Lesson Plan On Prom.
Lesson Plan On Prom.
Lesson Plan On Prom.
General objective:-
At the end of the teaching learning session the learner will be able to explain Blood Transfusion.
Specific Objectives: -
At the end of the teaching learning session the learner will be able to:-
• introduce blood transfusion
• list the purpose of blood transfusion
• explain the indications of blood transfusion
• list the articles use in blood transfusion
• describe the procedure blood transfusion
• discuss the complications of blood transfusion
Beginning part
S.N Time Content T/L Method T/L Evaluation
1 5min Greeting Group Power -What is blood
Self introduction discussion point transfusion?
Pretest Brainstorming
Topic introduction
Middle part
S. Time Specific Content T/L T/L Media Evaluat
N objectives Method
2. introduce blood -Blood transfusion is the process of Discussio Power point What is
min trasfusion introduction of blood or its n trasfusio
components into the various
circulation. It is a medical
management that replaces blood loss
through injury, surgery or disease.
The person giving blood is called the
"Doner " and the person receiving
blood is called the "Recipient."
3. 6 list the purpose of Purpose: Group powerpoint What is
min blood transfusion discussion purpose
1)To increases circulating blood blood
volume following surgery, trauma oe transfusi
c)Bleeding disorder
-Disturbance of coagulating
mechanism- hemophilia,
thrombocytopenia, obstructive
jaundice, excessive administration of
2)Blood dyscrasia
3)Allergic reaction
4)Circulatory reaction