LIBRARY Store Management System: The Islamia University of Bahawalpur

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LIBRARY Store Management System

Software Requirements Specification

Thursday, January 22, 2021
Prepared by

Supervised By

Department of Computer Science & IT

The Islamia University of Bahawalpur 

Prepared for:
Final Year Project
Revision History

Date Description Author

23th Jan 2021 Ver 1.0 Salman naveed

Document Approval
The following Software Requirements Specification has been accepted and
approved by the following

Signature Printed Name Title Date

ROA AKMAL Instructor/teacher

SR Table of Content Remarks
1 library Management System

2 Revision History II
3 Document Approval II
4 1 Introduction 5
1.1 Purpose 5
1.2 Scope 5
1.3 Document Convention 6
1.4 Definitions, Acronym and Abbreviations 6
1.5 References 6
1.6 Overview 7

5 2.1 The Overall Description 7

2.2 Product perspective 9
2.3 Product Functions 9
2.4 User Characteristics 9
2.5 Principal Actors 9
2.6 General Constraints 9
2.7 Assumption and Dependencies 9

6 3.1 Specific Requirements 10

3.2 Functional Requirements 11
3.2.1 DSMS Features 12

3.3 Use Cases 13

3.3.1 Use Case #1 14
3.3.2 Use Case #2 14
3.3.3 Use Case scenario 15
3.4 Error Handling 18
3.5 Non-Functional Requirements 18
3.6 Performance Requirements 18
3.7 Technical issues 19
3.8 Design Constraints 19
3.8.1 Standards Compliance 19

7 4 Analysis Model 19
4.1 Sequence Diagram 19
4.2 Data Flow Diagram 21
4.3 State Transition Diagram 23

1 Introduction
With the expansion in the quantity of peruses, better administration of libraries framework is
required. The Library management framework centers around improving the executives of
libraries in a city or town. "What If you can check whether a book is accessible in the library
through your telephone?" or "imagine a scenario in which rather than having different library
cards for various libraries you can simply have one?" or "you can hold a book or issue a book
from your telephone sitting at your home!". The Integrated Library Management framework
gives you the simplicity of issuing, renewing, or holding a book from a library inside your town
through your telephone. The Integrated LibraryManagement framework is created on the web
stage which fundamentally centers around giving, restoring andreserving a book.

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of the project is to maintain the details of books and library members of different
libraries. The main purpose of this project is to maintain a easy circulation system between
clients and the libraries, to issue books using single library card, also to search and reserve any
book from different available libraries and to maintain details about the user (fine, address,
phone number)

1.2 Scope

Physically refreshing the library framework into an web based application so the client can know
the details of the books accessible and greatest cutoff on acquiring from their PC and
furthermore through their phones.The ILM System gives data resembles subtleties of the books,
addition of new books, erasure of lost books, limit on giving books, fine on keeping a book over
one month from the gave date

1.3 Document Convention

This document follows MLA Format bold faced text and headings used to emphasize essential

1.4 Definition’s, Acronym and Abbreviations

LSMS library store management system

CSS Cascading style sheet

HTML Hypertext markup language


1.5 References

SMARTDRAW, 2015. [Online] Available at:

flow-diagram/ [Accessed 5 September 2015].

UML-DIAGRAM.ORG, 2015. UML-DIAGRAM.ORG. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 5 October 2015].

1.6 Overview

The proposed Library Management System will take care of the current book detail at any point
of time. The book issue, book return will update the current book details automatically so that
user will get the update current book details.
2.1 Overall Description
2.1 Product prespective

The proposed Library Management System will take care of the current book detail at any point
of time. The book issue, book return will update the current book details automatically so that
user will get the update current book details.
2.2 Software requirments

1 Front end:
a)html and css


2 Back end:
a)MySQL & php
2.3 hardware requirments
Android version 2.3 ginger bread(minimum, android user’s)

2GB ram

1.2 GHz processor

Intel i5

Windows 7/8/8.1/10
2.2 Product Perspective
The proposed Library Management System will take care of the current book detail at any point
of time. The book issue, book return will update the current book details automatically so that
user will get the update current book details.

2.3 Product Functions

Product Management

books Management
Inventory Management

Fines Management

Reports Managements

2.4 User Characteristics

This software gives access to two kinds of users.

2.4.1 USER

 They can log in to their account and see their personal information and modify them.

 They can search for a book by the name or search it in a particular department.

 They can easily order a book.

 After the admin approve it they can see the issue and return date beside the book name.

 An automatic timer will set up on the user’s id. It’ll show how much time left until the
return date.

2.4.2 Admin side

 see which student is online right now.

 see all the student information.
 add new books & delete a book from the list.
 send a notification to students before their return date and they can also communicate
through message.

