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Operadora Cicsa S.A. de C.V.: Swecomex Calle 5 No. 899 Zona Industrial 44940 Guadalajara Jalisco Mexico

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Calle 5 No. 899

Zona Industrial 44940

Guadalajara Jalisco Mexico

COMPRESS Pressure Vessel Design Calculations

Date: Viernes, Enero 29, 2010
Deficiencies Summary

No deficiencies found.

Nozzle Schedule

Nozzle Materials
Service Size
Nozzle Impact Norm Fine Grain Pad Impact Norm Fine Grain Flange

WN A105
N1 Nozzle #1 4" Sch 120 SA-106 B Smls pipe No No No N/A N/A N/A N/A
Class 150

WN A105
N2 Nozzle #2 6" Sch 80 (XS) SA-106 B Smls pipe No No No SA-516 70 No No No
Class 150

Nozzle Summary

Nozzle OD t Req t Pad Corr A /A
n n A1? A2? a r
mark (in) (in) (in) (in) (%)
Nom t Design t User t Width t
(in) (in) (in) (in) (in)

N1 4.5 0.438 0.3799 Yes Yes 0.5 0.352 N/A N/A 0.125 119.6

N2 6.625 0.432 0.4023 Yes Yes 0.5 0.352 2 0.5 0.125 256.0

tn: Nozzle thickness

Req tn: Nozzle thickness required per UG-45/UG-16
Nom t: Vessel wall thickness
Design t: Required vessel wall thickness due to pressure + corrosion allowance per UG-37
User t: Local vessel wall thickness (near opening)
Aa: Area available per UG-37, governing condition
Ar: Area required per UG-37, governing condition
Corr: Corrosion allowance on nozzle wall

Pressure Summary

Pressure Summary for Chamber bounded by Ellipsoidal Head #1 and Ellipsoidal Head #2

Identifier Design Design external
( psi) ( psi) ( °F) Exemption Tested
( psi) ( °F) ( °F)

Ellipsoidal Head #2 150 250 249.69 38.6 250 -45.8 Note 1 No

Straight Flange on Ellipsoidal Head #2 150 250 330.03 23.86 250 -45.8 Note 2 No

Cylinder #1 150 250 280.53 23.86 300 -45.7 Note 3 No

Straight Flange on Ellipsoidal Head #1 150 250 330.03 23.86 250 -45.8 Note 2 No

Ellipsoidal Head #1 150 250 249.69 38.6 250 -45.8 Note 4 No

Rings #1 N/A N/A N/A 15 300 N/A N/A No

Nozzle #1 (N1) 150 250 150 15 300 -55 Note 5 No

Nozzle Note 6 No
Nozzle #2 (N2) 150 250 150 15 300 -46.5
Pad Note 7 No

Chamber design MDMT is 15 °F

Chamber rated MDMT is -45.7 °F @ 150 psi

Chamber Design MAWP hot & corroded is 150 psi

Chamber MAP cold & new is 150 psi @ 70 °F

Chamber MAEP is 15 psi @ 250 °F

Vacuum rings did not govern the external pressure rating.

Notes for Maximum Pressure Rating:

Note # Details

1. Option to calculate MAWP was not selected. See the Calculation->General tab of the Set Mode dialog.

Notes for MDMT Rating:

Note # Exemption Details

1. Straight Flange governs MDMT

Material impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66 Curve B = -7 °F

2. UCS-66 governing thickness = 0.5 in
Fig UCS-66.1 MDMT reduction = 38.8 °F, (coincident ratio = 0.6124659)

Material impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66 Curve B = -7 °F

3. UCS-66 governing thickness = 0.5 in
Fig UCS-66.1 MDMT reduction = 38.7 °F, (coincident ratio = 0.6129608)

4. Straight Flange governs MDMT

5. Flange rating governs: UCS-66(b)(1)(b)

6. Nozzle is impact test exempt to -155 °F per UCS-66(b)(3) (coincident ratio = 0.10476).

Pad impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66 Curve B = -7 °F

7. UCS-66 governing thickness = 0.5 in.
Fig UCS-66.1 MDMT reduction = 39.5 °F, (coincident ratio = 0.60523)

Design notes are available on the Settings Summary page.

Revision History

No. Date Operator Notes

0 8/23/2010 GUSTAVO New vessel created ASME Section VIII Division 1 [Build 6310]

Settings Summary

COMPRESS 2010 Build 7000

Units: U.S. Customary

Datum Line Location: 0.00" from right seam


ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2007 Edition

Design or Rating: Get Thickness from Pressure

Minimum thickness: 0.0625" per UG-16(b)
Design for cold shut down only: No
Design for lethal service (full radiography required): No
Design nozzles for: Design P only
Corrosion weight loss: 100% of theoretical loss
UG-23 Stress Increase: 1.20
Skirt/legs stress increase: 1.0
Minimum nozzle projection: 6"
Juncture calculations for α > 30 only: Yes
Preheat P-No 1 Materials > 1.25&#34 and <= 1.50" thick: No
UG-37(a) shell tr calculation considers longitudinal stress: No
Butt welds are tapered per Figure UCS-66.3(a).

Hydro/Pneumatic Test

Shop Hydrotest Pressure: 1.3 times design P

Test liquid specific gravity: 1.00
Maximum stress during test: 90% of yield

Required Marking - UG-116

UG-116 (e) Radiography: RT4

UG-116 (f) Postweld heat treatment: None

Code Cases\Interpretations

Use Code Case 2547: No

Apply interpretation VIII-1-83-66: No
Apply interpretation VIII-1-86-175: Yes
Apply interpretation VIII-1-83-115: No
Apply interpretation VIII-1-01-37: Yes
No UCS-66.1 MDMT reduction: No
No UCS-68(c) MDMT reduction: No
Disallow UG-20(f) exemptions: No

UG-22 Loadings

UG-22 (a) Internal or External Design Pressure : Yes

UG-22 (b) Weight of the vessel and normal contents under operating or test conditions: No
UG-22 (c) Superimposed static reactions from weight of attached equipment (external loads): No
UG-22 (d)(2) Vessel supports such as lugs, rings, skirts, saddles and legs: No
UG-22 (f) Wind reactions: No
UG-22 (f) Seismic reactions: No
Note: UG-22 (b),(c) and (f) loads only considered when supports are present.

