OPT A2 SB T2M Answers

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Talk 2

TALK2ME VIDEO |  Student’s Book Answer key A2
Flipped classroom

UNIT 1  page 10 UNIT 5  page 54

Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 Evie says she likes shopping online because you can
1 Jojo and Max are twin brother and sister. Evie is their
stay at home, watch TV and wait for the shopping
best friend.
to come.
2 They are all free to practise their dance on Fridays
2 Accept any four of the following: orange juice, six tins
and Saturdays.
of cat food, two (20) tins of tuna, some bread, some
3 The dance competition is on 6th July.
milk, a packet of chocolate biscuits.
Exercise 2 3 Felix the cat ordered some more tuna by walking on
My surname is …; That’s (R-I-C-H-A-R-D-S-O-N); the tablet.
In my free time, I …; After school …; At the weekend;
Exercise 2
In the holidays; I often …
I like (online shopping) (apple juice) the best.; (orange
juice) is better than (apple juice); It’s better to (go) (on
UNIT 2  page 20 the bus).
Exercise 1
1 Jojo has piano lessons on Mondays. UNIT 6  page 64
2 They decide to go to the cinema on Friday /
Exercise 1
Friday night.
1 Evie and Jojo decide to sell some of their old clothes
3 They are having pizza at the twins’ house after
to get some money.
the cinema.
2 Jojo learns that they have to pay £5 (to get their own
Exercise 2 stall). Then they can keep any money they make from
It starts at (half past six) and finishes at (eight fifteen); selling their clothes.
it’s every (night this week) from (8:00pm) until 3 They don’t make any money because they swap their
(10:30pm); They meet on (Fridays) at (6 o’clock) … clothes instead of going to the sale.
Exercise 2
UNIT 3  page 32 The address is (at 6 Park Lane); the (sale) is on
(tonight) at (6pm); you can call for more information.
Exercise 1
1 The twins made a card for their mum last week.
2 Evie made a lemon cake. UNIT 7  page 76
3 Evie’s dad bought a cake in the supermarket.
Exercise 1
Exercise 2 1 The twins look sad because they have spent all their
I love (orange cake) because it’s(so sweet); I prefer pocket money and they won’t get any more for two
(lemons to oranges); It’s my favourite because … weeks. So they’ll have no more fun until next month.
2 They will earn £10 per day.
3 They start work tomorrow (the next day) at 7am.
UNIT 4  page 42
Exercise 2
Exercise 1
In one year’s time; in the future; one day I plan to
1 Evie thinks that running is a good way to get fit, but
(get a job); next month / year; tomorrow; When I
it’s a bit boring.
(leave school)
2 Jojo thinks it’s a good idea to buy bikes because they’ll
save money on bus fares and they’ll get fit by cycling.
3 They got their bikes from their neighbours. UNIT 8  page 86
Exercise 2 Exercise 1
Did you say …?; I’m sorry, could you repeat that?; 1 The twins’ new phones can talk.
Pardon? 2 Jojo asks her phone: Is there any sport on TV today?
3 Two possible answers: Jojo’s phone talks to Max’s
phone. Max’s phone calls Jojo’s phone ‘crazy’.
Exercise 2
Can I buy …?; Do I need …?; What’s the (matter)?;
What time …?; Where is the (button)?

Optimise A2 Optimise A2 Teacher’s Resource Centre © Springer Nature Limited 2019.

This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.
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Talk 2
TALK2ME VIDEO |  Student’s Book Answer key A2
Flipped classroom

UNIT 9  page 98 UNIT 11  page 120

Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 Evie has a French exchange partner. 1 It’s the twins’ / Jojo and Max’s birthday soon.
2 Anouk lives in France, in a small village near the 2 The party is going to be at Paulo’s, the new Italian
border with Switzerland. restaurant.
3 The twins are excited at the end because they may be 3 (A total of) 15 people can go to the party.
able to go to France too.
Exercise 2
Exercise 2 I’m an only child, but I have (a few cousins).; In my
I live in a (small) village; It’s a beautiful place to live; family there are (fewer than 15) people …; My mum is
The thing I like (the) most about … a (chef)

UNIT 10  page 108 UNIT 12  page 130

Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 The tickets for students are/cost £45. 1 Evie is asked to buy some coffee.
2 It’s 12:30pm when their call is answered. 2 The picture in Jojo’s room was painted by
3 They don’t buy any tickets. They are given four free Aunty Maria.
VIP* tickets. 3 The cake was made by the twins’ mum.
(*VIP = very important person. People with these Exercise 2
concert tickets watch the concert from the best location, How much is the coffee?; It costs (£3.50).; There’s a free
get free gifts and sometimes meet the singer.) car park.; There’s no charge (to go in).
Exercise 2
Just a minute, please.; Let me think …; Let’s see …;
Looking at the information, it says …; OK.; Well.

Optimise A2 Optimise A2 Teacher’s Resource Centre © Springer Nature Limited 2019.

This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.
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