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Industrial Remote Communication:

Data Communication via GPRS with
S7-1200 and CP 1242-7
S7-1200 Set 32
Wireless Signaling and Switching via SMS with S7-1200

Application Description June 2013

Applications & Tools

Answers for industry.
Warranty and Liability

Warranty and Liability

Note The application examples are not binding and do not claim to be complete
regarding the circuits shown, equipping and any eventuality. The application
examples do not represent customer-specific solutions. They are only intended
to provide support for typical applications. You are responsible for ensuring that
the described products are correctly used. These application examples do not
relieve you of the responsibility of safely and professionally using, installing,
operating and servicing equipment. When using these application examples, you
recognize that Siemens cannot be made liable for any damage/claims beyond
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between the recommendations provided in these application examples and other
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We do not accept any liability for the information contained in this document.
Any claims against us – based on whatever legal reason – resulting from the use of
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not apply in the case of mandatory liability, e.g. under the German Product Liability
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deficiency or breach of a condition which goes to the root of the contract

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The functions and solutions described in this article confine themselves to the
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furthermore that corresponding protective measures have to be taken up in the
context of Industrial Security when connecting your equipment to other parts of the
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under the Item-ID 50203404.

Telecontrol with S7-1200

2 V1.0, Entry ID: 58638283
Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Warranty and Liability .............................................................................................. 2
Table of Contents ..................................................................................................... 3
1 Automation Problem ...................................................................................... 4
1.1 Overview ........................................................................................... 4
2 Solution........................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Overview of the overall solution ......................................................... 6
2.2 Description of the core functionality.................................................... 8
2.3 Hardware and software components used ....................................... 10
2.4 Performance data ............................................................................ 11
3 Basics ........................................................................................................... 12
3.1 GMS network................................................................................... 12
3.2 Characteristic features of the CP device configuration...................... 14
3.3 Definition of the connection-specific characteristics .......................... 14
3.4 Establishing the connection ............................................................. 16
3.5 Transmitting process data via a sub-connection ............................... 18
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4 Functional Mechanisms of this Application ................................................ 20

4.1 Functionality .................................................................................... 21
4.1.1 Basic blocks .................................................................................... 21
4.1.2 Related blocks ................................................................................. 23
4.1.3 Interfaces ........................................................................................ 29
4.1.4 Status codes of the blocks ............................................................... 30
4.2 Extensions and adaptations ............................................................. 32

5 Commissioning of the Application .............................................................. 34

5.1 Installing and wiring the hardware .................................................... 34
5.2 Configuration instructions ................................................................ 35
5.3 Error handling .................................................................................. 36
6 Operation of the Application ........................................................................ 37
6.1 Overview ......................................................................................... 38
6.1.1 SMS_Send ...................................................................................... 38
6.1.2 SMS_Broadcast............................................................................... 39
6.1.3 SMS_Recv ...................................................................................... 40
6.1.4 SMS_Escalation .............................................................................. 41
6.1.5 Set/Get ............................................................................................ 41
7 References .................................................................................................... 44
8 History .......................................................................................................... 44

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V1.0, Entry ID: 58638283 3
1 Automation Problem
1.1 Overview

1 Automation Problem
1.1 Overview
This application shows how to set up a simple system for switching and signaling
by means of SMS messages. The field of application used as an example is a drink
vending machine.

Overview of the automation problem

At regular intervals, the automatic machine checks:
The remaining stock of the different types of beverages
The coin box level
The cooling system temperature
In addition, unauthorized opening of the front can be detected using a sensor.
The automatic machine reacts independently to specific events – such as
exceeding/falling below limits – and informs the maintenance staff.
Irrespective of that, the automatic machine answers requests that have been
received for process values.
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4 V1.0, Entry ID: 58638283
1 Automation Problem
1.1 Overview

Requirements for the solution

This automation problem results in the following requirements for the functions of
the solution:
Sending an SMS message to a parameterizable phone number
– Process values can be integrated in the message text
– The send routine can be started from the user program of the controller
using a trigger
Sending a message to several subscribers (Broadcast)
Sending a message with subsequent waiting for acknowledgement by one of
the configured recipients of the message (Escalation)
Receiving messages. Depending on the message text,
– requested values are read out of the controller and sent to a mobile phone
– received commands are executed in the controller and a confirmation/error
message is sent to the mobile phone
Figure 1-1 Overview

User program
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• Setpoints • Process values
• Control commands • Alarms

GSM modem

Get/set values Escalation chain

Broadcast Alarm

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V1.0, Entry ID: 58638283 5
2 Solution
2.1 Overview of the overall solution

2 Solution
2.1 Overview of the overall solution
Station configuration
A SIMATIC CP 1242-7 (2) is connected to a SIMATIC S7-1200 controller 1211C
(3) via the bus interface.
A SIM card (5) is inserted in the GSM/GPRS modem and an ANT 794-4MR quad-
band GSM/GPRS antenna (4) is used for the connection to the air interface.
The power supply of all components is provided via a SIMATIC PM 1207 power
module (1).

Figure 2-1 Configuration display of the station

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1 2 3

Communication partners
All terminal units that support sending SMS messages in the GSM network are
possible for the communication. In most cases, mobile phones will be used. Data
exchange with other stations with integrated GSM modem is possible as well.
Using the SMStoFAX / SMStoMail services, the messages can also be forwarded
to fax machines or e-mail addresses – if the SIM card provider offers these

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6 V1.0, Entry ID: 58638283
2 Solution
2.1 Overview of the overall solution

Diagrammatic representation
The diagrammatic representation below shows the most important components of
the solution:
Figure 2-2

1 2 1 Process alarm detected
8 2 Create message text
3 Connection request
4 Connection OK
5 Send job
6 Transfer to network
7 Sending successful
8 Terminate connection
9 Connection terminated
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Mobile phone

This application does not include a description of the

operation of STEP7 V11

programming in SCL and FBD
Basic knowledge of these topics is required.