Thickness Summary

Component Material Diameter Length Nominal t Design t Total Corrosion Joint Load
Identifier (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) E

Ellipsoidal Head #2 SA-516 70 60 ID 15.375 0.375* 0.3526 0.125 1.00 Internal

Straight Flange on Ellipsoidal Head #2 SA-516 70 60 ID 2 0.5 0.4379 0.125 1.00 External

Cylinder #1 SA-516 70 60 ID 360 0.5 0.4379 0.125 0.85 External

Straight Flange on Ellipsoidal Head #1 SA-516 70 60 ID 2 0.5 0.4379 0.125 1.00 External

Ellipsoidal Head #1 SA-516 70 60 ID 15.375 0.375* 0.3526 0.125 1.00 Internal

Nominal t: Vessel wall nominal thickness

Design t: Required vessel thickness due to governing loading + corrosion
Joint E: Longitudinal seam joint efficiency
* Head minimum thickness after forming

internal: Circumferential stress due to internal pressure governs
external: External pressure governs
Wind: Combined longitudinal stress of pressure + weight + wind governs
Seismic: Combined longitudinal stress of pressure + weight + seismic governs

Weight Summary

Weight ( lb) Contributed by Vessel Elements

Surface Area
Metal Metal Insulation & Piping Operating Test ft2
New* Corroded* Supports + Liquid Liquid Liquid

Ellipsoidal Head #2 500.8 340 0 0 0 1,145.8 1,224.7 34

Cylinder #1 9,674.9 7,271.1 0 0 0 32,646.5 36,757 479

Ellipsoidal Head #1 500.8 340 0 0 0 1,145.8 1,224.7 34

TOTAL: 10,676.4 7,951.1 0 0 0 34,938.1 39,206.5 546

* Shells with attached nozzles have weight reduced by material cut out for opening.

Weight ( lb) Contributed by Attachments

Surface Area
Component Nozzles &
Body Flanges Packed Trays & Rings & Vertical ft2
Beds Supports Clips Loads
New Corroded New Corroded

Ellipsoidal Head #2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Cylinder #1 0 0 93.6 80.5 0 0 86.7 0 16

Ellipsoidal Head #1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL: 0 0 93.6 80.5 0 0 86.7 0 16

Vessel operating weight, Corroded: 43,056 lb

Vessel operating weight, New: 45,528 lb
Vessel empty weight, Corroded: 8,118 lb
Vessel empty weight, New: 10,857 lb
Vessel test weight, New: 50,063 lb
Vessel surface area: 562 ft2

Vessel center of gravity location - from datum - lift condition

Vessel Lift Weight, New: 10,857 lb

Center of Gravity: 180.9384"

Vessel Capacity

Vessel Capacity** (New): 4,700 US gal

Vessel Capacity** (Corroded): 4,741 US gal
**The vessel capacity does not include volume of nozzle, piping or other attachments.

Long Seam Summary

Shell Long Seam


Component Seam 1

Cylinder #1 45°

Shell Plate Lengths

Component Plate 1

Cylinder #1 45° 190.0664"

*Plate Lengths use the circumfrence of the vessel based on the mid diameter of the components

Shell Rollout

Hydrostatic Test

Shop test pressure determination for Chamber bounded by Ellipsoidal Head #1 and Ellipsoidal Head #2 based
on design P per UG-99(b)

Shop hydrostatic test gauge pressure is 195 psi at 70 °F (the chamber design P = 150 psi)

The shop test is performed with the vessel in the horizontal position.

Local test Test liquid UG-99 UG-99 Stress Allowable

Identifier pressure static head stress pressure during test test stress
psi psi ratio factor psi psi
Ellipsoidal Head #2 (1) 197.707 2.707 1 1.30 14,235 34,200 No

Straight Flange on Ellipsoidal Head #2 197.707 2.707 1 1.30 11,961 34,200 No

Cylinder #1 197.707 2.707 1 1.30 11,961 34,200 No

Straight Flange on Ellipsoidal Head #1 197.707 2.707 1 1.30 11,961 34,200 No

Ellipsoidal Head #1 197.707 2.707 1 1.30 14,235 34,200 No

Nozzle #1 (N1) 195.523 0.523 1 1.30 16,452 51,300 No

Nozzle #2 (N2) 195.523 0.523 1 1.30 10,615 51,300 No

(1) Ellipsoidal Head #2 limits the UG-99 stress ratio.
(2) PL stresses at nozzle openings have been estimated using the method described in PVP-Vol. 399, pages 77-82.
(3) 1.5*0.9*Sy used as the basis for the maximum local primary membrane stress at the nozzle intersection PL.
(4) The zero degree angular position is assumed to be up, and the test liquid height is assumed to the top-most

The field test condition has not been investigated for the Chamber bounded by Ellipsoidal Head #1 and Ellipsoidal
Head #2.

The test temperature of 70 °F is warmer than the minimum recommended temperature of -15.7 °F so the brittle
fracture provision of UG-99(h) has been met.

Vacuum Summary

Component Line of Support Length Le
above Datum

Ellipsoidal Head #2 - 377.375 N/A

- 1/3 depth of Ellipsoidal Head #2 367.0417 N/A

Straight Flange on Ellipsoidal Head #2 Top - 362 187.0417

Straight Flange on Ellipsoidal Head #2 Bottom - 360 187.0417

Cylinder #1 Top - 360 187.0417

- Rings #1 180 187.0417

Cylinder #1 Bottom - 0 187.0417

Straight Flange on Ellipsoidal Head #1 Top - 0 187.0417

Straight Flange on Ellipsoidal Head #1 Bottom - -2 187.0417

- 1/3 depth of Ellipsoidal Head #1 -7.0417 N/A

Ellipsoidal Head #1 - -17.375 N/A


For main components, the listed value of 'Le' is the largest unsupported length for the component.

For Rings, the listed value of 'Le' is Ls per UG-29.

Cylinder #1

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2007 Edition

Component: Cylinder
Material specification: SA-516 70 (II-D p. 18, ln. 22)
Material impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66 Curve B = -7 °F
Fig UCS-66.1 MDMT reduction = 38.7 °F, (coincident ratio = 0.6129608)
UCS-66 governing thickness = 0.5 in

Internal design pressure: P = 150 psi @ 250 °F

External design pressure: Pe = 15 psi @ 300 °F

Static liquid head:

Ps = (SG = 1.1, Hs = 45",Operating head)
2.71 (SG = 1, Hs = 75", Horizontal test
Pth =
psi head)

Corrosion allowance Inner C = 0.125" Outer C = 0"

Design MDMT = 15 °F No impact test performed

Rated MDMT = -45.7 °F Material is not normalized
Material is not produced to Fine Grain Practice
PWHT is not performed

Radiography: Longitudinal joint - Spot UW-11(b) Type 1

Left circumferential joint - Spot UW-11(a)(5)b Type 1
Right circumferential joint - Spot UW-11(a)(5)b Type 1

Estimated weight New = 9,674.9 lb corr = 7,271.1 lb

Capacity New = 4,406.39 US gal corr = 4,443.19 US gal

ID = 60"
= 360"
t = 0.5"

Design thickness, (at 250 °F) UG-27(c)(1)

t = P*R / (S*E - 0.60*P) + Corrosion

= 151.79*30.125 / (20,000*0.85 - 0.60*151.79) + 0.125
= 0.3955"

Maximum allowable pressure, (at 70 °F) UG-27(c)(1)

P = S*E*t / (R + 0.60*t)
= 20,000*0.85*0.5 / (30 + 0.60*0.5)
= 280.53 psi

External Pressure, (Corroded & at 300 °F) UG-28(c)

L/ 187.0417
= = 3.0663
Do / 61
Do 61 /
= = 194.9551
/t 0.3129

From table G: A = 0.000153
From table 2,193.2461
B =
CS-2: psi

Pa = 4*B / (3*(Do / t))

4*2,193.25 / (3*(61 /
= 15 psi

Design thickness for external pressure Pa = 15 psi

t+ 0.3129
ta = = = 0.4379"
Corrosion + 0.125
Maximum Allowable External Pressure, (Corroded & at 300 °F) UG-28(c)

L/ 187.0417
= = 3.0663
Do / 61
Do 61 /
= = 162.6667
/t 0.375
From table G: A = 0.000203
From table 2,910.7112
B =
CS-2: psi

Pa = 4*B / (3*(Do / t))

4*2,910.71 / (3*(61 /
= 23.86 psi

% Extreme fiber elongation - UCS-79(d)

EFE = (50*t / Rf)*(1 - Rf / Ro)

= (50*0.5 / 30.25)*(1 - 30.25 / ∞)
= 0.8264%

The extreme fiber elongation does not exceed 5%.

