SET 18 History II X
SET 18 History II X
SET 18 History II X
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Time : 2 Hours Maximum Marks: 200
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3. This paper consists of One hundred (100) multiple-choice type questions. All the questions are compulsory. Each
question carries two marks.
4. Each Question has four alternative responses marked: A B C D . You have to darken the circle as
indicated below on the correct response against each question.
3. Petroglyphs means 8. Who was the first to cross the river Gandak and
lead the Aryan Colonisation of the East?
(A) Some substance of rock surface is
removed through engraving, burnishing, (A) Janmajeya Vaisvasa
hammering, chiselling or scooping. (B) Parikshit Srinjaya
(B) The chipping of rocks to make tools (C) Videha Mathav
(C) The treatment of rocks with petrol (D) Janaka Supranya
(D) None of the above
5. Who among the following was regarded as the 10. Which Tipitaka has rules for monks and nuns of
God of the Shudras in the later Vedic period? the Sangha (monastic order)?
(A) Agni (A) Vinaya
(B) Prajapati (B) Sutta
(C) Pushan (C) Abhidhama
(D) Rudra (D) Markandeya
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11. Which of the following works do not come under 16. Which of the following ousted Jainism from
Sangam literature? Mysore?
(A) Amuktamalyada (A) Nayanars
(B) Valayapati (B) Lingayats
(C) Silappadikaram (C) Alvars
(D) Manimekhalai (D) Sankaracharya
21. The Ghatiyantra was used in early India for 26. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct
(A) Manufacture of vessels of metal answer from the Codes given below:
(B) Pouring of water in sacrificial rituals List-I List-II
(C) Conducting Tantric rituals (Temple) (Place)
(D) Irrigation from wells (a) Sun Temple (i) Martand
(b) Vitthal Temple (ii) Hampi
(c) Kailasnath Temple (iii) Kanchi
22. “Khadgalakshanam” (550 AD) indicating (d) Shore Temple (iv) Mamallapuram
carburization and hardening process of iron swords, Codes:
mentioned by
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) Aryabhatta
(A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(B) Varahmihir
(B) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(C) Banabhatta
(D) Samundragupta (C) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii)
(D) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)
27. Who was the builder of the Martand temple in
23. Which of the following is wrongly matched? Kashmir?
(A) Bharavi– Kiratarjuniya (A) Lalitaditya Muktapida
(B) Vishakhadatta– Mudra-Rakshasa (B) Durlabhavarman
(C) Shudraka– Bhattikavya (C) Avantivarman
(D) Kalidasa– Kumara-Sambhava (D) Jayapala Vinayaditya
28. Which one of the following intensified the feudal
process in India?
24. Where was the Capital of the Rashtrakutas (A) Turko-Afghan attacks from the north western
located? regions
(A) Manyakheta (B) Granting of land
(B) Vengi (C) De-centralization of administration
(C) Badami (D) The rise of the Rajputs
(D) Kalyani
29. Which one of the following explains the truly
agrarian character of the society during the early medieval
25. Which of the statements concerning Pulakesin II (A) The inclusion of agriculture in the ‘Samanya
is not true? Dharma’ of all the Varnas.
(A) He captured Banavasi, the capital of the (B) The Shudras abandoning their duty of
Kadambas. dvijasusrusa were threatend with dire
(B) On the wall of a Buddhist temple at Aihole, consequences of being sent to hell.
the details of his conquests are engraved. (C) Emphasis on the fact that the Shudras should
(C) He established the supremacy of the practise cultivation of industrial arts by
Chalukayan empire making extensive rendering service to the members of the
conquests in the south and north. higher Varnas.
(D) Harshavardhana was his contemporary. (D) None of the above
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30. Concerning the kingdoms of late ancient period 34. The sultan, who introduced branding of horses
which of the following statements is not true? and descriptive rolls in the army was
(A) The contours of the kingdoms were fluid and (A) Iltutmish
difficult to define. (B) Alauddin Khalji
(B) Kingdoms were identifiable by their nulear (C) Muhammad bin Tughlaq
areas. (D) Firuz Shah Tughlaq
(C) All the kingdoms were short-lived.
(D) In respect of expansion of state society there 35. “The country is for the most part well cultivated,
was integration of tribal communities. very fertile, the troops amount in number to eleven
lakhs” refers to
(A) Chola Kingdom
31. Which of the following is not correctly matched?
(B) Pandya Kingdom
(A) Minhaj-us Siraj – Tabaqat-i-Nasiri
(C) Vijayanagar Empire
(B) Ziauddin Barani – Fatwa-i-Jahandari
(D) Bahmani Empire
(C) Khwaja Abdullah – Futuh-us-Salatin
Malik Isami
36. Which of the following is not a memoir?
(D) Shamsi Siraj Atif – Tarikh-i-Mubarak
Shahi (A) Futuhat-i Firozshahi
(B) Mulfuzat-i Timuri
32. Which of the following pair is wrongly matched? (C) Baburnamah
(A) A.B.M. Habibullah : The Foundation of (D) Humayunnamah
Muslim Rule in India
(B) Peter Jackson : The Delhi Sultanate 37. Which of the following represents the correct
(C) K.A. Nizami : On History and chronology of succession of the Maratha rulers?
