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Individualized Education Programme (IEP)

- Reinforce the foundation of learning, helping pupils overcome their learning difficulties,
developing learning potentials.

What should be done first before doing remedial instruction – diagnose the difficulty.

Remedial Teaching Strategies

- IEP - Peer Support Program - Reward Scheme

Remedial teaching involves working systematically: observing, diagnosing, remediating, evaluating;

working purposely and intensively with a pupil; seeing to it that the pupil can remain at his/her school.

Remedial instruction focuses on SKILLS.

Learning in context make students see how ideas and skills connect to their families and communities.

Reading trainers in remedial instruction should minimize testing and grading and observe the student in
the actual act of reading.

Academic/Scientific Writing - DOES NOT use passive voice more than the active voice.

Hedging – is a scientific writing strategy where writers use aspects of the verb as devices to express
politeness or to distance themselves from a claim.

ESP is a language teaching approach which is based on learners’ need.

DISCOURSE ANALYSIS is any study of language text at a level above that of the sentence.

GENRE ANALYSIS is a text analysis focused on the regularities of structure that distinguish one type of
text from another.

FUNCTIONAL/TASK BASED SYLLABUS – making arrangements, attending meetings, taking part in an

interview, buying and selling.

SKILL SYLLABUS – taking notes, writing, study techniques and exam, improving reading.

FUNCTIONAL/NOTIONAL SYLLABUS – properties and shapes, location, structure, actions in sequence,

cause and effect, etc.

DISCOURSE/SKILL SYLLABUS – nature of generalization, general and specific information, levels of


SKILLS AND STRATEGIES SYLLABUS – exercises in personal evaluation, exercises in examining your job
needs, exercises in using the ads.

RHGP Revitalized Homeroom Guidance Program – project for school staff members and teachers was
conducted to better match students with their aptitudes and career interests.

NSEC New Secondary Education Curriculum – implemented in 1989 to replace the RSEP Revised
Secondary Education Program.

- Changing views and theories of language teaching, different technical terms like phoneme,
morpheme, hyponymy etc., pronouncing words and transcribing sounds using the IPA

X different approaches to language teaching


- How to develop the macro-language skills of listening, speaking, reading, ideas about the
learning styles of students and materials production, learning, strategies, principles of test
construction, and conducting class research

Xx relationships between and among sentences in a text


- Genre analysis, macro-discourse patterns, text analysis, micro-discourse analysis


- Pedagogical grammar, collocational grammar, ergative verbs, semantic grammar


- Conversational analysis, gambits, adjacency pairs, speech act theory

COMPREHENSIBLE INPUT – by Stephen Krashen which states that a student can learn a second language
if the language components are not too complex and not too easy.

GRAMMAR TRANSLATION METHOD – emphasizes isolated word lists and a thorough examination of
grammar is used in second language teaching.

TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE – uses body actions when an instruction is being uttered

NATURAL ORDER HYPOTHESIS – grammatical structure proceeds in a predictable order, that is, some
grammatical structures are to be acquired early and others later.

AFFECTIVE FILTER HYPOTHESIS – motivation, self-confidence and anxiety affect how an individual
acquires the language.

INPUT HYPOTHESIS – how a language acquirer develops competency over time.

CRITICAL PERIOD HYPOTHESIS – there is an optimal window of time during which anyone can learn a
first language or a second language in a normal or nativelike level.
AUDIOLINGUAL APPROACH – involves repetition of the second language grammatical forms especially
those that are different from the learners first language.

ACADEMIC LANGUAGE SCAFFOLDING – providing students with second language input that is a little bit
beyond their level; the teacher or a more advance classmate acts as a support as the student builds
his/her second language vocabulary and fluency.

DIALOGUE JOURNALS - create a conversation between each students and the teacher; students write a
topic in their second language journal

DIRECT APPROACH – never uses the first language because it emphasizes the natural dialogue in the
second language.

ESP is centered on grammar, texts, register, discourse and genre.

PHILIPPINE QUALIFICATION FRAMEWORK is significant in the development of learning competencies.

LINGUISTIC INTERFERENCE occurs when students learn another language or dialect.

INTER-LANGUAGE PRAGMATICS – non-native speakers acquire, comprehend and use linguistic patterns
or speech acts in a second language.

VOWELS are speech sounds to give the sound a particular color or timbre.

INTELLIGIBILITY – ability of the listener to understand the speakers intention.

CLIFFHANGER – ends abruptly/ the characters are left in a difficult situation w/o resolution of conflicts.

FARCE – comedy based on a far-fetched humorous situation often with ridiculous or stereotyped

JUXTAPOSITION – usually by Charles Dickens

EPIPHORA – words or phrase is repeated at the end of successive clauses.

EA POE – atmosphere

MAUPASSANT – characters

Without Seeing the dawn by Steven Javellana was during Japanese occupation

JAMES JOYCE, VIRGINIA WOOLF – stream of consciousness

O HENRY – surprise endings

Predestined PRINCE AND SINUHE – were written in Egypt.

Some Graphic Similarity – 1 of the 3 part of the word

No Graphic Similarity – have no common letters

Independent Reading – 100% accuracy/ can read alone with ease.

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