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Intelligent Compaction and Infrared Scanning

Field Projects with Consulting Support

Prepared by
The Transtec Group, Inc.

Final Report Prepared for Missouri Department of Transportation

February 2018 Project TR201716 Report cmr18-003
MoDOT Publication No. cmr 18-003
MoDOT Projects No. TR201716/ TR201802

Intelligent Compaction and Infrared

Field Projects with Consulting Support
Final Report

Submitted to

Missouri Department of Transportation

1617 Missouri Blvd.
Jefferson City MO 65102

January 2018


The Transtec Group, Inc.

6111 Balcones Drive
Austin, Texas 78731
1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3 Recipient Catalog No.

cmr 18-003
4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date

Intelligent Compaction and Infrared Scanning Field Projects with Consulting January 2018
Support Published: February 2018
6. Performing Organization Code

7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No.

George Chang, Kiran Mohanraj, and David Merritt (Transtec Group)

Victor (Lee) Gallivan (Gallivan Consulting, Inc.)

9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS)

The Transtec Group, Inc.

6111 Balcones Drive 11. Contract or Grant No.
Austin TX 78731
MoDOT project #TR201716 and
12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period
Missouri Department of Transportation (SPR)
1617 Missouri Blvd, PO Box 270 Final report
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0270 14. Sponsoring Agency Code

15. Supplementary Notes

Contracting Officer’s Representative: Bill Stone

Conducted in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. MoDOT research
reports are available in the Innovation Library at
16. Abstract

The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) was awarded a grant from the FHWA Accelerated Innovation
Deployment (AID) program, in 2016. MoDOT provided the required matching funds to support this Intelligent Compaction
(IC) and Infrared Scanning (IR) Field Projects with Consulting Support in 2017. The consulting support was provided by
the Transtec Group (Consultant) and includes the development MoDOT IC-IR Protocol and training materials, conducting
IC-IR training, on-site technical support to IC-IR field projects, data analysis, and reports of IC-IR field data. The original
IC-IR project included 10 field projects. Additional MoDOT funding was later added to support three additional IC-IR
projects, making a total of 13 field projects.

This document is the final report summarizing the two combined projects including field test results, lessons-learned and

17. Key words 18. Distribution Statement

Compaction; Infrared analysis; Paving. Intelligent compaction, thermal No restrictions. This document is
profiles, roller, paver, asphalt, overlay, quality control. available through the National
Technical Information Service,
Springfield, VA 22161.
19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price

Unclassified. Unclassified. 144

Symbol When You Know Multiply By To Find Symbol
in inches 25.4 millimeters mm
ft feet 0.305 meters m
yd yards 0.914 meters m
mi miles 1.61 kilometers km
2 2
in square inches 645.2 square millimeters mm
2 2
ft square feet 0.093 square meters m
2 2
yd square yard 0.836 square meters m
ac acres 0.405 hectares ha
2 2
mi square miles 2.59 square kilometers km
fl oz fluid ounces 29.57 milliliters mL
gal gallons 3.785 liters L
3 3
ft cubic feet 0.028 cubic meters m
3 3
yd cubic yards 0.765 cubic meters m
NOTE: volumes greater than 1000 L shall be shown in m
oz ounces 28.35 grams g
lb pounds 0.454 kilograms kg
T short tons (2000 lb) 0.907 megagrams (or "metric ton") Mg (or "t")
TEMPERATURE (exact degrees)
o o
F Fahrenheit 5 (F-32)/9 Celsius C
or (F-32)/1.8
fc foot-candles 10.76 lux lx
2 2
fl foot-Lamberts 3.426 candela/m cd/m
lbf poundforce 4.45 newtons N
lbf/in poundforce per square inch 6.89 kilopascals kPa


Symbol When You Know Multiply By To Find Symbol
mm millimeters 0.039 inches in
m meters 3.28 feet ft
m meters 1.09 yards yd
km kilometers 0.621 miles mi
2 2
mm square millimeters 0.0016 square inches in
2 2
m square meters 10.764 square feet ft
2 2
m square meters 1.195 square yards yd
ha hectares 2.47 acres ac
2 2
km square kilometers 0.386 square miles mi
mL milliliters 0.034 fluid ounces fl oz
L liters 0.264 gallons gal
3 3
m cubic meters 35.314 cubic feet ft
3 3
m cubic meters 1.307 cubic yards yd
g grams 0.035 ounces oz
kg kilograms 2.202 pounds lb
Mg (or "t") megagrams (or "metric ton") 1.103 short tons (2000 lb) T
TEMPERATURE (exact degrees)
o o
C Celsius 1.8C+32 Fahrenheit F
lx lux 0.0929 foot-candles fc
2 2
cd/m candela/m 0.2919 foot-Lamberts fl
N newtons 0.225 poundforce lbf
kPa kilopascals 0.145 poundforce per square inch lbf/in
*SI is the symbol for the International System of Units. Appropriate rounding should be made to comply with Section 4 of ASTM E380.
(Revised March 2003)
Table of Contents
Acknowledgement ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Disclaimer.................................................................................................................................................... 11
Acronyms and Symbols ............................................................................................................................... 12
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 13
Project Scope .......................................................................................................................................... 13
Structure of this Report .......................................................................................................................... 13
Innovative Technologies ............................................................................................................................. 14
IC Technologies ....................................................................................................................................... 14
IR Technologies ....................................................................................................................................... 18
Veta Software ......................................................................................................................................... 20
Work Plan.................................................................................................................................................... 23
Task 1 – Kick Off Meeting........................................................................................................................ 23
Task 2 – IC-IR Data Management Protocol ............................................................................................. 23
Task 3 – IC-IR Training Courses ............................................................................................................... 24
Task 3-1: Development of IC-IR Training Course Materials ................................................................ 24
Task 3-2: Conduct IC-IR Training Courses ........................................................................................... 24
Task 4 – IC-IR Project Support ................................................................................................................. 24
Task 4-1: Planning for IC-IR Data Management .................................................................................. 24
Task 4-2: Field Support........................................................................................................................ 24
Task 4-3: IC-IR Data Analysis ............................................................................................................... 25
Task 4-4: IC-IR Project Reports............................................................................................................ 25
Task 5 – IC-IR Specifications .................................................................................................................... 25
IC-IR Protocol .............................................................................................................................................. 26
Summary of IC-IR Protocol Elements ...................................................................................................... 26
Check Lists and Forms ............................................................................................................................. 27
File Naming Convention .......................................................................................................................... 31
MoDOT SharePoint ................................................................................................................................. 32
IC-IR Training ............................................................................................................................................... 33
Training Materials ................................................................................................................................... 33
Training Workshops ................................................................................................................................ 35
IC-IR Field Projects ...................................................................................................................................... 36
Project Descriptions ................................................................................................................................ 36

Data Analysis and Results ........................................................................................................................... 39
IR Data Analysis ....................................................................................................................................... 39
IC Data Analysis ....................................................................................................................................... 48
Roller Passes ....................................................................................................................................... 48
ICMV .................................................................................................................................................... 48
Mat Temperature................................................................................................................................ 50
Analysis Example ..................................................................................................................................... 52
Summary of Results ................................................................................................................................ 59
Project No. 1 - J5P3117, RT 52 ............................................................................................................ 60
Project No. 2 - J4I3111, RT 29 ............................................................................................................. 66
Project No. 3 - J3I3042, I-70 ................................................................................................................ 72
Project No. 4 - JP3099, RT 36 .............................................................................................................. 80
Project No. 5 - J2P3100, RT 36 ............................................................................................................ 83
Project No. 6 - J2P3051, RT 24 ............................................................................................................ 87
Project No. 7 - J1P3005, RT 24 ............................................................................................................ 93
Project No. 8 - J9P3161, RT 17 ............................................................................................................ 98
Project No. 9 - J6S3123, RT 61 .......................................................................................................... 104
Project No. 10 - J7I3072, RT 49 ......................................................................................................... 109
Project No. 11 - J1S3028, RT 69 ........................................................................................................ 114
Project No. 12 - J5P3170, RT 5 .......................................................................................................... 120
Project No. 13 - J9P3296, RT 17 ........................................................................................................ 125
Comparison of IC-IR Results .................................................................................................................. 130
Project Evaluation ..................................................................................................................................... 134
GPS Verification ................................................................................................................................ 134
GPS and Cellular Signal Coverage ..................................................................................................... 134
Functioning of IC Equipment and System ......................................................................................... 134
Functioning of IR Equipment and System ......................................................................................... 134
Paving Boundary Measurements ...................................................................................................... 135
IC Data Collection and Submission.................................................................................................... 135
IR Data Collection and Submission ................................................................................................... 136
Other Data Collection and Submission (trial sections and core data) .............................................. 136
Completion of Check list ................................................................................................................... 137
Utilization of Full Capabilities of IC and IR Systems .......................................................................... 137

IC-IR Training Workshops .................................................................................................................. 137
IC-IR Data Completion ....................................................................................................................... 138
IC-IR Check List and Form Completion .............................................................................................. 139
IC-IR Specification Reviews ....................................................................................................................... 140
IR Specification ...................................................................................................................................... 140
Equipment Requirements ................................................................................................................. 140
Training Requirements...................................................................................................................... 140
Data and Analysis Requirements ...................................................................................................... 140
Acceptance Requirements ................................................................................................................ 140
IC Specification ...................................................................................................................................... 141
Equipment Requirements ................................................................................................................. 141
Training Requirements...................................................................................................................... 141
Field Operation Requirements .......................................................................................................... 141
Data and Analysis Requirements ...................................................................................................... 141
Acceptance Requirements ................................................................................................................ 141
Conclusions and Recommendations ......................................................................................................... 142
Conclusions ........................................................................................................................................... 142
Recommendations ................................................................................................................................ 143

Figure 1. Example of IC Color-coded Displays for Roller Passes, Asphalt Temperatures, and ICMV. ........ 14
Figure 2. Examples of OEM Double-Drum IC Rollers. ................................................................................ 15
Figure 3. An Example of IC Retrofit Systems. ............................................................................................. 15
Figure 4. Method of Measuring and Calculating ICMV. ............................................................................. 16
Figure 5. An Illustration of an IR System. ................................................................................................... 18
Figure 6. An Example of IR Display of Thermal Profiles and Paver-Speed. ................................................ 19
Figure 7. AASHTO Standard Software Veta for Intelligent Construction Data Management. ................... 20
Figure 8. IC and IR Data Flow to Veta......................................................................................................... 21
Figure 9. IC Raw and Gridded data............................................................................................................. 21
Figure 10. IC All-Passes Data and Final Coverage data. ............................................................................. 22
Figure 11. Screenshots of Veta Displays and Analysis. .............................................................................. 22
Figure 12: MoDOT IC-IR Project Protocol................................................................................................... 26
Figure 13: Contractor’s Daily Check List..................................................................................................... 28
Figure 14: Contractor’s Daily Paving Record Form. ................................................................................... 29
Figure 15: Daily Check List for REs. ............................................................................................................ 30
Figure 16: MoDOT SharePoint IC-IR Project Folders. ................................................................................. 32
Figure 17: MoDOT SharePoint IC-IR Project Sub-Folders........................................................................... 33
Figure 18: MoDOT IC-IR Training Workshop Agenda. ................................................................................ 34
Figure 19: Photos from the MoDOT IC-IR Training Workshops. ................................................................ 35
Figure 20: MoDOT IC-IR Project and Workshop Locations. ....................................................................... 38
Figure 21: AASHTO PP80 IR Analysis Method: 10’ exclusion around a paver stop location...................... 39
Figure 22: AASHTO PP80 IR Analysis Method: Computation of “Range” value......................................... 40
Figure 23: AASHTO PP80 IR Analysis Method: Segregation categories ..................................................... 40
Figure 24: Example of MOBA PPM IR Analysis Screens. ............................................................................ 41
Figure 25: Example of Veta Viewer screen of IR data plots (J3I3042, RT70). ............................................ 42
Figure 26: Example of Veta Filter screen (J3I3042, RT70).......................................................................... 43
Figure 27: Example of a Veta Sublot screen (J3I3042, RT70). ................................................................... 44
Figure 28: Example of a Veta Sublot screen for IR data analysis (J3I3042, RT70). .................................... 45
Figure 29: Example of a Veta Analysis setup for IR data analysis (J3I3042, RT70). ................................... 45
Figure 30: Example of a Veta IR data analysis results (J3I3042, RT70). .................................................... 46
Figure 31: Example of a Veta Paver Stop plot (J3I3042, RT70). ................................................................ 46
Figure 32: Example of a Veta IR Temperature Differential report (J3I3042, RT70). ................................. 47
Figure 33: Target ICMV determined by Correlation between ICMV and Acceptance Spot Tests from Trial
Section Data. ............................................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 34: FWHA ICMV Tech Brief (FHWA-HIF-17-046). ............................................................................ 49
Figure 35: Target ICMV determined by an ICMV Compaction Curve when Acceptance Spot Tests from
Trial Section Data are Not Available. .......................................................................................................... 50
Figure 36: MODOT Requirement for Mat Temperatures during vibratory compaction. .......................... 51
Figure 37: Veta Data Filter and Analysis Setup for MODOT Requirement for Mat Temperatures during
vibratory compaction. ................................................................................................................................. 51
Figure 38: Trial Section Tests on 4/24/2017 (J1P3005 RT 24). ................................................................... 52
Figure 39: Compaction Curve from the Trial Section on 4/24/2017 (J1P3005 RT 24). ............................... 52
Figure 40: An Example Veta Analysis Screen showing Pass Count map (J1P3005 RT 24). ........................ 53

Figure 41: An Example Veta Analysis Screen showing Filter Groups (J1P3005 RT 24). ............................. 54
Figure 42: An Example Veta Analysis Screen showing spot tests (J1P3005 RT 24). .................................. 55
Figure 43: An Example Veta Analysis Screen showing correlation tests between ICMV and spot tests
(J1P3005 RT 24)........................................................................................................................................... 56
Figure 44: An Example Veta Analysis Screen showing the Roller Coverage report (J1P3005 RT 24). ....... 57
Figure 45: An Example Veta Analysis Screen showing the ICMV Coverage report (J1P3005 RT 24). ........ 57
Figure 46: An Example Veta Analysis Screen showing the Mat Temperature report (J1P3005 RT 24). .... 58
Figure 47: An Example MoDOT IC-IR Project Report. ................................................................................ 59
Figure 48 Compaction Curve from the Trial Section on 5/9/2017 (Project No. 1 - J5P3117, RT 52). ........ 60
Figure 49 Compaction Curve from the Trial Section on 5/12/2017 (Project No. 1 - J5P3117, RT 52). ...... 61
Figure 50: Summary of MOBA PPM Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 1 - J5P3117, RT 52). . 63
Figure 51: Summary of Veta Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 1 - J5P3117, RT 52). ............ 63
Figure 52: Summary of Roller Coverage Report (Project No. 1 - J5P3117, RT 52). .................................... 65
Figure 53 Compaction Curve SP190B from the Trial Section on 8/25/2017 (Project No. 2 - J4I3111, RT
29). .............................................................................................................................................................. 66
Figure 54 Compaction Curve SP095B from the Trial Section on8/26/2017 (Project No. 2 - J4I3111, RT 29).
.................................................................................................................................................................... 67
Figure 55: Summary of MOBA PPM Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 2 - J4I3111, RT 29). .. 69
Figure 56: Summary of Veta Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 2 - J4I3111, RT 29). ............. 69
Figure 57: Summary of Roller Coverage Report (Project No. 2 - J4I3111, RT 29). ..................................... 71
Figure 58: Density Compaction Curve from the Trial Section on 8/14/2017 (Project No. 3-J3I3042, I-70)
.................................................................................................................................................................... 72
Figure 59: NDG Density and ICMV Compaction Curves from the Trial Section on 8/14/2017 (Project No.
3 - J3I3042, I-70).......................................................................................................................................... 73
Figure 60: Incorrect distance reported by MOBA PPM for the data on 8/23/2017 (J3I3042, I-70). ......... 75
Figure 61: Correct IR Segregation Reported by Veta for the data on 8/23/2017 (Project No. 3 - J3I3042, I-
70). .............................................................................................................................................................. 76
Figure 62: Summary of MOBA PPM Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 3 - J3I3042, I-70)...... 77
Figure 63: Summary of Veta Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 3 - J3I3042, I-70). ................ 77
Figure 64: Summary of Roller Coverage Report. (Project No. 3 - J3I3042, I-70)......................................... 79
Figure 65: Incorrect Boundary File for 8/23/2017 (Project No. 3 - J3I3042, I-70). ..................................... 79
Figure 66: Summary of MOBA PPM Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 4 - JP3099, RT 36). ... 81
Figure 67: Summary of Veta Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 4 - JP3099, RT 36). .............. 81
Figure 68: Summary of Roller Coverage Report (Project No. 4 - JP3099, RT 36)........................................ 82
Figure 69: Summary of MOBA PPM Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 5 - J2P3100, RT 36). . 84
Figure 70: Summary of Veta Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 5 - J2P3100, RT 36). ............ 84
Figure 71: Summary of Roller Coverage Report (Project No. 5 - J2P3100, RT 36)...................................... 86
Figure 72: Compaction Curve from the Trial Section on 10/21/2016 (Project No. 6 - J2P3051, RT 24). .... 87
Figure 73: Compaction Curve from the Trial Section on 10/27/2016 (Project No. 6 - J2P3051, RT 24). .... 88
Figure 74: Summary of MOBA PPM Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 6 - J2P3051, RT 24). . 90
Figure 75: Summary of Veta Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 6 - J2P3051, RT 24). ............ 90
Figure 76: Summary of Roller Coverage Reports (Project No. 6 - J2P3051, RT 24). ................................... 92
Figure 77: Compaction Curve– Trial Section (4/24/2017) (Project No. 7 - J1P3005, RT 24)....................... 93
Figure 78: Summary of MOBA PPM Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 7 - J1P3005, RT 24). . 95

