Avon Policy Book Isr

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for Avon Independent Sales Representatives

As an Avon Independent Sales Representative (Avon Representative), it

is important for you to understand the values that guide the company,
as well as Avon’s expectations and guidelines for all Representatives.
Representatives are responsible for meeting their contractual obligations.
Throughout these policies, all references to he or she shall refer to both.
As a member of the Direct Selling Association (DSA), Avon and all of its
Avon Representatives are bound to abide by the DSA’s Code of Ethics
found on yourAVON.com under News & Resources.
Advertising and Promotion Guidelines were created to help you advertise
and promote your Avon business. Following these Policies and Guidelines
will enable you to reach more Customers and increase your earnings
while protecting the integrity of the Avon name.
As a Sales Leadership Representative, it is important to understand
the processes through which you receive your earnings,
your Sales Leadership bonuses, if applicable, as well as all policies
that regulate reaching and maintaining levels of achievement, etc.
Note: The information found in these policies and on yourAVON.com site, in its entirety, constitutes the current
information, policies and procedures. Therefore, in the event of a conflict between information contained on
yourAVON.com and information provided to you by Customer Service, Customer Care, your Field Sales Management,
Sales Leadership Upline or any other source, the information contained on the yourAVON.com site will control.
No exceptions will be made to any of the policies, rules or program content unless otherwise noted in these policies.
These policies may be modified by Avon at any time in its sole discretion by express amendment of these policies or
by the adoption of separate policies, rules, codes of ethics or the like that may have the effect of modifying those
contained in the following pages. Always reference www.yourAVON.com for updates or contact your
District Sales Manager or Upline Sales Leadership Representative.

Representative Policies

AVON’S PROMISE TO CuSTOMERS ............................................................................... 4 THE AVON NAME AND TRADEMARKS ............................................................................20
• Protecting the Avon Name ............................................................................................. 20
BECOMING AN AVON REPRESENTATIVE ..................................................................... 4 • What Is a Trademark? .......................................................................................................... 18
CO-APPLICANTS .............................................................................................................. 4
ADVERTISING AND PROMOTING YOuR BuSINESS .......................................................20
REPRESENTATIVE ADVERTISING THAT IS PROHIBITED ..............................................20
CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS .............................................................................................. 6 • Printed Materials ................................................................................................................... 20
INCENTIVES ..................................................................................................................... 6 • Radio & Television ................................................................................................................ 21
• Online Advertising & the Internet .......................................................................................... 21
LICENSED AVON BEAuTY CENTERS.............................................................................. 6 • Domain Names, URLs, Keywords, Metatags & E-mail Addresses That Include
ORDERING the Avon name or Avon Trademarks .......................................................................................... 21
• Order Fulfillment ....................................................................................................................... 8 • Online Auctions, Markets and Outlets ............................................................................ 21
• Placing Orders .................................................................................................................... 8 • Unsolicited E-mails ......................................................................................................... 21
• Credit ................................................................................................................................... 8
REPRESENTATIVE ADVERTISING THAT IS PERMITTED................................................22
• Pricing.................................................................................................................................. 8
• eRepresentative “Personalized Page” ................................................................................. 22
• Transportation Charges ...................................................................................................... 8
• Text Hyperlinks ..................................................................................................................... 22
• Sales Tax/Fees ................................................................................................................... 8
• Telephone Directories (Yellow and White Pages) ............................................................... 22
PROHIBITED SALES METHODS ...................................................................................... 9 • Community Newspapers and Local “For Sale” Publications .......................................... 22
• Retail Sales ............................................................................................................................... 9 • Online Classifieds ........................................................................................................... 22
• Internet Sales ............................................................................................................................ 9 • Coupon Packs ................................................................................................................ 22
• Export Sales ........................................................................................................................ 9 • Supermarket Bulletin Boards.......................................................................................... 23
• Non-traditional Selling Situations ........................................................................................ 9 • Welcome to the Neighborhood ....................................................................................... 23
• Newsletters ..................................................................................................................... 23
PuRCHASE AND SALE OF AN AVON BuSINESS............................................................ 9 • Customized E-mail Signature ......................................................................................... 23
REINSTATEMENTS/REAPPOINTMENTS ......................................................................... 10
APPROVED SALES TOOLS ..............................................................................................24
REMOVAL AS AN AVON INDEPENDENT SALES REPRESENTATIVE ........................... 11 • Business Cards .............................................................................................................. 24
• Personal Checks ............................................................................................................ 24
RETuRNING PRODuCTS.................................................................................................. 11
• Car Signs ........................................................................................................................ 24
SALES LEADERSHIP ........................................................................................................ 11 • Other Promotional Items ...................................................................................................... 24
• Exception Requests .............................................................................................................. 11
• Leadership Earnings ............................................................................................................. 12 ADDITIONAL WAYS TO GROW YOuR BuSINESS ...........................................................24
• Leadership Representatives Hired by Avon ......................................................................... 12 • Avon Parties/Group Selling/Fund-Raising ...................................................................... 24
• Leadership Representatives May Not Be Hired or Compensated as District Support.......... 12 • Activating Interest in the Avon Earning Opportunity....................................................... 25
• Past-Due/Removed Accounts ............................................................................................... 12 • Licensed Avon Beauty Centers ...................................................................................... 25
• Performance Bonus Points ................................................................................................... 13
• Recruiting Policies ................................................................................................................. 13 MAKING GOOD uSE OF TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES ....................................................25
• Recruiting Restrictions .......................................................................................................... 14 • White Pages Listing.............................................................................................................. 25
• Removal from the Sales Leadership Opportunity ................................................................. 15 • Yellow Pages Listing ............................................................................................................ 26
• Reinstatements/Reappointments .......................................................................................... 16 • The Toll-Free Directory ......................................................................................................... 26
• Roll-up ................................................................................................................................... 16 • Online Telephone Directories ............................................................................................... 26
• Survivorship ........................................................................................................................... 17 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR YOuR AVON BuSINESS .............................................26
• Title Review ................................................................................................................................. 18 • How to Place a Newspaper Ad ...................................................................................... 26
TRAINING CENTERS ........................................................................................................ 18 • Sample Copy for Classified Ads ..................................................................................... 27
• How to Place an Online Classified Ad ................................................................................. 27