Ellipsoidal Head #2

ASME Section VIII, Division 1, 2007 Edition

Component: Ellipsoidal Head

Material Specification: SA-516 70 (II-D p.18, ln. 22)
Straight Flange governs MDMT

Internal design pressure: P = 150 psi @ 250 °F

External design pressure: Pe = 15 psi @ 250 °F

Static liquid head:

Ps= 1.7868 psi (SG=1.1, Hs=45" Operating head)

Pth= 2.7073 psi (SG=1, Hs=75" Horizontal test head)

Corrosion allowance: Inner C = 0.125" Outer C = 0"

Design MDMT = 15°F No impact test performed

Rated MDMT = -45.8°F Material is not normalized
Material is not produced to fine grain practice
PWHT is not performed
Do not Optimize MDMT / Find MAWP

Radiography: Category A joints - Seamless No RT

Head to shell seam - Spot UW-11(a)(5)(b) Type 1

Estimated weight*: new = 500.8 lb corr = 340 lb

Capacity*: new = 146.9 US gal corr = 149.1 US gal
* includes straight flange

Inner diameter = 60"

Minimum head thickness = 0.375"
Head ratio D/2h = 2 (new)
Head ratio D/2h = 1.9917 (corroded)
Straight flange length Lsf = 2"
Nominal straight flange thickness tsf = 0.5"
Results Summary

The governing condition is internal pressure.

Minimum thickness per UG-16 = 0.0625" + 0.125" = 0.1875"
Design thickness due to internal pressure (t) = 0.3526"
Design thickness due to external pressure (te) = 0.281"
Maximum allowable pressure (MAP) = 249.69 psi
Maximum allowable external pressure (MAEP) = 38.6 psi

K (Corroded)

K=(1/6)*[2 + (D / (2*h))2]=(1/6)*[2 + (60.25 / (2*15.125))2]=0.994502

K (New)

K=(1/6)*[2 + (D / (2*h))2]=(1/6)*[2 + (60 / (2*15))2]=1

Design thickness for internal pressure, (Corroded at 250 °F) Appendix 1-4(c)

t = P*D*K / (2*S*E - 0.2*P) + Corrosion

= 151.79*60.25*0.994502 / (2*20,000*1 - 0.2*151.79) + 0.125
= 0.3525"

The head internal pressure design thickness is 0.3526".

Maximum allowable pressure, (New at 70 °F) Appendix 1-4(c)

P = 2*S*E*t / (K*D + 0.2*t) - Ps

= 2*20,000*1*0.375 / (1*60 +0.2*0.375) - 0
= 249.69 psi

The maximum allowable pressure (MAP) is 249.69 psi.

Design thickness for external pressure, (Corroded at 250 °F) UG-33(d)

Equivalent outside spherical radius (Ro)

Ro = Ko*Do
= 0.889*60.75
= 54.0082 in

A = 0.125 / (Ro / t)
= 0.125 / (54.0082 / 0.155989)
= 0.000361

From Table CS-2: B= 5,193.4546 psi

Pa = B / (Ro / t)
= 5,193.455 / (54.0082 / 0.156)
= 15 psi

t = 0.156" + Corrosion = 0.156" + 0.125" = 0.281"

Check the external pressure per UG-33(a)(1) Appendix 1-4(c)

t = 1.67*Pe*D*K / (2*S*E - 0.2*1.67*Pe) + Corrosion

= 1.67*15*60.25*0.994502 / (2*20,000*1 - 0.2*1.67*15) + 0.125
= 0.1625"

The head external pressure design thickness (te) is 0.281".

Maximum Allowable External Pressure, (Corroded at 250 °F) UG-33(d)

Equivalent outside spherical radius (Ro)

Ro = Ko*Do
= 0.889*60.75
= 54.0082 in

A = 0.125 / (Ro / t)
= 0.125 / (54.0082 / 0.25)
= 0.000579

From Table CS-2: B =8,339.8389 psi

Pa = B / (Ro / t)
= 8,339.839 / (54.0082 / 0.25)

= 38.6045 psi

Check the Maximum External Pressure, UG-33(a)(1) Appendix 1-4(c)

P = 2*S*E*t / ((K*D + 0.2*t)*1.67) - Ps2

= 2*20,000*1*0.25 / ((0.994502*60.25 +0.2*0.25)*1.67) - 0
= 99.85 psi

The maximum allowable external pressure (MAEP) is 38.6 psi.

% Extreme fiber elongation - UCS-79(d)

EFE = (75*t / Rf)*(1 - Rf / Ro)

= (75*0.5 / 10.45)*(1 - 10.45 / ∞)
= 3.5885%

The extreme fiber elongation does not exceed 5%.

Straight Flange on Ellipsoidal Head #2

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2007 Edition

Component: Straight Flange

Material specification: SA-516 70 (II-D p. 18, ln. 22)
Material impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66 Curve B = -7 °F
Fig UCS-66.1 MDMT reduction = 38.8 °F, (coincident ratio = 0.6124659)
UCS-66 governing thickness = 0.5 in

Internal design pressure: P = 150 psi @ 250 °F

External design pressure: Pe = 15 psi @ 250 °F

Static liquid head:

Ps = (SG = 1.1, Hs = 45",Operating head)
2.71 (SG = 1, Hs = 75", Horizontal test
Pth =
psi head)

Corrosion allowance Inner C = 0.125" Outer C = 0"

Design MDMT = 15 °F No impact test performed

Rated MDMT = -45.8 °F Material is not normalized
Material is not produced to Fine Grain Practice
PWHT is not performed

Radiography: Longitudinal joint - Seamless No RT

Circumferential joint - Spot UW-11(a)(5)b Type 1

Estimated weight New = 53.8 lb corr = 40.4 lb

Capacity New = 24.48 US gal corr = 24.68 US gal

ID = 60"
= 2"
t = 0.5"

Design thickness, (at 250 °F) UG-27(c)(1)

t = P*R / (S*E - 0.60*P) + Corrosion

= 151.79*30.125 / (20,000*1.00 - 0.60*151.79) + 0.125
= 0.3547"

Maximum allowable pressure, (at 70 °F) UG-27(c)(1)