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V1.0, Entry ID: 58638283 7
2 Solution
2.2 Description of the core functionality

2.2 Description of the core functionality

Library blocks
The TC_ communication blocks of the CP form the basis. They represent the basic
functions for communication in the GSM network and have already been integrated
in STEP 7 V11:
TC_CON [FB165] Connect
TC_SEND [FB163] Send data
TC_RECV [FB164] Receive data
TC_DISCON [FB166] Disconnect

SIMATIC CP 1242-7 GPRS – initial situation

The following table describes the system performance of the CP that has to be
considered when creating the solution:
Table 2-1
System performance Solution
Receiving SMS messages: The CP does not The phone number must be included in the
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transfer the phone number of the sender to the message text.

user program (TC blocks).
Receiving SMS messages: When there are several One global receive block with one RC_RECV call
TC_RECV calls, the first TC_RECV block with a is used. All other blocks access its text buffer.
suitable phone number (no number parameterized
/ fully specified number parameterized) will accept
the message. The following ones will not receive
Receiving SMS messages: When a message is The TC_RECV block in the global receive block is

received while no TC_RECV is active, it will be kept permanently active (BUSY).

Sending SMS messages: When sending, the SMS messages are always sent in three steps:
phone number can only be changed on TC_CON. CON SEND DISCON

Basic application blocks

In the application, two basic blocks are used that call the above-listed TC blocks:
1. SMS_Send
Sends a message text to the parameterized phone number.
2. SMS_Recv
Receives messages and stores them in a data area.

Related blocks
Internally, all blocks that are more complex call their own instances of SMS_Send
and/or access the buffer of SMS_Recv.
1. SMS_Broadcast
Sends a message text to any number of phone numbers.
2. Escalation
– Sends a message to a phone number.
– Waits for a parameterized time for the partner’s acknowledgement.
– After the time has elapsed, the next number is contacted.

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2 Solution
2.2 Description of the core functionality

3. Set/Get
Values can be requested from the process – it is also possible to specify new

In FBD, processing strings is often difficult. Therefore, these program parts are
relocated to SCL functions.
1. CheckString
Checks a phone number for the valid characters “0123456789+”.
2. CheckMessage
In this application example, all messages to the station must comply with a
specified format. The function checks the short text message for this format.
3. Set/Get Commands
A part of the message text contains the commands for setting/getting variables.
The command names and the following program execution can be freely
selected by the user. This function:
– Contains all commands configured by the user.
– Searches the message part for known commands.
– Executes the actual command.
– Returns the response text depending on the result.
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4. Date_to_String
This function reads out the current system time and converts it to a string. This
string can be inserted into any message text.

Advantages of this solution

The solution presented here offers you the following advantages:
Existing S7 1200 stations can be retrofitted.

Modular design – only blocks that are actually required have to be downloaded
to the user program. (When commissioning this application for the first time,
however, the full functional scope of the sample project should remain
unchanged in order to better understand the blocks and exclude malfunctions.)
Other user blocks can easily use the defined message format of the related
blocks (Broadcast, Escalation, Set/Get) as a basis and use it.

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2 Solution
2.3 Hardware and software components used

2.3 Hardware and software components used

The application was created and tested with the following components.

Hardware components
Table 2-2
Component Qty. Order no. Note
SIMATIC S7-1200, 1 6EP1332-1SH71 2.5A
PM 1207
SIMATIC S7-1200, 1 6ES7211-1AD30-0XB0 DC/DC/DC
CPU 1211C Firmware 2.2
S7-1200 SIMULATOR 1 6ES7274-1XF30-0XA0 For controlling the
MODULE, 8 INP digital inputs.
SIMATIC 1 6GK7242-7KX30-0XE0 Firmware 1.2.1
CP 1242-7 GPRS,
SINAUT ANT 794- 1 6NH9860-1AA00 Alternative: ANT794-
4MR, rod aerial 3M flat antenna
Ethernet cable 1 6XV1870-3QH20 For configuring (2 m of
this cable or a
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2M comparable cable)
Circuit breaker 1 5SX2116-6 1-pole, B, 16A
Standard mounting 1 6ES5 710-8MA11 35 mm
SIM card 1 Available from your wireless Enabled SMS function
service provider GSM sufficient (no
GPRS necessary)

Standard software components

Table 2-3
Component Qty. Order no. Note
STEP 7 Basic V11 1 6ES7822-0AA01-0YA0 Or higher
Update 2 – SP2
HSP CP 1242-7 V1.0 - Necessary only for
STEP 7 V11 ,See \4\

Sample files and projects

The following list contains all files and projects that are used in this example.
Table 2-4
Component Note
58638283_Set32_SMS_CODE_V10.zip <This zip file contains the STEP 7

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10 V1.0, Entry ID: 58638283
2 Solution
2.4 Performance data

2.4 Performance data

Memory requirement
The figure below shows the resource consumption using the example of a CPU
Figure 2-3
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For detailed information on the user memory size for all 1200 CPU models, please
refer to manual S7-1200 Programmable Controller
System Manual Table 1-1 Comparing the CPU models

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V1.0, Entry ID: 58638283 11
3 Basics
3.1 GMS network

3 Basics
3.1 GMS network
This section explains the basic principle of operation of sending SMS messages
within the GSM network. The description of the processes is greatly simplified.

The most important parties

Mobile Switching Center – MSC
Each MSC manages a large number of cells. They are the central nodes of the
GSM network. The most important tasks are to
manage the dial-up to the network.
establish the connection to the selected phone number.
forward SMS messages.
Each connection runs through at least one MSC – even if both subscribers are
within one cell.

Home Location Register – HLR

The central database of the system – contains information on all registered
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subscribers. This information includes:

Authentication of the terminal units during dial-up.
All services that are enabled/locked on a SIM card.
The current location information of the subscribers – thus via which MSC they
can currently be reached.
No payload (e.g., language) is transmitted via the connections to the HLR.

Short Message Service Center – SMSC

Classified hierarchically in the network at the MSC level. The SMSC does not
manage cells itself, it is only used to forward SMS messages.
The most important tasks are to
confirm the arrival of a message to the requesting MSC.
determine the current MSC of the desired phone number at the HLR.
deliver SMS messages.
If the recipient’s device is not logged in to the network, the SMSC will save the
message. The next time the subscriber dials up, the MSC sends a signal to the
SMSC, which is followed by the delivery.