Historians in (A) Sahu-II–Ramraja–Shahji–Pratap Singh
Medieval India (B) Ramraja–Sahu-II–Pratap Singh–Shahji
(D) Ishwari Prasad : The Dynastic (C) Pratap Singh–Shahji–Ramraja–Sahu-II
History of North (D) Ramraja–Pratap Singh–Sahu-II–Shahji
38. Jital during the Delhi Sultanate referred to
33. Consider the following statements and select (A) A land tax
correct statement(s): (B) Copper coin
1. Ghurid invasions of north India were partly (C) An official title
for acquiring slaves. (D) A territorial division
2. Firuz Tughlaq had a large number of slave
artisans. 39. The remark about the regional languages that,
3. Alauddin Khalji prohibited export of slaves “these languages have from ancient times applied in
from India. every way to the common purposes of life”, made by
(A) 1, 2 and 3 (A) Amir Khusrau
(B) 1 and 2 (B) Abul Fazl
(C) 1 and 3 (C) Kabir
(D) 2 and 3 (D) Tulsidas
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40. Given below are two statements, one labelled as 42. Sondhar was a loan given to
Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R): (A) Peasants
(B) Merchants
Assertion (A) : Alauddin Khalji imposed taxes (C) Nobles
viz. ghari and charai. (D) Poets
Reason (R) : Both these taxes were traditional
and levied earlier. 43. Which of the following statement is not correct?
(A) Shaikh Nizamuddin’s conversation is
In the context of the above two statements, which recorded in Fawaidul Fawad.
of the following is correct? (B) Futuh was unsolicited gifts.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the (C) Muizuddin of Ghor had on some of his gold
coins, stamped the image of the Goddess
correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not (D) Muhammad bin Tughlaq persecuted Jain
the correct explanation of (A). priests.
47. W. H. Moreland estimated the population of 52. The tanka refers to a coin made of
India at the death of Akbar at (A) Copper
(A) 100 million (B) Silver
(B) 140 million (C) Brass
(C) 125 million
(D) Gold
(D) 60 million
49. The Sultan of Bengal who is said to have shown 54. After accession of Aurangzeb, the position of the
great respect to saint Chaitanya was Rajputs
(A) Satyaraja Khan (A) declined as compared to their position under
(B) Hussain Shah Shahjahan.
(C) Azam Shah (B) improved over what it was during
(D) Ilyas Khan Shahjahan’s reign.
(C) remained static as it was during Shahjahan’s
50. Read the following statements regarding
(D) reverted to the position as it was during the
Mir Bakshi and select the correct statements:
reign of Akbar.
1. He presented all candidates for appointment
to the emperor.
55. The art form in which hard and rare stones such
2. He made arrangement for the palace guards.
as lapis, onyx, jasper, topaz etc. were embedded in
3. He was not the Commander-in-Chief but marble in graceful foliations:
was the Paymaster General.
(A) Opus Sectile
(A) 1and 2
(B) Pietra Dura
(B) 1 and 3
(C) 2 and 3 (C) Gold Plating
(D) 1, 2 and 3 (D) Stone Plating
57. The classic description of geared wheel (Persian 61. The Imperial Record Department was set up at
Wheel) comes from (A) Madras in 1900
(A) Sirat-i Firuzshahi (B) Calcutta in 1900
(B) Baburnama (C) Madras in 1891
(C) Miftahul Fuzla (D) Calcutta in 1891
(D) Akbarnama
62. The concept of “arrested growth” or “partial
modernity” says that
(A) Colonialism as a transitional society would
58. Sacking of the Portugese settlement in Hooghly have gradually developed into modern or
(1632) was ordered by the Mughal Emperor capitalist society if left unhindered.
(A) Aurangzeb (B) Imperialism could not carry out the task of
(B) Humayun modernizing fully.
(C) Shahjahan (C) Colonial societies are based on pre-colonial
(D) Jahangir relation and modes of production.
(D) Capitalism is a product of Colonialism only.
65. In which year did Clive come back as Governor 70. Which one of the following is not correct regarding
of Bengal for the second time? the major provisions of the Regulating Act of 1773?
(A) 1764 (A) The civil and military government and
(B) 1766 management of all territorial acquisition
and revenues in Bengal, Bihar and Orissa
(C) 1765
were vested in the Governor-General at Fort
(D) 1767 William assisted by four Councillors.
