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Philips Research Imaging Development Environment PRIDE: Version 5 Installation Guide

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PRIDE V 5 – R 2.

6 and up – Install Instructions

2008-10-14 Version: 1.0

Philips Research Imaging Development

Environment PRIDE
Version 5 Installation Guide.

The quick-start installation instructions (OnePageInstructions.doc) which is also included with the
PRIDE installation contains all basic information required to get PRIDE running under normal
circumstances. This installation guide is much more comprehensive containing information on
common problems and detailed information about PRIDE terms and (test) tools available with the
PRIDE installation.

At the end of the full installation one should be able to run PRIDE-applications, connect to the
database of the scanner and have a realtime data-connection (DRIN) for some advanced
applications and developments.

The installation can only be guaranteed for certain software levels required for the PRIDE-PC,
scanner software and IDL-licenses. Please carefully read the requirements in the chapter PRIDE-

Apart from this manual and the requirements given in the following chapter, only the PRIDE
installation CD is needed (PRIDE-V5 which includes useful utilities).
Clinical scientists can obtain these through their contacts with Best. Also, depending on the
desired options, Clinical Science keys 39, 42 and 43 are required for PRIDE/DRIN to function.
(Keys are detailed on page 7.)

In case the installation did not succeed, please carefully pay close attention to and note the error-
messages that may have been generated. If these still do not help to finalize the installation please
check whether all the requirements were met, accurately describe the encountered problems and
contact one of the following persons (by email):
[email protected]
[email protected]

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PRIDE V 5 – R 2.6 and up – Install Instructions
2008-10-14 Version: 1.0

Philips Research Imaging Development..............................................................................1

Environment PRIDE.............................................................................................................1
Version 5 Installation Guide................................................................................................1
1 WARNING – Read before installing PRIDE................................................................3
1.1 Running PRIDE on the scanner host......................................................................3
1.2 PARADISE.............................................................................................................3
1.3 IDL 6.3....................................................................................................................3
1.3.1 Manual switch between PRIDE’s IDL versions..............................................4
2 Different modes of working with PRIDE......................................................................5
2.1 PRIDE - Local Disk................................................................................................5
2.2 PRIDE – Patient Database......................................................................................5
2.3 PRIDE – DRIN Connection....................................................................................5
3 Requirements for PRIDE...............................................................................................6
4 PRIDE installation instructions.....................................................................................7
4.1 Step 1: IDL 6.x........................................................................................................7
4.2 Step 3: Microsoft .NET 1.1.....................................................................................7
4.3 Step 4: PRIDE installation......................................................................................7
5 Pride Wizard instructions..............................................................................................8
5.1 PRIDE – Local Disk...............................................................................................9
5.2 PRIDE - Patient Database.......................................................................................9
5.3 PRIDE – DRIN Connection....................................................................................9
6 Pride Wizard tests........................................................................................................10
7 PRIDE applications.....................................................................................................11
7.1 Test Tools and Code Examples............................................................................11
7.1.1 Ex_sample......................................................................................................11
7.1.2 Ex_Drin..........................................................................................................11
7.1.3 Image_reader..................................................................................................11
7.1.4 ProcFrameExample........................................................................................11
7.2 Clinical Tools........................................................................................................12
7.2.1 Relaxation maps tool......................................................................................12
7.2.2 Diffusion Registration (Diffusion_Registration_IDL6_V41)........................12
7.2.3 SoapBubble (SoapBubble_IDL6_V4)...........................................................12
7.2.4 Positive Contrast tool.....................................................................................12
8 Troubleshooting...........................................................................................................13
8.1 General PRIDE related errors...............................................................................13
8.2 Problems with the DRIN connection....................................................................13
8.3 Realtime data connection – DRIN........................................................................14
Appendix A. PRIDE Prerequisite Installations................................................................15
Appendix B. Overview PRIDE-PC (Manual Override)...................................................16

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PRIDE V 5 – R 2.6 and up – Install Instructions
2008-10-14 Version: 1.0

1 WARNING – Read before installing PRIDE.

It is NOT possible to install PRIDE on the host, the ViewForum or PARADISE PC using the
PRIDE installer ! The installer will detect that the installation is not possible and hide the option
to install, this is not an error. The host or ViewForum will no longer function after an automatic
PRIDE installation. Also, PARADISE will conflict with PRIDE without precautions. This chapter
will explain alternate installation procedures to ensure no ill effects for the installed system.

