72 m below the reservoir free surface. A valve installed at the downstream end of the pipe
allows a flow rate of 0.708 m3/s. If the valve is completely closed in 1.4 sec, calculate the
maximum water hammer pressure at the valve. Neglect the longitudinal stress.
Take K= 2.07 x 1011 N/m2, Ep = 1.93 x 1011 N/m2
Effective bulk modulus of water In elastic pipe, Ec , is given by