Figure 79: Summary of Veta Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 7 - J1P3005, RT 24). ............ 95
Figure 80: Summary of Roller Coverage Report (Project No. 7 - J1P3005, RT 24)...................................... 97
Figure 81: Compaction Curve from the Trial Section on 9/28/2017 (Project No. 8 - J9P3161, RT 17). ...... 98
Figure 82: Compaction Curve from the Trial Section (2017-10-2) (Project No. 8 - J9P3161, RT 17) .......... 99
Figure 83: Summary of MOBA PPM Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 8 - J9P3161, RT 17).
.................................................................................................................................................................. 101
Figure 84: Summary of Veta Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 8 - J9P3161, RT 17). .......... 101
Figure 85: Summary of Roller Coverage Report (Project No. 8 - J9P3161, RT 17).................................... 103
Figure 86 Compaction Curve– Trial Section (5/31/2017) (Project No. 9 - J6S3123, RT 61) ...................... 104
Figure 87: Summary of MOBA PPM Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 9 - J6S3123, RT 61).106
Figure 88: Summary of Veta Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 9 - J6S3123, RT 61)............ 106
Figure 89: Summary of Roller Coverage Report (Project No. 9 - J6S3123, RT 61). ................................... 108
Figure 90 Compaction Curve– Trial Section (6/12/2017) (Project No. 10 - J7I3072, RT 49)..................... 109
Figure 91: Summary of MOBA PPM Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 10 - J7I3072, RT 49).
.................................................................................................................................................................. 111
Figure 92: Summary of Veta Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 10 - J7I3072, RT 49). ......... 111
Figure 93: Summary of Roller Coverage Report (Project No. 10 - J7I3072, RT 49). .................................. 113
Figure 94 Compaction Curve from the Trial Section-1 on 6/30/2017 (Project No. 11 - J1S3028, RT 69). 114
Figure 95 Compaction Curve from the Trial Section-2 on 6/30/2017 (Project No. 11 - J1S3028, RT 69). 115
Figure 96. Compaction Curve from the Trial Section on 7/6/2017 (Project No. 11 - J1S3028, RT 69). .... 116
Figure 97: Summary of MOBA PPM Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 11 - J1S3028, RT 69).
.................................................................................................................................................................. 118
Figure 98: Summary of Veta Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 11 - J1S3028, RT 69).......... 118
Figure 99: Summary of Roller Coverage Report (J1S3028, RT69). ............................................................ 119
Figure 100: Density Compaction Curve from the Trial Section on 9/8/2017 (Project No. 12 - J5P3170, RT
5). .............................................................................................................................................................. 120
Figure 101: Summary of MOBA PPM Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 12 - J5P3170, RT 5).
.................................................................................................................................................................. 122
Figure 102: Summary of Veta Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 12 - J5P3170, RT 5). ........ 122
Figure 103: Summary of Roller Coverage Report (Project No. 12 - J5P3170, RT 5). ................................. 124
Figure 104: Compaction Curve from the Trial Section on 5/7/2017 (Project No. 13 - J9P3296, RT 17). .. 125
Figure 105: Core Sample from the Trial Section on 5/7/2017 (Project No. 13 - J9P3296, RT 17). ........... 125
Figure 106: Summary of MOBA PPM Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 13 - J9P3296, RT 17).
.................................................................................................................................................................. 127
Figure 107: Summary of Veta Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 13 - J9P3296, RT 17). ...... 127
Figure 108: Summary of Roller Coverage Report (Project No. 13 - J9P3296, RT 17). ............................... 129
Figure 109: Comparison of IR Segregation for all projects. ...................................................................... 130
Figure 110: Comparison of IR Segregation for projects by coded contractors. ........................................ 131
Figure 111: Comparison of IC Coverage for all projects. .......................................................................... 132
Figure 112: Comparison of IC Coverage for projects by coded contractors. ............................................ 133

Table 1. Summary of ICMV Model and Methods (FHWA ICMV Tech Brief). .............................................. 16

Table 2. Classification of ICMV Levels (FHWA ICMV Tech Brief). ............................................................... 17
Table 3. Timeline and Deliverable Schedule. .............................................................................................. 23
Table 4: Data File Naming Convention....................................................................................................... 31
Table 5. MoDOT IC-IR Training Workshop Schedule................................................................................... 35
Table 6. MoDOT IC-IR Project Schedule ...................................................................................................... 36
Table 7. MoDOT IC-IR Project Systems Used .............................................................................................. 37
Table 8. Example of MOBA PPM IR Analysis Report of Temperature Segregation. ................................... 42
Table 9. MoDOT IC Coverage Classification. ............................................................................................... 48
Table 10. MoDOT Target ICMV Coverage Classification. ............................................................................ 50
Table 11: Summary of IR Results (Project No. 1 - J5P3117, RT 52) ............................................................. 62
Table 12: Summary of IC Results (Project No. 1 - J5P3117, RT 52) ............................................................ 64
Table 13: Summary of IR Results (Project No. 2 - J4I3111, RT 29) ............................................................. 68
Table 14: Summary of IC Results (Project No. 2 - J4I3111, RT 29) ............................................................. 70
Table 15: Summary of IR Results (Project No. 3 - J3I3042, I-70)................................................................. 74
Table 16: Incorrect number of sublots reported by MOBA PPM for the data on 8/23/2017 (Project No. 3 -
J3I3042, I-70)............................................................................................................................................... 75
Table 17: Summary of IC Results (Project No. 3 - J3I3042, I-70)................................................................. 78
Table 18: Summary of IR Results (Project No. 4 - JP3099, RT 36) ............................................................... 80
Table 19: Summary of IC Results (Project No. 4 - JP3099, RT 36) ............................................................... 82
Table 20: Summary of IR Results (Project No. 5 - J2P3100, RT 36) ............................................................. 83
Table 21: Summary of IC Results (Project No. 5 - J2P3100, RT 36) ............................................................. 85
Table 22: Summary of IR Results (Project No. 6 - J2P3051, RT 24) ............................................................. 89
Table 23: Summary of IC Results (Project No. 6 - J2P3051, RT 24) ............................................................. 91
Table 24: Summary of IR Results (Project No. 7 - J1P3005, RT 24) ............................................................. 94
Table 25: Summary of IC Results (Project No. 7 - J1P3005, RT 24) ............................................................. 96
Table 26: Summary of IR Results (Project No. 8 - J9P3161, RT 17) ........................................................... 100
Table 27: Summary of IC Results (Project No. 8 - J9P3161, RT 17). .......................................................... 102
Table 28: Summary of IR Results (Project No. 9 - J6S3123, RT 61) ........................................................... 105
Table 29: Summary of IC Results (Project No. 9 - J6S3123, RT 61) .......................................................... 107
Table 30: Summary of IR Results (Project No. 10 - J7I3072, RT 49) .......................................................... 110
Table 31: Summary of IC Results (Project No. 10 - J7I3072, RT 49) .......................................................... 112
Table 32: Summary of IR Results (Project No. 11 - J1S3028, RT 69) ......................................................... 117
Table 33: Summary of IC Results (Project No. 11 - J1S3028, RT 69) ......................................................... 119
Table 34: Summary of IR Results (Project No. 12 - J5P3170, RT 5) ........................................................... 121
Table 35: Summary of IC Results (Project No. 12 - J5P3170, RT 5). .......................................................... 123
Table 36: Summary of IR Results (Project No. 13 - J9P3296, RT 17) ......................................................... 126
Table 37: Summary of IC Results (Project No. 13 - J9P3296, RT 17) ......................................................... 128
Table 38. Completion of IC-IR Data Collection. ......................................................................................... 138
Table 39. Completion of IC-IR Check Lists and Forms. .............................................................................. 139

The authors graciously thank the FHWA Accelerated Innovation Deployment (AID) program
and MoDOT for funding these IC and IR projects. The authors would also express gratitude
towards those IC and IR vendors, dealers, and contractors for their assistance and cooperation
during the field projects and subsequent data collection and analysis.

The opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in this document are those of the
investigators. They are not necessarily those of the Missouri Department of Transportation, U.S.
Department of Transportation, or Federal Highway Administration. This information does not
constitute a standard or specification.

Acronyms and Symbols
AID : Accelerated Innovation Deployment, one FHWA’s programs to support innovative
highway technologies
CCV : Compaction Control Value, a type of ICMV manufactured by Sakai
CMV : Compaction Meter Value, a type of ICMV manufactured by German’s Volkel, used by
Caterpillar, Trimble, Dynapac, and Volvo
DMI : Distance Measurement Instrument
EDV: Estimated Density Value, a type of ICMV manufactured by Volvo
GNSS: Global Navigation Satellite System
GPS: Global Positioning System
IC : Intelligent Compaction
ICMV: Intelligent Compaction Measurement Values, a generic term for various solutions from
the industry
IR: Infrared Scanning
OEM : Original Engineering Manufacture
PMTP : Paver-Mounted Thermal Profiles
PPM: PaveProj Program, MOBA’s software program for the PAVE-IR thermal profile system
QA : Quality Assurance
QC : Quality Control
RE: Resident Engineers

Project Scope
The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) was awarded a grant from the FHWA
Accelerated Innovation Deployment (AID) program in 2016. MoDOT provided the required
matching funding to support this Intelligent Compaction (IC) and Infrared Scanning (IR) Field
Projects with Consulting Support in 2017. The term “IC” is defined in the AASHTO PP81-17
terminology. The term “IR” is equivalent to the AASHTO PP80-17 terminology for Paver-
Mounted Thermal Profiles (PMTP).

The consulting support provided by the Transtec Group (Consultant) includes the development
of MoDOT IC-IR protocols and training materials, conducting IC-IR training, on-site technical
support to IC-IR field projects, and analysis and reports of IC-IR field data.

The first MoDOT IC-IR contract (No. TR2176) was funded by the AID grant and matching
funds, included support for ten (10) field projects. The second MoDOT IC-IR contract (No.
TR20182) was funded by MoDOT to add support tasks for three additional IC-IR field projects.
Therefore, a total of thirteen (13) IC-IR field projects were performed under these two contracts.

This report provides a summary of the two combined projects, including field test results,
lessons-learned and recommendations. In additional to this final report, other reports produced
under these projects include:
• MoDOT IC-IR Protocol: guidelines to plan and conduct IC-IR project
• MoDOT IC-IR workshop handouts: handout materials for workshop participants
• Individual MODOT IC-IR field project reports: 13 reports for the field projects

Structure of this Report

This report includes the following chapters:
1. Introduction
2. Innovative Technologies: Description of the IC and IR technologies and the Veta
3. IC-IR Protocol: The Protocol for planning, conducting IC-IR field projects, and data
4. IC-IR Training: Training materials and workshops on IC and IR.
5. IC-IR Field Projects: Description of IC-IR project information and paving schedule.
6. Data Analysis and Results: Description of analysis methods, summary of results, and
project evaluation.
7. IC-IR Specification Reviews: Reviews and comments on MODOT IC and IR
8. Conclusions and Recommendations: Conclusions of this study and recommendation
for IC-IR future implementation.

Innovative Technologies
The following is a comprehensive description of the main innovative technologies used for this
project: IC, IR, and Veta software.

IC Technologies
Intelligent compaction is an equipment-based technology to improve quality control of
compaction. IC vibratory rollers are equipped with a high precision global positioning system
(GPS), infrared temperature sensors, an accelerometer-based measurement system, and an
onboard tablet computer for real time display of color-coded maps (e.g., passes, temperature,
Intelligent Compaction Measurement Values, ICMV, etc. as shown in Figure 1). GPS is used
interchangeably with Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) in this report. IC can be used
to improve compaction control for various pavement materials including granular and clayey
soils, subbase materials, and asphalt materials. The accelerometer-based measurement system,
ICMV, is a core IC technology that was invented in the early 80’s and is still evolving today.

Courtesy of Volvo
Figure 1. Example of IC Color-coded Displays for Roller Passes, Asphalt Temperatures,
and ICMV.

IC systems are available in two forms: Original Engineering Manufacture (OEM, Figure 2) and
after-market IC retrofit (Figure 3). The OEM is directly from roller vendor’s factory. The IC
retrofit can be mounted on selected models of rollers.

Figure 2. Examples of OEM Double-Drum IC Rollers.

Figure 3. An Example of IC Retrofit Systems.

Intelligent Compaction Measurement Value (ICMV) is a generic term for an accelerometer-
based measurement system instrumented on vibratory rollers as a key component of intelligent
compaction systems. ICMV is based on the acceleration signals that represent the rebound force
from the compacted materials to the roller drums. ICMV comes in different forms of metrics
with various levels of correlation to compacted material’s mechanical and physical properties,
such as stiffness, modulus, and density (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Method of Measuring and Calculating ICMV.
A recent FHWA IC Technical Brief provides a comprehensive description of ICMV and a
classification system based on its correlation with in-situ spot tests, whether valid when drum-
materials decouple, and whether it can be used to produce layer-specific mechanical properties.
Table 1 and Table 2 summarize key information from this Tech Brief.

Table 1. Summary of ICMV Model and Methods (FHWA ICMV Tech Brief).

Table 2. Classification of ICMV Levels (FHWA ICMV Tech Brief).

The ICMVs used for the MoDOT field projects included: Compaction Meter Value (CMV),
Compaction Control Value (CCV), and Estimated Density Value (EDV). The first two were
considered a Level 1 solution, while the third is not classified due to lack of third-party field
validation test data.

The IC systems used for the 13 MoDOT field projects included: OEM Caterpillar system, OEM
Volvo System, Trimble IC retrofit system, and TOPCON IC retrofit system. Wireless
transmitting of IC data to the vendors’ cloud was available for all of these systems except Volvo.
The Caterpillar and Trimble systems use VisionLink, while the TOPCON system uses
SITELINK3D. The cloud solution can prevent data loss and make future “direct import of data
from the cloud to Veta” feature possible. The limitation of using wireless data transmission is
cellular signal coverage in remote project locations. Machine-to-machine communication was
not available for the IC systems used under this project.

IR Technologies
The IR or PMTP systems make use of infrared scanners or thermal imaging techniques to
measure asphalt mat temperatures right behind the paver (Figure 5). The IR system is equipped
with GPS and a DMI to track the positions of thermal profiles and paver speeds (Figure 6). The
IR system used for the 13 field projects was the MOBA PAVE-IR system. Wireless transmitting
IR data to the vendors’ cloud was available for the MOBA PAVE-IR system.