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3 Basics
3.1 GMS network

Figure 3-1

GSM network overview

Dial-up process HLR

• SMS station can be reached via MSC 1
SMS message path • Mobile phone can be reached via MSC 2
HLR requests
Acknowledgement of receipt • Mobile phone can be
2 5 2 reached via cell x


1 3 4 1
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Coverage area of
an MSC
Comprises several cells

SMS station Mobile phone


SMS message: Send operation in steps

Table 3-1 Explanation of connection establishment
No. Steps in the functional sequence
1. The terminal units signal to the responsible MSC that they want to dial up. The units
transfer this information to their SIM cards.
2. With the information of the SIM card, the MSC sends a request to the HLR. If the
authentication was successful, the MSC establishes a connection to the terminal
unit. Via which MSC the terminal unit can be accessed is stored in the HLR.
3. The SMS station transmits the message to the current MSC (1). The MSC forwards
the contents exactly to the SMSC.
4. The SMSC confirms the arrival of the message; from this information, it is not yet
possible to see if delivery was successful.
5. The SMSC asks the HLR to which MSC the SIM card of the mobile phone is logged
on. If an MSC could not be determined – for example, because the mobile phone is
turned off – the message will be stored.
6. The SMSC transmits the message to the previously determined MSC 2. From there,
it is forwarded to the mobile phone. Once the message has been successfully
delivered, it is deleted from the SMSC.
Optionally, the sender receives feedback about successful delivery. However, this
function is not a GSM standard function and thus depends on the SMSC provider.

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3 Basics
3.2 Characteristic features of the CP device configuration

3.2 Characteristic features of the CP device configuration

Authorized phone numbers
The CP accepts only messages from subscribers that are made known to it via the
device configuration. This filter is effective before the receive block has the
opportunity to access the messages. Therefore, messages whose sender number
is unknown never become visible in the CPU program. A wildcard * can be used to
allow all phone numbers.

If messages are to be sent, the provider’s SMS center must be entered in the
device configuration of the CP. This is not necessary in order to receive

CP phone number
Does not have to be configured for sending/receiving messages.
Background: Remote access to the station via teleservice
When using this function, TIA Portal must know to which phone number the wake-
up SMS message is to be sent. Therefore, the phone number must be stored in the
project. The field has no effect whatsoever on the SMS functions.
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3.3 Definition of the connection-specific characteristics

This chapter explains how the different connection types are defined and where the
connection type for sending messages is classified.

Overview of the characteristics of a connection


The following characteristics define the function of the telecontrol system.

Table 3-2
Parameter Possible values for the Remark
Operating mode Telecontrol Set directly in the device configuration
GPRS direct and Telecontrol Server Basic. In the
following referred to as
Connection mode Permanent main connection.
Connection type Telecontrol Programmed in the user program with
connection the aid of the library blocks. In the
UDP following referred to as
A connection is always reserved for the
SMS Teleservice connection type. It does
Teleservice not have to be programmed separately.
Connection Active/passive connection
parameters establishment, connection
ID, information on the
connection partner

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14 V1.0, Entry ID: 58638283
3 Basics
3.3 Definition of the connection-specific characteristics

Definition of main connection

The main connection is defined by the selection of relevant parameters in the
device configuration for the CP. This application example does not go into the
details of GRPS communication. Therefore, the connection type used is not
relevant. Communication via SMS can equally be used in “Telecontrol” and “GPRS
direct” mode.

Definition of sub-connection
For the sub-connection, several connection types are available for selection that
have already been defined by the selection of the main connection.
The desired connection type is programmed directly in the user program with the
aid of the library blocks.
A sub-connection with the “SMS” connection type is selected in this application
For a more detailed description of the different connection types (SDTs), please
refer to document \1\, Chapter 5.4.7.
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3 Basics
3.4 Establishing the connection

3.4 Establishing the connection

Connection type in this example
In this application example, the SMS connection type is selected for the sub-
connections to exchange messages with any mobile phones.

Figure 3-2


Connection type used in this Scenario 3

Telecontrol connection SMS UDP …..

Establishing/terminating the connection

In STEP 7 V11, library blocks are available to control the sub-connection.
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From this library, the “TC_CON” instruction is used to establish a sub-connection

and the “TC_DISCON” instruction is used to terminate a sub-connection. The
information which connection type is selected is specified as the “CONNECT”
parameter (SDT) on “TC_CON”.
With the aid of the ID, all other instructions of the “TC_DISCON”, “TC_SEND” and
“TC_RECV” library blocks refer to this connection type or this sub-connection.
Figure 3-3 Call of “TC_CON” and “TC_DISCON” to control the sub-connections

false REQ BUSY

PartnerInfo CONNECT

Defines (among other things) the connection type

Refers to the sub-connection (1-5)

false EN_R BUSY

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3 Basics
3.4 Establishing the connection

The “TCON_phone” SDT

To connect to the GSM network, the TC_CON block must be called with the
“TCON_Phone” SDT at the CONNECT input. The SDT contains parameters for the
connection and its composition is as follows:

Table 3-3
Name Data type Comment Example
InterfaceId HW_ANY Hardware ID of the 269/270
addressed CP. Depending on CPU and
slot of the CP
ID CONN_OUC Connection ID with 1
which the remaining TC Must be unique within
blocks address the the project. (1 not on
connection. two TCON blocks)
ConnectionType Byte Default: W#16#0E – W#16#0E
designates the SMS No changes necessary.
sub-connection type
ActiveEstablished Bool Default: False – not False
relevant for SMS No changes necessary.
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Phonenumber String[22] Phone number of the ’+49123456’
communication partner. For sending
When receiving, an ’’
empty string stands in
place of all numbers. For receiving all phone

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3 Basics
3.5 Transmitting process data via a sub-connection

3.5 Transmitting process data via a sub-connection

Send/receive blocks
To control process data traffic, blocks are available for STEP 7 V11 that are
downloaded for the CP with the “Hardware Support Package”. From these blocks,
the “TC_SEND” instruction for sending and the “TC_RECV” instruction for receiving
process data are used via the respective sub-connection.
Figure 3-4 Call of “TC_SEND” and “TC_RECV” to control process data traffic

%FB165 %FB163
false REQ BUSY false EN_R BUSY

Referenziert auf die Subverbindung

Datenbereich der Sende-/Empfangsdaten

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Note The blocks are handled in the same way as in Open User Communication in the
S7-1200 (TSEND, TRECV).

Characteristic features of the SMS connection

The length (LEN) of the data area (DATA) is limited to max. 160 characters (7-

bit coded). For other encodings, 8-bit / 16-bit, it is reduced to 140 / 70

Separate connections for TC_SEND/TC_RECV: As a rule, it is to be possible
to receive messages from any phone number. For this purpose, TC_CON must
connect to a blank phone number, which makes TC_SEND calls to this
connection useless. In this case, it is essential that a connection be set up only
for TC_RECV.