2.6 General constraints

It is necessary to login first before using any functions of the system

2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies

The product needs following third party applications for the development of the project:
visual studio (for development web based applications)

sublime text editior

Photoshop (for editing layouts, icons, buttons, etc)
3 Specific Requirements
In computing, an interface is a shared boundary across which two separate components of

a computer system exchange information. The exchange can be between software, computer

hardware, peripheral devices, humans and combinations of these. Some computer hardware

devices, such as a touchscreen, can both send and receive data through the interface, while others

such as a mouse or microphone may only provide an interface to send data to a given system.

3.1.1 User Interfaces

• Login Screen
• Home Screen
• Books Details
• Add book Page
• fines Page

3.1.2 Hardware Interfaces

• Server Configuration: Minimum 2GB Hard Disk

• P-III processor or equivalent
• Ram 512 MB
• Windows with Apache preloaded.
• Client Configuration

3.1.3 Software Interfaces

• Operating system = Windows XP/2000/vista/widows 7

• Language = PHP
• Database = MYSQL
Fuctional requirments

Description : First the user will have to register/sign up. There are two different type of users.
The library manager/head : The manager have to provide details about the name of library
address, phone number, email id.
Regular person/student : The user have to provide details about his/her name of address, phone
number, email id.
R.1.1: Sign up
Input: Detail about the user as mentioned in the description.
Output: Confirmation of registration status and a membership number and password will be
generated and mailed to the user.
Processing: All details will be checked and if any error are found then an error message is
displayed else a membership number and password will be generated.
R.1.2 : Login
Input: Enter the membership number and password provided.
Output : User will be able to use the features of software.
R.2 : Manage books by user.
R.2.1 : Books issued.
Description : List of books will be displaced along with data of return.
R.2.2 : Search
Input : Enter the name of author's name of the books to be issued.
Output : List of books related to the keyword.
R.2.3 : Issues book
State : Searched the book user wants to issues.
Input : click the book user wants.
Output : conformation for book issue and apology for failure in issue.
Processing : if selected book is available then book will be issued else error will be displayed.
R.2.4 : Renew book
State : Book is issued and is about to reach the date of return.
Input : Select the book to be renewed.
Output : conformation message.
Processing : If the issued book is already reserved by another user then error message will be
send and if not then conformation message will be displayed.
R.2.5 : Return
Input ; Return the book to the library.
Output : The issued list will be updated and the returned book will be listed out.
R.2.6 ; Reserve book
Input ; Enter the details of the book.
Output : Book successfully reserved.
Description : If a book is issued by someone then the user can reserve it ,so that later the user can
issue it.
R.2.6 Fine
Input : check for the fines.
Output : Details about fines on different books issued by the user.
Processing : The fine will be calculated, if it crossed the date of return and the user did not
renewed if then fine will be applied by Rs 10 per day.
R.3 Manage book by librarian
R.3.1 Update details of books
R.3.1.1 Add books
Input : Enter the details of the books such as names ,author ,edition, quantity.
Output : confirmation of addition.
R.3.1.2 Remove books
Input : Enter the name of the book and quantity of books.
Output : Update the list of the books available. Inputs

Library module:
Add new book

Remove books
Update details of book Processing
User module: In the user module, user will check the availability of the books.

• Issue book
• Reserve book
• Return book
• Fine details Output

Administration module:

The following are the sub module in the administration module :

• Register user
• Entry book details
• Book issue Error handling

LSMS shall handle expected and non-expected errors in ways that prevent loss in information and long
downtime period.
3.3 Use Cases
referred as a Behavior model or diagram. It simply describes and displays the relation or
interaction between the users or customers and providers of application service or the system.
It describes different actions that a system performs in collaboration to achieve something with
one or more users of the system. Use case diagram is used a lot nowadays to manage the

3.3.1 Use Case # 1

Here, we will understand the designing use case diagram for the library management system.
Some scenarios of the system are as follows :

1. User who registers himself as a new user initially is regarded as staff or student for the
library system.
 For the user to get registered as a new user, registration forms are available that
is needed to be fulfilled by the user.
 After registration, a library card is issued to the user by the librarian. On the
library card, an ID is assigned to cardholder or user.
2. After getting the library card, a new book is requested by the user as per there
3. After, requesting, the desired book or the requested book is reserved by the user that
means no other user can request for that book.
4. Now, the user can renew a book that means the user can get a new due date for the
desired book if the user has renewed them.
3.3.2 Use Case # 2
1. If the user somehow forgets to return the book before the due date, then the user pays
fine. Or if the user forgets to renew the book till the due date, then the book will be overdue
and the user pays fine.
2. User can fill the feedback form available if they want to.
3. Librarian has a key role in this system. Librarian adds the records in the library
database about each student or user every time issuing the book or returning the book, or
paying fine.
4. Librarian also deletes the record of a particular student if the student leaves the college
or passed out from the college. If the book no longer exists in the library, then the record of
the particular book is also deleted.
5. Updating database is the important role of Librarian.
3.3 Use case scenario
Use case diagram
Figure of Use Case diagram

3.3 Use Case Scenario:

Use case diagram of LSM (Admin Part)
This is the diagram represent whole admin panel access. Admin is login after all acerbate as like admin
panel show, admin accessible menu add books , authorization etc.