Courtesy of MOBA
Figure 5. An Illustration of an IR System.

Figure 6. An Example of IR Display of Thermal Profiles and Paver-Speed.

Veta Software
Veta is a public-domain standardized software for IC and IR analysis. It is required in the
AASHTO PP81-17 specifications and most State Highway Agency (SHA) IC specifications. The
Consultant developed and is continuously enhancing Veta with the funding from the
Transportation Pooled Fund study, “TPF-5(334) Enhancement to the Intelligent Construction
Data Management System (Veta) and Implementation”.

Figure 7. AASHTO Standard Software Veta for Intelligent Construction Data


Veta can import data from various IC machines and MOBA PAVE-IR thermal bars and scanners
to perform editing, data layering, point testing, and analysis (Figure 8). IC data are collected as
raw ungridded data as one point across the drum. The raw IC data are then gridded typically in 1
ft. X 1 ft. cells to better track detailed positions of roller coverage (Figure 9). The “all-passes” IC
data include all IC data through the entire compaction process. The final coverage is the final
product or the “bird’s-eye view” of the IC data layers (Figure 10). Veta now imports all-passes
data and produce final coverage data. Veta displays compaction information in easy-to-read
formats, including graphs and maps (Figure 11). Veta was used for all IC and IR analysis under
this project.

Figure 8. IC and IR Data Flow to Veta.

Figure 9. IC Raw and Gridded data.

Figure 10. IC All-Passes Data and Final Coverage data.

Figure 11. Screenshots of Veta Displays and Analysis.

Work Plan
The work plan for this project included five (5) main tasks.
• Task 1 – Kick Off Meeting
• Task 2 – IC-IR Data Management Protocol
• Task 3 – IC-IR Training Courses
• Task 4 – IC-IR Field Project Supports
• Task 5 – IC-IR Specifications
The timeline and deliverable schedule for all tasks are summarized below in Table 3.

Table 3. Timeline and Deliverable Schedule.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Tasks 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Task 1 – Kick Off Meeting XO
Task 2 – IC-IR Data Management Protocol X XXXX OO
Task 3-1: Development of Training Materials X XXXX OO
Task 3-2: Conduct Training Courses XXX XXXX
Task 4-1: Planning for IC-IR Data Management
Task 4-2: Field Supports
Task 4-3: IC-IR Data Analysis
Task 4-4: IC-IR Project Report
Task 5 – IC-IR Specifications XXXX OOOO XX
Quarterly Report X X X X

X Contractor's effort
O MoDOT reviews
Schedule for project field support will depend on the paving schedule.

Task 1 – Kick Off Meeting

The Consultant conducted a kick-off meeting with MoDOT. The purpose was to discuss the
Work Plan for any updates or modifications, if needed. Deliverables included the meeting
minutes and updated work plan within two weeks of notice to proceed of this project.

Task 2 – IC-IR Data Management Protocol

The Consultant developed IC-IR Data Management Protocol to include the following elements:
• File folder structure (daily data folders, raw data, exported data, rover boundary files,
Veta files, spot tests files, correlation analysis files)
• File and Veta filter group naming convention (lot info: route type, route number,
material, layer, lane offsets, direction; daily operation: date, lot name, lot number,
• GPS and IR sensors validation records
• Daily operation records (paving section-direction and lanes, layer information, paver
information, breakdown/intermediate/finish rollers, boundary rover data, associated
spot tests, associated spot tests)

Deliverables include the IC-IR Data Management Protocol document.

Task 3 – IC-IR Training Courses

Task 3-1: Development of IC-IR Training Course Materials
The Consultant developed one-day instructor-led training materials for IC-IR. The training
materials include the following:
• Technical background of IC and IR
• IC and IR measurements and analysis
• Positioning systems
• MoDOT IC-IR Data Management Protocol
• Case Studies and hands-on exercises with Veta and MOBA PaveManager Software
Deliverables include the IC-IR Training presentation materials in MS PowerPoint formats,
handout materials in PDF format, and case study files in Veta project files.

Task 3-2: Conduct IC-IR Training Courses

The Consultant conducted one-day instructor-led IC-IR training courses for personnel from the
seven (7) MoDOT District Offices. All contractors’ Quality Control (QC) managers and
technicians that are involved in the 13 AID IC and IR projects were trained during these
workshops. Based on the training facilities, computers, and trainee locations, the dates and
locations were designated by the MoDOT project manager to facilitate the delivery of the
training courses closer to the corresponding paving dates.

One of the key components of the training courses was to train MoDOT staff and contractors
how to take advantage of IC and IR technologies for their own QC and Quality Assurance (QA)
benefits. The training stressed on trouble shooting in the field to ensure adequate IC-IR
operations and data collection.

Task 4 – IC-IR Project Support

The Consultants provided technical support for 13 IC-IR projects according to the following sub-
tasks for each project. Further information regarding these field projects are described in a later
chapter in this report.

Task 4-1: Planning for IC-IR Data Management

The Contractor provided ad hoc planning meeting for each field project, generally during the IC-
IR training workshop one to several weeks prior to the paving. The email correspondence
includes MoDOT IC-IR project manager, inspector, and contractors. The MoDOT IC-IR data
management protocol and check list were reviewed by all parties.

Task 4-2: Field Support

The Contractor provided field support for each field project. The Contractor provided onsite
technical support during the first few days of each paving project. The key was to ensure proper
IC-IR operations and data reviews for the first few days of paving.

Task 4-3: IC-IR Data Analysis
The Contractor conducted IC-IR data analysis for each field project. The analysis includes data
observations, statistics analysis and correlation analysis to indicate any issues and evaluate the
quality levels with field operations.

Task 4-4: IC-IR Project Reports

The Contractor produced a concise report for each field project. The reports focused the benefits
and lessons learn on IC-IR technologies. The reports served as case studies to facilitate the
marketing of the IC-IR technologies within Missouri. Deliverables included field support for all
IC-IR projects, and completed data analysis and project reports.

Task 5 – IC-IR Specifications

Drawing on experiences from the IC-IR field projects, the Contractor provided recommendations
for modifications to the MoDOT IC and IR specifications. The modification reflected the
practicality of field operations and local needs of MoDOT.

IC-IR Protocol
Summary of IC-IR Protocol Elements
The MODOT IC-IR Protocol (Figure 12) is a stand-alone document that includes the protocol to
manage intelligent compaction and infrared scanning data for the IC-IR field projects. The goal
is to ensure IC, IR, and associated data and derivative files are properly collected, stored, and

Figure 12: MoDOT IC-IR Project Protocol.

The elements of the MODOT IC-IR Protocol include:
1. Project Planning
• Pre-paving Meeting
• Responsibility of Each Party
• Daily Debriefing

• Communication Methods
2. Data File Sharing
• MoDOT SharePoint
• Data Folder Structure
• Data Types
• Data File Naming Convention
3. Pre-Paving Setup and Checks
• IC System Setup and Checks
• IR Scanner System Setup and Checks
4. Paving Operation Records and Data
• Project Information
• Daily Paving Record
• Summary of Paving Activities and Machine Settings
• Summary of IR and IC Analysis Results
• Data Management
­ IC Data Management
­ GPS Daily Production Boundary Managements
­ IR Data Management
­ Data Files Inventory

Key elements of the MODOT IC-IR Protocol are described below. Further details can be found
in the actual MODOT IC-IR Protocol document.

Check Lists and Forms

The Protocol includes check lists and standard forms to facilitate project and data management
for the contractors, and resident engineers (REs).

Contractor's Check List
Job No.

Yes No
Conduct IC GPS verification..
Conduct IR scanner DMI calibration.
Construct a trial section.
Record and export IC data.
Record and export daily production boundaries.
Record IR scanner data.
Record spot test data.
Create a Veta project file for IC data.
Produce MOBA IR Segment Report.
Fill daily paving record form.
Transmit all files to MoDOT SharePoint.


Figure 13: Contractor’s Daily Check List.

Route: Job No.
IC System:
IR System:
Start time: Start Milepost: Length (ft): 0
Stop Time: Stop Milepost: HMA (tons):
GPS Verification
Nothing (m) Easting (m) Diff. (mm) < 30mm?
Rover Y
Trial Section
Opt Passes
Direction Lane Lift Width (ft) Thickness (")

Position Roller Passes Static/Vib Amp (mm) Freq (vpm)

Figure 14: Contractor’s Daily Paving Record Form.

RE's Daily Check List
Job No.

Yes No
Record daily field diaries.
Review IC Veta Project file submitted by contractor.
Review IR segment report submitted by contractor.
Transmit daily diaries to MoDOT SharePoint.


Figure 15: Daily Check List for REs.

File Naming Convention
The standard data file convention (Table 4) was recommended to facilitate data file management.
The recommended file naming convention for the root name in this protocol is:
[job no]-[date]-[data Type].[extension]
[job no] : MoDOT field project job number (e.g., 2P3051) in 6 alpha-numeric
[date] : paving date in YYYMMDD.
[data type] : data type in 3 characters (see definition in Table 4.)
[extension] : data file extension.

Table 4: Data File Naming Convention

Data Type Data File Names Examples

Daily Trial Section [job no]-[date]-TRL.xlsx 2P3051-20161021-TRL.xlsx
Daily GPS [job no]-[date]-GPS.PDF 2P3051-20161021-GPS.PDF
IC Raw Data [job no]-[date]-ICD.[extension] 2P3051-20161021-ICD.CSV
• BOMAG exported IC files (*.csva)
• Caterpillar/Trimble/Volvo
exported IC files (*.csv)
• Dynapac exported IC files (*.txt)
• Hamm exported IC data files
• Sakai/TOPCON exported IC files
IR Raw Data [job no]-[date]-IRD.paveproj 2P3051-20161021-
IR MOBA Report [job no]-[date]-IRR.PDF 2P3051-20161021-IRR.PDF
Daily Production [job no]-[date]-BND.xlsx 2P3051-20161021-BND.xlsx
Boundary Data
Daily Spot Test [job no]-[date]-SPT.xlsx 2P3051-20161021-SPT.xlsx
Daily IC Veta [job no]-[date]-IC.vetaproj 2P3051-20161021-
Project File ICD.vetaproj
Daily IR Veta [job no]-[date]-IR.vetaproj 2P3051-20161021-
Project File IRD.vetaproj
• If there are multiple operations in a day (e.g., different lifts or paving directions), tag
sequential number at the end of the filename, e.g., 2P3051-20161021-ICD1.xlsx, 2P3051-
• When a Veta project file includes multiple days of data from a given project, a simple

naming convention will be used, such as: 2P3051-ICD.vetaproj, 2P3051-IRD.vetaproj.
• If MoDOT elects to use alignment files from design, the naming convention can be: [job

MoDOT SharePoint
The MoDOT SharePoint has been essential for all parties to share data files for the field projects.
Each project was assigned with a project folder (Figure 16).

Figure 16: MoDOT SharePoint IC-IR Project Folders.

Each field project folder will have the subfolders to store specific types of data (Figure 17):
Analysis files (analysis spreadsheet files)
GPSdata (GPS validation files and daily production boundary spreadsheet files)
IC data (raw IC data files and notes)
IRData (raw IR data files and IR PDF report files)
Notes_Reports (notes and report files)
PhotoVideos (field photo and video files)
SpotTest (spot test data spreadsheet files)
Veta (Veta project and report files)

Figure 17: MoDOT SharePoint IC-IR Project Sub-Folders.

Contactors were required to transmit the following data to the respected sub-folders:
• Contractor’s daily check list form,
• Daily paving record form,
• IC data,
• IR PDF reports,
• GPS paving boundary,
• Spot test data (core or nuke), and
• Photos (if any).
REs were required to transmit the following data to the respected sub-folders
• RE’s daily check list form,
• Daily diaries,
• Photos (if any)
The Consultant managed all data files in all sub-folders. All essential IC-IR documents (e.g.,
check lists, standard forms, protocol, workshop handouts, trial section spreadsheet, etc.) were
also uploaded to the SharePoint folders.

IC-IR Training
Training Materials
The Consultant developed IC-IR training materials in a package that includes:
• Workshop agenda
• Workshop trainers’ information
• Veta software and support
• Workshop slides

• Instructions for hands-on sample files
The workshop agenda is shown in Figure 18, below. The IC-IR workshop handout documents
include all the elements mentioned above.

Workshop Agenda
• To familiarize attendees with the intelligent compaction (IC), infrared (IR) thermal
profiling and Veta software.
• To review the State Specifications, and protocol.
• To inform attendees of the advantages, limitations, and troubleshooting IC and IR
• To provide an interactive and hands-on approach throughout the workshop.

08:00 am Session 1 – IC-IR Setup and Data Collection
08:45 am Hands-on Exercises
10:00 am Break
10:15 am Session 2 – Data Analysis with Veta
10:45 am Hands-on Exercises
11:45 am Break (Lunch)
01:15 pm Session 3 – Trouble Shootings
01:45 pm Hands-on Exercises
02:45 pm Break
03:00 pm Hands-on Exercises
04:00 pm Adjourn

Figure 18: MoDOT IC-IR Training Workshop Agenda.

Training Workshops
The training workshops (Table 5, Figure 19) were scheduled to be as close as possible to the start
of paving of the field projects.

Table 5. MoDOT IC-IR Training Workshop Schedule.

No. Date Location Targeted Contractors

1 3/29/17 Jefferson City Chester/Capital
2 4/6/17 Springfield Blevins/APAC
3 5/15/17 St. Louis Magruder
4 5/18/17 Willow Spring Pace/APAC
5 6/15/17 St. Joseph Herzog
6 8/3/2017 Clay County Ideker/Capital
7 3/14/2018 Jefferson City All contractors

Figure 19: Photos from the MoDOT IC-IR Training Workshops.

IC-IR Field Projects
Project Descriptions
The schedule for the MoDOT IC-IR field projects is listed in Table 6.

Table 6. MoDOT IC-IR Project Schedule

No. Job No. District County Route Start Date End Date Days
1 J5P3117 CD Morgan 52 5/9/2017 7/13/2017 19
2 J4I3111 KC Clay 29 8/18/2017 9/16/2017 7
3 J3I3042 KC Lafayette 70 8/14/2017 9/22/2017 19
4 J2P3099 NE Macon 36 5/8/2017 5/17/2017 7
5 J2P3100 NE Macon 36 5/25/2017 6/21/2017 12
6 J2P3051 NE Randolph 24 10/21/2016 11/3/2016 8
7 J1P3005 NW Chariton 24 4/24/2017 5/17/2017 10
8 J9P3161 SE Texas 17 9/28/2017 10/19/2017 11
9 J6S3123 SL Jefferson 61 5/31/2017 6/9/2017 9
10 J7I3072 SW McDonald 49 6/5/2017 7/6/2017 13
11 J1S3028 NW Daviess 69 6/29/2017 7/7/2017 5
12 J5P3170 CD Cooper 5 9/8/2017 9/19/2017 10
13 J9P3296 SE Texas 17 7/5/2017 8/18/2017 16

The IR and IC systems used for each of the MoDOT IC-IR field projects is listed in Table 7.

Table 7. MoDOT IC-IR Project Systems Used

No. Job No. District County Route IR System IC System

2 J4I3111 KC Clay 29 MOBA-PAVEIR Trimble
3 J3I3042 KC Lafayette 70 MOBA-PAVEIR Volvo
4 J2P3099 NE Macon 36 MOBA-PAVEIR Volvo
5 J2P3100 NE Macon 36 MOBA-PAVEIR Volvo
6 J2P3051 NE Randolph 24 MOBA-PAVEIR Trimble
7 J1P3005 NW Chariton 24 MOBA-PAVEIR Trimble
9 J6S3123 SL Jefferson 61 MOBA-PAVEIR Caterpillar
10 J7I3072 SW McDonald 49 MOBA-PAVEIR Trimble
11 J1S3028 NW Daviess 69 MOBA-PAVEIR Trimble
13 J9P3296 SE Texas 17 MOBA-PAVEIR Volvo

The contractor codes (1 to 8) are used for this report for protection of privacy and confidentiality.

The locations for the MoDOT IC-IR field projects and workshops are shown in Figure 20.


