2019 Nutrition Decadal Plan
2019 Nutrition Decadal Plan
2019 Nutrition Decadal Plan
A decadal plan for the science of nutrition
Realising health, environmental and economic
opportunities to benefit all Australians
A decadal plan for the science of nutrition
Realising health, environmental and economic
opportunities to benefit all Australians
We would like to extend our sincere gratitude also to the participants of the 2017 Theo
Murphy High Flyers Think Tank, who undertook the initial scoping that informed this decadal
plan. We would also like to thank the members of the nutrition science community who
contributed to this plan, whether that be by hosting or attending a consultation workshop,
providing input on the draft plan or by contributing photos to help this plan truly reflect
Australian nutrition science.
We would also like to acknowledge the work of Academy secretariat staff Dr Hayley Teasdale,
Dr Alistair Usher and Dr Chris Hatherly for managing and overseeing this project.
This work is copyright. The Copyright Act 1968 permits fair dealing for the purposes of research,
news reporting, criticism or review. Selected passages, tables or diagrams may be reproduced for
such purposes, provided acknowledgement of the source is included. Major extracts may not be
reproduced by any process without written permission of the publisher.
Prepared by the National Committee for Nutrition on behalf of the Australian Academy of Science.
Cover image: Bush tucker - Tropical rainforest fruits on paper bark / Tourism Australia
Back cover image: Maalinup Aboriginal Gallery, WA / tourism.australia.com
All URLs supplied in this plan were viewed July 2019 and were correct at the time of publication.
Cite this plan as: National Committee for Nutrition (2019). Nourishing Australia:
a decadal plan for the science of nutrition (Australian Academy of Science)
Some updates were made to this publication in December 2019. In addition to minor editorial
corrections, the iodine infographic on page 5 was corrected to reflect wording provided by the
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (www.aihw.gov.au/reports/food-nutrition/folic-acid-iodine-
fortification/contents/summary). If you have the original text, please note the change.
Cover and text printed on Monza Recycled Satin. Monza Recycled contains 99% recycled fibre, and elemental
chlorine free pulp which ensures that pulp is derived from well managed forests and recycled wood of fibre.
Monza Recycled is manufactured by an ISO 14001 certified mill.
Disclosures of interest IV
Consultation V
Foreword VI
Executive summary 1
Situational snapshot 5
Glossary 29
Abbreviations 29
Bibliography 30
Consultancy fees/honoraria: Baker Heart and Consultancy fees/honoraria: Cold Spring Harbor
Diabetes Institute Laboratory, Zhengzhou University China
Grants: National Health and Medical Research Grants: Australian Research Council, National Health
Council, JDRF International, Diabetes Australia, JDRF and Medical Research Council, National Geographic
Australian Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Research Network, Society, National Science Foundation (USA), Meat
Novo Nordisk, Australian and New Zealand Society of and Livestock Australia, Canadian Institute of Health
Nephrology Research, New South Wales Department of Primary
Industries, Agence Nationale de la Recherche (France),
Professional memberships: Nutrition Society of
Poultry Research Foundation, The Leakey Foundation,
Australia, Australian and New Zealand Society of
Ocean Park Conservation Foundation (Hong Kong),
Nephrology, Australian Diabetes Society, European
Keidanren Nature Conservation Fund (Japan)
Diabetic Nephropathy Study Group, International
Maillard Reaction Society
Stephen Simpson
Mike Gidley Employment: The University of Sydney
Employment: The University of Queensland, through Board membership: Scientific Advisory Board,
the Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Australian Agricultural Company (2017); Executive
Innovation, a partnership with the Queensland Director, Obesity Australia (2014–present); Governor,
Government Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Heart Research Institute (2015–present)
Con sultatio n
N ou ris h in g Au st r a l i a : a deca da l pl an f o r t he s c i en c e o f n ut r i t i on V
This decadal plan is an important example of the power that the National Committees for
Science, convened by the Australian Academy of Science, can have in bringing many different
people together from across a scientific discipline. These committees are uniquely placed to
bring together societies, research institutions or industry groups with similar aspirations and
provide an impartial platform to create cohesive strategies for their scientific discipline. The
National Committee for Nutrition led the development of Nourishing Australia, and I commend
them on delivering a plan that represents such a diverse community in a way that truly
embodies how varied—yet interconnected—the nutrition science community is in Australia.
It is evident from this plan just how many disciplines will need to work together to secure our
nutrition and food future. The writing and consultation process alone initiated many important
conversations that will pave the way towards creating innovative solutions for the future of
Australia and our region.
Over the next ten years, radical action is required to ensure Australia’s food and nutrition
security, improve our health and wellbeing and reduce our impact on the environment.
Nourishing Australia outlines steps that need to be taken to secure our future. This plan was
written by the community, and so must the community carry the recommendations forward and
take action towards realising their vision. This will be no small feat, but we have never been
better equipped to meet these challenges.
Nutrition is a primary mediator between our biology and our physical and mental health, and
has enormous potential for the prevention, management and treatment of human disease.
Achieving that potential requires a profound shift in understanding, approach and practice—
a revitalised science of nutrition that:
• integrates with research fields that focus on the societal and economic factors that shape
our food environment and influence dietary behaviour
• moves away from emphasising the roles of single nutrients or commodities and better
integrates knowledge across nutrients, foods and dietary patterns to understand how diet
impacts health and disease
• goes beyond observational association to establish the biological, behavioural and societal
mechanisms through which nutrition impacts health and disease processes
• reflects its capacity to inform and integrate across the many realms and disciplines that are
fundamentally impacted by nutrition by supporting nutrition literacy in the community and
developing health professional research and education.
These targets are now tractable due to recent advances in nutrition theory, the integration
of psychology, social sciences and economics to define societal and commercial influences,
and rapid progress in molecular and systems biology. These and other approaches are
greatly facilitated by the ability to obtain massive experimental datasets, such as those
from multiple omics technologies, citizen science and prospective cohort studies, and
the computational power to systematise and analyse these data. When combined with
established approaches in epidemiology, intervention trials and basic mechanism of action
studies, many of the key biological science challenges in nutrition can now realistically be
tackled. However, in order to achieve lasting impact and population health benefits, greater
focus on social and environmental factors will be necessary. Indeed, without a strengthened
contribution from the broad range of social, economic and environmental disciplines to the
science of nutrition, traditional approaches will not deliver their potential benefits in translating
knowledge into impact.
Australia enjoys a global reputation for its nutrition science, one of many disciplines where we
‘punch above our weight’. In combination with established strengths in our agrifood industry,
medical technology, social sciences and higher education sectors, Australia is entering an
era of opportunity to be a regional and global leader in broadening the science of nutrition
and linking it to health, social, environmental and economic outcomes for the benefit of
all Australians.
