Reviewer Dev Psy and Intro

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Question 1 Question 5
He is the proponent of life-span perspective- What is Lev Vygotsky’s theory
a. UrieBrofenbrenner a. Social Cognitive Theory
b. John Santrock b. Operant Conditioning
c. Paul BaltesThis answer is correct. c. Sociocultural Theory of Development
This answer is correct.
d. Robert Sternberg
d. Psychodynamic Theory
Question 2
Question 6
. He assumed that natural environments are
the major source of influence on developing According to this layer of Ecological and
person Systems Approach, children can be affected
by how their parents’ day at work went or
a. Paul Baltes by a decision by the local school board to
b. UrieBrofenbrenner This answer is implement new system.
correct. a. Macrosystem
c. Lawrence Kohlberg b. Mesosystem This answer is incorrect.
d. B.F Skinner c. Microsystem
Question 3 d. Exosystem
. According to this feature of life-span Question 7
development, one task of developmental
research is to discover to what extent . In conducting an ethical research, this
particular kinds of development can be means the researcher has to secure privacy
modified at various ages of the subject or participants by not linking
their names to the data gathered.
a. Historical context
a. Deception
b. Multiple causation
b. Informed Consent
c. Multidirectionality
c. Confidentiality This answer is correct.
d. Plasticity
d. Debriefing
Question 4
Question 8
According to Piaget, in this stage the child
begins to represent the world with words Changes that result from unique, unshared
and images. This representation reflect events
increased symbolic thinking beyond their
sensory information a. Normative history-graded changes

a. sensorimotor stage b. Nonnormative history-graded changes

b. formal operational stage c. Normative age-graded changes

c. concrete operational stage d. Nonnormative changesThis answer is

d. preoperational stage This answer is

Question 9
. A researcher wants to know the reaction of they have a will of their own. They assert
an infant when the toy he is playing has their sense of independence. If infants are
taken away. The design of the study used is restrained too much, they are likely to
develop self- doubt. What stage is being
a. Experimental This answer is correct. described?
b. Descriptive a. Trust vs. Mistrust
c. Correlational b. Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt This
d. Structured Observation answer is correct.

Question 10 c. Industry vs. Inferiority

In this type of data gathering, the d. Initiative vs. Guilt

investigators typically use more objective Question 14
approach by giving the subject a problem to
solve in order to observe the behaviour of A researcher who is interested in the
the subject directly development of vocabulary might gather
samples of speech from several 2-, 3-, and 4-
a. Naturalistic observation year-olds; calculate the average number of
b. Clinical method This answer is correct. distinct words used per child for each
group; and compare these means to
c. Structured observation describe how the vocabulary sizes of
children 2, 3, and 4 differ. This research
d. Self report
design is called
Question 11
a. Longitudinal Studies This answer is
. Examples of this frameworks of human incorrect.
development are morals, practices, values
b. Cohort
and beliefs.
c. Sequential Studies
a. Life Cycle
d. Cross Sectional Studies
b. Sociocultural This answer is correct.
Question 15
c. Psychological
An example of this kind of learning is when
d. Biological
after watching her mother, a young girl
Question 12 shows she has learned how to hold a baby
by walking around with the baby in her
. According to this feature of life-span arms the correct way
development, adolescents typically gain in
physical abilities, but their facility in a. Learning perspective
learning new language typically declines.
b. Imitation or observational learning This
a. Multidirectionality This answer is answer is correct.
c. Behaviourism
b. Historical context
d. Self efficacy
c. Multiple causation
Question 16
d. Plasticity
A family has a "swear jar." Every time
Question 13 someone swears, they have to put a dollar in
the jar. This is an example of
. A stage of Erikson Psychosocial
Development after gaining trust in their a. Positive punishment
caregivers, infants start to discover that
b. Positive reinforcement
c. Negative reinforcement Question 1
d. Negative punishment This answer is Twins resulting from the division of a
correct. single zygote after fertilization;
Question 17 a. Conjoined twin
His theory is criticized for over- b. Fraternal twin
emphasizing erogenous zones as part of the
development c. Dizygotic twin

a. Urie Brofenbrenner d. Monozygotic twin This answer is correct.

