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LESSON PLAN ON: Blood Transfusion


Archana Paudel, Aashika Pokhrel, Indu Paudel Ms. Durga Tiwari
Roll no:18 , 19, 20 Ms. Subina Manandhar
BNS 2nd year KUSMS
7th Batch

Submission Date: 030/8/2020

Area of practice: Educational Science practicum

Subject: Nursing Care of Adult I
Topic – Blood Transfusion
Level of participants – PCL 3rd year students
Number of participants –
Date –
Time –
Venue- Medical Ward
Duration- 1 hour
Language - English + Nepali
Name of T/L supervisor– Ms. Durga Tiwari, Lecturer, KUSMS
Name of subject teacher - Ms. Subina Manandhar, Lecturer, KUSMS
Name of the student teacher:–Ms. Archana Paudel ,Aashika Pokhrel, Indu Poudel
T/L method: Brainstorming, Discussion, Lecture
T/L media: Powerpoint, Metacard, Newsprint, Chart paper

General objective:-
At the end of the teaching learning session the learner will be able to explain Blood Transfusion.
Specific Objectives: -
At the end of the teaching learning session the learner will be able to:-
• introduce blood transfusion
• list the purpose of blood transfusion
• explain the indications of blood transfusion
• list the articles use in blood transfusion
• describe the procedure blood transfusion
• discuss the complications of blood transfusion

Beginning part
S.N Time Content T/L Method T/L Evaluation
1 5min  Greeting Group Power -What is blood
 Self introduction discussion point transfusion?
 Pretest Brainstorming
 Topic introduction

Middle part
S. Time Specific Content T/L T/L Media Evaluat
N objectives Method
2. introduce blood -Blood transfusion is the process of Discussio Power point What is
min trasfusion introduction of blood or its n trasfusio
components into the various
circulation. It is a medical
management that replaces blood loss
through injury, surgery or disease.
The person giving blood is called the
"Doner " and the person receiving
blood is called the "Recipient."
3. 6 list the purpose of Purpose: Group powerpoint What is
min blood transfusion discussion purpose
1)To increases circulating blood blood
volume following surgery, trauma oe transfusi

2) To increase the number of red

blood cells and to maintain
hemoglobin levels in clients with
severe anemia.

3)To provide selected cellular

components as replacement therapy
e.g clotting factors, platelets, albumin

S. Time Specific Content T/L T/L Media Evaluat

N objectives Method
4. explain the Indications: Group Chartpaper What is
min indications of discussion indicatio
blood trasfusion 1)Blood loss blood
a)Traumatic trasfusio
-Operative: Where much blood loss is
-In accidental loss (acute loss more
than 30% of blood volume)

b)Erosion or rupture of blood vessels:

Peptic ulcer, hemorrhoids.

c)Bleeding disorder
-Disturbance of coagulating
mechanism- hemophilia,
thrombocytopenia, obstructive
jaundice, excessive administration of

2)Blood dyscrasia

S Time Specific Content T/L T/L Evaluation

. objective Method Media
list the articles Articles: Discussi Power What are the
5 min use in blood -Blood product on point articles use in
transfusion -Blood administration set blood transfusion?
-Medications set Lecture
-Disposable gloves
-0.9% normal saline
-Intravenous line with 18 gauze
-Iv stand

6 describe the Procedures: Lecture What are the

Min procedure od Discussi procedure of
blood 1)Check for physicians order. on blood transfusion?
transfusion 2)Explain procedure to client.
Determine if there have been prior
transfusions and note reactions. if
3)Ask client to report chills,
headaches, itching or rash
4)Be sure client has signed consent
5)Wash hands. Apply disposable
6)Establish IV line with large-gauge
(18 and 19) cannula.
7)Follow agency protocol in
obtaining blood products from blood
bank. Request when you are ready to
use it.
8)With another registered nurse,
correctly identify blood product and
-Check compatibility tag attached to
blood bad and information on bag
-For whole blood, check ABO group
and Rh type.
-Double –check blood product with
physicians order.
-Check expiration data on bag.
-Inspect blood for clots.
-Ask clients name, and check arm
9)Blood should be transfused within
30 minutes of bringing it out of
blood plasma.
10)Obtain baseline vital signs prior
to beginning transfusion.
11)Begin transfusion:
-Prime infusion line with 0.9%
normal saline
-Begin transfusion slowly by first
filling in-line filter.
-Adjust rate 20 ml/min for first 15
min, and remain with client . If you
suspect reaction, stop transfusion,
flush line with normal saline , infuse
normal saline slowly and notify
blood bank and physician.
12)Monitor vital signs:
-Take vital sign every 5 min for first
15 min of transfusion and every hour
-Observe client for flushing ,
itching, dyspnea, hives and rash.
13)Don’t transfuse blood for more
than 4 hours.
14)Remove and dispose of gloves.
Wash hands.
15)Continue observe for adverse
16)Terminate the transfusion:
-Wear disposable gloves.
-Clamp the blood tubing and remove
the transfusion set.
-Flush the IV with normal saline
-Discard the blood transfusion set
according to agency policy.

7 Discus the Blood transfusion reaction: metacar What is the blood

min blood d transfusion
transfusion 1)1)Hemolytic reaction reaction?
2)Febrile reaction

3)Allergic reaction

4)Circulatory reaction


8 summary -Blood transfusion is the process of Disscuss -What is blood

introduction of blood or its ion transfusion?
components into the various -What are the
circulation. It is a medical indications of
management that replaces blood loss blood transfusion?
through injury, surgery or disease.

-Blood loss, accident, anaemia, -What are the

hemophilia, leukemia etc are the major transfusion
complications of blood transfusion. reaction?

-Hemolytic reaction, febrile

reaction, allergic reaction etc are the
major blood transfusion reaction.


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