NN-RTNN Field Site

0 4 -RT36
5 1 1 -RT69
0 5 -RT36
0 2 -RT29

6 0 3 -RT70

1 2 -RT5

1 7
0 1 -RT52
0 9 -RT61

0 8 -RT17

1 3 -RT17

1 0 -RT49

Figure 20: MoDOT IC-IR Project and Workshop Locations.

Data Analysis and Results
IR Data Analysis
The IR data was analyzed using the MOBA PaveProj Program (PPM) reports as per the MoDOT
IR specification. Veta (version 4.1) analysis reports were generated for informational purposes.
Veta uses the AASHTO PP 80-17 method to compute the “Range” values by taking the
differences between the 98.5-percentile value and 1-percentile value of thermal profile data with
a given 150 ft. sublot. The areas of any paver stop, 2 ft. before and 8 ft. after, were excluded
from temperature differential computation as per AASHTO PP 80-17 specification (Figure 21).
MOBA indicates that the intention of this exclusion is to capture temperature segregation during
“normal paving operation”.

The remaining data are used to calculate the Range value, 98.5th percentile – 1th percentile
(Figure 22). The classification of temperature segregation is based on the Range value as
follows: Low (Range ≤ 25.0 °F); Moderate (25.0 °F < Range ≤ 50.0 °F); and Severe (Range >
50.0 °F), as shown in Figure 23. The temperature segregation based on the above analysis
method does not consider the effects of paver stops.

Figure 21: AASHTO PP80 IR Analysis Method: 10’ exclusion around a paver stop

Figure 22: AASHTO PP80 IR Analysis Method: Computation of “Range” value

Figure 23: AASHTO PP80 IR Analysis Method: Segregation categories

An example of IR data analysis from the August 14, 2017 data from J3I3042 RT 70 is shown in
Figure 24. The MOBA PAVE-IR data were downloaded from eRoutes, and the corresponding
MOBA PPM screenshot shown below. Note that there is erroneous time/speed data around
4,000 ft.

Figure 24: Example of MOBA PPM IR Analysis Screens.

The MOBA PPM report indicates 57% no segregation, 38% moderate segregation, and 5%
severe segregation (Table 8). The MOBA PPM report is the data source used to determine
incentive/disincentive according to the IR Job Special Provision (JSP).

Table 8. Example of MOBA PPM IR Analysis Report of Temperature Segregation.

The MOBA raw data were imported to Veta, and Figure 25 shows the Veta Viewer screen of IR
data plot on a satellite base map for the project.

Figure 25: Example of Veta Viewer screen of IR data plots (J3I3042, RT70).

A Veta filter group is created to use Data Filters to exclude temperatures under 180°F and an
Operation Filter/Cold Edge filter to exclude any cold temperatures from adjacent existing
pavement/shoulder surfaces (Figure 26). Note that the IR data uploaded to VETA was for
research purposes and was not used to evaluate incentive/disincentive.

Figure 26: Example of Veta Filter screen (J3I3042, RT70).

Further, 150-ft sublots were created for analysis (Figure 27).

Figure 27: Example of a Veta Sublot screen (J3I3042, RT70).

Note the data gap at a bridge in the screenshot in Figure 28. The data gap is due to the fact that
there was no HMA placed on the bridge, and since the temperature of the surface was below the
threshold of 80oC, the data was filtered out by the MOBA. However, it is recommended that the
MOBA system be left “ON” while the paver mobilizes across a bridge (or similar situation) as
the distance data is continued to be collected and is used in data analysis.

Figure 28: Example of a Veta Sublot screen for IR data analysis (J3I3042, RT70).

A typical Veta analysis setup for this set of IR data is shown in Figure 29.

Figure 29: Example of a Veta Analysis setup for IR data analysis (J3I3042, RT70).

A typical Veta thermal profile, time diagram, and paver speed plot are shown in Figure 30. The
vertical black bar in the thermal profile, along with the time diagram plot and the paver speed,
indicates a paver stop for approximately 14 minutes at an approximate distance of 3,800 ft. from
beginning of the paving operation.

Figure 30: Example of a Veta IR data analysis results (J3I3042, RT70).

The Paver Stop map (Figure 31) plots a pink circle indicating paver stop locations, and text
indicating stop duration in minutes.

Figure 31: Example of a Veta Paver Stop plot (J3I3042, RT70).

A sample Veta temperature differential report is shown in Figure 32. The reported length is
9,038 ft. (approximately 600 ft. different from the MOBA reported length).

Figure 32: Example of a Veta IR Temperature Differential report (J3I3042, RT70).

IC Data Analysis
Roller Passes
The IC coverage analysis was based on the optimum pass count. The rolling pattern should
depend on the asphalt mix and decision by the RE and the contractor. The optimum pass count is
determined by the trial section. That may consist of vibratory passes, static passes, or a
combination of both. The “Roller Coverage” for each day of paving was classified according to
the percentage of paved area which met or exceeded the optimum number of rolling passes based
on the MoDOT Specification shown in Table 9.

Table 9. MoDOT IC Coverage Classification.

The target ICMV can be determined based on the correlation between the ICMV data and
acceptance spot tests from the trial section (Figure 33). The requirements for the acceptable
correlation between ICMV and acceptance spot tests is R< 0.7 or R2 < 0.5, based on most of the
international IC specifications.

Figure 33: Target ICMV determined by Correlation between ICMV and Acceptance Spot
Tests from Trial Section Data.

Note that ICMV and acceptance spot tests are often fundamentally different mechanisms and not
all ICMV methods are equal. The FHWA ICMV Tech Brief provides additional details on this
issue (FHWA-HIF-17-046).

Figure 34: FWHA ICMV Tech Brief (FHWA-HIF-17-046).

Since ICMV is measured only with vibratory passes, the projects that use only static passes or
mix of vibratory/static passes did not have sufficient ICMV data for further analysis. When
vibratory passes are used but without companion acceptance spot tests, the target ICMV and
optimal passes can be determined based on the ICMV compaction curve where the increment of
ICMV with each subsequent pass is less than 5% (Figure 35).

Figure 35: Target ICMV determined by an ICMV Compaction Curve when Acceptance
Spot Tests from Trial Section Data are Not Available.
The target ICMV coverage was based on MoDOT IC specification, as shown in Table 10.

Table 10. MoDOT Target ICMV Coverage Classification.

Mat Temperature
Based on MoDOT Specification Section 403.15 (Figure 36), during vibratory compaction, the
internal asphalt mat temperature requirement should be > 225 °F for non-warm mix or > 200°F
for warm mix paving. Consideration is given to the fact that the IC roller collects surface
temperatures while the intent of this specification is for internal temperatures.

Figure 36: MODOT Requirement for Mat Temperatures during vibratory compaction.
The Veta analysis for the temperature requirement makes use of a data filter for vibratory passes
only and an analysis setup for the target temperature coverage (Figure 37). While as
demonstrated in Figure 37, the capability exists with Veta to exclude vibratory passes under a
given temperature. However, due to the differences between roller surface temperature
measurements and internal temperatures, these passes were not excluded for the pilot projects.

Data Filter Temperature

Vibratory only Criteria
Figure 37: Veta Data Filter and Analysis Setup for MODOT Requirement for Mat
Temperatures during vibratory compaction.

Analysis Example
An example of a complete IC analysis is presented below for the J1P3005 RT 24 project on

Trial Section – 4/24/2017

• Section: The initial 1,500 ft. of the paved area (Figure 38).
• A nuclear density gauge was used to perform spot tests of density. Readings were taken
at exactly the same spots after each pass.
• Optimum Rolling Pattern
The compaction curve is shown in Figure 39. The rolling pattern for the breakdown IC roller is
four passes, including three vibratory passes and one static pass. The roller was set to operate at
high frequency and low amplitude.

Figure 38: Trial Section Tests on 4/24/2017 (J1P3005 RT 24).



89 89.1

87 Spot 1
86.8 Spot 2
86 Spot 4
Spot 5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 39: Compaction Curve from the Trial Section on 4/24/2017 (J1P3005 RT 24).

The VisionLink IC data file was imported to Veta for analysis. Figure 40 shows the pass count

Figure 40: An Example Veta Analysis Screen showing Pass Count map (J1P3005 RT 24).

Two filter groups were created, or Section 1 and Section 2 (Figure 41). A third filter group was
created by combining both sections.

Figure 41: An Example Veta Analysis Screen showing Filter Groups (J1P3005 RT 24).

Spot test data of core density were imported to Veta’s Spot Test Screen (Figure 42). The four
core density tests correspond to the second set of four test locations within the trial section.

Figure 42: An Example Veta Analysis Screen showing spot tests (J1P3005 RT 24).

The first round of the IC analysis is used to inspect the correlation analysis between CMV and
core density (Figure 43). Since the R2 is 0.62, it is valid to use the linear correlation to calculate
the target CMV based on 92% Gmm for the core density data. The resulting target CMV is 10.68.

Figure 43: An Example Veta Analysis Screen showing correlation tests between ICMV and
spot tests (J1P3005 RT 24).

The roller coverage for the target passes (four) is 95% (Figure 44), which passes the 90%
requirement criteria. The ICMV coverage for the target ICMV is 92% (Figure 45), which passes
the 70% criteria (i.e., not flagged).

Figure 44: An Example Veta Analysis Screen showing the Roller Coverage report
(J1P3005 RT 24).

Figure 45: An Example Veta Analysis Screen showing the ICMV Coverage report
(J1P3005 RT 24).

Another filter group is created for vibratory passes only. The temperature requirement was set to
the specification criteria of 225°F. The coverage for vibratory passes at or above the target
temperature is 51% (Figure 46), which fails the criteria of 100% (based on the MoDOT
specification requirements).

Figure 46: An Example Veta Analysis Screen showing the Mat Temperature report
(J1P3005 RT 24).

Summary of Results
An individual report was produced for each field project (Figure 47). The trial section
compaction curve, summary of MOBA/Veta temperature segregation reports, and summary of
IC roller coverage reports are presented for each project, below.

Figure 47: An Example MoDOT IC-IR Project Report.

Project No. 1 - J5P3117, RT 52

Trial Section (5/9/2017)

Optimum Rolling Pattern: The compaction curve is shown in Figure 48. The rolling pattern
established was a total of eight vibratory passes with the two double drum rollers. The rollers
were set to operate at high frequency and low amplitude.

Figure 48 Compaction Curve from the Trial Section on 5/9/2017 (Project No. 1 - J5P3117,
RT 52).

Trial Section (5/12/2017)
Optimum Rolling Pattern: The compaction curve is shown in Figure 49. The rolling pattern
established was four vibratory passes at high frequency and high amplitude with the breakdown
IC rollers, followed by four static passes by the intermediate double drum roller, and four passes
by the pneumatic roller.

Figure 49 Compaction Curve from the Trial Section on 5/12/2017 (Project No. 1 - J5P3117,
RT 52).

A summary of IR results is shown in Table 11, Figure 50, and Figure 51. Most of the
temperature segregation was in the “no segregation” and “moderate segregation” categories.

Table 11: Summary of IR Results (Project No. 1 - J5P3117, RT 52)
Day Date Low Moderate Severe Low Moderate Severe
# % # % # % # % # % # %

1 5/9/2017 33 48 33 48 3 4 33 53 27 44 2 3

2 5/10/2017 22 61 14 39 0 0 23 62 14 38 0 0

3 5/12/2017 38 63 22 37 0 0 44 71 18 29 0 0

4 5/13/2017 33 46 38 54 0 0 41 56 32 44 0 0

5 5/15/2017 65 73 24 27 0 0 78 85 14 15 0 0

6 5/16/2017 21 27 56 73 0 0 39 49 40 51 0 0

7 5/18/2017 46 61 29 38 1 1 47 60 31 39 1 1

8 6/5/2017 58 75 19 25 0 0 62 78 18 22 0 0

9 6/6/2017 37 61 24 39 0 0 46 73 17 27 0 0

10 6/7/2017 48 57 36 42 1 1 58 67 29 33 0 0

11 6/26/2017 12 38 17 59 1 3 13 44 16 53 1 3

12 6/27/2017 67 62 37 80 5 5 5 38 7 54 1 8

13 6/28/2017 67 62 37 35 3 3 72 73 25 26 1 1

14 6/29/2017 30 65 16 35 0 0 32 67 16 33 0 0

15 7/6/2017 59 79 15 20 1 1 63 81 15 19 0 0

16 7/10/2017 59 79 13 18 2 3 66 86 8 11 2 3

17 7/11/2017 62 73 15 18 8 9 68 77 14 16 6 7

18 7/12/2017 22 92 2 8 0 0 23 96 1 4 0 0

19 7/13/2017 32 75 10 23 1 2 38 86 6 14 0 0
*. Veta results are for information only.

Percentage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Paving Dates

Low Moderate Severe

Figure 50: Summary of MOBA PPM Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 1 -
J5P3117, RT 52).

Percentage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Paving Dates

Low Moderate Severe

Figure 51: Summary of Veta Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 1 - J5P3117,
RT 52).

Note that the roller coverage reports are missing for Days 8, 11, and 15 due to malfunctioning of
the IC system. The roller coverage results were mixed without apparent trends of improvement.

Table 12: Summary of IC Results (Project No. 1 - J5P3117, RT 52)

Roller Coverage ICMV

Day Date
% Coverage Classification (Target: min. 70%)

1 5/9/2017 83.16 Moderate *

2 5/10/2017 73.33 Moderate *

3 5/12/2017 84.69 Moderate *

4 5/13/2017 84.16 Moderate *

5 5/15/2017 92.15 Passing *

6 5/16/2017 77.8 Moderate *

7 5/18/2017 87.51 Moderate *

8 6/5/2017 _ _ _

9 6/6/2017 82.18 Moderate *

10 6/7/2017 88.78 Moderate *

11 6/26/2017 _ _ _

12 6/27/2017 81.36 Moderate Roller 2 & 3 Only

13 6/28/2017 76.56 Moderate Roller 2 & 3 Only

14 6/29/2017 81.47 Moderate *

15 7/6/2017 _ _ _

16 7/10/2017 82.43 Moderate Roller 2 & 3 Only

17 7/11/2017 87.85 Moderate *

18 7/12/2017 86.73 Moderate *

19 7/13/2017 87.18 Moderate *


* Not a na l yzed s i nce no ta rget ICMV wa s determi ned from tri a l s ecti ons .

Again, the roller coverage reports are missing for Days 8, 11, and 15 due to malfunctioning of
the IC system. The roller coverage results were mixed without apparent trends of improvement.

Roller Coverage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Paving days

Figure 52: Summary of Roller Coverage Report (Project No. 1 - J5P3117, RT 52).

Project No. 2 - J4I3111, RT 29
Trial section tests were conducted on 8/25/2017 and 8/26/2017 for the SP190B and SP095B
mixtures, respectively.

Trial Section – 8/25/2017 (SP190B)

Optimum Rolling Pattern: The compaction curve is shown in Figure 53. The rolling pattern
established was seven vibratory passes for the breakdown IC rollers (echelon). From
observations from the data, the rollers were set to operate at low frequency and low amplitude.

Compaction Curve

96 95.55
94.55 94.575
94 94


90 89.85



82 81.95

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Figure 53 Compaction Curve SP190B from the Trial Section on 8/25/2017 (Project No. 2 -
J4I3111, RT 29).

Trial Section – 8/26/2017 (SP095B)
Optimum Rolling Pattern: The compaction curve is shown in Figure 54. The rolling pattern
established was five vibratory passes for the breakdown IC rollers. From observations from the
data, the rollers were set to operate at low frequency and low amplitude.

Figure 54 Compaction Curve SP095B from the Trial Section on8/26/2017 (Project No. 2 -
J4I3111, RT 29).

A summary of IR results is shown in Table 13, Figure 55, and Figure 56. There was moderate
temperature segregation with limited severe segregation. Note that MOBA PPM results are not
available for Days 6 and 10 due to missing raw data, and Veta IR results were not available for
Day 10 due to missing raw data. Note that Day 12 results from MOBA PPM and Veta are
significantly different.