b. Erik Erikson Question 2

c. Lev Vygotsky During the period of zygote, exposure to

a teratogen typically results in
d. Sigmund Freud This answer is correct
a. Spontaneous abortion of the fertilized egg
Question 18 This answer is correct.
This perspective focuses on thought b. Healthy prenatal development
processes and the construction of
knowledge. The key of this perspective is c. Harmonious relationship of the mother
how people think and how thinking changes and the child
over time d. Separation of the mother and the father
a. Life-Span Perspective Question 3
b. Behaviourism The outer layer of the embryo, which will
c. Psychodynamic become the hair, the outer layer of skin and
the nervous system.
d. Cognitive Developmental Perspective
This answer is correct. a. Ectoderm This answer is correct.

Question 19 b. None of the above

Monozygotic twins separated at birth are c. Mesoderm

sought by researchers who want to study d. Endoderm
the impact of genes on personality. This
research is an example of issue tackled by Question 4
a. Nature vs. Nurture This answer is In this stage, cell division grows rapidly
a. Infancy stage
b. Continuity vs. Discontinuity
b. Fetal stage
c. Life-cycle force
c. Germinal stage/period of zygote This
d. Universal vs. Context specific answer is correct.

Question 20 d. Embryonic stage

This is people’s beliefs about ther own Question 5
abilities and talents
Vanessa has smoked an average of one
a. Self efficacy This answer is correct. pack of cigarettes per day throughout her
pregnancy. How is this likely to affect her
b. Introspection child at birth?
c. Self esteem a. The infant is likely to be born with
d. Self observation physical deformities
b. The infant may weigh less than average d. Very low birth weight This answer is
at birth This answer is correct. correct.
c. The infant will have an elevated risk for Question 10
mental retardation and deafness
Ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm
d. The research is unclear as to the effects form in this stage
of smoking on foetuses
a. Embryonic stage This answer is correct.
Question 6
b. Fetal stage
The small cluster of cells near the
center of the zygote c. Germinal stage/period of zygote

a. Neural plate d. Infancy stage

b. Germ disc This answer is correct. Question 11

c. Amnion An organ that allows oxygen, nutrients,

and other substances to be transferred
d. Neural tube between the mother’s and baby’s blood.
Question 7 a. Umbilical cord
Genetic makeup of a person, containing b. Amnionic fluid
both expressed and unexpressed
characteristics c. Amnion

a. Phenotype d. Placenta This answer is correct.

b. Genetic code Question 12

c. Genes A process when the blastocyst completely

buried in the uterine tissue
d. Genotype This answer is correct.
a. Implantation This answer is correct.
b. Germinal stage/period of zygote
Question 8
c. Fetal stage
Joanne was a PhD candidate and a newly
appointed manager in her office when she d. Embryonic stage
was conceiving Ava. When Ava was born, Question 13
she is unusually smaller than the other
infants. This is may be because of: Possessing differing alleles for a trait

a. Stress This answer is correct. a. Heterozygous This answer is correct.