uNDERSTANDING AVON TERMS ................................................................................... 28–32

Representative Policies 3
Avon’s Promise to Customers Avon will permit a co-applicant who has been on the account for at least 13 Campaigns to become
the primary Representative and for the primary Representative to become the co-applicant. A new Avon
A cornerstone of our business since 1886, this promise (satisfaction guarantee) ensures that Customers Independent Sales Representative Contract must be completed reflecting the change. Such a change
are completely satisfied with their Avon purchases: If you are not happy with any purchase, just return it may be made only once in a two-year period.
to your Avon Representative (or to find one, call 1-800-FOR-AVON) for an exchange or your money back.
No questions. No fuss. No problem. All Avon Representatives must honor this promise to Customers. In the event the primary Representative wishes to discontinue participation in the account and the co-
As an Avon Representative you are expected to uphold your contractual obligations and protect Avon’s applicant wishes to assume the position of primary Representative, the co-applicant must have
name and excellent reputation by complying with all of Avon’s policies, procedures and guidelines. been on the account for a minimum of 13 Campaigns before that change can be made and the primary
Representatives are prohibited from engaging in theft, fraud or any practices that violate consumer Representative must request the change in writing through the District Sales Manager. Again, a new Avon
protection and credit laws. Additionally, Representatives are responsible for ensuring that they and Independent Sales Representative Contract must be completed reflecting the removal of the existing
their businesses comply with all applicable Federal, state and local laws. primary Representative and the change of the co-applicant to the primary Representative. The new
primary Representative may add a co-applicant at that time or at a future date, and after which,
no further changes will be permitted for a two-year period.
Becoming an Avon Representative Avon may remove a co-applicant from an account at any time in its sole discretion.
A new applicant becomes an Avon Representative by paying an appointment fee and by fully completing LABC operators, see Co-applicant under Licensed Avon Beauty Centers on page 6.
and signing an Avon Independent Sales Representative Contract, which is subject to acceptance by Avon.
Only one contract/account is allowed per Representative. In the event a second account is inadvertently
opened, the second account will be closed. All Applicants must be of legal age in their state of residence.
Corporations, Partnerships and Other Legal Entities
All Avon Representatives are independent contractors. Avon Representatives are not agents, employees, Avon will permit an Avon account and an Avon Independent Sales Representative Contract to be
partners or franchisees of Avon and may not represent themselves as such. Each Representative established in the name of a corporation, partnership, Limited Liability Company or other legal entity
is responsible for her own business decisions and expenditures, including the prices charged to her (“Entity”) under the terms and conditions set forth below. The Entity is still required to comply with
Customers and for the payment of self-employment taxes required by Federal, state and local laws. all policies and procedures that apply to individual Representatives and may not engage in any
No fees other than those stated in official Avon literature are required of Representatives, and no initial business other than Avon.
product purchases are required to become an Avon Independent Sales Representative. Within six months • Before an account may be established in the name of an Entity, Avon must approve in writing all
after the termination of the Representative’s association, Avon will repurchase, on reasonable commercial owners of the Entity and the person who will be the principal contact with Avon on behalf of the Entity.
terms, currently marketable inventory that the Representative purchased for resale during the 12 months The approval request shall be submitted in writing to the District Sales Manager for your District.
prior to the termination of her relationship with Avon. Avon or the Representative may terminate the Avon In the case of a Leadership account, the request must also be submitted in writing to:
Independent Sales Representative Contract at any time, with or without cause. U.S. Sales Leadership, Avon Products, Inc., 777 Third Avenue, New York, NY, 10017.
• The approval request must include the name, address and social security number of all owners
Co-applicants of the Entity. Once approval is granted, the account will be established in the name of the Entity.
Avon will permit two people who wish to be Representatives together to become co-applicants on • The individual who will be the principal contact person with Avon must be an owner of the Entity and sign
a single account. (Exception for former District and Division Sales Managers—reference Recruiting the Contract on behalf of the Entity. By signing the Contract, the principal contact person is guaranteeing
Restrictions on page 14). At the time of appointment, the two individuals should both sign a single all financial obligations of the Entity to Avon. Avon must approve, as above, any changes in the principal
Avon Independent Sales Representative Contract and provide all of the requested information. contact person. Whenever the principal contact person changes, the new principal contact person
The Representative and co-applicant are considered one and the same for purposes of the account, must sign a new Contract on behalf of the Entity and guarantee all of its financial obligations.
and both can conduct appointments and sign new Representative contracts as Appointment Makers. The principal contact person may not change more than once in any two-year period.
Neither may have a separate Avon account. The mailing address of the primary Representative will be • At the time the Contract is signed, Avon must be provided with a current Federal Employer Identification
the only address utilized by Avon for contact on the account, and in the case of recognition or awards, (FEI) number for the Entity from the Internal Revenue Service. The FEI will become the tax identification
only the primary Representative is eligible to receive the award or recognition. number for the account.
Avon will permit an existing Representative to add to her account a co-applicant who does not have • Any changes in the ownership of the Entity must be approved in writing by Avon, including any changes
a separate Avon account. The existing primary Representative and new co-applicant must both complete that occur from any sale or transfer of an ownership interest (including a transfer that occurs pursuant
and sign a new Avon Independent Sales Representative Contract and provide all of the requested to the estate laws). Requests for changes shall be made in writing to the District Sales Manager for your
information. The current account number remains the same. A co-applicant may not be changed District and, in the case of a Leadership business, the Director, U.S. Sales Leadership, and shall include
more than once in a two-year period. the names, addresses and social security numbers of all proposed new owners of the Entity.
• Former Avon Representatives who were removed by Avon may not have an ownership interest
A co-applicant may be removed from the primary Representative’s account by submitting to Avon,
in the Entity or participate in the operation of the business.
through the District Sales Manager, a written request that the co-applicant be removed, signed by
both parties currently on the Contract and notarized by a Notary Public. The primary Representative • The name of the Entity may not contain the name “Avon” or otherwise infringe on any trademark belonging
must complete and sign a new Avon Independent Sales Representative Contract and provide all of to Avon. In the event it is determined after the account is established that the name of the Entity infringes
the requested information. The current account number remains the same. If a Representative seeks on any Avon trademark, the name of the Entity must be changed so that it is no longer infringing.
to remove a co-applicant because of a change in marital status, the separation agreement, settlement • Avon will not permit churches, synagogues, schools, PTAs or other charitable organizations to be
agreement or divorce decree must expressly provide for the removal of the co-applicant and such appointed as an Avon Independent Sales Representative.
document must be provided to Avon, through the District Sales Manager, for the removal to occur.
4 Representative Policies 5
• Location: Only Avon in its sole discretion will determine location of any LABC. NO new LABC will
Credit Card Payments be approved to open in the same Mall/retail location where an LABC already exists. Geography and
Representatives who accept payments without an imprint of the credit card, a signature from the Customer population density are taken into account in making all location decisions and granting approvals.
and a valid authorization code are not protected from chargebacks. A valid authorization code alone
- NO LABC is permitted to be located within another store. Each LABC must be a stand alone kiosk
is insufficient to protect your account. Payments submitted with only a valid authorization code (even with
or in-line store.
either a signature or an imprint but not both of these things) may still be processed, and the Representative
is liable in the event of a chargeback. - An LABC operator must notify their District Sales Manager and the LABC department based in
New York, New York BEFORE they change the location of an existing LABC. A new lease and location
analysis must be presented and approved by Avon before such a move can be approved. If a move
Incentives takes place without Avon’s prior consent, it would be considered a violation of these policies and
Avon reserves the right to disqualify any Representative from receiving any incentive reward earned due to accounts may be closed.
manipulation of accounts in order to achieve the incentive. This also pertains to Sales Leadership bonuses,
including but not limited to, Believe in Your Success (see flyer on yourAVON.com for details). • Product Inventory: Only Avon products may be sold at or in LABCs. Non-Avon products may NOT
be displayed or sold at or in LABCs. Representatives operating LABCs may NOT display or sell in or at
the LABC any licensed products which do not have the Avon name affixed to the product, such as Mattel,
Licensed Avon Beauty Centers Disney, etc, since most such licenses do not allow the products to be sold at retail. Exception: Most,
Any operator of a Licensed Avon Beauty Center (“LABC”) agrees to comply with these LABC Policies, but not all, celebrity fragrances may be sold in the LABC. However, please note that these items must be
the LABC Agreement, the Independent Sales Representative Contract and Avon’s policies and procedures, sold at the Brochure price and may not be price-reduced in order to comply with the license agreement.
as all or any, may be amended from time-to-time. An applicant and operator of an LABC must be
an Avon Independent Sales Representative with an Avon Representative Account in good-standing • Recognition: President’s Points which are assigned to an LABC Account MAY NOT BE REDEEMED
(“Home Account”). An applicant for a LABC, if approved by Avon, will have a separate account established on the LABC Account. At the end of the Cycle, rewards will be calculated based on both the Home
for the LABC (“LABC Account”). and the LABC Account and will be applied to the Home Account.
- Spending Account amounts or President’s Points amounts from the Home Account CANNOT be
• Advertising: Representatives operating an LABC will abide by all of Avon’s Policies including Avon’s
transferred to the LABC Account in order to reduce the balance on the LABC Account.
Advertising and Promotion Policies and Guidelines. LABC Operators may advertise their business in local
publications using Avon approved copy and layout. LABC Operators must use only Avon created and LABC Operators who are also Leadership Representatives or have an LABC in their Downline will have
approved collateral materials and advertising provided for use at their LABC locations in order to promote Home Account and LABC Account Award Sales combined every Campaign for Leadership Bonus Payouts.
specific products. The only acceptable sign for an LABC in-line store or kiosk is the name Avon used • Sale of an LABC: An LABC business and the rights and obligations associated with it are personal to
alone in accordance with the Corporate Identity Guidelines. the Representative and ownership of an LABC may not be sold, assigned or transferred to any other
• Business Licenses/Tax Certificates: Any required Business Licenses, Resale Tax Certificates & Use person or Entity without the express prior written approval of Avon in its sole discretion. A Representative
Tax Certificates must be obtained in the name being utilized for the LABC Account. interested in selling an LABC or ownership of an Entity that operates an LABC must provide written notice
to both her District Sales Manager and the LABC department based in New York of her desire to sell
• Co-applicant: At the time of application for a NEW LABC, if there is a co-applicant on the LABC account, the LABC. The proposed purchaser must be an active Representative in good standing and must satisfy
the co-applicant’s information must be provided on the application and accompanying paperwork in all of the requirements for becoming the operator of an LABC. Following receipt of written approval from
addition to the Primary Representative’s information. All co-applicants requesting to be added to an the LABC department in New York, ownership of the LABC may be sold. The seller and purchaser
existing LABC Account must complete the LABC application process for review and consideration. shall immediately notify the LABC department in New York in writing when the sale occurs.
It is understood that co-applicants shall be jointly and severally liable to Avon.
• Corporations and Other Legal Entities: The LABC Account may be established in the name of the
If the account of an LABC is in the name of a legal Entity (e.g., a corporation, an LLC, partnership)
as the operator of the LABC and ownership of that Entity changes through the sale of the stock or
Representative or in the name of a corporation, partnership, Limited Liability Company or other legal entity other interest in the Entity, following that sale the LABC account will remain open in the name of the
(“Entity”). If the LABC Account is established in the name of an Entity, the Entity may not engage in any Entity with the same account number (which has not changed and is still the operator). For example:
business other than as an LABC and must comply with all policies governing Corporations, Partnerships Debbie and Mary are shareholders in their LABC which is a legal Entity known as DM, Inc. Debbie
and other legal Entities contained in the Policies for Independent Sales Representatives. The name of wishes to sell her 50% interest in the Entity to Mary, who will then become the owner of 100% of the
a corporation or other legal entity may never contain the name AVON as part of the name. Example: stock in DM, Inc. The LABC Account will remain in the name of the Entity - DM, Inc. - and the account
Debbie’s Beauty Center is an acceptable name for an Avon LABC Account and corporate name; number will remain the same. Another example: Debbie owns 100% of the stock of her LABC which
Debbie’s Avon Beauty center is NOT acceptable as a corporate name. is the name of a legal Entity known as ABC, Inc. Debbie wants to sell all of her stock to Janet, who is
an active Representative in good standing. Once Avon has approved the sale to Janet and the sale
• Credit & Shipping Fees: LABC Operators receive extended credit terms for their FIRST ORDER on their is completed, the account will again remain in the name of the Entity - ABC, Inc. - and the account
LABC Account. Half of the order must be paid within four (4) Campaigns, the remainder must be paid number will remain the same because all that has changed is the ownership of the Entity, ABC, LLC.,
