RL50 RACH Optimization
RL50 RACH Optimization
RL50 RACH Optimization
Adam Pomykala
MBB CS Network Engineering
Wrocław, 03.2014
Please always check the latest version of this NEI slides here
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5/16/2018 © Nokia Solutions and Networks 2013
LTE962 - RACH Optimization
Table of Contents
• Random Access procedure - used by UE and Network to get access to the services
• Due to network topology change, incorrect initial configuration of PRACH parameters may result in:
Collisions: PRACH settings (within the reuse distance) among neighbors and inside the site (e.g. Distributed
Antenna System) that are colliding, which results in... decreased PRACH detection probability.
Inconsistencies: PRACH related parameters not in line with other own cell parameters, provide interferences to
cells and physical channels. It results in decreased overall performance for RA and other procedures.
PRACH optimization is used to reduce impact from Collisions and Inconsistencies in the eNB, with neighboring
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6 cells and other cells within theSolutions
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Introduction – What and when could be optimized? Main
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LTE962 - RACH Optimization
• In RL30 with LTE581 PRACH management PRACH parameters could be allocated ONLY during initial
RL30 auto-configuration process supported by NetAct (incl. CM Operations Manager)
• In RL30 initially configured PRACH parameters were not further optimized in NetAct
• In RL50 the LTE962 - RACH Optimization feature is requested in addition (as a Feature Component) to the
existing LTE581 PRACH management feature.
• RACH Optimization will follow 3GPP (TS 36.902) definitions, but will consider centralized approach as
defined with LTE581 PRACH management.
• process is applied only for cells using THE SAME frequency and bandwidth
NOTE: LTE962 gives option to initiate optimization process AFTER parameter initial
assignment e.g. that was performed with LTE581
• Dependency table:
FD-LTE RL release eNB NetAct
Release/version - - - -
To schedule UE ...
UL transmission timing should be synchronized
Before initiation of the non-synchronized RA procedure, UE physical layer should receive the following
information (parameters) from the higher layers (e.g. previously received in SIB2):
• Physical RA channel parameters (PRACH configuration and frequency position)
• Parameters for determining the root sequences (index to logical root sequence table) their cyclic shifts (Ncs)
and sequence set type (unrestricted or restricted set) – based on prachHsFlag
UE is sending preamble to the network on PRACH:
• PRACH occupies 6 resource blocks (of 180 kHz) in a
subframe (or set of consecutive subframes) reserved for
sending random access preamble to the network.
• The length of TCP (Cyclic Prefix),TPRE (Preamble) and TGT
(Guard Time) depends on the preamble format
Why is limited?
• PRACH configuration index is limited to FZM as a consequence of transmit power capability (small cell solution) - with no option to
use FZM within large cell deployment
1. Calculate RACH Density (x): based on the expected RACH load and the maximum RACH collisions probability
• RACH load: is the number of RACH attempts per second – estimated e.g. based on predictions.
• Maximum RACH collisions probability: indicate the collision probability threshold [%] that will be required to not exceed (e.g. ~2%).