b. Mother’s Age b. Recessive inheritance

c. Drugs c. Dominant inheritance

d. Nutrition d. Homozygous

Question 9 Question 14
1,500 grams or 3.3 pounds means that When the placenta coming loose and
about to emerge, this means
a. Normal birth weight
a. Stage 1 of labor
b. Extremely low birth weight
Selected: b. Stage 3 of labor This answer is
c. Low birth weight correct.
c. Stage 4 of labor b. Nutrition
d. Stage 2 of labor c. Environmental hazards This answer is
Question 15
d. Diseases
Babies are fully developed in the
Question 20
a. 36th week
Crowing and emerging of head means
b. 37th week
a. Stage 3 of labor This answer is incorrect.
c. 38th week This answer is correct.
b. Stage 4 of labor
d. 39th week
c. Stage 2 of labor
Question 16
d. Stage 1 of labor
Low birth weight is one indication of
a. Premature This answer is correct.
Question 1
b. Stressful delivery
holds object if placed in hand, reaches
c. Healthy and grasp objects, uses spoon to feed self,
d. Normal delivery and transferring of objects from one hand
to another hand are sample of
Question 17
a. fine motor skills This answer is correct.
A standard part of prenatal care in
which sound waves are used to generate a b. gross motor skills
picture of the fetus c. motor skills
a. Amniocentesis d. locomotion
b. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Question 2
c. Chronic villus sampling Children on this group display few
d. Ultrasound This answer is correct. intense reactions, either positive or
negative, and nonresponsive to unfamiliar
1/1 people.
Question 18 a. Slow-to-warm-up children This answer is
4-6 score in APGAR Scale means
b. Easy children
a. Healthy child
c. Difficult children
b. Fairly low This answer is correct.
d. Negative emotionality/irritably/ anger/
c. Generally Normal
d. Critically low
Question 3
Question 19
It is the unlearned responses that are
Experts have proven that there is triggered by a specific form of stimulation
mercury content in some cosmetic products.
a. Response
Mercury may cause an infant to be mentally
retarded or have cerebral palsy. Mercury is b. Fine motor skills
what kind of teratogen?
c. Gross motor skills
a. Drugs
d. Reflex This answer is correct.
Question 4 The view that several factors interact to
influence development
Alison is one of those babies who have
the positive approach to new events and a. Ecological systems theory
adaptable to change. Moreover, Alison has
certain sleeping and eating patterns. What b. Enthusiastic system theory
kind of temperament does Alison has? c. Dynamic systems theory This answer is
a. Activity level correct.

b. Easy children This answer is correct. d. Systematic dynamic theory

c. Slow-to-warm-up children Question 9

d. Difficult children language-learning style of children

whose vocabularies include many social
Question 5 phrases that are used like one word.
When an infant can understand the a. Private speech
meanings of 20-30 words by the age of 6
months, this ability to understand words is b. Referential style
what do we call c. Expressive style
a. Expressive language d. PhonemesThis answer is incorrect.
b. Naming explosion Question 10
c. Reception language This answer is This is the phase of attachment when
correct. the baby is experiencing true attachment to
d. Holophrases their caregivers. When a baby is starting to
follow and cling to its caregivers and regard
Question 6 them as its “safe bases” especially when
he/she feels anxious, injured, or have
A toddler’s understanding that she/he is physical needs such as hunger.
defined by various categories such as
gender or qualities such as shyness a. Phase 3 Secure base behavior This
answer is correct.
a. Subjective self
b. Phase 1 Nonfocused orienting and
b. False self signaling
c. Objective self This answer is correct. c. Phase 4 Internal model
d. Infant self d. Phase 2 Focus on one or more figures
Question 7 Question 11
Mary Ainsworth’s and John Bowlby’s Hours newborn child sleep in a day
theory of children reciprocal, enduring tie
between them and their parents is a. 17-21
a. Psychosocial theory b. 15-20
b. Parenting style c. 16-19
c. Psychoemotional theory d. 16-18This answer is correct.
Selected: d. Attachment theory This answer
is correct.
Question 12
Question 8
Coordinated movements of the muscles
and limbs
a. motor skills This answer is correct. d. Attachment
b. gross motor skills Question 17
c. fine motor skills “I missed you terribly! Now, all is well
and I’ll get back to what I was doing” is a
d. locomotion line of
Question 13 a. Resistant attachment
The newborn spend most of each day b. Disorganized attachment
alternating among four different states.
Which among the following is not included c. Avoidant attachment
in four states
d. Secure attachment This answer is
a. Eating This answer is correct. correct.
b. Waking activity Question 18
c. Sleeping In this substage of Piaget’s Sensorimotor
Stage is when the experimentation begins,
d. Crying in which the infant tries out new ways of
Question 14 playing with or manipulating objects. Very
active, very purposeful trial-and-error
How many substages of Piaget’s exploration.
Sensorimotor Stage are in there?
a. Substage 5This answer is correct.
a. 6This answer is correct.
b. Substage 6
b. 5
c. Substage 3
c. 4
d. Substage 4
d. 7
Question 19
Question 15
A further research on dimension of
This includes consonant sounds, such temperament of infants that explains
as the sound of t in toe and tap, along with infants tendencies to move toward rather
vowel sounds such as the sound of e in get than away from new people, situations, or
and bed objects, usually accompanied by positive
a. Private speech
a. Activity level
b. Expressive style
b. Inhibition and anxiety This answer is
c. PhonemesThis answer is correct.
d. Referential style
c. Effortful control/ task persistence
Question 16
d. Approach/ positive emotionality/
The process of selecting experiences on sociability
the basis of temperament