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3 Basics
3.5 Transmitting process data via a sub-connection

The String data type

It is useful to store the received characters in the String data type. This data type
stores the maximum and the current length of the string in the first two bytes.
Therefore, the actual size in the memory is:

Number of characters + 2 bytes of length information

Table 3-4
Text String[10] = ’Hello’
Byte following start address 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Contents 8 5 H e l l o - - -
Corresponds to Maximum Current Actual text Not relevant

This structure is important for the following reason:

If the string variable was applied directly to the DATA input of the blocks, the length
information would be unintentionally included as characters of the string.
1. TC_RECV receives the “Hello” text. The block will enter the value of the letters
“H” and “e” in Maximum and Current. “llo” will be in the actual text. Incorrect
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lengths can cause software errors.

2. The “Hello” string is applied to TC_SEND. The block will convert the length
information 8 and 5 to characters and include them in the sent message text. In
most cases, the result is an unwanted special character at the start of the
message. For example: Hello
To prevent this behavior, the DATA parameter must start two bytes to the right of
the string’s start address:

Text string [0..159] starts at DB1.DBX 0.0

DB1.DBX 2.0 Byte 160 is applied to DATA.

Alternatively, the overlay of the string with AT can be used. This creates additional
symbolic names via which the same memory area can be accessed. Therefore, the
actual AT construct does not require memory, it only provides a different view of
the data.
This variant is preferable as addressing with names is still possible. There is no
need to manually adjust the pointers when there are changes of the start address.

Table 3-5
Text_Struct <AT Struct>
Dummy <WORD> Text <Array of Char [0..159]>
Wildcard Text field

The text can be accessed separately via the array within the structure. Here,
Dummy is only used to skip the first bytes.
Text_Struct.Text is applied to the DATA parameter.

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4 Functional Mechanisms of this Application
3.5 Transmitting process data via a sub-connection

4 Functional Mechanisms of this Application

Program overview
Figure 4-1


“Attention alarm”

Broadcast SMS_Send
Phone no.
“Attention alarm”

Escalation SMS_Send

“Attention alarm –
ACK required”

Data buffer
ACK received?

Set/Get Set/Get Commands SMS_Send

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Command S
“Value set to 0815”
Number 12345
Data INT1=5
“BOOL is currently TRUE”
Execute commands
Create response text



Text buffer


Text buffer Format OK? Data buffer

User calls Internal calls Result

All blocks can be used individually.

The “Escalation” and “Set/Get” routines necessarily require an “SMS_Recv” block
in order to detect incoming acknowledgements/commands.
For the SMS_Recv block, there is an additional restriction – see 4.1.2.

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4 Functional Mechanisms of this Application
4.1 Functionality

4.1 Functionality
4.1.1 Basic blocks

As parameters, the SMS_Send block receives a phone number (Phonenumber)
and a message text (MessageText). A send job is started with each positive edge.
Internally, the required TC_blocks are initialized with the created parameters and
SMS_Send terminates when:
The TC_blocks abort with an error more than three times
(Error bit of CON, SEND or DISCON).
The timeout time of 15 seconds has been reached.
The average runtime is between 3 and 6 seconds.

Figure 4-2 SMS_Send program flow

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SMS_Send DB contains instance DBs
‘123‘ Phonenumber ERROR Multi-instance
1 ConnectionID STATUS
269 HardwareID ENO
‘Hallo‘ REQ


• Start when positive edge at REQ Success DONE


• Default timeout = 15 s
• Allowed errors = 3
How many?
• Typical runtime: 3-6 seconds EXIT
Yes No
Watchdog timer Elapsed

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4 Functional Mechanisms of this Application
4.1 Functionality

The SMS_Recv block too receives a phone number as a parameter. In addition, a
data area is declared as an output in which it stores received messages (text
buffer). Each new message is signaled at the NDR (New Data Received) output.
Internally, the required TC_blocks are initialized with the created parameters and
called. If no errors occur, TC_Recv is permanently active and SMS_RECV is thus
ready to receive messages.
SMS_Recv terminates only if a negative edge arrives at the REQ input. If an error
occurs, it will be permanently attempted to reestablish the connection.
With an empty string as the phone number, all messages are received on this

Figure 4-3 SMS_Recv program flow

%FB11 SMS_Recv
EN BUSY SMS_Recv-DB contains instance DBs
‘‘ Phonenumber NDR
1 ConnectionID STATUS
269 HardwareID MessageText
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• Operates while REQ = TRUE DONE DONE
• Permanently set to TC_RECV
• Phone no. field blank receives ERROR ERROR
from all subscribers
• NDR (New Data Received) signals
incoming message

Status Status

Note Messages will only be received if the SMS_Recv / TC_RECV block is active
when they arrive. Otherwise, the message will be lost – subsequent searching of
the memory is not possible.
The sender’s phone number of incoming messages cannot be retrieved on the
TC_blocks. If there is to be a response, the phone number must be included in
the message text.

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4 Functional Mechanisms of this Application
4.1 Functionality

4.1.2 Related blocks

Global use of SMS_Recv

It is assumed that messages are to be received from all phone numbers. For this
purpose, the connection on which TC_RECV operates must be established to a
blank phone number. Such a connection can only be used once per CP.
Otherwise, the message will always arrive on the TC_RECV that is called first in
the program structure. All other TC_RECV will never receive messages.
Therefore, the application uses a global SMS_RECV block. This block writes the
text to a text buffer and signals new messages by means of the NDR output bit.

The following applies to all blocks that want to react to an incoming message:
They consider only the text buffer of the global SMS_Recv and do not call
other SMS_Recv instances.
They leave this text buffer unchanged.
They react to the NDR bit of SMS_Recv.

The text buffer includes the message text. The check for the format – required by
the “Escalation” and “Set/Get” blocks – is performed in another step in the
CheckMessage function.
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In the application example, CheckMessage is the only function that accesses the
text buffer.

Note Alternatively, different TC_TCON blocks could be used for a single phone
number. This severely limits the number of subscribers as the connection
resources are limited to max. 5 and all of these connections must always be


For the “Escalation” and “Set/Get” blocks, a fixed format is specified for the
incoming message text to facilitate processing. This function checks the message
text for compliance with the format and password validity. In addition, the
Phonenumber substring is limited to the characters “+1234567890”.

