Upstream Operations: Key Figures
Upstream Operations: Key Figures
Upstream Operations: Key Figures
figures upstream
oil equivalent
332.9 billion
crude oil
with blended
produced For 85 years, we have been entrusted
10.2 million
with the stewardship of the Kingdom’s
oil and gas reserves.
raw gas
12.4 billion
natural gas
20 21
un matched
Designed to maximize long- • Maintain our position as the
term value, our upstream world’s leading crude oil
strategy focuses on leveraging producer by production
Leveraging advantages
tempering production from competitive crude oil supply
mature fields, accelerating to customers
This laser technology tool,
to maximize value younger fields and secondary
reservoirs, and developing fresh
reserves from new increments,
• Further diversify operations
to capture value from
developed in-house, is designed to
be multifunctional — able to drill,
strategic integration frac, and perforate wells.
we plan to create and sustain
value for generations to come. • Expand natural gas activities
To maintain our standing in the to supply the Kingdom’s
upstream sector, we seek to: natural gas market
Saudi Aramco annual review 2017 Upstream Operations
For 85 years, we have been entrusted enables us to replace reserves through The Kingdom ended 2017 with proved
with the stewardship of the Kingdom’s oil new discoveries, the delineation and reserves in the fields we operate of 332.9
and gas reserves. reassessment of existing fields, and billion barrels of oil equivalent.
revisions of reserve estimates in producing
In this time, we have grown to become New discoveries
reservoirs and fields.
the world's leading producer of crude oil
and condensate. Throughout 2017, we remained Crude oil and gas exploration activities
committed to discovering new during 2017 resulted in the discovery
Over the decades, we have matured our of two new oil fields and one new gas
conventional and unconventional
understanding of the Kingdom’s geology reservoir. The new oil fields discovered in
hydrocarbon resources across the
and built an integrated network of oil and 2017 were: Sakab, southeast of Haradh,
Kingdom, aided by the development
gas production and processing facilities. and Zumul, in the Rub’ al-Khali. The new
and deployment of data acquisition and
By combining technologies developed gas reservoir discovered in 2017 was Jauf,
processing technologies.
in-house with leading industry practices, in the Sahba field.
we enhance our reserves base and Our unconventional gas exploration
optimize production from Saudi program targeted three areas: Northern Oil production: Investing
Arabia’s reservoirs. Arabia, the South Ghawar area, and the to meet demand
Jafurah Basin east of Ghawar.
The International Energy Agency’s
Exploration: Adding to In the Red Sea, using an autonomous (IEA) World Energy Outlook 2017
our resource base system that deploys seismic nodes on New Policies Scenario estimates that
the seabed via reinforced armored rope, global energy needs will expand by
Exploration has been the cornerstone of
we reduced the costs of 3-D seismic 30% between today and 2040. With
Saudi Aramco since the Kingdom first
data acquisition in our survey of two petroleum energy resources expected
granted a concession to our predecessor,
blocks measuring 800 square kilometers to form a key component of the world’s
Standard Oil of California, in 1933.
(km) and 900 square km. The choice of energy mix for the foreseeable future,
Decades of onshore and offshore
locations for the 3-D seismic survey was we continue to invest in our capability
exploration in Saudi Arabia have resulted We are developing laser technologies
informed by a large-scale hydrographic to meet current and projected future conceived to perform perforation, waterless
in an extensive portfolio of oil and gas
survey — a first for these waters. We demand. fracturing intitiation, descaling, and other
fields that includes the world’s largest tasks to solve production challenges.
anticipate the results of the survey
onshore and offshore oil fields (Ghawar We have consistently produced five
will help optimize field operations and
and Safaniyah, respectively). This grades of Arabian crude oil. These grades,
facilities, including rig movements, laying
accumulated knowledge and expertise and the wide range of blends that can
of pipelines, and supply vessel routes.
22 23
models with surface facility networks.
Powering growth
And because our principal oil fields are
linked with our extensive network of The expanding industrialization of
integrated facilities, we have the flexibility Saudi Arabia, and the increasing use of
to send crude oil to multiple plants for cleaner burning natural gas for power
processing, stabilization, and shipping. generation and seawater desalination,
and as feedstock for the petrochemicals
Given the scale of our reserves, even
sector, provide opportunities for us to
small percentage increases in recovery Crude oil production
create significant additional value beyond
rates and production efficiency can
crude oil. (million bpd)
24 25
This year, we made progress on several • Expansion of the gas processing capacity
new gas processing plants. Designed of our Hawiyah Gas Plant by 1.1 billion
to boost supplies of natural gas, the scfd. The new gas processing facilities,
plants are expected to enable increased expected to be on-stream in 2021, are
achieved 93% reservoir contact efficiency.
produced a 3-D image of subsurface
geologic layers at a record resolution of Smart Flood uses injected seawater
7.5 meters. This capability will enhance with ionic compositions that have
our understanding of challenging been optimized to enhance the
subsurface environments and help "sweep" of oil in carbonate reservoirs
optimize drilling for exploration and improve recovery rates. In 2017,
and production. we completed tie-in activities and
commissioned multiphase flow meters
Boosting recovery at our ‘Uthmaniyah Smart Flood Natural gas supplied
demonstration project. (billion scfd)
We continued monitoring the
performance of our multi-well
un matched
Maintaining our reputation as a • Khurais field: Planned 2021, increasing to 75,000
reliable producer of crude oil, increase of crude oil bpd in 2026
and as a leading producer of production capacity by
• Fadhili Gas Plant: Designed to
At a glance:
natural gas, requires ongoing 300,000 bpd in 2018
investment in our production process up to 2.5 billion scfd
• Fazran field: Planned of gas, with start up planned
Oil and gas
capacity. In 2017, we continued
to plan and execute a slate of increase of crude oil in 2019
production capacity by
mega-projects mega-projects:
75,000 bpd in 2020 • Hawiyah Gas Plant: Planned
processing capacity
• Dammam field: Expected expansion of 1.1 billion scfd
start up of 25,000 bpd in
We are exploring the use of seawater (ESP). This technique enables the rapid research projects. Nanotechnology
for fracturing operations to minimize deployment of ESPs using the pump’s shows the potential to enable the
the use of freshwater resources. We power cable, rather than a workover rig. monitoring and analysis of reservoir
completed a field trial in Haradh and three In 2017, we completed two installations, performance — and possibly intervention
Saudi Aramco annual review 2017 Upstream Operations
more field trials are planned for 2018. with a third planned for 2018. We also — directly from within the reservoir. In
progressed preparations for a field trial of 2017, we identified scalable formulations Using cameras and sensors to
Targeting improved well site safety, document geological features, our
a slimmer version of the technology. of surface nanoparticles, which we plan
as well as significantly reduced field GeoDrone solution improves safety
to use in a single well chemical tracer field and the accuracy of field data while
operation costs and downtime, we To improve recovery rates and long-
test in 2018. also reducing costs, since geologists
continued our field trials of a cable term reservoir management, we are can conduct virtual field trips from
deployed electric submersible pump conducting a suite of nanotechnology their desktops.