N ou ris h in g Au st r a l i a : a deca da l pl an f o r t he s c i en c e o f n ut r i t i on V II
Reduced burden
of chronic
Premium agri-food
products driven
by nutrition
A vibrant nutritech
Exec ut ive s umm ary
Pillar 4
Improved nutrition literacy
Training the next generation
and training
Upskilling for professionals
N ou ris h in g Au st r a l i a : a deca da l pl an f o r t he s c i en c e o f n ut r i t i on 1
to address technical, social and
to capture and analyse dietary
to provide credible,
evidence-based nutrition
environmental challenges through intake and health outcomes of information and use professional
multidisciplinary collaboration Australians to guide national policy communicators to counteract
and innovation, resulting in major and intervention strategies and misinformation and improve
health and economic benefits. stimulate the science of nutrition. general society nutrition literacy.
Understanding how
Identifying cause-and-
food environments effect relationships Improving cost- Enhancing the
drive dietary patterns between diet and effectiveness through population’s food
and identifying health or disease. targeted dietary solutions. and nutrition literacy
intervention strategies and growing the
for improved outcomes. professionalisation of
specialised nutritionists.
Ensuring that
advances in the
Delivering long-
term benefits through
Embedding a culture
of shared resources
Embracing the
opportunities of new
science and application continuous monitoring and responsibilities science and complex
of nutrition benefit and communication to realise the benefits and diverse data to
Exe cut ive s umm ary
• Developing a framework for the food system • Identifying mechanisms by which diets, foods
that supports equitable access to healthy foods and nutrients influence human biology
and effective population nutrition interventions,
• Defining how and why dietary patterns affect
underpinned by national policy development
health and wellbeing outcomes, leading to:
• Combining quantitative and qualitative research
• enhanced population dietary advice
to assess the drivers of dietary choices and the
social context within which they are made • targets for high-value agrifood.
• Quantitatively mapping Australia’s food and
nutrient intake and health (biomarkers) to
identify intervention opportunities, leading to:
• cost-effective use of resources and
increased impact of nutrition messages,
programs and policies
• Understanding group and individual differences • Supporting a future workforce in the science
in responses to dietary patterns and their of nutrition via competency-based education
interactions with prescribed medications that incorporates genomics, bioinformatics
and systems biology, both in formal nutrition
• Developing data analytics from measurement
education as well as incorporating nutrition into
of nutritional status, health status, age
medical and allied health professional training
and genotype and envirotype sufficient
and development
to predict solutions for diet and lifestyle
change, leading to: • Developing and sustaining skilled professionals
to research, innovate, communicate, counsel,
• precision and personalised diet and
train and educate, leading to:
lifestyle advice with cost-effective
health benefits • a nutrition literate and well-informed
general populace, able to make effective
• nutritech start-up opportunities aimed at
choices around diet and nutrition
fostering innovation through developing
new tools, products, programs and services • capacity building for Australia and the
to deliver better health outcomes. region, coupled with higher education
capability growth
Exec ut ive s umm ary
N ou ris h in g Au st r a l i a : a deca da l pl an f o r t he s c i en c e o f n ut r i t i on 3
The science of nutrition is entering a new • identifying how population dietary interventions with
era of opportunity greater chances of success than current approaches
can be made through identifying and managing
The science of nutrition has evolved significantly over
societal and commercial factors (pillar 1)
the past hundred years. The focus has shifted from
identifying specific essential nutrient requirements • providing understanding of the mechanisms by
to avoid deficiency diseases (for example, vitamins which dietary patterns, as well as specific foods
and minerals), through the roles and potential health and nutrients within them, influence human
challenges posed by specific food components biology (pillar 2)
(particularly saturated and trans fat, alcohol, added
• defining how group and individual differences in
sugar and salt), to the current global consensus that
genotype, age and environment influence nutritional
dietary patterns are the most appropriate guide to
and health outcomes (pillar 3)
health outcomes and the need to understand the
interactions among foods and nutrients on health, • developing the profession of nutrition through
rather than focusing on single components. The move competency-based education and communicating
from a reductionist focus on specific nutrients to a with consumers via consistent and trusted
whole-of-diet approach represents a major dislocation messaging (pillar 4).
that public policy, consumer understanding and
The modern science of nutrition integrates concepts,
the food industries are yet to come to terms with.
theories and approaches from a diverse range of
In parallel, a growing understanding of the role of
disciplines, including social, agricultural, biological,
societal and commercial factors in determining food
medical, physicochemical and environmental sciences.
intake, food choice behaviour and subsequent health
This diversity reflects the pervasive and system-
outcomes is leading to a reappraisal of approaches to
wide influence of nutrition. Enabled by major recent
tackle inequalities in nutrition security.
capability advances in measurement, modelling and
The science of nutrition will play a strong role in the complex data analysis, the science of nutrition provides
next decade by: a timely grand challenge to integrate concepts across
disciplines to derive mechanisms that will inform new
approaches to enhancing human health, productivity
and wellbeing.
Outcome opportunities
• Next-generation dietary guidelines
Dietary guidelines based • Enhanced and equitable population health
Dietary recommendations
Specific deficiencies on food groups—globally and productivity improvements
based on nutrients
identified and addressed consistent messages • High levels of population nutrition literacy
(e.g. fat, salt, sugar)
emphasising plant-based foods and professional nutrition training
• Drivers for growth and value in agri-food
and nutritech industry sectors
Statistics obtained from the 2018 Global Nutrition Report Statistics obtained from 2018 AIHW report Nutrition across
the life stages
The 2018 Global Nutrition Report tracks the progress With the limited land, water, energy and nutrient
of countries against nine nutrition targets: resources available to feed a population of up to
10 billion people, it is a reality that sustainability of
1. child overweight 6. diabetes among men
global resources is intimately connected to current
2. child wasting 7. anaemia in women of
and future food and nutrition security. This adds further
3. child stunting reproductive age
complexity and importance to identifying and achieving
4. exclusive breastfeeding 8. obesity among women
appropriate dietary patterns across populations
5. diabetes among women 9. obesity among men.
into the future. Producing more of the same food in
Despite being a wealthy country with high agricultural the same way will not suffice. Sustainable diets that
productivity and food quality, Australia is listed as being maximise nutritional outcomes require that we rethink
on track to achieving just two of the nine nutrition current production and commercial practices, manage
targets. In part, this is because of inequalities in resources and the food system responsibly and
wealth distribution that result in many people finding it facilitate and support changes in dietary behaviours.
difficult to afford a healthy diet, particularly in rural and
remote areas where fresh food is more expensive. The
Iodine intakes in women aged 16–44 increased by
importance of supporting production of good quality 52% following mandatory iodine fortification of bread
and healthy agricultural products, and ensuring it is in Australia
accessible, affordable, sustainable and healthy for all
Australians, including the most vulnerable, requires
acknowledgement reflected in commitment to a broad
range of nutrition-related actions.