within the next four (4) Campaigns. All subsequent orders must be paid within two (2) Campaigns on the which remains the operator of the LABC.
regular Campaign cycle. Please remember, a Campaign is 14 calendar days.
- Orders on both Home and LABC Accounts will be held if EITHER the Home or LABC Accounts past ˚ In all other instances, the new operator of the LABC will be assigned a new LABC account number
and the prior operator’s LABC account will be closed. The prior operator will be responsible for any
due for two (2) Campaigns.
outstanding balance on the LABC account on the date the account is closed. In addition, the new
- LABC Accounts are subject to past due fees for balance beginning with accounts past due two (2) Campaigns. operator of the LABC must have a direct contractual relationship with the landlord; a transaction that
- Multiple order shipping fees may be applied to either Home or LABC Accounts. contemplates a sublease with the prior operator will NOT be approved.
6 Please visit http://www.yourAVON.com/REPSuite/fees.page. Representative Policies 7
• Separation of Accounts: LABC Accounts are the only accounts which an LABC Operator may use to
purchase products that will be sold at or in the LABC. The Representative’s Home Account must only be
Prohibited Sales Methods
used to purchase items sold to Customers who order their products from the Avon Sales Brochure through • Retail Sales: The Avon name is recognized around the world for quality, value and personal service.
traditional direct-selling methods. LABC Operators must maintain their home account in good standing. Avon is a direct-selling company with a strong belief in personal contact with the consumer. Avon
Independent Sales Representatives are contractually obligated to sell only to consumers.
Failure to abide by any Avon policies as well as any amendments thereto may result in the closing of the
Representatives may not sell products to third parties for resale, to or through any business Entity
LABC location and account and/or removal of the Representative as an Avon Representative.
or to any type of retail establishment. Avon Representatives may not establish or operate their own
Avon retail businesses without applying to Avon to license a LABC. Avon reserves the right to test
Ordering or undertake alternative selling methods.
Avon provides the Representative with a broad selection of products for purchase at discounts that vary
• Internet Sales: Representatives are prohibited from using the Internet to sell or auction Avon products.
based upon the volume of the Representative’s orders in each Campaign. An Avon Representative is
The only authorized Internet selling is as an Avon eRepresentative using an Avon-provided Web site.
expected to provide consistent and timely service to Customers, in the manner and environment in which her
Representatives are also prohibited from utilizing Avon-sponsored Web sites or other Avon-related
Customers prefer to shop, e.g., home, office, workplace, eRepresentative Web site, etc. A Representative
channels to solicit funds or other items for non-Avon-sponsored programs or activities, whether
is responsible for placing regular, timely orders following the established order-submission and payment
charitable or otherwise, from Customers, other Representatives or any other party. See Advertising
schedules, and paying in full for her previous order prior to submitting her current order (or by noon of her
Guidelines, which are part of these policies, for details.
individual Representative processing schedule (RPS) order submission date if there is no current order).
• Export Sales: Avon Independent Sales Representatives may not make export shipments of Avon
• Order Fulfillment: As stated in the Avon Independent Sales Representative Contract, all Purchase
products nor may they knowingly sell products to other individuals who intend to export those products
Orders are subject to acceptance by Avon, and all orders must meet Avon’s approval.
unless specifically authorized in writing by Avon through the Area Sales Leader.
• Placing Orders: Representatives in good standing may submit a completed electronic or paper
• Non-traditional Selling Situations: Sales Leadership Representatives are not eligible to receive
purchase order to Avon to receive products, sales and business tools. Representatives may never enter
Leadership bonuses on Downline members who participate in non-traditional selling situations such as,
orders on behalf of any other Representative or otherwise utilize or manipulate another Representative’s
but not limited to, export sales, Internet or through any unauthorized retail establishments. Avon reserves
account or Customer’s personal information for the Representative’s personal gain.
the right in its sole discretion to determine whether the sales of a Downline Representative fall into one
• Credit: Avon reserves the right to investigate the background, character and credit standing of the of the above-mentioned situations and whether or not a Sales Leadership bonus will be paid.
Independent Sales Representative for the purpose of determining whether the Representative should
be appointed and receive credit in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Avon ISR Contract.
Additionally, Avon reserves the right to deny or limit the amount of credit it extends to the Independent
Purchase and Sale of an Avon Business
Sales Representative upon, and subsequent to, appointment. Payment of any outstanding balance must An Avon business and the rights and obligations associated with it are personal to the Representative
be paid each Campaign prior to the processing of your order for the next Campaign. If you do not place and may not be sold, assigned or transferred to any other person or Entity without the express written
an order in the next Campaign, payment is still due by noon of your individual Representative Processing approval of Avon in its sole discretion. In the case of a non-Leadership business, written approval
Schedule (RPS) order submission date. Any past-due balance may be subject to a past-due fee of must be obtained from the District Sales Manager of the Seller. Once the Buyer has been approved
up to $10 each campaign that the balance is delinquent. (See invoice for the box marked “Please pay by the District Sales Manager, the Seller’s account will be closed and the Buyer will be appointed
this Amount,” and pay the full amount to avoid any past-due fees.) as an Avon Independent Sales Representative with a new account number. The Seller’s position within
• Pricing: Avon maintains the right to change product prices at any time without prior notice. the President’s Recognition Program, etc., is not transferable. In the case of a Leadership business,
written approval must also be obtained from U.S. Sales Leadership, via “Contact Us” on yourAVON.com
• Transportation Charges: Avon will provide transportation on merchandise ordered on or Avon Products, Inc., 777 Third Avenue, New York, NY, 10017.
schedule to all Representatives in good standing, with the exception of Representatives residing
in Alaska, Guam, Hawaii and the Caribbean Islands. An Avon Leadership Representative who has attained and maintained a Position of Achievement
of Unit Leader or above for the last six consecutive months or more immediately preceding date
Sales Tax/Fees of purchase/sale request is eligible to seek written approval from Avon to sell, assign or transfer
• Sales Tax: Avon provides a service to Representatives by remitting the appropriate sales tax amount her Avon business under the following terms and conditions:
to each state or municipality and filing sales tax forms, as required, at the time of purchase. The amount • The Seller must first offer her Avon business for sale to the immediate Upline Representative,
of sales tax is based on the product’s suggested retail price and calculated at the Representative’s if one exists. If the immediate Upline Representative is not interested in acquiring the business,
local tax rate. The tax that has been paid by Avon is then reflected on the Representative’s invoice. the Seller must then offer the business to other Upline Representatives, if any, within the same
• Fees: Reference One Simple Fee Flyer under Campaign Tools on yourAVON.com for details. Leadership line, on the same terms and conditions the business was offered to the immediate
• Variable Discounts: The percentage of variable discounts is based on personal Campaign Award Sales. Upline Representative. In the event the Seller has no Upline Representative, or no Upline Representative
This percentage is then applied to Customer price sales. The amount of the discount is credited against elects to purchase the business, then the Seller is free to offer her business for sale to another Sales
the balance due Avon and calculated into the Representative’s invoice. Specific financial rewards Leadership Representative (including a Downline Representative in her Unit) who has been an Avon
are calculated according to the Avon Earnings Plan. Consult your Representative Earnings Chart Representative for at least one year and has attained and maintained a Position of Achievement
at www.yourAVON.com or in your Say Hello to a New Tomorrow Appointment Booklet (AT1). of Unit Leader or above for the last six consecutive months (in both cases immediately preceding
• Tax Exemptions: Only apply to Licensed Avon Beauty Center (LABC) accounts (not LABC Operators’ date of purchase/sale request) on the same terms and conditions the business was offered
primary account) and to Avon-approved individual Fund-Raising orders. Go to www.yourAVON.com to the Upline Representative(s).
for more details on both programs. There are no exceptions to this policy unless specifically authorized • In the event the business is purchased by an Upline Representative (Buyer), the Buyer replaces
in writing by Avon through the Area Sales Leader. the Seller in Seller’s Leadership Unit, and must relinquish all rights to Buyer’s original Leadership Unit.
8 Representative Policies 9
• In the event the business is purchased by a Downline Representative (Buyer), the Buyer replaces Removal as an Avon Independent Sales Representative
the Seller in the Leadership Unit and the Buyer’s original Downline rolls up.
Either you or Avon may terminate your association with Avon at any time with or without cause.
• If the Buyer is in a different Leadership line, the Buyer replaces the Seller in the Seller’s Circumstances that may lead Avon to terminate its association with you include but are not limited to:
Leadership Unit and must relinquish all rights to the Buyer’s original Leadership Unit.
Note: Leadership businesses in different Leadership lines cannot be merged. In addition, • Inactivity: If you do not submit an order for four consecutive Campaigns, you are considered inactive
a Representative may not be enrolled in two Leadership Units at the same time. and will automatically be removed from Avon’s active file.
• All roll-ups that occur as the result of a purchase and sale will not contribute to any Sales Leader’s • Past-Due Account: You may be removed if you fail to submit payments to Avon in a timely manner.
Position of Achievement until 7 Campaigns following the Campaign of purchase. • Inappropriate Actions: If you act in violation of, or in ways inconsistent with your Avon Independent
• Avon reserves the right to obtain written, notarized evidence that the appropriate Upline Representative(s) Sales Representative Contract or any of Avon’s policies and procedures, wherever found, you may
have been offered the opportunity to purchase the business and declined. Avon also reserves be removed.
the right to approve or disapprove any proposed sale in its sole discretion, and to review • Management Decision: Avon always reserves the right to terminate its association with
and approve all conditions of the sale, transfer or assignment of the business. a Representative at any time for any or no reason in its sole discretion.
LABC operators, see Sale of an LABC under Licensed Avon Beauty Centers on page 7.
Once purchase and sale of an Avon business has been approved and processed, it cannot be reversed.
Returning Products
Representatives may only return to Avon those products they purchased directly from Avon within
the prior twelve (12) months and should provide, if requested, proof of purchase. Likewise,
Reinstatements/Reappointments Representatives are required to accurately report the reasons for returns.
If you close your account voluntarily, or if you are removed for inactivity or a Past-Due Account, you may, Note: Exceptions are Representatives returning a product in accordance with the Avon Promise
with Avon’s approval, have your association with Avon reactivated under the following circumstances: on behalf of a Customer who purchased the product from another Representative. Abuse of this
• Reinstatement (5 Campaigns or less): If you are removed for five (5) or fewer Campaigns, you can exception by Representatives will not be tolerated. Under no circumstances is a Representative
resume business with no fee paid, provided your account is paid in full and the Reinstatement Contract permitted to charge a fee of any kind to a Customer for honoring the Avon promise.
is completed. You may be relinked to prior sales and recruiting performance, and your account number
and Length of Association remain the same. Sales Leadership
• Reinstatement (6 to 13 Campaigns): If you are removed for more than five (5) but fewer than Representatives participating in the Sales Leadership Opportunity are responsible for meeting their
fourteen (14) Campaigns, you may resume business upon payment of a reinstatement fee, provided contractual obligations as Avon Independent Sales Representatives, including those specific to the
that your account is paid in full and reinstatement Contract is completed. Your account number will be Sales Leadership Opportunity. Sales Leadership Representatives are responsible for personally appointing,
restored, and the Length of Association is not impacted. Recruiting and Leadership bonuses, however, mentoring and training their Unit members according to current appointment and new Representative
may not be restored. training and development guidelines. Sales Leadership Representatives may not solicit or receive leads
• Reappointment: With Avon’s approval, you may begin an Avon business again, more than thirteen (13) from District Sales Managers. The only approved methods of receiving leads from Avon are through Avon’s
Campaigns after removal for inactivity only, provided that your account is paid in full. You will be appointed corporate Lead Sharing Initiative or as an eRepresentative. In order to maintain participation in the Sales
as a new Representative and receive a new account, pay appointment fee and complete full appointment Leadership Opportunity, they must abide by all of Avon’s policies and all other guidelines including
process. All other Avon linkages will start anew. No relinkage of previous Downline members will be any subsequent modifications for taking advantage of all tools or support systems Avon offers Sales
permitted. Representatives whose accounts are turned over to a collection agency may not be reappointed. Leadership Representatives, at their own cost.
Note: Avon reserves the right to deny reinstatement or reappointment to any removed Representative Note: For policies on electronic appointment processing system (eAps) for online contract submission,
in its sole discretion. go to the eAps Help menu on www.yourAVON.com.
• Exception Requests: In order to protect the integrity of the Sales Leadership Program and to ensure
fair and equitable treatment to all participating Representatives, there will be no exceptions made to
any of the policies outlined herein, unless specifically noted. Additionally, any changes requested
or related to your Sales Leadership account for rewards, such as bonuses, Downline linkage, etc.,
must be requested within 5 Campaigns from, and including, the Campaign of Appointment.
However, a new Representative’s Campaign of Appointment cannot be moved to a future Campaign
once a Representative has placed an order or the Campaign of Appointment RPS has updated.
If the Campaign of Appointment is changed to a future Campaign for your very first Recruit,
your Agreement Date will also be changed to match.