2. Find the number of sub-frames (possible prachConfIndex settings) within the frame that could be used by UE to send preamble
1 2
( RACH _ Load ) If RACH density (x) based on equation is:
x 0.5 ≤ x required # of sub frames = 0.5
1 64 ln 1 pcoll
100 0.5 < x ≤ 1 required # of sub frames = 1
1 < x ≤ 2 required # of sub frames = 2
100 2 < x ≤ 3 required # of sub frames = 3
3 < x ≤ 5 required # of sub frames = 5
pcoll - maximum collision probability [%] 5<x required # of sub frames = 10
0 nPRBoffset
If PRACH area is placed at the lower border of UL frequency band then: PRACH
If PRACH area is placed at the upper border of the UL frequency band then:
The PRACH area (6 PRBs) should be next to PUCCH area either at upper or
lower border of frequency band to maximize the PUSCH area but not
overlap with PUCCH area
time time
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21 © Nokia Solutions andFig: LTE UL
Networks resource grids: 1.4 and 5 MHz
Technical Details – Where PRACH is placed on the grid? Main
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LTE962 - RACH Optimization
0 nPRBoffset
• and the PRACH area (6 PRBs) should be next to PUCCH area either at upper or lower border
of frequency band to maximize the PUSCH area but not overlap with PUCCH area
• The prachFreqOffset should be calculated based on PUCCH size i.e.maxPucchResourceSize
TOTAL _ NUM _ CCEs deltaPucchShif n1PucchAn deltaPucchShift
maxPucchRe sourceSize nCqiRb roundup[ ]
3 12
where: PRACH next to
((maxNrSym Pdcch *12) - 4) * dlChBw - (roundup (phichRes
) *12) - 16
TOTAL _ NUM _ CCEs rounddown ( 8 )
maxPucchRe sourceSize
prachFreqO ffset roundup ( )
In RL50 ‘PRACH frequency offset’ parameter relation was updated based on LBT1835 CRL0962. time
Since RL50 PRACH
For internal useresource configuration will NOT allow to OVERLAP with PUCCH based on Fig: LTE UL resource grids 5 MHz
value for maxPucchResourceSize calculated by BTS © Nokia Solutions
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Technical Details – How to generate preamble? (1/2) Main
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LTE962 - RACH Optimization
The random access preambles are generated from: # root sequences = 838 in total
• Zadoff-Chu root sequences (838 in total) with zero correlation zone # preamble sequences = 64 per cell
• one or several sequences (length 839 each)
Zadoff–Chu sequence is known as a CAZAC sequence (Constant Amplitude Zero AutoCorrelation waveform).
There are 64 preambles sequences available in each cell. The set of 64 preamble sequences in a cell is found by
including first, in the order of increasing cyclic shift, all the available cyclic shifts of a root Zadoff-Chu sequence
example of preambles
generation with zero
autocorrelation zone
length equal to 279
Fig: Zadoff-Chu sequence. The real (upper) and imaginary
(lower) parts of the complex-valued output (Wikipedia)
Required number of different root Zadoff–Chu sequences grows with Ncs (Cyclic Shift) and the cell radius:
NCS value
prachCS Unrestricted Restricted
set set Limits due to preamble
premable formats
0 839 15
1 13 18
2 15 22
3 18 26
4 22 32
5 26 38 for MICRO
6 32 46
7 38 55
8 46 68
9 59 82
10 76 100
11 93 128
12 119 158 Recommended
13 167 202
14 279 237 use
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Technical Details – rootSequenceIndex planning (1/4) Main
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LTE962 - RACH Optimization
… …
rootSeqIndex split into different POOLS for MACRO and MICRO layers
• Advantages:
• Improved maintaining of fast changing environment – no root sequence resources fragmentation:
• removed MICRO cell (with required 2 root sequences) cannot be easily replaced by MACRO cell (10 root sequences required)
– if neighboring root sequences are already occupied
• no gaps between occupied root sequences – NO RESOURCES FRAGMENTATION
• Easy NetAct Optimizer configuration and maintaining
• In optimizer there is an option to define different cell GROUPS/SETS e.g. MACRO, MICRO
• rootSeqIndex pools could be applied as different forbidden sets of parameters for different sets MICRO/MICRO
• the range prachCS and expected cell range should be also limited with respect to the potential MAX cell range
• Disadvantages:
• No single resources multiplexing gain – one POOL root sequences cannot be used when other POOL is with lack of resources
(no option to configure collision free settings) - can be MINIMIZE with good pool size planning
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Technical Details – rootSequenceIndex planning (3/4) Table of Contents