Table 13: Summary of IR Results (Project No. 2 - J4I3111, RT 29)


# Dir/Lane/Lift Date Low Moderate Severe Low Moderate Severe

# % # % # % # % # % # %

1 SB/2/Base 8/25/2017 14 74 4 21 1 5 9 50 8 44 1 6

2 SB/2/Surface 9 60 5 33 1 7 5 36 8 57 1 7
3 SB/3/Base 37 82 6 13 2 4 28 64 13 30 3 7

4 SB/3/Surface 8/27/2017 41 91 3 7 1 2 25 57 16 36 3 7

5 NB/2/Base 16 67 7 29 1 4 29 63 13 28 4 9
6 SB/1/Base ** 30 65 13 28 3 7

7 NB/1/Base 17 68 5 20 3 12 22 48 19 41 5 11

8 NB/1/Surface 40 83 7 15 1 2 27 59 15 33 4 9
9 NB/2/Surface 21 44 20 42 7 15 10 22 30 65 6 13

10 SB/1/Surface **

11 NB/3/Base 9/15/2017 28 97 1 3 0 0 27 87 3 10 1 3

12 NB/3/Surface 9/16/2017 39 85 5 11 2 4 10 22 24 52 12 26
* Veta results are for information only.
** Data missing.

Again, the MOBA PPM results are not available for Days 6 and 10 due to missing raw data, and
Veta IR results were not available for Day 10 due to missing raw data.
Percentage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Paving Days

Low Moderate Severe

Figure 55: Summary of MOBA PPM Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 2 -
J4I3111, RT 29).

Percentage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Paving Days

Low Moderate Severe

Figure 56: Summary of Veta Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 2 - J4I3111, RT

Table 14 and Figure 57 provide a summary of the roller coverage results. The roller coverage
results were mixed without apparent trends of improvement.

Table 14: Summary of IC Results (Project No. 2 - J4I3111, RT 29)

Target Passes Target ICMV Temperature for vibratory
No. Date Dir/Lane/Lift
% Coverage Classification % Coverage Classification % Coverage Classification
1 8/25/2017 SB/2/Base 84 Moderate 2.2 Flagged 68 Failed

2 SB/2/Surface 98 Passed * Flagged 6 Failed

3 SB/3/Base 79 Moderate 0.62 Flagged 90 Failed

4 8/27/2017 SB/3/Surface 96 Passed * Flagged 11 Failed

5 NB/2/Base 91 Passed 0.31 Flagged 100 Passed

6 SB/1/Base 75 Moderate 0.24 Flagged 25 Failed

7 NB/1/Base 63 Failed 0.14 Flagged 65 Failed

8 NB/1/Surface 67 Failed * Flagged 65 Failed

9 NB/2/Surface 95 Passed * Flagged 36 Failed

10 SB/1/Surface 91 Passed * Flagged 33 Failed

11 9/15/2017 NB/3/Base 96 Passed 0.68 Flagged 24 Failed

12 9/16/2017 NB/3/Surface 100 Passed * Flagged 33 Failed

Notes: Minimum temprarture for vibratory passes is 200F since Warm Mix Technology was used.
* Not ca l cul a ted

Roller Coverage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Paving days

Figure 57: Summary of Roller Coverage Report (Project No. 2 - J4I3111, RT 29).

Project No. 3 - J3I3042, I-70

Trial Section (8/14/2017)

Optimum Rolling Pattern: The compaction curve is shown in Figure 59. The rolling pattern
established was a total of seven vibratory passes with the breakdown IC rollers. The rollers were
set to operate at high frequency and low amplitude.

Figure 58: Density Compaction Curve from the Trial Section on 8/14/2017 (Project No.
3-J3I3042, I-70)
The Volvo ICMV-EDV were extracted from test locations of the trial section. The compaction
curves from both the nuclear density gauge (NDG) and EDV are compared in the Figure 59.



Density (%Gmm)





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Figure 59: NDG Density and ICMV Compaction Curves from the Trial Section on
8/14/2017 (Project No. 3 - J3I3042, I-70)

A summary of IR results is shown in Table 15 and Table 16, and Figure 60 through Figure 63.
There was no noticeable severe temperature segregation for most paving days, with the exception
of Day 6, which showed severe temperature segregation. The lack of use of MTV may be one of
factors causing the severe temperature segregation on Day 6.

The MOBA PPM report for Day 5 (8/23/2017), shown in Figure 60, includes an 10,000-ft. offset
error in DMI. The reported length is only 3,088 ft., but the actual length is 13,215 ft. Therefore,
the reported number of sublots are incorrect due to the incorrect DMI (see Table 16). Since Veta
uses GPS as references, the Veta IR report, shown in Figure 61, is correct since it is not
influenced by the incorrect DMI. The Veta reported length is 13,215 ft. The actual length was
further verified by the IC data. Note that Day 5 results in Figure 62 are incorrect since the
MOBA PPM used incorrect DMI references, while the Day 5 result in Figure 63 are correct since
Veta uses GPS reference instead of DMI.

Table 15: Summary of IR Results (Project No. 3 - J3I3042, I-70)
Day Date Low Moderate Severe Low Moderate Severe
# % # % # % # % # % # %
1 8/14/2017 37 57 25 38 3 5 37 62 21 35 2 3

2 8/15/2017 43 70 18 30 0 0 42 70 18 30 0 0

3 8/17/2017 42 59 28 39 1 1 44 62 27 38 0 0

4 8/18/2017 27 56 20 42 1 2 27 59 18 39 1 2

5 8/23/2017 2 10 17 81 2 10 55 63 31 35 2 2

6 8/24/2017 2 8 0 0 23 92 2 8 0 0 23 92

7 8/25/2017 26 42 34 55 2 3 27 44 33 54 1 2

8 8/28/2017 56 58 41 42 0 0 48 49 49 51 0 0

9 8/29/2017 43 54 36 45 1 1 39 49 40 51 0 0

10 8/30/2017 34 52 30 46 1 2 28 43 35 54 2 3

11 8/31/2017 34 34 60 61 5 5 30 31 61 64 5 5

12 9/5/2017 37 47 42 53 0 0 37 47 41 53 0 0

13 9/6/2017 46 47 51 53 0 0 45 47 51 53 0 0

14 9/7/2017 37 45 41 50 4 5 39 48 40 49 2 2

15 9/8/2017 51 54 42 45 1 1 53 57 39 42 1 1

16 9/11/2017 60 61 39 39 0 0 60 61 38 39 0 0

17 9/12/2017 43 49 42 48 2 2 40 47 45 52 1 1
18 9/13/2017 29 56 22 42 1 2 29 55 22 42 2 4
19 9/22/2017 10 56 7 39 1 6 8 47 9 53 0 0
Notes: *. Veta results are for information only.

Figure 60: Incorrect distance reported by MOBA PPM for the data on 8/23/2017 (J3I3042,

Table 16: Incorrect number of sublots reported by MOBA PPM for the data on 8/23/2017
(Project No. 3 - J3I3042, I-70).

Figure 61: Correct IR Segregation Reported by Veta for the data on 8/23/2017 (Project No.
3 - J3I3042, I-70).

Percentage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Paving Dates

Low Moderate Severe

Figure 62: Summary of MOBA PPM Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 3 -
J3I3042, I-70).

Percentage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Paving Dates

Low Moderate Severe

Figure 63: Summary of Veta Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 3 - J3I3042, I-

Table 17 and Figure 64 provide a summary of the roller coverage results. The roller coverage
results were mixed but the trend indicated slight improvements as the project progressed. The IC
data on 8/23/2017 (Day 5) included an incorrect boundary file provided by the contractor (see
the tangled lines of boundary in Figure 65). Therefore, no roller coverage analysis could be
performed for this date.

Table 17: Summary of IC Results (Project No. 3 - J3I3042, I-70)

Temperature for
Target Passes Target ICMV
No. Date vibratory passes
% Coverage Classification % Coverage Classification % CoveragClassification
1 8/14/2017 74 Moderate 88 Not Flagged 0.9 Failed

2 8/15/2017 76 Moderate NA NA 4.0 Failed

3 8/17/2017 80 Moderate NA NA 1.0 Failed

4 8/18/2017 82 Moderate NA NA 3.0 Failed

5 8/23/2017 Failed NA NA Failed

6 8/24/2017 82 Moderate NA NA 4.0 Failed

7 8/25/2017 79 Moderate NA NA 1.4 Failed

8 8/28/2017 77 Moderate NA NA 3.0 Failed

9 8/29/2017 79 Moderate NA NA 3.0 Failed

10 8/30/2017 78 Moderate NA NA 3.9 Failed

11 8/31/2017 89 Moderate NA NA 0.5 Failed

12 9/5/2017 94 Passed NA NA 0.0 Failed

13 9/6/2017 90 Passed NA NA 0.1 Failed

14 9/7/2017 91 Passed NA NA 0.5 Failed

15 9/8/2017 91 Passed NA NA 0.1 Failed

16 9/11/2017 97 Passed NA NA 0.1 Failed

17 9/12/2017 97 Passed NA NA 0.9 Failed
18 9/13/2017 96 Passed NA NA 0.3 Failed
19 9/22/2017 80 Moderate NA NA 5.4 Failed
Notes: Target passes coverage for breakdown only.
8/23/2017 analysis is skipped due to an incorrect boundary file.

The IC data on 8/23/2017 (Day 5) included an incorrect boundary file provided by the contractor.
Therefore, no roller coverage analysis could be performed for this date.

Roller Coverage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Paving days

Figure 64: Summary of Roller Coverage Report. (Project No. 3 - J3I3042, I-70)

Figure 65: Incorrect Boundary File for 8/23/2017 (Project No. 3 - J3I3042, I-70).

Project No. 4 - JP3099, RT 36

Trial Section (5/8/2017)

Optimum Rolling Pattern: No compaction curve is provided, but the rolling pattern for the
breakdown IC roller was three vibratory passes followed by another three vibratory passes for
the intermediate roller. The rollers were set to operate at high frequency and low amplitude. The
compaction curve data was not provided by the contractor.

A summary of IR results is shown in Table 18, Figure 66, and Figure 67. The temperature
segregation was mostly in “No Segregation” and “Moderate Segregation” categories with very
limited severe temperature segregation.

Table 18: Summary of IR Results (Project No. 4 - JP3099, RT 36)


Day Date Low Moderate Severe Low Moderate Severe

# % # % # % # % # % # %

1 5/8/2017 43 53 37 46 1 1 48 59 30 37 4 5

2 5/9/2017 57 75 18 24 1 1 58 75 18 23 1 1

3 5/10/2017 42 76 16 24 0 0 50 72 18 26 1 1

4 5/11/2017 19 70 7 26 1 4 20 77 4 15 2 8

5 5/15/2017 94 94 6 6 0 0 93 92 8 8 0 0

6 5/16/2017 70 79 19 21 0 0 67 74 24 26 0 0

7 5/17/2017 58 87 9 13 0 0 56 82 12 18 0 0
*. Veta results are for information only.


Percentage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Paving Dates

Low Moderate Severe

Figure 66: Summary of MOBA PPM Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 4 -
JP3099, RT 36).

Percentage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Paving Dates

Low Moderate Severe

Figure 67: Summary of Veta Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 4 - JP3099, RT

Table 19 and Figure 68 provide a summary of the IC results. The roller coverage results were
mixed but the trend indicated improvements as the project progressed.
Table 19: Summary of IC Results (Project No. 4 - JP3099, RT 36)
Target Passes Target ICMV Temperature for vibrotory
No. Date
% Coverage Classification % Coverage Classification % Coverage Classification
1 5/8/2017 50 Failed NA NA 17 Failed

2 5/9/2017 80 Moderate NA NA 35 Failed

3 5/10/2017 98 Passed NA NA 3 Failed

4 5/11/2017 98 Passed NA NA 9 Failed

5 5/15/2017 99 Passed NA NA 11 Failed

6 5/16/2017 84 Moderate NA NA 5 Failed

7 5/17/2017 99 Passed NA NA 8 Failed

Roller Coverage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Paving days

Figure 68: Summary of Roller Coverage Report (Project No. 4 - JP3099, RT 36).

Project No. 5 - J2P3100, RT 36

Trial Section (5/25/2017)

Optimum Rolling Pattern: No compaction curve is provided. The rolling pattern for the
breakdown IC roller is three vibratory passes followed by another three vibratory passes for the
intermediate roller. The rollers were set to operate at high frequency and low amplitude.

A summary of IR results is shown in Table 20, Figure 69, and Figure 70. The temperature
segregation was mostly in “No Segregation” and “Moderate Segregation” categories with very
limited severe temperature segregation.

Table 20: Summary of IR Results (Project No. 5 - J2P3100, RT 36)

Day Date Low Moderate Severe Low Moderate Severe
# % # % # % # % # % # %
1 5/25/2017 83 86 10 10 4 4 79 80 15 15 5 5

2 5/30/2017 47 82 7 12 3 5 48 83 5 9 5 9

3 5/31/2017 60 91 6 9 0 0 60 90 7 10 0 0

4 6/1/2017 27 84 5 16 0 0 26 81 6 19 0 0

5 6/5/2017 60 79 13 17 3 4 62 82 12 16 2 3

6 6/6/2017 49 75 16 25 0 0 56 85 10 15 0 0

7 6/12/2017 76 75 25 25 0 0 74 72 28 27 1 1

8 6/13/2017 25 74 9 26 0 0 27 79 7 21 0 0

9 6/16/2017 85 89 10 10 1 1 85 89 10 11 0 0

10 6/19/2017 40 89 5 11 0 0 40 89 5 11 0 0

11 6/20/2017 40 80 9 18 1 2 40 78 9 18 2 4
12 6/21/2017 23 82 4 4 1 4 21 75 6 21 1 4
*. Veta results are for information only.

Percentage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Paving Dates

Low Moderate Severe

Figure 69: Summary of MOBA PPM Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 5 -
J2P3100, RT 36).

Percentage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Paving Dates

Low Moderate Severe

Figure 70: Summary of Veta Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 5 -

J2P3100, RT 36).

Table 21 and Figure 71 provide a summary of the IC results. The roller coverage results were
mixed without apparent trends for improvements.

Table 21: Summary of IC Results (Project No. 5 - J2P3100, RT 36)

Temperature for
Target Passes Target ICMV
No. Date vibratory passes
% Coverage Classification % Coverage Classification % CoveragClassification
1 5/25/2017 66 Failed NA NA 29 Failed

2 5/30/2017 98 Passed NA NA 50 Failed

3 5/31/2017 91 Passed NA NA 29 Failed

4 6/1/2017 63 Failed NA NA 17 Failed

5 6/5/2017 78 Moderate NA NA 10 Failed

6 6/6/2017 89 Moderate NA NA 38 Failed

7 6/12/2017 79 Moderate NA NA 27 Failed

8 6/13/2017 96 Passed NA NA 26 Failed

9 6/16/2017 94 Passed NA NA 29 Failed

10 6/19/2017 46 Failed NA NA 14 Failed

11 6/20/2017 89 Moderate NA NA 18 Failed

12 6/21/2017 90 Passed NA NA 5 Failed

Roller Coverage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Paving days

Figure 71: Summary of Roller Coverage Report (Project No. 5 - J2P3100, RT 36).

Project No. 6 - J2P3051, RT 24

Trial Section (10/21/2016)

Optimum Rolling Pattern: The optimum number of passes, six, was established based on the
compaction curve in Figure 72.

Figure 72: Compaction Curve from the Trial Section on 10/21/2016 (Project No. 6 -
J2P3051, RT 24).

Trial Section (10/27/2016)
Optimum Rolling Pattern: The optimum number of passes, three (vibratory, static, vibratory),
was established based on the compaction curve in Figure 73. However, there were no vibrating
rolling passes used in the actual production passes.

Figure 73: Compaction Curve from the Trial Section on 10/27/2016 (Project No. 6 -
J2P3051, RT 24).

A summary of IR results is shown in Table 22, Figure 74, and Figure 75. There was significant
severe temperature segregation for most of the paving days. The MOBA IR data for 10/22,
10/27, 10/28 roll-over, and its reports cannot be separated for daily reports. Veta filters and
separates each day's data from the MOBA IR data based on time stamps.