Question 20
a. Temperament It is the unhealthy condition due to
b. Personality inadequate or unbalanced intake of
nutrients or their impaired assimilation or
c. Niche pickingThis answer is correct. utilization
a. Malnutrition a. Cephalocaudal principle This answer is
b. Health risk condition
b. Proximodistal principle
c. Vulnerability
c. Proximity principle
d. Obesity This answer is correct.
d. Growth principle
Question 25
Question 21
When the bottom of its foot is stroked, a
Type of learning in which familiarity baby responds by splaying out its toes, then
with a stimulus reduces, slows, or stops a curling them under. Which reflex is this?
a. Rooting
a. imitation
b. stepping
b. Operant conditioning
c. Blink
c. Habituation This answer is correct.
d. Babinksi
d. Classical conditioning
Question 1
Question 22
Who was the theorist who gave
A cry that starts softly, then gradually importance to language?
becomes more intense and usually occurs
when a baby is hungry or tired a. James Marcia
a. Hunger cry b. Jean Piaget
b. Basic cry This answer is correct. c. Lev Vygotsky This answer is correct.
c. Pain cry d. Lawrence Kohlberg
d. Mad cry Question 2
Question 23 A preschool teacher transfers a juice
from her glass to her student’s glass. The
When a child’s behaviour leads to two glasses can contain the same amount of
pleasant consequences, the child will liquid although they are in different shape.
probably behave similarly in the future; This demonstrates
when the child’s behaviour leads to
unpleasant consequences, the child will a. Animism
probably not repeat the behaviour. This is
b. Egocentrism
a. Operant conditioning This answer is
correct. c. Artificialism

b. Classical conditioning d. Conservation This answer is correct.

c. Habituation Question 3

d. imitation Neglect is a form of abuse

Question 24 a. True

A physical development proceeds from b. False This answer is correct.

head downward Question 4
Which of the parenting style is This is a type of play that according to
associated with poor impulse control in Piaget when a child pretends to be a nurse
children? to her doll
a. Permissive This answer is correct. a. Substitute pretend play
b. Uninvolved b. First pretend play
c. Authoritative Selected: c. Sociodramatic playThis answer
is correct.
d. Authoritarian
d. Rule-governed play
Question 5
Question 9
Lara is habitually being catcalled by
Jim. One time, she loses her temper and Lino bullies Jay-Ar by stealing his
punches him. This shows what kind of lunch every day and calls him names. This
aggression? shows what kind of aggression?
a. Abusive behavior a. Instrumental aggression This answer is
b. Hostile aggression This answer is correct.
b. Abusive behavior
c. Instrumental aggression
c. Hostile aggression
d. Dominance hierarchy
d. Dominance hierarchy
Question 6
Question 10
This is the view of the early childhood
period as the time in life when young This is the maximum number of
children, first, gain control of their bodily schemes that can be processed in working
functions and, second, renegotiate their memory at one time.
relationships with their parents to prepare
for stepping out into the world of peers a. Short-term storage space