P = S*E*t / (R + 0.60*t)
= 20,000*1.00*0.5 / (30 + 0.60*0.5)
= 330.03 psi

External Pressure, (Corroded & at 250 °F) UG-28(c)

L/ 187.0417
= = 3.0663
Do / 61
Do 61 /
= = 194.9551
/t 0.3129
From table G: A = 0.000153

From table 2,193.2463
B =
CS-2: psi

Pa = 4*B / (3*(Do / t))

4*2,193.25 / (3*(61 /
= 15 psi

Design thickness for external pressure Pa = 15 psi

t+ 0.3129
ta = = = 0.4379"
Corrosion + 0.125
Maximum Allowable External Pressure, (Corroded & at 250 °F) UG-28(c)

L/ 187.0417
= = 3.0663
Do / 61
Do 61 /
= = 162.6667
/t 0.375
From table G: A = 0.000203
From table 2,910.7119
B =
CS-2: psi

Pa = 4*B / (3*(Do / t))

4*2,910.71 / (3*(61 /
= 23.86 psi

% Extreme fiber elongation - UCS-79(d)

EFE = (50*t / Rf)*(1 - Rf / Ro)

= (50*0.5 / 30.25)*(1 - 30.25 / ∞)
= 0.8264%

The extreme fiber elongation does not exceed 5%.

Straight Flange on Ellipsoidal Head #1

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2007 Edition

Component: Straight Flange

Material specification: SA-516 70 (II-D p. 18, ln. 22)
Material impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66 Curve B = -7 °F
Fig UCS-66.1 MDMT reduction = 38.8 °F, (coincident ratio = 0.6124659)
UCS-66 governing thickness = 0.5 in

Internal design pressure: P = 150 psi @ 250 °F

External design pressure: Pe = 15 psi @ 250 °F

Static liquid head:

Ps = (SG = 1.1, Hs = 45",Operating head)
2.71 (SG = 1, Hs = 75", Horizontal test
Pth =
psi head)

Corrosion allowance Inner C = 0.125" Outer C = 0"

Design MDMT = 15 °F No impact test performed

Rated MDMT = -45.8 °F Material is not normalized
Material is not produced to Fine Grain Practice
PWHT is not performed

Radiography: Longitudinal joint - Seamless No RT

Circumferential joint - Spot UW-11(a)(5)b Type 1

Estimated weight New = 53.8 lb corr = 40.4 lb

Capacity New = 24.48 US gal corr = 24.68 US gal

ID = 60"
= 2"
t = 0.5"

Design thickness, (at 250 °F) UG-27(c)(1)

t = P*R / (S*E - 0.60*P) + Corrosion

= 151.79*30.125 / (20,000*1.00 - 0.60*151.79) + 0.125
= 0.3547"

Maximum allowable pressure, (at 70 °F) UG-27(c)(1)

P = S*E*t / (R + 0.60*t)
= 20,000*1.00*0.5 / (30 + 0.60*0.5)
= 330.03 psi

External Pressure, (Corroded & at 250 °F) UG-28(c)

L/ 187.0417
= = 3.0663
Do / 61
Do 61 /
= = 194.9551
/t 0.3129
From table G: A = 0.000153

From table 2,193.2461
B =
CS-2: psi

Pa = 4*B / (3*(Do / t))

4*2,193.25 / (3*(61 /
= 15 psi

Design thickness for external pressure Pa = 15 psi

t+ 0.3129
ta = = = 0.4379"
Corrosion + 0.125
Maximum Allowable External Pressure, (Corroded & at 250 °F) UG-28(c)

L/ 187.0417
= = 3.0663
Do / 61
Do 61 /
= = 162.6667
/t 0.375
From table G: A = 0.000203
From table 2,910.7112
B =
CS-2: psi

Pa = 4*B / (3*(Do / t))

4*2,910.71 / (3*(61 /
= 23.86 psi

% Extreme fiber elongation - UCS-79(d)

EFE = (50*t / Rf)*(1 - Rf / Ro)

= (50*0.5 / 30.25)*(1 - 30.25 / ∞)
= 0.8264%

The extreme fiber elongation does not exceed 5%.

Ellipsoidal Head #1

ASME Section VIII, Division 1, 2007 Edition

Component: Ellipsoidal Head

Material Specification: SA-516 70 (II-D p.18, ln. 22)
Straight Flange governs MDMT

Internal design pressure: P = 150 psi @ 250 °F

External design pressure: Pe = 15 psi @ 250 °F

Static liquid head:

Ps= 1.7868 psi (SG=1.1, Hs=45" Operating head)

Pth= 2.7073 psi (SG=1, Hs=75" Horizontal test head)

Corrosion allowance: Inner C = 0.125" Outer C = 0"

Design MDMT = 15°F No impact test performed

Rated MDMT = -45.8°F Material is not normalized
Material is not produced to fine grain practice
PWHT is not performed
Do not Optimize MDMT / Find MAWP

Radiography: Category A joints - Seamless No RT

Head to shell seam - Spot UW-11(a)(5)(b) Type 1

Estimated weight*: new = 500.8 lb corr = 340 lb

Capacity*: new = 146.9 US gal corr = 149.1 US gal
* includes straight flange

Inner diameter = 60"

Minimum head thickness = 0.375"
Head ratio D/2h = 2 (new)
Head ratio D/2h = 1.9917 (corroded)
Straight flange length Lsf = 2"
Nominal straight flange thickness tsf = 0.5"
Results Summary

The governing condition is internal pressure.

Minimum thickness per UG-16 = 0.0625" + 0.125" = 0.1875"
Design thickness due to internal pressure (t) = 0.3526"
Design thickness due to external pressure (te) = 0.281"
Maximum allowable pressure (MAP) = 249.69 psi
Maximum allowable external pressure (MAEP) = 38.6 psi

K (Corroded)

K=(1/6)*[2 + (D / (2*h))2]=(1/6)*[2 + (60.25 / (2*15.125))2]=0.994502

K (New)

K=(1/6)*[2 + (D / (2*h))2]=(1/6)*[2 + (60 / (2*15))2]=1

Design thickness for internal pressure, (Corroded at 250 °F) Appendix 1-4(c)

t = P*D*K / (2*S*E - 0.2*P) + Corrosion

= 151.79*60.25*0.994502 / (2*20,000*1 - 0.2*151.79) + 0.125
= 0.3525"

The head internal pressure design thickness is 0.3526".

Maximum allowable pressure, (New at 70 °F) Appendix 1-4(c)

P = 2*S*E*t / (K*D + 0.2*t) - Ps

= 2*20,000*1*0.375 / (1*60 +0.2*0.375) - 0
= 249.69 psi

The maximum allowable pressure (MAP) is 249.69 psi.