Table 22: Summary of IR Results (Project No. 6 - J2P3051, RT 24)

Day Date Low Moderate Severe Low Moderate Severe
# % # % # % # % # % # %
1 10/21/2016 1 2 14 33 28 65 0 0 11 26 31 74

2 10/22/2016 0 0 120 66 63 34 1 2 41 73 14 25

3 10/27/2016 0 0 120 66 63 34 3 20 11 73 1 7

4 10/28/2016 0 0 120 66 63 34 2 3 53 80 11 17

5 10/31/2016 3 4 66 89 5 7 3 3 79 91 5 6

6 11/1/2016 2 2 60 85 9 13 0 0 46 67 23 33

7 11/2/2016 1 1 58 88 7 11 0 0 44 69 20 31

8 11/3/2016 1 5 11 55 8 40 0 0 13 68 6 32

* Veta report i s for i nforma ti on onl y

Percentage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Paving Dates

Low Moderate Severe

Figure 74: Summary of MOBA PPM Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 6 -
J2P3051, RT 24).

Percentage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Paving Dates

Low Moderate Severe

Figure 75: Summary of Veta Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 6 -

J2P3051, RT 24).

Table 23 and Figure 76 provide a summary of the roller coverage results. Most of the roller
coverage are in the deficient category, and unexpectedly, the roller coverage was trending lower
as the project progressed.

Table 23: Summary of IC Results (Project No. 6 - J2P3051, RT 24)

Roller Coverage ICMV
Day Date (vibratory passes
% Coverage Classification (Target: min. 70%)
<225 o F)

1 10/21/2016 70.9 Moderate * NA

2 10/22/2016 63.7 Deficient * NA

3 10/27/2016 64.5 Deficient * NA

4 10/28/2016 43.9 Deficient * NA

5 10/31/2016 51.7 Deficient * NA

6 11/1/2016 52.3 Deficient * NA

7 11/2/2016 58.9 Deficient * NA

8 11/3/2016 37.1 Deficient * NA

* Not a na l yzed s i nce no ta rget ICMV wa s determi ned from tri a l s ecti ons .
NA - Not a ppl i ca bl e, compa cti on performed i n s ta ti c mode onl y

Roller Coverage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Paving days

Figure 76: Summary of Roller Coverage Reports (Project No. 6 - J2P3051, RT 24).

Project No. 7 - J1P3005, RT 24

Trial Section (4/24/2017)

Optimum Rolling Pattern: The compaction curve is shown in Figure 77. The rolling pattern for
the breakdown IC roller was four passes, with three vibratory passes and one static pass. The
roller was set to operate at high frequency and low amplitude.

Figure 77: Compaction Curve– Trial Section (4/24/2017) (Project No. 7 - J1P3005, RT 24)
A summary of IR results is shown in Table 24, Figure 78, and Figure 79. An MTV was used only
on Day 2 (4/25/2017). The summary temperature segregation reports in Figure 78 and Figure 79
show that the use of MTV on Day 2 reduced severe temperature segregation significantly
compared with other paving days without the use of MTV.

Table 24: Summary of IR Results (Project No. 7 - J1P3005, RT 24)
Day Date Low Moderate Severe Low Moderate Severe
# % # % # % # % # % # %
1 4/24/2017 0 0 3 3 87 97 0 0 1 1 77 99

2 4/25/2017 17 15 87 80 5 5 16 20 61 76 3 4

3 5/2/2017 0 0 26 23 85 77 0 0 18 18 82 82

4 5/5/2017 0 0 16 15 92 85 0 0 19 20 78 80

5 5/6/2017 0 0 29 25 86 75 0 0 25 24 78 76

6 5/8/2017 0 0 34 31 77 69 0 0 25 25 74 75

7 5/9/2017 0 0 77 59 53 41 0 0 70 60 47 40

8 5/15/2017 0 0 62 54 52 46 0 0 56 55 45 45

9 5/16/2017 0 0 23 64 13 36 0 0 39 47 44 53

10 5/17/2017 0 0 31 61 20 39 0 0 26 57 20 43

Notes: *. Veta results are for information only.

Percentage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Paving Dates

Low Moderate Severe

Figure 78: Summary of MOBA PPM Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 7 -
J1P3005, RT 24).

Percentage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Paving Dates

Low Moderate Severe

Figure 79: Summary of Veta Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 7 - J1P3005,
RT 24).

Table 25 and Figure 80 provide a summary of the IC results. Note that there were missing IC
data for Day 10 (5/17/2017) due to malfunctioning of IC system. The roller coverages were
excellent except for Day 10.

Table 25: Summary of IC Results (Project No. 7 - J1P3005, RT 24)

Temperature for vibratory

Target Passes Target ICMV
No. Date passes

% Coverage Classification % Coverage Classification % Coverage Classification

1 4/24/2017 95.5 Passed 92.25 Pass 51.37 Failed

2 4/25/2017 97.7 Passed 91.45 Pass 47.55 Failed

3 5/2/2017 99.6 Passed NA NA 57.32 Failed

4 5/5/2017 99.6 Passed NA NA 58.68 Failed

5 5/6/2017 99.3 Passed NA NA 68.86 Failed

6 5/8/2017 98.5 Passed NA NA 67.71 Failed

7 5/9/2017 95.4 Passed NA NA 52.86 Failed

8 5/15/2017 94.3 Passed NA NA 54.67 Failed

9 5/16/2017 95.5 Passed NA NA 0 NA

10 5/17/2017 22 Failed NA NA 0 NA
Minimum temperature for the vibratory pass is 225F Static only for 5/16-17
5/17 IC data has missed 4,340 ft




Roller Coverage (%)







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Paving days

Figure 80: Summary of Roller Coverage Report (Project No. 7 - J1P3005, RT 24).

Project No. 8 - J9P3161, RT 17

Trial Section (9/28/2017)

Optimum Rolling Pattern: The compaction curve was plotted based on the trial section data, as
shown in Figure 81. It was determined by the RE and the contractor that the rolling pattern for
the breakdown IC roller is three vibratory passes followed by a finishing roller.

Figure 81: Compaction Curve from the Trial Section on 9/28/2017 (Project No. 8 - J9P3161,
RT 17).

Trial Section (10/2/2017)
Optimum Rolling Pattern: The compaction curve was plotted based on the trial section data, as
shown in Figure 82. It was determined by the RE and the contractor that the rolling pattern for
the breakdown IC roller is three passes (one vibratory pass and two static passes) followed by a
finishing roller. Since only one vibratory pass was used, the ICMV (CMV in this case) was not

Figure 82: Compaction Curve from the Trial Section (2017-10-2) (Project No. 8 - J9P3161,
RT 17)

A summary of IR results is shown in Table 11, Table 26, Figure 83, and Figure 84. The
temperature segregation was mostly in “No Segregation” and “Moderate Segregation” categories
with very limited severe temperature segregation, likely due to the use of an MTV.

Table 26: Summary of IR Results (Project No. 8 - J9P3161, RT 17)
Day Date Low Moderate Severe Low Moderate Severe
# % # % # % # % # % # %
1 9/28/2017 20 15 98 75 12 9 16 12 100 75 17 13

2 9/29/2017 37 20 128 68 22 12 14 8 139 79 22 13

3 9/30/2017 14 12 85 75 14 12 12 11 86 77 14 13

4 10/2/2017 8 16 36 73 5 10 11 23 34 71 3 6

5 10/12/2017 33 21 117 76 4 3 35 23 112 73 6 4

6 10/13/2017 48 27 127 71 5 3 52 29 120 67 6 3

7 10/14/2017 32 23 100 72 6 4 39 28 95 69 3 2

8 10/16/2017 42 41 60 58 1 1 56 55 46 45 0 0

9 10/17/2017 43 29 101 68 4 3 44 30 98 67 5 3

10 10/18/2017 78 51 70 46 5 3 85 56 60 40 6 4

11 10/19/2017 70 65 32 30 6 6 71 67 30 28 5 5
*. Veta results are for information only.
9/28 Section 1 IR data include incorrect DMI, length, nuumber of sublots.
10/16 Section 1 data is calibration. Section 2 and 3 are disjointed due to a loss data caused by
blown fuse.

Percentage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Paving Days

Low Moderate Severe

Figure 83: Summary of MOBA PPM Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 8 -
J9P3161, RT 17).

Percentage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Paving Days

Low Moderate Severe

Figure 84: Summary of Veta Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 8 - J9P3161,
RT 17).

Table 27 and Figure 85 provide a summary of the roller coverage results. The roller coverage
results were excellent throughout all paving days.

Table 27: Summary of IC Results (Project No. 8 - J9P3161, RT 17).

Temperature for
Target Passes Target ICMV
No. Date vibratory passes
% Coverage Classification % Coverage Classification % CoveragClassification
1 9/28/2017 90 Moderate NA NA 2.5 Failed

2 9/29/2017 94 Passed NA NA 1.8 Failed

3 9/30/2017 99 Passed NA NA 10.5 Failed

4 10/2/2017 97 Passed NA NA 25.0 Failed

5 10/12/2017 97 Passed NA NA 35.0 Failed

6 10/13/2017 92 Passed NA NA 37.8 Failed

7 10/14/2017 96 Passed NA NA 25.8 Failed

8 10/16/2017 92 Passed NA NA 35.1 Failed

9 10/17/2017 96 Passed NA NA 21.5 Failed

10 10/18/2017 99 Passed NA NA 22.0 Failed

11 10/19/2017 97 Passed NA NA 16.9 Failed

Notes: Target passes coverage for breakdown only.
Rolling pattern changed on 10/2

Roller Coverage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Paving days

Figure 85: Summary of Roller Coverage Report (Project No. 8 - J9P3161, RT 17).

Project No. 9 - J6S3123, RT 61

Trial Section (5/31/2017)

Optimum Rolling Pattern: The compaction curve is shown in Figure 86. The rolling pattern
established was three vibratory passes for the breakdown IC rollers and two vibratory passes for
the intermediate roller. The rollers were set to operate at high frequency and low amplitude.

Figure 86 Compaction Curve– Trial Section (5/31/2017) (Project No. 9 - J6S3123, RT 61)

A summary of IR results is shown in Table 28, Figure 87 and Figure 88. The temperature
segregation was mostly in “No Segregation” and “Moderate Segregation” categories with a
limited amount of severe temperature segregation.

Table 28: Summary of IR Results (Project No. 9 - J6S3123, RT 61)


Day Date Low Moderate Severe Low Moderate Severe

# % # % # % # % # % # %

1 5/31/2017 6 40 6 40 3 20 3 20 8 53 4 27

2 6/1/2017 68 61 24 22 19 17 68 62 32 29 9 8

3 6/2/2017 131 89 12 8 4 3 132 91 12 8 1 1

4 6/3/2017 94 86 13 12 2 2 96 88 11 10 2 2

5 6/5/2017 53 64 16 19 14 17 53 67 17 22 9 11

6 6/6/2017 55 57 31 32 11 11 63 61 30 29 11 11

7 6/7/2017 65 54 41 34 14 12 79 68 27 23 10 9

8 6/8/2017 38 61 16 26 8 13 39 61 17 27 8 13

9 6/9/2017 68 58 32 27 17 15 62 54 37 32 16 14

*. Veta results are for information only.

Percentage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Paving Dates

Low Moderate Severe

Figure 87: Summary of MOBA PPM Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 9 -
J6S3123, RT 61).

Percentage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Paving Dates

Low Moderate Severe

Figure 88: Summary of Veta Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 9 - J6S3123,
RT 61).

Table 29 and Figure 89 provide a summary of the IC results. The roller coverages were poor
without trends of improvement.

Table 29: Summary of IC Results (Project No. 9 - J6S3123, RT 61)

Target Passes Target ICMV Temperature for vibratory

No. Date
% Coverage Classification % Coverage Classification % Coverage Classification
1 5/31/2017 59 Failed 30.92 Flagged 2 Failed

2 6/1/2017 20 Failed 19.27 Flagged 10 Failed

3 6/2/2017 71 Moderate 5.85 Flagged 26 Failed

4 6/3/2017 64 Failed 5.81 Flagged 33 Failed

5 6/5/2017 53 Failed 12.19 Flagged 24 Failed

6 6/6/2017 47 Failed 11.4 Flagged 26 Failed

7 6/7/2017 23 Failed 0.68 Flagged 43 Failed

8 6/8/2017 48 Failed 11.26 Flagged 34 Failed

9 6/9/2017 43 Failed 17.34 Flagged 39 Failed

Roller Coverage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Paving days

Figure 89: Summary of Roller Coverage Report (Project No. 9 - J6S3123, RT 61).

Project No. 10 - J7I3072, RT 49

Trial Section (6/12/2017)

Optimum Rolling Pattern: The compaction curve is shown in Figure 86. The rolling pattern
established was two vibratory passes for the breakdown IC rollers, two static passes by the
pneumatic roller, and one vibratory and one static pass for the second intermediate roller. The
rollers were set to operate at high frequency and low amplitude.

Compaction Curve
Intermediate 92.25
92 91.85 STATIC
Intermediate 91.55
VIBRATING Intermediate
Density (%Gmm)

90 90

89 Breakdown
88.275 88.3
87 87.075
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Roller Passes
Figure 90 Compaction Curve– Trial Section (6/12/2017) (Project No. 10 - J7I3072, RT 49)

A summary of IR results is shown in Table 30, Figure 91, and Figure 92. The temperature
segregation was mostly in “No Segregation” and “Moderate Segregation” categories but the
Day 8 data indicated severe temperature segregation.

Table 30: Summary of IR Results (Project No. 10 - J7I3072, RT 49)


Day Date Low Moderate Severe Low Moderate Severe

# % # % # % # % # % # %

1 6/5/2017 3 23 10 77 0 0 5 42 7 58 0 0

2 6/16/2017 1 17 5 83 0 0 1 8 11 92 0 0

3 6/19/2017 26 44 28 47 5 8 30 52 26 45 2 3

4 6/20/2017 51 50 51 50 1 1 57 55 44 42 3 3

5 6/21/2017 15 19 54 68 10 13 36 46 40 51 3 4

6 6/22/2017 52 54 41 42 4 4 54 56 37 39 5 5

7 6/23/2017 19 43 19 43 6 14 20 47 18 42 5 12

8 6/24/2017 15 18 34 41 33 40 20 24 34 41 28 34

9 6/26/2017 64 57 47 42 2 2 62 55 42 38 8 7

10 6/27/2017 10 37 15 56 2 7 12 46 13 50 1 4

11 6/28/2017 44 43 57 56 1 1 50 49 50 49 2 2

12 6/29/2017 58 49 57 48 3 3 67 57 50 42 1 1

13 7/6/2017 39 57 28 41 1 1 48 69 20 29 2 3

Notes: *. Veta results are for information only.

Percentage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Paving Days

Low Moderate Severe

Figure 91: Summary of MOBA PPM Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 10 -
J7I3072, RT 49).

Percentage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Paving Days

Low Moderate Severe

Figure 92: Summary of Veta Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 10 - J7I3072,
RT 49).

Table 31 and Figure 93 provide a summary of the roller coverage results. The roller coverage
was excellent after improving from Day 1.

Table 31: Summary of IC Results (Project No. 10 - J7I3072, RT 49)

Temperature for vibratory

Target Passes Target ICMV
No. Date passes
% Coverage Classification % Coverage Classification % Coverage Classification
1 6/5/2017 77 Moderate * NA 0 Failed

2 6/16/2017 100 Passed * NA 1 Failed

3 6/19/2017 98 Passed * NA 2 Failed

4 6/20/2017 89 Moderate * NA 7 Failed

5 6/21/2017 99 Passed * NA 3 Failed

6 6/22/2017 98 Passed * NA 5 Failed

7 6/23/2017 97 Passed * NA 3 Failed

8 6/24/2017 97 Passed * NA 6 Failed

9 6/26/2017 95 Passed * NA 1 Failed

10 6/27/2017 98 Passed * NA 0 Failed

11 6/28/2017 97 Passed * NA 1 Failed

12 6/29/2017 99 Passed * NA 0 Failed

13 7/6/2017 97 Passed * NA 16 Failed

* Da ta not a va i l a bl e

Roller Coverage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Paving days

Figure 93: Summary of Roller Coverage Report (Project No. 10 - J7I3072, RT 49).