Sit uat ion al sn aps hot
Eight of nine key nutrition indicators are off target at a Neural tube defects in Indigenous women in Australia
global level (adult high blood pressure, adult obesity, fell by 74% after the mandatory folic acid fortification
adult overweight, anaemia, childhood stunting, of bread O
childhood wasting, childhood overweight and CO₂H
salt intake) HN N
Statistics obtained from the 2018 Global Nutrition Report Examples of how nutrition science has informed policy and led to
improved health outcomes (statistics obtained from AIHW report
Monitoring the health impacts of mandatory folic acid and iodine
fortification 2016)
N ou ris h in g Au st r a l i a : a deca da l pl an f o r t he s c i en c e o f n ut r i t i on 5
The Australian Blood lime is one in a range of hybrid limes developed by CSIRO
Plant Industry for commercial cultivation. It is a hybrid produced by open pollination,
from a cross between an Ellendale mandarin (a mandarin and orange hybrid) and a
seedling form of the Australian finger lime (Citrus australasica var. sanguinea).
Australia’s opportunities Nut rit io n sc ien ce global ly, nat ion ally, locally
N ou ris h in g Au st r a l i a : a deca da l pl an f o r t he s c i en c e o f n ut r i t i on 7
Professor Martina Doblin (UTS) leads the Productive Coasts research program within the Climate Change
Cluster (C3) in the UTS Faculty of Science. Her work contributes to solving Australia’s grand challenges of
food security, biodiversity conservation and ecosystem health, as well as climate variability and change.
Improves wellbeing,
Stimulates demand reduces health costs
for food linked and increases
to sustainable productivity and
production future earning
Enhances demand potential Increases
for food linked to prosperity, reduces
sustainable aquatic hunger and improves
QUALITY of diseases
N ou ris h in g Au st r a l i a : a deca da l pl an f o r t he s c i en c e o f n ut r i t i on 9
Melissa de Oliveira Santos Garcia removing
anthers before making crosses in wheat.
National capability
Food intake and
for nutrition data Trusted Voice
biomarkers for
health and wellness
Data Knowledge Communication
N ou ris h in g Au st r a l i a : a deca da l pl an f o r t he s c i en c e o f n ut r i t i on 11
1.1 Broaden nutrition science to encompass and prioritise 2.1.1 Identify the science of nutrition as a national
research into factors that influence dietary behaviour and research priority
identify effective interventions 2.1.2 Enhance the profile of nutrition through increased NHMRC
1.2 Develop and test behavioural economic models to identify and ARC research funding success rates
factors that influence consumer demand for healthy 2.1.3 Position the science of nutrition as a priority for the MRFF
products over unhealthy processed foods
2.1.4 Ensure that fit-for-purpose conceptual and experimental
1.3 Establish structures to enhance cohesion of nutrition and frameworks, facilities, measurement tools and modelling
related sciences in Australia capabilities are available
1.4 Encourage the scientific community to be proactive in 2.2.1 Identify data collection approaches that can be connected
exposing diet messaging based on ideology and other to and analysed by a national capability for nutrition data
ulterior motives, including financial gain
2.2.2 Harness methods to analyse complex and diverse data
1.5 Found a national nutrition collective, representing all using shared national facilities
stakeholder groups, that will establish approaches for
2.3.1 Articulate the challenge of integrating across diverse
modernising nutrition science and practice in Australia
physiologies to define program and project opportunities
2.3.2 Provide training to higher degree research students
and early- and mid-career researchers in the science of
nutrition to build human capacity
2.3.3 Ensure that fit-for-purpose facilities, measurement tools
and modelling capabilities are widely available
2.4.1 Plan and obtain support for measurement and
communication of nutritional attributes of premium
Australian foods
2.4.2 Identify and realise opportunities for premium products
(foods, meals, diets) of Australian origin
Reco mm en dat ion s an d impl emen tat ion ac t ion s
3.2.4 Foster cross-disciplinary research with areas such as 4.5.1 Develop clear career pathways and opportunities in
computer science, information science and technology, research, public health and advocacy roles
engineering and health economics 4.5.2 Develop a training framework of competency from basic to
3.3.1 Ensure that researchers and ethical boards prioritise advanced levels in line with these career pathways
keeping abreast of technological shifts in digital tools 4.6 Incorporate leadership training in professional
and genomics to maintain the ability to guard privacy and development courses by leveraging existing nutrition
confidentiality and maintain trust leadership platforms, such as the Oceanic Nutrition
3.3.2 Encourage researchers to actively engage the public in Leadership Platform
precision and personalised research and discourse
3.3.3 Develop professional policies regarding human–subject
research, data privacy, clinical practice standards and
public health goals in precision and personalised nutrition
3.3.4 Embed cross-disciplinary ethical analysis (for example,
between law, social science, humanities, political science
and the public) into collaborations from inception
3.4 Cultivate evidence-based responsible research and
innovation to best serve public safety and health through:
i. fostering training and research in precision and
personalised nutrition
N ou ris h in g Au st r a l i a : a deca da l pl an f o r t he s c i en c e o f n ut r i t i on 13
Nutrition in context
Insight 1.1 Aspiration 1.1.1 Action 1.1 Impact 1.1 Metric 1.1
If followed more broadly, The factors that prevent Australians from Broaden nutrition science Improved Australian diet quality Greater adoption of the principles of
existing evidence-based following dietary guidelines are understood to encompass and prioritise dietary guidelines
dietary guidelines would research into factors that
lead to substantial Aspiration 1.1.2 influence dietary behaviour
health improvements in Effective interventions targeting these factors are and identify effective
Australians implemented interventions
Insight 1.2 Aspiration 1.2 Action 1.2 Impact 1.2 Metric 1.2
Competition between A culture shift in Australia sees consumer Develop and test behavioural A new generation of agrifood Reduction in the preponderance of
health objectives and demand and industry capability increase the economic models to identify products that retain the unhealthy processed foods that displace
commercial interests market competitiveness of healthy alternatives to factors that influence benefits of food processing healthy alternatives
impacts negatively on unhealthy processed foods consumer demand for without negative health
the quality of Australian healthy products over impacts
diets and health unhealthy processed foods
Insight 1.3 Aspiration 1.3 Action 1.3 Impact 1.3.1 Metric 1.3.1
Substantial negative The Australian nutrition science community has a Establish structures to The nutrition science Improved public perception of the
impacts on diet and trusted and authoritative voice representing the enhance cohesion of community is unified around nutrition science community
health derive from best scientific evidence. This does not preclude nutrition and related a solid foundation of well-
‘spurious uncertainty’, scientific debate, which is essential for scientific sciences in Australia established evidence-based Metric 1.3.2
where legitimate debate progress, rather, it: information on the links Enhanced clarity and transparency on
among nutrition experts i. authoritatively delineates information around between diets and health what is evidence-based fact, what is
is exaggerated or which there is consensus in nutrition science conjecture and what is misinformation
twisted to undermine from information that is subject to varying Impact 1.3.2 in nutrition
evidence-based degrees of uncertainty Hypotheses and equivocal
knowledge. This is facts are clearly delineated
called the ‘tobacco ii. exposes cases where these categories are from those sufficiently well
control playbook’, as it disingenuously conflated for self-interest, such as established to inform nutrition
is the modus operandi financial or ideological motives messaging, policy and
of the tobacco industry iii. acts as a point of evidence collation for commercial strategy
for undermining the government consultation and advocacy to
scientific evidence government and other groups
associating its product
with disease
Insight 1.4 Aspiration 1.4 Action 1.4 Impact 1.4 Metric 1.4
Misinformation about the There is a culture of accountability that Encourage the scientific A shift from the postmodern Greater clarity in public messaging
links between diet and moderates unconstrained and self-serving claims community to be proactive diet culture in which around what is opinion and what is
health has the potential in the public arena about links between diet and in exposing diet messaging unqualified and conflicted evidence-based information
to be a serious public health. No such restraint applies in other arenas, based on ideology and other views are considered on par
health hazard including media, diet book industry, internet ulterior motives, including with evidence-based nutrition
bloggers, etc financial gain
Insight 1.5 Aspiration 1.5 Action 1.5 Impact 1.5.1 Metric 1.5.1
Societal influences on An expanded nutrition science that encompasses Found a national nutrition An unparalleled capacity for Improved Australian dietary patterns
dietary behaviour are multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral expertise to collective, representing all efficiently tackling the burden
extraordinarily complex tackle these complex issues stakeholder groups, that of malnutrition by targeting the Metric 1.5.2
and difficult to manage. will establish approaches most effective interventions Better food options in retail outlets and
They are nested within for modernising nutrition restaurants
a web of conflicting science and practice in Impact 1.5.2
attitudes, perceptions Australia. Increased common purpose Metric 1.5.3
and motives, which among different stakeholders Increased quantity and quality of
inevitably will demand through pursuing solutions that scientific outputs
that compromises, rather are mutually beneficial, such as
than pure solutions, are processed foods that are both Metric 1.5.4
achieved profitable and healthy New directions for growth in the food
It’s 2030. Australia is recognised globally as a best practice model for integrating
dietary and environmental factors for the food system, which has resulted in
successful targeted interventions for health and wellness improvement.