Design thickness for external pressure, (Corroded at 250 °F) UG-33(d)

Equivalent outside spherical radius (Ro)

Ro = Ko*Do
= 0.889*60.75
= 54.0082 in

A = 0.125 / (Ro / t)
= 0.125 / (54.0082 / 0.155989)
= 0.000361

From Table CS-2: B= 5,193.4546 psi

Pa = B / (Ro / t)
= 5,193.455 / (54.0082 / 0.156)
= 15 psi

t = 0.156" + Corrosion = 0.156" + 0.125" = 0.281"

Check the external pressure per UG-33(a)(1) Appendix 1-4(c)

t = 1.67*Pe*D*K / (2*S*E - 0.2*1.67*Pe) + Corrosion

= 1.67*15*60.25*0.994502 / (2*20,000*1 - 0.2*1.67*15) + 0.125
= 0.1625"

The head external pressure design thickness (te) is 0.281".

Maximum Allowable External Pressure, (Corroded at 250 °F) UG-33(d)

Equivalent outside spherical radius (Ro)

Ro = Ko*Do
= 0.889*60.75
= 54.0082 in

A = 0.125 / (Ro / t)
= 0.125 / (54.0082 / 0.25)
= 0.000579

From Table CS-2: B =8,339.8389 psi

Pa = B / (Ro / t)
= 8,339.839 / (54.0082 / 0.25)

= 38.6045 psi

Check the Maximum External Pressure, UG-33(a)(1) Appendix 1-4(c)

P = 2*S*E*t / ((K*D + 0.2*t)*1.67) - Ps2

= 2*20,000*1*0.25 / ((0.994502*60.25 +0.2*0.25)*1.67) - 0
= 99.85 psi

The maximum allowable external pressure (MAEP) is 38.6 psi.

% Extreme fiber elongation - UCS-79(d)

EFE = (75*t / Rf)*(1 - Rf / Ro)

= (75*0.5 / 10.45)*(1 - 10.45 / ∞)
= 3.5885%

The extreme fiber elongation does not exceed 5%.

Rings #1

Stiffener ring calculations per UG-29(a)

Ring type: Flat bar

Ring description: 3/8x4 Flat Bar
Ring material: SA-516 70 (II-D p. 18, ln. 22)
External pressure: 15 psi
Ring is located: outside the vessel
Distance from ring neutral axis to datum: 180 in
Ring corrosion allowance: 0 in
Distance to previous support: 187.0417 in
Distance to next support: 187.0417 in

L / Do = 187.0417 / 61 = 3.066257
Do / t = 61 / 0.3130040 = 194.8857
From Table G: A = 0.000153
From Table CS-2: B = 2,195 psi

Pa = 4*B / (3*(Do / t))

= 4*2,195 / (3*(61 / 0.3130040))
= 15.016 psi

B = 0.75*P*Do / (t + As / Ls)
= 0.75*15*61 / (0.313 + 1.5 / 187.0417)
= 2,138 psi

From Table CS-2: A = 0.00014916 (ring, 300°F)

Is' = [Do2*Ls*(t + As / Ls)*A] / 10.9

= [612*187.0417*(0.313 + 1.5 / 187.0417)*0.00014916] / 10.9
= 3.057364 in4

I' for the composite corroded shell-ring cross section is 6.100676 in4

As I' >= Is' a 3/8x4 Flat Bar stiffener is adequate for an external pressure of 15 psi.

Check the stiffener ring attachment welds per UG-30

Fillet weld is: Continuous both sides

Fillet weld leg size: 0.25 in
Vessel thickness at weld location, new: 0.5 in
Vessel corrosion allowance at weld location: 0.125 in
Stiffener thickness at weld location: 0.375 in

Per UG-30(f)(1) the minimum attachment weld size is 0.25 in

The fillet weld size of 0.25 in is adequate per UG-30(f)(1).

Radial pressure load, P*Ls = 15*187.0417 = 2,805.62 lbf/in

Radial shear load, V = 0.01*P*Ls*Do = 0.01*15*187.0417*61 = 1,711.43 lbf

First moment of area, Q = 1.97*0.9448 = 1.864 in3

Weld shear flow, q = V*Q / I' = 522.9177 lbf/in

Combined weld load, fw = Sqr(2,805.62482 + 522.91772) = 2,853.94 lbf/in

Allowable weld stress per UW-18(d) Sw = 0.55*S = 0.55*20,000 = 11,000 psi

Fillet weld size required to resist radial pressure and shear

= fw*(dweld segment + dtoe) / (Sw*dweld total) + corrosion

= 2,853.94*(1 + 0) / (11,000*2) + 0
= 0.1297 in

The fillet weld size of 0.25 in is adequate to resist radial pressure and shear.

Nozzle #1 (N1)

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2007 Edition

tw(lower) = 0.5 in
Leg41 = 0.375 in

Note: round inside edges per UG-76(c)

Located on: Cylinder #1

Liquid static head included: 0 psi
Nozzle material specification: SA-106 B Smls pipe (II-D p. 14, ln. 5)
Nozzle longitudinal joint efficiency: 1
Nozzle description: 4" Sch 120
Flange description: 4 inch Class 150 WN A105
Bolt Material: SA-193 B7 Bolt <= 2 1/2 (II-D p. 348, ln. 33)
Flange rated MDMT: -55°F
Liquid static head on flange: 0 psi
ASME B16.5 flange rating MAWP: 245 psi @ 250°F
ASME B16.5 flange rating MAP: 285 psi @ 70°F
ASME B16.5 flange hydro test: 450 psi @ 70°F
PWHT performed: No
Circumferential joint radiography: Spot UW-11(b) Type 2
Nozzle orientation: 0°
Local vessel minimum thickness: 0.5 in
Nozzle center line offset to datum line: 330 in
End of nozzle to shell center: 45 in
Nozzle inside diameter, new: 3.624 in
Nozzle nominal wall thickness: 0.438 in
Nozzle corrosion allowance: 0.125 in
Projection available outside vessel, Lpr: 11.5 in
Projection available outside vessel to flange face, Lf: 14.5 in

Reinforcement Calculations for Internal Pressure

UG-45 Nozzle
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary (in2) Wall
For P = 150 psi @ 250 °F
The opening is adequately reinforced Summary (in)
The nozzle passes

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

0.8998 1.0762 0.5601 0.3959 -- -- 0.1202 0.3324 0.3833

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

The nozzle is exempt from weld strength calculations
per UW-15(b)(1)

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (in) throat size (in)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 0.2191 0.2625 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 150 psi @ 250 °F

Fig UCS-66.2 general note (1) applies.

Nozzle is impact test exempt to -155 °F per UCS-66(b)(3) (coincident ratio = 0.06614).

