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SAP ABAP Interview Questions & Answers Part 3

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31. What is the difference between a ‘Database index’

and a ‘Match code’?
Ans: ‘Database Index’ contains fields from one table while ‘Match Code’ contain
fields from several tables. Match code objects can be built on cluster tables,
transparent tables and pooled tables.

32.  Explain the benefits of modularization technique?

Ans: By using modularization techniques, you can avoid redundancy if the
program contains the same or similar blocks of statements or it is required to
process the same function several times.  By modularizing the ABAP/4 programs,
we make them easy to read and improve their structure.  Modularized programs
are also easier to maintain and update.

33. How can you create callable modules of program

code within one ABAP/4 program?

1. By defining Macros
2. By creating include programs in the library.

34. What are different types of parameters? How can

you distinguish between different kinds of parameters?
Ans: The different types of parameters are

1. Formal Parameters:  It is defined during the definition of subroutine with

the ‘FORM’ statement
2. Actual Parameters:  It is specified during the call of a subroutine with the
‘PERFORM’ statement

You can distinguish different kind of parameters by their functionality.  Input

parameters are used to pass data to subroutines, while output parameters are
used to pass data from subroutines.
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35. What are the different databases Integrities? Search


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36. What is an internal table and work area in SAP Functionality
ABAP ? A Pocket guide for Hello
World in SAP ABAP
Ans: Internal tables and work areas are temporary memory areas which are used Exceptions in oabap for
to store data at run-time. Internal tables and work areas are instances of new abapers
database tables. Refresh of CL_SALV_TREE
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37. How much memory will be allocated for internal and OData – Part 3 –
table and work area ? Metad...
Azure Synapse Pipelines
Ans: 8KB memory will be allocated for both internal tables and work areas and it and OData – Part 2 – All
will be increased dynamically.
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and OData – Part 1 –
38. What is types statement in SAP ABAP programing ? The F...

Ans: Types is a statement which is used to define user-defined structure in SAP Connecting from SAP
Business Application
ABAP programming 
Studio to...


39. How do you read data from database table in SAP
Ans: The only way to read data from database table in SAP ABAP is using select ► 
(open SQL) statements.

40. What is difference between append and insert ► 

statements in SAP ABAP ?
Ans: Append is statement which is used to add a record at bottom of a internal ► 
table from work area .
Insert is a statement which is used to insert a record at a specified position of an
internal table from work area.
41. What is webdynpro for ABAP ?
Ans: Webdynpro for ABAP is SAP web interface model which is used to develop
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42. what is the event that will be triggered first in an REST handlers
ABAP report? I have been not blogging
for quite sometime and I
was looking for some interesting use-
Ans: Initialization event is triggered first if user executes an ABAP report. But if case related to SAP Gateway which
the program is of type 1, M, F, or S; then LOAD-OF-PROGRAM is triggered first could be of some h...
and then INITIALIZATION event.
FOR expression in ABAP
7.40 – Best case scenarios
43. What are the differences between simple and As we all know, the In-line
interactive ABAP reports? declarations, operators
and expressions available
in 7.4 SP02 onward are taking the
Ans: A simple ABAP report allows the user to interact with the whole business- abap world by storm for las...
result data. In case of interactive reports user can interact with specific result
data at a time. Excel file (*.xlsx)
In this Blog-post I’d like to
44. Types of ABAP reports in SAP? give a few insights on how
we process XLSX file by
Ans: ABAP report types are of 7 types. ABAP report types are available in reports using latest ABAP, which might be
quite different than in ...
attributes screen.
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45. How many lists can be displayed through an Building an SAP Query

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SAP query tool to enhance
Ans: Maximum 21 lists can be displayed (1 basic list 20 secondary lists). the query output. You can
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tab for the Infoset in th...
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