Advance Drilling in HPHT
Advance Drilling in HPHT
Advance Drilling in HPHT
Consequences of Compaction. Depending upon the struc- MWW Issue. For wells drilled before reservoir depletion, an
ture’s geometry, an arching effect may develop between the MWW exists between the pore pressure and the fracturing
compacted reservoir and the surface where subsidence can pressure. As depletion occurs, the fracturing pressure in the
be seen, even if limited. This arching will generate, among reservoir decreases with the pore pressure. At the interface
other aspects, areas of high shearing stresses that may affect between the caprock (remains at virgin pressure) and the
wellbore stability of the infill wells. Faults may reactivate, depleted reservoir, the MWW decreases to zero (Fig. 4).
Depending on well configuration, differentially depleted
West Area Development Glenelg and West Franklin layers will have to be drilled in the same section with a high
risk of kick and losses or a combination of shales and deplet-
ed layers will be encountered with a high risk of instability
and losses. Regardless, drilling becomes complex and diffi-
cult, and the probability of a failure increases with depletion.
Fracturing gradient
Most likely
Production wells
Appraisal and
exploration wells
New development wells
Pore Pressure
MWW Disappears
out of hole to run the liner, leaving the caprock in an under- Well logs showed the presence of good sands at the top of
balanced condition for a long time. Second, it allows use of a the reservoir, covered only partially by the drilled-in liner.
higher mud weight during drilling. If heavy losses were expe- Reservoir pressure was 1,004 bar, requiring a higher mud
rienced when entering the reservoir and the hydrostatic pres- weight than planned.
sure applied on the caprock dropped, the formation could The only remaining option was to drill to final depth
collapse. With a drilled-in liner, it would collapse around the with the designer mud. The losses-response plan was
liner, leaving the hole cased off. Isolation behind the liner updated accordingly, and drilling continued at a reduced
might be achieved by the collapsed formation. penetration rate into the remaining C sands, the B sands,
and 55 m into the A sands. TD was reached at 5678 m with
Implementation only a seepage loss rate noticed, approximately 200 L/h for
Top sections were drilled as planned. The 133/8-in. casing a small period. It was difficult to ascertain which of the fol-
was called 100 m short at 3585 m. This resulted in a leakoff- lowing had happened.
test value of 1.84-SG EMW instead of a planned 2.10-SG • The borehole was fractured, and the borehole-strength-
EMW. As drilling progressed in the Herring formation, 150 ening technique worked.
m before the planned phase total depth (TD) and 450 m • The designer mud increased the FIP by creating a perfect
above top of the reservoir, the gas level increased suddenly. seal between the borehole and the formation.
Drilling was stopped, and production casing was run and • The mud-column pressure was below the initial FIP.
cemented successfully at 4939 m. The final 41/2-in. liner then was run, and the well was
The main consequence of this event was that the Herring completed, perforated, and put on stream at an initial rate
high-pressure layer had to be crossed with the 81/2-in. sec- of 2700 m3/d.
tion. Its required mud weight, confirmed when crossing it
again, was 2.05 SG minimum, which was considered too Conclusions
high for implementing the borehole-strengthening tech- The first infill well was drilled successfully, completed, and
nique. Therefore, the primary architecture was ruled out perforated in an HP/HT reservoir after 660 bar of depletion
from the start of the 81/2-in. section. A decision was made to had occurred. Two architectures were designed to achieve
implement the contingent architecture. this goal, and all contingencies were used. Despite the large
amount of work performed to reduce geological and reser-
Running Expandable Liner. Before running the liner, a cali- voir uncertainties, surprises were encountered. The biggest
per was run in the open hole to estimate the best placement surprises were in the overburden, long before reaching the
of the elastomer-bonded pipes. The hole proved to be mostly reservoir. Most of them are believed to be the result of reser-
in gauge. The liner reached TD without any problems. The voir depletion.
dart was dropped and the expansion process was initiated High-permeability sands (up to 100 md) were drilled
at a much higher pressure than expected, close to the burst with 660-bar overbalance without significant losses. The
pressure of the cone-launcher element. Once initiated, the formation damage created by the designer mud, if any, was
expansion process went smoothly, and the liner was installed bypassed by the perforations.
as planned. This success opened new perspectives in the HP/HT domain.
• It enabled development of additional reserves in the
Drilling With Liner. After the expandable shoe was cleared Elgin/Franklin reservoir. Two additional wells have been
and the stability of the well assessed, the 65/8-in. drilled-in drilled successfully through more-severely-depleted reser-
liner was run. The well was displaced with the specially voirs (approximately 800-bar depletion).
designed mud loaded with the LCM originally designed for • It provided assurance that wells that fail in the future can
the borehole-strengthening technique. The liner drilled the be replaced, thus securing production over the life of the field.
remaining portion of the caprock and penetrated the reser- • From a wider perspective, phased HP/HT-field develop-
voir at 5451 m. No more than 500 L of losses was noticed ments can be contemplated. This will affect HP/HT field
when penetrating the reservoir. These very low levels of economics by allowing a reduction in preinvestments.
losses led to questioning the top-reservoir depletion. Drilling Nevertheless, deep HP/HT infill wells are not and never
was continued until 5484 m, where the liner hanger was will be routine. Dedicated and integrated HP/HT teams
about to hang on top of the expandable liner. The liner then (drilling, geology, and others) combined with while-drilling
was cemented in place. reactivity are keys to success. JPT