66. Mangalore, Parambakkam and Porto Novo were (B) The Governor General-in-Council at Fort
places where major battles took place during William was given the power of
superintending the administration of the
(A) First Anglo-Mysore War Presidencies of Madras and Bombay.
(B) Second Anglo-Mysore War (C) The President of Board of Control exercised
(C) Third Anglo-Mysore War all powers relating to supervising the Indian
(D) Fourth Anglo-Mysore War colony.
(D) A Supreme Court was set up at Fort William
67. By which treaty Baji Rao II consented to accept to deal with criminal cases.
the Subsidiary Alliance?
(A) Treaty of Salbai
(B) Treaty of Kharda
71. By which Regulation was the police power of the
(C) Treaty of Salsette Zamindars abrogated?
(D) Treaty of Bassein (A) Regulating Act of 1773
68. The masterstroke of Lord Wellesley in order to (B) Regulation of 1791
establish British Paramountcy in India was (C) Pitt’s India Act of 1784
(A) Doctrine of Lapse (D) Fox’s India Act of 1783
(B) Mediation
(C) Annexation of Indian states
(D) Subsidiary Alliance 72. The Diwani adalat and Faujdari adalat in each
districts were set up in which year?
69. Arrange the following in proper chronological (A) 1774
order using the code given below:
(B) 1773
(i) First Anglo-Burma War
(C) 1772
(ii) First Anglo-Afghan War
(D) 1781
(iii) First Anglo-Maratha War
(iv) First Anglo-Sikh War
73. In year 1774 to assist Chief Justice in the Supreme
1 2 3 4 Court in Calcutta the number of other Judges was
(A) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv) (A) two
(B) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i) (B) four
(C) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv) (C) five
(D) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii) (D) three
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74. The industrialization of the British metropolitan 78. Which of the following statements is true for the
economy built links with India in the periphery through 19th century commodity composition of India’s Export
(A) expansion of textile manufacture in India trade?
(B) expansion of plantations and peasant (A) Included only agricultural goods
production backed up by imported capital (B) Included manufactured goods and primary
and infrastructure commodities
(C) export of cotton textiles to India from Britain (C) Mainly luxury items
(D) expansion of indigo production (D) Mainly natural products
83. The tribal rebellion of Birsa Munda was known 88. ‘Mahatma’ was added before Gandhiji’s name
as during
(A) Diku Movement (A) Rowlatt Satyagraha
(B) Sardari Movement (B) Amritsar Session of INC in 1919
(C) Ulgulan (C) Initial stages of Khilafat Movement
(D) Tana Bhagat Movement (D) Champaran Satyagraha
84. Match List I with List II. 89. With reference to the Indian Freedom Struggle
List I List II who of the following was the lady representative of
India at the Second Round Table Conference?
Legislation Governor-General
(A) Sucheta Kripalani
(a) Widow Remarriage Act (i) William Bentinck
(B) Aruna Asaf Ali
(b) Abolition of Sati (ii) Lansdowne (C) Vijayalakshmi Pandit
(c) Age of Consent Bill (iii) Allenborough (D) Sarojini Naidu
(d) Abolition of Slavery (iv) Lord Dalhousie 90. Which is the correct chronological scquence of
Codes: the following?
(a) (b) (c) (d) 1. The founding of Ghadar Party
(A) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i) 2. The Chauri Chaura incident
(B) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii) 3. The execution of Khudiram Bose
(C) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii) 4. Moplah Rebellion
(D) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv) Choose the correct answer from the codes below:
(A) 1, 3, 2, 4
85. The author of Satyartha Prakasha was
(B) 2, 1, 4, 3
(A) Swami Vivekanand
(C) 3, 4, 1, 2
(B) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(D) 3, 1, 4, 2
(C) Swami Dayananda
(D) Lala Hardayal 91. During Second World War who said, “I have not
become the King’s First Minister to preside over the
86. Who was the Editor of Al-Hilal? liquidation of the British Empire.”?
(A) Muhammad Ali (A) Clement Atlee
(B) Abdul Bari (B) Ramsay Macdonald
(C) Abul Kalam Azad (C) Benjamin Disraeli
(D) Zafar Ali Khan (D) Winston Churchill
87. Who created the first All India Trade Union 92. Who among the following was India’s Defence
Congress? Minister during Chinese Conflict with India in 1962?
(A) Lala Lajpat Rai (A) Morarji Desai
(B) Narayan Malhar Joshi (B) V. K. Krishna Menon
(C) Jawaharlal Nehru (C) Jagjiwan Ram
(D) Subhas Chandra Bose (D) Y. B. Chavan
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93. The earliest known law code was 97. French ‘New History’ lays special emphasis on
(A) Codes of Hammurabi (A) Marginal classes
(B) Codes of Solon (B) Philosophical concepts
(C) Codes of Justinian (C) World system analysis
(D) Codes of Gracchi brothers (D) Production technology
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