LTE962 - RACH Optimization
PRACH Root Sequences POOL and Cyclic Shifts for SMALL CELLS
• Dedicated pool of root sequences out of all 838 available different root sequences
• Dedicated cyclic shift can be used depending for small cells
• Reduced reuse distance for rootsequences
Dedicated rootSequenceIndex pool for MICRO layer: 800 up to 837 19 cells with ~2km range
Micro Cell 1: prachConfIndex = 3 / prachCs = 4 / rootseqIndex = 800
Micro Cell 2: prachConfIndex = 3 / prachCs = 4 / rootseqIndex = 802 rootSeqIndex=802 selected based on MICRO CELL 1 configs
Micro Cell 3: prachConfIndex = 3 / prachCs = 4 / rootseqIndex = 804 rootSeqIndex=804 selected based on MICRO CELL 2 configs
Micro Cell 4: prachConfIndex = 3 / prachCs = 4 / rootseqIndex = 806 rootSeqIndex=806 selected based on MICRO CELL 3 configs
for MACRO layer
… …
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27 © Nokia Solutions and Networks 2013 POOL
for MICRO layer
Technical Details – rootSequenceIndex planning (4/4) Table of Contents
LTE962 - RACH Optimization
rootSeqIndex split into different POOLS for MACRO and MICRO layers
• Simplified Root Sequences Pool size evaluation:
• one of possible way is to calculate the pool size as a SHARE of required resources for MICRO and MACRO out of ALL available
root sequences – within given reuse distance for given area
Parameters setting and planning rules for dedicated and HetNet scenarios. SUMMARY:
Parameter settings
prachConfIndex prachFreqOff prachCS rootSeqIndex
Use case
All allowed. All allowed.
All allowed. All not used in ADJ cell.
Macro layer ONLY Same for each cell
Same in the given Same in the given
Different for neighbor
(dedicated frequency) network area (wrt. network area (e.g. wrt
of the site cells
PUCCH) cell range)
All allowed. Range limited due
All not used in ADJ cell.
Micro layer ONLY Format 0 only. Same in the given to cell size.
Different for neighbor
(dedicated frequency) Same for the layer. network area (wrt. To Same in the given
PUCCH) network area.
All not used in ADJ cell.
All allowed. All allowed.
All allowed. Different for neighbor
MACRO in HetNet case Same for each cell
Same in the given Same in the given
cells. Possible MACRO
(Macro/Micro in the same frequency layer) network area (wrt. network area (e.g. wrt
of the site. dedicated pool of root
PUCCH) cell range)
All allowed.
Format 0 only. All not used in ADJ cell.
Same in the given Range limited due
Same for the layer. Different for neighbor
MICRO in HetNEt case Same as a overlaid
network area (wrt. to to cell size.
cells. Possible MICRO
(Macro/Micro in the same frequency layer) PUCCH). Same as a Same in the given
For internal use MACRO if dedicated pool of root
30 MBB CS Network Engineering/ Adam Pomykala MACRO©(if possible,
Nokia Solutions i.e.
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2013 area.
possible. sequences
same PUCCH size).
Technical Details - PRACH planning process in LTE581 and LTE962 Main
Table of Menu
LTE962 - RACH Optimization
• to be used e.g. if no collision free resources are found with given iteration eNB outside PRACH reuse
Cells considered as neighbor cells for PRACH planning
PRACH config set A as input, if no neighboring cells is set as PRACH config set B
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Technical Details - „PRACH config set B” configuration process Main
Table of Menu
LTE962 - RACH Optimization
eNB outside PRACH reuse Cells considered as neighbor cells for PRACH planning
Cells not considered as neighbor cells for PRACH planning
eNB within PRACH reuse
In RL30 the LTE 581 PRACH algorithm identifies neighbor cells (NC) of the Cell A based on the following criteria
1. Neighboring LTE cell is within reuse distance of Cell A and
3. ULCHBW NC = ULCHBW Cell A and
4. Frequency Offset FO Nc in range FO Cell A ± 5 where, Frequency Offset Index of 1st PRB of PRACH Resource.
Note : Criterion 4 checks if the PRACH resources of Cell A and NC are overlapping in Frequency domain
In RL50 the new algorithm is implemented in both LTE581 and LTE962 to identify neighboring cells:
• cell A, find the First (SF) and Last (LF) sub carrier frequency of PRACH resource
• for NC, find the First (SF) and Last (LF) sub carrier frequency of PRACH resource
Using the above data, we can easily identify if the PRACH resources of Cell A and NC are overlapping in Frequency Domain
Inconsistencies: PRACH related parameters not in line with other own cell parameters, provide interferences to cells
and physical channels. It results in decreased overall performance for RA and other procedures.
