Lesson 15 - Nanotechnology and Its Applications: Grade 9 - Science - Sussex College - Wennappuwa

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Grade 9 – Science – Sussex College – Wennappuwa

Lesson 15 – Nanotechnology and its applications

What is Nanotechnology? Nanotechnology is the study and manipulation of
matter at incredibly small sizes, generally between one and 100 nanometers.

 Nanoscale science investigates the matter at the critical range on 1 - 100 nm.
 Nanotechnology provide a very broad range of materials, manufacturing
processes and technologies that are used to create and enhance many products
people use every day.

 Nanotechnology is part of the next wave of innovation in science and engineering

that will transform many sectors, including aerospace, energy, information
technology, medicine, national defense and transportation.

 Nanotechnology will enable the development of next generation materials that

are stronger, lighter and more durable than the materials used today in buildings,
bridges, airplanes, automobiles and other applications.

 Nanotechnology also holds great promise for creating products for a more
energy-efficient world, such as more efficient fuel cells, batteries and solar
panels. Nanotechnology can provide solutions for cleaning contaminated soil and
water, and it will play a critical role in transforming medicine and health care.

History of nanotechnology

 ,The three scientists whose groundbreaking work had spawned the idea
of turning molecules into machines were to Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Sir J. Fraser
Stoddart, and Bernard Feringa, in year 2016 with the award of the Nobel Prize in

 The American physicist Richard Feynman (1918–1988) is credited with kick-

starting modern interest in nanotechnology. In 1959, in his after-dinner speech
called "There's plenty of room at the bottom," Feynman speculated about an
public speaking incredibly tiny world where people could use atoms and
molecules as tools to make things.
 In 1974, Japanese engineering professor Norio Taniguchi named this field
"nanotechnology." Nanotechnology truly took off in the 1980s.
 That was when nanotech-evangelist Dr. K. Eric Drexler first published his
groundbreaking book “Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology”.
Nanotechnology could not really took off until the electron microscopy became
popular. It was also the decade when microscopes that were capable of
manipulating atoms and molecules on the nanoscale were discovered.

What is ‘NANO’?
Nano refers to something very small.
Grade 9 – Science – Sussex College – Wennappuwa

How small is ‘NANO’?

Nano means "billionth", so a nanometer is one billionth of a meter, i.e. 10 m. -9

Natural Nano-concepts - Lotus effect

Lotus effect
The self cleansing activity of lotus leaves because of the hydrophobic condition on its
surface is known as lotus effect. This hydrophobic nature on the lotus leaf is due to the
fine arrangement of the particles of nano scale. Because of this, water, dirt and micro-
organisms that fall on the leaf are automatically removed. Lotus effect can be seen on
wings of insects like dragon flies

The lotus effect has been seen on various surfaces, such as wood, plastic, glass, metal and
stones including absorbents, textiles, etc., through chemical products of technological
innovation. The impact of these achievements has been totally beneficial in business, domestic
and personal sectors, since it generously contributes to extend the life of different materials,
improve their appearance, and avoid constant investment in maintenance and cleaning

Lotus effect has a great impact, due to its multiple benefits, that now the commercialization of
the products has spread globally, making nanotechnology one of the most powerful markets. In
this preponderant rise of nanotechnology,

Nature made nanomaterials

In a cell, a large number of nanoscale biological processes like respiration,
excretion, nutrition, growth and photosynthesis are taking place continuously. Cell
organelles, specially adopted for those biological functions can be considered as
machines of nano scale.

Both physical and chemical properties of matter substantially changes when the size reaches
100 nm or below although it is the same bulk material. For example, physical properties such as
optical, mechanical, electrical and magnetic properties, change at the nano-scale while
chemical reactivity significantly changes.
Grade 9 – Science – Sussex College – Wennappuwa

Nanoscale materials have far large surface areas than similar masses of large scale
materials. As surface area per mass of a material increase, a greater amount of the
material can come into contact with surrounding materials thus affecting reactivity.