10 Sales Leadership Policies 11

• Leadership Earnings: Qualifications for Leadership earnings are based on achieving the required • Performance Bonus Points: Once you achieve the Unit Leader position, you receive 250 Performance
number of 1st Generation Downline Member orders, meeting required personal sales level Bonus Points. These may be used to supplement your sales, when necessary, to meet the $250
and required total unit sales. Personal Award Sales qualifier. These points are not used in calculating earnings, do not count toward
- Sales Leadership Representatives, through their personal prospecting, appointing, training and Unit Award Sales requirements and do not count toward qualification for a higher Position of Achievement.
developing efforts, may earn each campaign from the sales of their qualified Downline members Performance Bonus Points are automatically redeemed based on availability. For example, if in one
(see Sales Leadership Bonus Chart on yourAVON.com for details). Campaign your sales totaled $200, you could use 50 of these bonus points to make up the difference
- Leadership earnings are calculated based on Leadership sales from your Downline Members’ ($200 plus 50 bonus points = $250 Personal Award Sales qualifier), provided you met all other
paid orders. Leadership sales are defined as Customer Price Sales minus Downline Representative’s performance requirements for your level of achievement in any given Campaign. This would then qualify
earnings level (i.e. net sales). Leadership earnings are not paid on Representative earnings, sales you to receive your Sales Leadership bonus earnings for that Campaign. You would not, however,
aids or returns. Returns will negatively impact Leadership earnings. There may also be other be eligible to advance to a higher Sales Leadership position in that same Campaign.
exceptions to this rule, e.g., Crusade items or any “while supplies last” products that do not ship Performance Bonus Points are awarded as follows:
due to out-of-stock status, will not count toward Leadership sales. Position of Achievement Performance Bonus Points
- Additional bonuses may be earned for recruiting, developing and advancing titles (see Sales
Unit Leader 250
Leadership tab on yourAVON.com for details).
Advanced Unit Leader 600
- At the close of each campaign, Sales Leadership Representatives have access to their Sales Executive Unit Leader 1,400
Leadership Earnings Statement on yourAVON.com, which details their Sales Leadership activity
Senior Executive Unit Leader 1,600
for a specific campaign. Reference Sales Leadership Earnings Statement on yourAVON.com for
instructions on how to read your earnings statement. Performance Bonus Points are not cumulative. After you use a portion or all, you are responsible
for replenishing them. Here’s how: As long as your Personal Award Sales in a given Campaign are
• Leadership Representatives Hired by Avon: To be hired as an employee within Avon’s Field in excess of your personal sales level qualifier (see the Sales Leader Bonus Chart on yourAVON.com),
Sales Management, a Sales Leadership Representative must sell or transfer her existing Sales your excess amount will replenish Performance Bonus Points for future use, up to the maximum allowed
Leadership business in accordance with Avon’s policies, to someone other than a co-applicant, for Position of Achievement (see Performance Bonus Points awards above). For example, if you are an
spouse, domestic partner or family member. The newly hired District Sales Manager may not Advanced Unit Leader (AUL), your Personal Award Sales must be $300 in a Campaign. If you place an
become the co-applicant on the former account nor remain a Representative. order and your Personal Award Sales are actually $400 in that Campaign, then your sales are $100 over,
When a titled Sales Leadership Representative is hired as a District Sales Manager, the immediate which equates to 100 excess bonus points. The excess will be added to your Performance Bonus Points
Upline Representative will receive a $500 bonus and will be given six months in which to remain for future use, as long as you need a replenishment of bonus points. (AUL maximum is 600 bonus
at their current Position of Achievement and Performance (to allow time to find and develop another points.)
titled Representative to replace the departed Unit Leader or Above). In order to remain at that level
of achievement and performance during that six-month period, the Upline Representatives must • Recruiting Policies: As a Sales Leadership Representative, you are required to develop your own
meet all other necessary requirements for their levels of achievement. 1st Generation only through your own personal appointing efforts. Sales Leadership Representatives
who, through their own personal appointing efforts, create a 1st Generation for another Sales Leadership
• Leadership Representatives May Not Be Hired or Compensated as District Support: Representative are in violation of this policy and may be removed from the Sales Leadership Opportunity.
Sales Leadership Representatives may not be employed by Avon as stand-in District Sales Managers
or work or assist a District Sales Manager in any capacity, i.e. an Assistant District Sales Manager, The Recruit must pay the required appointment fee, and the Contract must be accepted by Avon.
a Field Work Support (FWS), Recruiter/Appointment Maker for or an Administrative Assistant No free appointments can be offered. “Free appointments” can only occur during a company-sponsored
to a District Sales Manager. No compensation of any form, including, but not limited to, demo certificates, promotion. Any violation of Avon policies could result in immediate removal from the Sales Leadership
gift certificates, sales tools, products, etc., may be given to a Representative. Sales Leadership Program and/or Avon.
Representatives may never be compensated for providing any assistance to the District Sales Manager. With regard to District assignment of a new Representative, the Representative must be assigned
to the District in which she resides. This would include all appointments, e.g. Lead Sharing, Online
• Past-Due/Removed Accounts: As a Sales Leadership Representative, if your account is past due
Contracts and traditional face-to face, as well as reinstatements and reappointments.
for three (3) Campaigns, any Leadership bonus will be withheld in that third past-due Campaign.
Representative recruiting activities that are prohibited include but are not limited to:
That bonus will be sent with the next bonus, as long as your account balance is cleared.
- Making representations about earnings potential that go beyond those made by the Company.
If you are removed from Sales Leadership, you will receive a final statement and will no longer
be entitled to receive Sales Leadership bonuses on your former Unit members unless you are - Mailing Appointment Kits to prospective Recruits for purposes of non face-to-face appointments.
reinstated and relinked. - Recruiting and/or making appointments over the Internet or by any electronic means
(for example, by Webcam).
- Auctioning or selling Appointment Kits via the Internet or in any other manner.
- Selling or bartering leads or other information about prospective Representatives to other
Sales Leadership Representatives.
- Advertising or promising free or reduced appointment fees.
- Using other Representatives’ personal information for personal gain.
- Sales Leadership Representatives acting as Recruiter/Appointment Makers for District Sales Manager
(see “Leadership Representatives May Not Be Hired or Compensated as District Support” on page 12).
12 Sales Leadership Policies Representative Policies
• Recruiting Restrictions: A Sales Leadership Representative may not recruit or have her spouse, • Removal from the Sales Leadership Opportunity: Should you, for whatever reason, cease
domestic partner or other family member living in her household as a member of her Downline to be an Avon Independent Sales Representative, you will be automatically removed from the
organization. Avon reserves the right to remove spouse’s entire Downline if this policy is violated. Sales Leadership Opportunity and will receive no further Sales Leadership earnings on the sales
Exception: a previously existing Downline relationship that was established at least one (1) year prior of your former Unit members.
to the move into the same household. You may terminate your participation in the Sales Leadership Opportunity at any time by submitting
- Directors and Officers of Avon and Managers in the Avon Sales Organization may not be co-applicants a written and signed notice to Avon through your Avon District Sales Manager, indicating your desire
on the account of others, nor may they be appointed to anyone else’s Downline. to withdraw from the Opportunity. Linkage to your Downline will be broken. You will receive no further
- District and Division Sales Managers cannot be Avon Representatives or co-applicants while employed Sales Leadership bonuses on the sales of your former Unit members.
by Avon. Circumstances that may lead Avon to terminate your participation in the Sales Leadership Opportunity
- Former District and Division Sales Managers who wish to become Representatives or establish their may include but are not limited to:
own Sales Leadership businesses after leaving Avon’s employment may do so, but must be appointed - Management Decision: Avon always reserves the right to terminate its association with a Representative
by a District Sales Manager and may not be members of anyone else’s Downline or added as for any or no reason in its sole discretion.
a co-applicant on an existing Representative’s account. - Inappropriate Actions: Avon may remove any Sales Leadership Representative who does not comply
- Spouses and Family Members of Current District Sales Managers: A spouse or domestic partner with the Avon Independent Sales Representative Contract, Avon’s Policies, Reference Manuals
and any other immediate family member (parents, children, siblings) of an Avon District Sales Manager or any other similar materials.
may become a Sales Leadership Representative, but may not be appointed by a family member
If your participation in Leadership is terminated by Avon, you lose all rights relating to your Unit immediately
who is a District Sales Manager or in the same District for which that District Sales Manager
and will receive no further Sales Leadership bonuses on the sales of your former Unit members.
is responsible. They must also not be recommended, recruited or appointed by any other
Representative, nor become a member of any other Sales Leadership Representative’s Downline. Failure to Achieve Unit Leader Level: If you have not achieved Unit Leader level within your first 13
Such individuals are eligible to receive prizes and awards but cannot attend President’s Recognition Campaigns as a Sales Leadership Representative (including Campaign of Appointment) due to not
Program Tributes or National Recognition Events, or receive public recognition from Avon. achieving $1,200 in Total Unit Sales, but you have recruited at least five Registered new Representatives
during that period, you will be given another 13 Campaigns to achieve the necessary $1,200 in Total Unit
Sales. For example, if you are appointed in C-3, you have until C-15 to achieve Unit Leader Level. You
must achieve the Unit Leader level within 26 Campaigns (one year) in order to remain a participant
in the Sales Leadership Opportunity.
If a new Sales Leadership Representative has less than five registered Recruits after the first 13
Campaigns, she will be removed from the Sales Leadership Opportunity and will lose her Downline.
She will be permitted to start a new Sales Leadership business in the future, but her former Downline
will not be relinked.

