Technology and Livelihood Education: Food and Beverage Services NC II LO1. Know The Product

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Technology and

Livelihood Education
Food and Beverage Services NC II

LO1. Know the Product

Common Food Allergens

Although nearly any food can trigger an allergic reaction, there are nine
foods that cause the majority of reactions.

Allergy to cow’s milk is

the most common food
allergy in infants and
young children. About
2.5 percent of children
under the age of 3 are
allergic to milk, and
most of these children
develop milk allergy in
their first year of life
Egg allergy is among the
most common food
allergies in children, but
most children who are
allergic eggs eventually
outgrow their allergy.
2. EGG Most allergenic egg
proteins are found in
the egg white, but
individuals with egg
allergy should avoid
both egg whites and egg

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