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V1.0, Entry ID: 58638283 23
4 Functional Mechanisms of this Application
4.1 Functionality

Table 4-1
Message format for Escalation and Set/Get
# Command # Phone number # Password # Data
Char String[22] String[16] String

The system uses “#” as separators between the substrings. These

separators must be included.
The block reacts only to message texts with leading “#”. If there is no
leading “#”, there will be no processing.
The commands are always converted to capital letters.
Therefore, S and s have the same effect.
Default selections: S: Set value G: Get value Q: Acknowledge alarm
A blank password field is permitted. This ensures that all messages are
accepted – irrespective of what was sent as the password.
Messages with an invalid password are not transferred to the UDT at the

When successful, the individual substrings are output in an “SMS_Data” UDT

(User-defined Type). The following blocks such as Set/Get continue to operate with
this UDT.
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The password is prompted before further processing. Therefore, the password is

the same for “Set/Get”, “Escalation” and self-created user blocks – that want to
operate with the “SMS_Data” UDT.

#S#12345#pass#INT1=5 OK
#S#12345##INT1=5 OK if password = ’’

S#12345#pass#INT1=5 Will not be processed

#S#12345pass#INT1=5 Error, only 3 # included
##12345pass#INT1=5 Error, no command
#S#12abc345##INT1=5 Error, letter in phone number

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24 V1.0, Entry ID: 58638283
4 Functional Mechanisms of this Application
4.1 Functionality

Figure 4-4 Global SMS_Recv and CheckMessage program flow

Command S
SMS_Recv CheckMessage
Number 12345
2 3 Data buffer Data INT1=5
Text buffer 4
1 CheckOK


Escalation & Set/Get User FB X
CheckOK 6 CheckOK
5 5
Data buffer Data buffer

1. New message on SMS_Recv Here other blocks can be inserted that also use the
Siemens AG 2012 All rights reserved

given format.
2. NDR “True” starts CheckMessage
Within “data buffer”, “Command” defines which block
3. Check the text buffer for format and password
is accessed:
4. Segment the message text in UDT “SMS_Data”
• S = Set value
5. Write UDT to the data buffer
• G = Get value
6. “CheckOk” signals that new valid data is available
• Q = Acknowledgement
7. For the S/G/Q commands - Escalation or Set/Get start
All other letters can be freely selected
the processing

As parameters, the SMS_Broadcast block receives several phone numbers
(Phonenumbers) and one message text. A send job to all phone numbers is started
with each positive edge. Internally, SMS_Send calls are successively performed
with each phone number from the array.
If an error occurs in the SMS_Send call, the block continues with the next phone
number. The block stores the result (DWORD status) of each SMS_Send call in the
Errors array. This enables the user to finally determine which messages were sent
and which errors have occurred.
The Errors parameter keeps the values until the next job is started.

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4 Functional Mechanisms of this Application
4.1 Functionality

Figure 4-5 SMS_Broadcast program flow

%FB16 SMS_Broadcast
ConnectionID DONE
Phonenumbers [i]
MessageText ENO

ERROR ErrorOccurred
• Start when positive edge on REQ Info
i=0 Status Status[0]
• Same message to all phone numbers Status[1]
• Send errors are skipped EXIT
• Errors keeps errors for each SMS_Send Phonenumbers [i+1]
Yes ErrorOccurred? No DONE
• Exit at first empty string in Phonenumbers Status
No Yes


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As parameters, the Escalation block receives an array of phone numbers, a

MessageText and the data buffer of the CheckMessage block. The sequence is
started with a positive edge. Once a message has been successfully sent, the
block goes to a wait state. If an acknowledgement with the correct content arrives
during this period, the block terminates. Otherwise, the next phone number is
contacted after the period has elapsed. If an error occurs on SMS_Send, the
phone number will be skipped.
By default, the block also expects the sent MessageText to return as an

acknowledgement in the data field.

When sending, the block automatically converts the SMS message to the defined
format. For security reasons, the password is not included. For acknowledgement,
it is only necessary to insert the password (if set) and send the message back to
the phone number of the CP.
If the password is disabled, the message can be returned to the CP with the exact
same contents.
If none of the phone numbers sends an appropriate acknowledgement, the block
will return an error code.

Sample parameters:
MessageText = “Alarm 101”
Phonenumbers[1] = “12345”
Password (An CheckMessage) = “pass”

Outgoing alarm message: #Q#12345##Alarm 101

Expected response: #Q#12345#pass#Alarm 101

With Password = ’’ (blank)

Expected response: #Q#12345##Alarm 101 ( corresponds to an outgoing SMS

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26 V1.0, Entry ID: 58638283
4 Functional Mechanisms of this Application
4.1 Functionality

Figure 4-6 Escalation program flow

“Escalation“ ACK OK
Escalation CheckOK
Received.Command == Q
Data buffer
MessageText STATUS
Received.Data == MessageText
ConnectionID ENO Phonenumbers [i]
HardwareID Text ACK OK

SMS_Send SMS_Send SMS_Send
No. [0] No. [1] No. [x]
Text Text Text

• Start when positive edge at REQ

• Same message to all phone numbers
• Send errors are skipped
• Errors keeps errors for each SMS_Send Timeout No Timeout No
• EXIT at first empty string in End of
Phonenumbers ACK OK phone no.

Yes Yes


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As a parameter, the Set/Get block receives information on a received message
(“SMS_Data” Received UDT). Processing starts with a positive edge at NDR (New
Data Received). The block searches the data field of the message for known

commands – this step is performed in the relocated SCL function Set/Get

Commands. The respective response is sent back to the phone number depending
on the return value of the function.
In addition, the block has three memory locations for incoming “SMS_Data” data
records. When a new request arrives while the block is BUSY, it will be put into a
memory location and then processed. Without this mechanism, one request would
always be lost – if there are simultaneous requests.

Set/Get Commands
This function includes all commands known to the system. This applies to both
setting and getting values from the process. The distinction is made based on the
transferred Command parameter from the received message.
Then the FIND string function is used to search the data field of the message for
known commands. If one of the FIND calls was successful, the respective action
will be performed and the message text will be returned. Depending on the use
case, all numerical values must be converted either to or from a string.
Examples with comments are stored in the Set/Get Commands function and can
be customized with little effort.

