Final NCP For Postpartum
Final NCP For Postpartum
Final NCP For Postpartum
Collaborative or
Keep accurate
record of subtotals Fluid replacement
of solutions/ blood with isotonic
products during crystalloid solutions
replacement depends on the
therapy. degree of
hypovolemia and
duration of
Administer fluids/
volume expanders Potential exists for
as indicated. over transfusion of
fluids, especially
when volume
expanders are
given prior to blood
Replace blood
products as Fresh whole blood,
ordered by the platelets and fresh
physician. frozen plasma are
usually given to
patients depending
on severity of blood
methylergonovine This drug helps in
as prescribed by the contraction of
the physician. the uterus.
Monitor laboratory
studies %Helps in
(hemoglobin and monitoring the
hematocrit, effectiveness of the
creatinine/ BUN) therapy;
malfunction in the
kidneys may
indicate major
bleeding episodes.
Assist in the
preparation for Symptomatology
surgery specifically may be useful in
hysterectomy. gauging severity of
bleeding episode.
“Client with Imbalanced nutrition”
Ascertain healthy
body weight for age Experts like a
and height. dietician can
determine nitrogen
balance as a
measure of the
nutritional status of
the patient.
Refer to a dietitian for A negative nitrogen
complete nutrition balance may mean
assessment and protein malnutrition.
methods for The dietician can
nutritional support. also determine the
patient’s daily
requirements of
specific nutrients to
promote sufficient
nutritional intake.
Assessment Nursing Planning Nursing Rationale Evaluation
Diagnosis Interventions
Objective Data: Activity Short term goal: Independent: Appropriate measures will Goal met. Patient
intolerance Render nursing be implemented to was able to tolerate
Sleepy related to stress After 8 hours of measures helpful in increase energy level. activities within level
Looks tired during labor nursing increasing energy of own ability as
Generalized and birth. interventions, the level of the patient to evidenced by:
weakness patient will be able tolerate activities
noted to tolerate activities within level of own
With the following within level of own ability. Patient answered to
vital signs: ability. the question asked
and identified factors
T-36.5 0C Assess sleep Multiple factors can aggravating fatigue.
P-75bpm The patient will be patterns and note aggravate fatigue,
R-20cpm able to: changes in thought including sleep
process. deprivation, emotional
BP-110/70 Identify negative distress, side effects of Patient can sit and
mmHg factors affecting medication, and can do tooth brushing
performance. progression of disease by herself.
Adapt lifestyle to
increase energy Assess the patient’s This aids in defining what
level. level of mobility. the patient is capable of,
which is necessary before Patient moves slowly
Verbalize settling realistic goal. and rest more often.
understanding of
potential loss of
ability in relation Patient eats the right
to existing Monitor patient’s Difficulties sleeping need kind and nutritious
condition. sleep pattern and to be addressed before foods.
amount of sleep activity progression can
Develop an achieved over the be achieved.
activity and rest past few days.
pattern that Patient verbalizes
promotes optimal Provides for sense of what are her
independence Encourage patient to control and feeling of concerns on her
and minimizes do whatever possible accomplishment. condition to the
fatigue. like self-care and sit nurse.
. in chair.
Appropriate assistance
Plan time to be with ensures safety.
the patient, and listen
actively to the client’s