If the PRIDE Installation is still not working properly, please gather as much information as
possible and contact Philips for further assistance.

1.1 Running PRIDE on the scanner host.

The idea behind PRIDE is to minimize the impact on the host at all times !
You are not supposed to develop new IDL applications on the scanner host by installing the full
IDL Programmers environment.
This means that only ready and complete IDL applications will be considered to run on the
scanner with help of the new functionality PRIDE – Research.
This gives you the possibility to run PRIDE applications on the console and to store the results in
the patient database.
For further details, please consult the document PRIDE Programming Help: Inline PRIDE.
Below there is a list of actions to be performed in advance in order to run a PRIDE application:
 Install IDL Virtual Machine by copying the directories IDL63 and license under the
directory G:\RSI.
 One minor registry modification has to be made. This can be found in the document on
inline processing. It adds the location G:\RSI\IDL63\bin\bin.x86; to the environment
system variable path.
 Copy the IDL application (*.sav file) and the in-line startup executable (*.exe) to the
directory G:\patch\pride.
Copy configuration file (*.xml) to the directory G:\patch\pride\packageconfiguration.
 Create the directories, needed for the data transfer:
G:\patch\pride\tempinputseries and G:\patch\pride\tempoutputseries.
Please, make sure that the connection to the PRIDE PC is NOT enabled.
Otherwise a few crash windows will pop-up. Despite that fact the tool will run properly, but it is
some what confusing.
Example code on how to start the subtraction tool on the console with use of this new
functionality and the mentioned document can be found on the PRIDE Installation CD under the
directory PrideInLineWrapper_example. This example is written in C#. So you need a code
development environment to generate your own executable. However you can use other
programming languages as well. Do not forget to modify your PRIDE tool, so it can be used in
this environment. Also do not forget to organize the output properly.
NOTE: The above described functionality is NOT available on the EWS.

PRIDE and PARADISE can work together, however they can result in conflicts. To minimize the
problems between the two environments, ensure that the PATH environment variable lists the
PARADISE entries BEFORE the PRIDE entries. (E.g. Install PARADISE first.)

1.3 IDL 6.3.

IDL 6.3 was a significant change to IDL 6.2 for PRIDE. Unfortunately, this has resulted in two
different versions of PRIDE. One for IDL up to and including 6.2 and one for after.

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PRIDE V 5 – R 2.6 and up – Install Instructions
2008-10-14 Version: 1.0

The PRIDE Installer will automatically detect and select the newest found version of IDL on the
PRIDE PC. (The user can override this selection if the older installed IDL is desired.) Based on
the selection in the PRIDE Installer, the correct files will be automatically copied.

Manual switch between PRIDE’s IDL versions.

In case the automated switch results in an error, perform the following steps.
 Ensure IDL is not running.
 In explorer or a DOS box, go to the installed PRIDE bin directory.
(By default: C:\PRIDE\bin)
 Copy the file ‘PRIDE_ic_idl##.dll’ to ‘PRIDE_ic_idl.dll’
o PRIDE_ic_idl63.dll for IDL 6.3 and later.
o PRIDE_ic_idl62.dll for IDL 6.2 and earlier.
 Copy the file ‘drin_idl##.dll’ to ‘drin_idl.dll’
o drin_idl63.dll for IDL 6.3 and later.
o drin_idl62.dll for IDL 6.2 and earlier.

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Different modes of working with PRIDE.