a. Information Processing b. Metacognition

b. Social-Cognitive Perspectives c. Metamemory

c. Sociocultural d. Operational efficiency This answer is

d. Psychoanalytic Perspective This answer
is correct. Question 11

Question 7 Knowledge about how the mind thinks

and the ability to control and reflect on
Under the Social Cognitive Perspective, one’s own though processes
this means the ability to classify others
according to categories such as age, gender, a. MetamemoryThis answer is incorrect.
and race. b. Short-term storage space
a. Metacognition c. Operational efficiency
b. Understanding others’ intentions d. Metacognition
c. Understanding rule categories Question 12
d. Person Perception This answer is correct. Knowledge about how memory works
Question 8 and the ability to control and reflect on
one’s own memory function
a. Operational efficiency
b. Short-term storage space A naive understanding of the relations
between mind and behaviour is
c. Metacognition This answer is incorrect.
a. Cognitive Theory
d. Metamemory
b. Naive psychology
Question 13
c. Theory of Mind This answer is correct.
Pam is a 4 year old sister of Michelle.
Michelle is now 2 years old that could voice d. False Belief
out what she feels to say. One day, Michelle
saw ketchup on the floor, thus, she squealed Question 18
“blood! Blood!” Pam knows that this is just Behavior intended to harm another
a person or an object is
a. Theory of Mind a. Neglect
b. Cognitive Theory b. Child Abuse
c. Naive psychology c. Aggression This answer is correct.
d. False Belief This answer is correct. d. Prosocial behavior
Question 14 Question 19
When Tara reached the age of 7, her Beginning at about 12 to 18 months of age,
private speech is no longer evident when children have developed a fairly clear
whenever she’s doing a task. According to sense of their separate selves, they respond
Vygotsky, Tara is in to another's distress With some distress of
a. Private Speech Stage their own, but they may attempt to "cure"
the other person's problem by offering what
b. Ingrowth Stage This answer is correct. they themselves would find most
comforting. They may, for example, show
c. Naive Psychology Stage sadness when they see another child hurt,
d. Primitive Stage and go get their own mother to help.

Question 15 a. Empathy for another’s feelings

Once a child is physically or emotionally b. Egocentric Empathy This answer is

abused, they will never be recovered even if correct.
the abuse stops. c. Globally Empathy
True d. Empathy for another’s life condition
False This answer is correct. Question 20
Question 16 The parenting style that is high in
It is defined as physical injury that nurturance and high in maturity demands,
results from an adult’s intentional exposure control, and communication is the
of a child to potentially harmful physical a. Uninvolved
stimuli, sexual acts, or neglect.
b. AuthoritativeThis answer is correct.
a. Prosocial behavior
c. Permissive
b. Child Abuse This answer is correct.
d. Authoritarian
c. Neglect
d. Aggression
Question 17
Question 1 d. Decrease as they develop habits of word
This is a psychological disorder in
which children’s social and/or academic Question 5
functioning is impaired by patterns of
antisocial behavior that include bullying, One may argue that a reason why
destruction of property, theft, deceitfulness, parents living in poverty are more likely to
and/or violations of social rules. be stricter and place more emphasis on
obedience. What is the reason?
a. Learning disability
a. Lack of education causes parents to
b. Dyslexia overreact and overemphasize control
c. Intellectual disability b. They place greater emphasis on
d. Conduct disorder This answer is correct.
c. It is a logical response to the
1/1 neighborhoods they are likely to be living in
Question 2 This answer is correct.

It is said that children suffering from Question 6

this disorder should take moderate to less Ms. Crisostomo asked her third-
sweets and sugar in order not to stimulate graders to write a paragraph describing
their serotonin level how their lives would be different if they
a. Intellectual disability were opposite gender. She did not
understand why children were confused by
b. Dyslexia the task. Piaget would say that Ms.
Crisostomo’s assignment was difficult for
c. Attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder
her students because they lack the ability to
This answer is correct.
a. Reason inductively This answer is
d. Asthma
Question 3
b. See others’ point of view
Concrete operations permit children to
c. Reason deductively
d. Think about people of the opposite
a. Deductive reasoning
b. The rules that govern the physical and
Question 7
social worlds This answer is correct.
Which of the following is an essential
c. How their memories work
component of concrete operational
d. Others’ emotions thinking?

Question 4 a. The ability to analyze one’s memory

_ Between the ages of 6 and 12,
children’s vocabularies b. Reasoning based on hypothetical
a. Are stable
Selected: c. Understanding that both
b. Increase only if they read a large number physical actions and mental operations can
of books be reversed This answer is correct.
c. Increase dramatically This answer is d. The ability to understand abstract
correct. concepts such as justice and honor
Question 8 a. Reason inductively This answer is
What is the commonality on the
theories of Freud and Erikson in explaining b. Reason about hypothetical situations
personality of middle childhood?
c. Reason deductively
a. Oedipus complex has its subtle
implications to the social interactions of the d. Use language to communicate
children of this stage Question 12
b. Their parents play an important role in Which among is not true in explaining
their development in this stage the traits of middle childhood?
c. The children of this stage must form a. Since social interaction is developing in
emotional bond and relationship with their this stage, you may see who are introverts
peers This answer is correct. and extroverts as early as this stage
d. Children must develop the values of b. Extrovert children tend to assert their
competence in order to succeed in industry selves to others when rejected by peers
Question 9 c. Introvert children tend to assert their
Which of the following children would selves to others when rejected by peers This
be likely to be rejected or neglected by answer is correct.
peers in middle childhood? d. Introvert children tend to be distraught
a. Kevin, who is taller than his peers and by the taunts of their play mates
considered handsome Question 13
b. Harvey, who is very shy During preschool, children need visual
c. Masa, who loves to write and perform representation in order to grasp the lessons
various types of music such as addition and subtraction. But as the
children move to grade school, they are
Selected: d. Laura, who throws temper more capable to do these tasks without any
tantrums and cries easilyThis answer is representations because of
a. Processing efficiency
Question 10
b. Memory strategies
According to Bandura, this actively
explains how personal/cognitive factors, c. Executive processes
environmental, and behavioral factors d. Automaticity This answer is correct.
affect the paradigm of personality of the
children Question 14