Relink Request: Previously titled Leadership Representatives may request a one-time relink within
7 Campaigns of losing their Downline if they have at least 5 Registered Recruits at time of
the relink request. Relink happens after existing and new Recruits place orders and are considered
Registered Recruits.
A relinkage will be permitted not more than once in a Representative’s Avon association and only
for good cause determined in Avon’s sole discretion.

14 Sales Leadership Policies 15

• Reinstatements/Reappointments: Complete details for reinstatements and reappointments Example:
are on page 10. Below is an example specific to Sales Leadership participation and retaining
Downline members. Reason Campaign of Action Campaign Roll-up Counts Roll-up Counts
for Roll-up Causing of Roll-up Toward Receiving Toward Receiving
Campaigns Removed Note Can be Keeps Keeps Potential Roll-up upline’s 1st upline’s Title
from Sales Leadership Reinstated former former Generation Sales Advancement/
if Reinstated if Reinstated

Removed 1 Campaign Yes Yes Yes 1. Automatic Removal Removed as an Start of Start of At the Close of
Removed 2 Campaigns Yes Yes Yes as an Avon as an Avon Campaign 7 Campaign 7 Campaign 8
Independent Sales Representative (after 5
Removed 3 Campaigns Yes Yes Yes Representative in Campaign 2 Campaigns
Removed 4 Campaigns Yes Yes Yes for more than of removal)
Removed 5 Campaigns DOWNLINE Rolls Up Yes Yes No* 5 Campaigns
Removed 6–13 Must Pay Appointment Fee Yes Yes No*
Campaigns to be Reinstated into Avon—
May request 1-time Relink* 2. Candidates Discontinued Start of Start of At the Close of
Removed 14+ failure to meet from Sales Campaign 2 Campaign 2 Campaign 8
Must be Reappointed with a new
Campaigns Account # as a new Representative No No No Sales Leadership Leadership
qualifications to UL in Campaign 2
*Reference relink Request details included under Removal from the Sales Leadership Opportunity above.

3. Title at Risk Title at Risk Start of Start of At the Close of

• Roll-up: A roll-up occurs when an Upline Sales Leader is no longer participating in Avon’s Sales as Unit Leader Started in Campaign 8 Campaign 8 Campaign 14
Leadership program. When that occurs, the Downline members roll up to their next Upline, if applicable. for 6 Campaigns Campaign 2
Increased Generation Sales: The receiving Upline Sales Leader will start earning increased generation
sales in the Campaign the roll-up occurs.
4. Upline Sales Leader’s Discontinued Start of Start of At the Close of
Title Achievement/Retention: The roll-up will start counting toward position of title achievement/retention or Avon’s request from Sales Campaign 2 Campaign 2 Campaign 8
at the close of the 7th Campaign following Campaign of roll-up**. or due to death of Leadership
Possible reasons for a roll-up: Avon Representative in Campaign 2
1. Upline Sales Leader is discontinued from Sales Leadership following automatic removal
as an Avon Independent Sales Representative for more than 5 campaigns.
2. Upline Sales Leader Candidate is discontinued from Sales Leadership for failure to meet 5. Purchase of an Relinquished Start of Start of At the Close of
Leadership qualifications to Unit Leader. Avon Leadership her original Campaign 2 Campaign 2 Campaign 8
3. Upline Sales Leader is discontinued from Sales Leadership after being Title at Risk Business Downline
in a different in Campaign 2
as a Unit Leader more than 6 campaigns.
Leadership line
4. Upline Sales Leader is discontinued from Sales Leadership by her own choice or at Avon’s request (See page 10
or due to death of an Avon Representative. for details.)
5. Upline Sales Leader purchases an Avon Leadership business in a different Leadership line.
When a roll-up occurs, a discontinued Upline Sales Leader will receive no pending or future bonuses **Roll-up Note: #1 roll-up reason above allows only a two-campaign roll-up window for purposes of requesting a one-time
and will no longer be eligible for a one-time relink opportunity. relink (see Relink Request on page 16).

• Survivorship: The rewards of the Sales Leadership Opportunity are based on personal efforts
and Sales Leadership abilities. Therefore, upon the death of an individual Sales Leadership
Representative, the business is automatically terminated. Heirs of a deceased Sales Leadership
Representative will not be eligible for any future bonuses.
In the case of co-applicants, the co-applicant may assume primary responsibility for the business
upon the death of the original Sales Leadership Representative; however, a new Contract must be
completed that accurately reflects the co-applicant as the primary Representative on the account.
A family member or a friend cannot assume ownership of a deceased Representative’s account
if they were not previously placed (or already placed before the death of the Representative)
as a co-applicant on the account prior to death of the Representative.

16 Sales Leadership Policies 17

• Title Review: Should a titled Sales Leader fail to perform at her Position of Achievement for a rolling
four (4) consecutive Campaigns (the last four consecutive), the Representative will be retitled to the
highest level of performance achieved during that four-Campaign review period. Retitling will be
reflected on the seventh Campaign’s Leadership Earnings Statement.
End of Achievement Performance Performing Below Highest Performance Title Title
Campaign Title Title Achievement Level? in Last 4 Campaigns at Risk
*C-6 Candidate - -
*Note: Demotion to Candidate level will only be approved once.

Training Centers
- -

Sales Leadership Representative “Training Centers” are the sole responsibility of the Independent Sales
Representative and may not be utilized as a retail store, i.e. product may not be sold from the Center.
The Representative must abide by all Avon advertising guidelines relative to the use of Avon’s name
at the Center.

These Policies and Guidelines have been created to help you advertise
and promote your Avon business. Following these Policies and Guidelines
will enable you to reach more Customers and increase your earnings
while protecting the integrity of the Avon name. Please keep these Policies
and Guidelines as part of your permanent business files for future reference.