Nozzle UCS-66 governing thk: 0.3833 in

Nozzle rated MDMT: -155 °F
Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(3.874, 1.937 + (0.438 - 0.125) + (0.5 - 0.125))
= 3.874 in
Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2.5*(t - C), 2.5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2.5*(0.5 - 0.125), 2.5*(0.438 - 0.125) + 0)
= 0.7825 in
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0.6*P)

= 150*1.937 / (17,100*1 - 0.6*150)
= 0.0171 in

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)

tr = P*R / (S*E - 0.6*P)

= 150*30.125 / (20,000*1 - 0.6*150)
= 0.227 in

Area required per UG-37(c)

Allowable stresses: Sn = 17,100, Sv = 20,000 psi

fr1 = lesser of 1 or Sn / Sv = 0.855

fr2 = lesser of 1 or Sn / Sv = 0.855

A = d*tr*F + 2*tn*tr*F*(1 - fr1)

= 3.874*0.227*1 + 2*0.313*0.227*1*(1 - 0.855)
= 0.8998 in2

Area available from FIG. UG-37.1

A1 = larger of the following= 0.5601 in2

= d*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1)

= 3.874*(1*0.375 - 1*0.227) - 2*0.313*(1*0.375 - 1*0.227)*(1 - 0.855)
= 0.5601 in2

= 2*(t + tn)*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1)

= 2*(0.375 + 0.313)*(1*0.375 - 1*0.227) - 2*0.313*(1*0.375 - 1*0.227)*(1 - 0.855)
= 0.1903 in2

A2 = smaller of the following= 0.3959 in2

= 5*(tn - trn)*fr2*t
= 5*(0.313 - 0.0171)*0.855*0.375
= 0.4744 in2

= 5*(tn - trn)*fr2*tn
= 5*(0.313 - 0.0171)*0.855*0.313
= 0.3959 in2

A41 = Leg2*fr2
= 0.3752*0.855
= 0.1202 in2

Area = A1 + A2 + A41
= 0.5601 + 0.3959 + 0.1202

= 1.0762 in2

As Area >= A the reinforcement is adequate.

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 0.75 or tn or t = 0.313 in

tc(min) = lesser of 0.25 or 0.7*tmin = 0.2191 in
tc(actual) = 0.7*Leg = 0.7*0.375 = 0.2625 in

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (c-e).

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

Wall thickness per UG-45(a): tr1 = 0.1421 in (E =1)

Wall thickness per UG-45(b)(1): tr2 = 0.352 in
Wall thickness per UG-16(b): tr3 = 0.1875 in
Standard wall pipe per UG-45(b)(4): tr4 = 0.3324 in
The greater of tr2 or tr3: tr5 = 0.352 in
The lesser of tr4 or tr5: tr6 = 0.3324 in

Required per UG-45 is the larger of tr1 or tr6 = 0.3324 in

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0.875*0.438 = 0.3833 in

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

Reinforcement Calculations for External Pressure

UG-45 Nozzle
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary (in2) Wall
For Pe = 15 psi @ 300 °F
The opening is adequately reinforced Summary (in)
The nozzle passes

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

0.6203 0.7425 0.235 0.3873 -- -- 0.1202 0.1875 0.3833

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

Weld strength calculations are not required for external

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
throat size (in) throat size (in)

Nozzle to shell fillet (Leg 41) 0.2191 0.2625 weld size is adequate

Calculations for external pressure 15 psi @ 300 °F

Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(3.874, 1.937 + (0.438 - 0.125) + (0.5 - 0.125))
= 3.874 in
Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2.5*(t - C), 2.5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2.5*(0.5 - 0.125), 2.5*(0.438 - 0.125) + 0)
= 0.7825 in

Nozzle required thickness per UG-28 trn = 0.0235 in

From UG-37(d)(1) required thickness tr = 0.3129 in

Area required per UG-37(d)(1)

Allowable stresses: Sn = 17,100, Sv = 20,000 psi

fr1 = lesser of 1 or Sn / Sv = 0.855

fr2 = lesser of 1 or Sn / Sv = 0.855

A = 0.5*(d*tr*F + 2*tn*tr*F*(1 - fr1))

= 0.5*(3.874*0.3129*1 + 2*0.313*0.3129*1*(1 - 0.855))
= 0.6203 in2

Area available from FIG. UG-37.1

A1 = larger of the following= 0.235 in2

= d*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1)

= 3.874*(1*0.375 - 1*0.3129) - 2*0.313*(1*0.375 - 1*0.3129)*(1 - 0.855)
= 0.235 in2

= 2*(t + tn)*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1)

= 2*(0.375 + 0.313)*(1*0.375 - 1*0.3129) - 2*0.313*(1*0.375 - 1*0.3129)*(1 - 0.855)
= 0.0798 in2

A2 = smaller of the following= 0.3873 in2

= 5*(tn - trn)*fr2*t
= 5*(0.313 - 0.0235)*0.855*0.375
= 0.464 in2

= 5*(tn - trn)*fr2*tn
= 5*(0.313 - 0.0235)*0.855*0.313
= 0.3873 in2

A41 = Leg2*fr2
= 0.3752*0.855
= 0.1202 in2

Area = A1 + A2 + A41
= 0.235 + 0.3873 + 0.1202
= 0.7425 in2

As Area >= A the reinforcement is adequate.

UW-16(c) Weld Check

Fillet weld: tmin = lesser of 0.75 or tn or t = 0.313 in

tc(min) = lesser of 0.25 or 0.7*tmin = 0.2191 in
tc(actual) = 0.7*Leg = 0.7*0.375 = 0.2625 in

The fillet weld size is satisfactory.

Weld strength calculations are not required for this detail which conforms to Fig. UW-16.1, sketch (c-e).

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

Wall thickness per UG-45(a): tr1 = 0.1485 in

Wall thickness per UG-45(b)(2): tr2 = 0.1476 in
Wall thickness per UG-16(b): tr3 = 0.1875 in
Standard wall pipe per UG-45(b)(4): tr4 = 0.3324 in
The greater of tr2 or tr3: tr5 = 0.1875 in
The lesser of tr4 or tr5: tr6 = 0.1875 in

Required per UG-45 is the larger of tr1 or tr6 = 0.1875 in

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0.875*0.438 = 0.3833 in

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

External Pressure, (Corroded & at 300 °F) UG-28(c)

L/ 14.5831
= = 3.2407
Do / 4.5
Do 4.5 /
= = 191.1050
/t 0.0235
From table G: A = 0.000150
From table 2,149.908
B =
CS-2: psi

Pa = 4*B / (3*(Do / t))

4*2,149.91 / (3*(4.5 /
= 15 psi

Design thickness for external pressure Pa = 15 psi

t+ 0.0235
ta = = = 0.1485"
Corrosion + 0.125

Nozzle #2 (N2)

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2007 Edition

tw(lower) = 0.5 in
Leg41 = 0.375 in
tw(upper) = 0.5 in
Leg42 = 0.3125 in
Dp = 10.625 in
te = 0.5 in

Note: round inside edges per UG-76(c)