Through a focus on the science of nutrition as a national priority, social and
environmental sciences are fully integrated with biological sciences to create
multi-system models that have resulted in evidence-based policymaking
at the intersection of health, agrifood and environment sectors.
Insights from identifying the role of societal factors in determining diet, behaviours and
health outcomes have informed approaches to achieving the Sustainable Development
Goals and equitable access to a safe and nutritious food supply for all Australians.
Health · Adaptation · Disease
N ou ris h in g Au st r a l i a : a deca da l pl an f o r t he s c i en c e o f n ut r i t i on 15
From epidemiology to cause-and-effect relationships
Insight 2.1 Aspiration 2.1 Action 2.1.1 Impact 2.1 Metric 2.1
A new science of nutrition Australia integrates its expertise Identify the science of nutrition as a national Australia plays a major role New knowledge generates
is needed that moves away in biological, medical and other research priority in the global effort to define outcomes that are integrated
from a focus on single sciences to play a major role in the mechanisms underpinning into patient care at primary and
nutrients and commodities discovering the mechanisms by Action 2.1.2 healthy diets and dietary routes tertiary levels
to consider the interactions which nutrients and dietary patterns Enhance the profile of nutrition through to combatting all the major non-
between multiple nutrients promote health, wellness and increased NHMRC and ARC research communicable diseases
and the biological productivity funding success rates
mechanisms that define
health outcomes, and in Action 2.1.3
turn relates these to dietary Position the science of nutrition as a priority
patterns as the drivers of for the MRFF
human health, wellness
and productivity Action 2.1.4
Ensure that fit-for-purpose conceptual
and experimental frameworks, facilities,
measurement tools and modelling
capabilities are available
Insight 2.2 Aspiration 2.2 Action 2.2.1 Impact 2.2 Metric 2.2.1
Conventional nutrition Datasets on food intake and health, Identify data collection approaches that can A greater efficiency of nutrition data Evidence of increased usage
science methodologies wellness and biomarker outcomes be connected to and analysed by a national collection, analysis and linkage and linkage of data from
will be enhanced and from the national capability for capability for nutrition data across scales, from experimental to existing and new sources
integrated with web-based nutrition data are combined with population level
citizen science data laboratory and controlled clinical Action 2.2.2 Metric 2.2.2
collection methods and trials to propose, test and refine Harness methods to analyse complex and Demonstrated consilience of
complex data analyses systems-level cause-and-effect diverse data using shared national facilities evidence from different sources
mechanisms between diet and being used to shape nutrition
health/wellness policy
Insight 2.3 Aspiration 2.3 Action 2.3.1 Impact 2.3 Metric 2.3.1
The combined responses The ways that diets interact with Articulate the challenge of integrating across A systems understanding of diet Australia is a leading nation
of metabolic, immune, human physiology and biochemistry diverse physiologies to define program and and health that: in the science of precision
microbiome, neural, are defined sufficiently to identify project opportunities • enables precision and nutrition (see pillar 3)
endocrine and other and demonstrate opportunities for personalised nutrition programs
systems to combinations nutrition to enhance wellness and Action 2.3.2 to prevent and manage chronic Metric 2.3.2
of nutrients and dietary productivity Provide training to higher degree research diseases and optimise health Evidence that measures of
patterns represent the next students and early- and mid-career against multiple criteria across health, equity and sustainability
great challenge in systems researchers in the science of nutrition to the life course (see pillar 3) are key currencies in the design
biology build human capacity and optimisation of the national
• informs the design of food food and nutrition system
Action 2.3.3 production and manufacturing
Ensure that fit-for-purpose facilities, systems to take account of health
measurement tools and modelling outcomes, equity, and economic
capabilities are widely available and environmental sustainability
Insight 2.4 Aspiration 2.4 Action 2.4.1 Impact 2.4.1 Metric 2.4.1
Australia is a producer of Recognition as a leader in the Plan and obtain support for measurement Australian food is associated with Increase in value of exports
all components in healthy science of nutrition provides and communication of nutritional attributes nutritional quality that can be as a result of their nutritional
diets. Nutrition credentials Australia with a market advantage of premium Australian foods tracked through the supply chain, credentials and marketing
can provide the route to in the high-value foods export as well as clean/green production
achieving premium product sector Action 2.4.2 practices Metric 2.4.2
value, particularly for Identify and realise opportunities for Increase in value of farmgate
exports premium products (foods, meals, diets) of Impact 2.4.2 production as a result
Australian origin High nutritional-value foods with of measurable nutrition
distinctively Australian attributes credentials
provide a boost to the agrifood
It’s 2030. Australia’s research community has embraced nutrition as the
paradigm for integrative science, attracting many of its brightest research
scientists to the field, integrating outcomes into patient care at primary
and tertiary levels and stimulating waves of commercial innovation.
Through integration of approaches from population to molecular levels, credible
hypotheses for nutritional mechanisms influencing major non-communicable
disease prevention and human performance have been derived.