Use case diagram of LSM (Admin Par)

Use case diagram of LSM (Student Person Part)
This is the diagram represent whole student panel access. student is login after all acerbate as like student
panel show, student accessible menu add books , authorization etc.

Use case diagram of LSM (student Part)

3.4 classes/object diagrams
Class diagrams are generally used for conceptual modeling of static view of a software
application, and for modeling translating models into programming code in a detailed manner.
At time of developing or construction software systems, a class diagram is widely used. They
are also used for data modeling. It is used to show classes, relationships among them, interface,
association, etc. Class in a class diagram simply is a blueprint of an object. It simply describes
and explains different type of objects in system, and different types of relationships that exist
between them.

3.4.1 <class/object#1>

Figure of <class/object#1> attributes
 Book Entity : It has authno, isbn number, title, edition, category, price. ISBN is the
Primary Key for Book Entity.
 Reader Entity : It has UserId, Email, address, phone no, name. Name is composite
attribute of firstname and lastname. Phone no is multi valued attribute. UserId is the
Primary Key for Readers entity.
 Publisher Entity : It has PublisherId, Year of publication, name. PublisherID is the
Primary Key.
 Authentication System Entity : It has LoginId and password with LoginID as Primary
 Reports Entity : It has UserId, Reg_no, Book_no, Issue/Return date. Reg_no is the
Primary Key of reports entity.
 Staff Entity : It has name and staff_id with staff_id as Primary Key.
 Reserve/Return Relationship Set : It has three attributes: Reserve date, Due date,
Return date. fuctions

The basic functions of library management include, but are not limited to: planning and
negotiating the acquisition of materials, Interlibrary Loan (ILL) requests, stacks maintenance,
overseeing fee collection, event planning, fundraising, and human resources.
3.4.2 <class/object#2>
Figue of <class/object#2>

3.5 Non-functional Requirements

• Usability Requirement
The system shall allow the users to access the system from the phone using android application.
The system uses a android application as an interface. Since all users are familiar with the
general usage of mobile app, no special training is required. The system is user friendly which
makes the system easy.
• Availability Requirement
The system is available 100% for the user and is used 24 hrs a day and 365 days a year. The
system shall be operational 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
• Efficiency Requirement
Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) - Even if the system fails, the system will be recovered back up
within an hour or less.
• Accuracy
The system should accurately provide real time information taking into consideration various
concurrency issues. The system shall provide 100% access reliability.
• Performance Requirement
The information is refreshed depending upon whether some updates have occurred or not in the
application. The system shall respond to the member in not less than two seconds from the time
of the request submittal. The system shall be allowed to take more time when doing large
processing jobs. Responses to view information shall take no longer than 5 seconds to appear on
the screen.
• Reliability Requirement
The system has to be 100% reliable due to the importance of data and the damages that can be
caused by incorrect or incomplete data. The system will run 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

3.6 INVERSE Requirements

In order to maintain an acceptable speed at maximum number of uploads allowed from a

particular student as any number of users can access to the system at any time.

3.7 Technical Issues

This system will work on client-server architecture. It will require an internet server and which
will be able to run PHP application. The system should support some commonly used browser
such as IE, Mozilla Firefox, chrome etc.

3.8 Design Constraints

3.8.1 Standards Compliance

LSMS should adhere to following standards,Web pages should be designed using HTML 4.0
transitional standard W3C Web Accessibility standards (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
(WCAG)) should be followed including keyboard navigation, alternate titles for images, etc.
4 Analysis Model
4.1 Sequence Diagram

The store Admin (i.e., End User) interacts with the LSMS interface. After successful login,
admin will be directed to dashboard. From dashboard, admin can add or remove products,
update book or delete book. Admin can add new categories and remove or delete old categories.
Admin can add new book and delete old book. Admin see records and print reports. Admin can
add new users

Figure of Lsms Sequence Diagram

4.2 Data Flow Diagram
It depicts the flow of information and the transformation applied when a data moves in and out
from a system. The overall system is represented and described using input, processing and
output in the DFD. The inputs can be:

 Book request when a student requests for a book.

 Library card when the student has to show or submit his/her identity as a proof.
The overall processing unit will contain the following output that a system will produce or

 Book will be the output as the book demanded by the student will be given to them.
 Information of demanded book should be displayed by the library information system
that can be used by the student while selecting the book which makes it easier for the
Level 0 DFD 

Figure of Level 0 DFD 

Level 1 DFD
At this level, the system has to show or exposed with more details of processing.
The processes that are important to be carried out are:
 Book delivery
 Search by topic
List of authors, List of Titles, List of Topics, the bookshelves from which books can be located
are some information that is required for these processes. Data store is used to represent this
type of information.
Figure of Level 1 DFD 
Level 2 DFD
Figure of Level 2 DF
4.3 State-Transition Diagrams (STD)
These diagrams allow us to understand specific states in each step of the system and helps us in
the development.

Figure of State-Transition Diagrams (STD)

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