Located on: Cylinder #1

Liquid static head included: 0 psi
Nozzle material specification: SA-106 B Smls pipe (II-D p. 14, ln. 5)
Nozzle longitudinal joint efficiency: 1
Nozzle description: 6" Sch 80 (XS)
Pad material specification: SA-516 70 (II-D p. 18, ln. 22)
Pad diameter: 10.625 in
Flange description: 6 inch Class 150 WN A105
Bolt Material: SA-193 B7 Bolt <= 2 1/2 (II-D p. 348, ln. 33)
Flange rated MDMT: -55°F
Liquid static head on flange: 0 psi
ASME B16.5 flange rating MAWP: 245 psi @ 250°F
ASME B16.5 flange rating MAP: 285 psi @ 70°F
ASME B16.5 flange hydro test: 450 psi @ 70°F
PWHT performed: No
Circumferential joint radiography: Spot UW-11(b) Type 2
Nozzle orientation: 0°
Local vessel minimum thickness: 0.5 in
Nozzle center line offset to datum line: 280 in
End of nozzle to shell center: 45 in
Nozzle inside diameter, new: 5.761 in
Nozzle nominal wall thickness: 0.432 in
Nozzle corrosion allowance: 0.125 in
Projection available outside vessel, Lpr: 11 in
Projection available outside vessel to flange face, Lf: 14.5 in
Pad is split: No

Reinforcement Calculations for Internal Pressure

Nozzle Wall
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary (in2) Thickness
For P = 150 psi @ 250 °F Summary
The opening is adequately reinforced
The nozzle
passes UG-45

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

1.3845 3.5443 0.8767 0.4497 -- 2 0.2179 0.352 0.378

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary (lbf)

All failure paths are stronger than the applicable weld loads

Weld load Weld load Path 1-1 Weld load Path 2-2 Weld load Path 3-3
W W1-1 strength W2-2 strength W3-3 strength

11,709.59 53,352 87,581.93 15,335.28 167,463.11 57,289.27 108,868.46

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
size (in) size (in)

Nozzle to pad fillet (Leg 41) 0.2149 0.2625 weld size is adequate

Pad to shell fillet (Leg 42) 0.1875 0.2188 weld size is adequate

Nozzle to pad groove (Upper) 0.2149 0.5 weld size is adequate

Calculations for internal pressure 150 psi @ 250 °F

Fig UCS-66.2 general note (1) applies.

Nozzle is impact test exempt to -155 °F per UCS-66(b)(3) (coincident ratio = 0.10476).

Pad impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66 Curve B = -7 °F

Fig UCS-66.1 MDMT reduction = 39.5 °F, (coincident ratio = 0.60523).

Nozzle UCS-66 governing thk: 0.378 in

Nozzle rated MDMT: -155 °F
Pad UCS-66 governing thickness: 0.5 in
Pad rated MDMT: -46.5 °F
Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(6.011, 3.0055 + (0.432 - 0.125) + (0.5 - 0.125))
= 6.011 in

Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2.5*(t - C), 2.5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2.5*(0.5 - 0.125), 2.5*(0.432 - 0.125) + 0.5)
= 0.9375 in
Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1)

trn = P*Rn / (Sn*E - 0.6*P)

= 150*3.0055 / (17,100*1 - 0.6*150)
= 0.0265 in

Required thickness tr from UG-37(a)

tr = P*R / (S*E - 0.6*P)

= 150*30.125 / (20,000*1 - 0.6*150)
= 0.227 in

Area required per UG-37(c)

Allowable stresses: Sn = 17,100, Sv = 20,000, Sp = 20,000 psi

fr1 = lesser of 1 or Sn / Sv = 0.855

fr2 = lesser of 1 or Sn / Sv = 0.855

fr3 = lesser of fr2 or Sp / Sv = 0.855

fr4 = lesser of 1 or Sp / Sv = 1

A = d*tr*F + 2*tn*tr*F*(1 - fr1)

= 6.011*0.227*1 + 2*0.307*0.227*1*(1 - 0.855)
= 1.3845 in2

Area available from FIG. UG-37.1

A1 = larger of the following= 0.8767 in2

= d*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1)

= 6.011*(1*0.375 - 1*0.227) - 2*0.307*(1*0.375 - 1*0.227)*(1 - 0.855)
= 0.8767 in2

= 2*(t + tn)*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1)

= 2*(0.375 + 0.307)*(1*0.375 - 1*0.227) - 2*0.307*(1*0.375 - 1*0.227)*(1 - 0.855)
= 0.1887 in2

A2 = smaller of the following= 0.4497 in2

= 5*(tn - trn)*fr2*t

= 5*(0.307 - 0.0265)*0.855*0.375
= 0.4497 in2

= 2*(tn - trn)*(2.5*tn + te)*fr2

= 2*(0.307 - 0.0265)*(2.5*0.307 + 0.5)*0.855
= 0.608 in2

A41 = Leg2*fr3
= 0.3752*0.855
= 0.1202 in2

A42 = Leg2*fr4
= 0.31252*1
= 0.0977 in2

A5 = (Dp - d - 2*tn)*te*fr4
= (10.625 - 6.011 - 2*0.307)*0.5*1
= 2 in2

Area = A1 + A2 + A41 + A42 + A5

= 0.8767 + 0.4497 + 0.1202 + 0.0977 + 2
= 3.5443 in2

As Area >= A the reinforcement is adequate.

UW-16(c)(2) Weld Check

Inner fillet: tmin = lesser of 0.75 or tn or te = 0.307 in

tc(min) = lesser of 0.25 or 0.7*tmin = 0.2149 in
tc(actual) = 0.7*Leg = 0.7*0.375 = 0.2625 in

Outer fillet: tmin = lesser of 0.75 or te or t = 0.375 in

tw(min) = 0.5*tmin = 0.1875 in
tw(actual) = 0.7*Leg = 0.7*0.3125 = 0.2188 in

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

Wall thickness per UG-45(a): tr1 = 0.1515 in (E =1)

Wall thickness per UG-45(b)(1): tr2 = 0.352 in
Wall thickness per UG-16(b): tr3 = 0.1875 in
Standard wall pipe per UG-45(b)(4): tr4 = 0.37 in
The greater of tr2 or tr3: tr5 = 0.352 in
The lesser of tr4 or tr5: tr6 = 0.352 in

Required per UG-45 is the larger of tr1 or tr6 = 0.352 in

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0.875*0.432 = 0.378 in

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

Allowable stresses in joints UG-45(c) and UW-15(c)

Groove weld in tension: 0.74*20,000 = 14,800 psi

Nozzle wall in shear: 0.7*17,100 = 11,970 psi
Inner fillet weld in shear: 0.49*17,100 = 8,379 psi
Outer fillet weld in shear: 0.49*20,000 = 9,800 psi
Upper groove weld in tension: 0.74*20,000 = 14,800 psi
Strength of welded joints:

(1) Inner fillet weld in shear

(π / 2)*Nozzle OD*Leg*Si = (π / 2)*6.625*0.375*8,379 = 32,698.6 lbf

(2) Outer fillet weld in shear

(π / 2)*Pad OD*Leg*So = (π / 2)*10.625*0.3125*9,800 = 51,112.24 lbf

(3) Nozzle wall in shear

(π / 2)*Mean nozzle dia*tn*Sn = (π / 2)*6.318*0.307*11,970 = 36,469.69 lbf

(4) Groove weld in tension

(π / 2)*Nozzle OD*tw*Sg = (π / 2)*6.625*0.375*14,800 = 57,756.22 lbf

(6) Upper groove weld in tension

(π / 2)*Nozzle OD*tw*Sg = (π / 2)*6.625*0.5*14,800 = 77,008.29 lbf

Loading on welds per UG-41(b)(1)