A stream of health-promoting premium products from the Australian agrifood sector
are supported by technical insights from investments in the science of nutrition.
The global recognition of Australia as a powerhouse in nutrition is an important
facet of marketing exports to a growing consumer class in Asia and beyond.
Whole diets are composed of complex mixtures of Due to advances in smartphone and web technology,
nutrients and non-nutrient chemicals. Individuals epidemiological studies have the potential to provide
consume thousands of food-derived chemicals daily in much richer datasets. This ‘living epidemiology’ that
multiple combinations. These chemicals interact with exists under the umbrella of citizen science involves
each other and with the body at many levels, including public participation and collaboration with ongoing
olfaction, taste and chemosensing, digestion and measurement in real time and storage of those
absorption, cellular metabolism for energy production, measurements (see case study of the American
fermentation by the gut microbiota and production of Gut Project). Collection of these enormous datasets
Pillar 2 N ut rit io n me chan ism s
de novo metabolites and excretion. enables both the identification of outcomes in the
short and medium term and of hypotheses for cause-
All facets of the effects of foods have the potential to
and-effect mechanisms that can also be tested under
regulate the body’s processes and lead to wellness or
more controlled conditions. Complex data analysis
the development of chronic diseases. It is becoming
is a critical enabler, making this approach both
apparent that a more holistic approach should be
timely and important.
considered when studying the interaction of diet
(foods and nutrients) with physiological, metabolic and One consequence of the realisation that whole foods
immunological systems. Such a systems approach (rather than single nutrients) are the drivers of nutrition
would result in new ways of approaching, analysing is that the ways agricultural materials are processed
and solving nutrition challenges. first into foods and then during digestion become
important. The physical structure of foods is now
N ou ris h in g Au st r a l i a : a deca da l pl an f o r t he s c i en c e o f n ut r i t i on 17
understood to be intimately linked with nutritional Diet
outcomes through controlling the rate (and hence often Foods · Macro and micro nutrients · Fibre · Toxins
the site) of delivery of individual components within the Microbes · Matrix properties · Timing
satiety signals.
Website: www.americangut.org Through The Microsetta Initiative (microsetta.ucsd.edu),
the project links to an equivalent in Britain, the British
The American Gut Project, the world’s largest
Gut Project, and has an aggregation site in Australia
crowd-sourced research project on the microbiome,
run by Professor Phil Hugenholtz at the University of
was established in 2012. The aim was to collect a
Queensland. As of mid-2017, data has been collected
comprehensive dataset on the diversity of micro-
from more than 11 000 people, mainly from the USA,
organisms living in the gut and on the human body,
UK and Australia, along with 42 other countries or
to relate these microbial communities to health and
territories. The project and its UK affiliate have received
lifestyle and to track trends in the composition of the
more than US$2.5 million from crowdfunding, with the
microbiome across space and time.
work of the scientists supported through additional
For US$99, participants receive a kit for collecting a philanthropic and national competitive grant funding.
microbiome sample (typically stool) and a voluntary
questionnaire on general health status, disease
history, lifestyle and diet. Samples are posted to a
research team led by Professor Rob Knight in the
School of Medicine at the University of California San
Diego, who process the samples using a genetic
barcoding technique and provide participants with an
educational report detailing the microbes living in their
gut. These data are de-identified and made publicly
available to researchers worldwide in open-source
data repositories.
N ou ris h in g Au st r a l i a : a deca da l pl an f o r t he s c i en c e o f n ut r i t i on 19
Targeted responses to foods and diets
Insight 3.1 Aspiration 3.1 Action 3.1.1 Impact 3.1 Metric 3.1.1
Recent and future technological A high-level Incorporate nutritional genomics into a Australia becomes a global Number of national and state policies in
advances will allow the nutrition policy and national nutrition policy framework leader in precision nutrition and precision health that incorporate nutrition
determination of a wide range implementation plan health genomics, resulting in
of data about an individual’s provides the capacity, Action 3.1.2 improved wellbeing, greater Metric 3.1.2
genetic and biochemical capability and Incorporate nutritional genomics and productivity and more cost- Proportion of educational institutions that
makeup, as formed by their infrastructure needed precision nutrition in nutrition, health effective disease prevention and incorporate nutritional genomics and
genes, life stage, health status, to support integration professional and medical training within management for Australians, as precision nutrition in health professional
environment and lifestyle—at of nutritional genomic educational institutions well as exportable technologies and medical training
an increasingly lower cost. technology into the and programs that generate
These data can be applied to national health system Action 3.1.3 economic benefit Metric 3.1.3
help people live longer and Research the cost-effectiveness of nutritional Number of evidence-based, cost-effective
better lives by changing the genomics and precision nutrition precision nutrition treatments and
way we prevent, diagnose, programs translated into the health sector
treat and monitor both illness
and wellness
Insight 3.2 Aspiration 3.2 Action 3.2.1 Impact 3.2.1 Metric 3.2.1
A plethora of genetic, biological Australia is a world Increase literacy in the use of the tools of Nutrition researchers develop Australia’s ranking and growth in
and phenotypic data requires leader in cutting-edge information technology (such as the Internet innovative methods and tools numbers of peer-reviewed precision and
technology tools to synthesise nutrition data science of Things, artificial intelligence and machine in data analytics, research personalised nutrition publications
and realise the potential of and technology learning) in nutrition and health education design, health informatics and
precision and personalised that turns data into programs bioinformatics Metric 3.2.2
health and nutrition in action and improves Citation ranking of Australian researchers
improving wellbeing and the quality and Action 3.2.2 Impact 3.2.2 in precision and personalised nutrition
reducing and treating diet- cost-effectiveness of Increase literacy in genetics, genomics and Tertiary nutrition education in international information technology
related disease treatment, disease bioinformatics from secondary education teaches integration of systems journals
prevention and health onwards biology with non-biological
optimisation systems
Action 3.2.3
Incorporate nutritional genomics as a Impact 3.2.3
core subject in tertiary nutrition health Researchers and health
professional programs professionals are proficient in
mainstream and state-of-the-art
Action 3.2.4 point-of-care biological and
Foster cross-disciplinary research with areas behavioural measurement tools
such as computer science, information that provide data at individual
science and technology, engineering and and population levels
health economics
Insight 3.3 Aspiration 3.3.1 Action 3.3.1 Impact 3.3.1 Metric 3.3.1
Participation in self-health Australia has achieved Ensure that researchers and ethical boards High level of literacy in Number of research projects that engage
management by consumers ethical, legal and prioritise keeping abreast of technological information technologies and consumers in the planning process