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V1.0, Entry ID: 58638283 27
4 Functional Mechanisms of this Application
4.1 Functionality

Note The FIND string function is case sensitive – it distinguishes between uppercase
and lowercase letters.
Int1=5 INT1=5
In this case, the block does not find the command and returns “Unknown

Figure 4-7 Set/Get & Set/GetCommands program flow

%FB18 Set/Get
Data buffer = Received
Received STATUS
ConnectionID ENO
Data buffer CheckOK Data buffer

Received.Command == S/G && NDR == True

• Operates while REQ = TRUE Set/Get Commands SMS_Send

• NDR (New Data Received) Received.Data Received.Number

Text Text
Siemens AG 2012 All rights reserved

signals new data from

• Response is always sent
• Stores max. 3 incoming
received data records Yes
Search for cmd Found Execute cmd

Send OK?

Text := “Unknown Command” Text := <Result>

No Yes




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28 V1.0, Entry ID: 58638283
4 Functional Mechanisms of this Application
4.1 Functionality

4.1.3 Interfaces

Where possible, the blocks behave similarly to the communication blocks from the
library. The interfaces too largely follow this pattern (REQ, BUSY, etc.).

Frequent parameters

Table 4-2 Input

Name Type Info
REQ Bool Start of processing. Reacts to a positive edge in all send jobs. For
SMS_Recv and Set/Get, the block operates only as long as Req is
set to TRUE.
ConnectionID CONN_OUC The user can freely select the connection resource used. However, it
must be ensured that one ID is not simultaneously used by two
HardwareID HW_ANY The hardware ID of the CP used for communication. Automatically set
in the device configuration.
Phonenumber String[22] The phone number to which a message is sent.

Table 4-3 InOut

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Name Type Info

MessageText String[160] The message contents.
Phonenumbers Array[0..10] A list of 10 phone numbers that are successively contacted.
of String[22] Used for Broadcast and Escalation.

Note These parameters are not changed. The declaration as InOut only reduces the
memory requirement.

Table 4-4 Output

Name Type Info
DONE Bool If the block was processed successfully, set to TRUE for one cycle.
ERROR Bool If an error occurs, set to TRUE for one cycle. In this case, Status
provides information on the error.
BUSY Bool Set to TRUE as long as a job is still being processed.
NDR Bool Signals the arrival of new data on receive blocks.
Status DWord Divided into two bytes and one word. Provides information on the
current processing status of the block.
If an error occurs, the status of the TC_block or SMS_block causing
the error is exactly stored in the word. The two bytes provide
additional information. Details can be found in the respective block

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V1.0, Entry ID: 58638283 29
4 Functional Mechanisms of this Application
4.1 Functionality

4.1.4 Status codes of the blocks

Structure of function blocks

All function blocks return a DWord as status that provides details on the block

Table 4-5
Byte Byte Word
Info Source Status Word

Table 4-6
Info Additional information, varies depending on the block.
Source If an error occurs, the ID of the TC_block causing the error:
01: TC_CON
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00: Message of the actual FB
StatusWord If an error occurs, the status of the TC_block causing the error:
When Source = 00, message of the actual FB:
7000: Ready – job can be started
7001: Being processed (BUSY)
7002: New job request while BUSY
0000: Job successfully completed (DONE)

Note In the event of an error, the first error that has occurred is always reported.
If – due to an incorrect HW ID – TC_CON and then TC_DISCON fail, the error of
the TC_CON block is provided on the StatusWord.

The possible values and their meaning can be found in the comment of the
respective block title. The “Info” parameter is partially replaced by the related

Example: Broadcast

The phone number at position[2] contains an invalid character.

SMS_Send will make three attempts and provide 820280EF on the status (together
with the set ERROR bit)

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30 V1.0, Entry ID: 58638283
4 Functional Mechanisms of this Application
4.1 Functionality

Table 4-7
Info: 82 Source: 02 Status: 80EF
Number of retries reached TC_Send failed Sending was not possible.
See TC_Send help

Broadcast, for its part, will enter 820280EF on Errors[2] and continue processing.
At this moment, it does not provide an ERROR bit. It will signal, by 00008000, that
not all subscribers could be reached not before the end of the phone number.

Structure of CheckMessage
The function has five possible return values:

Status Meaning Remark

0 Valid format.
1 Incorrect number of #. Must include exactly 4.
2 No command letter between the first Must contain one letter, which one
two #. will not be checked. (for example for
3 The phone number contains invalid The following characters are
Siemens AG 2012 All rights reserved

characters. permitted:
4 The password is incorrect. Case sensitive.

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V1.0, Entry ID: 58638283 31
4 Functional Mechanisms of this Application
4.2 Extensions and adaptations

4.2 Extensions and adaptations

Increasing/reducing the size of the Phonenumbers array
By default, the Phonenumbers array can contain 10 phone numbers. If you need
more or less phone numbers:
1. Open the SMS_Broadcast or Escalation FB.
2. In the interfaces, change to InOut.
3. Adjust the data type of Phonenumbers to the desired size: Array[0..x] of
String 22.
4. Update existing FB calls.
5. Change the data area created on the call also to the length [0..x] so that
the data types match.
As the block terminates with the first blank element and does not consider the
length, no further changes are necessary.

Filtering blanks in the message text

It may be advisable to remove included blanks from the message text. The basic
procedure has already been implemented in FC12 CheckMessage – however, it is
Siemens AG 2012 All rights reserved

disabled by default.
To enable the function, select lines 119-126 and select the “Enable Code” button.
With a similar loop, for example, also the outgoing messages in Set/Get
Commands can be freed from unwanted blanks. These are frequently inserted
when executing the conversion functions such as INT_TO_STRING.

Note For the Escalation FB, blanks must not be removed as it expects the outgoing

text to be returned with the exact same contents. If the blanks are missing, the
Escalation FB will not detect the message as a valid acknowledgement and will
continue to operate.

Set/Get commands need more than one cycle

The examples assume that the commands can be processed within one cycle.
Otherwise, you have to customize the Set/Get FB.
1. Navigate to network 4 of the Set/Get FB:
MOVE 2 to #Step is called immediately after Set/Get Commands.
2. Adapt the condition for the MOVE command to your use case.