a. Self-efficacy Which of the following situations will

most likely to develop in a child under
Selected: b. Reciprocal determinism This middle childhood to inferiority according to
answer is correct. Erikson
c. Psychological self a. A child who is being picked by his/her
d. Traits classmates

Question 11 b. A child who is supported by his/her

parents on all his/her endeavors
__ According to Piaget, the concrete
operational stage includes acquisition of the c. A child who would rather be alone than
ability to to showcase his/her talent
d. A child failing to do the goals that are b. Moral realism
culturally expected of him/her to achieve on
their age such as writing and reading This c. Concrete operational stage
answer is correct. d. Deductive reasoning
Question 15 Question 18
Which among the following studies is According to Piaget, children on this
not true stage of moral reasoning believe that rules
a. Poverty does guarantee bad outcomes, violation eventually result in punishment.
and it stacks the deck against all children a. Moral realism This answer is correct.
experiencing this This answer is correct.
b. Concrete operational stage
b. Aggressive boys and girls, although they
are typically disliked by peers, are often c. Deductive reasoning
perceived by them as having high social
d. Moral relativism
status because of their ability to manipulate
other and control social situations Question 19
c. Children who perform poorly in school Which of the following is not an example
may a sense of competence from mastering of information-processing strategies used in
video games, especially those that are remembering
complex and require sophisticated
strategies, that helps to offset deterioration a. Repetition This answer is correct.
of self-esteem that may be brought on by b. Rehearsal
school failure
c. Mnemonic
d. Individuals who watched the greatest
number of violent television programs in d. Organization
childhood were the most likely to engage in
actual acts of violence as young adults. Question 20

Question 16 At the age of 8, Alex can read, but not as

well as her classmates. She loves reading;
Jerica is a 7year old child who seems to however, whenever she tries to read, for her
be independent from her parents in simple there are some words she cannot really
decision making, and can take care of read. Alex might have
herself and her younger siblings while
elders are not around. Jerica has a. Asthma

a. Self-concept b. Attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder

b. Psychological self c. Intellectual disability

c. Self-efficacy Selected: d. Dyslexia

Selected: d. Self-regulation This answer is --------------------------------------------------------

correct. Question 1
Question 17 . Which is true bout spermarche?
A child of this stage of moral reasoning a. It typically occurs during 15 and 16 years
will know that there are certain rules can be of age
flexible and changed. What is more
important is that his/her playmates will b. Viable sperm production usually occurs a
agree to follow the rules that they have few months prior to the first ejaculation
come up with.
c. Its onset varies considerably between
a. Moral relativism This answer is correct. different ethnic group
d. It typically occurs between 13 and 14 d. She assumes that others view the world
years of age, but the production of viable as one does oneself
sperm does not happen until a few months
later This answer is correct. Question 6

Question 2 Eshel dropped out of high school at 16

and since then has moved from one
After considering several different minimum-wage job to another. He gives
options, Adam has decided to join the little thought of to her future. Eshel reflects
marines after graduation. Adam is finally in
a. Moratorium
a. Moratorium
b. Foreclosure
b. Identity achievement This answer is
correct. c. Identity achievement

c. Identity diffusion d. Identity diffusion This answer is correct.