and patients is a rapidly socially just precision shifts in digital tools and genomics to biological applications relevant
growing feature of a more and personalised maintain the ability to guard privacy and to precision and personalised Metric 3.3.2
democratised health system, nutrition solutions confidentiality and maintain trust nutrition, leading to ethical, legal Number of nutrition training programs
where the person is better and socially just research ethics that address the ethics of precision and
informed through greater Aspiration 3.3.2 Action 3.3.2 applications and approvals personalised nutrition
health and nutrition literacy The ethics of precision Encourage researchers to actively engage
and demands more control and personalised the public in precision and personalised Impact 3.3.2 Metric 3.3.3
of decisions relating to their nutrition is a core research and discourse The Australian public has a Number of nutrition training programs
health and wellbeing competency in all high level of engagement, trust that incorporate data privacy in research
fields of nutrition Action 3.3.3 and literacy in precision and methodology
training and education Develop professional policies regarding personalised nutrition and data
human–subject research, data privacy, privacy
clinical practice standards and public health
goals in precision and personalised nutrition Impact 3.3.3
Effective multidisciplinary and
Action 3.3.4 public collaborations inform
Embed cross-disciplinary ethical analysis future research, foster public
(for example, between law, social science, trust and engagement and
humanities, political science and the public) develop responsive law and
into collaborations from inception policy regarding emerging
Insight Aspiration Actions Impacts Metrics
Insight 3.4 Aspiration 3.4 Action 3.4 Impact 3.4.1 Metric 3.4.1
Private investment in individual Australia is a global Cultivate evidence-based responsible Australian researchers have High level of literacy in the science and
and population health and leader in evidence- research and innovation to best serve public a high level of literacy in the commercialisation of precision and
wellness technologies is based precision safety and health through: science and commercialisation personalised nutritech research
growing, with a wide range and personalised i. fostering training and research in of precision and personalised
of tech investors and venture nutritech products and precision and personalised nutrition nutritech research Metric 3.4.2
capitalists making significant services that improve Increased number of researchers in
contributions. Australia has individual and public ii. ensuring ongoing independent evaluation Impact 3.4.2 precision and personalised nutritech fields
the opportunity to capture the health and safety, for and synthesis of commercial precision Increased number of funded
health and economic benefits both Australian and and personalised nutritech products research projects related to Metric 3.4.3
of a rapidly growing precision international markets iii. promotion of commercial and science precision and personalised A science platform established with
and personalised nutritech partnerships to foster innovation nutrition and nutritech ongoing evidence-based precision and
sector in evidence-based precision and applications personalised nutritech products
personalised nutritech products
iv. developing sustainable and independent Impact 3.4.3 Metric 3.4.4
precision and personalised nutrition Increased number of Increased numbers of evidence-based
science platforms that assess and researchers in the science and precision and personalised nutritech
synthesise data on an ongoing dynamic commercialisation of precision products with business models that
basis and personalised nutrition and achieve positive health and economic
nutritech research outcomes
v. ensuring researcher transparency by
disclosing conflict of interests of all Impact 3.4.4 Metric 3.4.5
involved parties Increased number of Increase in products and commercial
vi. ensuring decisions are informed by evidence-based precision and revenue from evidence-based nutritech
scientific evaluation of the available personalised nutrition products products
evidence in cases where insurance
coverage of precision and personalised Impact 3.4.5 Metric 3.4.6
nutrition products services is proposed Health and economic Numbers of successful nutritech
evaluation of commercialised businesses with domestic and/or global
evidence-based precision and reach
personalised nutrition and
nutritech products
N ou ris h in g Au st r a l i a : a deca da l pl an f o r t he s c i en c e o f n ut r i t i on 21
Background in improving or preventing disease in clinical settings
as they do in optimising health and wellness. A culture
We are in an era that has seen the advancement of
focused on maintaining and improving health and
genomic and information science and technologies
wellness is emerging, fostered by government as well
lead to an explosion of data (on genes, metabolites,
as the food, healthtech and nutritech industries. It is
environment and lifestyle) and associated analytics that
important to note that precision nutrition solutions are
allows more sophisticated healthcare solutions with
no different to those for population nutrition, that is,
greater precision. These developments are leading
they are likely to be based on dietary patterns rather
to a new, efficient and innovative health economy,
than individual nutrients or foods.
resulting in more cost-effective health and disease
management. The accessibility of web-based health
Precision and personalised nutrition:
and medical knowledge is shifting the balance of health
definition and technology enablers
management towards the consumer and patient, who
are becoming empowered and engaged in their own The technologies that lead the development of
health management. precision and personalised nutrition are phenotype-
validated genetics, genomics and microbiome
The US and Europe have strategic long-term priorities
datasets. However, the innovations are not limited to
in precision health and medical research, including
the biological dimensions alone, as technologies that
policies and substantial public investment. The
precisely describe environmental and behavioural
following reports have been produced in Australia:
characteristics (such as the Global Positioning System)
• The future of precision medicine in Australia, are important features of the health informatics
published in 2018 by the Australian Council of ecosystem. Additionally, technology tools (such as
Learned Academies: acola.org/hs2-precision- mobile applications, machine learning and virtual
medicine-australia reality) and continuous real-time biological data (such
as glucose and blood pressure) provide opportunities
• Medical technologies and pharmaceuticals
for both better management of health data and
roadmap, published in 2017 by CSIRO
improved population experience and literacy in
Futures: www.csiro.au/en/Do-business/
health and nutrition.
Pharmaceuticals-Roadmap A focus on precision and personalised nutrition
will result in:
• The national health genomics policy framework
2018–2021, published in 2017 by the Council • new methods in data analytics and bio and health
of Australian Governments Health Council: www. informatics (such as machine learning and dynamic
coaghealthcouncil.gov.au/Publications/Reports Bayesian modelling)
Private investment in medical and health technologies • new research design methodologies
is also growing, with non-traditional health investors
• integration of systems biology with non-
such as Google, Microsoft and venture capitalists
biological systems
making significant contributions. It has been suggested
that, with the leap in biotechnology investment and a • proficiency in mainstream and state-of-the-
sharp drop in pharmaceutical investment, investors are art point of care
now turning to population health, wellness apps and
• biological and behavioural measurement tools
at-home or on-the-go wellness monitoring.