Workaround for e-mails

Currently, the CP does not natively support sending e-mails. However, many
providers offer an SMS2Mail function. To use it, send the message to a provider-
specific phone number and specify the desired e-mail address in the message text.

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32 V1.0, Entry ID: 58638283
4 Functional Mechanisms of this Application
4.2 Extensions and adaptations

Different message texts for Broadcast

By default, the block sends the same message text to all phone numbers. If the
message text is to vary for each phone number, proceed as follows:
1. Open the SMS_Broadcast FB.
2. In the interfaces, change to InOut.
3. Change the data type on MessageText from “String” to “Array[0..10] of
4. In network 2, change the parameter on SMS_Send from #MessageText to
#MessageText[i] (i is the index variable of the array).
5. Update existing FB calls.
6. Change the data area created on the call also to the “Array[0..10] of String”
type so that the data types match.

Setting the password

By default, the password function is disabled (blank password). To enable the
function, proceed as follows:
1. Open OB1.
2. Navigate to the CheckMessage call in network 2.
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3. Create the desired string on the “Password” parameter.

Note The password prompt is now globally active. All incoming messages – that
comply with the format – are checked for it.

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V1.0, Entry ID: 58638283 33
5 Commissioning of the Application
5.1 Installing and wiring the hardware

5 Commissioning of the Application

5.1 Installing and wiring the hardware
Network plan
The figure below shows all network-relevant information you need to interconnect
all components.

Figure 5-1 Network plan: Addresses and phone numbers

SMSC 0123456789

Authorized phone nos. *


Phone no. 0123456789

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IP address
Subnet mask

SMS station Mobile subscribers

IP address

Subnet mask

Programming unit

Installing the hardware

Table 5-1
No. Action Remark
1 Mount all required components of the SMS station SMS station:
on the top-hat rail. List of components 2.3
2 Wire and connect all required components for the SMS:
SMS station as described. Insert the SIM card into Configuration display, Chapter 2.1
the CP. Make sure that the ground connections of To avoid invalid PIN entries by the CP,
the components are correct and do not activate the you should make sure that no old
power supply for the SIMATIC PM 1207 before the configuration is loaded to the CPU.

Telecontrol with S7-1200

34 V1.0, Entry ID: 58638283
5 Commissioning of the Application
5.2 Configuration instructions

Note CP and CPU only start correctly if the power supply of both devices is switched
on simultaneously.
It is recommended that the power supply of the CP be connected to the CPU
via the 24V terminals with internal bridging.

Note Do not insert or remove the SIM card while the CP is in operation.

5.2 Configuration instructions

Configuring the SMS station
Table 5-2
No. Action Remark
1. Install the Hardware Support Package V1.0 of Download at: \4\
the CP for STEP7 V11. Installation guide: Chapter 3.5
2. Network the S7-1200 controller with your Assign IP address to S7-1200:
programming device. Assign the Ethernet S7-1200 Programmable Controller
Siemens AG 2012 All rights reserved

parameters shown in Figure 5-1. System Manual Chapter 5.6.4

3. Open the project file (ap11) with STEP 7 V11. Table 2-4
4. Open the device configuration of the “PLC_1”

5. Select the CP and open the “Properties” tab to

enter the connection parameters.
Assign the parameters as explained in the
following steps.
For a complete description of the parameters,
please refer to document \1\, Chapter 5.2.

Telecontrol with S7-1200

V1.0, Entry ID: 58638283 35
5 Commissioning of the Application
5.3 Error handling

No. Action Remark

6. Enter the PIN of the SIM card that is inserted Telecontrol interface >> Modem settings >>
in the modem. PIN , confirm PIN and activate PIN
7. The short message service center of the SIM Telecontrol interface >> Modem settings >>
card provider. The phone number of the short Enable SMS und SMSC
message service center can be obtained from
your wireless service provider.
8. The phone numbers of the mobile subscribers Telecontrol interface >> Authorized phone
from which messages are accepted. Enter the numbers >> Phone number 1-10
desired phone numbers individually or use * to
receive phone numbers from all mobile
9. Check the hardware ID of the CP. It must be Telecontrol interface >> Hardware identifier >>
created as the HardwareID input parameter for Hardware identifier
all blocks to uniquely address the CP.
10. In Data_Blocks, open Send[DB2] and insert Phonenumber for the SMS_Send block.
the phone numbers to which messages are to Phonenumbers for the Escalation and
be sent. Set/Get blocks.
11. Save the project. Select the program folder of Online >> Download to device
the S7-1200 and transfer the program to the
controller via “Online/Download to device”.
Make sure that the LED of the S7-1200
Siemens AG 2012 All rights reserved

controller indicates the “RUN” status.

Note In order to use the project in STEP 7 V12 you need to upgrade it. Go to
“STEP 7 V12> Project view> Project> Upgrade“.

Note The CPUs of the S7 1200 series apply changes to DB start values only during
the next STOP-RUN transition.

Please consider this behavior when making changes to the data blocks.

5.3 Error handling

You can retrieve the status messages of the library blocks directly in the help
function of STEP 7 V11. To do so, select the relevant TC_block in the user
program and press F1.

The general structure of the Status parameter is described in the following chapter:
Status codes of the blocks. Details on the individual codes can be found in the
comment field of the block header.

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36 V1.0, Entry ID: 58638283
6 Operation of the Application
5.3 Error handling

6 Operation of the Application

The individual blocks are connected to digital inputs with which you can start the
respective function:

Table 6-1
Input Block Remark
I 0.0 SMS_Recv REQ must be permanently set to TRUE
I 0.1 SMS_Send Start when there is a positive edge at
I 0.2 SMS_Broadcast Start when there is a positive edge at
I 0.3 Escalation Start when there is a positive edge at
I 0.4 Set/Get REQ must be permanently set to TRUE

Note To avoid unwanted costs, the sample program does not start any automatic
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sending of messages in the as-supplied state.

Watch table
To monitor the sequence, the “Overview” symbol table has already been created
in the project. It provides you with an overview of different program parameters:

Process values simulated by the program

Contents of the send and receive buffers
The status of the block (here only BUSY)
For example, the Status outputs or the ERROR/DONE bits can be added
for more details.

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V1.0, Entry ID: 58638283 37
6 Operation of the Application
6.1 Overview

6.1 Overview
Figure 6-1

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Table 6-2
No. Description
1. Three simulated values for the number of bottles per slot. Start at 100 and count to 0 with different
clock memory bits. If all three are 0, they will be reset to the initial value 100.