PRIDE can be used standalone (using data on disk). It can also be used with a direct connection to
the scanner patient database or with the Direct Reconstruction INterface These different
situations will require different levels of installation of the PRIDE Workstation. Some
requirements, and parts of the installation are only needed in case you want to have the online
connection to the database.
We will thus distinguish between different kinds of installation of PRIDE in the following

1.4 PRIDE - Local Disk.

In this mode there is no connection to the database of the scanner. Data will have to be obtained
from processes like FTP or by using USB-memory devices. This mode will only require a
minimum of the installation and it is thus the first installation step. This installation is very useful
when working from a laptop; no connection with a scanner is required.

1.5 PRIDE – Patient Database.

This PRIDE mode facilitates direct database access. This element of the PRIDE installation must
have been performed successfully in order to run this direct database connection, and thus must
have good network connections. When this installation has been completed and the scanner has
been set up to allow remote access, the patient database can be directly accessed from the PRIDE

1.6 PRIDE – DRIN Connection.

Apart from the different modes shown above there is a possibility with PRIDE to have access of
data in realtime. This is called the Direct Reconstruction INterface or DRIN.
Mind that for this feature to run you need the full Programmers Environment license from IDL.
3-button mouse recommended,
 Intel Pentium 4+, with at least 512MB memory.
not required.
Other languages probably will
 Windows XP or Vista
work, but have in the past been
Only the English version is supported.
known to cause problems.
 IDL 6.3+
DRIN requires the licensed
(Virtual machine or development environment).
development environment.
Instructions will be given in the following chapter.
 Microsoft .NET (‘dot net’) 1.1 runtime
environment. Latest version free to download
This software is part of the PRIDE package from Microsoft website.
installation and required to run the Pride Wizard.

 Network connection with the scanners host PC.
For the Local Disk installation it is up to the user Required for Patient Database
to get data to the PRIDE PC any other way, e.g. access and DRIN installations.
USB stick.
 Properly set firewall: Required for direct Patient
Port 6555 need to be opened to allow all required Database access.

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PRIDE V 5 – R 2.6 and up – Install Instructions
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communications between the scanner and the Please consult your local IT
PRIDE PC. department.
 Properly set firewall: Please consult your local IT
Port 8165 is required for DRIN. department.

Except for the DRIN connection
 R12.6 or R2.6 and up . PRIDE Installation V 5 is release

 The following Clinical-Science keys are needed: The PRIDE-database access

CS-Key 39 - PRIDE Direct Database Access. Packman tool is used to enable
CS-Key 42 - Realtime data (DRIN) interface access to the database by
CS-Key 43 - Database Image Export V 52. selecting ‘Enabled’

NOTE: From R 2.6 and up the executables and dll’s, required for the direct
database access will be present on the scanner as a default (CS-key’s still required!).
NOTE: From R11 (or R1) onwards the Packman Addons tools will be present on
the scanner as a default (CS-key still required!).

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Requirements for PRIDE.

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2008-10-14 Version: 1.0

PRIDE installation instructions.

Several pre-installation steps need to be performed before the Pride Wizard will run properly.

The installation program for each of these prerequisite steps is found under the Installations
directory of the PRIDE installation CD. For instructions, please refer to Appendix A..

When all pre-requisite programs are installed, the Pride Wizard is used to install and test the
PRIDE Workstation (chapter 5).

If any problems are encountered, please read Chapter Troubleshooting. Some commonly
occurring problems are discussed there.

1.7 Step 1: IDL 6.x.

PRIDE uses this IDL library for all the graphics visualizations and other routines. There are two
versions of this license:
1. The “virtual machine” (VM), which is freely available from the ITT Vis website:
Note: IDL 6.3 VM is included on the PRIDE installation CD in the Installations
2. The “full development” license.
Note: In order to run the realtime data interface (DRIN) the “full development”
license is needed.

1.8 Step 3: Microsoft .NET 1.1.

.NET 1.1 (known as “dot-net") is provided with the PRIDE installation package and must be
installed before starting the Pride Wizard. The latest version can always be downloaded
(Product Resources  Downloads  .NET Framework)
As mentioned above, the installation of dot-net is also available on the CD.