18 Advertising and Promotion Policies 19

- Promotions with other companies; for example, producing Avon place mats for an area restaurant
The AVON Name and Trademarks is prohibited.
• Protecting the Avon Name. Since 1886, Avon, with the help of its Independent Sales
- Promotions with other businesses promoting a specific Avon product or any celebrity-endorsed
Representatives, has worked hard to build an outstanding worldwide reputation for quality products,
Avon product.
personal service and integrity. The Avon name must be carefully preserved and protected. Avon
cannot permit its name and trademarks to be weakened. To do so would be to devalue the Avon name - The offering of money, free gifts, products or any other inducement or enticement to agree
and eventually cause Avon to lose an important asset. The Avon name and the names of our individual to be appointed as an Avon Representative is strictly prohibited.
products are valuable “calling cards” that tell consumers they are receiving genuine, guaranteed Avon • Radio & Television: Avon does not authorize the use of the Avon name or any other trademark names
products and services. Any time the Avon name, trade name or trademarks are used improperly or of Avon by any Avon Independent Sales Representative on any radio or television broadcast advertising.
by someone other than the owner—Avon Products, Inc.—their importance can be greatly diminished.
Once the Avon name or its trademarks are weakened or lost, it is impossible to regain their full value. • Online Advertising & the Internet: Any Web site or Web page other than, for eRepresentatives, your
“Personalized Page”—as an Avon Independent Sales Representative, you may not publish, create or
• What Is a Trademark? A trademark is a word, name, symbol or device used by a manufacturer maintain any Web site or Web page other than, for eRepresentatives, your “Personalized Page”
to distinguish its goods or services from others. With Avon, this protection includes such names as (as described in Avon’s eRepresentative Policies and Procedures), in connection with advertising
“Avon,” Avon symbols and the various names we give our many products and services. For example, or promoting your Avon business. This means that, without limitation, you may not use your personal
there is only one IMARI, SKIN SO SOFT and ANEW—each belonging solely to Avon. They and all home page to advertise Avon products or promote your Avon business.
other Avon products, services and symbols enjoy this protection under the law and may not be used
by any other company. In this way, when consumers buy Skin So Soft, for example, they know Additionally, an eRepresentative may not use her Personalized Page to advertise or promote businesses,
they are getting the one and only product by that name. products or services that are not related to Avon—for example, non-Avon-sponsored charities, activities,
ventures or services or products made by any Entity other than Avon—and may not make available any
Note: Avon Representatives must follow these Policies and Guidelines in advertising and promoting link(s) to non-Avon Web sites or Web pages from her Personalized Page.
their Avon businesses. Violation of these Policies and Guidelines may result in removal. Avon reserves
the right to change, modify or discontinue these policies at any time in its sole discretion. • Domain Names, uRLs, Keywords, Metatags and E-mail Addresses That Include the Avon Name
or Avon Trademarks: As an Avon Independent Sales Representative, you may not use, purchase or
Advertising and Promoting Your Business register any domain names, URLs, keywords, metatags or e-mail addresses that include, in whole or in
part, the Avon name or any of Avon’s trademarks. To the extent an Avon Independent Sales Representative
In order to fully protect all Avon names, the following rules must always be followed when Representatives violates this policy, such Avon Independent Sales Representative acknowledges and agrees that she will,
advertise or promote their Avon businesses: promptly upon Avon’s request, transfer to Avon, at her own expense, any such materials. Without limitation,
• Representatives must always clearly and prominently identify themselves by their own name followed by: you may not:
Avon Independent Sales Representative (which may be abbreviated as Avon Ind. Sls. Rep.). - Create, operate or maintain any Web site or Web page with the word “Avon” or any other Avon trademark
Example: Jane E. Smith, Avon Independent Sales Representative. in all or part of the URL (for example, “www.avonproductsandmore.com,”
• Avon Representatives should use only Avon-authorized advertising or promotional materials. “www.avonproducts.xyz.com” or “www.xyz.com/avonproducts”).
• Representatives may not copy or reproduce images, graphics, product photographs or photographs - Purchase a “keyword” from a search engine or other online service that comprises or includes the word
of any person, model or celebrity found in Avon’s brochures, other promotional materials or literature “Avon” or any other Avon trademark, irrespective of whether the results of searches for that term include
of any kind or on any Avon Web site. “Avon” or another Avon trademark.
• Avon Representatives are responsible for making truthful, accurate and legally acceptable product claims. - After June 12, 2007, create an e-mail address that includes “Avon” or any other Avon trademark;
Only approved performance or ingredient claims as found in product brochures, catalogs, Product for example, [email protected]. For any e-mail address, that includes “Avon” or any other
Reference Guides (online at www.yourAVON.com) and/or current Avon advertising are allowed Avon trademark, created prior to June 12, 2007, you may continue to use such e-mail address
in promoting and advertising Avon products. For example: “Avon Skin So Soft is a great moisturizer.” as long as your use complies with these Advertising and Promotion Policies and Guidelines.
(Any other claim is unofficial and not approved.)
• Online Auctions, Markets and Outlets: As an Avon Independent Sales Representative, you may not
list for sale or advertise Avon products or the Avon selling opportunity in online auctions (including
Representative Advertising That Is PROHIBITED but not limited to eBay and Yahoo! Auctions), markets or other online outlets. This means that,
Avon, as a national company, has an image that must be protected in order to help your business grow. without limitation, you may not:
That’s why Avon Independent Sales Representatives cannot participate in several types of advertising. - Create listings on eBay for Avon products.
They include but are not limited to:
- Sell Avon products through an online storefront, for example, through Amazon.com or Yahoo! Shopping
• Printed Materials: Avon Independent Sales Representatives are prohibited from using the Avon name or through an independently managed online storefront.
or any other trademark names of Avon in printed advertising materials such as:
- All national magazines, like Time, Woman’s Day, Redbook, etc. • unsolicited E-mails: As an Avon Independent Sales Representative, you may not send, transmit
or otherwise communicate any “spam” or other unsolicited e-mail messages related to Avon to any
- All national/regional magazines, like Texas Monthly, The Washingtonian, New York, etc.
individual without her prior knowledge and prior consent, or otherwise in violation of any law, rule
- National newspapers, like USA Today, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, etc. or regulation. This means that, without limitation, you may not:
- Multilevel marketing publications, like Making Money, etc.
- Send e-mails to prospective Customers to promote the sale of Avon products.
- All outdoor commercial advertising such as transit ads, billboards, etc.
- Send e-mails to prospective Avon Independent Sales Representatives for recruiting purposes
- Super catalogs or catalog listing services. or to promote the Avon selling opportunity.
20 - Telephone numbers listed and advertised as AVON instead of 2866. Advertising and Promotion Policies 21
• Supermarket Bulletin Boards: Every local grocery store has a bulletin board where local residents
Representative Advertising That is PERMITTED fill out cards advertising services such as baby-sitting, cars for sale and apartments for rent. This is
Although advertising in national and regional media is prohibited, Representatives may use certain local a great way, usually free, to advertise. If you do use one of the blank cards, please type or clearly print
resources to attract Customers and recruit new Representatives. Millions of potential Customers are looking your message. Or, you may wish to simply place your authorized Avon business card in the rack.
for access to Avon and the personalized service only a Representative can offer. Advertising that you are
an Avon Independent Sales Representative can really pay off in both sales and earnings. Here are examples • Welcome to the Neighborhood: When people move into a new neighborhood, they are on
of great ways to let people know you can offer them the products and/or earnings opportunities they’re the lookout for new ways to buy familiar services and goods. That’s why almost every community
looking for: has a local service such as the “Welcome Wagon” that offers special deals for new residents.
Find out if you can add a What’s New Bag* to the Welcome Pack. Fill it with some samples, the latest
• eRepresentative “Personalized Page”: If you are an Avon eRepresentative, you may advertise brochure with your name and phone number on the back and a personalized introductory note.
your Avon business through your Personalized Page (as described in Avon’s eRepresentative Policies Note: There is often a fee for participating in this type of service.
and Procedures). *This business tool is available on every Purchase Order.
• Text Hyperlinks: Unless otherwise prohibited by the terms and conditions of your service provider, you • Newsletters: Some Representatives like to take advantage of Avon’s free e-mail service to
may link your Web site or your Web page on a Web site (including any social networking Web sites such produce an online newsletter to help encourage higher sales and better recruiting in their Downline.
as MySpace, Friendster, Facebook, etc.) to your approved eRepresentative Personalized Page, provided Representatives who choose to do so must identify the newsletter as theirs alone and not officially
you follow all Avon Trademark, Advertising/Promotion and eRepresentative Policies and Procedures. connected to Avon Products, Inc. In addition, Representatives must identify themselves by their name
• Telephone Directories (Yellow and White Pages): Many people looking for an Avon Representative and as Avon Independent Sales Representatives. The use of the word “AVON” must be in capital,
head for the telephone directory. When taking advantage of this opportunity, Representatives must always block letters only. Reminder: All such newsletters must comply with all of Avon’s Policies and
clearly identify themselves as Avon Independent Sales Representatives (see examples on page 25). Procedures including eRepresentative policies.

• Community Newspapers and Local “For Sale” AVON HAPPENINGS

Publications: The local newspaper and weekly publications
like PennySaver are widely read by the people in your Shop Avon at home or in your office Your monthly newsletter update
community. College newspapers are another good choice. with personal delivery and from Mary Smith,
A small three- or four-line ad in the classified section will guaranteed satisfaction. Contact: Avon Independent Sales Representative
get the word out that if people are interested in Avon, YOUR NAME HERE
all they have to do is call their Avon Independent Sales Avon Independent Sales Representative • A special note about use of articles about Avon: Only articles or news releases from official
Representative. The approved copy included in this Guide Avon publications may be utilized by Avon Representatives in their newsletters. Articles about Avon
provides examples of ads that will help Representatives at (phone/e-mail/Web site) from other publications are subject to the copyright laws of the United States, and should not be used
advertise Avon products and the Avon Earning Opportunity. unless written permission is obtained from the copyright owner of the publication. Avon will not assume
responsibility for any unauthorized copying by an Avon Independent Sales Representative.
• Online Classifieds: Many local newspapers
and weekly publications are available online. DISCOVER: • Customized E-mail Signature: Turn your e-mail signature into a mini-ad. It’s a free, easy way
You may advertise your Avon business through • Highly Advanced Skin Care to promote your business. Keep it brief, but include what you think is important. This “tag” will be
these local online classified advertisements • Gifts, Fragrance, Hair Care for the Entire Family
the closing of every e-mail you send. Example: Mary Smith, AVON Senior Executive Unit Leader,
as well as on a Web site such as Craigslist, • Family Entertainment & Educational Products
President’s Club member, Fund-Raising Specialist. VISIT MY WEB PAGE: www.yourAVON.com/msmith.
Yahoo! Local, Google Local or the online • Personal Service
Or call: 1-555-555-5555. Buy or sell high-quality Avon products! Join the fastest-growing multilevel
version of PennySaver. It’s important to check Contact:
marketing opportunity. Own a home-based business. Want to earn extra money? Know anyone
with the publication’s advertising department YOUR NAME HERE who may want to hold an Avon Fund-Raiser?
to determine: required format (if any), use Avon Independent Sales Representative Note: No other business name may be included in any form of advertising or promotion. If, for example,
of graphics or any other Internet advertising a Representative also sells “XYZ Toys,” that name cannot appear in the advertisement or promotion
options that may be available to you. at (phone/e-mail/Web site) with “AVON.” Otherwise, Customers could be misled to assume that Avon and XYZ Toys are related
• Coupon Packs: In many communities, local businesses
purchase ads that go into an envelope that’s mailed
to local residents. This is another excellent way for Choose Your Hours, Your Income
Avon Representatives to advertise their Avon businesses. and Your Rewards. I DO!
Representatives who choose to do so must properly Contact:
identify themselves and indicate that they are YOUR NAME HERE
Avon Independent Sales Representatives. Avon Independent Sales Representative

at (phone/e-mail/Web site)