Due to removing Collisions and Inconsistencies the general system accessibility can be improved:
Increased PRACH detection probability
Improved overall performance for Random Access and other procedures
- The ‘Basic Parameters’ category contains primary parameters which should be considered during cell deployment and must be
adjusted to a particular scenario. These are:
- Network Element (NE) identifiers
- Planning parameters, e.g. neighbour definitions, frequency, scrambling codes, PCI, RA preambles
- Parameters that are the outcome from dimensioning, i.e. basic parameters defining amount of resources
- Basic parameters activating basic functionalities, e.g. power control, admission control, handovers
- Parameters defining operators’ strategy, e.g. traffic steering, thresholds for power control, handovers, cell reselections, basic
parameters defining feature behaviour
- The ‘Advanced Parameters’ category contains the parameters for network optimisation and fine tuning:
- Decent network performance should be achieved without tuning these parameters
- Universal defaults ensuring decent network performance need to be defined for all parameters of this category. If this is not possible for
a given parameter it must be put to the ‘Basic Parameters’ category
- Parameters requiring detailed system knowledge and broad experience unless rules for the ‘Basic Parameters’ category are violated
- All parameters (even without defaults) related to advanced and very complex features
Purpose: Categories of parameters have been defined to simplify network parameterization. Parameterization effort shall be focused
mainly on parameters included in basic category.
Categorization will be reflected in a ‘view’ definition in NetAct CM Editor (planned in RL60) i.e. parameters will be displayed according
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to the category: either in the ‘Basic parameters’ view or the ‘Advanced
MBB CS Network Engineering/ Adam Pomykala
parameters’ view.
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Configuration Management Main
Table of Menu
LTE962 - RACH Optimization
Note: Parameter range is limited to the preamble format 0 for FlexiZone Micro
Unit: -
Note: Parameter range should be limited to the range 1…12 for FlexiZone Micro as
Category: BASIC preamble format 0 is only supported.
Note: Required number of different root Zadoff–Chu sequences grows with the cell
Where to start?
• CM Operations manager:
• via the Work Flow Engine (WFE) SON Operations manually (for Site Autoconfiguration)
• Command line interface:
• racclimx.sh of NetAct Configuration to invoke work flow engine SON Operations manually or
scheduled racclimx.sh
• Optimizer User Interface:
• RACH Optimization tool available as part of Optimizer client and can be triggered manually
STEP 2: Following functionality planned be included with NetAct8, RL60, included by Operations on Demand (OOD):
• RACH Optimization by collision and inconsistency resolution: Manual Trigger
- Using Configurator Workflow Engine – Manual
• RACH Optimization by collision and inconsistency resolution: Automatic Trigger
- Using Configurator SON Scheduler – Automatic and Semi Automatic
Results visualization
RACH Optimization Plan in Optimizer user
Optimizer RACH
Plan validation Optimization tool
eNB operation with
Configuration activation &
eNB configurations optimized PRACH
• Navigator:
• Network Elements (NE) structured in tree
• Could be used for NE selection
• Map
• Used to visualize geo location for selected
• Whole SCOPE/GROUP can be visualized
at one go
Select from
the map: What
to optimize?
1 2 Proceed …
Select 7
element …
… or display
on the map the
GROUP or the
RACH optimization: SETTINGS for the selected cells under optimization area
Is network synchronized?
2 Select technology
Select preferences
15 minutes
45 to 60 minutes
LTE_1056b Complete RACH Setup Success Rate + SIGN_CONN_ESTAB_ATT_ EMG
RACH Stp Comp Succ Rate *100%
Thank you.