Q1 REPORT - 2020: Aega ASA
Q1 REPORT - 2020: Aega ASA
Q1 REPORT - 2020: Aega ASA
Q1 REPORT – 2020
Home | Contents | About Aega | Quarter report | Financial statement | Contact 2 /1 3
About Aega
About Aega
Aega ASA is an investment company listed on the Oslo Axess exchange. AEGA’s main focus
is to acquire and operate solar power plants. The company recently sold a portfolio of eight
solar parks located in Italy, and has now started to establish a new portfolio. Aega ASA
invests mainly in small operating solar parks (below 5 MWp capacity) which meet its strict
investment criteria. The company’s head offices are in Oslo (NO) and Trento (IT).
numbers this should be taken into consideration. Also the sold parks were 20
first classified as discontinued business during Q3. 0
Total revenues in the first quarter was EUR 97 000 compared to a 843 000 January February March
Financial statement
Profit and loss
Balance sheet
Cash flow
Change in equity
Profit from discontinued operation (attributable to equity holders of the company) - - 3 818 462
Balance sheet
(EUR) Note 31 Mar 2019 31 Dec 2019
Halldor Christen Tjoflaat Kathrine Breistøl Kristine Larneng Nils Petter Skaset
Chair Director Director Chief Executive Officer
Cash flow
(EUR) Q1 2020 Q1 2019 2019
Change in equity
Share Share Other Foreign currency Total
(EUR) capital premium fund equity translation reserve equity
Note 1: Summary of significant accounting policies
Aega ASA is a public limited company, incorporated and domiciled in Norway. functional currency is the Norwegian krone (NOK). Balance sheet items in
The registered office of Aega ASA is Thunes vei 2, NO-0274 Oslo, Norway. Aega group companies with a functional currency other than the EUR are converted
Energy Prima AS was the first company in the group, founded on 28 April 2014. to EUR by applying the currency rate applicable on the balance sheet date.
Aega ASA sold eight photovoltaic power plants in Italy in August 2019, and Currency translation differences are booked against other comprehensive
its business is to find and invest in new photovoltaic power plants in Italy. income. Income statement items are converted by applying the average
currency rate for the period. The interim financial report has been prepared
Basis for preparing the interim financial statements on the assumption that the company is a going concern.
These condensed interim consolidated financial statements are prepared
in accordance with recognition, measurement and presentation principles See the 2019 annual report for a full overview of the accounting principles
consistent with the International Financing Reporting Standards (IFRS) as applied by Aega ASA.
adopted by the European Union for interim reporting under the International
Accounting Standard (IAS) 34 Interim Financial Reporting. These condensed Key risk factors
interim consolidated financial statements are unaudited. No significant change has occurred in risk exposures or risks and uncertainties
compared with those described in the annual report.
The group’s presentation currency is the euro (EUR) and the parent company’s
Base Case 1 Power generation kWh Q1 2020 Q4 2019 Q3 2019 Q2 2019 Q1 2019 YTD 2019
31 Dec 2019
Warrants 1
The warrants are freely tradable non-listed warrants, each of which entitles
the holder to subscribe for one share in Aega at an exercise price of NOK 3.10
per share. The exercise price for each warrant is adjusted downwards on a
NOK-for-NOK basis by any dividend per share paid by Aega in excess of an
annual dividend of seven per cent on NOK 3.10 in the period from 31 January
2017 until the exercise of the warrant.
The warrants are exercisable during exercise periods which last for four weeks
from the date of publication of Aega’s annual financial statements for the 2017,
2018, 2019 and 2020 fiscal years, provided, however, that the last exercise
period ends no later than 30 June 2021. Any unexercised warrants will expire
without compensation to Solex on 30 June 2021.
Investor contact
E-mail: [email protected]
Aega ASA
Thunes vei 2
N-0274 Oslo