How to see the nano-scale particles ?

Scientists have developed electron microscopes that allow us to "see" things on the
nanoscale and also manipulate them. They are;
• Atomic Force Microscopes (AFMs)
• Scanning Probe Microscopes (SPMs)
• Scanning Tunneling Microscopes (STMs)
Carbon based nanomaterials :

Out of the many available nanostructures, carbon based nanostructures are among the
most exciting of nanomaterials. They can be rod shape, a foot ball shape or thin sheets.

Carbon exists as two distinct polymorphs, carbon graphite and carbon diamonds.
Grade 9 – Science – Sussex College – Wennappuwa

Nanomaterial Structure
Applications of diamond
nanoparticles include their use as filling
components in synthetic materials and in
the production of polishes. In oil for bicycle
chains they supposedly reduce the
friction. Diamond electrodes are also used
in industrial wastewater treatment facilities
for water purification purposes

Graphite performs significantly better than
the average nonmetallic mineral and has
better thermal conductivity than steel, iron,
or lead. High plasticity.
Natural graphite can be crushed into very
fine nanoparticles.

Graphane is a single layer of graphite.
Graphene has emerged as one of the
most promising nanomaterials because of
its unique combination of superb
properties: it is not only one of the thinnest
but also strongest materials; it conducts
heat better than all other materials; it is a
great conductor of electricity; it is optically

One of the other forms of nano carbon

is fullerene. Fullerene is a molecule
which consists of about 60 carbon
atoms rranged
in a shape of a football. Its diameter is
about 1 nm.

Carbon Nanotube A nanotube is formed when a single
layer or few layers of graphene is rolled
into a tube.
When a single layer is rolled it is known
Grade 9 – Science – Sussex College – Wennappuwa

as Single Wall Carbon Nano Tube

(SWCNT) while few layers rolling into a
tube leads
to formation of Multi Wall Carbon Nano
Tube (MWCNT).

Active carbon with pores of nanoscale Active carbon is processed using

charcoal, coconut shell coal, coal, peat
etc. as raw materials. The specialty of
active carbon is, the presence of
nanoscale pores. These pores of
nanoscale in active carbon provide a
large surface area. One gram of active
carbon has a surface area in excess of
3 000 m2. The pores in active carbon
has high adsorption capacity. Due to
these high adsorption capacity, it is
used to purify water. Nanotechnology
is applied in various fields such as
medicine, agriculture, electronics,
polymers, cosmetics, food and textile.
Application of nanotechnology
Grade 9 – Science – Sussex College – Wennappuwa
Nanotechnology is helping to considerably improve, even revolutionize, many technology and
industry sectors: information technology, homeland security, medicine, transportation, energy,
food safety, and environmental science, among many others.

Using nanotechnology, materials can effectively be made stronger, lighter, more durable, more
reactive, more sieve-like, or better electrical conductors, among many other traits. Many
everyday commercial products are currently on the market and in daily use that rely on
nanoscale materials and processes:

Field of medicine

² Diagnostic tools are considered by using nanotechnology. Thus the therapeutic

efficiency can be increased. Nanotechnology is being used to diagnose and treat
ailments like atherosclerosis. One way of doing this is the introduction of nano particles
which are similar to HDL( high density lipid) , a type of favourable cholesterol, to remove
lipid deposits in blood vessels.
 Clinical methods to treat directly to cancer cells, without damaging healthy
tissues, is being developed using nanotechnology.
 Treatment to replenish bone tissues and nerve tissues are being developed
using nanotechnology.
 Nanotechnology is used to inject drugs without using injection needles and also
to introduce common vaccines for frequent diseases like common cold.
 Nanoparticles are introduced to skin ointments which are used to protect skin
from harmful solar radiation, to increase their quality.
 Nanotechnology is used to detect the amount of sugar and cholesterol in blood.