22 Advertising and Promotion Policies 23

• Activating Interest in the Avon Earning Opportunity: Representatives who want to earn more
Approved Sales Tools: money through the Leadership Opportunity may find group settings to be a valuable and time-saving
There are many Sales Tools that will help you increase the number of new Customers and Avon way to present the Avon Earning Opportunity. A group atmosphere and the Representative’s personal
Independent Sales Representatives you can attract. They include such things as: enthusiasm will be highly motivational.
• Business Cards: Many Avon Independent Sales Representatives carry business cards. They help Representatives who choose to conduct such a meeting must identify themselves by name and
establish you as a professional salesperson and provide a handy reminder of how to reach you to place as Avon Independent Sales Representatives and use only Avon-approved recruiting and/or Sales Tools.
an order or learn more about becoming an Avon Representative. Business cards purchased through Representatives must not misrepresent the earnings opportunity. Representatives can, of course, create
the Avon Advantage program are available at a great price and carry the official Avon logo, contemporary posters and signs for the meeting as long as the official Avon logo is not used.
graphics and space for a Representative’s title (e.g., Executive Unit Leader). To find out more, Note: When recruiting, no enticements for appointments may be offered by Representatives.
go to www.yourAVON.com and click on “Resources.”
• Licensed Avon Beauty Centers:
• Personal Checks: The Avon Advantage program offers personal checks that feature a variety of Avon - Representatives who want to expand their Customer reach to a retail environment may apply
products and enable Representatives to include their title: for example, Advanced Unit Leader, Honor for approval to license a LABC. These kiosks/mall carts or inline storefronts offer Customers immediate
Society member, etc. These checks offer one more way to promote your Avon business. Note: The use access to Avon’s beauty products.
of the Avon name or trademark on personal checks not acquired through Avon Advantage is prohibited. - These venues are ideal for Leadership Representatives to attract new members for their
• Car Signs: Representatives who want to promote their Avon businesses on a car or van by designing DOWNLINE and to enhance a Representative’s direct-selling business. Your District Sales Manager
their own signs must identify themselves on the car signs as an Avon Independent Sales Representative can help you investigate this opportunity.
(or abbreviated as Avon Ind. Sls. Rep.). Slogans not authorized by Avon are not allowed. Window Decals Note: Ownership of, or participation in, non-Avon beauty centers, mall carts, kiosks or other
(shown at right) you can personalize are available via the Avon Advantage program, such as “Keep unauthorized retail establishments for the purpose of selling Avon products, is a violation of Avon’s
America Beautiful, Buy or Sell Avon!” policies and will lead to removal as a Representative. Avon Independent Sales Representatives may
not sell Avon products for resale to third parties, to any business entity or through any type of retail
Keep America Beautiful establishment, other than a LABC. Avon Independent Sales Representatives may not establish
or operate their own retail business for purposes of selling Avon products. Representatives may not
Buy or Sell AVON! take it upon themselves to alter policy. Avon reserves the right to change, modify or discontinue
any of these Policies/Guidelines at any time in its sole discretion. Failure to comply with these
Policies/Guidelines may result in removal as an Avon Independent Sales Representative
• Other Promotional Items: No one, including Avon Representatives, can manufacture for sale and discontinuation of all rights and privileges.
or distribution any product with the Avon name. However, Representatives can have promotional items
made for personal use or for free distribution to Customers, Recruits or others. For example, many
Representatives have T-shirts printed with slogans like “I Sell Avon” or “Ask Me About Skin So Soft.”
Making Good use of Telephone Directories
Such items are acceptable only if they do not use the official Avon logo and are not offered Examples of Telephone Directory Listings
for sale. Only official promotional items issued by Avon Products, Inc., may contain the Avon • White Pages Listing: Avon Representatives can list under the Avon name in the White Pages section.
logo or trademarks. Representatives who have an inventory of promotional items containing The phone company, of course, charges extra for this service, which will be added to your monthly
unauthorized use of the Avon name, logo or trademark must dispose of them, and they phone bill. Representatives may secure a boldface listing. For example:
may not be offered for sale. Avon Independent Sales Representative
Mary Smith 123 Main St.* 1-555-555-5555
Additional Ways to Grow Your Business OR
Smith, Mary
There are many opportunities to enhance an Avon business in a public setting. These include group Avon Independent Sales Representative
selling and organized recruiting events. Please note the following guidelines that summarize Avon’s 123 Main St.* 1-555-555-5555
current policies:
• Yellow Pages Listing: Some Representatives have had great success listing in the Yellow Pages
• Avon Parties/Group Selling/Fund-Raising: An Avon party is a great way to sell Avon to a large group (business) section of the phone book. For example:
of Customers at the same time. Fund-raisers are also a wonderful way to grow sales and help a worthy Smith, Mary
organization. Purchase a Fund-Raiser Getting Started Kit online at www.yourAVON.com under “Career,” Avon Independent Sales Representative
then click on “Fund-Raising.” Also partner with your District Sales Manager to gain support when 123 Main St.* 1-555-555-5555
conducting a fund-raiser. OR
Any time Representatives gather a group of Customers for the purpose of selling Avon products, they Smith, Mary Independent Sales
must clearly identify themselves as Avon Independent Sales Representatives and not as employees Representative of Avon Products
of the company. Use only official Avon materials as well as brochures, catalogs, Wellness materials 123 Main St.* 1-555-555-5555
and recruiting flyers produced by the company. Representatives may, of course, create posters and
*Representatives may request that their home address not be included.
games to help generate interest and sales as long as these items do not incorporate the Avon logo
or product trademarks.
24 Advertising and Promotion Policies 25
• The Toll-Free Directory: For a fee charged by the telephone company, Representatives can obtain Sample Copy for Classified Ads:
a toll-free number for business purposes. Representatives may wish to separate their listings from Customer AD RECRuITING AD
those of other Representatives by further identifying themselves. For example: “Avon Independent
Sales Representative Mary Smith of Queens, New York.” Note: No other business name may be Let’s talk about the most personalized Interested in building a career
included in an Avon ad. Note: All advertising billing must be addressed to the Representative shopping experience around: AVON. by mentoring others? Contact me:
at the Representative’s home address and must not imply or indicate that Avon Products, Inc., Contact:
is responsible in any way for such advertising or the advertising bills.
Avon Independent Sales Representative
Avon Independent Sales Representative
• Online Telephone Directories: As a general rule, if you publish a telephone number in the White Pages
or Yellow Pages, it is automatically published online as well. In addition to your name, address and
at (phone/e-mail) at (phone/e-mail)
phone number, some online telephone directories offer, as part of the listing, the option of including
e-mail links, driving directions, maps, etc. Check with your local telephone directories to determine
Additional Ad Copy: Additional Ad Copy:
which listing options are available to support your Avon business. Many telephone directories are
I can advise you on the best products for your “As an Avon Representative, my success is in my
exclusively Web-based. IMPORTANT! Representatives must clearly identify themselves as
skin care needs. I am an Avon Beauty Advisor. own hands.” To become an Avon Representative...
Avon Independent Sales Representatives, both in their ads and when speaking on the phone.
I’ve got a FREE GIFT for you if you have Up to 50% earnings on sales. Free travel awards.
Representatives may not imply that they are employees of Avon or are Avon, the company.
Sample online telephone directory listing: an Avon party in your home. Scholarship opportunities for your children.
AVON Independent Sales Representative
123 Main Street, Any Town, Any State • How to Place an Online Classified Ad: To determine the local online classifieds available in your area,
Call: 1-555-555-5555 start by typing your state’s name followed by the word “classifieds” in the search bar of your ISP. Many
large communities and cities have online classifieds sites as well (i.e., Seattle Classifieds, Long Island
[email protected] Classifieds, Kansas City Classifieds, etc.), so be sure not to overlook your own community when you
do your search. You will be presented with a list of the local classifieds that match your search. Click
on the title of one that’s best for you and contact them for rates and more information. Search Results:
Classified Advertising for Your AVON Business Marlton, New Jersey Classifieds—Classifieds in Marlton, New Jersey.
The following examples of ads are all pre-approved for your use in creating promotional posters and flyers,
brochure inserts and/or placing ads in local newspapers or in PennySaver. Show me more like this
Newark, New Jersey Classifieds—Check out the free classifieds for Newark—New Jersey’s largest city.
Representatives operating a LABC will receive a pre-approved advertising package to support special
ShopJackson.com—Web sites of businesses in Jackson Township, New Jersey.
promotions designed for these sites. Remember, whether you wish to increase your personal sales or
recruit, the right message can really pay off.
How to Place a Newspaper Ad: Sample online RECRuITING ad: Sample online SELLING ad:
• A sales representative at your local newspaper can help you get started. Call the newspaper’s Advertising
Department and set up a meeting. You will be given the rates for ads of various sizes and tips on when Start your own business Shop AVON at home or office.
to run them. For example: backed by a company with more Personal delivery and
than a century of quality and service. a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
– Sunday papers usually have the highest readership, especially among working women. (The rates
are also higher.) Your Name Here Mary Smith
– Best Food Day, usually Wednesday, is another good choice. Many people read this edition for the Avon Independent Sales Representative Avon Independent Sales Representative
latest food values and money-saving coupons and might be more receptive to an earnings opportunity. Location: Any Town, Any State Location: Any Town, Any State
• Always check the rates before placing an ad. Often you can get a reduced rate by running an ad Call: 1-555-555-5555 Call: 1-555-555-5555
in more than one issue. Note: No other business name may be included. Reminder: Any advertising
e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
placed by Representatives must include your name and clearly indicate “Avon Independent Sales
Representative” (or abbreviate as “Avon Ind. Sls. Rep.”). The ad or flyer cannot imply that Representatives Visit my Web site: Visit my Web site:
are employees of Avon or are Avon, the company nor can your agreement or Contract imply that Avon www.yourAVON.com/MSmith www.yourAVON.com/MSmith
Products, Inc., is responsible for the ad or for the payment of the billing for the ad.
Reminder: Any advertising placed by Representatives must include your name and clearly indicate
“Avon Independent Sales Representative” (or abbreviate as “Avon Ind. Sls. Rep.”). The ad or flyer cannot
imply that Representatives are employees of Avon or are Avon, the company. The use of a product,
model or any other photograph from any Avon publication as part of the advertisement is strictly prohibited.