NOTE: Without Microsoft .NET installed, the Pride Wizard will not start up. An error will be
shown that the application could not be initialized.
NOTE: If Microsoft Vista is installed on the PC or laptop there already will be a .NET version
present. Please, ignore this step.

1.9 Step 4: PRIDE installation.

When the previous steps have been successfully executed, the rest of the installation can be
performed using the PrideWizard executable on the C:\PRIDE directory. The use of the wizard is
explained in chapter .

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2008-10-14 Version: 1.0

Pride Wizard instructions.

The wizard will install the various parts on a step-by-step basis.
The Pride Wizard (see Figure 1) will perform three steps starting from basic installation down to
advanced tests. Each part must be checked by the wizard before depending steps become
available. The wizard should thus be self-explanatory. However, some more details are given

Figure 1 – Pride Wizard Main Window

The figure above shows the Pride Wizard’s window.
Successful tests are marked with a green checkmark whereas a red cross highlights failed tests.
When a test fails, check the Status screen on the right for information. Chapter may help in case
problems still occur.
The selection of the available versions of IDL is done by selecting the version above the Status
screen. Mind that you can only select a particular version if it is installed on the PRIDE PC !

Remark meant for computers running Vista:

After installation the warning: This program might not have installed correctly
will show up in the so-called App compatibility report.
Please, ignore this message. It has to do with a missing Vista compliant SW signature in the
Pride Wizard executable.
Microsoft experts have confirmed that PRIDE runs correctly on a Vista computer.

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2008-10-14 Version: 1.0

1.10 PRIDE – Local Disk.

This section covers the required off-line PRIDE – Local Disk installation.
 Install.
This button will copy the files from the installation CD to the PRIDE PC under the
C:\PRIDE directory. You can NOT change the install directory.
It will also create the data directories and update the path variable to run PRIDE.
 Uninstall.
This button is only active when a PRIDE installation has been found on the PRIDE PC.
Clicking this button removes the PRIDE installation, cleaning up the disk files and the
path variable.
NOTE: If you rename the current C:\PRIDE directory then the Pride Wizard will not
detect the installed PRIDE version. In this way you can preserve your current
After restarting the Pride Wizard only the Install button will be sensitive.
 Test.
This button is only active when a PRIDE installation has been found on the PRIDE PC.
Clicking this button performs several basic tests of the PRIDE environment. It will also
attempt to start the PRIDE subtraction tool whenever a compatible version of IDL is
found. When the test has been successfully completed, the PRIDE - Patient Database
field becomes available.

After successful installation PRIDE applications, available on the PRIDE installation CD, can be
started. Open the IDL Virtual machine by double clicking the icon on your desktop. Choose the
application by selecting the correct *.sav file.

1.11 PRIDE - Patient Database.

The network field needs to be filled to identify the scanner computer on the network.
 Save and Test
This button is only active after the PRIDE – Local Disk Installation has been
successfully tested and a value has been entered in the text field. The wizard tests whether
or not a connection can be established.
The IP address of the scanner is stored in a text file, called default_IPaddress.txt. This
file can be found in the C:\PRIDE\bin directory and can also be modified manually.
Remember that only one IP address can be stored here.
Packman can be activated from the GyroView environment by selecting:
System -> Advanced Tools -> Research from the menu.
Remember that the PrideXS_XML tool is shut down every time the scanner is restarted
and CSK 39 is required in order to be able to select and start the PrideXS_XML tool.
NOTE: The old pridexs tool, to be used on the R 2.5 scanners, is not yet removed. It is
NOT to be used in combination with the present XML parameter transfer.

1.12 PRIDE – DRIN Connection.

This section performs a test with the scanner using the DRIN interface. Note that this connection
can be tested directly after having successfully testing the PRIDE - Patient Database connection.
 Test.
This button performs a test using the IDL DRIN tool to verify that the DRIN connection
with the scanner can be established. Follow the instructions presented on the screen for
using the test tool. DRIN itself requires no setup from the PRIDE PC.
NOTE: the DRIN connection can only be used if the full IDL development environment
(including a valid license) is installed.

