Internship Worksheet
Internship Worksheet
Internship Worksheet
SESSION 2021-22
I. All the students need to fill this worksheet simultaneously with their ongoing internships
so that a track of record can be kept.
II. After the completion of Internship, all the students need to send this worksheet with
attached copy of E- Certificate OR if the Certificate is not available then the registration
details received from the organization, to the Internship and Placement Cell, failing
which the online activity done by the student shall not be considered by the Cell for this
semester. Please consider this instruction for mandatory compliance.
III. This worksheet submitted by the student shall be considered as an Official Record of
Internship done during this semester.
IV. Students can also attach with this worksheet, with any other report which was
prepared by him/her during the course of the respective internship.
V. Please submit the PDF version of this file to the Internship and Placement Cell.
Date/Period of Activity: 5 JULY - 26 JULY
Name of the Institution/Organization:
1. Visit a Central Jail or Sub Jail for Set Up Central Jail Bilaspur.
one day in the District-interact with Working of Central Jail
the inmates to find out if they are Functions & Hierarchy of officers in Jail
represented by a counsel - whether Working of Legal Aid office at Jail
private or legal services lawyers, Jail Manual
find out the difficulties of inmates;
look at issue of production before
the Court/JJBs and observe the
working of the legal services clinic
established and, if any, the legal
services lawyers and PLVs attached
with the same and report to the
Secretary, DLSA if any problem is
2. Visit an Observation Home/Juvenile Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of
Justice Board for one day-to observe Children) Act 2015 - Applicability and
the working of the said institutions provisions,
and also look at the role of the legal purpose of a separate court is socio legal
services lawyers in these institutions rehabilitation and reformation not
Composition of JJB,
kind of legal representation and Working of clinic within the premises of
make suitable report to the Balika Griha
Secretary, DLSA.
4. Visit a home for senior citizens for Daily working of Vridhashram - These
one day- to interact with the adults or senior citizens are like child
inmates, try to understand their who needs extra care and protection and
problems and look at the conditions also the love too which is been provided
in which they stay and assess here
whether they need any kind of legal
representation and make suitable
report to the Secretary, DLSA.
5. Visit a mental hospital/drug Set up of mental wards
rehabilitation centre for one day- to Rights of Patients
interact with the inmates, try to Applicable law- Mental Act 1987
understand their problems and look
at the conditions in which they stay
and assess whether they need any
kind of legal representation and
make suitable report to the
Secretary, DLSA
6. Visit the District Courts including Distribution of work in Court Complex
Magisterial, Sessions and Civil Observed proceeding of courts,
Courts for one day- to interact with documents like order sheet, crime details
the inmates, try to understand their form final report, etc
problems and look at the conditions
in which they stay and assess
whether they need any kind of legal
representation and make suitable
report to the Secretary, DLSA.
7. Watch the mediation proceedings at Met trained Mediator, Mediation rules of
Mediation/ADR centre and HC, utility in solving compoundable
LokAdalat/Permanent LokAdalat cases,
for one day Saw the proceedings of the court and
hustle and bustle on Natioanl Lok Adalat
as many people with cases of
compoundable nature came for
compromises and settlement of disputes.
8. Spend the remaining days in the The District Legal Services Authority is
office of the District Legal Services tasked with the responsibility of
Authorities -to observe and spreading legal awareness and awareness
understand the working of the ‘front about legal and fundamental rights, free
office’, provision of legal aid to the legal aid provisions, alternative dispute
legal aid beneficiaries, counselling, resolution and other such matters,
working of victim compensation through legal literacy camps and
scheme, administrative work etc. seminars, and any other initiatives as
they deem fit.
9. remain in SLSA Office- make a information about the working of SLSA
small presentation of their at different levels as it is a governing
observation while being associated body of the DLSA and it give the
with the DLSA’s/ HCLSC and working plan to DLSAS of the state and
suggestion, if any. They would also look after the efficient working of the
be required to study NALSA & state. CGSLSA works according to the
SLSAs Scheme and make small PLAN OF ACTION in which moth wise
presentation in groups work is distributed and is mentioned
what to do and when to do,
Overall it was a great experience and helped me a lot to learn about legal aid and its
working and support of government in legal aid.