26 Advertising and Promotion Policies 27

Understanding Avon Terms
A B District/Division G
Active Account Beauty of Knowledge Geographical breakdown of the Sales Guarantee
An Avon account that has not been removed. Free online training created specifically for Avon organization throughout the U.S. Representatives All Avon products are covered by a satisfaction
Representatives and available 24/7. are assigned to Districts, a specific number guarantee that appears in the brochure under
Add-on (Additional) Order
of which make up a Division. “Our Promise to you…”
An order submitted in addition to the regular order Brochure
in the same Campaign. Representatives’ primary selling tool, featuring District Sales Manager (DSM)
An Avon employee responsible for the sales H
Area products available for purchase every two weeks
(Campaign) during the year. It is also available growth of a District. The District Sales Manager Hold Order
The way Avon refers to its geographic territories.
to Customers online through eRepresentatives reports to the Division Sales Manager. A Representative’s order that is held and not
Avon U.S. is divided into five geographic areas.
on their Avon-provided personalized Web page. Division Sales Manager (DVM) shipped by Avon’s credit system for credit-related
Area Sales Leader (ASL) reasons, such as past-due balances. An online
Bulletin Board An Avon employee responsible for the sales
An officer of Avon who is responsible for the Representative whose order is on hold
An Internet communication tool provided by growth of a Division. The Division Sales Manager
sales growth within a respective geographical will receive an eConnect notice from Avon.
Avon for Representatives. Located on the reports to the Area Sales Leader.
area of the United States. The Division Sales
www.yourAVON.com Web site, this is where Downline Home Page
Manager reports to the ASL.
messages can be posted and responded to The generations of Representatives in a Unit The main Web page for a business, organization,
Appointment person or simply the main page out of a collection
by users of that site. under a Leadership Representative.
The process that officially turns a prospect of Web pages.
into an Avon Representative. C E
Appointment Fee Campaign Earnings Level
The two-week Representative selling period. The percentage discount on product purchases Incentives
The fee paid at time of appointment.
to which a Representative is entitled in a given Prizes and/or rewards offered to Representatives
Attached Customer Candidate
Campaign. This percentage varies according in addition to their usual earnings for achieving
A Customer who has been assigned to A Sales Leader who has chosen the Leadership
to order size each Campaign. specific goals during a designated period of time.
an eRepresentative and places an order online Opportunity and has at least one Recruit toward
Unit Leader achievement. Previously referred to eRepresentative Independent Contractor
through the Representative’s Avon-provided
as “Untitled.” A Representative who has her own Avon All Avon Independent Sales Representatives
personalized Web page.
provided personalized Web page and are independent contractors. They are not
Avon Independent Sales Representative Credit Limit
conducts some or all of her business online. agents, employees or franchisees with Avon,
Contract Each Representative is given an initial credit limit
F nor should they represent themselves as such.
The legal document an Avon Independent Sales based on the information provided at time of
Each Representative is responsible for her own
Representative signs to indicate she understands Appointment. Beyond 7 Campaigns, the credit FAST Talk
business decisions and expenditures.
Avon’s opportunities and agrees to abide system recognizes historical patterns and may Avon’s Full Access Speech Technology
adjust a credit limit upward. The credit limit will (FAST Talk) system lets Representatives Invoice
by all of Avon’s Policies and Procedures.
never fall below the initial credit limit. place orders and make QuikPay payments. The statement received by a Representative
Avon Independent Sales Representative in her order that includes an accounting
Customer Price Representatives can also check the status
Savings Plan of all items ordered, messages from Avon
The suggested retail selling price appearing of their orders, account balance, product
The plan provides eligible Avon Representatives and amount due with next order.
in the Avon Brochure. availability, returned products, Award Sales
with a convenient method for savings, through
and President’s Points by telephone. L
contributions on an after-tax basis. D
First Generation Length of Association (LOA)
Avon’s Promise to Customers Demonstration Products (Demos)
Representatives who are recruited and personally The number of two-week cycles or Campaigns
This is Avon’s guarantee of 100% satisfaction. Products made available to Representatives
appointed by a Leadership Representative. a person has been a Representative.
Award Sales at a discount, two Campaigns in advance,
to help them sell the upcoming Campaign. Fund-Raising Licensed Avon Beauty Center (LABC)
The amount used to determine achievement levels
A significant earning opportunity open to all The only authorized retail selling opportunity
in incentive and recognition programs, as well as Direct Delivery
Representatives, by which the Representative for Representatives who sign a license
earnings level. They include Customer price sales, A delivery option that an Avon Representative’s
partners with an organization to sell Avon products, agreement to sell in an Avon-approved
Sales Tools, demonstration products, unavailable Customer can select for product shipment.
and then shares the profits with that organization. retail shopping environment.
product(s) in a Campaign and any adjustments Direct Selling Fund-raising materials are available online at
from earlier Campaigns. Award Sales are not A selling method offering products and personal www.yourAVON.com to assist in this process.
given for “while supplies last” products that do service directly to a Customer.
not ship.
28 Avon Terms 29
N Performance Requirements R Representative Earnings
Net Items The minimum Personal Award Sales, Total Reappointment The difference between what you pay Avon
Items purchased by Avon Independent Sales Unit Sales and number of 1st Generation A Representative starting her Avon business for products purchased and what you collect
Representatives, such as brochures, sales aids Downline Members’ orders necessary again with a new account number, following from Customers for their purchases.
and samples, which are not resold for profit. for Leadership earnings and to reach 13 Campaigns or more after removal, provided Representative Processing Schedule (RPS)
The Representative pays the stated price for these Positions of Achievement. approval by Avon and previous account is paid The specific date on which a Representative
items that are generally business-building tools Performing in full. is to submit an order with appropriate payment.
and receives no earnings or discounts. Meeting all qualifiers for Leadership Positions Recommendation Mail plans and mail dates vary by District.
O of Achievement. See Successful Recommendation. S
On-time Order Positions of Achievement Recruiting Sales Leader
An online order is considered “on time” if received (also known as Levels of Achievement) Actively pursuing and converting prospects A Representative participating in the Avon
by Avon before noon on the day the order is due, The four levels of recognition, earnings and titles into Avon Representatives. Sales Leadership Program. Also referred to
based on your individual RPS. A paper Purchase available in the Leadership Opportunity: Unit as a Leadership Representative.
Leader, Advanced Unit Leader, Executive Unit Registered Recruit
Order is considered on time when postmarked Sales Leadership Bonus
Leader and Senior Executive Unit Leader. A 1st Generation Downline Representative
by the mail date reflected on the Purchase Order. Sales Leader rewards received for meeting
who has placed a first order and who has an
On-time Payment President’s Recognition Program (PRP) specified qualifications. Also referred to
active account status in the current Campaign.
In order to be considered “on time,” payment for Provides recognition and rewards to as Sales Leadership Earnings.
Reinstatements do count; however, roll-ups
a previous balance must be paid each Campaign Representatives for outstanding achievement
who have not reached their roll-up Campaign Sales Leadership Direct Deposit
prior to the processing of your order for the next in Total Sales, Sales Increase and Leadership
and 3-Way Links who have not achieved Leadership Representatives have the option
Campaign. If you do not place an order in the in a Campaign cycle that runs from C-8
a cumulative sales total of $350 in the first three of directly depositing their earnings into
next Campaign, payment is due by noon of the current year to C-7 of the next year.
Campaigns do not count. Also, primary account banking accounts of their choice.
of your individual RPS order submission date. Prospect (noun) combined with LABC accounts of LABC Sales Leadership Opportunity
Online Representative A person who may be interested in hearing more Operators count as one Recruit. An unlimited earnings and bonus opportunity
Any Representative who conducts some business about Avon products and/or the Avon Earning
Regular Order for Representatives who recruit, train and
online via the Internet using the basic services Opportunity.
An order due every Campaign and placed mentor others.
of the www.yourAVON.com Web site. Prospect (verb) on schedule and in accordance with Sales Meetings
Opportunity Presentation To seek out people to talk to about Avon, a Representative’s specific RPS date. District Sales Manager’s meeting offered to
A recruiting rally or business briefing for the products and the Avon Earning Opportunity.
Reinstatement Representatives that includes product and
the purpose of presenting the Avon Earning Prospecting Tools Reactivating your Avon account after having sales training, motivation and recognition.
Opportunity to current Representatives Professional recruiting materials designed to help been removed for 13 Campaigns or less Sales Tools
or potential new Representatives. Representatives encourage prospects to choose and provided account is paid in full. Items offered to Representatives to help them
the Avon Earning Opportunity.
P Reject Orders build their business. Some are free, and others
Purchase Order An order that the system rejects and does are nominally priced. They include items such
An order form a Representative completes and not process. Generally, reject orders happen as color charts, forms, bags, ring sizers, etc.
eRepresentatives may require a passcode for
sends to the Branch each Campaign to order if there is a current order on hold or if there For more details, go to www.yourAVON.com.
Customers to access a personalized Avon site,
Customer products, sales/business tools, are invalid line numbers.
so that only familiar Customers will be able to Second Generation
demonstration products, brochures and samples.
shop the site directly. Relinking The relationship between a Sales Leader
Payment for the previous Campaign’s order is
Password Rejoining the Leadership Opportunity after and any Representative recruited by
submitted with each Purchase Order.
This is a security feature composed of alpha having been removed for five Campaigns one of her 1st Generation Recruits.
Q or less, with links restored to both Upline
and numeric characters that the Representative Ship Separate Order
selects. A password is required to use QuikPay sponsors and Downline Recruits. Prior sales This is an order that is placed off schedule and
www.yourAVON.com. A method by which Representatives can apply and recruiting performance, account number requested to be shipped immediately. This order
payments electronically from their checking and Length of Association are all maintained. usually ships via UPS the following business day.
Past Due
accounts directly to their Avon accounts. Payments Removal/Removed Representative Multiple-order fees may apply.
If a payment is not made in accordance
can be made online or through a toll-free QuikPay The termination of a Representative’s Contract
with Avon’s credit policy, the account balance
phone number, 1-877-784-5729. Representatives with Avon due to inactivity, past-due balance,
will be considered “past due.” Past-due balances
can enroll by going to www.yourAVON.com. inappropriate actions or management decision.
may be subject to past-due fees.

30 Avon Terms 31
Shorts U
Unavailable product in a given Campaign unattached Customer
that will ship when available. All shorts A Customer who orders through the AVON.com
are noted on your invoice. Web site and chooses not to have an online
Site Map Representative. Note: A Customer who was
This provides a skeleton view of the entire referred to an eRepresentative remains unattached
Web site and can assist with site navigation. until she registers at the Representative’s Web site.
Successful Recommendation
A successful recommendation is one that results unavailable Product
in the appointment of a new Representative. An item that is out of stock will be taken off
This new Representative must submit a minimum sale and cannot be reordered. An alternative
$50 paid order in her first or second Campaign recommendation may be offered.
(not cumulative). uniform Resource Locator (uRL)
Successful Recruit A fancy way of saying Internet address. For
A 1st Generation Downline Representative example, the URL for the free Avon Web site
who places a minimum order of $50 (Award Sales) is www.yourAVON.com.
in her first or second Campaign (not cumulative) unit
and who submits and pays for the order on time. 1st, 2nd and 3rd Generation Representatives
T under a Sales Leader. Also referred to as Downline.
Take-off Sale upline
Products that are no longer available and are The generations of Representatives in a Unit above
removed from sale. They will not be relisted a Sales Leader.
in the brochure or elsewhere. uPLINE Sales Leader
Third Generation The Leadership Representative in a Unit who
The relationship between a Sales Leader and personally recruits and appoints Representatives.
any Representative recruited by one of her V
2nd Generation Recruits.
Variable Discounts
Title at Risk A Representative’s percentage of discount in a
A Sales Leader who is not performing at the given Campaign based on Personal Award Sales.
current Campaign’s Position of Achievement.
Titled Representative
A Sales Leader currently titled at a Leadership www.yourAVON.com
Position of Achievement: Unit Leader, Advanced This is a FREE Internet destination where Avon
Unit Leader, Executive Unit Leader or Senior Representatives can manage business functions,
Executive Unit Leader. place orders, make payments, view invoices
and access training.
Total unit Sales
The total of a Leadership Representative’s www.yourAVON.com/Representative name
qualifying Personal Award Sales and the total The URL for an eRepresentative’s Avon-provided
Personal Award Sales of her 1st, 2nd and personalized Web page. This is where Customers
3rd Generation Recruits. and Downline can access an eRepresentative’s site.
Year-to-date Sales
The net sales of all Campaigns from Campaign 1
to the current Campaign.

For a comprehensive list of Avon Terms,

access Beauty of Knowledge (BOK) Tools
and Resource Page at www.yourAVON.com.

February, 2012
Avon Products, Inc.

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