The goal that I am more concerned with is goal 4 which is the Quality Education. I believe that
Education improves health, while health improves learning potential. Education and health complement,
enhance and support each other; together, they serve as the foundation for a better world. If everyone
is given the opportunity to learn everyday, issues regarding on health will minimize and people will have
the knowledge to be aware about their health. As a student nurse, in order to help the targets of this
specific goal, simple outreach programs or different seminars regarding to health can be possible in
communities. It may not be really a great effect on their intellectual knowledge but this can contribute a
lot in promoting a healthy life and preventing diseases in every individual and to their families. Health
teaching is very important since they cannot afford to spend expensive transportation just to do their
monthly check ups in hospitals. It is also important to let them be aware of government services that are
offered for free in their health centers. The Philippine DOH should also focus on this goal because
unwanted and teen pregnancies are challenging issues especially here in our country. Risks in every
pregnancy and childbirth exist, and lifetime risks depend on how many times a woman gets pregnant.