Unit3 Phy
Unit3 Phy
Unit3 Phy
Black body radiation
Wien’s law
Stefan’s law
Rayleigh-Jeans law
Planck’s law
Wave particle duality
Matter waves
Wave function characteristics and significance
Time dependent and time independent Schrödinger wave equations
Particle in one-dimensional rigid box
Compton Effect
Black Body
A black body is an idealized physical body that absorbs all incident
electromagnetic radiation, regardless of frequency or angle of incidence.
The name "black body" is given because it absorbs radiation in all
frequencies, not because it only absorbs: a black body can
emit radiation of all frequencies.
Black Body radiation
Although the blackbody is an idealization, because
no physical object absorbs 100% of incident
radiation, we can construct a close realization of a
blackbody in the form of a small hole in the wall of a
sealed enclosure known as a cavity radiator, as
shown in Figure. The inside walls of a cavity radiator
are rough and blackened so that any radiation that
enters through a tiny hole in the cavity wall becomes
trapped inside the cavity.
At thermodynamic equilibrium, the cavity walls absorb exactly as much
radiation as they emit. Furthermore, inside the cavity, the radiation entering
the hole is balanced by the radiation leaving it.
The emission spectrum of a blackbody can be obtained by analyzing
the light radiating from the hole. Electromagnetic waves emitted by a
blackbody are called blackbody radiation.
The intensity distribution among wavelengths of radiation emitted by cavities was
studied experimentally at the end of the nineteenth century. Generally, radiation
emitted by materials only approximately follows the blackbody radiation curve.
Two important laws summarize the experimental findings of blackbody radiation:
(1) Wien’s displacement law (2) Stefan’s law
Wien’s displacement law
Wien's displacement law states that the black-body radiation curve for different
temperatures will peak at different wavelengths that are inversely proportional to
the temperature.
λmaxT = 2.898×10−3
where λmax is the position of the maximum in the radiation
curve. In other words, λmax is the wavelength at which a
blackbody radiates most strongly at a given temperature T.
Stefan’s law
The second experimental relation is Stefan’s law, which concerns the
total power of blackbody radiation emitted across the entire spectrum
of wavelengths is proportional to the forth power of temperature.
where A is the surface area of a blackbody, T is its temperature (in
kelvin), and σ is the Stefan–Boltzmann constant, σ = 5.670×10−8
W/(m2⋅K4). Stefan’s law enables us to estimate how much energy a
star is radiating by remotely measuring its temperature.
Classical explanation of black body radiation
(Rayleigh–Jeans law)
In a classical approach to the blackbody radiation problem, in which
radiation is treated as waves. The modes of electromagnetic waves
trapped in the cavity are in equilibrium and continually exchange their
energies with the cavity walls. There is no physical reason why a wave
should do otherwise: Any amount of energy can be exchanged, either by
being transferred from the wave to the material in the wall or by being
received by the wave from the material in the wall.
This classical picture is the basis of the model developed by Lord Rayleigh
and, independently, by Sir James Jeans. The result of this classical model
for blackbody radiation curves is known as the Rayleigh–Jeans law.
However, as shown in Figure,
the Rayleigh–Jeans law fails to
correctly reproduce experimental
results. In the limit of short
wavelengths, the Rayleigh–Jeans
law predicts infinite radiation
intensity, which is inconsistent
with the experimental results in
which radiation intensity has finite
values in the ultraviolet region of
the spectrum.
This divergence between the results of classical theory and
experiments, which came to be called the ultraviolet
catastrophe, shows how classical physics fails to explain the
mechanism of blackbody radiation.
Solved Example
Planck’s hypothesis
The blackbody radiation problem was solved in 1900 by Max Planck.
Planck used the same idea as the Rayleigh–Jeans model in the sense that
he treated the electromagnetic waves between the walls inside the cavity
classically and assumed that the radiation is in equilibrium with the cavity
walls. The innovative idea that Planck introduced in his model is the
assumption that the cavity radiation originates from atomic oscillations
inside the cavity walls and these oscillations can have only discrete values
of energy. Therefore, the radiation trapped inside the cavity walls can
exchange energy with the walls only in discrete amounts.
Planck’s hypothesis of discrete energy values, which he called quanta,
assumes that the oscillators inside the cavity walls have quantized
energies. This was a brand new idea that went beyond the classical
physics of the nineteenth century because, as you learned in a
previous chapter, in the classical picture, the energy of an oscillator
can take on any continuous value.
Planck assumed that the energy of an oscillator (En) can have only
discrete or quantized, values:
h = 6.626×10−34 J⋅sec
An oscillator in the wall can receive energy from the radiation in the cavity
(absorption), or it can give away energy to the radiation in the cavity
(emission). The absorption process sends the oscillator to a higher
quantum state, and the emission process sends the oscillator to a lower
quantum state. Whichever way this exchange of energy goes, the smallest
amount of energy that can be exchanged is hf. There is no upper limit to
how much energy can be exchanged, but whatever is exchanged must be
an integer multiple of hf. If the energy packet does not have this exact
amount, it is neither absorbed nor emitted at the wall of the blackbody.
Planck’s hypothesis gives the following theoretical expression for the
power intensity of emitted radiation per unit wavelength:
…….. (3)
…….. (1)
p = (2mE)1/2 or E = p2/2m
(e) de-Broglie wavelength of electron
In case of charged particle (electron), de-Broglie
Where, h = 6.625x10-34 Js
e = 1.6x10-19 C
mo = 9.1x10-31 kg
Solved Example
Properties of Matter waves
• Lighter is the particle greater is the wavelength associated with it.
• Smaller is the velocity of the particle, greater is the wavelength.
• When v = 0 then λ = ∞, wave becomes indeterminate and if v = ∞
then λ = 0.
• Matter waves are charge independent.
• The wave and particle aspects of moving bodies can never appear
together in the same experiment.
• The wave nature of matter introduces an uncertainty in the
location of the position of the particle.
Difference between e.m. waves and matter waves
………….. (1)
………… (2)
………… (3)
Differentiating equation (3) partially twice with respect to x.
………… (4)
Similarly, differentiating equation (3) partially twice with respect to y, and similarly
with respect to z, we get
………… (5)
....………. (6)
Differentiating equation (3) partially twice with respect to t, we get
………………. (7)
………………. (8)
we know that
(Where 𝜆=h/p)
Where ħ = h/2π
Substituting this value of ω2/v2 in equation (9), we get,
………….. (3)
Or ……. (8)
where n = 1,2,3.....
Normalization of wave function
The constant A can be obtained by applying this normalization condition
A2 = 2/L or
………… (1)
According to the principle of conservation of linear momentum along and
perpendicular to the direction of incident photon (i.e., along x and y axis), we
……… (2)
……… (3)
Squaring (2) and (3) and then adding, we get
………… (4)
………… (5)
………… (6)
According to the theory of relativity
From above equations (8) and (9) following conclusions can be drawn
• The wavelength of the scattered photon λʹ is greater than the wavelength of
incident photon λ.
•∆ λ is independent of the incident wavelength.
•∆ λ have the same value for all substance containing free electron
•∆ λ only depend on the scattering angle φ.
1. When φ = 0; cos φ =
1 ∆ λ = λ’ – λ = 0
λ’ = λ, the scattered wavelength is same as the incident wavelength in the direction of
2. When φ = 90˚ ;
cos φ =0