that provide real-time data at individual and
Pillar 3 Pre cisio n an d p erso na lis ed n ut rit io n
N ou ris h in g Au st r a l i a : a deca da l pl an f o r t he s c i en c e o f n ut r i t i on 23
Insight 4.1 Aspiration 4.1 Action 4.1.1 Impact 4.1 Metric 4.1
There are many and varied Nutrition professionals, supported All professional nutritionists The public can easily identify Statutory title for nutrition
groups that provide a ‘cacophony by a national trusted voice, are undertake competency-based nutrition professionals and have professionals with a single code of
of noise’ from which consumers the source of food and nutrition education confidence in their fitness to conduct
must synthesise the ‘truth’ about advice practice and scope of practice
food and nutrition Action 4.1.2
All nutrition courses adopt a code
of ethics and their graduates are
fit to practice
Insight 4.2 Aspiration 4.2 Action 4.2 Impact 4.2 Metric 4.2
There is a need to communicate The general public has a greater Harness the scope and reach Greater unity and impact achieved Nutrition professionals measure their
the complexity of nutrition with a understanding of the complexity of social media, the internet through understanding consumer engagement and effectiveness by
unified voice of nutrition science and its impact and other mass communication behaviour and improved changes in the public’s diet quality
on their food choices and dietary channels to enable nutrition engagement with consumer
patterns professionals to communicate groups and sub-groups
to the public effectively and
Insight 4.3 Aspiration 4.3.1 Action 4.3 Impact 4.3 Metric 4.3
Nutrition education for the whole, Every Australian has a basic Integrate nutrition education, The public has a basic knowledge A high level of food literacy and food
broader population is required understanding of cooking skills, including food skills, across all of nutrition and greater skills in skills in the population
nutrition and how their food formal education (early childhood, synthesising and applying this
choices and dietary patterns school, TAFE and tertiary) knowledge to their food choices
impact their long-term health and
that of their family
Aspiration 4.3.2
The public have a greater
understanding of the complexity
of nutrition science and its impact
on their food choices and dietary
Insight 4.4 Aspiration 4.4 Action 4.4 Impact 4.4 Metric 4.4
Upskilling nutrition professionals Researchers actively engage the Ensure evidence-based teaching, Nutrition professionals engage All accredited courses include learning
is required in emerging research public in nutrition research and including societal determinants and influence the public with outcomes that reflect new nutrition
areas that impact on practice discourse and the ethics of precision and messages about evidence-based research methodologies, including
and public understanding of the personalised nutrition, as core nutrition societal determinants, nutritional
science of nutrition competencies in all accredited genomics and complex data analysis
and professional development
Insight 4.5 Aspiration 4.5 Action 4.5.1 Impact 4.5 Metric 4.5.1
The number of nutrition Australia is seen as the leader Develop clear career pathways There is a greater number of Increased proportion of nutrition
professionals in Australia is small. in the education and training of and opportunities in research, nutrition professionals trained and professionals with higher degrees and
Career pathways appear limited nutrition researchers, educators public health and advocacy roles retained in the workforce demonstrable competence in research
and lack clarity and public health nutritionists for and/or public health
the Asia-Pacific region Action 4.5.2
Develop a training framework Metric 4.5.2
of competency from basic to Increased number of nutrition
advanced levels in line with these professionals with nationally awarded
career pathways competitive fellowships
Insight 4.6 Aspiration 4.6 Action 4.6 Impact 4.6 Metric 4.6.1
Leadership paradigms are A network of nutrition leaders Incorporate leadership training in Enhanced ability to operationalise Increased number of nutrition
changing from residing in single skilled in complex and adaptive professional development courses nutrition policies and strategies professionals in leadership positions
disciplines and individuals thinking, with foresight, by leveraging existing nutrition that will impact health and
to leadership as a collective, broad vision and who work leadership platforms, such as wellbeing for all Metric 4.6.2
multidisciplinary process collaboratively across disciplines the Oceanic Nutrition Leadership Increased number of outputs/
throughout networks of people. and sectors to positively influence Platform outcomes from collaborative activities
Leadership training, capacity food systems and nutrition
development and ongoing Metric 4.6.3
support networks are necessary Increased number of multi-disciplinary/
features of a strong nutrition multi-sector collaborations (such as
workforce working groups, coalitions, etc.)
It’s 2030. Improved population diet quality through informed food
choices has been achieved by optimal communication of the science
of nutrition, through consistent evidence-based messages and by
understanding and harnessing contemporary communication channels.
By upskilling established nutrition professionals in new
opportunities arising from data analytics, genomics and other
omics and digital technologies, Australia has a workforce
capable of delivering a new era of opportunity for the science
of nutrition, with diverse and rewarding career pathways.
An academy of nutrition has been established that brings together
nutrition professionals and credentialing bodies, is recognisable
to the public and adopts a common code of conduct.
High-quality nutrition educators are providing education and
training resources to all regions of Australia and its international
neighbours. Australia actively supports the nutritional health
of the Asia-Pacific region with a workforce that has advanced
capabilities and competencies in the translation of nutrition
science into practice, public health policy and planning,
advocacy skills, systems thinking and communication skills.
Nutrition education is provided to key professionals of broad
disciplines, including education (teaching youth to improve
food and nutrition literacy) and health professionals (who
have exposure to more individuals than nutrition professionals
alone). Basic nutrition knowledge is integrated into curricula
Pillar 4 E ducat ion an d rese arch t ra ining
N ou ris h in g Au st r a l i a : a deca da l pl an f o r t he s c i en c e o f n ut r i t i on 25
Background consumers must synthesise the ‘truth’. Consumers are
confused. Nutrition science needs to regain their trust
Within the context of the global burden of disease, poor
through consistent and credible communication, in
dietary patterns are responsible for more deaths than
part to counteract the volume and persuasiveness of
any other modifiable risk factor in non-communicable
commercial food advertising.
disease, excluding smoking. High body mass index
and metabolic conditions such as hyperglycaemia There is currently no formal accreditation of nutrition
and hypertension may be preventable and treatable science programs in Australia, although the UK
by optimising dietary patterns and increasing activity Association for Nutrition can accredit international
across the population. programs. This enables Australian graduates to apply
for registration as a nutritionist in the UK and Europe.
Certain life stages, such as during pregnancy and
early life, are important windows of opportunity for To ensure minimum standards of education for nutrition
nutritional interventions to have the greatest impact on graduates, competencies need to be embedded in the
an individual’s lifelong health prospects, that of their nutrition science curriculum. Low-level competencies
children, on human capital and for national economic (such as knowledge and assessment of evidence)
prosperity. Despite the potential for dietary patterns should be included in the education and ongoing
to have substantial impact on health outcomes, the training curriculum for all health professionals, including
low adoption of an optimal ‘dietary pattern for health’ those in the care sector.
indicates that communication of nutrition science is not
There is a clear need for the growth of nutrition
yet succeeding.
professionals in Australia who are capable of delivering
on the goals of the decadal plan. Currently, there are
Communicating with a trusted voice several organisations in Australia that register nutrition
Developing the expertise and reputation of nutritionists professionals. There is some overlap in membership of
as trusted sources of nutrition information is vital. A these peak bodies.
new unified regulatory system will evolve that aims to
• The Nutrition Society of Australia’s (NSA)
protect the public from poor advice from unqualified
registration process is based on educational
individuals or those outside their scope of practice in
attainment and practical experience, with plans to
differing parts of the nutrition workforce.
strengthen the competency basis of assessment.
Gaining the public’s trust in scientists with recognised In 2019 the NSA had 282 registered nutritionists
nutrition qualifications is crucial to the success of the from a total membership of more than 1000 and an
decadal plan’s proposed trusted voice. There is a additional 38 fellows—members who have made
need for the public to recognise and differentiate the substantial contributions to the scientific study of
qualifications of scientifically educated professionals so nutrition and/or its applications.
they can make an informed choice.
