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Group or conjoint marriage – marriage include multiple husbands and wives.

Sororal Polygyny – man marries several sisters.

Romantic Love, Mate Selection and the Family

Romantic love – free choice and there's equality.
Mate Selection – people to select partners that can offer them equal assets or even surpass their
own resources.
Homogamy – tend to feel more comfortable with others from our same social class.

Emerging Issues on Families

Families and Domestic Violence:
Family Violence – encompasses violence between partners and child or elder abuse.
Domestic Violence – refers to the abuse by one person of another in an intimate relationship.

Divorce and Remarriage

Divorce – court order saying that a man and woman are no longer a husband and wife.
Annulment – judicial statement that there was never a marriage between a man and woman.
Legal Separation – decree that gives husband and wife the right to live separately from each
other but cannot remarry.

New Intimacies: Families in the age of Post Modernity

Post Modern Families – include same-sex marriages, single-mothers, alone individual with an
adopted child, various forms of polygamous relationships and open marriages.
Liquid love – intimate relationships generated through online dating sites.
Polyamory – different kind of relationship or many love.

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT Families)

Four dominant ways that individual s in same-sex partner households come to parent
children: through a prior relationship with a different sex partner that resulted in the birth of a
child/ children, through adoption, through the use of assisted reproductive technologies, or by
becoming a partner to someone who has done one or more of these things.

Transnational Families: Virtual Connections

Transnational families – referred to us multi- local or multi-sited families; family living in spatial
separation, are certainly not creations of recent globalizing trends but have played an integral
part in European colonial and settler histories.


The Nature of Religion and Its Meaning
Religion – powerful institution that connects human beings, both as individuals and collectively,
to a transcendent reality.
Homo Religiosus – describes the human experience.
Scientific Socialism – believed that religion will gradually disappear.
Secularization – worldly
Substantive Definition – limits religion to the belief in supernatural or divine force.
Functional Definition – does not necessarily refer to the belief in a supernatural being (god or

Types of Religious Organization

New Age believers – have their own distinctive personal beliefs influenced by Western religious
traditions. They are being called as un-churched believers.
1) Church – claims to possess the truth about salvation exclusively (Roman Catholic).
2) Sect – perceives itself as a unique owner of the truth (born again).
3) Denomination – oriented toward cooperation, people join through individual and
voluntary choice.
4) Cult – non-traditional form of religion, the doctrine of which is taken from diverse
sources, either from non-traditional or local narratives or amalgamation of both.
New Religious Movements (NRMs) and Indigenous Religious Groups
New Religious Movements – alternative label for cults.
New Emerging Religion – include modern day witchcraft such as Wicca.
Pagan religion – worshipped a horned god.

Religious Syncretism
Syncretism – the mixing of different religious and cultural beliefs and practices. It promotes the
growth of popular religion or folk religion, different from original parent religion.
Folk religion – tolerate practices and beliefs (fiestas).
Split-level Christianity – at one level, he professes allegiance to ideas, attitudes and ways of
behaving which are mainly borrowed from the Christian West; and another level he holds
convictions which are more properly his own ways of living and believing which were handed
down from his ancestors.

Religion and Women

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