Project No. 11 - J1S3028, RT 69

Trial Section-1 (6/30/2017)

Optimum Rolling Pattern: The compaction curve is shown in Figure 94. The rolling pattern
established was for the breakdown (CAT CB66B) IC roller to have one vibratory pass, one static
pass, and one more vibratory pass. The roller was set to operate at high frequency and low

Compaction Curve

99.50 99.30
Density (%Gmm)

98.50 98.30
98.00 Vibrating


1 2 3 4
Roller Passes

Figure 94 Compaction Curve from the Trial Section-1 on 6/30/2017 (Project No. 11 -
J1S3028, RT 69).

Trial Section-2 (6/30/2017)
Optimum Rolling Pattern: The compaction curve is shown in Figure 95. The rolling pattern
established was for the breakdown (CAT CB66B) IC roller to have one vibratory pass, and two
static passes. The roller was set to operate at high frequency and low amplitude.

Compaction Curve

99.00 98.40
98.00 Static
Density (%Gmm)

96.00 95.23

1 2 3 4
Roller Passes

Figure 95 Compaction Curve from the Trial Section-2 on 6/30/2017 (Project No. 11 -
J1S3028, RT 69).

Trial Section (7/6/2017)
Optimum Rolling Pattern: The compaction curve is shown in Figure 96. The rolling pattern
established was for the breakdown (Hamm HD+140i) IC roller to have one vibratory pass, and
two static passes. The roller was set to operate at high frequency and low amplitude.

Compaction Curve

Density (%Gmm)

97.00 Static 96.63

96.50 Static
95.33 Static
95.00 Vibrating
1 2 3 4
Roller Passes

Figure 96. Compaction Curve from the Trial Section on 7/6/2017 (Project No. 11 - J1S3028,
RT 69).

A summary of IR results is shown in Table 32, Figure 97, and Figure 98. The temperature
segregation is generally in the “No segregation” and “Moderate Segregation” categories with
limited severe temperature segregation.

Table 32: Summary of IR Results (Project No. 11 - J1S3028, RT 69)


Day Date Low Moderate Severe Low Moderate Severe

# % # % # % # % # % # %

1 6/30/2017 8 36 13 59 1 5 26 46 27 48 3 5

2 7/1/2017 47 52 38 42 5 6 45 51 33 37 11 12

3 7/5/2017 74 65 34 30 6 5 67 61 40 36 3 3

4 7/6/2017 72 58 42 34 10 8 71 65 35 32 4 4

5 7/7/2017 56 64 24 27 8 9 54 62 22 25 11 13

Notes: *Veta results are for information only.

Percentage (%)

1 2 3 4 5
Paving Dates

Low Moderate Severe

Figure 97: Summary of MOBA PPM Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 11 -
J1S3028, RT 69).

Percentage (%)

1 2 3 4 5
Paving Dates

Low Moderate Severe

Figure 98: Summary of Veta Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 11 - J1S3028,
RT 69).

Table 33 and Figure 99 provide a summary of the roller coverage results. The roller coverages
were excellent but fell on the last two days.

Table 33: Summary of IC Results (Project No. 11 - J1S3028, RT 69)

Target Passes Target ICMV Temperature for vibratory

No. Date
% Coverage Classification % Coverage Classification % Coverage Classification
1 6/30/2017 98 Passed * NA * Failed

2 7/1/2017 99 Passed * NA * Failed

3 7/5/2017 99 Passed * NA * Failed

4 7/6/2017 60 Failed * NA 34 Failed

5 7/7/2017 61 Failed * NA 34 Failed

Notes: * Ins uffi ci ent da ta .

Roller Coverage (%)

1 2 3 4 5
Paving days

Figure 99: Summary of Roller Coverage Report (J1S3028, RT69).

Project No. 12 - J5P3170, RT 5

Trial Section (9/8/2017)

Optimum Rolling Pattern: The compaction curve is shown in Figure 100. However, the final
rolling pattern for the breakdown IC rollers were determined to be six static passes for the
breakdown rollers in echelon.

Compaction Curve

96 96

95 95.1
Density (%Gmm)

94.2 Spot 1
Spot 2
Spot 3
92 Spot 4

0 1 2 3 4 5

Figure 100: Density Compaction Curve from the Trial Section on 9/8/2017 (Project No. 12
- J5P3170, RT 5).

A summary of IR results is shown in Table 34, Figure 101, and Figure 102. There was severe
temperature segregation throughout all paving days.

Table 34: Summary of IR Results (Project No. 12 - J5P3170, RT 5)


Day Date Low Moderate Severe Low Moderate Severe
# % # % # % # % # % # %
1 9/8/2017 0 0 13 14 81 86 0 0 11 12 81 88
2 9/9/2017 3 3 17 18 74 79 2 2 19 20 72 77
3 9/11/2017 0 0 37 21 137 79 4 2 34 21 126 77
4 9/12/2017 1 1 27 17 127 82 1 1 29 19 123 80
5 9/13/2017 1 1 41 26 116 73 4 2 48 30 110 68
6 9/14/2017 0 0 54 31 121 69 6 3 52 30 118 67
7 9/15/2017 0 0 53 40 80 60 6 4 68 46 75 50
8 9/16/2017 0 0 48 35 88 65 1 1 58 39 91 61
9 9/18/2017 0 0 24 32 52 68 3 4 28 35 49 61
10 (NB) 9/19/2017 0 0 4 14 24 86 0 0 3 11 25 89
10 (SB) 9/19/2017 4 4 30 26 80 70 4 3 39 34 73 63
Totals 9 348 980 31 389 943
Notes: *. Veta results are for information only.

Percentage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
10 11
10 12
Paving Dates NBL SBL

Low Moderate Severe

Figure 101: Summary of MOBA PPM Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 12 -
J5P3170, RT 5).

Percentage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
10 11
10 12
Paving Dates NBL SBL

Low Moderate Severe

Figure 102: Summary of Veta Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 12 - J5P3170,
RT 5).

Table 35 and Figure 103 provide a summary of the roller coverage results. The roller coverage
results were mostly moderate with no apparent trends.

Table 35: Summary of IC Results (Project No. 12 - J5P3170, RT 5).

Temperature for vibratory

Target Passes Target ICMV
No. Date

% Coverage Classification % Coverage Classification % Coverage Classification

1 9/8/2017 86.5 Moderate NA NA NA NA

2 9/9/2017 94.5 Passed NA NA NA NA

3 9/11/2017 85.81 Moderate NA NA NA NA

4 9/12/2017 86.55 Moderate NA NA NA NA

5 9/13/2017 85.81 Moderate NA NA NA NA

6 9/14/2017 85.92 Moderate NA NA NA NA

7 9/15/2017 74.81 Moderate NA NA NA NA

8 9/16/2017 86.39 Moderate NA NA NA NA

9 9/18/2017 86.06 Moderate NA NA NA NA

10 9/19/2017 (NBL) 97.41 Passed NA NA NA NA

10 9/19/2017 (SBL) 86.76 Moderate NA NA NA NA

Notes: Target passes coverage for breakdown only. Due to use of only static passes, no target ICMV coverage nor
temperature for vibratory passes are analyzed.




Roller Coverage (%)







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
10 11
Paving days NBL SBL

Figure 103: Summary of Roller Coverage Report (Project No. 12 - J5P3170, RT 5).

Project No. 13 - J9P3296, RT 17

Trial Section (7/5/2017)

Optimum Rolling Pattern: The compaction curve is shown in Figure 104. Even though the
compaction curve was established, the aggregates in the core appeared to be crushed (Figure
105), likely due to over compaction. Therefore, it was determined by the RE and the contractor
that the rolling pattern for the breakdown IC roller is three static passes followed by a finishing
roller. Since no vibratory passes were used, the ICMV (EDV in this case) is not collected nor

Figure 104: Compaction Curve from the Trial Section on 5/7/2017 (Project No. 13 -
J9P3296, RT 17).
Even though the compaction curve was established, the aggregates in the core appeared to be
crushed (Figure 105), likely due to over compaction.

Figure 105: Core Sample from the Trial Section on 5/7/2017 (Project No. 13 - J9P3296, RT

A summary of IR results is shown in Table 36, Figure 106, and Figure 107. Note that due to
paving close to structures at nighttime, the contractor elected not to use IR for 7/21/2017, and
therefore there are no IR data for that date. Overall, there was severe temperature segregation
throughout all paving days.

Table 36: Summary of IR Results (Project No. 13 - J9P3296, RT 17)

Day Date Low Moderate Severe Low Moderate Severe
# % # % # % # % # % # %
1 7/5/2017 0 0 1 14 6 86 0 0 0 0 7 100

2 7/7/2017 0 0 10 17 50 83 4 4 20 21 71 75

3 7/8/2017 0 0 15 19 62 81 1 1 39 30 91 69

4 7/10/2017 2 2 39 31 85 67 3 3 32 28 81 70

5 7/11/2017 0 0 14 14 86 86 10 6 48 27 119 67

6 7/12/2017 14 9 44 28 99 63 22 14 37 24 95 62

7 7/17/2017 0 0 11 17 54 83 20 14 50 34 76 52


9 7/26/2017 16 10 38 24 105 66 11 7 48 30 103 64

10 7/31/2017 12 7 53 30 113 63 13 7 52 29 116 64

11 8/1/2017 14 9 61 39 81 52 16 10 66 41 78 49

12 8/4/2017 6 4 60 37 98 60 8 5 57 38 87 57

13 8/7/2017 9 5 82 45 92 50 8 5 67 42 83 53

14 8/8/2017 4 2 87 49 87 49 8 5 68 45 76 50

15 8/12/2017 36 20 95 54 46 26 39 20 103 52 58 29

16 8/18/2017 26 16 100 60 41 25 28 16 94 55 48 28
Notes : *. Veta results are for information only.
The IR data for 7/21 were not collected since the contractor elected not to use it
close to structures at night time.

Percentage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Paving Dates

Low Moderate Severe

Figure 106: Summary of MOBA PPM Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 13 -
J9P3296, RT 17).

Percentage (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Paving Dates

Low Moderate Severe

Figure 107: Summary of Veta Temperature Segregation Report (Project No. 13 - J9P3296,
RT 17).

Table 37 and Figure 108 provide a summary of the roller coverage results. The roller coverage
results were excellent after improving from Day 1.

Table 37: Summary of IC Results (Project No. 13 - J9P3296, RT 17)

Temperature for vibratory

Target Passes Target ICMV
No. Date passes

% Coverage Classification % Coverage Classification % Coverage Classification

1 7/5/2017 65.8 Failed NA NA NA NA

2 7/7/2017 99.1 Passed NA NA NA NA

3 7/8/2017 99.6 Passed NA NA NA NA

4 7/10/2017 98.5 Passed NA NA NA NA

5 7/11/2017 98.7 Passed NA NA NA NA

6 7/12/2017 98.9 Passed NA NA NA NA

7 7/17/2017 98.9 Passed NA NA NA NA

8 7/21/2017 97.3 Passed NA NA NA NA

9 7/26/2017 98.1 Passed NA NA NA NA

10 7/31/2017 98.2 Passed NA NA NA NA

11 8/1/2017 97.3 Passed NA NA NA NA

12 8/2/2017 98.7 Passed NA NA NA NA

13 8/7/2017 99 Passed NA NA NA NA

14 8/8/2017 99.2 Passed NA NA NA NA

15 8/12/2017 98.8 Passed NA NA NA NA

16 8/18/2017 99.4 Passed NA NA NA NA

The paving on 7/5 is short with only 1000 ft.
No sufficient vibratory passes were used.
Target ICMV and temperarture requirements were not analyzed.




Roller Coverage (%)







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Paving days

Figure 108: Summary of Roller Coverage Report (Project No. 13 - J9P3296, RT 17).

Comparison of IC-IR Results
In terms of mean values of temperature segregation for all projects, there were projects (No. 6, 7,
12, and 13) that had significant severe temperature segregation, projects (No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) which
showed only limited severe segregation, and projects (No. 8, 9, 10, 11) which had moderate
temperature segregation. Figure 109 shows a comparison of overall average temperature
segregation by project.

Avergae IR Segregation (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Project No.

Low Seg Moderate Seg Severe Seg

Figure 109: Comparison of IR Segregation for all projects.

In terms of mean values of temperature segregation for those projects by the same contractors,
there were contractors (No. 1 and 8) whose projects showed significant severe temperature
segregation, contractors (No. 2, 3, 4) whose projects exhibited excellent uniform temperature
with only limited severe segregation, and contractors (No. 4, 5, 6, 7) whose projects fell in
between the above. Figure 110 shows a comparison of overall temperature segregation by

Average IR Segregation (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Contractor Code

AVG % IR Low Seg Moderate Seg Severe Seg

Figure 110: Comparison of IR Segregation for projects by coded contractors.

In terms of mean values of target pass coverage for all projects, there were projects (No. 6 and 9)
that did not meet the 70% minimum coverage requirements (i.e., deficient), there were projects
(No. 7, 8, 10, and 13) that met the 90% excellent coverage (i.e., passed), and there were projects
(No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, and 12) which fell in between the above. Figure 111 provides an overall
summary of IC coverage for all projects.

Figure 111: Comparison of IC Coverage for all projects.

In terms of mean values of target pass coverage for those projects by the same contractors, there
were contractors (No. 5) whose projects did not the 70% minimum coverage requirements (i.e.,
deficient), there were contractors (No. 4, 6, and 8) whose projects met the 90% excellent
coverage (i.e., passing), and there were contractors (No. 1, 3, and 7) in between the above (i.e.,

Figure 112: Comparison of IC Coverage for projects by coded contractors.

Project Evaluation
The field projects were evaluated on various aspects as follow.

GPS Verification
• GPS verification is crucial to ensure GPS measurements from the IC system and hand-
held rover are consistent.
• GPS verification and record keeping has not always be done by contractors though it was
required in the Protocol.
• The actual field operation of GPS verification is straightforward and not time consuming.
It should be a natural part of the daily setup.

GPS and Cellular Signal Coverage

• GPS and cellular signal coverage would affect the GPS accuracy and reception.
• GPS coverage can be affected by many factors such as nearby tree lines. This issue
cannot be avoided.
• Cellular coverage has been an issue at remote areas. Without adequate cellular coverage,
GPS VRS would be affected and wireless transmission from machines to the cloud will
be limited or not functioning. The former cannot be corrected. The latter can be overcome
by “pushing” the data to the cloud once the cellular reception is good or via internet
connection where available.
• There were instances when the GPS base station’s battery drained, causing GPS outage.
• It is recommended to include a clause in the IC specification regarding GPS and cellular
signal coverage for project selection and qualification.

Functioning of IC Equipment and System

• There were limited IC systems used for these projects: Caterpillar/Trimble/SITECH,
TOPCON, and Volvo.
• Most of IC equipment and system were functioning except for some occasions (e.g.,
setting telematic for machines to collect data and transmit data). Data loss happens on
those occasions.
• The actual issues were normally human errors instead of equipment.
• There were also instances where ICMV data were missing when compaction was in
vibratory mode. There was also the opposite issue when collecting ICMV data even
though they were in static mode.
• There were still issues regarding lack of technical training and support from vendors’
• It is recommended to include a clause in the IC specification regarding data collection
and submission that tied to pay items (e.g., percent of data collected/submitted).

Functioning of IR Equipment and System

• There was only one IR system used for these projects (i.e., MOBA). However, the
technical support varied depending on the dealers used. Some contractors have access to

onsite technical support provided by a consultant, but others have to call MOBA directly
for assistance.
• The main issue of IR systems is that the DMI calibration was not always performed
correctly (i.e., rolling radius setting was incorrect).
• Incorrect DMI caused incorrectly reported distance and incorrect number of sublots by
the MOBA PPM software. However, the Veta report was not affected due to the use of
GPS records instead of DMI. The Veta display of IR thermal profiles was affected due to
the incorrect sampling intervals of IR data (e.g., 3 ft. instead of 1 ft.) caused by incorrect
rolling radius (e.g., 5 in. instead of 16 in.).
• There were still issues regarding lack of technical training and support from vendors’
• The current requirement for GPS precision for IR system is still too poor, making it
difficult to combine with other data such as IC data and alignment files. It is expected
higher precision GPS will be used in future IR systems.