W = (A - A1 + 2*tn*fr1*(E1*t - F*tr))*Sv
= (1.3845 - 0.8767 + 2*0.307*0.855*(1*0.375 - 1*0.227))*20,000
= 11,709.59 lbf

W1-1 = (A2 + A5 + A41 + A42)*Sv

= (0.4497 + 2 + 0.1202 + 0.0977)*20,000
= 53,352 lbf

W2-2 = (A2 + A3 + A41 + A43 + 2*tn*t*fr1)*Sv

= (0.4497 + 0 + 0.1202 + 0 + 2*0.307*0.375*0.855)*20,000
= 15,335.28 lbf

W3-3 = (A2 + A3 + A5 + A41 + A42 + A43 + 2*tn*t*fr1)*Sv

= (0.4497 + 0 + 2 + 0.1202 + 0.0977 + 0 + 2*0.307*0.375*0.855)*20,000
= 57,289.27 lbf

Load for path 1-1 lesser of W or W1-1 = 11709.59 lbf
Path 1-1 through (2) & (3) = 51,112.24 + 36,469.69 = 87,581.93 lbf
Path 1-1 is stronger than W so it is acceptable per UG-41(b)(2).

Load for path 2-2 lesser of W or W2-2 = 11709.59 lbf

Path 2-2 through (1), (4), (6) = 32,698.6 + 57,756.22 + 77,008.29 = 167,463.11 lbf
Path 2-2 is stronger than W so it is acceptable per UG-41(b)(2).

Load for path 3-3 lesser of W or W3-3 = 11709.59 lbf

Path 3-3 through (2), (4) = 51,112.24 + 57,756.22 = 108,868.46 lbf
Path 3-3 is stronger than W so it is acceptable per UG-41(b)(2).

Reinforcement Calculations for External Pressure

UG-45 Nozzle
UG-37 Area Calculation Summary (in2) Wall
For Pe = 15 psi @ 300 °F
The opening is adequately reinforced Summary (in)
The nozzle passes

A1 A2 A3 A5 treq tmin
required available welds

0.9543 3.0305 0.3678 0.4448 -- 2 0.2179 0.1875 0.378

UG-41 Weld Failure Path Analysis Summary

Weld strength calculations are not required for external

UW-16 Weld Sizing Summary

Required weld Actual weld
Weld description Status
size (in) size (in)

Nozzle to pad fillet (Leg 41) 0.2149 0.2625 weld size is adequate

Pad to shell fillet (Leg 42) 0.1875 0.2188 weld size is adequate

Nozzle to pad groove (Upper) 0.2149 0.5 weld size is adequate

Calculations for external pressure 15 psi @ 300 °F

Parallel Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LR = MAX(d, Rn + (tn - Cn) + (t - C))

= MAX(6.011, 3.0055 + (0.432 - 0.125) + (0.5 - 0.125))
= 6.011 in
Outer Normal Limit of reinforcement per UG-40

LH = MIN(2.5*(t - C), 2.5*(tn - Cn) + te)

= MIN(2.5*(0.5 - 0.125), 2.5*(0.432 - 0.125) + 0.5)
= 0.9375 in

Nozzle required thickness per UG-28 trn = 0.0295 in

From UG-37(d)(1) required thickness tr = 0.3129 in

Area required per UG-37(d)(1)

Allowable stresses: Sn = 17,100, Sv = 20,000, Sp = 20,000 psi

fr1 = lesser of 1 or Sn / Sv = 0.855

fr2 = lesser of 1 or Sn / Sv = 0.855

fr3 = lesser of fr2 or Sp / Sv = 0.855

fr4 = lesser of 1 or Sp / Sv = 1

A = 0.5*(d*tr*F + 2*tn*tr*F*(1 - fr1))

= 0.5*(6.011*0.3129*1 + 2*0.307*0.3129*1*(1 - 0.855))
= 0.9543 in2

Area available from FIG. UG-37.1

A1 = larger of the following= 0.3678 in2

= d*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1)

= 6.011*(1*0.375 - 1*0.3129) - 2*0.307*(1*0.375 - 1*0.3129)*(1 - 0.855)
= 0.3678 in2

= 2*(t + tn)*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1)

= 2*(0.375 + 0.307)*(1*0.375 - 1*0.3129) - 2*0.307*(1*0.375 - 1*0.3129)*(1 - 0.855)
= 0.0792 in2

A2 = smaller of the following= 0.4448 in2

= 5*(tn - trn)*fr2*t
= 5*(0.307 - 0.0295)*0.855*0.375
= 0.4448 in2

= 2*(tn - trn)*(2.5*tn + te)*fr2

= 2*(0.307 - 0.0295)*(2.5*0.307 + 0.5)*0.855
= 0.6014 in2

A41 = Leg2*fr3
= 0.3752*0.855
= 0.1202 in2

A42 = Leg2*fr4
= 0.31252*1
= 0.0977 in2

A5 = (Dp - d - 2*tn)*te*fr4
= (10.625 - 6.011 - 2*0.307)*0.5*1
= 2 in2

Area = A1 + A2 + A41 + A42 + A5

= 0.3678 + 0.4448 + 0.1202 + 0.0977 + 2
= 3.0305 in2

As Area >= A the reinforcement is adequate.

UW-16(c)(2) Weld Check

Inner fillet: tmin = lesser of 0.75 or tn or te = 0.307 in

tc(min) = lesser of 0.25 or 0.7*tmin = 0.2149 in
tc(actual) = 0.7*Leg = 0.7*0.375 = 0.2625 in

Outer fillet: tmin = lesser of 0.75 or te or t = 0.375 in

tw(min) = 0.5*tmin = 0.1875 in
tw(actual) = 0.7*Leg = 0.7*0.3125 = 0.2188 in

UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check

Wall thickness per UG-45(a): tr1 = 0.1545 in

Wall thickness per UG-45(b)(2): tr2 = 0.1476 in
Wall thickness per UG-16(b): tr3 = 0.1875 in
Standard wall pipe per UG-45(b)(4): tr4 = 0.37 in
The greater of tr2 or tr3: tr5 = 0.1875 in
The lesser of tr4 or tr5: tr6 = 0.1875 in

Required per UG-45 is the larger of tr1 or tr6 = 0.1875 in

Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0.875*0.432 = 0.378 in

The nozzle neck thickness is adequate.

External Pressure, (Corroded & at 300 °F) UG-28(c)

L/ 14.6804 /
= = 2.2159
Do 6.625
Do / 6.625 /
= = 224.3186
t 0.0295
From table G: A = 0.000176
From table 2,523.5771
B =
CS-2: psi

Pa = 4*B / (3*(Do / t))
4*2,523.58 / (3*(6.625 /
= 15 psi

Design thickness for external pressure Pa = 15 psi

t+ 0.0295
ta = = = 0.1545"
Corrosion + 0.125

Liquid Level bounded by Ellipsoidal Head #1

Location from Center Line 14.875"

Operating Liquid Specific Gravity 1.1

Test liquid specific gravity 1


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