d. Foreclosure Question 7

Question 3 Which of the following best defines

Heliza has decided on a premed
major, because her mother and grandfather a. It begins when children enter secondary
are physicians. heliza is in identity school

a. Identity diffusion b. It is the transitional; period between

childhood and adulthood This answer is
b. ForeclosureThis answer is correct. correct.
c. Moratorium c. It ends at age eighteen when the brain
achieves full maturity
d. Identity achievement
d. It is synonymous to puberty
Question 4
Question 8
_ According to Erikson, a teen who fails
to successfully resolve the identity crisis Moral Development Theory’s level of
risks developing a sense of development that states behavior’s
orientation based on consequences
a. Maturity
a. Preconventional level This answer is
b. Identity achievement correct.
c. Identity b. Conventional level
d. Role confusion This answer is correct. c. Post conventional level
Question 5 Question 9
Myra is now 16 years old. In Piaget’s Which of the following is believed by
theory, her cognition is in Formal Kohlberg and others to strongly influence
Operational level. This means moral reasoning?
a. She can perceive abstract logical thought a. A person’s stage of cognitive development
This answer is correct. This answer is correct.
b. She can perceive logical thinking but b. Situation factors
cannot comprehend abstract thinking
c. An ethnic of caring
c. Her thought is characterized by illogical
use of words and symbols d. Models who have high moral standards
Question 10 automobile accident. Adolescents are
reckless in driving. This explains their
Leah just had her menstruation
during her 12th birthday. This is the mark a. Imaginary audience
b. Egocentrism
a. Menarche This answer is correct.
c. Formal operational stage
b. Growth spurt
d. Personal fable This answer is correct.
c. Spermarche
Question 15
d. Brain Development
Which of the following is a defining
Question 11 feature of Piaget’s formal operational
Julio is a teenager who believes that
other people are as concerned with his a. The use of sound reasoning to make
thoughts and behaviour as he is. This is practical decisions
because of
b. Fluency in the use of symbols
a. Imaginary audience This answer is
correct. c. Hypothetico-deductive thinking This
answer is correct.
b. Artificialism
d. Logical thinking about real-world events
c. Personal fable and objects
d. Formal operational stage Question 16
Question 12 This is the stage of pubertal development
according to Tanner where the female
Which of the following is believed by adolescent’s breast and areola both
Kohlberg and others to strongly influence enlarged and elevated more than in
moral reasoning? previous stage, but no separation of their
a. A person’s stage of cognitive development contours. While in male, their penis slightly
This answer is correct. enlarged, at first mainly in length. Testes
and scrotum are further enlarged. First
b. Situational factors ejaculation also occurs.
c. An ethic of caring a. Stage 4
d. Models who have high moral standards b. Stage 2
Question 13 c. Stage 1
Which of the following best defines d. Stage 3This answer is correct.
Question 17
a. The onset menstruation at puberty This
answer is correct. Which of the following is NOT a typical
characteristic of anorexia nervosa?
b. Increase in body fat at puberty
a. Obsessive dieting that results in death by
c. The beginning of puberty marked by the starvation
development of breast buds
b. Episodes of binge eating that are followed
d. Growth of the uterus during puberty by purging activitiesThis answer is correct.
Question 14 c. Significant weight loss
For years, it was said that the highest d. Presence of another psychological
cause of death in adolescents is due to disorder
Question 18 Question 2
Marcia’s theory of adolescent identity Kristoffer is a care-free person who
achievement suggests that adolescent always expresses himself in a
identity formation involves nonconventional way. When he entered
University of the Philippines, he eventually
a. Extrusion and inclusion entered several organizations and one of
b. Crisis and commitment This answer is which is a activist group. On the other
correct. hand, he also fond of outdoor recreational
activities to broaden his knowledge and
c. Identity and confusion ideals on the Philippine cultures. For
Holland, Kristoffer’s personality type is
d. Confusion and resolution
a. Social
Question 19
b. Realistic
When people choose to follow principles
that transcend the needs of any individual c. Artistic This answer is correct.
or group,
d. Investigative
they are said to be at
Question 3
a. Social contract orientation
Ever since he was a child, Louie was
b. Post conventional levelThis answer is always described as the talkative one either
correct. in his class of in his family. However, his
guardians didn’t get exasperated by this
c. Preconventional level
because they can see that Louie is
d. Conventional level responsible for his action and has a
potential to lead. Based on Holland’s
Question 20 theory, Louie has what personality type
Charles is taking a few college courses a. Artistic
in different disciplines to figure out what he
wants to major in. Charles’ identity is b. Social

a. Moratorium This answer is correct. c. Conventional

b. Identity achievement d. Enterprising This answer is correct.