Field of transport

Very light and fuel economic motor vehicles, air crafts, boats and space crafts
can be manufactured using nanotechnology.
² Nanotechnology is used in the industry of motor vehicles. Items like heavy duty
Grade 9 – Science – Sussex College – Wennappuwa

rechargeable batteries, heat controllable electronic devices, wear-resistant tires,

thin solar panels and very efficient and cheap sensors are some vehicle parts
manufactured using nanotechnology.

Power generation

Cellulose in saw dust, corn stem and grass can be converted to ethanol, which
can be used as a fuel, with the help of enzymes produced by nanotechnology.

 Resistance and tension can be minimized by using wire codes which are made of
carbon nanotubes to transmit electricity.
 Nanotechnology is used to manufacture efficient and inexpensive solar panels.

 Future solar panels may be flexible and are printable (paintable) like papers.

 Very thin solar panels can be made using nanotechnology to stick on computer
covers and cloths. They can generate electricity using light, friction and body heat
Grade 9 – Science – Sussex College – Wennappuwa

Producing consumer goods

Many products used in everyday life are made with the assistance of nanotechnologies.
Cosmetic, pharmaceuticals, sunscreen, powdered food are only few examples of end
products containing nano-sized particles (NPs), generally added to improve the product
Grade 9 – Science – Sussex College – Wennappuwa

 Eye spectacles, computer and television screen, door and window glasses made
of nanotechnology are resistant to ultraviolet and infrared radiations. They do
not retain water or micro-organisms and have the ability of auto cleaning.

 Nanopolymers are used to manufacture very light, hard and durable sports
items, head gear, bicycles, vehicle spare parts and weapons.

 Household items like high quality detergents and bleaching agents, air filters,
water filters, antiseptics, stain and dirt resistant paints can be manufactured
using nanotechnology.

 Wearing off and cracking of machine parts can be minimized and life time of
them can be considerably increased by using nanostructured ceramic coatings
and lubricants made using nanotechnology.

 Textiles and cloths which are resistant to dust, dirt and oil particles are

 Nanotechnology can be used in water purification plants to purify water

economically and efficiently. Very thin filter membranes are used for this

 Air filters with pores of nanoscale are used to filter dust and micro-organisms in
places like cockpits of air planes.

 Products like aluminum, steel, tar, concrete and cement which are durable,
flexible and have a fine finish are manufactured using nanotechnology.

Future condition that may arise because of Nanotechnology

As in any technical application, nanotechnology also may have adverse effects.

These ill-effects may increase with the progress and usage of nanotechnology.
Some such effects are mentioned below.

Air, water and soil can be polluted by releasing particles of nanoscale, which are
used in nanotechnology, to the environment. This is known as nano pollution.

Health problems can arise because of the collection of nanoparticles in human

and animal bodies.

Calamitous situations in the society may increase because of the abundance of

nanoscale equipment. Severe disasters can occur because of the production of
chemical and biological armaments of nanoscale.

Various precautionary measures can be suggested to minimize the ill effects of

Grade 9 – Science – Sussex College – Wennappuwa


Release of nanoscale air pollutants with effluent smoke can be filtered using

Nanotechnology: Advantages and Disadvantages

Many potential applications and advantages include:

 Advances in disease treatments, such as cancer

 Better imaging and diagnostic equipment
 Energy-efficient products such as fuel and solar cells
 Improvements in manufacturing that allow for durable, light-weight, efficient
production tools
 Improved electronic devices, including transistors, LED and plasma displays and
quantum computers
 Nanorobots can be used to rebuild the ozone layer, clean polluted areas and
lesson dependence on non-renewable energy sources

Disadvantages include:

 Potential dangers to humans and the environment due to nanopollution

 Loss of manufacturing and agricultural jobs
 Economic market crashes related to a potential lower value of oil due to more
efficient energy sources and gold or diamonds, materials that can be reproduced
with molecular manipulation
 Accessibility of weapons of mass destruction
 Improved atomic weaponry
 The cost of research and products made from nanoparticles

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