Love COT First Quarter
Love COT First Quarter
Love COT First Quarter
Department of Education
Province of Palawan
Quezon Northern District
Tabon, Quezon, Palawan
Lesson Plan
Date & Time: September 15, 2018/ 8:15-9:00
Blocks of Time: Work Period 1 (Day 2)
Grade & Section: Kindergarten - Owl
Quarter: First Quarter
I. Objectives
Manages learner
-Greeting the class
behavior constructively
Daily Routine -checking of attendance
by applying positive
and non-violent
discipline to ensure
A. Reviewing previous RECALL COT
lesson or presenting the new Indicator No.1:
lesson Tell objects that begin with letter Ss.
Applies knowledge of
What will you do while the lesson is going on? content within and
across curriculum
teaching areas
Selects, develops,
Before we go to our discussion today will you organizes and use
please stand straight because we’re going to sing appropriate teaching
first a song about phonics from the video and learning
presentation. resources, including
ICT, to address
learning goals.
C. Presenting examples/ Ok. You may now take your seat. COT
Instances of the new lesson Indicator No. 2
Children, I have a number on my mind, can you guess
what number it is? Uses a range of
teaching strategies that
The number I am thinking right now is 2. But first let’s enhance learner
take a look in our alphabet posted in the wall. What achievement in literacy
number is letter Aa? What about letter Mm? and finally and numeracy skills.
what letter is on number 2?
Yes! That’s right. Its letter Bb Now let us sing a song Indicator No. 4:
about the letter Bb.
Manages classroom
Buh Buh Buh ang Tunog ng Bb Ready sing. structure to engage
learners, individually or
I have here a magic box. Inside the magic box are in groups, in
different pictures. Each of you will pick one and tell the meaningful exploration,
name of it. Pin the picture on the board. discovery and hands-
on activities within a
range of physical
(Mathematics integration) learning environments.
Now, let’s name all the objects that begin with letter Bb. COT
Indicator No. 4:
F. Developing mastery(leads We will have another activity but before we have our COT
to Formative Assessment 3) group activity, I want you to remind the following: Indicator No. 6:
1. Follow instruction
2. Cooperate with your group Uses differentiated,
3. Clap your hands if you finish the activity developmentally
4. Five stars will be given to group whose work has no appropriate learning
mistake, 4 stars if there is one mistake and 3 stars if experiences to address
there are many mistake. learners' gender,
5. The most disciplined group will receive prizes. needs, strengths,
interests and
Group 1. There are only 5 pictures that start with letter experiences.
Bb. Write Bb on the second column of the picture if the
beginning sound of the object is Bb.
J. Additional activities for Direction: Encircle only the pictures that begin with COT
application or remediation letter Bb. Indicator No. 5:
Manages learner
behavior constructively
by applying positive
and non-violent
discipline to ensure
A. No. of learners who
earned 80%in the evaluation
Prepared by:
Teacher I
ES Principal I