c. Foreclosure Question 4

d. Identity diffusion Which of the following kinds of

environmental influence may produce
-------------------------------------------------------- personality change?
Question 1 a. Occupying new social roles
Which of the following intelligence b. Stressful life events
does not depend on specific experiences, but
is a result of efficient functioning of the Selected: c. All of the aboveThis answer is
central nervous system correct.

a. Crystalized intelligence d. Socialization

b. Technical skills 1/1

c. Fluid intelligence This answer is correct. Question 5

d. Intellectual maintenance Marcus and Joy are living together and

have a child out of wedlock. However, they
are looking forward that they will be
married someday. What type of cohabiting d. Conventional
does their situation illustrate?
Question 9
a. 3rd type
Which among the following does not
b. 1st type This answer is correct. contribute to the relationship quality of
married couples?
c. 2nd type
a. Health This answer is correct.
d. 4th type
b. Security of each partner’s attachment
Question 6 relationship to his/her family of origin
Which among the following is not true c. Personality characteristics
about Evolutionary Theory on mate
selection on early adulthood? d. Faithfulness and a satisfactory sexual
a. Women look for men whose socio-
economic status is higher than their own, Question 10
who offer earning potential and stability
Which among the following does not
b. Men prefer physically attractive, young intervene college experience in early
women adulthood?
c. It posits the idea that sex differences in a. Gender
mate preferences and mating behavior are
adaptations to gender roles. This answer is b. Differently-Abled
correct. c. Personality This answer is correct.
d. Mating is a selective process d. Ethnicity
Question 7 Question 11
The ability to identify the underlying Which among the following is not true
assumptions of differing perspectives on about Social Role Theory on mate selection
issues is called on early adulthood?
a. Postformal thought a. It posits the idea that sex differences in
b. Dialectical thought mate preferences and mating behavior are
adaptations to gender roles.
c. Formal operational thinking
b. According to research, women’s
d. Reflective judgmentThis answer is emphasis on potential mates’ earning power
correct. declined.
Question 8 c. According to research, men focus on
potential mates’ domestic skills decreased.
Jamie is a type of person who loves
interactions and socializations. Most of the d. The theory states that sex differences in
time she is being sent by their school mate preferences and mating behavior are
community extension as their class based on the different amounts of time and
representative in outreach programs. She effort men and women must invest in child-
can systematically organize the activity as rearing This answer is correct.
well. What is Jamie’s personality type based
on Holland’s theory? Question 12

a. Realistic What type of cognitive shift has

happened when Monica learns that
b. Investigative “militants” from onr view may also be seen
as “patriots” from another
c. Social This answer is correct.
a. Crystalized thought d. Social
b. Dialectical thought
c. Relativism This answer is correct.
d. Reflective judgment
Question 13
Jan and Kim have been married for
15years. When asked how they manage
their problems, they said that they have a
fair share of arguments; however, they are
still positive that they can work it out,
which eventually works for them. What
kind of marriage do they have?
a. Validating couples
b. Avoidant couples
c. Hostile couples
d. Volatile couples This answer is correct.
Question 14
Research shows that there is no
uniform pattern of adult age-related
changes across intellectual abilities but
a. There is an increase in both fluid
intelligence and crystallized intelligence
b. There is a gradual decline of fluid
intelligence and crystallized intelligence
c. There is an increase or steady of fluid
intelligence and decline or steady in
crystallized intelligence
d. There is decline or steady in fluid
intelligence and increase or steady in
crystallized intelligence This answer is
Question 15
Cyril’s father is a mechanic, and so he
was exposed to different machineries. Even
when he was a child, he enjoyed playing as
his father’s assistant by handling him the
tools he needed and scrutinizing the
machines. Based on Holland, Cyril has what
personality type?
a. Realistic This answer is correct.
b. Investigative
c. Conventional

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