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2008-10-14 Version: 1.0

2 Pride Wizard tests.

After installation, the Pride Wizard can be used to introduce, modify and test the connection to the
patient database and the Direct Recon INterface.

Using this application it is possible to run the basic tests to find any possible problems. Also, this
wizard can set up PRIDE for a different scanner by updating the IP address.

It is also possible to update the IDL version which PRIDE expects to find on the system from the
Pride Wizard. Only installed versions of IDL can be selected, so with the example depicted in
Figure 1 on page 8, both IDL 6.2 and IDL 6.3 are installed.
After choosing the correct IDL version, update PRIDE by clicking the button
Update IDL Version on the left hand side.

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2008-10-14 Version: 1.0

PRIDE applications.
Several PRIDE Applications are after the installation under the C:\PRIDE\Applications
directory. All of the applications below run under the currently installed PRIDE software, using
IDL 6.3 or later. All tools can read both PAR/REC V 4.* and XML/REC file pairs.

The list of tools, included on the CD, can vary. The list below is an indication of the tools
included with the PRIDE installation CD. More information of these and other PRIDE tools is
available with your clinical scientist. Each tool will contain a user manual and an IDL 6.3 *.sav

Please, also check the PRIDE pages on the Intranet (In Center) of Clinical Science under
Research Tools. Here new or updated tools will be published.

2.1 Test Tools and Code Examples.

Listed here are the example and test tools. These include the complete IDL6.1 projects and the
IDL source code.

The ex_subtraction tool is the standard tool used to test the PRIDE environment.
One very useful aspect of this tool is that it can also save XML/REC data, so when a database
connection exists, it can be used to retrieve data from the patient database and store it locally on
It can also be used to transfer a PAR/REC file pair to a XML/REC file pair.
Source code is available for the user to customize.

This tool is used to test the direct reconstruction connection with the scanner. It really has very
limited use other than showing scan and image information as they’re being scanned on the

It is mainly an example tool for making your own PRIDE based DRIN tool. It shows all the
available parameters and how to handle the bulk retrieved through the PRIDE DRIN connection.
Source code is available for the user to customize.

A simple tool that can display images, stored in PAR/REC format V 4.* and XML/REC format.
It also reads image data from the patient database.
The images can be zoomed, panned and windowed, using the standard mouse button
combinations. It shows the pixel-values at the point of the mouse and a ROI can be positioned for
further evaluation of pixel values.

This is an example tool in which own processing can be included.
Source code is available for the user to customize.

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2008-10-14 Version: 1.0

2.2 Clinical Tools.

The following tools are the clinical predevelopment tools included. More details can be found in
the user manual, included with each tool.
Again, more tools could be found on the PRIDE Intranet site (In Center) of Clinical Science by
selecting Research tools -> PRIDE -> Applications.

Relaxation maps tool.

This tool determines and displays T1, T2 and T2* maps. It also displays a graph, showing the
relaxation times decay over time of the selected pixel. There is a manual available.

Diffusion Registration (Diffusion_Registration_IDL6_V41).

This tool supplies registration possibilities for diffusion data. ONLY works on PAR/REC V4.1
data and up and V5 data.

SoapBubble (SoapBubble_IDL6_V4).
The SoapBubble tool uses points set in the coronary arteries to create a curved MPR. A manual is

Positive Contrast tool.

This tool uses optimal positive contrast technique, based on susceptibility mapping. The
processing has to be performed on multi slice complex data.

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In general the previous chapter on the normal installation should have performed a correct
installation of the PRIDE V 5 environment. If there are indeed problems with the installation, this
section may help. If any problems occur during installation, please check the Status screen on the
right for more detailed information and check this chapter. If it appears that the problem can still
not be resolved, please contact your local clinical scientist or:
[email protected].