• The Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA)
Developing the profession of nutrition scientist will is Australia’s peak body for dietitians, with 6900
require a common title and a code of conduct to members and many other dietitians who are not
ensure professional standards are identifiable and members of their professional body. DAA is involved
upheld. Pivotal to this is the necessity for a code of in the accreditation of all Australian courses,
conduct that supports and regulates professional which gives graduates a pathway to becoming an
behaviour and ensures public safety and confidence. accredited practicing dietitian. Through its board
This code includes recognition that not all nutrition and its members, DAA plays a key advocacy role in
scientists are trained in all aspects of nutrition care, promoting the nutritional health of all Australians.
but minimum standards and recognition of scope of
• The UK-based Association for Nutrition (AfN)
Pillar 4 Educat ion an d res earch tra inin g
• a requirement for knowledge and skills in A plan for nutrition education therefore operates
communication of evidence-based science at all levels to disseminate consistent and credible
messages that emerge from the national capability for
• the development of recognised professionalism,
nutrition data—for all Australians.
including a code of conduct within the
nutrition workforce. Structures are required to attract and educate a
workforce capable of meeting the many different
A competent workforce will contain individuals whose
challenges that a systems approach requires.
breadth of expertise will span all aspects of the food
Workforce competency needs are multifaceted
chain and who can engage with stakeholders at all
due to the multidisciplinary nature of nutrition as a
levels. While individuals working in nutrition may not
science and the need for translation into individual
deal with all levels (a laboratory scientist will not have to
behaviour change, alongside whole population shifts
give individual dietary advice, for example), it is crucial
in food consumption supported by implementation of
that nutrition systems are understood to ensure the
supportive policy. By adopting a systems approach to
science is reflexive and individuals understand their
education, Australia can strengthen its own capabilities
role in the system.
and position itself to produce nutritionists with the
There is a pressing need to educate nutrition scientists necessary underpinning knowledge and skills and be a
with currency of knowledge in newer methodologies leading education provider to the Asia-Pacific region.
that can be applied to nutrition, such as nutrigenomics,
bioinformatics, proteomics and so on, to conduct
ground-breaking research of the highest quality.
The ability to communicate and translate findings
Pillar 4 E ducat ion an d rese arch t ra ining
N ou ris h in g Au st r a l i a : a deca da l pl an f o r t he s c i en c e o f n ut r i t i on 27
This decadal plan sets out a strategy for realising the vision that
Australian nutrition science plays a key role in improving
long-term health and wellbeing globally, while delivering
environmental, social and economic benefits nationally with core
values of equity, sustainability, collaboration and innovation, and
three major recommendations of a national research priority, national
capability for nutrition data and trusted voice.
The way forward includes developing detailed governance structures
and business cases for the establishment and sustainable resourcing
of the national capability for nutrition data and trusted voice, and
scoping major initiatives consistent with a national research priority.
Extensive consultation with the nutrition community during the
development of the decadal plan was crucial in arriving at a common
understanding of the challenges and opportunities and in providing a
forum for the development of national collaborations across the broad
scope of the science of nutrition. Turning this plan from aspiration
to operation will similarly involve the concerted action of all major
stakeholders in the science of nutrition who share the vision that
Australia can—and should—be recognised as a major global player in
the discipline.
Th e way f o rward
AfN Association for Nutrition www.associationfornutrition.org
ARC Australian Research Council www.arc.gov.au
CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation www.csiro.au
DAA Dieticians Association of Australia daa.asn.au
MRFF Medical Research Future Fund
NAFLD Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
NHMRC National Health and Medical Research Council www.nhmrc.gov.au
NSA Nutrition Society of Australia nsa.asn.au
RCT Randomised control trial
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals sustainabledevelopment.un.org
Glos sa ry
N ou ris h in g Au st r a l i a : a deca da l pl an f o r t he s c i en c e o f n ut r i t i on 29
Introductory chapters Pillar 2: Nutrition mechanisms
Cutberto Garza, Patrick J Stover, Sarah D Ohlhorst, Martha S Fardet A & Rock E. Toward a new philosophy of preventive
Field, Robert Steinbrook, Sylvia Rowe, Catherine Woteki, Eric nutrition: from a reductionist to a holistic paradigm to improve
Campbell; Best practices in nutrition science to earn and keep nutrition recommendations. Adv Nutr 5:430–446 2014
the public’s trust, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,
Jacobs DR Jr and Tapsell LC. Food, not nutrients, is the
Volume 109, Issue 1, 1 January 2019, Pages 225–243, doi.
fundamental unit in nutrition. Nutr Rev 65:439–450 2007
Ioannides JPA. The Challenge of Reforming Nutritional
Demaio AR, Branca F. Decade of action on nutrition:
Epidemiological Research. JAMA 320 (10): 969-970 2018
our window to act on the double burden of malnutrition.
BMJ Glob Health 2017;2:e000492. doi.org/10.1136/ Moughan PJ. Holistic properties of foods: a changing paradigm
bmjgh-2017-000492 in human nutrition. Journal of the Science of Food and
Agriculture doi: 10.1002/jsfa.8997. [Epub ahead of print] 2018
Merriam-Webster’s collegiate dictionary (10th ed.). (1999).
Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster Incorporated. Mozaffarian D, Rosenberg I, Uauy R. History of modern
nutrition science—implications for current research, dietary
Mozaffarian D, Rosenberg I, Uauy R. History of modern
guidelines, and food policy. BMJ 361; k2392 2018
nutrition science—implications for current research, dietary
guidelines, and food policy. BMJ 361; k2392 2018 Raubenheimer, D. and Simpson, S.J. (2016). Nutritional ecology
and human health. Annual Review of Nutrition 36: 603-626
2017 Theo Murphy High Flyers Think Tank ‘Rethinking food
and nutrition science: Aspirations, obstacles and strategies
for the future’ discussion papers (www.science.org.au/news- Pillar 3: Precision and
and-events/events/think-tanks/rethinking-food-and-nutrition- personalised nutrition
Ferguson LR, De Caterina R, Görman U, Allayee H, Kohlmeier
Development Initiatives, 2018. 2018 Global Nutrition M, Prasad C, Choi MS, Curi R, de Luis DA, Gil Á, Kang JX,
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Development Initiatives. Parslow VR, Portillo MP, Santos JL, Serhan CN, Simopoulos
AP, Velázquez-Arellano A, Zulet MA, Martinez JA. Guide
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Security and Nutrition 2018 – Accelerating progress towards 27. doi: 10.1159/000445350. Epub 2016 May 12. PubMed
the SDGs. Bangkok. License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO. PMID: 27169401.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2016. Monitoring the Kohlmeier M, De Caterina R, Ferguson LR, Görman U, Allayee
health impacts of mandatory folic acid and iodine fortification. H, Prasad C, Kang JX, Nicoletti CF, Martinez JA. Guide
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32 Nou rishing Au st ra lia : a d e ca da l p lan f o r t he s c i en c e o f n ut r i t i o n