Paving Boundary Measurements

• The paving boundary measurements are crucial for roller coverage analysis.
• The current paving boundary measurements with hand-held rovers are tedious and labor-
intensive with some reports 300 plus measurements for a given paving day.
• Most of paving boundary data were collected correctly, but required sorting, inspection,
and sometimes correction for human errors (e.g., incorrect measurement values, IDs,
sections). The sorting would reply on proper IDs convention for each paving edges (e.g.,
center line, edges) and ascending order (e.g., in the direction of increasing milepost or
paving direction).
• The unit of coordinates was sometimes not compatible with the IC data. Therefore,
sometimes errors occur when using improper unit conversion factors (e.g., US survey feet
to meters).
• It is recommended to consider producing alignment files using design files or LiDAR
survey files to reduce the manual paving boundary measurements.

IC Data Collection and Submission

• When IC systems are functioning, IC data are generally collected properly.
• Due to differences in IC systems, contractors need to learn how to use and calibrate IC
system as well as handle data storage/transmission correctly.
• For example, using Volvo EDV IC system, the calibration requires an involved process
that requires detailed training and practice. Contractors also need to understand the
limitation of the IC calibration regarding compacted layer thickness and required
vibratory roller passes.
• Some IC systems (e.g., Trimble/Caterpillar, TOPCON) allow wireless data transmission
as long as the telematic is setup properly with adequate cellular signals.
• Some IC systems (e.g., Volvo) require manual data handling using USB drives
transferring data from the onboard display unit. Care should always be taken during those

processes, especially when multiple files were produced for a given paving operation.
This is one of the weak links.
• Another hurdle is to learn vendors’ software systems (e.g., Trimble VisionLink,
TOPCON SiteLink3D) to filter, extract, and export data for a specific date, lift of
construction, paved lane, direction, and roller(s).
• The above exported files are generally very large due to the gridding results (i.e.,
populating raw recorded data, one point across a drum, to 1 ft. X 1 ft. grids), at 100 to
200 MB per roller. The size would challenge data transmission for areas with slow
internet connection.
• It is anticipated that most of the above issues can be resolved by upcoming feature in
Veta 5, which will provide a direct data import from the cloud to Veta.
• It is recommended to include a clause in the IC specification regarding data collection
and submission that tied to pay items (e.g., % of data collected/submitted).

IR Data Collection and Submission

• The only IR system used in these project (i.e., MOBA PAVE-IR) transmits data to the
cloud (e.g., eRoutes).
• The wireless data transmission mostly works except for remote areas with poor cellular
• The current issues of eRoutes display of available data and the date stamp are the
challenges for IR data management. The latter often causes roll over data, especially
when new IR files were not started for paving in different lanes, directions, and lifts.
• The use of low accuracy GPS also make IR data impossible to separate when paving in
adjacent lanes. It cannot use with the alignment files for coverage and other analyses.
• It is anticipated that most of the above issues can be resolved by upcoming feature in
Veta 5, which will provide a direct data import from the cloud to Veta.
• It is recommended to include a clause in the IR specification regarding data processing
using Veta instead of vendors’ software.
• It is recommended to include a clause in the IR specification regarding data collection
and submission that tied to pay items (e.g., % of data collected/submitted).

Other Data Collection and Submission (trial sections and core data)
• Trial section data were mostly recorded for these projects.
• However, measurements of asphalt densities with nuclear density gauges are still
challenging to complete after each roller pass at selected locations with the last 400-ft of
a 1000-ft trial section.
• The gauge was intended to measure density for two-inch lifts (vs. the actual 1.75-inch lift
thickness). Troxler has published a Tech Brief regarding thin lift nuclear density gauge
without the influence from the underlying layers materials (
content/uploads/2012/12/Troxler-Testing.pdf) In each case where spot readings were taken,
efforts were made to consistently record density measurements with the nuclear density
gauge at exactly the same spots. The effect of this data collection occurring repeatedly at

the same locations provided the benefit of reducing the influence of gauge settings and
underlying conditions.
• Most contractors use the first paving day’s trial section data to determine target passes
and vibration/static for the remaining of paving days.
• Core data and the associated GPS coordinates are often missing and miss-matched.

Completion of Check list

• Contractor’s check list is rarely completed.
• RE’s check list and diary are often missing.
• The daily paving records were only provided by several contractors.
• It is recommended to include a clause in the IC/IR specifications regarding submission of
required forms as a portion of the required reports.

Utilization of Full Capabilities of IC and IR Systems

• Based on the roller coverage reports, most contractors’ roller operators have paid a lot of
attention to achieve required roller passes.
• From some of the IC reports, it is evident that some contractors have learned to meet the
coverage quickly as projects progress with regarding to the carefully measured boundary
• The IR reports are not always taken advantage of by contractors to fine tune their paving
operations. (e.g., reduce paver stops)
• The thermal segregation is mainly influenced by the use or lack of use of material
transfer device (MTV) as shown in the IR analysis reports.

IC-IR Training Workshops

• The IC-IR training workshop materials were designed to be practical and hands-on to
equip contractors and REs for conducting the actual field projects.
• Although the IC-IR training workshops were scheduled to be close to the start dates of
paving, some contractors still need significant assistance from the Consultant for
conducting field operation properly and subsequent data
collection/reduction/submission/Veta data analysis. It may be due to lack of experience in
contractors in IC-IR technologies.
• A few contractors have learned well and kept proper records and file
• It is expected the contractors will do better once they have more experienced in IC and
• With regarding to Veta analysis, the contractors and RE still need assistance from the
Consultant for Veta data analysis. As the project progressed, the contractors appeared to
be more confident managing and analyzing the IC and IR data.
• There will be major new release of Veta in 2018 that includes many enhancements (e.g.,
direct download of IC-IR data from manufacturers’ cloud, automated filter group

generation, etc.). Refresher and training in using those new features are recommended for
MoDOT staff, contractors, and IC-IR dealership.

IC-IR Data Completion

• Trial section data is required in the MoDOT IC specification to determine target rolling
pattern. Most projects have included trial section data and the companion compaction
curves except for limited projects that was conducted in 2016 and that was using the
Volvo EDV system.
• The IR data were collected properly due to the use of wireless data transmission with
some exception that data need to be manually downloaded due to lack of cellular
• The IC data were collected properly with mostly wireless data transmission and, in the
case of the Volvo system, manual data transfer from the onboard display unit. There was
exception for IC data loss due to incorrect setup for telematic and other human errors.
• The GPS data for paving boundary were mostly collected correctly with some exception
that requires sorting, data inspection, and correction.
• The GPS data for core locations are normally available. However, most core data were
not submitted.
• Table 38 Summarizes the IC-IR Data Completion for the 13 field projects.
Table 38. Completion of IC-IR Data Collection.

Project Section IR IC GPS Core Analysis Report
No. Job No. District County Route Data Data Data Data Data Complete Complete
1 J5P3117 CD Morgan 52 Y Y Y Y N Y Y
2 J4I3111 KC Clay 29 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
3 J3I3042 KC Lafayette 70 Y Y Y Y N Y Y
4 J2P3099 NE Macon 36 N Y Y Y N Y Y
5 J2P3100 NE Macon 36 N Y Y Y N Y Y
6 J2P3051 NE Randolph 24 N Y Y Y Y Y Y
7 J1P3005 NW Chariton 24 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
8 J9P3161 SE Texas 17 Y Y Y Y N Y Y
9 J6S3123 SL Jefferson 61 Y Y P Y N Y Y
10 J7I3072 SW McDonald 49 Y Y Y Y N Y Y
11 J1S3028 NW Daviess 69 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
12 J5P3170 CD Cooper 5 Y Y Y Y N Y Y
13 J9P3296 SE Texas 17 Y Y Y Y N Y Y
Legend: Y- Yes N- No P- Partial

IC-IR Check List and Form Completion
• The contractors’ check lists were mostly not submitted.
• There are limited number of contractors who submitted paving record forms.
• Those contractors who submitted the paving records have also performed MOBA PPM
and Veta analysis. There were two contractors performed the analysis but did not submit
paving record forms.
• The RE’s check lists were mostly not submitted.
• The RE’s diaries were mostly not submitted.
• Table 39 Summarizes the completion of IC-IR check lists and forms for the 13 field

Table 39. Completion of IC-IR Check Lists and Forms.

Project Contractor Contractor Record Contractor RE check
No. Code Job No. District County Route Check List Forms Analysis List RE Diary
1 1 J5P3117 CD Morgan 52 N Y Y Y N
2 2 J4I3111 KC Clay 29 P P Y Y Y
3 3 J3I3042 KC Lafayette 70 N N N N N
4 3 J2P3099 NE Macon 36 N N N N Y
5 3 J2P3100 NE Macon 36 N N N N Y
6 1 J2P3051 NE Randolph 24 N N N N P
7 1 J1P3005 NW Chariton 24 N N N N Y
8 4 J9P3161 SE Texas 17 P Y Y Y N
9 5 J6S3123 SL Jefferson 61 N N N N N
10 6 J7I3072 SW McDonald 49 N Y Y N N
11 7 J1S3028 NW Daviess 69 N N Y N N
12 1 J5P3170 CD Cooper 5 N Y Y N N
13 8 J9P3296 SE Texas 17 N N Y Y N
Legend: Y- Yes N- No P- Partial

IC-IR Specification Reviews
The marked-up versions of MoDOT IC and IR specifications were submitted to MoDOT. The
following are the highlights of recommended modifications and comments.

IR Specification
Equipment Requirements
• The current equipment and software requirement is vendor-specific.
• It is recommended to make it generic to allow various thermal profile technologies:
infrared thermal scanners and thermal cameras.

Training Requirements
• The current 2-4 hours training is adequate for so-called just-in-time training.
• The requirement for trained personnel being onsite is adequate.

Data and Analysis Requirements

• The current requirement for data and analysis software is vendor-specific.
• It is recommended to make the data requirements generic to allow multiple vendors
• It is recommended to make the data analysis requirements to use the standard software,
Veta, to resolve several issues: not tied to a specific vendor, avoiding pit falls of
uncalibrated DMIs, avoid data management (e.g., data overwrite/missing due to data date
stamp errors) and analysis (e.g., incorrect sublots) errors from vendors’ software, taking
advantage of the thermal cold edge and streak filters in Veta, etc.

Acceptance Requirements
• The current requirement for temperature segregation is consistent with AASHTO PP80-
• The AASHTO PP80-17 temperature segregation may not differentiate between moderate
and severe temperature segregation.
• It is recommended to consider the Thermal Segregation Index developed by MnDOT in
the future.
• It is recommended to consider increasing the unit cost for incentive and disincentive pay
adjustment to motivate full utilization of the IR technologies.

IC Specification

Equipment Requirements
• The current IC equipment and software requirement is adequate.
• The current GPS equipment requirement is adequate.
• The IC quality control plan is adequate. It is recommended that plan be submitted to the
RE for approval.

Training Requirements
• The current IC training requirement and certification is adequate and consistent with
• It is recommended to elaborate the certification requirements: who administers such
certification and the frequency per year.

Field Operation Requirements

• The trial section requirements is adequate to allow flexibility.
• The GPS boundary data measurement requirements are adequate.
• It is recommended to include a step-by-step procedure to define “target ICMV” more
clearly. For example, conduct nuclear density gauge measurements along with GPS
measurements in the trial section. Then, perform correlation analysis between nuclear
density gauge measurements and ICMV. If the R2 of the linear regression is greater than
0.5, the target ICMV can be determined based on the correlation equation and the
required passing value of density.

Data and Analysis Requirements

• Regarding IC data, it is recommended to rename “formatted raw data” to “raw data”. Due
to the requirement of using Veta project file, all IC data will have to compatible with
Veta anyway.
• It is recommended to define report elements that consist of: paving record forms
(including GPS verification records, target rolling patterns, roller settings, paving
start/end mile posts, quantity of asphalt), trial section data (if any), raw IC data, GPS
boundary data, GPS core location data and core density data (if any), and Veta project

Acceptance Requirements
• The segment classification is adequate to consider data loss. However, it is recommended
to include an exception for inadequate GPS coverage, which needs to be addressed during
project selection.
• The minimum temperature requirements for vibratory passes should be re-examined since
all 2017 projects have failed to meet this requirement.
• It is recommended to consider the Caltrans IC temperature requirement that accounts for
IR temperature measurement variability on wet/dry asphalt surfaces (e.g., 20F deduction
from the temperature requirements) and instructions for handling non-compliance.

• It is recommended to increase the unit cost for the incentive and disincentive.

Conclusions and Recommendations

This project has been a great opportunity for MoDOT personnel and local paving contractors to
learn the innovative technologies, IC and IR, via hands-on training workshops, field projects, and
IC-IR data management and analysis. The goal is to explore the full capacity of the IC and IR
technology to improve QC and QA for asphalt paving projects. Until then, there are lessons
learned and recommendations for the improvements for future IC-IR implementation as
described as follows.

From the above IC-IR project data analysis and specification reviews, the following conclusions
can be made:
• The MoDOT IC-IR projects in 2017 can be considered a success in terms of building up
experiences for both MoDOT personnel and contractors.
• The IC-IR project protocol proved to be mostly effective for planning and conducting
field projects. The IC-IR data management is a key component of the Protocol to ensure
consistent data naming convention and submission. The MoDOT SharePoint is very
useful to share data files, especially when the file sizes are too large as email attachments.
• The IR implementation has shown as a real-time indicator of any temperature
segregation. In turn, the IR data and analysis reports can be used to fine tune paving
process accordingly, such as making use of MTV and adjustment of truck fleet and
paving speeds.
• There are issues with IR regarding the DMI/data sampling issues of a vendor’s system
and analysis issues with a vendor’s software. These issues can be resolved with better
training and use of the standard software, Veta, for analysis.
• The IC implementation has been mostly utilized to maximize roller coverage with some
exceptions. The latter can be resolved by planning the construction operations based on
project location and alignment, lift thickness to be constructed, type of materials, and
availability of equipment and resources, along with proper training.
• There were issues with IC roller calibration that requires better vendor’s training to
• The GPS boundary measurements were mostly successful with occasional issues that
require sorting, inspection, and correction.
• The IC-IR data management is still tedious, especially when IC or IR data need to be
exported/transferred manually. There were occasional human errors that cause incorrect
file naming convention, etc. Better training with the Protocol and additional experiences
will resolve these issues.
• There was still a lack of submission of check lists, forms, and paving records to the
SharePoint site.
• Most of core data were not submitted to the SharePoint.

The following are recommendation to move the IC-IR implementation forward at MoDOT:
• Utilizing standards, such as Veta, for IR data analysis and reporting would resolve
several issues identified at 2017 projects.
• It is recommended to reduce the GPS boundary measurement efforts by utilizing
alignment files generated either by design software or LiDAR measurements.
• Fine tuning the IC and IR specification may help resolve several issues that occurred at
the 2017 projects, as recommended in the IC-IR specification review section. Detailed
report requirements are crucial as recommended in the specification review section.
• It is also recommended to encourage healthy competition for the IC-IR industry to allow
all technology solutions. It can be regulated by the performance requirements in the IC-
IR specifications.
• IC-IR project selection criteria may include sizes (lane miles), GPS coverage, and cellular
• Conducting a research to determine the criteria for mean asphalt surface (vs. internal)
temperature requirements for vibratory passes.
• IC-IR training and technical support is still an essential element for a successful field
project, due to contractors’ lack of experiences and support from vendors. It should also
be noted that IC-IR systems and Veta software are evolving. It is recommended to
conduct annual MoDOT IC-IR and Veta training to qualify IC-IR quality control
technicians and to issue annual (or bi-annual) certificates.
• Within available limits, increasing unit cost for IC-IR incentive/disincentive pay schedule
may encourage industry’s fully utilization of IC-IR technologies.
• Indicating long term plans for MoDOT IC-IR implementation will encourage industry
investment in equipment, trained personnel, etc. It is recommended to target 100%
implementation of IC-IR by 2020.


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