2.3 General PRIDE related errors.

 Try to test the connection using the Pride Wizard. It can give advice for the most common
errors and at least provide you with an error log, which you can send to Philips support.
If in the Status screen the following message is displayed:
*** Error connecting to host MWS08 ***
*** Connection failed with:
No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
then you have to enable the patient database access by starting the Packman tool
 If PRIDE cannot be started in any way one can make a manual check of all the items that
should have been installed for a correct PRIDE setup (see Appendix B.).
 If PRIDE crashes when trying to access any series and it mentions ‘idl.dll’ or ‘idl32.dll’,
please ensure in the Pride Wizard that the correct version of IDL is selected for PRIDE.
 If problems occur while trying to read the PAR/REC data please check whether your
PAR/REC files are version V4 and up. The version number can be read in the ASCII
'.PAR' file. If your files are of PAR/REC type V3 convert them using the PRIDE-V3toV4
conversion tool available on the intranet.
 Verify all the software keys required are present and activated on the scanner.

2.4 Problems with the DRIN connection.

First of all, it often happens that after filling the login window to connect to the database this
might occur:

This error occurs then even twice, please press Ignore (twice).
 General connection errors.
In some cases of problems it may be related to special network port settings. The firewall
within the hospital may be such that no connection can be made. Please contact the local
hospital network administrators.
The following ports are essential for correct PRIDE performance:

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Port 6555:
In case the error SW-key not found appears it may be related to the fact that port 6555 is
not enabled.
The port can be tested by performing the ping command. To perform this command, open
a DOS-prompt (command) window and enter the following line:
ping <ip-address-scanner>

Port 8165:
This port needs to be enabled for the DRIN interface. If the message server not available
appears this can relate to this disabled port.

2.5 Realtime data connection – DRIN.

 In case no realtime connection can be established, it is possible that the Clinical-Science
key 42 for DRIN has not been installed or enabled on the scanner.
 In case no data is coming through it is possible that the scan has not been set to realtime
data reconstruction (to be found on the postprocessing page of the sequence).
 NOTE: the realtime data connection is very fast. However, in some cases it is possible
that small amounts of data are ‘missed’ by the tool but normal continuation is guaranteed.

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2008-10-14 Version: 1.0

Appendix A. PRIDE Prerequisite Installations

The following programs are pre-requisites for a working PRIDE environment. Their installations
can be found in the directory Installations on this PRIDE Installation CD.

A.1 IDL 6.3.

The virtual machine installation is available on the PRIDE CD - idl63winx86_32.exe
Run the executable and follow instructions of the installation wizard.

After IDL has been successfully installed, you should be able to run the IDL demo which is now
available under the Windows Start Menu.

The IDL Virtual Machine is enough to run all features of PRIDE EXCEPT for DRIN.

A.2 Microsoft .NET framework.

The .NET installation can be downloaded free of charge from the Microsoft website.
The version, required for PRIDE (the .NET 1.1 framework), is available on this CD and can be
installed by starting the executable dotnetfx.exe.
Run the executable and follow instructions of the installation wizard.
NOTE: If Microsoft Vista is installed on the PC or laptop there already will be a .NET version
present. Please, ignore this step.

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2008-10-14 Version: 1.0

Appendix B. Overview PRIDE-PC (Manual Override)

B.1 ‘PATH’ Environment Variable.
The PATH environment must be set in order for the PRIDE DLLs to be located by IDL. This
section explains how to verify/set this environment variable.

To set environment variables, right-click on My Computer and select Properties. Then select the
Advanced tab and click on the Environment Variables button.
The top pane shows the User variables.
The top pane should have an entry PATH. If not, create it by clicking the button NEW and
entering PATH in the variable name. (The name is not case sensitive.)
Select the path variable and click Edit.
Verify that the entry C:\PRIDE\bin is present.
If not, add it to the end of the string, separated with a ;.


Click ‘OK’ until all dialogs are closed.

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