How To Install PHP 8
How To Install PHP 8
How To Install PHP 8
0 on
Debian 11/10/9
Josphat Mutai
In this short guide we will show you how to install PHP 8.0 on Debian 11 |
Debian 10 | Debian 9. PHP a powerful scripting language for web
development. Any PHP script can be executed on a Linux, Windows, macOS
and Unix system with PHP runtime installed. As of this article writing PHP 8 is
available for installation on Debian 11/10/9 Linux machine.
You should also expect new breaking changes which means some
modifications in your code may be needed to get it running on PHP 8. Some
of the nice set of new features coming with PHP 8 are the JIT compiler,
named arguments, union types, attributes, and many more.
Since there could be kernel updates consider system reboot after the
sudo reboot
Perform package index update to confirm the repository has been added:
$ sudo apt update
buster/updates InRelease
Suggested packages:
libb-debug-perl liblocale-codes-perl
Recommended packages:
$ php -v
<extension> is replaced with the actual extension name.
Some available extensions are as shown below:
uw-mailutils php-pear
Use the same installation format for all other PHP extensions available in the
repository. To check loaded PHP modules use the command:
$ php -m