Gec 6: Science, Technology & Society Handout 2: General Concepts and Sts Historical Developments
Gec 6: Science, Technology & Society Handout 2: General Concepts and Sts Historical Developments
Gec 6: Science, Technology & Society Handout 2: General Concepts and Sts Historical Developments
✓ Discuss the interactions between S&T and society throughout history
✓ Discuss how scientific and technological developments affect society
Prepared by:
Enrico Daryl S. Francisco
This section tackles how social contexts shape and were shaped by science and technology across three
historical antecedents of science and technology, the section explores the dynamic interactions between
different societal factors and science and technology. Along with the discussion of these antecedents
during the ancient period, middle ages and modern ages, this section also includes a discussion on
important Philippine inventions and innovations. It emphasizes the various social, cultural, economic, and
political impacts of scientific and technological innovation throughout history.
The rise of ancient civilization paved the way for advances in science and technology. These advances
during period allowed civilizations to flourish by finding better ways of communication, transportation,
self-organization, and of living in general
1. Ancient Wheel
Used animals for transportation long before the invention of the
wheel. No one knows exactly who invented the wheel and when.
There is, however a general agreement that the ancient wheel grow
out of a mechanical device called potter’s wheel a heavy flat disk
made of hardened clay which was spun horizontally on an axis.
2. Paper
Roughly around 3000BC, the ancient Egyptians began writing on papyrus, a
material similar to thick paper. Papyrus is made from the pith of the papyrus
plant Cyperus papyrus
Before Egyptians invented the papyrus, writing was done on
stone. Because of the difficulty of writing on stone writing was
reserved only for very important occasion
3. Shadoof
It was an early tool invented and used by ancient Egyptians to irrigate land.
The shadoof, also spelled as shaduf, is a hand-operated device used for lifting
water. Because of this invention, irrigation and farming became much more
efficient. The shadoof is also believed to be an ancient precursor of more
sophisticated irrigation tools.
4. Antikythera mechanism
Even before the inventions of the antecedents of the modern
computer, the Greek had already invented the ancient worlds
analog computer orrery
It is akin to clock in the way that the case has a circular face and
rotating hands. A knob on the side makes t possible for it to be
wound forward or backward. As this knob moves forward or
backward, it mechanism allows it to display celestial time
It is used to predict astronomical positions and eclipse for
calendar and astrological purposes
6. Spinning Wheel
Another important invention of the Middle Ages is the spinning wheel, a
machine used for transforming fibers into thread or yarn and eventually
woven into cloth on a loom
1. Heavy Plough
The most important technological innovations
during the Middle Ages is the invention of
heavy plough.
Clay soil despite being more fertile than lighter
types of soil, was not cultivated because of its
heavy weight. However, through the
inventions of the heavy plough, it became
possible to harness clay soil
The heavy plough turned European agriculture and economy on its head. Suddenly the fields with the
fatty, and moist clay soils became those that gave the
greatest yields
2. Gunpowder
Chinese alchemist accidentally invented black powder.
Multiple account suggest that the gunpowder might have
been an unintended by product of attempts made by the
Chinese to invent the elixir of life, which is why the
Chinese called it huoyao, roughly translated as fire potion
3. Paper Money
Although it was not until the 17th century that bank notes
began to be used Europe
Before the introduction of paper money, precious metals
such as gold and silver were used as currency. However,
the idea of assigning value to marked piece of paper did
not immediately popular.
4. Mechanical Clock
The development of mechanical clocks paved the way for
accurately keeping track of time. The sophistication of clockwork
technology of the mechanical clock drastically changed way days
were spent and work patter were established.
As the world populations steadily increased, people of the modern ages realized the utmost importance of
increasing the efficiency of transportation, communication and production
1. Compound Microscope
A Dutch spectacle maker named Zacharias Jansen
is credited for the inventions o the first compound
microscope in 1590
This led to an amazing discovery that an object,
when placed near the end of the tube, can be
magnified far larger than what a simple
magnifying lens can do. Janssen’s compound
microscope was an important progression form
the single lens
Today the compound microscope is an important
instrument in many scientific studies such as in the
areas of medicine, forensic studies, tissue analysis,
atomic studies, and genetics.
2. Telescope
Most important technological invention in the study of
astronomy during the Modern Ages was the practical
telescope invented by Galileo Galilei
It was Galileo who first used the telescope skyward and
made important astronomical discoveries and identified the
presence of craters and mountains on the moon
3. Jacquard Loom
The most critical drivers of the revolution
Build by French weaver Joseph Marie Jacquard, the
Jacquard loom simplifies textile manufacturing. Prior to
the invention, a draw loom was used which required two
individuals to operate – the weaver and a draw boy
2. Erythromycin
One of the important medical inventions is the
Erythromycin. The Ilonggo scientist Abelardo
Aguilar invented this antibiotic out of a strain of
bacterium called Streptomyces erythreus, from
which this drug derived its name.
However, Aguilar was not credited for this discovery
by Eli Lilli Co., Aguilar’s US employer, to whom he
sent the strain for separation. The US company
eventually owned the merits for this discovery
3. Medical Incubator
World – renowned Filipino pediatrician
and national scientist, Fe del Mundo is
credited or the inventions of the
incubator and Jaundice relieving device.
Del Mundo was the first woman
pediatrician to be admitted to the
prestigious Harvard University School
of Medicine. She is also the founder of
the first pediatric hospital in the country
In 1977 she won, Ramon Magsaysay Award, Asia’s premier prize granted t outstanding individuals
whose selfless service remarkably contributed to the betterment of the society.
Her original improvised incubator consisted of two native laundry basket of different sizes that are
placed one inside the other. Warmth is generated by bottles with hot water placed around the baskets.
A makeshift hood over the baskets allows oxygen to circulate inside the incubator
Mole Remover
In 2000 a local invention that had the ability easily
remove moles and warts on the skin without the
need for any surgical procedure shot to fame,
Rolando dela Cruz is credite for the invention of a
local mole remover that made use of extracts of
casher nuts (Annacardium occidentale)
The indigenous formula easily caught on for its
accessibility, affordability, and painless and scar
less procedure. He won a gold medal for this
invention in the International Invention,
Innovation, Industrial Design, and Technology
Exhibition in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2000
4. Banana Ketchup
Filipino food technologist, Maria Orosa is credited for the invention of banana
ketchup, a variety of ketchup different from the commonly known tomato
He inventions appeals particularly to Filipinos who love using condiments to
go along with their food
As a result, Orosa developed a variety of ketchup that made use of mashed
banana, sugar, vinegar and spices, which were all readily available. Orosa
Banana ketchup is brownish yellow in natural color, but is dyed red to
resemble the color o the most loved tomato ketchup.
Quinto and Nieva. 2019. Science, Technology, and Society. C & E Publishing, Inc.
Serafica et. al. 2018. Science, Technology, and Society. Rex Book Store