2. The simulated temperature with actual value and setpoint. If there is a difference, the actual value
adapts to the specified setpoint in steps of 0.1.
3. Overview of the global SMS_Recv block and the associated buffers.
4. Overview of SMS_Send and SMS_Broadcast.
5. Overview of Escalation, including timer status for wait time.
6. Overview of Set/Get.
7. Overview of the status messages in the SMS_Broadcast block and the Phonenumbers array.

6.1.1 SMS_Send

Figure 6-2

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38 V1.0, Entry ID: 58638283
6 Operation of the Application
6.1 Overview

Table 6-3
No. Action Remark
1 Set input 0.1 to TRUE. In FB1, the configured message text is written to the
send buffer. Then the block starts the send operation
and changes to the BUSY status.
2 Automatic After 3-6 seconds, the send operation is completed
and the BUSY bit disappears. In addition, the DONE
bit is set for one cycle.

6.1.2 SMS_Broadcast

Figure 6-3

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Table 6-4
No. Action Remark
1. Set input 0.2 to TRUE. In FB1, the configured message text is written to the
send buffer. The block starts the send operation and
first writes FFFF_FFFF to all Error fields. Then
SMS_Send calls are performed for each phone
number in the array. The block terminates at the first
blank phone number[2].
2. Automatic, block has completed In the example, an invalid phone number, “Errortest”,
processing. was deliberately entered. In Errors, the following can
be seen:
[0]: The message was successfully sent.
[1]:Abort after the maximum number of errors
(82) caused by TC_SEND (02) with error
[2] Not processed due to blank phone number.

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V1.0, Entry ID: 58638283 39
6 Operation of the Application
6.1 Overview

6.1.3 SMS_Recv

Figure 6-4

“Test” message to
2 CP phone number

Table 6-5
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No. Action Remark

1. Set input 0.0 to TRUE. The SMS_Recv block establishes the connection and
is then permanently connected to TC_RECV. The
block is now ready to receive.
2. Send a message from your mobile phone
to the phone number of the CP.
3. Automatic After a few seconds, the message text appears in the
text buffer of the CPU.

Note An active SMS_Recv. is mandatory for the Escalation and Set/Get blocks.

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40 V1.0, Entry ID: 58638283
6 Operation of the Application
6.1 Overview

6.1.4 SMS_Escalation

Figure 6-5

Received: Forward message to

2 CP phone number
#Q#0173##Alarm: Coin Box nearly full

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Table 6-6
No. Action Remark

1. Set input 0.3 to TRUE. The block accepts the message text and starts the
send operation with the first phone number. Then the
wait time starts.
2. Forward the alarm message to the CP Direct forwarding is only possible with a blank
phone number. password field. Otherwise, the password must be
inserted between ##.
3. Automatic The incoming message is written to the text buffer
and then further processed.
SMS_Escalation checks the data field and detects
the appropriate response.
The acknowledgement was successful, the timer is
stopped and the block terminates with the DONE bit.

6.1.5 Set/Get

Predefined examples
For the predefined sample commands, there is a distinction between assignments
and queries. Queries are marked with ? / assignments are marked with =:

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V1.0, Entry ID: 58638283 41
6 Operation of the Application
6.1 Overview

Command Command in the

S/G Help? Provides a list of known command strings.
G CurrTemp? Returns the current temperature.
G Slots? Returns the current levels.
G Output0.0? Provides the status of output 0.0
S Output0.0= Sets output 0.0 to a status.
Valid values: TRUE/FALSE (capitalized)
S DesTemp= Specifies a new setpoint for the temperature.
Valid values: Floating-point numbers.
(The String_to_Real function aborts at the first character that is
not a digit or period).

Figure 6-6

1 Message to the CP – examples:

3• #G#yourphonenumber##Help?
Siemens AG 2012 All rights reserved

2 4• #G# yourphonenumber ##Slots?

5• #S# yourphonenumber ##DesTemp=10


Replies from the CP – examples:

3• CurrTemp?, Slots?, Output0.0?, DesTemp=, Output0.0=…

4• Slot1: 88 Slot2: 86 Slot3:77

5• NewDesTemp=10.00000

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42 V1.0, Entry ID: 58638283
6 Operation of the Application
6.1 Overview

Table 6-7
No. Action Remark
1. Set input 0.4 to TRUE. The block starts checking the data buffer for the “G”
and “S” commands.
2. Send a message with a known command The known commands are defined in the Set/Get
to the CP phone number. Commands FC (line 6-9). If necessary, customize
the search text and the respective response.
3. Send: The Set/Get Commands FC also contains a string
#G#yourphonenumber##Help? that includes all known commands.
With Help?, it is sent as the response text.
4. Send: Set/Get Commands retrieves the current levels of the
#G#yourphonenumberr##Slots? individual slots (3 x INT) and inserts them in the
response message.
5. Send: Specifies a new setpoint for the temperature. The
#S#yourphonenumber##DesTemp=10 value is applied to the CPU program. Then you
receive a confirmation of successful execution:
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Note Basically, the distinction between assignment and query is already given by the
command letter (S/G). The additional =/? are only used to make this distinction
clearer to the user.

Note Set (S) and Get (G) commands are processed in separate IF statements.
Commands with ? are only known when command == G.

Commands with = are only known when command == S.

A request with S as the command and Slots? in the data field will return
“Unknown Command”.

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V1.0, Entry ID: 58638283 43
7 References

7 References
This list is by no means complete and only provides a selection of useful
Table 7-1
Topic Title
\1\ CP http://support.automation.siemens.com/WW/view/en/55631071
Operating Instructions
\2\ S7-1200 http://support.automation.siemens.com/WW/view/en/36932465
System Manual
\3\ CP Firmware 1.2.1 http://support.automation.siemens.com/WW/view/en/58565570
\4\ CP Hardware Support http://support.automation.siemens.com/WW/view/en/52788225
Package (HSP)
\5\ Step 7 V11 http://support.automation.siemens.com/WW/view/en/57185407
System Manual

8 History
Siemens AG 2012 All rights reserved

Table 8-1
Version Date Modification
V1.0 June 2013 New set number, project tested with STEP7 V12
V1.0 April 2013 New layout
V1.0 06/2012 First edition

Telecontrol with S7-1200

44 V1.0, Entry ID: 58638283

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